The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 30, 1912, Image 5

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the VALDOSTA Tom VALDOSTA, OA, SAT' V HflDAY, BURCH 80, to 12. PACK VIVWL This is the Coffee Andrew Jackson Liked so Well ANDUKW JACKSON After his brilliant victory at Chalmette in. 1815, Andrew Jackson led his troops past the old French Market in New Orleans and treated the officers •"•l men to fresh, hot Frejtch Market Coffee. And in 1843, Henry Clay—at . conclusion of his eloquent speech at the great banquet, in his honor—slipped away, with his friends, to the old French Market for a cup of the same famous beverage. Then you could get I nowhere in America except at the old French Market in New Orleans, i But NOW you all may serve it—daily—on your own tables. For the old French Market blend is perpetuated by The Same Unique Hygienic Roasting Process and we deliver genuine French Market Coffee everywhere in hermetically sealed cans. It reaches you fresh from the mill with all its enticing aroma and delicious flavor. "Ther'e is only one real old French Market flavor”—only one coffee with a history. Get it from ^our grocer. But be sure, it is the genuine French Market Cot- tee—packed only at the French Market Mills (New Orleans Coffee Company, Ltd., Proprietors) New Orleans. Louisiana ^ REGISTRATION OF VOTERS IS HOT JO HEAVY Many of the Voters are Yet to get on List A GREAT MANY TAX FI PAS HAVE BEEN ISSUED BECAUSE TAXES HAVE NOT BEEN PAID FOR THE PAST YEAR. The registration hooka of Lowndes county will close next Tuesday and *11 voter* who are not registered by that time will he deprived of the op portunity of voting In the state and euonty election* this year. They will he just as thoroughly disfran chised aa any negro In Georgia who foils under the ban of the "grand- f a they clause." It Is said that a great many vot ers in Lowndes county have not paid their taxes and fl. fas. have been is sued against them. .A good many of these voters are men of means ■who could pay the taxes required without trouble, but they have eith er neglected to do so or they prefer to take all the time they can possi bly get In meeting their obligations ns good citizens., The reports Indicate that the reg istration list Is not as large as It ought to be by a good deal, as voters have been very slow in registering. Indifference and carelessness seem to be the principal reasons for this condition. Tax Collector Geiger has lists at all of the precincts In the county In the hands of different men, In order to enable voters to register If they want to, and the reports show that some voters are taking advantage of the opportunity offered them, though n»any others are not doing so. The registration Hat for the stats and county election will close on next Tuesday, but the hooka 'will re main open for. the presidential elec^ t‘on for about a month longer. Every voter In Lowndes county ought to get his name on the regts* tratlon list and they ought to vote on election, day. Lowndes county has two representatives in the leg islature, bnt there «• a chance that she will hot/keep them unless tne voters are more particular In keep ing on the list and in voting. LIVELY RUNAWAY SCRAPE. Mr. James Hunt's flora® Ran Away Yesterday, But Did No Damage. The big horse which Mr. James Hunt, proprietor of Hunt's Poultry Farm, drive* to the cl*y every day to deliver eggs to his customers here, figured In a lively runaway scrape on Troupe street yestedrny afternoon. Mr; Hunt has just brought In 75 dozen eggs and delivered them to ills various customers herf and was on his way back* horn® ^hen the horse became frightenedsome thing in the road. The horse Jump ed so quick that , the buggy was nearly turned over and Mr.. Hunt was thrown out, landing on his shoulder. The the horse broke to run and went'like a greased streak of light ning down Troupe street.' A little boy with a small wagon was front of the animal and the buggy was jerked over the boy's wagon, hardly touching It. The runaway horee went on to jbe poultry yard and was standing at the gate when Mr. Hunt came up idler. An examination showed that the buggy wa* not Injured In the least, tho harness was all right and there was nothing to indicate that tno horse had been running away, though those who eaw the animnl flying down the street could testify *.o the fact that the runaway wa3 a very lively one. EUGENE GRACE LIVED AWHILE MEN-DEN-HALL’S CHILL TONIC Best for Malaria, Chills and Fever. Guaranteed. Was Purchasing Agent for Telephone Company HE WAS A SCHOOL MATE SEVERAL YOUNG VALDOSTA ROYS AND WAS QUITE POPU LAR IN THIS CITY, It I* not generally known, but It I. ■ fact none th. leu, that Eugene Grace, who la having ao much atten tion paid to him In the dally paper, these daye, was formerly a resident of Valdosta. He lived here five or six month, four or five ycara ago and wau the purchasing agent for the Southern Bell Telephone Company In this city. He was a college mate of n* V- cral Valdosta boya and belonged to the eame fraternity with them, He was a particular friend of soveral young men here, and they have been hearing from him regularly ever elnce their school days. Ho wrote to several of them about his mar riage In Philadelphia and he sent ‘hem postal cards while on hi* wed ding trip. Ho Is known to quite a number of A KART TO HEART TALK Today we want to talk to you especially. We want to tell you right out from the shoulder that if you don’t buy your Spring Suit, Hat, Shirts, Neckwear, Under wear and Sox here you are making a great mistake. We know our stock is UNEXCELLED, pur values une qualled, our prices lowest, consistent with highest quality. We know this—we want you to realize it, too. - We ask you to come tomorrow to investigate. If you don’t take advantage of this opportunity you are simply / loosing money. Guaranteed to Give Best Service and Greatest Satisfaction SMART PATTERNS CHOICEST FABRICS Smart, bright, but very neat patterns hold sway this spring You simply cannot resist these Goblin and Gold mixed Blues, Blue Grays, Purplhs, Lavenders, Brown and -Gray- mixed fabrics. Basket or Cellie Weaves, Lot of imported fabrics. Edinborough Tweeds, jrish Crashes and domestic fabrics. Hockamans Mystics and Globe Worsteds, plain Blue Serges. Brothers & Co. “The House of Quality” very pleasant associations which he had In school. Ho waa In Tech College with Mr. Howell Wtlklnaon and several other young men from thl, city, and was i ji k , ? -ameer u. „ member of th , mme fMt , rnlty young .die. here, and when ho «vod ., th c R ^ „ Thompson in thl. city hq was quite popular , nd otheM . with the young people, due to the' Later oa be came to Vallosta to live and remained here for live or six months. All the time that he was here he waa an associate of tho young men here, and attonded the dances and other partlea that were given. He also visited many of the homes here, and In view of the tael that he lived here for such a long t'mo and wa* ao woll known to many of the young people, his case hue attracted more tha u ordinary atten tion In this city. tVhon Grace was In Valdosta he was regarded as a very steady, so ber and reliable young man. CiaCHESTER’SPILIJS IMIUH i»n i» A i i ha W pTiX£*£*io; 3 yunknownlint,bgfcit.AlvgjrpRgODM* S010 BY ORUGGIS) S EVERYWHERE Advertise In Th. Dally Tlmei. By using the Campbell *'arnlsh Stain Graining proceaa you can pro duce a fine effect oker any old dis colored floor. Tint apply the ground color, then the Surfacer, go ing over It with th. Graining Roller; finish with Campbell’s Varnish 8taln, Light Oak or any desired shade. It wears like Iron. Ask L. M. BtanflU shoot It. EA S T E R — The Exception Proves the Rule EASTER means SPRING! SPRING means LpW SHOES! for Everybody! Easter falls early this year—on April 7th. This is the Exception! Every body wants LOW SHOES FOR EASTER! This is the Rule! We have the shoes that will match your new Easter Dress or suit, as the case may be. Everything in this world of ours is measured by some Standard. Your Eas ter Shoes should be measured by the; Standard set, by Winn-Jones Co. This Rule will avoid disappointment. Why? Because we are showing all the newest things in footwear, ana the kind that will please you, in style, comfort, service and things in tootwear, and the kind that will please you, in style, comfort, service price. Make it a point come and see for yourself. It’s a pleasure to show shoes whether you buy or not. our Alt the new fabric* and leathers, in Pumps, Button Oxford* and Blue Oxford*, in Tan Gun Metal, New Buck, Vici, Whites, etc., for the entire family. White and Tan are more popular, but Patents are very good this season. Next to 5 Story Building WINN=JONES COMPANY ‘Thfc Shoe Specialists