The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, April 06, 1912, Image 3

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'JK,. - I Wm Hr ► cbb vauhjmta fnm valdosta, ga, Saturday, apkix. o, joia. PAGE THKIA ICE AND POWER PLANT SOLD TO The [Consolidated Com pany Brings $300,000. Young Mothe No young woman, In the lor coming motherhood, should neglect to prepare her system tor the physi cal ordeal she Is to undergo. The health ot both herselt and the coming child depends largely upon the care she bestows upon herselt daring the waiting months. Mother’s Friend prepares the expectant mother's sys- tcmfor the coming event, and Its use makes her comfortable during all the tern. It works with and for nature, and by gradually expanding all tie- sues, muscles and tendons, Involved, eww rnwrit* TO nniN'n ANOTH-' lnd keeping the breasts In good con- ,E " DBINa Aiscrin- , d, U on, brings the woman to the Crists Elt 11IG CONCERN WITH THEM i„ splendid physical condition. The AND MORE MONEY TO GO INTO baby, too, Is more apt to be perfect and strong where the mother has thus ENTERPRISE HERE. prepared herself for nature’s supreme function. No better advice could be given a young expectant mother than (Prom Wednesday’s Dally.) that she uso Mother’s Friend; it Is a : . s. ..e.eeed medicine that has proven its value t.It.was officially announced here , n th0U8anda o( Thu morning that the Consolidated cases. Mother's MnTHPD'b lee and Power Company has bean | "J* * sold to th. Municipal Service jjom-, Wrlt0 for free pany ot Philadelphia, H. C. Hartaian, book for expect- president, for $800,000 and the ant mothers which contains much , v .. .on. u valuable Information, and many sug- transfer will be nrnde at soo n aa (etUon| of . helpful nsture . rieNd possible. Mr. George H. Stlckney, repre senting the PhiladelphU. Company, r.pent yesterday In Valdosta and doled up the deal. H e has been here once before and President Geo. Yarn and Col. George I,. Patterson, representing the Valdosta Coneoll- dtted Ice and Power Company, went lo Baltimore and Philadelphia to look after the deal a week or two ago. The trade was practically clos ed at that tlnie or rather It waa got ten In shape to be closed up as soon es some smaller details were arrang- BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO., AtluU, Gs. ed. force employed by the Consolidated I Ic e and Power Company will remain with that company. Mr. Hamilton will continue to be secretary and the other employees will bold their positions. It Is also understood that President George Varn has been of fered a splendid position with the new company and it Is with him to accept or reject it. It Is not known Just yet what he will do. It Means Much to Valdosta. It is understood that the sal. ot the Consolidated Ice and Power Company to the Philadelphia con cern will mean a great deal to this rity, as that concern will take steps to bring another enterprise here with an Investment fully as large aa its own. It will also add nearly as much to the plant here aa has al ready been Invested. Besides these things, It Is an nounced that the owners of tho Con solidated Ice and Power Cotntykny, President George iVarn, Mr, W. B. Conoly, JQr." E. P. Rose and others, as plants In Pennsylvan- invest the money which they .,v * made from their plant In other en terprises here. The sale means an outlay ot nearly $1,000,000 In In dustries In Valdosta, counting, of rourse, those that are to be estab lished here as a result of this sale. The Times Is not at liberty to go ’nlo details about these transactions, but It understands from the best of authority that It will t n the end prove to be one of the biggest deals ever consummated In this section. Mr. Stlckney’s visit to Valdosta yesterday was for the purpose ot ' closing the trade. He left leaf night on the train for bis return home af ter having accomplished his mission. It Is. understood that the company stti go on aa at present for ninety sys at least. In the meantime, the Mladelphla concern proposes to , charge and It Is gpdqritood I be managed by that com- wtitch has bought , South Carolina and oth- polnl > T It Is understood that the company proposes to Improve the service Tiuch as poslblo by putting expert In charge of It. The new com- - will probably aak for an extern alop of lta franchise for about eigh teen or twenty years, though this will be taken up later on. Hr. Stlckney was carried away with Valdosta and with the oppor tunities which this city affords for investments end he etated yesterday that he hellevea that much Northern capital will come here. He wae a lit tle afraid that th e people would not welcome outside Investments, but he was assured that the people of Val- doata want all the Investments they can get by outsiders. It Is understood that ths present DANGER PERIOD OF WOMANS’LIFEl FROM 45 to SO Wp havo sale stables at Mont gomery, Ala., Valdosta and Douglas. Ga., Liv* Oak and Tallahassee, Marinna and Chipley, Fla., ana keeps our buyers busy to mipply all these places. He knows where and whe n to buy, and w© give our cus tomers the benefit of this in prices and quality. Mizell Live Stock Co., in old Griffith Stables. JUDGE THOMAS Mo Delays in the Supe rior Court There MANY CASES WERE DISPOSED OF THE FIRST TWO DAYS, AND OTHERS ARE TO 1IE PUSHED TO A TRIAD. BABY CAMEL AT PARK. •dnterexiing Experience of Two Women—Their Statements Worth Reading. Asheville, N.C. —“I suffered for yean ’ with female trouble while going through - the Change of Ufa. I tried a local phy- slcian for a couple of yean without any substantial benefit. Finally after re- rvated suggestions to try Lydia E. Pink- . ham’s Vegetable Compound, I quit my physician and commenced ruing it with the happiest results. I am today prac tically a well woman and anxious to con- ■ftricute my mite towards inducing others ■ to try your great medicine, os I am fully J persuaded that it wU core the oilmenta I from which I suffered If given s fair P chance. If you think this letter will contrib- medicincs to afflicted women who an passing through thle trying period, it la with gnat pleasure I consent to lta publication.” — Mrs. Julia A. Moore, 17 East St. Asheville, N. C. Tho Case of Mrs. Klrlln. Circlevllle, Ohio.—"I can truthfully nay that I never bad anything do me so much good during Change of Life as Ly dia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. “Before I had taken one half a bottle of it I began to feel better, and I have continued taking it My health Is better Granville Barker, the English producing manager, has entered into Ahan It has been for several yean. If |a contract with the Schuberts Iky tbs Atlanta's Zoo has an Interesting Ad. ditlon Tills Week. Atlanta, Ga„ April 3.—A baby camel wae born yesterday at the Grant Park too, first daughter of Mr. and Mm. Bactrlan Camel, who ere receiving the congratulations of their friends. Both mother and bab* are doing nicely. Baby deer and antelope and mon keys and rabbits have been qnlte the fashion at tho aoo tor tome time past, hut It was feared that the big ger animals were advocates of raca suicide until the baby camel earns. NO BABIES TO SPARE. Mrs. Morris Will Accept Help, but Will not Part with Babes. Atlanta, April 3.—Mrs. Aaron Morris, whoso husband was killed by a drunken negro several days ago, appreciates the kindness of th* pub lic and the subscriptions which have been sent her, bnt there le one Pre ferred kldnees which she absolutely refuses to accept. She will not let anybody adopt any of her babies. She loves them and refuses to glv e them up and declares she had rather work ner fingers le the bone than part with one ot them. •II women would take It they would e»- terms of which he It to come to thle ii.,'h.‘wn.^a.' Mill S*u CtrelevffleTOhio. , , ‘ ,s ' l^r h « *<>> «*«» h «« *» Ce«. The Change of Life Done of the most SSsT 1 ,FmiD7 ‘ -first critical periods of p woman’s existence. 4W& 1, wMl^ alao maker Anterl- ^bf.--$hre* Vther AtauththneswomenmeyrelyuponLydis can productions E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. plays. The Moultrie Observer gives the following account ol the superior court which Is being conducted there by Judge Thomae this week: Monday’* session of Superior court saw the records of the county broken for fast and accurate work. Judge Thomap, who is presiding, took the calender and starting at the top went through It and threw scores of cases out Which had been In court for from eight to ten yeara. Among these were some thirty divorce eases where suite had been entered and where up to thle time neither of the Interested partis had appeared In court. Judge Thomas read the calendar of the court and when neither the plaintiff or defendant answered elth- by person or attorney the case i marked off the -hooka. Hie Honor also kept the attorneys glued to their eeats through the entire day for no one knew what caaes were romtng next and the lawyars had to be on the alert. Th n divorce grind was tho main feature of the first day of the ses sion. There were no lea than seven decrees granted absolutely an d In every one of the cases the plaintiffs were given the privilege of- remarry ing. One djyorco was granted but the plaintiff *#111 only rertite ft v.hen certain Conditions are compiled with, through hla attorney. The charges against the defendants rang ed from common desertion to cruel and barbarous treatment end adul tery. In some of the casese co-respon dents were mentioned. The cases disposed of were aa follows: Ella Mao Tucker waa given a de cree In her case agalnat Henry Tuck- The plaintiff alleged cruel treat, ment. W. H. Mauldin vs. Fannie Mauldin was a esse wherein the plaintiff al leged desertion. The decree wae granted. Olensa Turner charged Gordon Turner with desertion and waa freed. inex Fackler said that S. A. Fack- ler deserted her and waa granted her divorce. Mollle Clark charged that A. B. Clark treated her cruelly and want ed her to live like a gypsy. 8he was given a divorce. C. Calhoun alleged that Hattie L. Calhoun assaulted him with knife and fork and alto charged her with Infidelity. He named tespondennt and was given bis di vorce. Pearl Tillman was given a divorce from J. M. Tillman. In the case of B. W. Purvla against Annie Purvis the plaintiff was given a decreo and It will be handed to him as Boon ae he com. piles with certain conditions -with his attorney. Flosel Williams, colored, wae granted a decree from Elina Bell Williams. The charge In thla case were desertion. The second day opened with the attendance at large as on the first INSURANCE WITH FORGERY. KIDNEY PIUS for backache, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and urinary irregularities, Folev Kidney Pills are tonic in action, quick in results. Refuse substitutes. INGRAM DRUG CO., Valdosta, Ga. INSURANCE COMPANY- LEFT HERE SEVERAL AGO. ta last night i tbero ot F. H. 6 Vnldosta, on a 1 ts probable that She go to Atlanta and back here for trial. 8herret| was .loeal mans*n tlonal Assurance Co„ j of land building. The. business here In P*_ nary last and SherretYc office. He enjoyed confidence of his and went wrong. It la said rota at headquarters ago, but before a full Investigation affairs could be made Shcrreta left town. A warrant was sworn cut for him by a representative who came to Valdosta from the home of fice, and placed In the hands ol Sheriff Gornto. Officers In a num ber of cities were aaked to look cut for the tana iag hit arrest fol | JOHN DEERE STALK CUTTERS '! AND DISK HARROWS CALL IN AND SEE THEM W. H. Brigj js Hardware Co. Valdosta, t Ga. cd In Atlanta yesterday. ha It la understood that h« nad latlvo employed.In the Terminal tlon there and ho was prob: traced through tblg_ielat] ’ It-. ie»tflaluwd *t company here- that ^ the ngnie of (fdienefictavy to a claim a^ Quitman, and -that there la a clear case agalnat bun. Whan the beneficiary did not receive the check promptly which waa issued to hay th e claim, an Investigation waa made and the cancelled check bearing the alleged forged endorsement had gone back to the home office; Other misappropriations and qutt- tlonable ' sets are alleged agalnat Sherretts, according to the Insurance officials. HI* aids of ths cjaatfc~ the nature of his deftas* Is not known here. The amount of tho al leged forgery 1* not large. HOUSEHOLD. CARES HEN-DEN-HALL’S CHILL TONIC Best for Malaria, Chills and Fever. Guaranteed. Many April Fool Drunks. Atlanta, Ga., April 8.—The April Fool's docket In the polios court wae the heaviest here since Christ mas. Scores of men, white and black lived up to the name of the holiday l<y getting hilariously drank. The Round Sleep of Good Hralth. Is not tboae suffering from kidney ailments and irregularities The prompt use of Foley Kidney, Pills will dispel backache and rheu matism, heal and strengthen sore, weak end ailing kidneys, restore nor mal action, and with It health and strength. Mrs. S!. F. Bpalibury, SierUng, III., aaya: ”1 suffered great pain winy -back and kidneys, could •t night, and coaid not M * gf- my hands over my head. Bnt two bottles of Foley Kidney Pllll cured me.” Ingram Drag Co. lax tile Women of Va’di Sumo os Elsewhere,- Hard to attend to houi ‘ ties With a constantly acnlng A woman ihould not have a [hack. ’ And ahe wouldn’t It her kid acre well. Doan’s Kidney Pllla make kidneys. '■£ jjdl valdotta women the following cxi Mra. J. M, Shei eticot, Quitman. ,G: think highly of Doai and gladly confirm the public at: • ■uont I gave In their praise In 19 - My kldnoya were slugglHh and th kidney secretions were unnatui ti. also suffered from dull, nagi aches and pains In my loins always folt tired and languid, bad but little strength or HH and It did not seem as If I oould U relief. Finally I got a aupply of Doan’s Kidney Pllla and they Just as represented, driving my aches and pains and coi | tbs othar symptoms of my trouble. I am now feeling mneb better In ev- [erj way.” ■For sale by all dtalers. Price 10 cents. Foeter-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New Pork, sine agents for tbs Bah (ed States. Remember the name—Doan’. J and taka no other. BRICK, LIME, CEMENT SHINGLES, LATH : : : PHONE 44, Fender Lumber Company 601 West Savannah Ave., VALDOSTA, GEORGIA We carry a lull line of all kinds of buildins lumber. FLOORING, CEILING, SIDING, FINISH, MOULDING. SASH, DOORS, BLINDS Viriety shop work of all kinds—Window and Door Frames and Screens a specialty 1’S NEW TYPE BOAT DESTROYER The Destroyer Henley, the Newest Thing in That Line, is Launched Today Quincy, Maas., April 3.—Ths dc«. troyer Henley, representing a typo ot torpedo boat destroyer new to the American navy, waa auccetafully launched today at the yard of the Force Rlvor Shipbuilding Company. The Henley will be the flrat ot tne destroyer* fitted with both turbine i*t5lprooatlng onglnee. The re ciprocating englnea .will be uae d for cruising at from ten to sixteen knots ■peed. When the vessel !• to be ran at • higher rate of apeed tho reciprocating engines will be cut out tnes operated. Tho con- f the Hup ley la aet at hour, but It ta .will be able to Dasher&Vamedoe “ PHONE 334, VALDOSTA, A. Doors, Windows, Moulding of all kind. Shingles, Brick, Lime. Carey’s Roofing, in all grades. Rough and Dressed Framing, Flooring, Ceiling, Siding and Finish. A complete stock always on hand: Out-of-town order* given apecial attention. fTompt delivery our motto. Get our prices before buying, Dasher & Varnedoe Valdosta, Ga. Phone 334. THE VALUE OF A SPRING. ley la namad to comment- deeda of two brotoora, John Itaiulrldga Henley and Robert Hen- They were nephewe of Martha ’aablngton and both were dlatln- tflktra In the early day* of American navy. John Henley ided the Carolina, ths vaaset to aided Andrew Jackeon at Orleans in breaking the force advace ot the British army. Henley served In the navy Ing the war of 8811 and partlo- diatlngulshed blmaelf at tha kittle of Lake Champlain. Puts End to Bad Habit. Inn never look bright to ono "the blue*.” Ten to one the Ible la a sluggish Uver, filling system with billons poison, that Inga’ New Life Pills would ex- Try them. Let the Joy ot bet- -ellnga end ’’the blnea.” Beat omnrh, liver and kldneya. 26e B. Dlmmock, Ingram Drug Co. Dunaway. Save Pain — Save Money And improve your teeth by calling on Dr. Olliff IlS Dental Work at reduced prices. $15.00 Set Teelh, 10.00. 8.00 Gold Crowns, 5.00 $8.00 Set Teeth, 5.00. 5.00 Gold Crowns, 3.00 Bridge Work, 3,00, 4.00 and 5.00. Painleu Extraction, 50c ALL OTHER WORK IN PROPORTION Dr. Olliff s Dental Office Over Vinson’s Drug Store Supreme Court Give* the Vain* Ordinary Spring at «2A0. Atlanta, Ga., April 3.—Accord! to a ruling of the superior court here todey. a common hillside spring In Georgia, on farm land, I, worth exactly $250. Any ordinary spring, without any special mineral proper- jklae tfee,'Just plain drinking-water, Is ter, ‘ of worth about that much, according to decision In th* case of whleb Mrs. Henry Pott* sued th* Atlanta for destroying n her land. you need a horse or pair of cell us or telegraph at our , P an* nil' try to send you ,on oa!l fo’. MItell Live Co., In old Griffith Stables. MinUtera do not Agree, nta, Ga., April 3.—The mlnla- Atlanta are split over tho Jon of whether or sot eonplet [Intend marrying aeonld ha com- Jlo present certificate* of ■Mrfor# -tb» ceremony Is per il it Is Machlneiy. you want, we have it Write us for catalogue, prices and terms. MALSBY COMPANY U South Forsyth St, ATLANTA, GA. : American, SchnlerSaw ■in all sixes and capacities; Erie City, Gclscr “Peerless,” and Houston, Stanwood & Gamble Engines and Boilers in all sites; Challoner, and Perkins Shingle Machinery; Band Saws, Edgers, Grist Mills, ‘‘Peerless” Threshers, Planers, Steam Feeds, and various otner Machinery, Repairs and Mill Supplies. Wc can furnish you tho best Machinery on toe market juX at the same time save you money. - We have no branch house. : t ‘