The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 26, 1912, Image 3

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•HE VALDOSTA TIMKA VALDOSTA, OA, TtBSDAV. MARCH WANT VETERANS TO FURNISH Historian of Daughters Wants to get aJ Facts OLD CONTE DERATE SOLDIERS CALLED UPON TO ASSIST IN KEEPING THE SOUTHERN RECORD CLEAR. Tg_4he Veteran* and Women. Who Elvtul and Fought and Struggled During the Terrible Period, 1881' 1806: Tlie Historian General, at well aa Plate Historian for the U. D. C„ haa Issued a letter and ten questions pertaining to this period. Thla let* tor and questions hare been sent to every Chapter Historian throughout M ' South, and friends, we como to information. We can not ■y, for alas, there la none, and that is what wa want, facto, true Incidents, things that you men and women know personally, the bat tles you we're "In, when and where and the clrcuttances connected. These articles will be bonnd—la book form, Just aa soon aa enough are Secured to complete a volumo, ■and will than be made a study for ■out children of the South, Do you mot want yonr children to know the truth ? This la the only way they can get It, then giro them the facta aa yon know them, for only through you who took part In the great struggle can be gotten real Southern history. Tell na what you know about the accession of your state, the Ku Klux Klan, the refugees, the reconstruct ion period, how you got medicine, food and clothing through the ene my’s line, how the hospitals were managed—a story really of anything that occurred during that time and afterwards when our Sunny South rose from the aBhes of her cities and loss of her brave, noble sons, and lands, and tell us what part you took In her upbuilding. ' 1 sincerely hope to hear very soon from any woman who lived then, eMHWBTtrWW Ttbta 'appeal. Come to see me and tell me If you do not care to write and I shall he ^i-^J&dwt^veterana and women, "please Mp your historian, so that whan She goes to the convention of the V. D. C. of Georgia In Athens next No- vemher she will not be ashamed, hut proud of the records of her peo- i. B *' 0w 0,lr 0 ® nor »l Hlato- • *. l etter ' Re * d “ c *refn!ly and _ „ Information you will send mo will be gladly received. MRS. J. TOM WOOD. 'Historian Valdosta Chapter U. D. o. 200 E. Adair at., Valdosta, Qa. General Historian's Letter. Dear Historians: Elrat, I wish to send to you a loving greeting and to assure, you that I appreciate the honor bestow ed upon me at Richmond. Va.. whore I was made Historian General of the Halted Daughters of the Confedera- cy—the highest gift that Is In their power to .bestow, so I regard It Second, I rejoice that you have-a —t with me In thls hlatorlcal work vital work of our or- I*t us thou together secure while wo can the ' our beloved story can only be se- ■ veteran man and The mtitake -j by U. D. a. bistort. ■ to prepare papers upon snb- already treated of In printed 'ry. tvhat. It behooves us to secure now are the unwritten facts Life Saver In a tetter from Branch* land, W. Vat,.Mrs. Eliza* beth Chapman says: “I suffered from womanly troubles nearly five years, i All the.doctors in the coun ty did me no good. I took Cardul, and now I am en tirely well, i feel like a new woman. Cardul saved my life! AH who suffer from womanly trouble should give Cardul a trial." 661 CARDUI Tho Woman’s Tonic 50 years of proof have | convinced those who tested'' It, that Cardul quickly re lieves aches and pains due to womanly weakness, and helps nature to build up weak women to health and strength. Thousands of women have found Cardul' to be a real life saver. Why not test It for your case? Take Cardul today! TURPS TO LAST JUST ANOTHER WEEK Receipts at Savannah Have Come to Nothing^ VERV LITTLE HAS BEEN DOING IN SAVANNAH BECAUSE THERE WAS NO STOCK ON WHICH. TO 1K> BUSINESS. and still re- Sta mains the Standard tonic-fo used i if we with' tfie work well done Trusting & hearty co-operation oa your part and expressing a hope that your report for this year wist fully justify ay highest expectation®, T am, youre cordially In TJ. D. C: bonds, MILDRED LEWIS RUTHERFORD) Historian General U. D_ C. Athens, Qm. THOUSANDS IN RANKS OF IDLE Strikers Commit Crimes to Get in Jail so as to Get Something to Eat 8*van n ah, Ga„ March' 23. week from today the naval store* year for tho season of 1811-1S will come to an end and pending tbs- ar rival of that date theta la oat a grest (Ceil cf trading going oa la the Savannah market. Thera la not muck doing because there i* not mucls stock on hand to do buaineaa ’with. The receipts have dlopped down to ItractlcaUy nothing. They are even ilighter.than they usual? are at thla time of the year because of th* very ittad ; weather'- conditions that have marked the recent time* in the naval ■ stores belt There can be no very great Entarest- sustained In a market vhen there Is nothing much te trade upon. The tradlac that has i^een done daring the week baa been at slight adva-noes over that of the week before and' the market opened- this morning Area at forty nine and a quarter cents a gallon for spirits. This price had been brought about largely by the presence In the man. ket qa a customer of the Standard Oil Company. Thla concern totPSto. the market every time It goes In to busy. There have been other prom inent purchasers la the market also during the week, notably the Ameri can Naval Stores Company and the London and Savannah .Company, the latter buying for export. It Is now very evident that the new seatsn It {going to atart 'off, vefy lata. The crop will be at leagt six weeks behind what It was fgat season at'the opening and It will bo lute In the spring 'before the new crop begins to '\mdvq "with any volume. The reason for this may 1 THE FEDERAL AGENTS HEAR OE COAL'TRUST London, March 23.—The end of be ,ound ,n th# *"« coW wl »- the third week of Urn great.*» “ ad "** W « h « T » **•’ “ coal Vslk« lound tens of thousand) dally being added to the number Of Idle. In Southern Wales the Idle men are wilfully breaking the law to get :n Jail to be assured of food The Miner's Executive Council adopted a resolution to meet the government representatives in a Joint conference on Monday. The minimum wage Mil. | n the house of commons will go on Its final passage Monday and then lent to the house of lords. A stormy, session of the house of commons continued until early to- < ! ay, hut no session la being held to- d ‘ T - IA THE HAND A NUISANCE Atlanta Moale-Moklng Arrange, ment to too Mach of Noise Maker Atlanta, Oa., March 21.—An auto matic brass hand on top of a motion picture theatre In this city, which hae eet Its strident echoes flying over the housetop, and Into office windows for some weeks past, has been declared a public nuisance by the recorder, and will have to como off Its perch. Complaints against the lond- ^is the embbdiment of elements that make for good health and strength. '^WKr aid,. DBOGGISTS 11-23 Steps Taken by the Depart ment of Agriculture to Pre vent the Combination. Washington, Mirr.lj 33.—It to re. rontodt today that agents of the de partment of Justlceinvestlgatlng con ditions 'In Chisago and New York rual market^ ,-dhd* In the Pennsyl vania and aeathem coal Helds. It la^MSed that a giant combine has 'been, formed to maintain high prices. Wt" I saw It .on the censer of our smiling little town, I. saw- % roll a, cigarette Bad strain an %wt»l brown) ( saw It light tho cigarette and give It gentle suck, saw the smoke blown from Its nosq _0nd mariiga «• placid loolh upon Its 'head, Its be found In 'the.wit and cold win- Jt , ... br .°. W ‘ , in? eaelv w. hav. b.H U « B 1 ^S dollar high and . . —: - - . white as driven show; ha. h«n too wet even to cut new Ilg €loth were cut ln r#cont , h hexe. — «... 'one reason there tu , hoe# were y#ry tM> than for sometime ^nd as I looked and saw, I thought of the origin of mgn. boxps and' this to 'one reason there are fewer cut past. The rosl n market trig b66h loom-. Tlfere has^be dUrl ° S ’’.“J T* - P*" 1 “ <» » el ‘ There has been a gradual harden-1 ing of the tone of the market and i overheard .emarks It made td a he price, have advancM seme. The| ve,y n'shlngbell. light receipts have been In a large r heard It a:.- • i seen her” that are- measure to blame—or thanked—tori j nK ,- wn this condition. And ..L a. . . I And aak her where “she’d been at” Th c future, market remain, still. | with beautiful Miss Brown There Is nothing doing. Tho heard It say that “Hamlet” "was ent seslon end, on Saturday—One an opera out of sight " week from todsy—and on April 1st everybody wilt be content to rob ont and atart anew, ATLANTA MAN INHERITS CASTLE AND $500,00 And ly it had the tickets for the! following Friday night; | I marveled at l!a .grammar and list knowledge, of the stage,- I And then I thought again of a pro-1 historic sgia, 1 A Baronetcy Also Comes to Mr. Woodwide From Rela tives in Old Ireland; Atlanta, Qa., March 23.—John Wood side, , prominent real estate dealer of this city, has been notified **o““*»v ino loua- '•»(/» hm 'oeon uOiluCd are m» unwritten facta I T0 **** * ,ren ® came from office build- lh,t •* heir to Bailey castle Ire- who alono know them, i |gg_M_much aa two blocks distant 1 ! * n <2 and property worth one-half a rami -r- f-f —-a*- ttilllon dollars besides a barronatcy, Mr. WoodMde to aready wealthy. Our veterans are faet pasring nwav and the time growing shorter p -ad Shorter for this work *o ba done. Let tho voterana tell na the etory themselves. Let sentiment enter'lnto the story so long as It does not Interfere with the facta. What we wish to history—the his torical spot where an event took place mn« be aecnratety given, and no 'Think ao” must be recorded aa facto. Affidavits most be secured to facto of importance, signatures secured -tn the presence of wit Appreciating how difficult k Is to secure these facts, I hav* .outlined a method, which while not perfect, may answer t, suggestive nntll something better Is found. During the year I shall be glad to have suggestions from each of you. AH must work together as a whole. Instead of Liquid Antiseptics » Peroxide many people 'are now using Paxtine Toilet Antueptic The new toltot germicide powder to he ..dissolved in water as needed. For Ml toilet and hygienic uses R to Better and more economical. To cleanse and whiten the teeth, remove tartar and prevent decay. • the month, de- Sir Joh n and Lady Woodsld# will “ leave shortly for Ireland to look after estate. -j MARKET REPORTS TODAY, Stock, Market Went spins Horrj •ad Cotton woe Quiet, New York, March 22.—Stocks con tinued strong today making a furth er advance. Business was broader on good buying orders. Cotton was quiet at on) to two higher. .Later there was a slight rally. May 10:27. July 10:0. Chicago Provision Market, Chicago, March 22.—Wheat was tTe“^^g mrrLT 1 ' we »? c ’ n,T “ one-fourth to ona-balf end entA. m ansi ka lower. Previsions were higher. May ' “ ' M » *2, riba 2.11. cattle strong. , To disinfect t_ •troy disease germs, and „ purify the breatlu To kesp artificial teeth and , bridife work clean, odorless* - ■» - pi 1 ootln<> from the teeth ®nd purify the breath after smokln To eradicate perspiration and “ “ bath f& b L-tl M pt,e wuhlcuown. and ento. *5 and M eta a box. drnggtou 1 Pvovtolona, wet *»»■^r° rk 1 * M# - Ur '« »• THE PAXTONTOtLgToO-Borro-jUaaa, ’ Hogs .steady and caUl, ■w It straddle on a stool at soda fountain swell, I heard it call ‘Olmme a dope” and ■■Ms the alerk to hell; ■ I heard It hum a truthful tunc more truthful than It meant— f heard It hum "My ba-bee, I haven't Viligot a cent.” Then I thought about the weighty brains some animals possess And how Its mother fondlea tt and vainly trtoa to guess What a wonder It will be, whan It becomes a man — And all the world Is wondering if't ever esn (Peconj, a man.. oers? U DC ™- JOHN DEERE STALK CUTTERS AND ■■ HARROWS DISK CALL IN AND SEE THEM W. H. Briggs Hardware Co. Valdosta, - - - ~ CALL TO SEE US New Firm Fresh Stock WHOLESALE Hay, Grain and Mill Products :: Sugar, Rice, Coffee Heavy Groceries t• — ■ £ “ROXAM FLOUR.” Try It FIT FOR A KING i PHONE 800 A. S. Pendleton’s'Old Stand ■ W. Reliance Fertilizer Co. A. H. Denmark, Local Manager. Office Rear Wyone Shoe Co JZERS AND Fertilizer Materials Factory Savannah) Ga. Warehouse Vaio^ * a, ^ a Negro Threatened to Dae Can. Officer Presley went out to the western part of tho city and arrem- «‘l ■ negro named H. O, Clements on a complaint of soma of the peo ple living out that way, who said that Clements had a long gun on hie person and was threatening to uae K on some people who made him tt seams that Clements works at the oil mill, and yesterday while he w aa taking a nap soma other boys threw some water In Ms face to f , ■ wake hln INDIGESTION __ j m ■■ — . cent tho wxkq him up and for the pnrpoa* of lit when hifa. It la Mid th L ' * - « — J up he did not to* Kidney and Bladder Troubles anti ^ ke ,n th * ,plrit %hlch «*• Nervous Debility Yield Readily I *° h ® 1Mnt home lm * and Quickly to Treatment with *" d b ‘■ " turn * iunninnin nee.,-. I ,n * *° tIl# *®d threatening to HAGGARD S SPECIFIC TABLETS " h00t * h0,e anybody who **A SURE CURE** I ^^ered him. OhctmbMahMh (hb ^ !* **16 that he vu no untnnn- 'raur^tabMa foriadu op:e * ,),e • telephone message Ma * B ° n * 40 the cltjr ? 0r * PoMbWttbtt# rwrwiw! nnr * Officer Presley went oat there SSVoSrrl? - * " cd arrested him, bringing him back to town and turning him over red fci£3, 'o the sherllt, as the charges against %iacT.b! 1 " m would properly come before totob* the city court. Z££S — TTiwiiI liwMt aisssfsri! 0su ■ ka * Advertise* In Th, Dally Times. Positions Secured -By Th* SOUTHERN SHORTHAND AND BUSINESS UNIVERSITY 20M West MtochsO Street, Atlanta, Gi OVER 1KOUO BYUDKNTH IN POSITIONS. 4) ym^r^t^ , D , I^dw C ^to , JI^ , ?'" w " ,rh w *» ,0 «— . „ U d Ka presrnt manag.ment 21 rears Banking Dapartmat eqnlppM with Addin,- Maehtnre «, r *^***^ U " 1 P”**—*• Bkpertanoad and capable faculty. Beat aretom. In extotonc. taught The famous Graham- Pitmans Shorthand, the system which la adopted for exnert £ r .un£* ,0 “ C,, ‘ Ur7 evidence op MERIT ... f*L ren,r * °* school la more than double that of alflrenV toct BU *^ B *** ta ttto ^ *• « » Ento at Once. Wrile T<M | for c , Addregg A. C. BRISCOE, Pre*. 0r L W ' ARNOLD, Vice-Pre*. Atlanta, Ga. Pro. Tho*. L. Bryan, wall-known Educator, Is with the Sonthcrn 'a.'.