The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 30, 1912, Image 6

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r - i«V Wm? -■ - : ^fff - THE VALDOSTA TIMES, VALDOSTA, OA* SATURDAY, MARCH 80, 101a. ARE PAID TO MartinlLittleton Sums up in Three Words “THE POISE OF M’KINLEV, THE STUBBORN COURAGE OF CLEVELAND, EXPERIENCE OF BLAINE,” ARE H18 TRAITS. Anapolli, Mi, March 27. "Qualification of Congressman Oscar W. Underwood, of Alabama, for pres ident of the United States,” wars set forth In an address by Congressman Martin W. Littleton, of New York, l n a n addreas at a dinner given *>2 the democratic members of the Maryland legislature here tonight at which Mr. Underwood was the guest of honor. ln answering hla question as to what sort of a man should bo called to fill the ofilco of president, Mr. Littleton said: "He can well have the optse and balance of McKinley: the stubborn courage of Cleveland; the public ex perience of Blaine, the quiet eng ns- terrified courage of a real American "He may come from the north or south, east or west and neither shall accuse the other on that account The country has passed beyond the little prejudice of yeeterday end Ilea today In the spirit of a great republic. "In all of these respects, measur ing up to the detail of these partic ulars, fitting and filling all of these requirements Is the simple, well- balanced' patriotic young American from Alabamy, Oscar W. Under wood. 1 Congresaman William Schley How. ard.'of Georgia, one of the speakers, said "Georgia does not claim the right to nominate a democratic candidate lor pmiamt Unit w. rtgiunt, tbif or to second his nomination. They aay that a southerner can't he elect ed. Why notT Not after fifty years of waiting and service and fidelity to the democratic party? Not after holding that party together In dark years when men were wandering to the worship of itrango political gods? 'The empire state of the south holds out her arms to Maryland and aska that this great state clasp hands with her o n the nomination for president a man who shall lead us to victory—Oscar W. Underwood. Mr. Underwood dined with Dover- nor Goldaborough and later went to the state eapltol, where he met the members of the atato arnath and house of delegates. Later ho held a reception In the old senate cham ber where Washington resigned ht» command as commander-ln-chlef of the continental army. The legislature adjourned In time for dinner which waa given In Mr. Underwood's honor In Carral Hall Mr. Underwood spoke upon demo cratic principles. He did not refer directly to his candidacy, bnt gave an Interview to a local newspaper outlining hla platform. Senator Bankhead, of Alabama, Mr. Underwood's campaign mana ger. and a congressional delegation cam- with him from Washington- Nineteen Miles a Second. Without a Jar, shock or disturbance, Is the awful speed of our earth through apace. We wonder at such .ease of nstnre's movement, and eo do those Who take Dr. King's New Life Pills. No griping,, do distress, juat thorough work that brings good health and fins feelings, lie at Ingram Drug Co. Prince Edward bland Legislature. Charlottetown, P. E. I„ March IT. —The Prince Edward bland legtola- ture assembled today and waa open- ft with the customary ceremonies. The session It the flint to he held Under the new Conservative premier. Hon. J. A. Matheeon Big School Building Hunts. Buffalo. March IT.—The Hasten Park High School wae burned today with a Ion of $100,000. Tha prin cipal, Prof. Poadyke, waa Injured. Turpentine Market Today. Savannah, March IT.—Turpentine b 41 1-4 cents today. Roal t la UH to 17.70. GUNS DRAWN J CITY COURT UP £ MACON The Dashers and Napiers had a Lively Mix-up TROUBLE STARTED BETWEEN LAWYER AND A DEFENDANT IN A SUIT DURING THE HEAR- 1XH OF THE CASE. , Macon, Gn., March 27.—A serious shooting affray was narrowly averted : n the City Court here thla morning whe 0 Attorney Arthur • L. Dasher pulled a pistol while the trial of a cose waa on and attempted to ehoot Joseph M. Napier, a prominent grain dealer hers. Prompt action on the part of George R. Napier, a well- known automobile salesman, saved hla brother's life, aa he jumped across a table onto Attorney Dash er and prevented him from ualng hla gun. Attorney Dasher was aulng Jo seph Napier for alleged unpaid at- torneva’ feea. The case waa about to be sent to the Jury by Judge Robert Hodc s when Attorney Dasher made an Insulting remnrk to Jofeph Na pier, at the same time pulling and pointing g pistol. Joseph Napier smashed him with a law book and George Napier fell on him across toe table, grasping the pistol and at the ■ame time heitlng Dasher. Arthur Do-tier, Jr., who Is also an attorney. Jumped on Joseph Napier and began choking him. Court offlo- lale, members of the Jury and spec tators rushed to separate the belli gerents. It took tha combined efforts of six bailiffs to pull Napier off Dasher.Sr. Whe R order was finally restored Judge Hodges fined the Napier broth ers 278 for contempt of coart and the Peahen 8100 each. Napier sari Side When shown positive and reliable proof that a certain remedy had cured many cases of .female ills, wouldn’t any sensible woman conclude that the same remedy would also benefit her if suffering with the same trouble? Here are five letters from southern women which prove the efficiency of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. LETTER FROM VIRGINIA. Elliston, Va.—*'I feel it my duty to express my thank* to yon and your great medicine. I waa a sufferer from female trouble* and hail been con fined in bed over one third of my time for ten month*. I could not do my housework and had fainting spells so that my husband could not leave mo alone for five minutes at a time. “ Now I owe my health to Lydia 6. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and Blood Purifier. Whenever I see a suffering woman I want to tell her what these medicines have done for me and X will always speak a good word for them.”— Mrs. Bodebt Blankexbuii’, Ellioton, Montgomery Co., Va. LETTER FROM LOUISIANA New Orleans. La.—“I waa passing through the Change of Life and he re I took Lydia E. I'lnkhamw Vegetable Compound I was troubled with hot flashes, weak and dizzy feelings, backache and Irregularities. I would get up in the morning feeling tired out and not fit twdo » “Sine he will take out a warrant agalnat Dasher charging assault with Intsnt to murder. This Is the first tlmetn history of Bibb county where such a sensational seen,, has occurred In the court room. Attorney Dsahor Is also an alderman of the city of Ma con and his son, Arthur Dmeher, Jr., Is a candidate for the Legislature. First La Grippe, Hien Bronchitis. That was the case with Mrs. W.B. Bailey, McCreary. Ky. "My wifa waa taken down with a severe attack of In grippe, which run Into bron chitis. She coughed >1 though she had consumption and could not sleep at night The first bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound gave her eo much relief that the continued using It until ehe was permanently cured." DEATH OF MBS. R. 8. WILEY, A Well-known Woman Died nt an Early Hoar at the Hospital. Mrs. E. 8. Wiley, formerly of Ti tusville, Fla., hut who has been lie leg In thla city for about two years at the home of her brother, Mr. Dave Thomas, died at an sorly hour thla morning at tha Bellevlew Hos pital, where she had been for tha peat threa weeks. She had boon In very had health for the past two or three years and went to the hospital three or four weeks ago, hoping that the treat ment there would prolong her lift, though tha phyalelana realised that her condition woo ouch that death wae only a question of a short while. Mrs. Wiley and her husband lived in this city many yearn ago and bo wae In business here. In 1114 they left for Tltuerllte, FIs., where they resided up to tho time of his death and where they owned considerable property. Including some valuable orange groves. When Mrs. Wiley's health failed her, she came to thla city to tie with her relatives tad wet living with tho family of Mr.'Dave Thomas. Bho was a slater of Mrs. Willie Lang, Mlaa Bailie Thomas, the late W. L. Thomas, and Is also sur vived hr a brother In Thomasrlllo, Mr. Robert Thomas, and one In Vir ginia, Mr. Harry Thomas. She waa welt known to the older residents of Valdosta and waa very highly eeteemed by them. 8he was a woman of strong character, was a good neighbor and possessed unu sual business ability, „ Her remains wilt trio tent to Tltu*- villa, FIs., tonight and will he ac companied by nqme of her relatives |hste. fore I took Lydls ■ ; flashes, week up in the morning feeling tired ont end not fittwdo anything. 1 Since I have been taking yonr Compound and Blood Purifier I feel all right. Your medicines are worth their weight In gold." — Mrs. Gastojt Bunroxao, 1S41 Polymnla St., New Orleans, La. LETTER FROM FLORIDA. Waiichula, FIs.—" Some time ago I wrote to yon giving yon my symp toms, headache, backache, bearing-down, and disoomfort in walking, caused by female troubles. " I got two bottles of Lydia E pinkham'a Vegetable Compound snd a package of Sanative Wash and that waa all I need to make me a well woman. "I am satisfied that If I had done like a good'many women, and had not taken your remedies, I would have been a great sjiffercr. But I started ln time with the right medicine and got well It did not cost very much cither. I feel that yon are a friend to all women snd J would rather use your remedies than have a doctor.”—Mrs. Mum Hodsot, Box too, Wau- chuls, Florida. LETTER FROM WEST VIRGINIA. Mnrtlnsburg, W. Va—“ I am glad to ssy that Lydls E. Plnkham-s Vege table Compound has dons wonders for my mother, daughter snd myself. “ I have told dozens of people sbont It and my daughter says that when ahe hears a girl complaining with cramps, she tells her to take your Com pound.”— Mrs. Man A. Hocxihbiobt, 712 N. 3rd St,,Msrtlnsburg, W. Va ANOTHER LETTER FROM VIRGINIA. Newport NewaVa—"About five years ago I was troubled with such pains and bloating every month that I would have to go to bed. "A friend told me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I soon found relief. The medicine strengthened me In every way and my doctor approved of my taking It. ' "I will be glad If my testimony will help some one wfowls suffering from femalo weakness.”— Mrs. W. J. IlLAYToar, 1029 Hampkfin Ava, Newport News, Va Why don’t you try thls reliable remedy? Sfl H • .• TO IM HOOMM PI, HIS COLORS WITH HIM The Republican State Con vention Tomorrow Promises to Bring a Hard Fight Atlanta, Ga., March 20.—Dr. Leo 0. Broughton, who leaves tho At lanta Baptist Tabernacle to become pastor of Christ church, London, Is quoted as- saying In his farewell statement: "The 8tar Spangled banner will lie carved on every stone of the mightiest church spire In England. The flag of Georgia will wave In one of the most historic pieces orahip in the British Empire.” Dr. Broughton refund to the fact that nn American flag is actually carved In the new Christ church lower, at London, the largest In England, and that the pulpit of the church which has s large American element l n Its congregation will ha draped with national and state flags. Big Water Bills This Mouth. There is a strong probability that then will he a lot of kicking on the water bills that are tent out on tho first of April, as the meter nsdlngs show that many families, many firms snd different enterprises have used an enormous amount of water, very much more than usual. It Is said that much of thla la duo to leaking mains, or rather defect ive plumbing. Some of It was duo to tho froeto In January, when many pipe# wen broken. Property own ers were esnleee about having the plpea fixed and tho water was wast ed, hat the maters, went On working Just tho oamo. The superintendent of the water works cams upon one ease when a citizen had tampend with his meter, causing It to run backward. The re sult urss that the meter shows that he not only did not uso any water during the quarter, but that tame 8,000 feet of water passed from hie place hack to tho city. This east will prdbably he Investigated. About ono hundred mules and select from at onr stables Prices and terms an right. Mtzell Live Btoek Co.. | a old Oritfith Stables /FALLS F( He was Picked up With Ankle Fractured, but Otherwise he was not Hurt Atlanta, March 20.—Carl Sample, a young man of this city, furnished an excellent sample of how a limp- drunk person ctn escape almost un hurt from s_I»U that would kill a sober one whoso norms wore bneed rigid for the shook. Drunk aa a 'boiled owl. Mr. Sam ple jumped or tumbled out of the fourth story window of tho Cannon hotel and feir In a heap on the rail road track below. Tho hotel clerk who went to look at the mangled is mains, found Sam ple grunting and seratchlng hit uead with on uncertain, wavering hand, also rubbing his ankle, which he said he thought ho had sprained The ankle was slightly fractured Iretead of sprained, but otherwise the man was practically unhurt. HENDRICKS CASE IS DROPPED. Reports Indicate Nashville Lawyer WIU Not Be Prosecuted. Reports whleh reached Valdosta yesterday Indicate that Lawyer Hendricks, of Nashville, will not be promoted on the Indictment whleh woe gotten out by tho grand Jury last week, because the prose cutor In the ease has left Nashville, snd the impression seems to prevail that the has dropped tho ease. i ws« stated here yeeterday that 8herlff Avera had b**n armed with papers for her detention for the pur pose <>7 getting her teetlmony tn the cate, but tha ahertlt wot unable to locate her, and It Is ssld that her lawyer, Cot Jeeae Walters, of At- bany, atsted.that he had washed hit hands of the fcsoe. It was stated that Cot Walters had ssld that he had found ont some things which caused him to drop the case, the In timation being that there was not sufficient grenade to carry on the prosecution. The friends of Col. Hendricks think that this tarn tn the cam to a complete vindication of him u1 they are, of bourse, glad that It hae token that torn, though tho cue promised to bo a very sensational one. THREE LITTLE KIDS KILLED A ' “BOTTLE BUZE” Youngsters got Hold of Blind Tiger Liquor THEY WERE BEHIND A TREE IN THE PARK PLAYING “REAL GROWN MEN" WHEN THEY WERE TAKEN IN CHARGE, Atanta, March 27.—A ebubbv, rod-cheeked 7-year-old young hope ful. bare-legged and bright blue eyed, was the principal prisoner at the bar In the recorder's court this morning. The bar was so much higher than bin bead that he had to get a toe-hold and clamber up one of the posts before the Judge could tee him. He was arraigned with three com panions, all bright-looking young sters of thoroughly respectable fam ily, all charged, please goodness, with haring i n their possession a big bottle of blind tiger-liquor. The four kiddles were "named Charles Morgan, Percy Baxley,'Roy Nichols and Arthur Barnard. Ac cording to the evidence, Arthur Barnard, 9 years old, hod sent a manly snd mysterious note, l n pub lic school, to his three companicna,' scrawled on a sheet of paper In pencil-printed letters, announcing that he had a “bottei of Buze,” and that If the kids would all assemble In the psrk after school they would kill It” together. The teachers got wise, and the case was reported. Subsequently a charge was made against Joe Bur kett, a grown man, charging that had let the children have the whisky. At the same time the charge against the boys was with drawn, and they were held as wit- ases. But It developed at the trial that Burkett was the step-father of one of the boys, and that the kids bad either mlschtOToulay stolen the whisky from hlrp. or had taken It ■Without knowing that they wen doing wrong. At any rate, It was proven that nobody but the young sters were to blame, ind Burkett was released with apologias. Questioned by the recorder, Charlie Morgan, tiniest of the tots, ssld he had tested the whisky, but that It burnt his mouth and that none of them had drunk any. He said that none of them had ever taated whisky before in their lives, and only got it because they want- to play at being "real grown men,” The recorder kindly explained to them that It Is possible to be a full grown man wtthont drinking blind tiger whisky behind a tree la the park, and urged them If they really wanted to be manly, to take a tem perance pledge and then Jala the boy scouts. Negroca Were Arrested, Oz e i Cannon and Cleo Lovern, ne groes, were arrested this morning by Chief williams and lodged ln Jail to await o n a charge of having raised an order on the Matthews Trading company. The order was given by the Georgia Northern railroad com pany. Last night the negroes went to tbs Matthews store snd purchased goods to the amount of $10.40, pre senting an order for that amount In payment. The thing looked suspi cious and an investigation showed the check had been raised. It was orlglslly $1.50. The goods were rt-j covered when the negroes were ar rested. The men were caught In n box car near the Osorgla Northern station.—Moultrie Observer. Why Pay Express on Water J. C. COOPER Box 1112 JACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA 1 VELVET BEANS Com Watermelon Seed Fresh Garden Seed W. D. Dunaway Phone 51 DENTISTRY AT ONE-HALF PRICE Come to the best equipped office in the South, 5 where you will get the best work with the least pain. Dr. L. C. Holtzendorff, Formerly United States Army Dental Surgeon. VALDOSTA, GEORGIA ■ I' ■ ■ .. , ’, J Dasher&Vamedoe PHONE 334, VALDOSTA, GA. Doors, - Windows, Moulding of all kind. Shingles, Brick, Lime. Carey’s Roofing, in all grades. Rough and Dressed Framing, Flooring, Ceiling, Siding and Finish. A complete stock always on hand: Out-of-town orders given special attention, frompi delivery our motto. Get our prices before buying, Dasher & Varnedoe Valdosta, Ga. Phone 334. Positions Secured SOUTHERN SHORTHAND • AND BUSINESS UNIVERSITY 10 H Weo» Mitchell Street, Atlanta, G. t'k taking a couraa In Bookkeeping, Shorthand, witt ing, Banking, Paimanahlp, etc., at thla long-eatabllaued and rep utable Bualneaa Training School. OVER 18,000 STUDENTS'IN POSITIONS. Parchaaen at Moor's Buatneaa College, which waa founded 48 years agot Under Its praaeit management 21- years. Banking Department equipped with Adding Machines, etc. Large Typewriting Department Experienced end capable faculty. Be* systems ln exMaaee taught. The famous Graham- Pttmame Shorthand, tha ayrt.m whleh i* adopted tor export work. Th# 20th Ceatury hookkeeping which makee expert ao- eon atanta. EVIDENCE OF MERIT The patronage of th* school la more than de*6la that of any other Bualneaa Collage la this section, which la a mt* alg- nlfleant fact. Enter at Once. Write To-day for Catalog Address A. C. BRISCOE, Pres. Or L. W. ARNOLD, Vice-Prex. Atlanta, Ga. • Pro! Thos. L. Bryan, well-known Educator, ii with the Southern