The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 26, 1912, Image 8

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mob sum*. LUKE LEA TO OPPOSE “PORK 8ARRELL” OIL He Will Fight Bill Which Gives Thousands to Small Western -Villages. Washington, March 25.—Luke I.»a. the jroting editor who reprc- the people of Tenneaae* In states senate, has bottle r on-» of the most ancient and doubtedl, the most cherished tradi tion of the tipper house of congress. PFjji, Lea has set-red notice on " ? senate that he will object to ^eeeage °l certain Items In the pub* 11c buildings bill—familiarly known as tbe "pork barT’ bill. The young Tennesseean, being • new to the senate, conceived the t rlcus Idea that 1*. was his duty tho people of the country to read I end study—this bill, -which appro priates millions of the peoplo’s money each year. With a map cf the United States on the wall near hi* desk, and a *coyy of the census report of pcmJatlou near at hand he ran his r down the llet ol Items enumerated In the bill until be came to ‘.ho, word "Sundance | Turning to the map on the wall he discovered that 8undauce la a town In Wyoming, and a perusal of the report showed the population of the place to be 281, counting all the wo men and children. Turning duck to the bill .Mr. Lea discovered that his colleague In the senate, Francis K Warren, had written there a neat little Hem calling'-for the expend! ture of the trilling sum of $75,000 for a nice, new postolllce for Sun danoe. Interested tr«ntly. Senator Lea read further Into tbs bill, and soon discovered that Senator Warren, who Is a millionaire aheep owner, and whom the late Senator Oolllv'' once called "the greatest shepherd since Abraham," had shown a n al- moet fatherly solicitude for Ilttls towns that had no postodlces. The Wyoming senator, he found, pro- ' posed I the expenditure of *87,500 for Newcastle. Wyoming, which the cen sus report gave a populaUon of 975 souls. Also there was an Item of *85,000 for Thermopolls, with population of 1,5** souls. Nearly a quarter of a million dol lars for three Uttie Wyoming vil lages of a combined population of loss than I.*** souls. Furthsr psrusal of the bill dis closed to 8enator Lea that numer ous senators had written In large appropriations for small townpost- offlers. senator 8mooth, the Utah wool manufacturer who cen tell to the fraction of a penhy Just how a high tariff o n wool will "protect American working ,men against the pauper labor of Europe," had an Item of *86.880 for a Utah hamlet I than 806 aouls. Senator who dashes madly Into the with the;Constitution of the StatCa -under hts arm when- proposed to pass tt law to v~.~ workers dn factories, had written In a; modest little reali st t ,r K 'O.OOO for an Idaho town of P.OOO souls. • GO Senator' Lea notified the een- ate -be -would object. Werren end. Snoot argo*4 with him, but be wee obdurate. He told tfcem he did not quo If the custom of getting through cxpenalrt building Mile hed Itccn winked at In the poet. It was time to cell a halt; fca'aetd. and he in tend* to do eo. Glorioue News. Cornea from Dr. J. T Curtiss, Dwight, Kin, He writes:-"! not only hers cured bed cases of seisms la my patients with Electric Bitter* hut also cured myssU. by them of tho same disease.. I feel ears they will benefit any case of ectema.” Thla shows what thousands have proved, that Electric Blttere la a moat effec tive blood purifier. lie an excellent remedy tor ecteme. tetter, skit rheum, ulcer*, holla and runnings sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowel*, expels poisons, helps di gestion, builds op tb# strength. Price 60 cento Satisfaction guaran teed bv Dlmmock Pharmacy. Ingram Drag OP WD, Dunsway. Joe Luc’s Hill Avenwe Cato la nn Ideal .place for ladle* and gentle, men. who want prompt aerrieo and Is making the peqple of Valdosta and surroundings sit up and take notice in a manner never before known Only a Few Days More Remain to Reap the Benefit of Valdosta’s Greatest and Grandest Money=Saving Event Come to this Sale with your expectations raised to the highest pitch and you’ll not be disappointed The irresistable power of valife giving is strongly demonstrated in the following price list. Read every item carefully as each, one means Money-Saving. When you have read come to the store and see with your own eyes that the bargains are here just as advertised. READ ON. . : : : : - . -• - .... ytaL* 5c Handkerchiefs 5c Hair Pins , v^YY;'Y : 5c Pearl Buttons—your choice : ' ■ ■ 5c Safety Pins | U 10c Handkerchiefs M 10c Goods M A 10c Towels—choice v 10c Fancy Articles Tbw Five Thousand yards of Prints, all the New Colors and Patterns. Q f/i Sale Price, yard . " ■ 15c Hose 15c Handkerchiefs ' pi • ___ 15c Dress Goods vJflOlC© ry 15c Towels / r 15c Embroidery M 26c Brushes l5cAp^ oods Choice 1 A _ 25c Lace Embroidery 1 1 If 25c Hats Five Hundred 75c and $1.00 Shirtwaists, the newest styles. • A Sale Price . . . • • tOC • - '• v' . » - v - « * . FINAL BARGAINS IN WOMENS AND $2.00 Dresses go at . . . 95c 3.00 Dresses go at . . . . . - $1.95 4.00 Dresses go at . . . v . r . 2.95 5.00 Dresses go at . . . . V 3.95 ALL THE NEW COLORS AND STYLES OF THE SEASON MISSES READY-TO-WEAR APPAREL . ; . One lot of handsome Easter Dresses including Silk, serge, and fine summer ma- r (j[ J QC terial, values up to $10.00. Sale price . , - . . One lot of Beautiful Dresses including new Spring models of various colors and 7 At r 1 fashions, values up to $15.00 .... . . • One lot ol exclusive Dresses of fine material aud fashionable creations, worth . 1 T up to $35.00. Sale price . . '. .11.4 0 Five hundred Ladies' Overskirts in handsome Linen and Pique, values up to $5.00 Sale Price . ..... 90C FINAL BARGAINS , - ’ 1-c Laces go at . . . Y 3c 25c Embroideries at . . . * 5c 35c Embroideries at . . 10c 50c Kimonas at . . ^ 27c 75c Muslin Gowns at . , f 45c 75c Muslin Skirts at . Y v '-. 45c FINAL BARGAINS 25c Standard Oilcloth . . 10c 30c Extra Good Oilcloth . 15c 25c Children Jumper Suits Y . 10c 20c Ladies’ Vests at . . . 7c 50c Umbrellas at . . . . 39c 75c Umbrellas at . 48c s newest styles, shapes and colors have just been added to the sale stock. Prices $1.95, 2.45, 2.95, 3.45 and 3.95, all worth more than double the figures quoted. In addition to the Bargains men tioned in this advertisement there are hundreds of others at the store which are so wonderful that they must be seen to be appreciated REMEMBER—This Sale offers you a grand opportunity to purchase the finest kind of Spring and Summer Goods for less than the cost of production and you cannot afford to miss such a good chance to save moneys^' Therefore act at once before the ‘ sale ends and reap the benefit of this Value-Giving Event. ™ j. w. Valdosta Georgia m