The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, April 06, 1912, Image 6

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mm {[TERROR REIGNS ALONG I BANKS OF THE MISSISSIPPI It may be just what yon need, Calomel—More 1 RIVER IS CRUSHING THROUGH THE LEVEES AND SWEEP. 1NO AWAY HOUSES, LIVE STOCK AND LANDS—MANY PEOPLE HAVE BEEN DROWNED, AN D SCORES HAVE BEEN RESCUED FROM TREE-TOPS AND ROOFS OF HOUSES —AN ENGINE PLUNGES THROUGH CREVASSE AND MEMPHIS, TENN., IS BE ING COVERED WITH WATER. . Satisfactory Equally Beneficial A Slnggtsb l*arl Uver To Work \ And,,eep Yon Well. VEGETABLE Insist upon LIVER-RIGHT. 50 Cents Per Bottle. phle, Tenn., April 3.—A third iphls 1* inundated to a depth i one to ten feet of water to- 1 the river la ateadlly rising, nda of people from the dla- ' Helena, Ark,, are fleeing tor For Sale By BARNS' PHARMACY and O. S. BONDURANT'S % DRUG STORE Valdosta, Gn. a.Working desperately at JN lh* protection of the 1 manner of boate have returning loaded mmipncA from tbo roofs >‘ I high grounds. wSrom housee, lire stock eholf! goods, which have t from points above here, i,l dow„ the,rlrer. w pumping nation is and tha water supply may ; Highest Ever Known at Cairo. Cairo, 111., April 3.—Water la the known here and la weadtly rising. Hundreds are flee ing from Cairo on tha trains and beats. Colulnbus, Ky„ la deaerted as the water swirl* through the town. Fleeing from the Flood. Paducah, Ky„ April 3.—Refugees are pouring In here from flood swept district!. Railroad communications to Memphis Is cut off. Vast Damage la Expected. Waehlngton, April 3.'—Vast de traction la Imminent In the Missis sippi valley. The river will rise five .day* and remain at the flood a tare a wash, according to the weath er' bureau.' It Is already the hlgn- ost ever known. Situation in Memphis Critical. Memphis, April 3.-^The flood lit- alon this afternoon Is critical. All ^BheaaMVsAcs foil of .black wa- could come here. Nearly ovary person you meet Is In favor of Improving the city hall and putting an up-to-date opeta house |n It. The Times would op pose patch work or anything that Is not first class. The el'.y ought to have an opera house that would ha a credit to a town or 19,000 psople, and if t£p present-Plans are-oarr&L, cut we will have tt " ONE-HALF PRICE Come to the best equip] "office in: the SouthT^Wl you will getrthe best w< with the least pain. tic, tho start of wlilctT, for Wednesday of noxtjoj 'titanic Is a ststar ship oft^Toiymp- Ic She la 860 feet tong and has a displacement of 60,000 tons. The (raveling list on the big ship will have 600 names on Its first class roll, tn nddltlon to 600 second clasa nnfl 2,000 third cabin passengers. To thi a will be added the crew of 800, making a total floating popula tion of nearly 6,000. When ihe chji gets that targe, somebody etae may build a goad opera house and than the city ran use all of tha hall for •'to own offices. If the ; crest of 'the flood Is sot soon reached. Dr. L. C. Holtzendorff, Formerly United State* Army Dental Surgeon. VALDOSTA, GEORGIA. New York Suffragist in At lanta Gets Letter from a London Girl in Jail Atlanta, Ga.; April 3.—Mist Elis abeth Tctwilar. of New Tork, -who la visiting l a Atlanta, la an ardent suffragette add strongly In sympathy aU^gr Aondon sisters, many of BBPfcKJtuowe personally. Hi js nioTOlIng she received a letter If ip ni ono dr the young women who Bern recently sentenced to prison eat Bard labor In London for. breaking Hlndows, and the letter minutely de- Btj^the cruel prison regime to ^■Pthey are subjected.^ i >Uiik to tho letter. Miss Tct- (-.1 oit. b 8 Buffracotto prisoners " urk clEht hours O. ABaaBdl^p on bagging, or sewing machlno, |Hng rl», tor' tho other in- In addition they have to their own cells, make their CHUFAS. VELVET BEANS Sorghum, Amber and Qrange Cane It Looks Like a Crime To aeparate a boy from a box of Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. Hie plm- rtca, bolls, scratches, knocks, sprains and bruises demand It, and Its quick relief for burns, scalds, or cuts la hta right. Keep It handy for boys, also girls. Heals everything heatable end does it quick. Unequaled for pllee. Only 26 cents at Dimmock’a Pharmacy. Ingram Drug Co., and W. D. Dunaway. Foley Kidney Pill* wilt care any case of kidney or bladder trouble not beyond the reach of medic'oe. No madlctna can do mors. Ingram Drag Co. VINSON’S DRUG STORE (Formerly VINSON & BARNES) 121 N. Patterson St. Colller’a Weekly la giving Prof. Wilson royal support, but not be cause of his "Southern snceetry." The women of the South have hard ly ever been more .unjustly criticised than by OplUsr'e Weekly. Valdosta The Danger After Grip. t iM*a often tn a rundown system. I weakness, nervousness, lack of ap- rettte. energy and amkitlon,. with ' ■•Order liver and kldna/a often fol ic w an attack of this wretched die-' ’.-as*. Th« greatest me'd then la glectrie Bitters; the glorib^a tonic. Mood portlier and regulator of gtom- ache, liver and kidneys. ,l1io«aads fare proved that they wonderfully Strengthen the nerve*’, bntfd up the tyatem- and restore to h(*)th and good eplrtta after a n attack WPOrtp. It suffering. try them. Only 60c. Sold and perfect satisfaction guaran teed hr Dlmmoek’a Pharmacy, In- w. D. Dunaway. lhe new toilet germicide powder thl dtaaolved tn water as needed, for all toilet and hyglento naee tt better and more economical. To cleanee and whiten tha jgSC teeth, remove tartar aud 6S5 prevent decay. , To disinfect the month, do- EICjBQ ■troy disease germs, nnd I Asj purify the breath. V - To keep arttdeial teeth and DIED PkOO* Oar papnlai WooueYsBest bridge work clean* odorless To remove nicotine from the teeth purify tho breath after stnoklnr. To eradicate perspiration and b odora by sponge bathing. . Tho beat antiseptic wash Known. Relieves and strengthens tired, an iuflamedeyen. Heals sore throat,vrod and cuts. 8ft snd 50 eU a bo*, dmr < or by mail postpaid. Sample i rt THK PAXTON TOiuVTOO. flcrM J. C. COOPER >6 Box 1112 JACKSONVILLE. FLORIDA pi ■ - y. THE VALDOSTA TIMKM, MANY FAVOR IMPROVEMENT OF CITY HALL The City Officials Need More Room at Once VALDOSTA NKRDS A GOOD AtJDF- TOIUIIM AND OPBBA IlOlfSB AND THAT 18 THE I1EST WAY TO GET IT. No movement has been Htartel in Valdosta tn recent years that has met with more universal approval than tho proposition to enlarge the city hall by extending it back to tho Whittington building, raising tho roof seven or eight foet, building the clock tower a good deal higher and making a splendid auditorium on the upper floor. Nobody wants to ace a patchworK affair made of It. Everybody who bar. spoken of It at all has express** ed the hope that the change will bo made on a line that will do credit to the city twonty-flve years from now. A great many people have volun- tarily talked about the proposition to give Valdosta a Rood auditorium APRIL A, 1918. -*« K . wweirm Ivan. *• ka. a 1 Telephones Enhance She Land A telephone on the Farm not only means convenience and comfort for user, but it adds value to the land and ’ enable you to sell your land to a vantage. Telephone service on can be had at very low cost. Write for our free booklet. Address Farmer* Line Department SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE & TELEGRAPH COMPANY 33 loath Pryor St., Atlanta, 6«. ot might detract some Interest from tb© college. He wants to see the city hall enVerged and Improved, but ha does nor want to see anything done and opera houco. All of tho cltlsen. j t,,nt wl " h " rt ,he olhBr ,net,t "- realised that there la little hop. of j Mr w M Oliver thtt many Cicr having en oper. houeo until the | <MttrOe ^ 0 „ phopp( , ra ofWn expr0 „. ot the wish that Valdosta bad n ntO opera house so that good attractions city builds It. Many sf the cltlrens think that If the auditorium snd opera house could be leased enough money to psy the Interest on tho bonds It would tie better than nothing. They believe that the ben cut that would come to Valdosta from a building of this sort would be .worth many time* more than what tt cost. Among the VBlflsUns who hare ' pressed thoui^W si favorttag ibw exteniloySaf thirdly ball ml«it ;r he mentioned so«fe**of tha leading bankers and business man of the town. Judge J. G. Cranford stated yes terday that ho would be in favor of tbo movement with all hla heart, provided the Improvement Is to bo a real Improvement. He opposed patch work, but ho wants to see lhe ball rebuilt. , Mr. J. Y. niltch stated that ho thought the movement was ons of the best that has been undertaken by Valdosta and he hopes to see It succeed. Mr. W. R. Conoly mid that he was heart and soul In favor of enlarging tho city hall and building a modern opera house there. Mr. George Vam eald that he re garded It as a splendid movement and he wants to see It succeed. Ho believes that the city hall, when en larged and Improved, even If It brings no rental at all, would no worth much to tho city In bringing conventions here, and Inducing first class attractions to come here. Mr. 0„ K. Jones saya he has fa vored It for several years and he believes that tt ought to be pushed through this year. Mr. W. L. Converse said he re garded it as next In Improvement to the new college to be built bore, snd the only thing hs fears Is that TITANTIC SOON TO TAKE MAIDEN TRIP First La Grippe, Vfion Bronchitis. That was the case with Mrs. W.S. Halley, McCreary, Ky. “My wife was taken down with a severo attack of la grippe, which run Into bron- chttla. She coughed at though she bad consumption and could not sleep at night. The first bottle of Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound gave her ao much relief that ahe continued using It until she was permanently cured.” News Notes from Naylor. The farmers nre having very pleasant weather for planting crops row. Mlimoe Elite anil HUH* Robinson I ' vh ®“ they find n good romi spent last Sumlny week with thelp! WRnt other women to get NOT A SECRET.' Kathryn Donne's Story. It Is said that tn Europe when a woman finds a remedy that does her great good ehe keep* It s seeret, for ■ he doea not want any other woman to be abte to rival her charms. American women sr* Clark Wilton snd wife snd their five children were drowned at Wat- son, Ark. Satson, Snowflak, and Barton, Ark are under water. Bulldlnga are be ing swept away by\th* break In the levee# South of Helens. Th e river overflowed at Reelfoot I.ake levee at noon and the current I, now cutting s new channel. Over a million acres of farm lands ar« Inudated. Three People Were Drowned. Hlckburn, Ky., April 3.—Three people were drowned today when an Illinois Central engine, which was sent out to test the tracks, dropped fifty feet Into s crevaeso near the Fulton road. Supervisor Depyteyer, Engineer Henry and Fireman Davis are dead, lhe railroads are under water and traffic Is cut off from a score of cities, Ths river at some places Is fifty feet wide, submerging towns, homea and farms. Two thousand people are swamped on the hilts back of the city snd nine hundred homes ar e Inundated here. Scores of Lives Lost. New Orlesna, La., April 2.—Re- ports from up the Mlsaisstppl today Indicate that a score of lives have been lost In the floods that shatter ed the leveee tn many places, con verting the country Into s vast sea with Isolated high ground, forming Islands, where horde* of refugees are suffering for shelter, food and clothing. At msny -towns along the river front men, women and children are working desperately On the levees to protect their homes from the ateadl- water. - * . rvnr is the highest type of womanhood. s Scott 5 Emulsion is the highest type of curative food. The nourishing and curative elements in Scott’s Emulsion are so perfectly combined that all (babies, children and adults) are equally bene- fitted and built up. Be sure to got SCOTT'S— **• tk0 Standard aad < tho be.t. onuGGisrm sister, Mrs. J. F. Fender. Mr. T. 7.. Mllklns end sisters, | Ml*. Ksthryn Dunne, of New York Mieses Carrie and Norro went over Ulty, Is on* of these. She Mr* 1 to Stockton to attend an oyater aup- j 11 When I waa In s weakened condl- r .cr last Saturday night week. "on last spring I took Vtnol Miss Luis Driver ceme over from <•>« greatest benefit and I recom Stockton to spend th„ week with her I mended tt hlghly^Fiv, of my fi le, cousin, Mrs. W. H. Coward. I«r* now taking Mieses Alice Smith snd Mottle <he benefit I Peters spent last Sunday with Misses | When you *rs^ft9 Euta May and Mary Etta Bass, snd >°u need better had s very pleasant time. strength, snd Vtnol wilt give Mist Ltisle Robinson canto over 'o you. It Is a doltclous cod li from Valdosta and spent Sunday with *nd Iron preparation without'oil her mother near Naylor. restores untold thousands ot t Mis* Leeland Sellers gave s ting nervous, broken-down psople at ner home Sunday afternoon. Quite health etch year. We give yon a large crowd attended and tt was r«“r money tf Vtnol does no enjoyed by all. ?°u- A. E. Dtmmoek. Mr. Bursh Baas went over from Naylor to Dupont to spend s while with his father, Mr. Lucius Bats. Miss E. M. Bass It spending this wetk with Misses Alice Smith snd Mottle Potters. Mr. Oscar Wotherlngton HU out of the door severs! days ago snd ■ecelved severe Injuries, but he t* Improving now. Tn Enlarge Their Warehouse. The directors of the Alliance Warehouse Company met on yester day snd decided to enlarge their warehouse room, so as to provide for about 100,000 more bales of cotton. The addition to the ware house will take up shout all of the land the company own*. Messrs. W. E. Arnold snd J. W. Tope were appointed a committee to get plans for the addition and to re port hack to the hoard of directors as soon *a possible. They hop* to let the work begin some time-In May and have tt com pleted in time for the next cotton crop. Augusts Is shout to- "dam” Savannah river shove that city prevent an overflow. The Savannah I was “dammed” a good msny timesf during the recent freshet Instead of Liquid Antiseptics*Peroxide j | or thr* 0 dtps. many people are now using Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic The Aldermanic Bond Con tains a large Majority of Democrats This Time. Chicago* April 3.—The returns today are complete and they show twentyive Democrats and eleven Republicans elected on the aider- manic board. The new council consists of forty- tlvo Democrats and twenty-four Re publicans. Peter Schofield dropped dead when he heard that his son, William, was defeated In the Twenty-first ward. FREE! DEAR FRIEND: We have recently purchased one of the most convenient and useful household necessities you ever saw. We. ate not going to sell them, but we are going to give you one absolutely free with your next cash purchase of one dollar or more of any goods in our store. Don't forget to come early as the supply is limited and everybody wants one. Be sure to bring this card. Yours truly, WINN-JONES COMPANY. DENTISTRY Velvet beans, per bushel, $4.00 Spanish Pinders, per bushel, 1.50 Chufas, per bushel 4.00 Sorghum seed, per peck, 50c INGRAM DRUG CO. •Valdosta,'Georgia