Newspaper Page Text
li\ bL.N.titv
Wednesday, Feb. 3
Ou motion of Nr.Cur
The resolution submitted by him from ihecom-
tniuee ou Foreign relations, calling ou tbe D*
part ill rut of State for certain docuin-uts connect
ed with our French Relations, tvas taken up;
Mr. King, of Georgia, submitted the following
Resolved, also, That tbe President be request
ed to communicate to ilia Senate, no analytical
•abstract of the awards of tbe couiuissionevs un
der tbe Gouveutiou with Franco of July 4, 1841.
with the amount respectively awarded to each
category for which indemnification was a< kuotv-
todged to lie due iiy Mr. Uumou, in bis report lc
tl.c French Chamber of Deputies on the lidib
March, 1.445.
Resolved further, That the President bo re
quested to cause an estimate to be furnished '.o
the Senate, showing tbo probu'jio advantages al
ready derived uy France from the execution <>f
the treaty ol July 4, 1831. ou the part of tbe U-
niled States, aad also under die laws of the U.
Stater favoring Freucii eoinmnrce.
Rff'''v d further, That mu President cause to
ho communicated to iho Semite, any information
under tite control ot the Executive, ou the sub
ject of discriminating duties iinpased by France,
unfavorable to the commerce •-f the U. Slates.
Mr. Clay accepted the ameu.lmeut us a modi
fication of bis resolution ; aud the resolution thus
modified was agreed to.
Mr. 1 Itli, sulimitted the following resolution,
which li<*s on »be table one day.
Resolved, That the President cause to he com
municated to lha Senate, so fir c.s there may be
iu forma lion in the Department of Slate, the
number an.I amount of claims for spoliations pre
senled to the Commissioners under the French
Treaty of 1331, which were 'ejected, and the
reasons for said rejection.
Mr Benton submiiied :he following resolution,
which was.cousi lered and agreed to
Resolved. That tile President be requested to
cause the .Senate to he informed of .ill the mea
sures taken by the Administration to suppress the
Indian hostilities in Florida; aud, also, to com
municato all the information in his power rela
tive to ills cause of these hottihiies.
Thursday, Fob. 4.
Mr. Calhoun, from the sele.i Cimiimitec, to
which was referred that poruoo of toe President’s
Message relating to tha attempts u* circulate thro’
the public mads, publications can mated »o excite
insurrection among the slaves of tli slavehotding
States, made a report thereon, accompanied l>y
a bill.
Tim repart, yvhich is a very long one, having
bceo read, the hill was read the first time, and or
dered to a second reading.
The following is » synopsis of the bill:
Sec. 1. Provides, tha it shall not he lawful for
any Deputy Postmaster, kuowiugiy, to receive
or put into mail any pamphlet, newspaper, hand
bill, or other printed, written, or pictorial repre
actuation, touching the subject of slavery, direct
ed to any person or post oifico where, by the laws
thereof, their circulation is prohibited.' uor t» de
liver the same to tiny person whatsoever, except
such persons as may be authorised by the proper
authority of Audi State. &cv.
Sec. 2- Authorises tbe Po-tinaster General to
dismiss deputies oifniiJmg in the premises, aud
parsons so otreiidiug are on conviction, to he
fiued uot less th ill — ami out more than
-- " — ot the discretion of the court.
See. 3. Provides that it sh til he tho duly of
Deputy Postmasters, &c. to eo operate in pie
vetiling the circulation of pamphlets, .md ihat
nothing in form, r acts ef Congress shall he so
construed as to protect those converted as above
Sec. 4- Makes it the duty of the Postmaster
General, to furnish the Deputies .the laws of the
several Slates prohibiting iho publication or < ir
cula'ion, for tlu-ir government, aud makes re
gulations to carry th« act into -effect.
Sec- Provides, that Deputies shall give no
tic* to the Postmaster General whore pamphlets
aredepo- tad, that they may t>c withdrawn by the
persons depositing them ; aud if uoi withdrawn
til the space of one mouth, they are to he burnt
or destroyed.
Mr. White submitted the following resolution,
which lies on the table one day.
Resolved, T hat tile Secretary of War he, aud
he is hereby req ested. to inform the Senate what
number ol the Cherokee Indians residing east of
the river Mississippi, enrolled lliemsei es for re
moval to tli« western side of saiu river, front the
4th day.ot March, 1849. to the 1st day of Janua
ry Inst, stating, particularly, the number enrolled
each year, likewise the number of improvements
valued foroa h emigrant in each year, giving the
name .of o ich Indian for win it a reservation was
inode, a description of the place valued, the sum
at winch it was valued, oml and the uviie of
each person who received the valuation money;
tuid also, w hether the business of enrollment w as
suspended for any portion ot tile time within ibe
periods before mentioned, and how long. . -
Ynuuvir. Feb. 4.
Mr. Pinckney, by unanimous consent, pre
sented a communication from the Secretary ol
the Navy, in relation to a naval depot iu the har
bor of Charleston, which was ordered to he prin
Mr. Pisjctnet .isked the unanimous consent
of the House to su mil a resolution relative to
the abolition of slavery iu the District of Culuin
hia. Il:s object was to have the resolution print
ed, and when the pending resolutions on the sub
ject should nc taken up, he should offer his pro
position iu lieu of tbe same.
Mr. Grander called for the reading of the re
solution. which was read accordingly, as follows:
Resolved, That all memorials which have been
offered or may hereafter he presented to this
House pi ayiug for the abolition of slavery in the
District of Columbia, and also the resolutions
offered by au honorable member trout Maine,
(Mr. Jarvis) with the amendin' lit thereto, pro
posed by an honorable member from Virginia
-(.Mi. Wise.) aud every oilier paper or proposi
tion ihatuiay lie submitted in relation to that sub
ject, ho referred to a select committee, with in
structions to report, that ’Congress possesses no
constitutional authority to interfere, in any way,
with the instititutious of slavery m any of the
.States of this confederacy; and that, in the o-
pinion of this House, Congress ought not to in
terfere, iu any w.iy. with slavery in the .listnet
of Columbia, because it would he a violation of
the public faith, unwise, impolitic and dangerous
to the Union, assigning'’such reasons for these
conclusions, as iu the judgment of the commit
tee, may-be best calculated to cnligbteu the pub
lic mind, to repress agnation. to allay excitement,
to sustain and pioeervo the just rights of the slave
holding Stales, and of the people, of this Districb
and to re establish harmony and tranquility a-
mongst the va mils seiaious of the Union.
.Mr, Wise then rose and objected to its recep
Mr. Pi.vcxxkt moved to suspend iho rules, in
order to ciiablo hitn to offer the resolution, which
motion tvas nrg itivcd.
The Cstkaker laid before the House the fol
lowing communications ;
1. A le ter from the Secretary of (Var, trans
mitting an abstract of tbe general returns of the
militia of the United States; which was iaid ou
the table, aud ordered to be printed,
8. A letter from the Secretary of War. trans
mitting a list of the persons employed in the In
dian Department; which was referred to the
Committee ou Indian Affairs, and ordered to be
p uiit’d.
3 A communication from the Secretary of the
Vavy, trui-muiing a statement of the expeudi
uios of app.opn itious for the uaval service lor
the year 1833; which was laid ou iho table, anti
ordemd to he priuted.
4. A letter.from tbe Secietary of Aar, trans
mitting 2-0 printed copies of tbo official Army -
Register f >r 1835. Laid ou the table, and order
ed to he printed.
5. A report from'the Cornmisunncr of tbe Pub-
lie Buildings. of the expenditures of the Public
Buildings, aud ntb'r objects under his eare, for
the year 1634; w hich was laid ou the table aud
ordered to ue primed.
Mr. J?f(, y. Mason submitted the following
fescdntiou, which, by fhe rule, liss over one day :
Resolved. That the President of the United
•States be requested tocouiuiuuieatc to this House
a statement, showing :he amount of duties re-
eeived into the Treasuiy of tbe United .ales,
on wines and silks of (lie production of France,
since the passage of the act, entitled. An act to
carry itito effect th" coBveutiou between the U-
nited estates and Ids Majesty iho Kiug of ihe
F'encb, concluded at Paris on iho 4th ol July,
183), approved the 14th July, 1834, aud the a
mount of duties w Inch would have been chargea
ble oil the same importations under the revenue
laws as they existed at the time ol the passage ol
that act, with t ie amount of importations of Uiuse
articles iu each year, for five years past; that he
be also requested to communicate lit this House,
a statement, showing iu analytical form tin* a-
watds made by the commissioners who acted uu-
dcr :heacl aforesaid in execution of the said con?
veiiti.i!!, their amount, the seve. al classes or- cata-
gorics in which they are arranged, and the a-
mount of the awards belonging to each class.
Monday, Ftb 9.
The Speaker laid before the House the fol
lowing Message :
To the Senate and House of Representatives:
Tito Government of Great lint ou lias offered
its mediatiiui for the adjustment of the dispute
between me United Stun - and Frauee. Cafe-
folly guarding that point in the controversy, which
as it iuvulves our honor - and iiidepi-udeuc**,
admits of no compromise, 1 have cheerfully ar
copied the offer. It .will ae obviously improper
to resort even to the mildest measures of a com
pnlsory character, until it is ascertained whether
France has declined or accept* d the mediiniott.
1 therf’oro recommend a-.lispensiou of al. procee
dings ou that part of my special pics,age of the
lo'h of January ins’, which proposes a partial
no i-in crcour-e with France. While wo cannot
too highly appreciate ihe elevated and disinte
rested motives of the offer of Groat Britain, and
have a just reliance upon the influence of
that power 10 restore tbe r. lesion of ancient
friendship between the Lulled biases and France,
and know, too, that our own pacific policy will
be strictly adhered to until the national honor
compels us to depart fron it. we should be insen
sible to the exposed rctiditii u of our country,
and forgot ihe lessons oi experience, if we did uot
efficiently and sedulously prepare for an adverse
result. file peace ol a nation does U"t depeud
exclusively upon its own will, nor upon ihe beuefi-
cont policy of neighboring powers ; and that na
tion w liic-h is found tot illy unprepared for the
exigencies and dangers of war, al.hough it come
without having given warning of its approach, is
erimoiitiiy negligent of its honor and its duty. I
cannot too strongly repeat the rcroinmcudatiuti
already made, to place the senhoaidin a proper
state of defence, and promptly to provide the
means for amply protecting our commerce.
Washington, February 8th 1836.
Hit motion of Mr, MAfilliN, of Virginia, the mes
sage was referred to tlie Committee uu Foreign
Aff iirs, aud ordered to be printed.
Correspondence of. thr (.tunl, ston Courier.
“ Washing ion, Jau.28
“The House of Representatives was the great
thealie of attraction to day, as much as was ex
pected from the pruiu.sed attack of Mr. li. Har
din on Mr. Adams. Mj Hardin was always cel
ebrated as a reckless, hold anil severe speaker,
aud hence his enmity in d.-iiate h is been always
considered as fearfi I in it, character. Perhaps
he scarcely came up to his old standard ou this
occasion, although Ins speech was bitter euuugb
to satisfy any ordinary taste for severity. He
was followed aud surpassed, by Mr. Eva.ils, of
Maine, a former friend of Mr. Adam,, who. with
out descending to tb it coarseness w hich general
ly marks the language of Mr. Hardin, and ron-
siitutes inorlwoi its streugtn in attack, animad
verted, with great severity ou tlie course of Mr.
Adams, expressing a fervent wish dial the sun of
Mr. Adams had sel at its noon, rather than that
be slioul4.noiv lie presenting the mournfully in
structive spec*ai le of a greai man lorgetting. in
hisdt Cline, his fidelity to ad those who had stood
by aud defended aim, iu an hour wh* u be w as
biiu,elf a mark for tile most latter aud uore
lenting opposition. Dnri. g all tills time. Mr Ad
am- betrayed only au occasional aud slight iu4i-
cuiiou ol leclmg. Tin-re was incnif.-si, now ami
then, a sort ol convulsive or mechanical nmve-
inuul of bis fingers, aud twice or ill.ire a sardonic
smile east a lurid expression over bis pale and ri
gid features. ,
“ Tbe rfeuato had again the same subject nu -
der consideration—Mr. Grundy aud Vlr. till be
ing heard in defence ol the three million!; appro
priation. Mr. Grundy utters Ids seutiiticuts with
so -wit n appealance of candor aud good humor,
aud a- the same time with so much ingenuity,
that he is always listened to wrh great attention
aim consideration. Mr. Grundy told the Senate
that unless Frauco reiracied her course, the I’re-
sident would make uo further overture* to her,
ami tiiat we mu,i aliandi.u all idea of drink mg
claret, and our wives and daughters give up buy-
tug French silks, until the 85 millions should lie
paid; aud Mr. hill complained that the propen
sity to vote again,t w ar had remained with Air.
Webster ever since 1818. and that the desire In
.protect bis country from insult and injustice had
left Mr. Calhoun since he made his latnous war
report at that unie—a report which. Mr- Hill said,
bad then fired in* owu youthful blood, aud led
him to venerate the author beyoud all other
•* Washington. Jan. 29.
" Mr. ISyiium, of North Carolina addressed
the House of Representatives to-day, in a swer
to Mr. Wise, principally, on the subject ol tbe
resolution offered by Mr Adams. Mr. Bynum
was very-sarcastic, almost amounting to person
ality ou Mr, Wise, and ns he was sometime, in
terrupted by Air. Wise, iu a corresponding uive,
it is apprehended that a rencontre may take place.
:r. Wise has already marked his innii, hut 1 *'o
not know whether any proofs are extant of the
success o Mr. Bum iff in the duello. Judging,
however, from the caste of features of the latter,
aud tbe character of the glaucc-s he sumelimes
casts arouutl bun, 1 presume he has au occasion-
al necessity for a little of the glorious excitement
of conflict to'keep his blood in geuerous circula
tion. .Mr. W ise is probably five leel eight indies
n: height, aud if lie bad given the bond of Anto
nio, rdiylock wou^d scarcely have fouud a pound
of Aeslt upon him. ills antagonist inay be live
feel five inches, and is almost as scantily supplied
with flesh. If iliey go out to fight, tin v will
staud on an equal footing, aud ucc’t uot Icar the
chance of flesh wounds, hut may say tu each o- Mr. Tierney is camatured as having
said to Mr. Pill, when be fired at aud missed him,
” Dutnuic, one might as well have »lmt at a rush
light.” Of the two young gentlemen, I think
Mr. Wise gives the fairest promise of usefulness
to his icliow'-croatures. \\ hen the House was ,1-
bout to postpone the subject, for the purpose of
proceeding to the consideration of private bills,
Mr. Adams stated that there was uo uecoasuy ol
pitsstug the quesliou ou his resolution, as In
wished all the phials of wrath which uad been
fined fur him, to be emptied uu bis bead, aud he
might be allowed au opportunity to reply to iho
gentleiuou who had assailed, or who might as
sail him.”
»• Washington, Feb. 1, 1836-
“ There is a general convictiuu-throughout the
eity, that the olier of Great brttatu to mediate
between X*’rauce and the United Sjtatcs, has been
accepted on the main quest ion—the payment ol
the twenty-five millions of franc*. Hut it is un
derwood that the differences in some other points
caniioi. according to the views euteriaiucd by the
President aud his Cabinet, be p.operly submitted
to ihe mediation of any .third power. These
points arc, accordingly, excepted, and reserved
for settlement by direct negotiation with France.
The British vessel at Noifolk, which brought the
overture, will sail, it is expected, iu a lew days,
with the reply of tho Executive to the offer, it
is hoped therefore, that the peril of a loreigii
war will.uot be added to the dangers “lutil.ilorm
aud mix,” wlm-ii menace the Uuiou at this mo
ment. Mr. Rucliauan. who it is understood is
speaking the sentiments of the Cabiuut it) the
Senate, admitted to-day, iu hts remarks ou tbe
resolution of Air. Benton, that the eminence ot
tbe danger had passed away, aud that if Con
gress put the cuuulry in a simatiou to exhibit a
hold front. France would very shortly pay the
inoi ey; and by this result, the responsibility
which had impended over those Senators who
had refused the graut of three millions last year,
would be matei tally lessened. Still, large appro
priations will be asked for, aud large appropria
tions will certainly be made, as there seems to he
uu disposition iu the Senate (the only body of
whom any doubt seems tu be eutcrtainedjto with
hold any grant whic 1 * may be considered requi
site fur the effectual defence of the country. Air.
Buchanan further stated, that the letter of Mr.
Rives did not produce auy ill feeliug towards our
claim on the part of Fiance, as it was not made
known in that country, except to tw o Deputies,
until it must have been too late to produce auy
unfavorable influence.”
•* Washington, Feb. 2.
“ We have had a continuation of the debate in
the Senate,on the resolution offered by Mr. Ben
ton. The remarks of Mr. Buchauaii ha^e been
brought to a close, and we have had tile inuideu
speech of Mr. Grittetidcu, which was pithy, brief,
s ireastic aud tu some parts eloquent, in reply to
Mr. Buchanan. The latter Senator bad urged
that France had received from us mil ions since
1831, iu consequence of the permission granted
to her to send us her silks aud wines at reduced
rate of duty. Mr. Crittenden, insisted that
France derived no profit from the reductions of
duty, audjhat these calculated millions went into
the pockets of our citizens, aud not into the cof
fers of France • that till the benefits of reduced
duties w ere benefits'to the consumer, aud uot to
the product r. He w ent on tu assail the exagger
ated declarations ol the responsibility which had
becu assumed by those w ho voted against the
graut of the three millions last session, auu declar
ed that ihe people of the country did not set a
value of the pariog of a Huger nail tin that respon
sibility ; that it sounded well as the theu.e of a
speech, hut bad no existence in fact. War he
bad never supposed to he likely, for who would
go to war to recover a debt ? The debt was due
to us. but he would uot go to war with au old aud
faitiiful ally to recover it for he was not desirous
to obtain a purse stained *\itb the blood of thou
sands of shat uutioii w hich aided us to ehtuiu our
independence. He regarded, of all causes of
war, money to be the most sordid, base aud in
glorious. And if wo go to war, he would rely
more ou the cuergy of the people, than the erec
tion of artificial defeuees. Alter he had closed,
the floor was obtained by Air. Manguiu, who will,
of course, address the Senate when tbe subject
shall be resumed.”
Frosr. another Correspondent
” W ASHINGTON, Jail. 28.
“Judge White, of Temtesse. occupii d tbo floor
of the Senate the whole of yesterday, in reply to
Ooloucl Benton, and in defeue*- of the vote he
gave oil the Appropriation Bill of March 3d.
1835. He was rather more animated than usual,
and in the course ot his remarks said, that the
vote he gave at the tithe referred to, w»» au act
of his official life of winch he fell "proud, aud lie
hoped jt would he lecorded with his name, so
long as he had the honor of being ranked with
gcuileutett of principle aud of truth. It was an
honest vote, aud if agaiu called upon to act, un
der similar circiimstauces, he certainly should re
cord a similar vote.
Ho professed the warmest regard for General
Jackson ; said that no man ou t arlh so complete
ly possessed his affertmus ns tbe General; and,
that in the course of his official duty, he had al
any time recorded a w rong vote, the error should
lie nseribed to the houest friendship he bore ihe
President. The Judge, iu my opinion.said some
things, which, fur the sake of his character lor
manliness, had better been unsaid.
“lit the House of Representatives, the same
subject was discussed, aud tbe Hun. Churchill
C. Caniliiclcng took the floor in behalf, ol him
self aud the llotise. lie said, at the ousel, that
when ou Saturday last, he had intimated that a
distinguished Senator, (Mr. Webster,) had had a
hand iu au attack that tvas made ou him. in the
columns of the Philadelphia National Gazette,
early last spring, he had done that Seuaior in
justice, and as he was now satisfied that he was
uot guilty, hut on the contrary, had expicssed
Ins abhorrence of the act, he uotv did biiij jus
tice bv retraetiug the remarks lie then made.
“ He then made some allusion to Mr. Wise, of
V-irgiuia. aud treated him wilh scorn aud con
tempt. lie said he would uot follow the example
of tint gentlemau and cull iiamcs. Names were
hut little consequence, they carried uu influciicu
n ull them, even if tiiey were associated with the
illustrious Mr. Wise.'
“ This was inteuded as a rebuke to Mr. Wise,
who, on Saturday last, w hen sneaking ou this sub
ject, assailed Mr. Cauibreleug with personalities,
and freely made use of his name, in defiance of
parliamentary Usage aud courtesy. Air. Wiie
rose to explain, aud said that when ho used'Mr.
Cambreleng’s tiamc, he was speaking of the last
sessiou of Congress, aud uot of this.
“Air. Canihreleug now went ou to detail the
history of the Fortification hill of 1835. aud the
raiwus that led to ti ; and 1 thought ho was very
correct, so far as the public incidents of the night
were concerned. As to the private and caucus
part of tile aflair, I know nothing. 1 well recol
lect the incidcuts of that night, as 1 was olio of
the reporters ou the occasion, ami look especial
pains to he minute and correct.
“Tbo defence of Mr. Cauibrcleng, was cer
tainly ingenious aud able, if it w as not cotisisicut
with ull the facts ol the case, and as fur this par-
ttcular I shall not decide, iu concluding his re
marks, Mr. Gaiubroleug said, aud 1 think he said
truly. tha< it was i subject of regret aud mortifi
cation. that the two Houses of Congress should
now he engaged iu a war of crimination and re
crimination, iu relation to acts of a previous ses
sion. tle said th <t this was uo time tu be en
gaged iu these petty pursuits; the time had arri
veil when both branches of Congress, aud the
Executive, mid tho people themselves should he
united in an effort to place tho country in a state
of defence. Wo had uotv arrived at a crisis in
our affairs, when the weight of a feather would
deckle the question of peace or war with Franee,
aud we ought tu bo a united people. Frauco had
liemaudcdof us that which could uot-ho given—
w Inch ivontd not be giveu by the people, if the
whole Union, from Maiue to Louisiaui, was de
luged hi blood.
“ Mr. Read, of Alassachusetts, a veuerablo gen-
tlemnti, and a most useful member, followed Air.
Cambroleug m au opposite direction,' and weut
iitioa full and honest detail of all the facts con
uected wilh the loss of the bill. In som« mate
rial potuts, 1 think he was inaccurate, but 1 can
not doubt tiio correctness of his intentions —
W hen ho had concluded, Mr. Ben. Harding, f
Ivcutucky, took the floor, but to consequence of
theegened condition of the House, and the late
ness of the bout, he gave way to u motion to ad
journ. The whole ol this day has been exhaus
ted with the same subject, lit tf e House, it was
debated by Air. llaidmg and Mr. Evaus; iu the
ricuate, by Messrs Grundy aud Hill. Wheu it
will eud it is impossible to conjenture.
“A company of U. S. Artillery left here to
day. for Florida, and others will soon f-ilotv.—
The Government has been furnished w ith $300,-
000 to suppress the Seminole war, and we can-
uot but hope that the savages will soon be put to
route,” 8.
Advices f-om Yera Cruz to the 8th of January
have bet ii received at New Yoik. Tiie capture
of Gen. Coss by tite Texian army is officially an
nounced, and tke conduct of bimseif aud meu
much lauded for their brave resistance.
Ou the 3d December, General Santa Anna
passed ill review of 9000 men at St Louis Poiosi,
destined to recover Texas. Immediately after
wards, five Generals with 2IH)0 men took up their
line of march, and die van guard, uuder Gen.
Sesina bad reached Salines, about thirty miles
from the Rio Bravo Del Norte, ou tite 8th of
that month. Tbe continuance and tapidity of
the advance of the army of Texas, will depend
greatly ou the means of truuspoi t and provisions
they have a I command.
A conspiracy against the Government was dis
covered in the city of Mexico on the 6th Drc.
The object is stated to have been the assassina
tion oUSauta Auna and tbe Ministers, and to plun
der the city. A great number o f officers impli
cated had been at rested.— Const.
Texas—Late letters from that interesting coun
try state, that voluuteers are pouring into it, aud
that she was generally considered as secure a-
gaiust Santa Anna and hts Mexicans. The
convention was to assemble ou the first of March
and would issue a declaration of ludependoiice.
Maj. Gen. Samuel Houston, a.native of the val
ley of Virginia, was tukiug a most active part in
raising aud organizing troops. The General
cuuucil passed on the 24th of November, ail Or
dinance. to establish and organise a corps of
inouuieo rangers. And ou the same day another
ordiuauee was passed to raise a regular army,
cousistiug of one thousand one hundred & twenty
meu, tu be enlisted for two yeais, or so long as
tho war shall last. Officers aud men to receive
the pay aud raiious as in the army of »be' U. S.
aud iu addition thereto, six hundred and forty a-
cres of laud each, after he shall have received
au hotrarable discharge —Rich. Knq.
We have been favored a friend uotv in
Texas, with the Republican, printed at Brazo
ria, of the I3ih January. It appears from the
notice which tve extract below, that Col Fanuiu
was thou embodying the voluuteers to march to
the western border of Texas, for the put pose of
meeting Santa Anna on his descent into the coun
try with his 10,UU0 men, aud prevent the war
from being carried into the heart of Texas. The
following is the notice.
Attention Volunteers. It’est face—March.
'The General council Das ordered a concentra
tion of allthe Volunteers, eu the western hor
de of Texas, & I am charged with raising funds
and the troops, aud carrying into effect the ob
ject. The fleet aud convoy will sail from Velas
co ou or before the ISih inst and all the fighiiuu
Volunteers is Texas, or arriving, are iuvited to
enter tbe ranks forthwith, and proceed to the
place of rendezvous and join their brethren iu
arms to the number of near 600. who have alrea
dy marched to Gopcuo and San Putrico—Each
white man, is a host, and 1 trust to se„e a large
turn out; and by so doing we may make tho eu-
etuy pay the expenses of the war, aud entirely
prevent the war being brought into the heart of
the country. If it is uot done, the situation of
the country is at least perilous.
J. W. FANNIN. Jr. Agt. Prov. Govt.
[Go/ Sen.]
From the Texas Telegraph, Jan.JD.
We learn that the Mexicau armed schr. AIou-
tezuma. is uotv lying in Galveston Bay, aud that
Ihe schooner Invincible is lying at the inonih of
this river, an express has been sent to this place
to got the necessary niilhoisty and instructions
for the liiviucitile, to enable her in proceed in
pursuit of the Montezuma. We understand that
there is a sufficient u timber of meu at Velusco.who
are willing to volunteer their services to man the
Invincible. From what lias already taken place,
both by land and sea, wc have but little ryason
to fear tbe result.
We are happy to learn that a new armed ves
sel has at rived on the coast to cuter iu the serv
ice of Texas. She is said to lie a very fine fast
sailing vessel of 120 tons burthen, aud mountiug
s>x guns: 2 eighteen, and 4 nine pounders. 8ho
has also ou board 1000 stand of muskets, aud
provisions for a four month’s cruise. Site is at
this time a very important acquisition to our
cause, as she will protect our commerce, and at
the same time carry ou a war ngaiustibe minia
ture uavy of Mexico.
N. Orleans, January 18.—The Texian com
missioners have now acquired a loan of 350,000
dollars, on easy terms. To morrow they will
depart for .Mobile ; and thence to Washington:
It is stated that thoug-li Gen Cos was pe mu
ffed free ou his parole that lie would uot iu future
take arms ngaiust Texas, yet that lie is-raisiug
men and menus as rapidly as he can.
Santa Anna has uot yet shown his face near
thoTexian frontier : he smells powder. General
Houston has prepared to commeuee the cam
paign ou the 1st of March next.— Bee
Another Tragedy.—It becomes our painful du
ty to record another evidence of the progress of
crime. Yesterday morning, before day light, a
man by the name of .Sylvester Edwards, pi ot ou
the steamboat Paul Jones, was shot by David
Dryden, pilot of the steamboat Swiftsitre. The
two heats weie on their way to this place from
Louisville, aud were running a race, and it is sta
ted that the Paul Jones attempted to mu tile
Sjwiftsitre down. Tho incensed pilot of the lat
ter, who procured h rifle, and when the Paul
Jones was about fifty yards oil', he fired at Ed
wards, (her pilot,) and shot him through the neck.
Edwards was not dead sit 4 o’clock yesterday,
but it is believed, we understand, he cannot sur
vive, Tho act was commuted near Tanner’s
creek between Lawreuceyillo ar.d Aurora.—Cin
cinnati fVhig.
Arkansas—The Convention for forming a con
stitution for the future State of Arkansas, assem
bled at Little Rock, ou the 4lii of January,—50
members present—but one absent. They elect
ed John Wilsou of Clark, as their President,
Charles P Bertrand as Secretary. “A resolu
tion was offered by Air Roane, that it is expedi
ent for this Convention to proceed to form a
constitution aud State Government which was
adopted with only one dissenting vote, (Mr Wal
ker of Hempstea'd.”
Maj. Dade—A now county has bean organi
sed by our Legislative Council embracing the
country bordermg on New River, and including
Indian Key, to be called Dade county in honor
of th« Inmonted Maj. Dade.—Floridian.
From tin Chat lesion Courier.
Departure of Volunteers for Florida■—Two
mpauies of Volunteers Tom the inferior, under
command of Cajrtnius Jones and Parker, em
barked yesterday forenoon, ou board tbe schrs
Intrepid and Tuscarura, for St. Augustine.
In the afternoon, the Irish Volunteers, under
Capt. IIenrv, marched down to Miirnood’<
wharf, e-corted by the Northern Volunteers and
French. Artillery, uniform corps, mid went on
board the 6fhr Kxii, which vessel left the whnrt
immediately afterwards under n salute from the
artillery. The military honors (raid to this com
pany were very appropriate, and we regret that
similar demonstrations of r -speel were not awar
ded at the departure of those w ho have preceded
Col. A. II. Brisbane, comrar.uder of the
regiment, is a passenger iu the Exit.
Adetachineut from Col. Edward - *’ Regiment
of 75 men, will march d - ..wu this day, at 12 o’
clock, to embark in a steam .boat lor Sullivan’s
Island. They are detailed to garrison'Fort Moul
trie and Castle Pinckney during the absence of
the regular troops, who will bo sent immediately
to Florida with Gen. Eustis.
Two companies of United States Troops and
a number of Officers, embarked on board the brig
Arctic for Savannah last night. The Arctic left
our port this morning aud was taken down by
the boat Relief.
From St. Augustine. The Steam Packet
John Stoney. Go pi. Curry, arrived here last eve
ning, from .^t. Augustine, having left that port
ou Aloud ay last. Sc. bringing the Herald of the 6;h
iust, from which we have extracted some lew
items, which will be found below.
d e have also been favor. <1 with thefollowin
extracts of letters received by tms vessel.
“.Sr. Augustine. Feb. 2.
“We are still without employ, except such as
regular camp duty, aud the guarding of pickets
requite. A false alarm was created the other
night, the signal gun at the bridge piquet having
been fired by mistake. 'I he Volunteers in the
Garrison turned out promptly, aud in such a
manuer as to inspire the greatest confidence it)
them, if indeed auy cvideucc of their zeal were
wanting - .
“There are reports of Indians having been
seen over tbe bridge yesterday, but little confid
ence is put iu these rumours. Cnpt Merchant’s
company of about 40 regulars arrived here yes
terday. from .Savannah, ami will probably rem
ain nutil Gen. Eustis comes ou, unless in the in
terim they receive orders from Gen. Clinch to
join him.
“A company of mounted men came iu to-dav.
from Picolati. bringing despatches from that place
and al-o from Gen. ('linen. We learn that ac
cording to the best opinions, the maiu body of
Indians are conceuttatiug their forces at Pow ell-
town in the west; that Micanopt, a chief, has
joined Powell, with 500 men, that they number
at least 2500 warriors, ami that they are mak
ing great preparations lor an early and decisive
battle with Liiuch. The object is to engage him
to advantage with au overpowering force, before
he can receive reinforcements.
“ Despatches were received here last night from
Gcu. Minch at Fort Drane. Nothing further
was known of the movements of the Indians.—
An unfortunate and fatal occurrence had taken
place iu relation To the volunteers at th .1 place.
A" Lieut. Ward mutinied, aud drawi g a brace
of pistojs, threatened-to shoot his commaudirg
officer. Col. Parrish raised a gun then in his
hands and instautly shot Ward dead in his
tracks. The writer of the letter conveying this
melancholy intelligence, Lieut Dancey, had lcar
md I’othiug further of ihe particulars. The con
sequence. however, whs licit tho volunteers ietii -
ed from th -- camp, and left Clinch alone with
bis 5 companies of reeidars. He had at that
dale received no reinforcements.
Capt Porter proceeds to dav to Bulow’s.
about 4 rniies to the south of this. He is ordered
to take Van Ness's company with him. Thai
company, however, has not arrived yet ("apt
.Merchant, with the company of icgtilars from
Savannah, will probably accompany him,
‘•We have received orders to-day, by expre>*.
that will carry offal' the Regulars, including rht-
Companies that arrived to-day. in the John Sto
tuy. with the exception of one Company.—
Clinch is doubtless hard pressed by the Indians
as all the Volunteers have left him. We see.
to-day fires in a Southerly direction, which are
supposed by those best acquainted wilh tbe loca
lities of tbe country, to be in the neighborhood of
Bulow’s and Hernandez’s Plantation, it ts pro
bitbie cither that ihe Indians h ive burned th.>-.e
places, or that they are inakiug a f-int, to draw
the troops out of St Augustine. They art?pro
bably concentrating there, (it is aboi.t 15 miles
from St. Augustine.) and if so we stand a chance
of a brush with them. 1 donut know how long
we shall he kept v-iihio St. Augustine ; many
of the men are anxi <us to go out, but the offi
errs feel themselves pledged to keep them within
the city.”
“A large fire was seen last night ill the direc
tion of Bulow's and Hernandez's Plantations,
supposed to have been from the buildings, which
•he Indians were burning. We have heard noth
ing further of the Indians.
“A fire was yesterday observed iu the direction,
as supposed, of Bulow's Plantation. Ourgmurd.
to-night, is consequently double, and the garrison
well prepared. The Indians tire ieported to be
gathering their strength near Cttuio King. A
Detachment of U. S troops left litis morning
for 1’icolat.i.”
From the Herald.
ST. AUGUSTINE, FEB. 6—Tho Brig Com
et, Trout. arrived at tils port on Wednesday,
having beeu taken np by the Government, for
the transportation of provision stores from Chales-
ton. for the supply of >he troops and volunteers
who rendezvous at Si. Vugustiue.
The Schooner Favorite also arrived the dav
following freighted with supplies for ihe same
We learn from rumour, that Aliconopy and
Jumper were at the head of the Indians who
mussacrccd Capt. Dade and hts companies of
troops, the horritl details of which have- already
appeared in the papers ; and consequently it is
more lltau probable that Ohelu was present at
the murder of Geu Thompson.
Orders by express avo arrived from Geu.
Clinch to the coni.naudaui of this post, placing
ihe two companies of U. S. troops under the
command ot Captains Merchant and Porter, at
their discretionary disposal at the south. These
two companies w ill therefore proceed to &. lake
pest ni iiulow vdlc, or at such other poiut as cir
cumstances shall reudor mosijudirious. It is uot
doubled hut they will bo able to meet the Indians
who have done so much mischief in that quar
ter, aud will chastiso them into submission.
Conformably to the proclamation of the Govern-
o". and of General Orders just promulgated, a
Draft of one fifth of all the Militia will be made
on Tuesday morning, provided tho necessary
force is.not previously" made up of Voluuteers.
Considerable distress has been expressed this
week for wautoffire wood; tite weather being
severo and the thermometer being down to about
28g. Very little wood is now brought tothe'uiiy.
on account of our disturbed situation. Whate
ver wood does arrive is monopolized by our
merchants aud sold at five and six dollars per
cord. Families aro now suffering for want of
fuel.. Corn is selling at one dollar and twenty
five ceats per bushel; and flour at $11 per bW.
From the Jucksonvihe Count, i
A gentleman m a lettti to .beL.T 4 '
licoUla. January 31st, 18;;tj, _ u,1 «r.
press arrived from Geu. CbiiVli Ihb"*'' 11 ri-
bnugmg information, ( w Dh m« lL ,j
Geu. Call had joined him. Tbee UriUetJ '
apt. Porte. - , 1st Art. sit. Aug U „ ( f*
sons, the one a white man. ‘'hit*,
state, that they were tired ou op.J; !tr ‘‘m!
lata strong hold, across t ne river’ ,H:r
Hung the banks. The ferr> ma ’ u
cross with ihe express, sayl |, e fii "«Ui a .
rile report of a rifle, and i,’
were about tbe lauding. Tho bl ,uc H»t
bs saw au Indian step from behind «»«
fire upon him, aud the ball • ’* lr <*, aid
head. One of a sin.ill l«riy n » L,
afterwards, say s he saw an luuinu Ul
* -vast au ioii.-,,. ”»er
lretn ail which perhaps we ate run ‘“‘“^
drawing the inference ihatthero are hi'** 1 * b
woods not far from us. ‘ UlJns iinj) S
The steamer Mongiu has just ,
a , ; <U suppose Maj. Stephens u „, v , ' heJ htr t ,
the rascals a little ojfrnce alter so Jo,,,
Maj. iS. and also his officers-are eoiitb. f
credit for iheir spirited conduct. U tu Feat
Ou Friday evening about thirty , nuUu . .
Jinteers from the counties otClyuu a! ‘
Ga accompanied by Col. •Wciin u ,| L „ .""kn,
our towu. They are of the i Uim ’ ’ ,rr,v ^ii
and wealthy inhabitants of that secu u ,i 4bie
This small band of brave hearts d
join Gen. Clinch, by j.roceedingdi
Quarters 1st the dangers which uese, u ' lil '^
be what they might. , r *aj
The steamer J. D. Alougin havin.
fr »m Piclata, left here ou Monday m, re " irct(!
kiug these spirited Volunteers, with ..'' “'““b-
and baggage-wagon tojoi., ,| le Richmond
in their march to Camp King,
,,, . From l he Tallahassee Floridian
Honda will long remember wi h eracJ r
the generosity of Charleston, Savaum-', t
Macon, Mobile, and Netv Orleaus, 'r„ “*f u
.neu, money, aud arms, for the protection f 1 *
frontier, from a ruthless and sa Va » 8 f“ f#a ''
should they eve,, « hid, God iVbid.^j *’
ol like assistance, we trust that si )s w m LTJ
thousands of brave hearts aud ready hmi
slucl'i thc.r altars and fire-sides from d« 0 £ have now, <>u their yvsy f0 the -etnenf,
non, more than a thousand Voluatcer, bdl''
detit ol die regular requisitions,.,,
States, many of them, ere this, have pS
arrived. 1 0i i
Excepting the painful iutelligeuce of the a
of Lt. Ward, of fhe TalUhai VotS
news of interest has beeu received since our'i
from tho seat of w ar. **
Col. James Gadsden has been appoint
Quarter Master General, of the Florida
au office which we have no d„ u bt he will fill j
credit to himself and usefulness to th? comn
in the present critical juncture of our affairs. *'
The U. S. troops nuder Col. Tyviga. a Vis:
3tk) in number accompanied by volunteers md., i
Gej. Smith, to the uumber of nearly - 700. left
New Orleaus for Florida, on Wed.’lasi. There
were more U. S. troops, hut tiny could mu Ed I
conveyance until to-day. This large- cou'rik - 1
lion to the. Sent uole war. does great credit to I
the enterprise and patriotism of the l.oui«rantaia |
Tho Bee of Neyv Or!, informs us that it hascsub-l
fished a correspondence giving accounts tfcj|
affairs in Florida, so far as those troops are i
i erned —Mobile Reg.
The Legislature of this State, (says the','.0.1
Bee.) has passed tsvo appropriation trills for tb* I
belief of tbe citizens of Florida—die;I
granted by both is $30,009. The Governor s|
authorised and enjoined to call ou tbe«i:ig'.o,:tI
volunteer: nd to incur tbo necessary express I
of forivarding them to Florida. f
The volunteers who have enrolled themstlwI
(says the N. O. Courier, 26th ult.) within thek j
tyva or three days, foi Florida, were passedivt - 1
view last evening. They amount to 280abl,b|
• i.ed men, of very fine appearance. Me lull
every reason to believe that this bomba *3H
ing'uented, before the 'ay fixed.far lliei."drr:'-|
ure, to600. 1— —
A lorida Affairs—The \V nsbioglor Glide c*|
tains a vindication of ihe Federal Govonw*|
fr >m the charge of ucglecritit: die prole,hm>*l
defence. of'Florida. made or ini plied iu the pn - !
ceedittgs of the public meeting iu tl.i*city, 'll
lote as the 89th September, the inform : '-I
nished the Government by “the nnfratnfdX
cer, Lieut. Harris,” stating the* Sewi'a;; : J
hit ion, including negroes, not to exceed
which about I6t.'0 yyere females, rcupW idl
ihe (act a portion of the Indians ire ( iW f
able to a removal, leaving the whole nirsri|
the disaffected, of all ages and classes, oiiiji' -- *l
•1300, warranted iho belief that *<"**■
would be a full estimate of }he It stilt i' , 'l
On ibis basis the amplest prcp.iratiow•’ , l
made: and as sonu as the Govcruiurut
• ware ot ihe real character of the nr.«: s
(no news of actual hostilities, on die part*
lndiaus, having been received at Ua» : » c
until the 6th Jhii ) measures were pmnf? 1
ken to have pi, ,he spot an increased
militia ioree, and a naval force, also iii' 1 ^ -1
bring the matter to as speedy au.l safe a w*
ntioti as p. s-iiile - . The Globe insi-t- iR*
e. n,panics were placed originally. »s n:t
in the report of the Secretary of W r.iw
commend of Gen. Clinch, to compel die
al ot the Indians; hut exonerates that offic..'■ j
all Idame, it having been impraetirable(*
in consequence of the dispersed cooditke '
army, sooner to concentrate Ins forcc-
Frorn the Norfolk HerM- .,
Longevity.—On 8 aim day las, f i
died in t:iis borough, iu w hich. llii» , i"l |il0< 'J
Africa, he had re-ided nearly a lmu<lr«
He was originally purr based by .* f-Tj
the Islam! of Barhadoes. of the aaips^.J
with whom he there lived uinii he - J .
old, wheu Ids master died, leaving
a son aud daughter, the eldest 13 yea 1 *
who, ou the death of their only surW,# ^L ( (
emigrated to this Borough at that MI ’M
and Jobu was of tho train of servants * "j
dod them. The son (George Ahyvon)
of time became a leading •n* 11 1 ? j|i
the Corporation, aud filled the offi<e ^
some years before the revolution -- \
lady married Col Willoughby, *6 eu, * e <
tiitctinn, and from their union *P r J
branches, all cxis'iug at the P rtSC ’' (r ,«
adorning society as their ancestor* .j
do in their time. Joliu rouliuu^ ^
from generation to generation, , , ' j*j»J
faithful in his duty, affectionately a ‘ .
family, & pretty much his own '
AVairiba, a sort <*f privilege' 1
many years before his death, | h" u <j'
healthy itnd active to the last,
required of him. and the kinds#** f
to yvhich ho belonged, *«pp” i.;At*j
comforts. We have no d*** , 1() ri"
list* the precise period of his com?
hut from the best sources of J 1 .h e yf : ‘j
our reach, wo should fix 6* " ^ fcj
aud being 'lieu 25 years of ag * .e«f*J]
uutnheied one hundred 'wad '
time of his decease. **•» f 0 rit« ::
have been hastened at the 139 * j ve d ctt.
hv a severe burn yvhich. h# . h» fl, ‘
bite cold weather from bl* asleep -
dentally caught fire while n
We regret to learn ( sa . v * jS^di,
zette.) that Co). U "■‘'’u'ashiDg 1011 ’ 011 "
sleet on the pavement'u-'* ^
evening, and brok# hts r (