The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 26, 1912, Image 6

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rAGE REMOVES . BLOOD HtfMQHS When that Hoarse Croupy Cough A your child J awakens you n at night, you IL need have no Jp ear if you / lave a jar of / ^-i Every pore and gland of the skin fs employed In the neoesP“y work of preserving tu smooth, even texture, softening and cleansing It a/ 1 * 1 rwofaN lng the temperature of our bodies. This is done by an evaporation through each tiny outlet, which goes on continually day and night. When tin' blood becomes infected, with humors and acids a certain percentage of thesa impurities also pau pit with the natural evaporation, and their sour, nature Irritates and inflames the skin, and dries up its natural oils, causin'? pimples, boils, pustules or soma Itching rash, or hard, scaly nVtn affection. 8.8.S. cures skin troubles of every kind by neutralizing the acids and removing the humor* from the blood. S. S. B. cools the add-heated circu lation, builds it up to its normal strength and thickucM, multiplies its nutritious, red oorpusdes, and enriohea it in every way- Then the skin. Instead of being Irritated and diseased by tbe exuding acrid matter. Is nourished, soothed and. softened by this cooling, heilthy stream of b{wd. 8.8.S., tbe greatest of blood purifiers, expels au foreign matter'and purely cures Eczema, Acne, Tetter, Salt Rheum and all other diseases and affections of the skin. It removes pimples, blackheads, and other un sightly blemishes from the skin and assists In restoring a goo. i complexion. Book on Skin Diseases and any medical advice desired all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. Boy Us-d Rope to Rescue Cabin on Stream Shortage of Draughtsmen in Architectural Depart ment Causes the . Delay. | Washington^ Marsh 23.—Secretary of the Treasury MaeVeagh's critical arc- using the latest report of SuJ pervlalng Architect Taylor to refute | the secretary’s charge ! that * grass, in failing to pass >a public buildings hill at this tenloxrlt r» sponsible for tbe delay In complet ing federal buildings throughout Ibo country. This report show* that, owing to 'tha unprecedented conges tion in the supervising Woodrow Wilson Hardly Considered by Leaders That is Latest Dope from Atlanta Today VICKSSSSSSALVE At sv AsssW, sr Sr mmi. 25c. sec. fi.oe Rcmiomj Utlgutilkt Jollarilu Vick’, Family Rcacdlct Cc. CLEVELAND’S FORMER CABINET MEMBER AND GOVERNOR OF OHIO IS LOOMING VP LARGE ON THE HORIZON. IT IS ALLEGED THAT SHE WILL CLAIM THAT T1IE SHOOTHICI WAS DONE TO DEFEND HER SELF FROM HIM. l.nioflPp,"Pa.. March 1 23.—Tbo during and strength of'a nineteen- year-old Laurel Ridge Mountain boy were responsible for the rescue near lis^e today of the youth’s fath er *n(t an aged neighbor, who had been caught 1“ the deadly current of a swollen mountain stream that was rushing them to a throe hundred- foot waterfall. The hero of the reecue wee young John Hardy. Early this morning he snd ‘other members of his family vers awakened by screams for help. They berried out of doors to find floating past their house on a swol len stream a cabin. Is a doorway Washington, March 22. — Now that the Democrats hare aacended the congressional stage and gotten into the lime-light speculation la rife ae to who will be the men to make the run Atiantp, Ga., March 22.—That Mrs. Daisy Orace will admit she 1 (hot her husband, and plead straight 1 self-defense. Is considered likely by th« police authorities her e In the 1 light of her recent statements re- 1 ported from Philadelphia. 1 Tbe substance of her statement was that Gract knew who shot him, and how, and Why, and that she be lieved he wOnld tell the whole thing before he died; but that if he died without telling it, she knew too, and wouM ten it all, clearing herself of tbs Charges in less fbin three minute*. While Mrs. Grace still denies ab- solutejy that she did the shooting, the police here take the above decla ration to mean that she and Orace quarreled during th e night; that he possible attacked her; and was choking her when she fired tbe shot; that the two then agreed that they would keep mum about the whole thing; fbut that their plana got mud dled. Some such lines as this, It ts believed, will be Mrs. Grace's de fense. It can scarcely be doubted that' she is coming back to Atlanta, in the light of the fact that John W. Moore, her leading attorney, and his associate, Mr. Branch, and At lanta newupaper men are all keep ing close watch on nil 'Mrs. Grace’s movements, BEANS VELVET select. It Is quite different now. Now the talk is all Harmon. Wilson Is no; | 0 any sense a can didate of the congreaalonal Demo crats. Most of them have already selected l{anno n snd accepted him as an opponent ot Roosevelt Or Taft In the next pfisl- _'dent(al race. The majority of the DSfndcratlc members of congress be lieve that “Uncle jud" Harmon, governor of Ohio, la the favotlte. Harmon Is looming up at a rate which la beginning to eltrm politi cian* boosting others. Coming back from their recent visits among the folks at home ’.he congressmen seem to behove that Harmon la to be tho winner. Even the backers of Wilson are forced to admit that Harmoa Is gaining In support. Tha Wilson people — there are not many of them In con crete either—ere worried orer it. end the Republicans of both houso nnd senste accept It ta the Inevita ble. Opinions expressed before con gress convened the: he wee the leading candidate In popularity and that the eentlment of tbe country was back ot him have boon re versed. The eyes of many of tha architect's office, plans must be prepared end contracts entered Into for 246 band ings. This delay halt* the expendi ture of several million dollars and affects baif a dozen industries. Twelve Georgia cities for which new buildings have been authorized are affected. They are: Watermelon Garden Augusta, Bainbrldge, Barneavllle, Carteravllie, Carrollton, Cedartown, Cordele, El- barton, Quitman, Statesboro, Thorn- aavllle and Tifton. Augusta's new postoOra and court house Is to cost' <250,000. The re port shows that $36,000 baa bMn appropriated, but no contract fiw tbe building mads. A; Balfibrldge'. nsrncavllle, Carrollton, Cedartowp, F.lberton, Quitman, Statesboro, Thomasvillo and Tifton, eltoe for new postoffloet bars been selected, but no contract* far the buildings made. The contract for the struc ture at Cordele, wlrfeb |* to coat 1117,500, has not beers awarded, ac cording to the report, although tha entire snm authorized flaw been ap propriated. These proposed build ings will represent an lnvustmentof $212,009. Inquiry at the treasury depart ment discloses that the dttebarge, Inst November, of 84' export draughtsmen from tha supervising architect's stile* is responsible’ for the delay fa preparing the ptans for these buildings Secretary Man- Vexgb, pleading economy, let these men' out despite the supervising as* Serious cMigeatt- D. Dunaway Phone 51 William McDdwell, an elgkty-flve- year-olfi neighbor. His hone had been wrenched fnfltt its foundations by the'flood nnd swept Into the tor rent Only a short distance down was tb* waterfall. A dVuh over thla Infirmary in Huron County, Ohio, was Scene of Acci dent This Morning. Norwalk, O., March 23.-—Six pa- DENTISTRY and tbat she declares herself ready to’come back to Atlan ta just as quick as she Is wanted. ONE-HALE PRICE Come to* the best equipped i n ^Mne with the least pain. cutset's protest Ion of work has reunited, despite tliF survive. the. cabin craabedi.over the water- * fta 1 baa adped' an extra hour to the- working day of Ms force. An am expedient. Secretary MacVeagh a'l~ vlned the use of "eanned aralUteot*. ure" In the preparation of the plans, without oo net deration of the least need of spec tel architectural treat ment Naturally the nee o»- "oanr ned architecture,” which Is merely a duplication of the eame.plM): for several bulIMfnga of tha same ret- e'Jre cost, has brought complaints from many quarters. Another nerton* complaint, aris ing from the depletion of th« sti- t'orvtalng architect’s fora*. Is that the equipment of more then sixty federal buildings baa been delayed for several months This equip ment consists of furniture, filing man, cabinets, etc., intended for puefoIBces, tho tack *t which bee I embarrassed local poetoffle* author- I Itlce. He and; Another are Charged With: Altering Records of the Legislature. Jaokeon. Miss., March 22.—State Senator Bond and S. R. McKlasovu were arrested today, charge! with altering the records of the Mlsalp- p| legislature of the enrolled bills A. _ _ _ an A __ H-ltlell M e Dr. L. C. Holtzendorff,, Formerly United State*. Army Dental Surgeon. VALDOSTA, GEORGIA And improve your teeth by calling on IllifftS Dental 1 at reduce d prices. to create a new county which Mr. hood introduced. Governor Brewer Instigated the It It said tb*t Seuator She Leaves .Philadelphia at NoonJoday on.her Way warrants. Bond has confessed. The maximum penalty for tha of fense Is ten months In prison. Victor-Victrol Philadelphia, pa.. Match 22.—Mr* Daisy Orace left thle city at noon today, tor Atlanta where eh* goee to face the Char** at a trial, of at- 8.00 Gold Crowns, 5.00 5.00 Gold Crowns, 3.00 $15.00 Set Teeth, 10.00. -$8.00 Set Teeth, 5.00. Bridge Work, 3.00, 4.00 and 5.00. Painless Extraction. 50c all other work in proportion Iowa Miners May Strike. March 22.—The the Cher** at a trial, ol at- temqtjng to kill her husband. She •touttr maintains her lnnpeence. Grace’s ComllUon Unchanged. Atlanta.- Oa., March ft.—The con dition ot Eugene Gme* today Is prao- V-aally unchanged, although ho la growing weaker daily- Tho physician* bellar* that ha cannot last mow than three week* jonger. Des Moines, la. Joint conference ot Iowa coal mine operators and miners assembled to day to discuss tha queatlo* ef a new agreement to come tut* effect when tho present agreement expiree on. April 1. The Iowa miner* ar* In dependent of the negotiation! that are 'being conducted for n new in terstate agreement between thq bt- mlnere end operators of TAX RECEIVER'S NOTICE. I will be at the following places on datos given below tor the pur pose or reoelvtag tax returns for th« year 1918: Naylor—April 1. 10, ft. Cat Creok—April 8, 11, IS. Ilehlrn—April 4, II, 84. Club Houi»—April 16, 16. Outlay—April 6. 16, 66. Lake Park—April 6, IT, 28. Cyaltevllle—April. I, 18, 30. Dasher—April XI and May J. Daney'a School Houso—April 1 and May 2. Blanton—May 6. 10. . -v Over Vinson's Drug Store A new Victor-Victrola is here! A gr#,uine Victor-Victrola, bearing the famous Victor trademark, priced at only $15. Come in and see it and hear it. No obligation to buy, but after hearing it you won’t waiit to bo with out one.’ - —*■ - Other styles $25 to $250. Victor* $10 to $100. Easy payments if desired. .. ' "• ! MATHIS & YOUMANS CO. Valdosta, Ga. luminous . Western Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois nnd Indians. At the eatne time their demand* ere virtually the seme and It-Is believed that If a new Inter state agreement 1* arrived at It will | be made tor a similar agreement to apply to the Iowa field. Failure to rptch satisfactory agreement by the end of this months probably will be followed by a general strike of the Iowa miner*. Dasher & Vamedoe PHONE 334, VALDOSTA, GA. Doors, Windows, Moulding of all kind. . Shingles, Brick, Lime. Carey’s Roofing, in all grades. Rough and Dressed Framing, Flooring, Ceiling, Siding and Finish. A complete' stock always on hand: Out-of-tow** orders given special attention. Prompt delivery our motto. Get our price* before buying, French ioffeeTcant te 'made.'. and roasted ac cording' to the famous French method. Use Blamed a Good Worker. ”1 blamed my heart for severe dis tress In my left tide for two year*.” writhes W. Evans, Danville. Va. “bnt I know now It waa Indigestion, as Dr. King's New Lire Pills completely cored me."* Beet for stomach, liver, and kidney troubles, constipation, headache, or debility. 25c at -Dim- mock’* Pbdrmacy, W. D. Dunaway, sed Invrntn Drue Do If it is Machinery you want, we have it. Write us for catalogue, prices and terms. MALSBY COMPANY 41' South Forsyth St- ATLANTA, GA. Bench & Droragt Mill* in all sixes i Stanwood&Oan Dasher & Varnedoe Valdosta, Ga. Phone 334.' IhERDCf-lAYUMCo IHi.w0fU.EAM.UAA.