The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, August 14, 1912, Image 4

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In connection COOK STO\ BRICK. W F. O. B. your i Pofitofflcl and took her and another woman out and laahed them on their hare backe. They neat visited Hardin Minton, who tried to Bee, but wax ahot In the leg. t, In search they unex- « gambling In affact- irty two ot mo serious* crop and spilt In left Heifer swallow fork In ouch ca-, An; formation will bo liberally rewa: O. L. McLeod, Route Ga. WANTED—Position eawycr; ten to flft< capacity mini six years experience. 1 L. C. Mlley, Glenmore, Ga. 7-31w7t Moorish Farce Driven off. Penon Do La Panova, Morocco, Aug. 12—The Moorish force >hlch tried to capture this town raster* day was driven off with' great slaughter and hat sought shelter In > the hills. as circular wounded. The posse carried In nine ot the alleged gamblers to Douglas j and lodged them In Jail. Their em ployers appeared Tuesday and ar ranged ball for them. One of the (pounded negroes swore ont a war rant against Clifford A. Bartlett, one of the posse, charging assault with Intent to murder. Mr. Bart-I lett waa arretted under the charge ] slate Tneeday afternoon. Another squad of officers, from' . the sheriffs office on Saturday night steady *t Jive to nine points higher r---tted eight negroes at Bushnetl, this morning. Later the market ro under g charge ot rtoUgg. j actedpartially. and cotton seed your cotton and the advertisement ot free scboiar- thlpt In South. Georgia Business College. i-M;t wit -^ATTESTroif~TrABS^M) — Wtty not save your peannt crop? I sell per day. Write for particulars. T. Tygart, Nashville. Go. 7-M-wU. i|li THE VALDOSTA TIMES, VALDOSTA, GA, SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 11*00/ PERSONAL MENTION GOING AFTER QUITMAN'S SCALP i Prom Ihnrsday'e Dally.) Mr. George T. ’Wooten, of Fltx- gerald, wee among the visitors to this city last night. Mr. J. W. Lanier and family leave today for Tampa, Fla., where tney will make their future home. Mr. Lanier has been connected with tne Fender Lumber Company lor a number of years. He goes to Tampa to accept a position with a lumber company of that city. Valdosta to Play Two Games With Quitman Today and Tomorrow. The Valdosta base ball team will go over to Quitman this afternoon, for two games with the Quitman nine. The local team haa been strengthened by the addition or Tittle, of Macon, as catcher; Daven port or Thomaavllle an pitcher, end Wells and Wakelord *Df Adel, on Bret base and center Beid, respect ively. Tittle comes to the Valdosta team wltb a splendid record of fine Ml.. Leila Rick, came over "°™, whlIe Dsvenport m wm , Quitman and spent a few day. wltn!^ lh# ^ work „, r home folks, leaving this morning „ th ThomMrllle lut for Wilson, .V C., where she | Th( . blowing will be the ■pend some time. ime-np loday. Messrs. J. H. Ilalrston and P. H.j X |, t]e> c . Davenport, p.; Wells, Walker, of Cordele, were among tho lb . „ oloombei 2b .. Rockwell, 3b.; visitors In the city last night. | Fender, ss.; Peeples, |f.; Wakeford, Quito a number lroin Stockton I cf.; Pendleton, rf. came over last'night and spent the, Valdoata ought to play a splendid night In the city, leaving this morn-[game with thli line-up, and ir they Ing on the excursion train for Ma-; don’t come back with Qnltman’a Mr. and Mrs. 1., A. Cunningham, of l-impton, Fla., spent last night In Valdoata. Mr. P. T. McGIff, of Suwannee Spring*, Fla., was a visitor In ino city yesterday and last nlgbt. Cotton, especially abort staple. Is opening very rapidly noav, and tbe farmers are gotUng busy In the fields. Tho crop la terribly ‘spotted," and while the condition Is splendid In come motions, In others It I. very Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Fry and family and Miss Willie Harrell left this morning for Warm Springs, where they expect to spend some time. Mr. J. S. Foreman, of Stockton, waa Among tho visitors to town this morn ing. Mr. W. L. Josnp, of Eastmad, Ga, la spending today In the city. Mr. J. B. Peacock, of Columbus, Is A visitor to the city today. The demand for automobiles Is still great In this oily. Each or thedttma handling them acorns to be doing a good business, tho Thomas-Dekle Company sold three machines yes terday. Mrs. Mary Rouse left this morning tor Waycrosi for a visit ot a week or two to her son, Mr. L. R. Rouse. Many people In the city thoirgbt yes terday waa tho warmoet day of the year In Valdoata, and while It wee bot enough, there have been othere that beat It.' The Ihormomotet yes- trrdfl’ registered >5 degrees. The day Before It went to 91, and at noon today K waa 93. It la probable that It will go to 9< or higher during tbe af ternoon. Ordinary J. D. Lovett, of Berrien county, was In the city this morning. Mrs. W. A. 'Jenkins anil children have returned from a visit of sev eral days lo relatives In Madison. Fla. They were accompanied home by Mice Frankie Stebblm, of Madi son, who will spend some time wltb Mrs. Jenkins. Mrs. James M. Johnson and chil dren arrived home this morning from a visit of acme lime lo her mother Mrs. H. B. Jordan of Monti- cello, Ga. ^ Miss Ellen llolt and her sis{ei\ lira. Emma Dudley and Utile daughter Martha, left Iasi night for Alabama where they will spend sev eral weeks. The oSndltlon of Mrs. E. B. Howell, nee Mias Katie Martin, and of Mias Evelyn Cranford, both of whom are U the Halcyon sanitarium 111 with fever, la very eatlafactory today. Mr*. Rowell was 111 for two or three weeks at her home at Newberry, FIa, before being brought to Valdosta.' scelp, we shall be disappointed. It Is the best aggregation tbe town nas ever eent out. Fine crowds are expected to see tbe games. The Georgia Agricul- lural Society meets at Quitman to morrow, with a committee from the legislature, and the town will PERSONAL MENTION. Mr. and Mrs. CIi a few'days ago for a three weeks to poet to apend a way op, at Atlanta Upson left * of two or They ex- • on thetr Chattanooga. Mrs. K. A. Duren, of Thomaavllle NEAR BEER LAW IN A NUTSHELL. J * Tax of iglOO on dealers. * + Tsi of (1,000 on manufac- ♦ ♦ tureri and wholesalers. 1BU1UUUIID * " la visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. D. ,♦ *to fr*e license* to ’ open a ♦ Burroughs, at 109 Steven, street ,♦ “*»r beer place Waned to Con- Mr. J. W. Francis, of Cordele. rep resenting the Sju'bern Cotton Oil Co., waa In lU < ity yesterday. Mra. Valley Davis, who has been sick for some tltSe, wa 3 taken worse' yesterday and won thought to be dying last night. She rallied later, however, end her condition was said to be somewhat Improved thlg morn ing. ♦ federate veterans. ♦ ,♦ No near beer place allowed ♦ ♦ to-open outside of sn Incorpo- ♦ ♦ rated town. ♦ * No license to be lstued In ♦ * Incorporated (owns of leas than * * 2,6*0. ♦ * Any man convicted of vlo- ♦ ,+ latlng prohibition act can not e> !♦ secure a near beer license. ♦ aavllle,. U among tb Valdosta today. Mr. R. H Ulen - a Mllitoyrn and sp- city. ' Mrs. J. A. i-j*" visitors Ini * e * * * * * * * ♦ * * * * * 6h, politics! The crimes that aro tn ' m I committed In thy name, in the P. Paxson’s B. Blood c. Compound lx acknowledged by hundreds to be most powerful blood renovator there it on the market. Read what Mr. Higgs, of Douglas, Ga., section fore man, say? about P.'B. C.: Gentlemen: “It gives me pleasure to recommend P. B. C., your won derful medicine. My wife tried several i atent medicines; they did her no good. She suffered untold misery from female weakness and indi gestion, until about two yean ago. She took two bottles of P. B. C., . which cured her sound and well. 1 shall always praise this life preserv ing Remedy, and hope to see it put in reach of all suffering humanity.’' Truly Yours, W. H. Higgs, Douglas, Ga. If your druggist or dealer does not sell it, write to the Paxson Medicine Company, Valdosta, Ga. Sole Compounders, who will gladly sh«p you the medicine, or fi you treatise on blood diseases Price one dollar, or six bottles fdr dollars. Write today, or see our wagons. A4el, night ELEVEN EGGS IN SIX l)AVS. Owner Won't Sell Prize Laying Hen for One Hundred DolUn. 1 Residents of the city of Dayton, In the heart of Columbia county, WaHh. ( which claims the record for big yields of alfalfa and wheat this season, are ready to back a two- years old full-blooded Leghorn hen, owned by E. T. Vickers of Wash tuena, against any fowi as an egg producer In the Pacific Northwest. Judy contributed to the fresh egg supply by producing 11 In six days, six of them being laid In two days. Mr. Wicker does no. look upon this as a remarkable feat, saying that the hen was working overtime, but many of the experts in the southeastern part of the state claim it Is a record and they aro willing to back Judy for any reasonable amount as, the prize egg-producer of the Inland Emplro, also defend the title against any fowl m this part of the Northwest. The hen has been segregated from the rest of the barnyard fowls and Ua future per formance^ will be watened with In terest all (over the state of Washing ton. I The ownrr bought Judy for 66 cents s yij.'ir ago. He .ias since re fused an offer of $50 and says he would not sell the hen for fluu. STORY WAS EXAGGERATED. Thomas County Sheriff Investigates Attempted Assault. The Thomnsville Tlnies-hlnterprise states that Sheriff Singletary, or Thomas county haa returned from Hnrwlik, where he wont to Investl- was a vlsitfll PaWWolifch villi among the yImIiots Jr. the city last night Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Moore and daughter of Nashville were vl in this city last night. Mr. ,M. Dekle, of FanleW, Fla., is among the visitors in thle^clty today. Mr. C. W. Smith of Uu^er, Fla., was a business visitor lit Valdosta yesterday. Col. R. G. Dickerson of Homervllle, came over and spent last * night lo Valdosta. Mrs. J. W. Davis and daughter, Christine, are spending a> month or so with relatives In Albany. Master Grady, son of 3lr. and Mrs. J. E. .Massey, who h|8 been elck for the past few days. If Improv ing very fast, and It la thought now he will be all right again In a few days. Mra. McCutchen, who has been vis iting her daughter Mrs. W. H. Sharpe for some time, left yesterday for her home In Kissimmee, Fla. She was accompanied home by Mrs. Sharpe, who will spend several weeks there with her mother. j, / Major W. L. Glessner and Mr. L. A. Palmer were among those who went over to Quitman toaay to be present at the meeting of the State Agricultural Society in that city. Mr. J. W. Lyerly, of Atlanta, irep- resenting the JefTerson Studard Life Insurance Company, Is tpgtdlng a few days In town In tl of hlo company. Times Want Ads FOR SALE—A few choice Rarred Rock hens, one dollar each. J. K. VaTIottoh. 8-14-swji LOST—On Saturday the 7th Inst. In the neighborhood of Mr. John H. Dasher's, a black, white and tan fe male fox hound, and a large red male fox hound. A suitable reward will be paid for their return to me or for Information leading to their recovery. J. B. S. Holmes, Vul gate the reported attempt to assault; doBta <j a wlt Mrs. Wiley Jones, near there, which ’ ’ & MILL SUPPLIES INCLUDING & Rubber and Leather Belting, Packing, Hose, Pipe Valves, Fittings, Bearing Metal, Wrenches BOLTS „ mfm STOCKS NUTS , WASHERS AND DIES WRENCHES Set and Cap Screws P^P SCREW PLATES Cross-Cut Saws, Pipe Valves and« Fittings to 6 inches W. H. BRIGGS HAROWAR TO THE PUBLIC : was reported In The Times and oth- newspapers on yesterday. The sheriff stated that as far aa he could learn the begro, n stranger to the place, had been loafing around the ■table and lot of the home about forty yards from where Mrs. Jones waa. She became frightened and called for help, the negro running away. The parties who arrived to her as sistance and no arms and the negro •tood them off with a gun and then escaped. He waa closely followed Mb. Cranford visited Mr* Howell b > ‘ he ,her '“ *«" h * * , 1 "> «°‘ U " at Nswbmrmome time a«o. hnd taka- * c * ne bnt ,hB tr • ,, w “ 10,1 llared to have contracted (he tvttr (here. She haa been sick about Ivo week*. _ , , . After Coffea County Gambler. The Coffee count, officials are rounding up the gambling fraterni ty of that county In a hurry, seven teen alleged gamblers being gather ed In by them In Iras than a wees. While Deputy Sheriff Furney anu a posse ware at Tanner and Manell's •till- In tbe donthern part of tbe county, on Saturday night, In of an alleged criminal, pectedly ran Into a negro game In full operation. In Ing tbe arrest ot tbe party two tha negroes were abot, one ly, and the other very wounded. The posse carried In of the alleged gamblers to and lodged them In Jail, ployers appeared Tuesday and One of-, with Intent yesterday at early morn. Nothing further haa been heard ot him. Beaten by Night lllders. Brownsville, Ky. t Aug. 12—A masked band of night riders last night took Andrew Ferrta out ana beat him nnmerelfnllr. Thay then went to tho houao of Bella Groeta FOR SAI.E—A fine plantation, One of the heat. In Rerrten 'county, containing 9.1. r > ni-.roa, wittin (Vi miles of Georgia and Florida rail road. Nearest station, Ray’a Mill. 6-horse farm In state of cultivation. Soil very productive, will produce bale of cotton to the acre, other crops In proportion. One six-room dwelling, one three-room and tenant home on the placer Good water. Near schools and ciinrchea. Fine stock range. River runs through edge ot land. Publle road through farm. Will sell on account of division botween heirs. If deal red stock, mules, hogs, cattle, goats and farm Implements can be bought tt reasonable prices. C. C. DeVane, Ha 8-1 Wanted one a *y to handle our will bo given del We have just received three car-loads of American and Ellwood Wire Fencing which we quote as follows and would appreciate an order for any amount of it: 50-inch high Ellwood Fence at $7.50 per roll stay. 52-in high, at $8.50 per roll stay, 46 in high, at $7.50 per roll slay, 40-in high, at $7.00 per roll wire all comes in 20-rod rolls, 330 feet to the roll with the above we carry a large line of FURNITURE, COFFINS and . v e quote good brick at $7.50 per thousand • side-track carload quantities of not less i to car : : : : : : j : y J Uur stock of Dry Qoods and Groceries is " Glad to serve you in any lines we carry. ■ We expect to pay highest market prices for cotton ■ cotton seed when they begin to move. Bring us JJ let us sell you your wire fencing, &c. ■ P. CARTER CO. [ a large line of ■ ■ ■■■m ■ N A\ LOR, • GEORGIA ■ ■■■■■a ilium 1 a a a a ■