The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 23, 1912, Image 6

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MCE SIX. CRB VALDOSTA TIHEB, VALDOSTA, GA, 8ATCRDAT, MAUCH 23, 1012. “SQUARE DEAL” IS WHAT TAFT SAYSJIE WANTS The President Discusses Roosevelt’s Vagaries INDIANA DEM OCRATS MEET IN CONVENTION Will Select Delegates to National Convention THE EXECUTIVE SHOWS UP,THE CLANS IN THAT STATE MAY WHAT ASSAULT ON COURTS AND JUDOHS AND “RECALLS" REALLY MEANS. FAVOR A "FAVORITE SON" WITH GOV. HARMON AS THE SECOND CHOICE. Boston, Mans., March 20.—"AH indlanapolla, Ind., March 20.— that the administration wants Is a Every train Into Indianapolis today square deal,” said President Taft, brought scores of delegates to the speaking today from th© steps of Democratic State convention, which tho Concord, N. H., state house, near • meets hero tomorrow to nominate th<» closo of his two days' New Eng- candidates for governor and other land visit. State officers and to select delegates Th# President gave a concise out- at large to attend the Democratic lln© of his Idea of the adoption of national convention In Baltimore, the principle of tho recall of Judge# Presidential electors al#o will be and of decision*. I selected. The convention will meet "Adopt such measures," be said, In Tomlinson Hall and will be com mand you will have a government of | posed of 1,7.47 delegate*. special Instances. You would have] Ther 0 appears to be no doubt of a constitution that la to be applied jt»«o nomination of. Samuel Balaton at one time and not applied at an-, 0 * Lebannon for governor, since ho other. That, my friend,, le nothing 'received a solid delegation of 188 tut a gorernment of .pedal in-[vote, lo the' State convention stances that has not th e uniformity through the Influence of Thomas Tag- of law and constitution and Is the gart, former chairman of the moat tyrannical form of government ■ tlonal committee and for many w© can lure. 'years the undisputed boss of the ••Thle queatlon of a change In the Uemocratlc party ln , ndluna . judiciary of thl. country mean, that j Noither does there appear to He ■We do not like. If they happen to, aI)Jr graat manhood of a conteat decide against u«; or If they happen on , he pr „ ld ,.„ tl8l ln „ rucl | on , t0 to decide a question one way. we be gl „ n th , do i, ga tea to the BalU- may submit It to popular election to mon con , e ntlon, as Indiana la *x- deelde whethsr the court decided pec ted to bestow her strength on her right or not. I am In faror of ta, f aT0 rlto son, Uorernor Thoms* B. people, but I do not think the P*o- Marshall. pie are charged with the knowledge | j t h conceded that Oorornor of tb s law at the Supreme Court of Marshal! should have the solid sup- New Hampshire or as the Supreme j port of 8tat , on tha ont ibal- court of th# United States. I he- , [ 0 j j n t j, a national convention, but llcve l n popular government, hut I 'it is doubtful If tho Indiana dele- belleve In popular government or-J (atea wl u b, charged to remain with dered by constitution and by law. ■] the governor until the end of tho "Tou give up on Independent • tight. It Is generally believed that Judiciary and you might »e well give Mr. Taggart plans to throw tue up your constitution. I know atrength of the State to Harmon as enough about the common sense of aoon as It becomes apparent that th. American people to know that Governor Marshall has no chance of they will never give up the const!- j winning tb„ race. Thl* program Is tutlon and they are not going to believed lo be subjoct to change be honeyfuggled out of It by being only In tha event that Senator Kren told that taey are St to Interpret should decide to enter the pres!- nlc* queettone of eonetitutlonel law ■ dentlal race, a thing that la regard- just as well or batter than Judges. ' * d as not only possible, but highly The American people aro a great probable It the balloting for candl- people becauee they can stand hav-jdate* should be protracted, lug th 0 truth told to them about j The choice of th. State convan. themselves without getting mud lion at large probably will fall about tt and without turning on tha man who telli the truth." rOSSK HUNTS FOR NEGRO Who Perhaps Fatally Wound, a Hrooka County Foreman. 8tt!lmore, March 20.—W. 8. Ev erett, for many yeara roreman for W. L. Arthur's cross tie business, sad well known throughout Brooks county, where he was reared, and In South Georgia, was shot and prob ably fatally wounded at hta home, live miles north of here, yeaterday morning by one of hla negro labor- era named Seymore Yount. Mr. Ev erett was unarmed and was shot without cause, apparently. The no. gro fled Into the swamps of Canoo- chee river. He Is being, purauod by the sheriffs pome, consisting of half a hundred mon, determined on hit rapture. Four bullets entered Mr. Everett's lungs and abdomen, and though ho Is receiving skilled medi cal attention he la not expected to live. Instead of Liquid AntisepticswPeroxide many people are noor using Pax tine Toilet Antiseptic The new toilet germicide powder to he dissolved In water as needed. For all toilet and hygtenlo uses It Is better end more economical. To cleanse and whiten the teeth, remove tarter and prevent decay. - , ; To disinfect the month, de- tyg] stray disease genus, and | Jh |l purify the breath. . j To keep artificial teeth and UelJ bridgework clean, odorless To remove nicotine from the teeth end purify the breath after smoking. To eradicate perspiration and body odors by sponge bathing. The beat antiseptic wash known. Believes and strengthens tired, weak, inllamrdejaa. Heals sore throat, wounds and cuts. S5nndS0ctaabox,dragglsta Sample Free. OtLET OOJUarraa JSssa r by mall postpaid HI PAXTON TOtl upon Senators Kcm and Shively, Mr .Taggart and a foufth man not yet agreed upon. William: H. O'Brien, present state auditor, Is slated to succeed Mr. Taggart as the Indiana member of the national committee, Taggart not being a candidate. THE 1IUGGV MISSED THE BRIDGE Young Men Had an Exciting Ex perience at the River Yesterday Two young men, A. L. Campbell and Harry Hutchinson, had an ex citing time yesterday afternoon at tha Fender bridge over tha Wlthla- roochce Rlrer. Tsoy had bean to th e Staten placo surveying land and when they started home som« one told them that It would be nearer to coma by the Fender Bridge and thus save a trip around by tha Dou ble Bridges. Tha water of tha rlvor Is said to have bean pretty high and they had to coma through a alough on tho other side of the river. When they reached the bridge tha buggy miss ed It and both of tha young man Jumped out. The horse was aleo pulled off of th* bridge and they proceeded to cut tha hsrnea* to got the animal loose. In Jerking around In tha water tha horse esme np under the bridge and It looked for awhile as If the animal would be drowned. Neither of tho boys could swim and they were trying to protect themselves and at the same time savs the horse. They Anally got the horse ont. bnt left the buggy In the rlrer. They came on to the city, reaching here after dark. The buggy Is not In any danger of being Vrsrrled away and K will bo brought In as aoon aa possible. Stops Neuralgia Pains Sloan’s Liniment has a soothing effect on the nerves. It stops neural gia and sciatica pains in stantly. Here’s Proof Mr*. C. M. Dowkerof Johannesburg, Mich., write* " Sloan * Liniment 1* the best medicine in the world. It has relic red me ol S rural#!.*. Those pains have all gone and I can truly say your Liniment did slop them.” Mr. Andrew I. Lear of 60 Gar Street, Cumberland. MJ , writes:— '’I hare lied SW» Liniment lo, Ntmltlt aud I certainly do praise it very much.’ SLOANS LINIMENT is the best remedy for rheu matism, backache, sore throat and sprains. At all dealers. Prlct 2Sc..30e.and f1.00 Sloan’s book on Cattle, MILLIONAIRE SAVED RABBITS FROM EL000 Pink-eyed Pets Hopped out Through Open Window and he Went After Them. Atlanta, March 20.—It is being told in amused whisper* In club and financial circles today how a gray- haired Atlanta millionaire got out of bed In his pajamas on the night of the big rain and rescued a pair of pink-eyed baby rabbits from the flood, after wandering around fifteen minute© through th© sloppy mud. Th© rabbits were intrinsically worth about 35 cent* apiece. But they belonged to the million aire's little daughter. She had loved them and pe:ted them for some time past, and put thorn to bed each night In a little crib adjoining her own nursery. Along about 1 o’clock, while the rain was coming down In torrents, she awoke and began to cry. Moth er and father came, and th© Httlo girl declared that her bunnies were ouc in the rain. They reaily had hopped out through an open widow onto a rer- fteda. , CARNEGIE MEDALFOR CONVICTS Daring Rescue of Two Men From Drowning Made by Two Young Convicts, Augusta, Ga„ March 20.—Because Charlie FerrJ* and Peter Glaxo, two white convicts at the city stockade, risked their live, saving Andrew ,1. Barnes and his aon from drowning In tlie recent flood, Mayor Barrel', has granted the men full pardons. Both wore serving short terms for minor Infractions of the law. While the water was rising Mr. Bnrnes, his ao n and a negro farm hand went Into a paaturo to get some live stock out They secured a boat and It capsized. Barnes and hi* son being poor awlmmers, couid not get out, hut the negro swam and weded to tho (tockade and Inform ed the superintendent of the peril ous position of the two white mon. Superintendent Gay called for volunteers to assist in getting tho Bernes out and Ferris and Glaze re sponded. With a leaking boat they went to the re*cue, and after Barnes and tils son had gotten ln tho boat the load was too great and It capstscd. The younger Barnes and the two con victs managed to get ashore, nnd while the elder Barnea struggled in the raging torrent a rope was thrown to him and he was pulled to lately. Mayor Barrett has written the Carnegie hero fund coramlaaton re garding medals for Ferris and Glazo. GREAT SNOW STORM RAGING. Omaha, March 20.—A record- breaking snow storm Is raging In Nebraska today. It was a foot deep •t noon. Trains are delayed, wire* arc prostrated and the storm Is sweep ing through low*. JAThy Pay Express on Water Turpentine Market Today. Savannah, March 20.—Turpentine was to 1-2 cents. Rosin (0.80 to 17.85. MAS-BIRD. GDI HIS IN AUTO ACCIDENT Irony of Fate Seems to Have had a Hand in the Case of Aviator Coffyn. New York, March 20.—Aviator Frank Coffyn, whose flights In a by- dropane have thrilled thousands, was thrown from an automobile In Central Park today, HI* ahull was fractured and he was Ihternally Injured, and It Is be lieved that hla injuries will be fa tal Card From Treasurer Lang, Edjtor of The Valdosta Times:— As there Is some controversy about the recent statement publish ed lk Th e Times .by Commissioners Coffee and Sims relative to the finan cial condition of the county treasury as of March 1, 1912 I beg to say that the statement I gave these commis sioner*, showed that aa Treasurer, I had In the treasury at that time $13,215.25, which statement I now conllrm a* true. - Respectfully, W. LANG, County Treasurer. ' Valdosta, da., March 19, 1912. "A tfoi n* It has cost a lot] of money to pro duce.the best class of stock on the farms today, and every farmer realizes the importance of having the best It is just as important to have he beat flowers and vegetables and they do not co»t any more than the other kind. We tell seed* that will grow, that have been teated, and that are the best on the market. A few cents spent at our store for flower* and vegetable seed* will make a great difference in the look* of your home hi* summer and the good thing* on your table. It i* a pleasure to watch them grow and to care for them. See our assortment before you buy Ingram Drug Co., Valdosta, Ga. Saving Useless Trips OBDIB BUN. DSHD PhOOS yv Oar f.falai braid WOOLLaY'S BEST X Gals. U.5I 3 Gals. 55.5* 4 Gala. 5S-5C Kxrasas paid A 44 rasa all ac- darata J. C. COOPER | Bo* ina i JACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA J *7 lacsat ta Ml tm la WW, saw war.' _ You can afford to forjjet things if you have, a telephone in your home,'! To telephone saves hundreds of useless trips evtjty day for those who live in the country. You can have this service in your nome at small cost. It will save you money and add to the pleasure of your family. Our free booklet tells all about this won derful service, Write for it today. A postal will do. Address , „ Fanners Line Department SOUTHERN BELL TELEPH & TELEGRAPH COMP... 33 sooth Pryor St- Atlanta. Ga. Judge Bennett Not In Race. Judge Joe Bennett, of Brunswick, came In last night and Is looking after business matters. I n reply to a question from a Herald reporter he stated that, though urged to do so, bo did not expect to enter tho Congressional race In the Eleventh Georgia district. Judge Bennett le one of the most popular men In South Georgia and could scarcely be defeated for any office In the gift of the people In this section.'—Way* cross Herald. Joe Lang Invites his friends to call on him at the Hill Avenue Cafe*, where he iwlll see that they are giv en prompt service. 3-20 d2t. 16,0110,817 BALES FOR PRESENT SEASON The Sea Island Cotton Crop for the Year Amounts to 119,242 Bales. Washington, March 20.—The cot ton report Issued by the censua bu reau today shows the crop for 1311 to be 10,050,811 balee, against lie 965,962 bales for 1910. The sea Island cotton for this era- eon la 119,252 bale*. If it is Machinery y6u want, we have it Write us for catalogue, prices and terms. MALSBY COMPANY 41 South Forsyth SL, ATLANTA, GA. We sell the following well-known goods: American, nenen a uromgoia, Geiser “Peerless,” and Smith, Myers & Schuler Saw Mills In all sizes and capacities; Erie City, Geiser “Peerless," and Houston, Stan wood & Gamble Engines and Boilers in all sizes; Challoner, and Perkins Shingle Machinery; BandSaws, Edgeis, Grist Mills, “Peerless'’Threshers, Planers, Steam Feeds, and various other Machinery, Repairs and Mill Supplies. We can furnish you tho best Machinery on the market Mid at the same time save you money. »We have no branch house. VELVET BEANS Corn Watermelon Seed Fresh Garden Seed W. D. Dunaway Phone 51 CHUFAS.. VELVET BEANS Sorghum, Amber and Orange Cane German Millet, Cat Tail Millet Early Com, Peas, Seeds of all kind VINSON’S DRUG STORE (Formerly VINSON & BARNES) 121 N. Patterson St Valdosta Georgia DENTISTRY AT- ONE-HALF PRICE Come to the best equipped office in the South, where you will get the best work with the least pain. Dr. L. C. Holtzendorff, Formerly United States Army Dental Surgeon. )STA, GEORGIA — a