The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 30, 1912, Image 4

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SATURDAY, MARCH 80, 10J2, and Central Avenne If it is Machinery you want, we have it. Write us for catalogue, prices and terms. MALSBY COMPANY ;41 Sonfli Forsyth St, ATLANTA, GA. VALDOSTA SEMI WEEKLY TIMES a C. BRANTLEY, Editor. E. L. TURNER, BnslMM Manager. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 81 A YEAR Entered at the PoatoOIca at Valdosta, Ga., aa Second Claaa Mall Matter. The lateat Republican Joke I, that Slam wanta a republic. Nobodjr haa hurt Secretary Knox TCt, hut ha baa had more hair breadth eacapra than Roosevelt had In Afrlc*. Weet Virginia Republicans wilt Iboet In Huntington May 10 to name llx delegatee-at-large to the nation, at convention. The legislatures of nine states have enacted laws providing for tho ' adoption of the presidential prefer, ence primary system. If the South Pole has been found let the man who found It ship It on by freight. We are too busy for a South Pole fuse, too. ' Having satlcfnctorlly settled Hie presidential choice, Mlaaourl Demo- crate are now turning their attention to the content for tho govornorsh'p "Two Boston hoys have patented a device to prevent eavesdropping over a party telephone line.” Which Is another Infringement upon worn, an’s rights. "Of course, Ualtlmore Is going to pick something good out of the na tional Democratic convention.” says a headliner. Of course, something very good, a winner. Indiana, which long was regarded as one of the pivotal states, Is a‘. tractlng leas attention than usual In the contests of the two parties for presidential nominations. Savannah ought to submit her Sunday closing ■ troubles to tha Hague Tribunal. Her problem la equal to tha Waycrosa cow, which refuses to die or bo downed. The Columbus Enquirer-Sun aaya 'that Roosevelt la aa much a Georgian aa Govornor Wilson la. It asks If tha Colonel’s mother was not Georgia woman. Let’s forget It. Chairman I-ovett c( the Union Pa. elflo -Railroad gays that "there la a general feeling of rioaperlty In the »tr.” Most of us, however, would ra’.har II was e( tho earth earthy. The Marquette Club, for more than a quarter of a century a strong fac tor In Republican politics In Chica go. has closed Pa doors and has been merged with the Hamilton Club. Dtapatrhe, from Tampa, Fla., say that It la only Underwood and Wilson down that way and that the primary will be held on April SO, After that time It will be only Un derwood. Gen. Renjamln P. Tracy, who was secretary of tho navy In President Harrison’s cabinet, haa been ap pointed chairman of the advisory committee of the Eastern branch of the National Taft Bureau. ' Illinois leads all the 8tates liberality In payments of Its govei- nora, overtopping even New York. It pays $11,000 a year, while New York, Ohio, California, Pennsylvania and New Jersey pay $10,000 each. South Carolina, which casta $,$$$ votes for a Republican President In 190$, will have 18 delegates to the Republican national convention, while Connecticut, which tut 11$,815 vote* at the mam e time, will bare but 14 delegatee. It li claimed that the evidence against the meat packers was too otrong. Them was so much of It that the Jurors doubted It The beef packers were so guilty that tho Jurors Just naturally couldn't be lieve it "The performance of Congress* i man Atkin shows very clearly that the Congressional Record Is bauiy In need of an editor.’* tbtnka tba New York Evening Sun. Why ahonll tha 8u n cut out all,the tun and foolishness In the Record? I n New York and Indiana Presl- Tatt ran awty with the Colonel, Colorado, Tart gets tha del- If this thing keeps up raring* of Aha Colonel and uartera ar e going to havo effect oa things abont and Washington City. dent A. Comer Pa A Men’s Style Show Clothes from the finest tailoring institutions in the world Styles of greater attractiveness than any previous season has shown Fabrics of shade and pattern more beautiful than can be described ADLER-ROCHESTER CLOTHES For Young Men & Boys We carry the SAM PECK LINE QF CLOTHING In addition to the Adler Line we still cariy the old reliable SCHIOSS BROS. & CO. Clothing which we have handled for twenty years, Every man who has pver worn these clothes knows what they are. which is thoroughly dependable, well-tailored and absolutely correct as to styles. Our stock is complete this spring with the most beautiful styles and fabrics we have ever had and our prices are low. We carry the famous FRENCH, SRRIRER 8 URNER line of fine SHOES FOR MEN embracing all of the late styles (or spring and summer. We want you to see these. There are none better. . We call your special attention to twr line of Gotham Shirts Our trade on these has been immense this season, and new shipments have just come in. We can show you some beautiful patterns and remarkable values. tterson Street THE SOUTH'S OPPORTUNITY Ever since the close of tho Civil ir tho Democrats of the South have had no recognition except for their votes. Southern Democrat* have hardly ever be?n thought of In connection with the office of presi dent, or even vice president. Tho Democrats from the South have gone lo the national conventions, shouts* d themselves hoarse at some Nortn- orn candidate and then roturned home and every Southern state, al most, has voted the straight ticket. Several times the Southern states about the only ones that re mained faithful to the party. When W. J. Rryan was nominated tho lust time, he got little besides what tho South nave him- :t la generally admitted that the South is going to remain solid Democratic no matter who la nomi nated, aa the South has a problem at Lome which forces the Southern people to remain together. it Is a good sign, however, to see that Southern Democrats are becoming restless under the old or der of thing* and It la a better sign to observe that some of the leading Influences In the North are looking to the South for a conserva tive, safe leader during the present jear, when old populist heresies havo been dug up and are being used again to entrap the voters. For th eflrst time In many years, a Southern leader In congress baa become a national character, so recognized by such authorities as the Review of Review#, the New York Times and many of the other leading papers of the nation. All of thoso papers are paying tributes to iho leadership of Congressman Un derwood, -of Alabama, and they do rot hesitate to say that Underwood '.n the safest man who Is being men- Honed for th 0 ofllc© of president on the Democratic ticket. The South has the opportunity this year of nominating the Demo cratic candidate, and of presenting a man who will have a tremendous following In nil sections of the coun try. He will come as near being elected as any other man who can be named. We believe that he will make a better showing than Bryan has made l n either of his races or than Judge Parker made seven years ago. The quicker the South rallies to one of its own men the aooner will the South receive the recognition that is due her in other sections. Her nabit of subservience ,to the other sections l n national affairs, while she la putting up the majorities, does not win her the inspect which sht ought to have. The Times believes that Congressman Underwood Is .go ing to have a tremendous following at the Baltimore convention. He may not be nominated, and If nomi nated he may not be elected, but Georgia Is going to stand by him. The Democrats of the nation are going to know that the South haa a favorite son to offer and -th^voters of the nation, if he Is elected, are going to know what manner of man the 8outh has put up for the highest office ir. the people’s gift. Measured by every standard, ^ Oscar Under wood Is the strongest character who is mentioned this year* In either ot the political partlea.' Take MENDENHALL’S Chill and Fever Tonic, as a general tonic for tired feeling and malaria. . TAX RECEIVER’S NOTICE. I will lie at the following glace* on date* glve n below for the pur- poee of receiving tax return, for the year 1912: Naylor—April 2, 10, 22. Cat Crook—(April 8, 11, 22. 'Hahlra—April 4, 12, 24. Club House—April 15, 25. Oualey—April 6, 16,'26. Lake Park—April 8 17, 29. Clyattevllle—April 9. 18, 80. Daaher—April 19 and May 2. Dareey's School Houee—April 1 and May 3. Blanton—May 6, 10. C. 8. BACON, d tueB. ew 2?n. Tax RecMvei We sell the following wen-known good*: American, Gciser “Peerless," and Smillt. Myers & Schnler Saw ‘ “Peerless," ’and Houston, We can fnralsb you Iho best Machinery on the market ‘.nd at the same time save you money. >We have no branch bouse. STOVER GASOCINE ENGINES Tbs timpltit angina on tha markat-tiM lata vmrint*parti than •ny othar, and maintmanm eoit la laaa. Ont rod oparataa Ignltar, ax* banat and gasoline pomp. Extremely economical in tha conaumptlon of gaaollna. An experienced engineer not necessary — anybody can run it. Can be a tar ted or • topped inatantly, and ean be easily tram* ported. Will positively develop every ounce of horse power claimed— and mere. If yon want tha best far laaa awaay, get STOVER’S GOOD ENGINE-1 to f0 Steam Engines, Boilers and Saw Mills fsflsti Cisili|, Sswlag, Shisflc sad Prapisg sstflts • specialty Mallary Machinery Co. C * 14* Ohewjf IW*, MACON, 44. Specials for Easter tL Empire Store Specials $1.25 value Counterpanes Q8c 1.50 value Men's Pants 98c 1.25 value Men’s Hats 98c 1.25 value Ladies’ Skirts 98c 50c val. plates, cups, saucers 39c 9x12 Art Squares $2.98 Specials 65c vslue Table Linen 48c $1.50 value Counterpanes $1.25 10c to 12 I 2c value Per- ‘ calc and Ginghams 9c $2.60 value Slippers $1.98 35c value Table Linen 25c 10c to 12 l-2c value Em broidery 7 l-2c 39c $1.25 to 1.50 value Ladies' Waists ' 98c 75c vaL Ladies' Waists 39c 35c value White Goods 25c I Oqt milk buckets 10c 5c and 10c value Lace 2 l-2c Specials $1.00 value Men’s Shirts 75c 65c value Men’s Shirts 48c 10 to 12 I-2c value White Goods 8 l-2c 20c value Embroidery 10c 12 qt. galvanized water pail 20c 40 in. White Lawn 10c Specials $3.00 value Slippers 10 yards CaLco R. & G. Corsets L. & B. 75c Corsets Machine Oil $2.69 48c $1.00 50c * 3c $1.25 vaL Gowns and Skirts 98c These and many other Special Values in Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes, Clothing, Etc., await you at our store. Call and be convinced. THE EMPIRE STORE 135 N. Ashley St 2nd door to 10c Store