Newspaper Page Text
Court Says he Cannot
testify Against Wife
“A husband 1b not a competent
wltnese against hit wife upon her
trial for crime. In no criminal case
In Georgia, In which the accused li
the wife, la the testimony of the ue'
fendaht’a hut band admissible
against her; and thla la true,
whether the testimony sought to he
elicited from the husband be direct
or circumstantial In tta nature,!’
saya the Georgia court of appeals.
Here, at last, Is a direct, specific
and atralght-from-tbe-sboulder opin
ion on this point which has been so
much discussed and brought forth
such diverse opinion, since the Grace
case loomed Into print so vociferous
ly In Atlapti
The uiiotatlon above Is from the
head-note In the case of Ector vs.
The State, from Grinin. Mrs. Ector
■tabbed her husband, and the trial
judge permitted the husband to tes
tify against the wife; "In fact, he
was the only 'witness who gavo any
direct testimony." She waa convic
ted and a new trial waa denied, and
the court of appeals reverses this
The opinion, written by Judge
ltuseell, la very Interesting, as It
definitely Axes the master In thla
state. Judge Russell says:
. Wife Can Testify.
"The wife, If she chooses, can tes
tify against her husband In any case
where the charge Involves n crime
against her person, but the reverse
of the proposition is not true. Un
der the
husband Is neither competent nor
compellable to give evidence against
lilu wife In any criminal proceedings,
though the wife Is competent,, hut
not compellable, to testify against
her husband upon hla trial for any
crime committed or attempted
have been committed upon her per
"It It not to be considered s« evi
dence of our Innmte chivalry toward
women, or of our greatest confidence
In her freedom from Influence, It Is
still a manifestation of n partiality
In behalf of the wife, which la nut
without reason. * L
A Protection to Wife.
"The legislature, no doubt, had
In mind In restoring the provltlon
which made the wife competent wlt-
resa In all cases where her husbend
wet her Mtallant, that there were
Instances where wlvet could In no
other way he protected from the fe
rocity of brutal huabands."
It la pointed out that this privi
lege waa probably not given to hus
bands because Instances of assault
on the husband by the wife are rnre.
It la held that the admission of (ho
hvaband'e testimony In this rase was
clearly error, and that It waa wrong
to deny s new trial.
This decision hsa a direct bearing
on the Grace case and means ‘hat
Grace cannot, under any circum
stances, testify against hla wife on
the charge be makes that she shot
him. And as she la about the only
witness against her. It would seem
that the case against her will prob
ably collapse right here,
Near-Beer Oast.
"The expression ’near-beer' does
not Import an Intoxicating liquor
and’evidence of the sale of such a
the provisions of tha coda eeo-
to which we have referred, the
headiche, biliousness, In
digestion, rheumatisms
pimples, blotches, yellow
complexion, etc, are all
signs of poisons in your
blood. These poisons
should be driven out, or
serious illness may result
To get r ld of them, use
the old, reliable, purely
vegetable, liver medicine.
Mrs. J. H. Easier, of
Spartanburg, S. C., says:
“I had sick headache, for
years. 1 felt bad most of
the time, I tried Thed-
ford’i Black-Draught, and
now I feel better than
When I was 16 years old. 1 *
Your druggist sells it in
23 cent packages.
Insist on Thedford’s
Mr. Greene: "No sir, I do not
Mr. Wlekersbam: “Then I de
sire to Inform yon that there are
Mr. Greene; "Well, I »nf dead
oppoaed to this bill any way.”
Thla teatlmony shows that when
ever there is an effort mado to
break down the protection wall, even
■lightly, the representatlvea of epe-
cial privilege are right on the Job,
„ . , n , T raising their old cry of "seeking to
Evidence Before House protect American working men.”
Committee Shows that I , T '’ ey ,l0t f °°‘ Con,!re8 “ marl
. Hardy. H© tore their arguments to
It IS Merely Le- Ehred*, and th'-n recommended that
galized Graft . ;h0 7" e \ or ,lla * 1 7* a
*=* permission *o fnrry mall and supplies
Washington, March 20 - That the I to the shut-in Alaskans,
beneficiaries of special prMIex© in
beverage without proof that If drunk
to excess, will produce Intoxlcntion,
will not support a conviction of the
prohibition law contained In section
426 of the penal code.'*
So It Is held by tbe court of ap
peals In a case sounding Abbott
the State, from Brunswick. Abbott
was yanked up for keeping and soil
ing intoxicating beverages, but wit
nesses Introduced testled that
sold only near-beer. One witness
tied that he drank “thirty-two
bottles In Abbott's place In one day
and went horn© at night perfectly
sober." Judge Pottle, who wrote
the opinion, holds that th-> leglsla
turo authorized the sae of "uear-
boFr" by granting licenses, and that
It must be shown clearly that bever-
npes sold produce Intoxication when
^tunk to excess. He evidently be
lieved that a man who could store
thirty-two bottles Of Abbott’s offer
ing In one day and go home without
4 soiisse on. could not hold enough to
get him pickled. . The lower court
is reversed. It being held that a now
trial should hate been granted.
Distress after eating, sourness,;
gas and heartburn can be quickly,
relieved by taking one or two MI-0
NA stomach tablet*.
They are guaranteed to banish-
any case of indigestion, acute
chronic stomach ftlment no matter
what It Is called, or money back.
MI-O-NA stomach tablets a
small and easily swallowed. They
are sold by A. E. DAmmock and
druggists everywhere for 60 centa
a box. They nr© Put up In a neat
metal box that can conveniently be
earrled In the vest pocket. They
especially recommended for
nervousness, sleeplessness, iad
dreams, constipation, dizziness and
thjg country cling to the prot'etlve
principle with a fervor tha* amounts
almost to fanaticism, and that they
We have Jut»t received a bunch of
fapey etandjir l bred horses and
mares and son^ of them w© think
ar e lady brokf*. K© will be glad to
will go to almost any length to pre- show you Just how gentle they are.
vent the slightest break In the r-ro-iMtzell Llv e Stotk Co., In old Griffith
tectlve wall behind which they Stables,
gouge their profits from American
consumers, Is illustrated by the tes
timony at a recent bearing before
the house committee on expendi
tures in the navy department, of
which Congressman Rufus Hardy Is
The hearing was on the proposnl
io grant American registry to a
small Norwegian boat called the
which had applied for the
privilege of carrying mall to Alas
ka In the winter time. On ac
count of the Ice It w
News Items From Blanton.
Blanton, Ga., March 20.—The
farmers In this* section are getting
ready to plan?, but the raids nav>i
bothered them very much.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Howell, of
Blanton, gave a pinder shelling last
Sa'urday nlgfrt, which was enjoyed
very much by tlrose present.
Mr. C. B. Hambrick, of B"mls,
shown that 1 B P en t the week-end at Blanton,
Child*** At* Subject To
now* »h« * khrjr *i
T» V If l- t t- t KIR WUl to fcrrtl k(,
TT**u" > —— “*
At r- w cr b *|
Z3c. SJc. *1.90 ~
r.u-.n. rnrrnttfhidfliBllB
VkL’« Family RnnSu Co.
Wl —
If jrou need ^ hors© or pair of
mules, call us or telegraph at our
e>!>ensc ana yir try to send you
whir 4oii ,VI fo*\ Mliell Live
Stock Co., pi old Griffith Stables.
Died: at Ilartsfleld, ft*.
Mrs. MC C. Jordan, the wife of a
well-kqbwn cltlxen of Hart*field,
died Monday morning at her home
at that place after a short illness.
Mft. Jordan *was a member of tbe
Baptist church and waa a consistent
Christian. She Is survived by her
husband nnd a two year old ehlld.
Th e funeral was held Tuesday attar-
neon from the lal© residence of tbs
certain towns i n Alaska could get
n ail only about onoo In two months
nnd that they were shut off from
freight and fresh food supplies sev
en months In tlTe year. The owner
of the Norwegian boat, which Is of
the “Ice breaker" type, said that he
could get through to Nome on reg
ular schedule.
Immediately, representatives of
the American shipbuilding trust
hurried to Washington to block him.
From these men Mr. Hardy and the
members of his committee learned
that no American had ever applied
for the Job; that none wants,1 it.
and that none probably ever would
apply for lt. %
'This being true,” asked Mr.
Hardy, "why do you object? Where
lr the harm In giving this Norwoglan
a chance?", # i
C. B. I«4mont. an fcfflceV of A©
Moran Shipbuilding Company, of
Seattle, who was testifying, answer
ed as follows:
"The harm Is this; that you ni*
setting a precedent. You are al
lowing a foreign boat to como In
and enjoy the privilege of Ameri
can registry."
Mr. Hardy: "Suppose you were
t in Alaska as an American cltizon,
and you found that nobody from
(American ship yards Is going
build a boat, but here is a man who
says he will go In 'and bring you
mail and supplies In the winter time.
Now aa man to man I ask you If
you would be In favor of letting him
come. Try to dlveat yourself of the
position of representing certain In
teresta, and try to stand 1>y thoso
Mr. Lamont: "I have as good a
right to think about the American
ship building Industry aa about the
people of Alaska, and when 1 see
somebody who Is going to establish
a precedent dangerous to American
Mr. Hardy: "Now you speak or
protecting American labor) As a
ma'ter of fact, Isn’t It true that
most of the men employed on the
boats your company bullda are Jap
anese and Chinese?"
Mr. Lamont: "I don’t know that
your statoment Is true."
Mr. Wlckorsham: (Mr. Wicker-
sham, also a member of the com
mittee, Is the delegate from Alaska)
Well, I can assure you, Mr. La-
mont, that the statement Is true."
At ‘.hts point Congremman Greene
of Massachusetts, also a member of
Jtae committee, tried to help out Mr.
Lr.mont by asking him If there
Ire* _ _ ... ....
writhes W. Evans, Danville, Va. "but
I know now It was Indigestion, -as
Dr. King’s New Life Pills completely
cured me." Best for stomach, llvtr,
ana kidney troubles, . constipation,
headach* or debility. 25c at Dlm-
tnock’a Pharmacy, W. D. Dunaway,
and Ingram Drug CO.
A young man who expects to be
married thla week went to tbe city
ball this morning and applied to
City Clerk Holcombe for a marriage
license. In his excitement be for
got that marriage license# are la*
sued by the ordinary. It it said
ti nt the. marriage will be a sure
prise. The Times will publish the
name# later on.
Mr. Fred_ Touchton, from Vahlos-
ta, came down and spent the day
with his father, Mr. G. L. Touch-
ion, Sunday.
Misses Rosa, Ola Loramae qnd
Mae Belle Dasher, Lola Carter, Erh
°1 Vann, Ida ami Lizzie Georg© were
the guests of Miss Kate Howell Sun
day afternoon. All went violet
picking and bad a jolly time to
Miss Lola Carter returned to Val
dosta this morning, Vhere she li
attending the business college at
that place.
Mr. Ben Howell spent Saturday
and Sunday with hla sister, Mrs. A.
A. Copeland, near Dasher.
Mr. Ben Black was a visitor at
the home Of his cousins, Mr. and
Mrs.^ John Knight, Sunday, near Mi-
a..* , J ^ Mi , e
W<*therlngto\ spent tbe day at Mr.
I. A. Wetherington’s Sunday.
Mrs. Jane Howell, who has been
v«ry ill fqr three weeks, is improv
ing and ttU are hoping she will soon
be well again.
There will be preaching at the
Flnck school house Sunday morn
ing and si.tying In tit a afternoon,
everybody i* cordially invited to'at-
W e can show you a good supply
of cheap and medium priced horse*.
Prices and terms right* Mlzell
Live Stock Co. In old Griffith Sta
< Hot Politics at Quitman.
There Is an old *aying that a
calm precedes a storm and that a
storm is liable to follow a calm. 'Pol-
1th* have beon ao quiet at Quitmun
for the past two or threo years thu*.
it waa necessary two years ago for
the good people of that town to go
out and round tip a number of their
favorite sons and make’ them servo
mayor and councllmen. It Is said
that most of the citizens of the town
would run away as quickly as
country mule when such a thing as
municipal oftice was talked about.
They hooted at the Idea. That was
two years ago.
But according to reports a atorm
bus broken loose In Quitman, and
about half of the people ov-*r there
ore trying to g*t the other half to
vote for them. Hon. Stanley Ben
nett, a leading lawyer, Js a candi
date for mayor, while Dr. E. L.
Jelks, a leading physician, Is also
mentioned, and the present mayor, J
D. Wilson, is also In the race “until
not danger, in the event the Norwc- j the last vote is polled."
glans request waa granted, that he | There seem to be so many canJI-
would have the right to go Into the ( dates for councllmen and member*
whale bone Industry. He painted a of the school board that one has to
vivid word picture of the danger!get a registration list and a city dl-
from this source. , j rectory to find out whether all of
Here comes thla Norwegian,” he the candidates have lived in town
exclaimed, “and enters Ipto compe- ( long enough to vote.
t!;lon with American vessels nnd
American own?ra and American la
bor—men who have sacrificed years
In establishing that trade: This Nor
wegian come* In and grab* Ameri
can money and American profit w ith
vessel In the building of which
rot a dollar Is spent, for the benefit
Junior Moi lianics In Peulunia.
Petaluma, cal., March 19.—The
state council Junior Order Unite 1
American Mechanic* opened It* an
nual convention here today with a
latge attendance and will remain In
session until Thursday. .Elaborate
for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularitiea.
Foley Kidney Pill* are tonic in action, quick in result*. Refute substitutes.
INGRAM DRUG CO., Valdosta, Ga.
Reliance Fertilizer Co.
A. H. Denmark, Local Manager. Office Rear Wyone Shoe Co.
Fertilizer Materials
Factory Savannah, Ga. Warehouse Valdosta,Ga
New Firm
Fresh Stock
Hay, Grain and Mill Products ::
Sugar, Rice, Coffee
Heavy Groceries
PHONE 800 A. S. Pendleton's^ OldfStand
W. H. Briggs Hardware Co.
Valdosta, - Ga.
Fender Lumber Company
601 West Savannah Ave., VALDOSTA, GEORGIA
We carry a full line of all kinds of building lumber.
V .riety shop work of all kinds—Window and Door Fraires and Screens a specialty
London, lurch 19.—The minimum
vnto bill providing for demand., of
the Federated Mlncre' Union levied
upon operator, when tner struck ■
fortnight ago throughout Great
Britain -w»» Introduced today In the
houa, of commone by Premier As-
of the American working men. n' arrangement, hare been made for
WEwel brought In to the dleadvan- the entertainment of the delegate*.
tare of—" ;
Mr Wlekereham: "Juat a mtn-j About one hundred mulee and qulth.
me, Mr. Greene: may I aak If youhorse* to aeler; from at our itahlee.)! Tt, e h111 *'«•, th « enpport of the
know how meny reeeele ere engaged j i’ r | roi nn d term, are right. Mlxell rovernment liberals end national,,
the whale hone trade on the Pa. Lire Stoek Col, Ip old OrlBth ,'»nd It to hollered that it will become
lill'SB c,ft » «•*»’"
‘ Stables.
< a law by the end of the week.
Tb« timplttt tcrii* on the nark— has lass mmrinfpwru thaa
Mr —bar, and wnafwaui mtt ia I—. On* r*4 opiratM Icniur, ax-
baait and ifaaoIlM poop. Extramtly •eonomleal la the contamplloa
oC faaollM. Aa wpartaoead aacisaar so* Daeawary —anybody eaa
mil. Caa ba atartad or atoppad iastaatlr, and eaa ba aaailj traaa-
. STOVER’S G00D.ENGINE—1 to 60 k.».
Steam Engines, Boilers and Saw Mllla
Complete Bohl Si.i.j, nd tafk| eetfitt * lyecldty
K Mallary Machinery Co.
r" >d* Murry aoael. WdOWL Ok.