The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, March 30, 1912, Image 8

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nm sight. »B» VALDOSTA TIMKA, VALDOSTA. OA, SATURDAY HABCB 80, 1018, »*»«**«»«»*»M♦ | ♦ ♦ • TEMPERANCE DEPARTMENT ♦ 0 Edited bp Valdoita W. C. T. U. ♦ ♦ ♦ *************** Wlmt Prohibition will do When the Low la Enforced. The following statement la from the coahier of the largeat bank In Konoaa City: “Answering your Inquiry with ref-^ . erence to my opinion about the con dition of Kansas City, Kan., before and nine© th e closing of the ‘Joints’. twenty-one months ago, I am glad to atete that it has been the best | twenty-one months In the history of ft. city during the seventeen years that 1 have lived and been engaged Jn the banking business here. ’‘It has been a twenty-one months during which bank deposits have about doubled; twenty-one months of the largest activity In building ever know n In the history of the city, twenty-one months In which it has been *J mo *t impossible to find a va- c storeroonl business* streets In which to locate a business; twenty-one months of the largest growth In population that the city J l as ever been able to record folj I the game length of time; twer^y^one j months of the least c^ime; twenty-- one months of largest progress made ' 4rt building of uchool bulld- and in Increase of school facil ities; twenty-one months of the great est satisfaction among our retail business men; above all, twenty-one months of the purest city govern ment of the best moral ntmoephere this city haa ever enjoyed; a twenty- one months during which men who were committed to resubmiulon and who were violent anll-prohlbltlon- Ibts have been whollly converted to tne atrict enforcement of the prohl- oltory law and who will uae all their Influence and a reasonable amount of their time and money to keep the city clean end free from the Influence of the brewers and dis tillers as It Is free now. “It has been estimated by those who are competent to Judge that the enforcement of the law, as it haa been enforced herer fpr the last twen- , ty-one months Is a net saving of 11,000,000 W yea# to the cltlsWBT this city.” As In Kansas City, so It will be In Atlanta, and every other city where th e prohibition law Is enforced. Even with the locker, clubs and near-beer saloons wide open there Is much loss crime And much more legiti mate business'than there was with legalised saloons running In the city. Tho Tlppln’a bill will be pass ed when tho Georgia Legislature meets in June, and the law wlU be enforced. If not, then the people will take th e matter In hand in the elections for Governor, Judges and members of the Ceneral Assembly, The liquor crowd in Georgia need not tr.lnk that tho prohibitionists will no hand In the election for State and county offices In 19IS. Georgia Is a prohibition state and the state is the unit In dealing with the liquor question. When a man an nounces for the legislature and does not know where he stands on the prohibit n n question, the voters may know that he la against prohibition, When a man favors prohibition be knows it. Perfection is the Only Word That properly describes the showing in our new store of Dry Goods, Ladies’ Low Shoes, Suits, Dresses and Millinery It has been our desire for five years to have a store large enough to properly display our line of merchandise. We have that store now, and a line of merchandise in every de partment that excels anything we have heretofore shown. For the next ten days everyone is thinking of their Easter outfit. We, at this time, give you a cordial invitation to visit our new store. We are proud of our Millinery and Ready-to-wear Department It will do credit to a city of 50,000 people. We want you to visit these departments, whether you want to buy or not. > W, M. OLIVER Formerly Oliver & Grimes. P. S.: We feature competent and courtec&o%ftSR*^bple and guarantee satisfaction on every purchase made. - Miwi W, H. Luke and. A. G. Tygnrt. of Nufhvlllc, ap»nt jrMtorday In Valdota. State Agents Headquarters for GEORGIA and FLORIDA US B. Hill are.. Valdosta, Ga. OCc* vilta W. J. DtvU Furniture Co. PRODUCERS OF FINE PORTRAITS Makers of all Styles and Prices of Frames till mike them up at folk*ini price*: Albumen en.ll ” hand tol.f „ „ Crayon Grade B lVul ,*8“ * «ytci ;• $i-oo additional hr extra bet da In Craron |m>o additional lor. extra heads in Ink and Pastel*, cs centeto fa.oo extra (or group*ia albumen according to site. Per those deairtag • lees expensive portrait we will mele Grade A la tixmand sum elsea tho Grade B price and fa cents lets in i Times Want Ads. PHILO SYSTEM—Famous 60-eg, Cycle Hetchor, $6.60; brooder batch* er$8.60; 'flreless brooders, poultry supplies. Philo System books, 60c. Send for free catalogue. Address Dept. B. Cycle Hatchs, Co., ‘ No. 1031 Main ft, Jacksonville, Fla. S II d and w Into scholarship In the Southern Short hand end Business University, or Atlanta. Address Tha Times, Val dosta, Ga. 3-18 sod and sw tt. WANTED—At once, man with crew of eight to leu men to lay tramroad. Apply In person If poa- slbls. Welnkle Lumber Co., Dees. Ga. * 18 d sod w tf COTTON SEED—I have 100 bush- cla of line 8ea Island cotton seed for sale at 31.60 por bushel. I got, this seed direct from the Island lest year and paid $3.64 per bushel for I them end I know they ere the very ; Lest, as my cotton sold for the high-1 eat prices tho day It was sold. I also hnve 260 bushels of black two- f crop pee* for tale at $3.60 per bush-! el. Write or phono W. F. Monroe, 1 Valdosta, Go. 3 30 w4t FOR SALK—One second band Ford Car. Smith Hardware end Motor Co. 3 38 d mAthu, wS tt 3-29-d tuea frl aw- lm tuea frl FREE TO BOYsVnD ORILS—For on e boure work you can set gun metal watch or camera to take litturea Write H, Baker, White- oak, Ga. 3 S3 w 6t WANTED—Three all-round color ed farm hands for general farming, ' at once; $1.25 per day. G. 8. Bax-! ter A Co., Fargo Ga. 3 26 d3t wl FOR BALE—A twelve months’ RICE MACHINE—Wonted, every farmer Interested in rice growing to know that ho can K«t hla rlc© hull ed and cleaned nt uty home place near Blanton. 1 have a genuine Knglcburg huller, and It will be !u citeration at any time on nnd after Saturday, March 23rd. You may plant rice this year with the assuty once that you can hnvo It cleaned. G. I*. Wetherington, Blanton, Gn. INDIAN RUNNER DUCK EGGS— F T ne layers, $1.50 for 13; Rhode Island Reds egga, $1.00 for 15. Th*rs are ngne be*ter. Mrs. W. E. Romm. •NO 1.—North Carolina 8eed Pea nut! BHc per pound; 8pan!sh Seed Peanuts 4 He per pound; velvet beans $4.50 to $5. per bushel; Whippoorwill and Clay peas $2.50 ptr bushel, net cash with order. Strlngfellow 4k Doty Co., Jackson ville, FU. 3 19 d tu 4t w 8 4t FOR SALE—Charleston Wakefield Cabbage Plants, $1.25 per M. Alto new globe and red field beauty To mato Plantg at $1.50 per M. M. E. Stalling!, 303 Shelby St., Orlando, FU. * 2 17 w8t * ; Velvet beans, per bushel, $4.00 Spanish Pinders, per bushel, 1.50 Chufas, per bushel 4.00 Sorghum seed, per peck, 50c INGRAM DRUG CO. Valdosta, Georgia. NOTICE. AH pewona are warned not to trade for a certain note for ona hundred dollara, dated Jan. 18, 1912, payable In 90 days, in favor of J, M. Clemens. signed Mrs. 'J. R. Turner 8 !• *4t Dr. N. A. Williams waa taken desperately 111 at Ocean Pond yes terday and two physicians remainol with him for several hours before he got relief. He waa brought here last night and carried to the hospb tal, where It was stated this morn ing that he was some better. Dr. O. C. Gibson, of Macon, and Mr. Curran EUls came down from there this morning and are spending the day in this city. Dr. Gibson is an enthusiastic Underwood man and {•ays (hat the Underwood aontlment 'u Middle Georgia Is simply Irrests- lt/0. , Eggs, Day Old Chicks- and Ducklings. of quality, from the five greatest breeds known—Ringlet Barred Rocks, Single Comb White Leg horna, White Indian Runner ducks. Buff Orpington ducks and fawn*, and whits Indian Runner ducks; Our chicks and ducklinga are batch ed In a mammoth hot water Incu bator. Two thousand laying hens oh this farm. Write for catalogue and price list tfo. 30. Hunt's Poul try Farm, Valdosta, Ga. 5 or 6 doses ”666" will cure any case of chill and fever. Price 25c.. IT’S EASTER AT OUR STORE All Over Our Store You Can Find Easter Fixings SPRING SUITS, STRAW HATS, LOW CUT SHOES We have never before been in position to supyly your Easter needs as we are this season. You will do yourself an injustice if you do not drop in and look our stock over before buying, and remember it s only a short time now till Easter : ' * * A- Briggs Clothing Co. ONE PRICE TO EVERYBODY