The Valdosta times. (Valdosta, Ga.) 1874-194?, September 14, 1912, Image 1

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Twice-a-Week taa vauxwta roam, valdosta. oa.. Saturday, September u, 1011. HOKE VETOED BILLS FOR THE SAME_REASON Governor’s Critics Have Another Bone to Gnaw THEY ARE CRITICISING HIM FOB A SIN WHICH THEIR TIN-GOD WAS GUILTY OF DURING HIS TERM OF OFFICE. Atlanta, Go., Sept. 12.—Like the old story of the man whose ox was gored, it appears to make a decided difference, according to a ‘well known friend of Gov. Joseph M. Brown, to the name and Identity of the gov ernor who vetoes a bill on the ground that it is unconstitutional.- Gov. Brown has recently (been ex tensively criticised in certain quar ter® for vetoeing the bill requiring tbe railroads to pull mileage on their trains. The leading ground on which Gov. BVown vetoed the, bill was, as he stated, Its apparent un- constltutionality. \ His critics have charged that if the bill were uncon stitutional, or if there were grounds ■ for believing lt*Hincon®tttutlonal, he should have approvided it and let the courts pass on it. The friend in question, who has been Investigating the matter, finds that Gov. Hoke Smith vetoed at least two bills on the ground that they were unconstitutional, and he ®ays there ie no record of any similar criticism having attached to him for this action. I “On 4ug. 22, 1911, Gov. Smith v k'.'tocd a bill aifiendjhg Section 3284 av JUMPED FROM TRAIN AT THIRTY-MILE RATE HEN. GORDON’S BODY REACHED HIS OLD HOME The'Funeral will Occur in Savannah Tomorrow WAS IDENTIFIED WILL BE IN ATTENDANCE UPON T. Mystery Surrounds Case of White Man at Blakeley, Who Appears Insame Blakely. u»>. Sept. 1J.—Consld- erable mystery surround® a man id the custody of T. J. Howell, sheriff of Early county, who gives his name as H. Q. Reinhardt, and haa a letter of introduction from Georgia Car and Locomotive company to Herman Bros., at Fountain, Fla. Reinhardt tried to commit suicide by 'butting his brains out against the wall of the Jail and succeeded itf knocking himeelf unconscious. Extra guards have ibeen placed in the cell with him. Reinhardt at sane intervals ad vised the sheriff of relatives in At lanta and they are expected here to morrow. He Jumped from a train near Milton, running 30 miles an hour, last night and spent the night with J. B. Beasley. He appeared at times to have delirium tremens. He has no money or/watch with him a#id j which Gen. Gordon was for many claims that he was robbed of $40 and years a member. JEWISH NEW YEAR 5673 IS USHERED New York’s Sixty Jewish Churches are all Having Sei vices Observing it Ne, York, Sept. 11. —The set ting of. the eun tnfc evening ushors In the Jewish new year 5673. The festival Is ons of the most Import ant of the Jewish calendar .ml Is MILITARY AND COMMERCIAL OR- j e cdulousiy observed bjr the reform- GANIZATIONS WITH WHICH HE *d an d orthodox alike. The ortho- Savannah, Ga„ Sept. 12.—The re mains of Gen. W. W. Gordon, the distinguished Georgian who died at .White Sulphur Springs, w. Va„ yes terday morning, reached the city this afternoon at one o’clock and were carried to hie late home on Ogle- dor. carry the observance over two days, durlog which time they cease all work. The*.reform Jews cel6- brate only ons day. There are more than sixty Jew ish churches In Greater New York, MISS FARRAR’S ILLNESS NOT DUE TOSCOTTI • _____' Love Affair is Not $ause of Indisposition ! MATdtk-MffwhU^.ticoi > ■ I FA1111All IS DEN IED D Y AY* RutHcicnt to acoommodato the large number of worahippera on import unt feast days.': Thlg lack of ade quate accommodation i, not to bo wondered at,. In view of the fact that nearly 1,006,000, or consldera- thorpe Avenue and Bull street. The' m °re than half of the total funeral will from Christ take place tomorrow Episcopal church of lost his watch running from robbers who were on the train. At times he claims some one is trying, to shoot him. He has a broth er working In the new pootofflce in Atlanta. FURNISH BOOKS FREE. Fitzgerald has a Law Giving School Books Free to Children. Atlanta. Oa., Sept. 12.—Georgia will be In the position of a mother It will be attended by the Georgia number of Jaw, In America, reside In ibis city. r. For the prcasnt holiday season the Kehlllah, or Jewish community of New York, haa made arrange ments to uso' a .number of provia- „ _ , .. . lonal synagogues. Tie organiia- Husaara, a cavalry company which 0on „„ aIao arru , Kemunt s Gen... Gordon commanded for many ] f„r the holding of services for the years as * Captain. The metnibers of benefit of tho Jewish inmates of the the 8avannah Cotton Exchange will tuberculosis catop at Westfield, at . „ , .. . . the emigrant station at Ellis Island also attend the funeral In a body and Ttrlou , other publl( . lnitltll . a great many savannahlane will at- tons, tend as citizens. Rt. Rev. F. F. Reese, Episcopal Bishop of Georgia, will reach the city in time to con duct the funeral services. The in- learning from one of her children «. torment wII , „„ , n Bona Ventur0 she adapts, as many legislators favor, the school system, that th<s town of of the state code which provides fees for processioners and county aurvey- ors, and seeking to Increase these fees. Gov. Smith declared the meas ure violative of the section of the state constitution found in para graph 6445 of the state code, and concluded by aaylng: The uncon stitutionally of this bill la. so per fectly clear that It would be useh to publish It in the acts or to burden the courts with deciding Its uncon stitutional! ty.' '“Again, on August 23, 1011, Gov. 8mlth vetoed Senate bill No. 4, pro viding for the office of state audi tor, and closed his veto with tho following statement: "The pro visions of the bill allowing two as sistants to the auditor, one to bo placed in the treasury department, pot 'being Included in tbe title, |s, therefore, unconstitutional and void.' “Here were two vetoes by Gov. Smith on the constitutional ground, and there la no record of any storm having been raised about them Many instances might be cited of ve toes on constitutional grounds. __ this case Gov. Brown’s veto of the mileage bill appears to have been seized upon as an opportunity for his enemies to attack him. and they are trying to make the most of It.” cemetery. 1 ,J I - , , , „ I Already today a great many Sa- Fltzgerald has had ever since It was TannahIan , haTe calIed at 0or . a 1 ttle colony. _ don \home f^r thu purposo of paying the }arly settlers of the colony rMp J ( ^ ending „ ympa . adopted the free Mhool books system thjr , he imvob> ers of th. family. bo- that any child, no matter how — - - - rZt* _ poor, might avail Ittfelf of common . - flf w h!cfc 5 G school education without any cost to ® amh .’ rj and at tb , itself or parents. Fitzgerald has had locally for over 100 yearw what advanced educators hops the state of Georgia will even tually grow up to. NO INJURY FROM STORM. The Scare-at Savannah is over and The Storm has Passed On. Savannah, Oa.. Kept. 12.—Savan nah haa apparently pasied through her latest storm scare without any Injury. The atorm signals which were hoisted on Tuesday gave way yesterday to little red pennants warn ing small crafts not to go to aea. Throughout yesterday afternoon and last night hesvy rains fell, but (the weather is a little better this morning. The new weather man says the chances are not Very strong now that the city will have to weather a iblow. PREPARED FOR FUNERAL. Trained Norse at Memphis Then Swallowed Carbolic Add. Memphis, Tenn„ Sept. 112.—After making preparations for her funeral and selecting the eiothes she wished to be buried In. Ethel Doyle, twenty years of age. a nurse In a local hos pital, drank three ouncs of carbolic a4ld today. She died a few minutes later. The flag of the SAv^iljkb Cotton Ex- fordon was a rein Huesars armory, are at half mast today. | ATLANTA'S GODMOTHER. The M’omap tor Whom City was Named W -Sllll Living. —The God- Mnrthii At- Iton, i ' cllvo and ageSf 66 year, 'ived by friends is visiting the pastor, the'Rev. W. H. Young, at McDuffie. Mra. Compton snjoya tho usual double dtatlnctlajb of haying had this city twice' named after her. First, as a village, it 'was named Martha- i villa, and ilttyjrard tbs name waa * I changed to that of Atlanta. Mrs. Atlanta is Swarming With Negroes, Compton it the daughter of Wilson STORY THAT Till: JlltMAftlNG Oji THE ANDF, LANTA ADMIRERS. v. <3* p* Atlanta, Ga„—. hut even tbla large number is in- who have had their eyes as well as their tars open during last spring's southern opera season are reading with somm amusement the newspaper articles which attribute Geraldine Farrar's illness to the fact that Antonio ScottL had recently become engaged to another lady. At a matter of fact the attach ment between Miss Farrar and Scottt had btoen broken off some time be fore the spring of 1812 when the sin gers were heap, and though Mias Farrar and her mother were in the same hotel where Schttl and his friends ' were registered, their old friendship had ceaaed and when th'ey met in tbe parlors or lobby only the coldest and most formal bows were Interchanged. The break In the friendship which popular fancy had long construed aa an engagement, eame long before either Miss Farrar on Soottl returned to Europe for the 19112 summer seu- sou, long'before Scptti'rrapnrted en- gngeffient to soother yftnng woman, and long before Mias Farrar became 111 at Munich. t ,1 BRYAN lEftOLLUW BilL^MOOSE CLOSELY Nebraskan Js Resting Now and wilt Start oir Speak* > ing Tour Very Soon Chicago, Kept. 12.—William Jen nings Bryan Is now resting at Colo rado Springs, but will start a speak ing tour that will carry him through- mt the country. . According to the - prereht plans the Nebraskan will enter every state whsra Rootevslt has ibeen campaign ing and will follow, him. closely a f^w weeks previous to the election. MYHTRhlOUS OLD Nothing Could Do Done Toward Recovering It. Savannah, Sept. 11.—The mys tery surrounding the old vessel which has been found deep in the waters of the Savannah river la still unsolved. It was so wet and stormy yesterday thkt nothing could be done toward bringing aiy part of the old ship to the aurfocn, hot divers and others are at work again today. It Is believed before the work completed that something will brought to the surface to definitely fix the Identity of the old ship. There are many who think it an old man of war while others believe It to have been an old aiave ship. NING IS GIVEN TO THE REBEL ARMY American Officer Warns Tham About Stray Shot AMERICAN TOWN AND PEOPLH MUST> NOT BE INJURED BY • BULLETS COMING FROM FIGHT ACROSS THE BORDER. THE CAROLINA FRAUDS, The Committee Will Delay Its Meet- Jur More Evidence. C.V Sopt. 11.—Chair man A. E. Stovonson, of tho commit ted Investigation the chnrgo of fraud In f.h«’ recent, primary, announced lfttdf 1«*t night th*rt the conimlttfWJ, THE COCAINE PEDDLERS. An Earthquake at. Frisco. Los Angeles, Sept. 12.—Another earthquake was felt In Safe Francisco today. Reports here do not indicate that it waa serious. Lumpkin, who was governor Georgia from 1811 to 1186. Her home for a long time was In Athens, a large, stately old stone house crowning Lumpkin Hill, one of the most historic and picturesque places in Georgia. Who Peddle Cocaine. Atlanta, Sept. 11.—The aaaertlon la made by charity officers who have ibeen investigating the situation that Atlanta la swarming with negro co caine peddlers from whom anybody young or old con purchase boxes of the drug for fifty cents, or oven in smaller quantities. It |i further asserted that more'JIrandywfno Anniversary Observed, negroes in Atlanta are today victims! Philadelphia, Sept. 11.—Thepa- of the cocaine habit than have erer|tr!otlc and historical societies of heen victims of whiskey in tba old.Philadelphia Joined in the muatomo- days. ,ry observance of the anniversary of Most of the negroes who use the i the battle of Brandywine, where, on stuff, according to the police, take It September 11, 1777, for the first by the cimple process of snuffing the time the cohtlnsntnl army carried dry powder up their noses. I the stars and atrlpes into battle. •in a toda%. Stocks Were Steady un d Colton Was j Fractionally Higher. New York. ' S*pt. 18.— Stocks art steady, wlti. fractional gains all along the lino. Cotton was Arm at 4 to 12 up. October 11.84; March 11.65. Chicago Provision Market. Chicago, 9ept. 12.—Wheat waa steady at 1-4 to 2-8 up September 91 6-8. Pork, October, 17.35; lard 11.17; riba 10.76. Hogs wash at 5 lower. Cattla 10 lower. Archbishop Ireland's Birthday St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 11.— Archbishop Ireland entered upon his 75th year today and the occas ion was marked by the receipt of s number of congratulatory measngos from friends throughout the count- tty, The arehhlahou la a native of Ireland, but ‘has resided In the Uni ted States since boyhood He was ordalne d a priest more than Half a century ago. and has beoi archbish op of St. Paul since 1888. «u V. * be heTk'l' later. The rommltt'v IT working In ''in junction with detectives and attor neys. It la believed that the findings will be sensational. Douglas, Aria., Sept. 18.—'Tim United States army officers sent a •harp warning to Gen. Rojss- the or commander, this mornf.',^ it out his threat to attack Agua Prieto ha must avoid Imperiling tho livos of Americans at Douglas. A response to the warning stated that the attacks would bo mado from, the east to avoid shooting over the line. , , There waa little aleop hare last night in anticipation of'the rebel at tack. Two cavalry troopB began pa trolling the border at dawn. Five companies of negro cavalry arrived during tho night and trouble started today when they appeared at two saloons frequented by Mexicans, There was a clash botwcon the troops and the Mexicans. A car load of ammunition arrived this morning. Many womon and children have loft Agua Prleta and have crossed the border Into the United State*. Although th'a rebel limit for sur render of the town expired at 8 o'clock this morning no attacks had been mado up to cloven. Mexicans are 1'av.lng Through’. WaaUfogton, j-y 12.—Four hu hut fttUdrad . -.a nttv J > n der command Y 'nl GSn. Strip passed through Jths United territory, from.,Hi Pgso to Douglas; Arlz., early this morning. GORE TO BE CHAIRMAN. That he Will Head Democratic Na tional Committee is Report. Chicago, Kept 11.—Senator Thom as E. Gars Is to become chairman of the Democratic National Committee, according to reports about th* na tional headquarters today. What one Comity Cost Hooper, Atlanta, Ga„ Sept. 11.—Hooper Alexander spent' 82,260.67 to maka the race for governor; sad Jos Hill Hall spent 82,144.77, laccordlng to figures filed yesterday afternoon, Fined for Reckless Driving. Atlanta. Ga„ Sept, 11.—J. T. Dan iel waa Aped for recklessly driving his auto, following the amashup on ponce de Loon avenue three days ago. 0IR8ON ARRESTED TODAY. Prominent Lawyer Accoged of Mur. der of the Countess Szabo. New York, 8opt. 12.—Attorney Burton W. Gibson was arrests* this morning. Ha cams voluntarily to Now Tori; today to submit to srrast under a warrant charging him with the mare der of tho Countess Szabo. SEVEN HURT ON A CURVE. Two May Die as Remit of Auto AO. ddent This Morning. Syracuse, N. Y„ Sept. II.—Sartn people were badly Injured and three of them seriously In an automobile accident at Mycenae early this morn ing when a car struck a curve whtl* going at high speed. Two of |h* Injured ones will probably die. Inspectors Cause Sensation. Atlanta, Oa.. Sept. 12.—City In spectors have caused something of a sensation by declaring that many of Vhp school children who hold vacci nation certlflcaPes from reputable family physicians have not heen vac- 1 clnatcd at all. , , j Buggy and Wagon Material BLACKSMITH AND REPAIR SHOP SUPPLIES Wheels, Rims, Spokes, Hubs, Shafts, Singletrees, Axels, Thimble Skeins, Anvils, Belts, Nuts, Washers, Bar Iron, Buggy and Wagon Points KEEN KUTTER EDGE TOOLS SASH, DOORS, PAINTS, BRICK, LIME Check Issued 5 Per Cent. Dividend on Every Dollar Spot Cash Purchase L E Y’S yaDWAREj V ALDOSTA GEORGIA