Newspaper Page Text
jjj. A E. E. BARTLETT.
A elaiue X.—
_ 4O. 8UU.SU.i>t lU.I.
sS ;>oLtAlU,Jwid»* auranee. trill pay forthe pa-
* ‘ utJir. Fiv* Dollars, paid in advance, will pay
!*"!!!; irn r tiro years. Tzs Dollars, paid in advance
P r .,, t L the paper Jit* yean.
**'rjwM irifAi* *« months after the year has
1 "‘--l, T.trte Dollars and Fifty Cents per annum
^ rhsrgfJ. V nul P«W until <Ac end ojTrta ;gar.
Dollars per annum teill be charged—with interest
S>21. H. 2.GO&2&
ITTJ AS just received a large assortment of DRUGS
JUL A MEDICINES, at the Store one door below
•v ■ B. Johnston’s Jeiyelri r which be will sell at ino
derate prices; among which are
Whits Lead, Red Lead. Black Lead, Litharge, Verdi-
C O III Iff 1 S S I O Iff
FJi HL undersigned begs leave toinionn his friends A
JSL public generally, tliat he wiil continue the above
business in all its various branches at the old stand for
merly occupied by Bennett A Carter in East .Macon. ^. a „. ul „„„ e? , erul .
he onera Oi the uaual iacilitie* in business by gris, Chromic Green, Chromic Yellow, Spanish Brown,
if. making liberal advances on produce stored with him, Yellow Ochre, Stone Ochre, Umber, Vcuetian Red,
™ not exceeding o.w hundred ,cords, half sh, P n »ent* to his friends in Savannali^Charlcston,; Lampblack, Rosepink, Terra do Sienna, Vermillion
' r ,,r tircirc brevier lines, trill be 'inserted one time or , ,** io , His U are Houses are conveniently sit- Prussian Blue, Osborn's water colours.
***’"»:" men more than one insertion is given, "“ le “ near Uie nver. and remote from other buildings
* - ■ which renders them quite secure front danger by fire.
Insurance enn be effected at lowest rates if required.
The undersigned will give his whole attention to the
above business and hopes to receive a portion of pub
lic patronage. A General assortment of Groceries
will be constantly kept on hand and sold at the lowest
prices. sept9 II II. K. CARTER.
Venus of Advertising’.
.«»art. or rwaccm,...,
r. One dollar, men more
t'!J s f,r the .first, and !*)
* j fvn thick * deduction of i
t • . rf .
rents for each continuant) ?
if onefourth teiU be made, when
lid is advance
pity thrlrry.
* Wtrlg idea .
fj r Ttcr»ty Dollars per annum ; and
(*5, (or -«larger space—payable quarterly
1'herrprusrs of our business, and the state
.. M |drrrtisers will be allowed two snnarcs in rack
n.»—- — - — • anil in the same
of the times,
tint these' terms should he rigidly adhered tv.
Line o f Packets. ^
XL BRIG Amelia Strong. J. Chace, Master.
b>*T. Premium, Mr. Matthews, “
Darien, C. P. Buckley, 44
■ f is? •• “ Macon, A. Bibbins, “
a'cl.r. D. II. Crane, T. Baker, 44
. I fi(>0 .| sud -iihstantial vessels, well calculated for the
| £ ,vitli good accommodations for passengers, and
( v, ri‘)iic'‘d commanders, One of the vessels will al-
,v i'v. lie at each end of the Line to receive freight, and
will ail regularly once a week. Shippers by this line
C3U gifoct Insurance at live eighths per cent and they
in rely upon the vessels being regularly despatched.
Tj\ eiiiscrilters are also agents for several Steamboats
., regularly during the boating season between
Darien. HawkinsviUe. and Macon, and are induced to
^ lfV , |i w t they can givo great facilities in forwarding
,. m |, .1,.,lined forthe interior of the State.
* 1IAW S & MITCHELL, Agents.
I)«rim. 1st July. 1835 3
ami Commission
v . Business.
( ^1 l O. JEWETT & Co. respectfully inform their
W friends and tho public generally, that they liuve
added the Ware House and Commission Business to
that heretofore conducted by them. Their Ware
House is conveniently situated on second street, near-
Linseed, Sper-o. Whale, and Train Oils, and SpLs.
Turpentine, Copai, Japan, Coach, Leather, dc Picture
Flesh, Ilair, Hat,'"’raining, Varnish, Furniture,Tooth.
Paint, Nail, Coin Shoe, Scrubbing, Sweeping. Dus
ting, Velvet, Whitewash, Clothes, "Horse, and Velvet
Cologne, Rose Honey, Florida, Lavender, A Orange
Flower Wate.. Aromatic Vinegar, Bears’ Oil, Antique
Oil, Cldorine Tooth Wash, Cream Soap and other
Shaving Soaps, Wash Balls, Drop Lake, Essences of
Rose and Cedrat, Extrait dp Meil, Flake White, Hair
Powdrr, Orris Root, Milk of Roses, Oils of Orange,
Bergamot. Cedrat, Cinnamou, Lavender. Neroli, and
j Roses; Oxy-chloriue Lofton, Pearl Powder, Pomatum,
H AS Just received a new and extensive as
sortment of
which ho is ffToriiig for sale at reduced prices
Tor Cash Only.
Super Saxony, Blue, Black and Fancy Colored
Broad Cloths
Blue, Black, Mixed and Fancy colored Satinetts
English Merinoes
Duffle,’Point and Hose Blankets
Scarlet, Crimson. Green and While Flannels
ly adjoiiii;*g lheir store. All cotton consigned to them, I Powd^r P.I^ Pres^^^ £ncy vE
culler b > tin. planters or dealers in the article, or or- als. Tonqnin Beans, Vin de Rouge, Vegetable Rouge,
ders to sell or buy in tins market, will be promptly &. Macassar Oil “
pioitrrr steam Uoai /Line.
I I »;! transportation to and from Macon, is now
I complete order. A superior new Steam Bo;
r.i k\l -David Crockett" with two powerful Engines
ln j first rate freight boats hare been built since
ibc close of tho last season and placed on the line.
Slam limit Pioneer, Copt. Uoorlwin,
“ “ Davit Crockett, “ M'Cormick
will plv regulaily between Darien aud Macon, one of
liic n li- iving" Darien about once a week with freight
txMK III low. ~
Sum 3aat ©^41X11113X011,
Capt. Bomtell,
H.ilriin constantly between Darien and Savannah
tU'la.Iorl the greatest despatch to Cotton.
T.ia <nb.-rribor's whole attention is devoted to facil
rating transportation between Macon and the Ser
1’mK He lus invested a large sum to put his line 5i
tii- tnait eo uplete order, and believes that his arrange
lit. giv in. despatch to freight and keeping it in
{til order, while in liis cart-, will mako it the inter*
»i'C itton .Shippers mid .Merchants ordering goods, tc
Miitimie their thvors.
li II irieu he has secure and convenient Warehouse
fcriFcepiion of Good*, and his
IViurires thorc are covered
with sheds,
ttiirh i-mhles him to keep all Cotton shipped on hi
Bun mi lor shelter and protected from the weather
wade landed for reshipment.
UoLCOVtaic, Peck, A Co., Charleston.
I',, t*. Butts, Savannah,
J. T. Rowland, Darien
!). !5 Halstead, HawkinsviUe.
Hjcoii, Vov. I - , 1H3J —22
Macon Steam Float Company.
Stf.-i.nlioat SUPERIOR, Capt. tJeorge Willcox,
tlo. EXCEL, “ J. L Willcox.
T HIS company have now their line of Beats it:
coiii|ile!« order for freighting. They have it
o- ' ■ added to their line called the Superior
n-ii ten Tow-Boats.
T.i • li cits will run regularly betwa* n Macon an.i
De.cii, one of the steamboats leaving Darien even
h-or-i.x Jays with tow-boats. The company have
-iveen tow-boats, all firstrate boats,built expre.,s-
lj i'"rt!w navigation »»r the Otuntilgee and Altamaha
tac.->; ,||.t>e increased facilities will enable the coin-
the means of giving the greatest despatch to
is’.inn or goods shipped by their line.
fn-i have a Steainbnnt and a number of Sloops,
l»carry cotton and merchandise between Darien and
Pinnuvh. atul Darien and Charleston. There are
['m. fire lirst rale Packets running regularly between
•if.-n and New York, which conns to Hawes A
WRelic I, of Darien.
Agentsfor the above Hoots :
J. GODDARD, Macon.
jiovcK, IIkvrv «St Walter, Charleston,
j- Baldwin A Co. .Savannah,
Ih'vssA Mitchell, Darien.
''to- K. KoBEttrs, HawkinsviUe,
'Leon. ’Ll;h Dec., ISitfi. 2(5
UrttiHlgee Steam Uoat Company.
attended lu.
They have also a convenient close storage house
for the reception of merchandize Jrom the country;
the receiving and forwarding of which, will receive
a particular share of their attention. Liberal advan
ces will be made on cotton stored, or on shipments to
any market, when desired.
They also have on hand, aud expect shortly to re
oeive a large and general assortment of
Such as St. Croix and PortoricoiSt Havanna sugars,
Cuba. Rio and Java cofTee. Liverpool salt,
Swedes Iron, Noils, Brads, cast, German aud blister
Heavy hemp Bagging, Bagging twine twilled sack
ing, Oznnburghs,
Negroes cloths, shoes, hats, raps, claoks.
Powder, shot, and lead, saddles and bridles,
■Sets Blacksmith tools, casting-*. Hardware,
Calicoes. Flannels. Blankets, Wax Calf skins, &c
Which they will sell on as good terms as can be had
in this market. 11 Sept 10
AGE AC Y A AD 0031 \ 1 ISSlOJN
1II HE undersigned returns his thanks to his friends
A r or the liberal support which he has heretofore
• ercivnd from them in the above line of business, and
-olicits a continuance of their patronage. His arrange
ments for conducting business, and particularly in gi
ving despatch in receiving and forwarding produce A
merchandize and protecting them while in his-charge,
are at least equal to those of any others in his line. He
will spend the summer ill and iii the vicinity of Darien,
and any business addressed to him will receive his per
«i>nal and prompt attention.
15 tloz. Gen lie men* s Flats,
I N Oil sale very cheap. The subscriber desirous of
disposing of his entire stock of 11 ATS, will sell
; em at nry reduced prices, and many of them at the
isnal cost at the manufactory.
The .TFncon dot It in:? Store
I ts removed to the store lately occupied by .Messrs
Myrick, Napier A Freeman, next to Mr Win B
i -hnsun’s Jewelry store, where may be found a good
Assortment of
Clothing. Flats, Hoots, Shoes and
Faucy Articles- consisting in part of
n blue, black, brown, green, olive inixt and silver
grey Frock Coats
■’ino blue, black, brown, greeu, claret and olive Dress
trown. green, mixt and silver grey Coatees
super drab mixt brown and green Over Coats
'etershaut over and Huniiug Coats—Ladies’ Cloaks
iontlcuieii’s carablet Cloaks, moleskin Hu tiling coats
Satinet and beaverteen round Jackets, J’autaioons
and Vests of almost every description
.'otton and woollen nolt .Shirts and Drawers, Flan-
iel. Canton Flannel, plain and twilled Cotton Draw-
s. Linen and Colton Shirts. Flannel Shirts, Collars,
insom*. Gloves, Hosiery. Russian Belts, Black ital-
n and white Cravats, Cotton, worsted and Gum El-
-ticsuspenders, a great variety of Stocks, Umbrellas
'loth. Fur. and Hair Seal-skin Caps.
.10 eases Hats, Fine Boots and shoes, India Rubber
hoes. Ladies India Rubber shoes. Also
Fine blue, black, invisible green, and Royal purple
loth*. Buff Cassimere, Tailor’s Trimmings, Milita
ry Trimmings, &c. »Vc., all of which will be sold at
reduced prices for cash.
.Macon oct. 22. 21 HORACE FITCH.
A- Macassar Oil.
Annatto, Cudbear, Fig Blue. Fustic, Galls, Indigo,
Madder, Nicaragua Wood, Alum, Turmeric, and
Ground Logwood.
Acetic, Citric, Oxalic A other Acids, Acoustic Oil,
Alcohol, Nitrate of Ammonia, Concentrated Liquor of
Ammonia, Atkinson’s Depilatory, Balm of Columbia,
Patent Barley. Breastpipes, Brimstone. Cayenne Pep
per, Spanish Saffron, Aminoniaret of Copper, Sago,
Emetine, Cicuta Plaster, Ext. Aloes. Cinchona, Col-
oeynth. Elaterium, Jalap, Kahinca, Nux Vomica, Rhu
barb, Rhatama, Lead, Savin, Sarsaparilla A Cubebs,
Dandelion, Valerian, Opium A others. Phosphate of
Iron, Red Oxyde of Iron, Tartariz’d Iron &c.-Ginger
Powders. Hamilton’s Elixir, Magnesian. Aperient
English Calomel, Hoffinau’s Anodyne, Oii’d Silk or
Hat Case; Iodine, Jujulie Paste, Lactucarinm. Lan-
rets, Patent Lint, Ltipulinc. Lobelia. Medical Spoons.
Acetate and Sulphate of Morphia, Mustard. Oils of
Caraway, Copaiva, Croton, Fennel, Wintergreen. Se
neca. Denarcotised and Powdered Opium, Phospho
rus, Piperiue. Pocket Instruments. Hydriodate «!k Ox
y-iijuriate of Potash, Potter’s Catholicon. Liquor of Po
tash, Dragon’s Blood, Seatons, Stoughton’s Elixir,
Strychnine, Powdered Valerian, Rhiibarbnriue, Sali-
cine, Sanford’s Bark. Lac Sulphur, Syrup of “Liver
wort, One Stethoscope. Swann’s Panacea, Scidlitz
Powders, Tamarinds, Tincture of Colchicmn. Wine
ofCoichicuni, Trusses. Turbith Root. White Hellebore,
Colchicuiu Seeds, Acetate "f Colchicmn. Aromatic
Carbonate of Ammonia ; an Assortment of Patent Me
dicines. and all others in common use, Garden Seeds,
and Shop Furniture for Physicians.—
Couching, C upping, and small Scaling.Tnstrunisnts;
aud one second hand set of Amputating and Trephin
ing Instruments. April 29
T HE subscriber having made arrangements with
some of the most extensive Carriage Manufac
tories in the nothern cities, will have on hand, and be
constantly receiving, the coming season, a" extensive
assortment of
and vehicles of all descriptions, which will he of the
be«t workmanship and materials, and whirh will be
sold on as good terms us can be purchased in any city
in the Southern country. Also, an extensive assort
ment of
and every other article appertaining to our line of busi
ness. Persons wishing to purchase would do well to
give us a call.
Opposite corner from Washington Hall.
3ept 2 tun 11
H-i company will bo prepared to commence bu-
siun.-s, earlv in ibe next scasou—They will have
| file afl'.irkets between New York, and Darien and
> nv --,.|s lo forward goads from Darien to Macon
pTiieaieiitsin New York, Charleston, and Savannah,
■ w U-luthorised to coutract for the delivery of goods
: Macon, at a freight agreed oil without inlurmedi-
rtfrirge am) ||)s agent in Macon will receive cotton
'Table in Savannah, Charleston, and New York—
•tfoaipany’s vessels and boats, will he of first class
-•srtperienced commanders, and no expense will be
to must lira patronage oftlio public.
I’ll. It YONGE A f»ONS, Agents in Darien.
1«35 4ft
H AS taken die stand a few doors above the Clo
thing Store of Mr. L. Fitch, on Mulberry
street where he combines to carry on the Tailoring
business. He assures all those who may furor him
with their custom, that their work will be none at the
shortest notice, and in the he«t manner.
He has on hand a supply of the best materials in his
line, consisting of
Blue, Black, royal Brown, CJaret, Raven, Green,
CASSIMERES,—A good assortment.
A good variety of the best quality.
Petersham, and a complete assortment of
He respectfully solicits a share of the public pat
Macon, Oct 30 1834—24y
/j) /f\ IIHDri. prime rit. Croix Sugars,
"SJS '-iJr 20 barrels N. Orleans do
100 do Canal Flour,
100 do Howard st. do
125 pieces Hemp Bagging,
30 bags Cuba Coffee,
20 half qr. casks Malaga Wine,
50,000 Ilavnnnah Segars, of the best quality,
For sale by 14 30 REA A COTTON
Just received
Bags prime green Coflee
25 hhdsst Croix P. R. aud N. O. sugar
6 Boxes Loaf sugar
10 hhds Molasses
50 bids N E Rum
30 44 superior Whiskey
Jamaica mid st Croix Rum
Hoi. Gin, Cog. Brandy
Sperm and Tallow Caudles, soap, starch,Chocolate,
&c. ALSO
Salt, Iron-Castings, Bagging, Bale
Rope, together with a complete assortment of
M ? ancy, and Staple Dry Goods.
Jan. 2), 30 L. RUSSELL.
barrels Canal Flour,
8 lihds Cuba Molasses, new crop, just received
and for sale by , REA A. COTTON.
In Store,
50 hlids .St. Croix Sugar, prime quality,
150 hags Coffee.
200 pieces Hemp and Tow Bagging,
5 rt ,000 Havanna Segars, choice. 2(5
At Barieji, Ga.
[|illi: undersigned have resumed business as
-l bou>, and will ua heretofore pay prompt atten-
10 ail business entrusted to their care. Wa believe j
Fnude arrangements that will euable us at nil |
10 forward goods for the interior with the least
Pralile delgy, by steamboats when the river will ad-;
or in extreme low river by small flats or lighters, |
r ! e *pre»sly for that business. On our wharves 1
[' WS 44 Storehouses, calculated for tho storing of cot-
H AS removed to the new Fire Proof Buildings
corner of Mulberry A Second Street, where
wiil he found a good stock of Staple Dry Goods,
H its. Caps, and Shoes, with a ge'-eral stock of Gro
ceries. Iron. Silt. &c. for sale at the market prices.
Macon nov. 4th H;Ci. Ift
-1V bid- Canal t-lour,
S&sP I0 halfbbls do
20 Kegs laird,
50 Boxes Cheese.
. . —, , 10 Half bids Nol Mackerel,
, •' , 'east possiblo expense, and our opportunities : j„ p , received and for sale by
K ’ r,VJrd r °K°n inland or coastwise, are not exceed- nov . 5. |&55. ift CHARLES CAMPBELL.
1 auy other House. ^ ... j Fire proof Buildings corner Mulberry A Second st
larien \i on ^ MITCHELL. HE copartnership heretofor eexistiug tnider the
T n ’ May ao. 1835. 40 j «S* firm of Shotwell, Drown A Co. is this day dissolv-
,FF'RJHM.vioit Unsiness, Ffarirn. cd hy mutual consent. The business will be contind-
>• I- ni.ersigned have formed a Copartner hip e d kf II. !e J. Shotuxll, who will settle the accounts. I J :i « niri.’V oimmiiMM ■
toribe purpose of transacting a geiieral Com
'•"a and oilier business under the firm of
’ I, . ' ir "‘-f'-'ces to their friends, and tho public
hr 'F 111 tho above business. Forwarding Goods
■ '"tore to and from the interior of the State, will
Macon, Dec. 31st. 1835.
Hump Oil.
Save 44 > ,44 " 4 ‘»'umrior 01 U.e oww. w... , Gallon- Wirner strained Lamp Oil very
attention. It may; be proper to handsome-just received and for sale
. "‘“toy Iwve no connectJon with any of the a ,.na,mr,.
■n luu,oortation]i ne9; Goods forthe inti r’or will
' "hipped bv iliose who will probably give
I,.,/"toto-tdespatch. ISAAC SNOW,
cj ! "dersigned tenders his thanks to bis friends
u>( i "" ''beral patronage he has for many yen's
''I'inii.'" 3 r* Hre ' ''to® 1 tlie same seal with
ti y, * ‘tohvidiwl capacity he nppliod himse'f, will
if v .r. Ft, . * n protecting tliose interests which
l)-iri«n ,, l ^' 4 <-‘d to the new establishment, 2 J
■—E 183(5 ISAAC SNOW.
Jan. 14. 30 Oppositsthe Central Hotel. OFF,
1 AM determined to sell nly entire Stock of Goods
which comprise almost every article suited to the
trade of this place. Merchants anil Planters will do
welltocall- Nov 1ft 21 IMVIO I’AI.ST 4 "
to Gross, Dozen, or single, for sale by
rjElHE Insurance Bank of Columbus, will insure
B Cotton on the River, and also take a few risks
against Fire in this city. Apply to
Maeon. Oct. 27. 1834. 19
Job Frintinar done at tbi& Gtbcc
.Veto Store—Fresh Goods.
T ill’, subscriber is now opening, on second street,
next door to Patrick A Martin, aud nearly op
posite the Commercial Bank, a complete assortment of
Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS.
Which will be sold at prices intirh reduced, being bo’t
on reasonable terms and cheap, they wiil be sold ac
cordingly. His stock comprises in part os follows:
8-4, 9-4 and 10-4 London Duflil Blankets—10-4 and
12-4 tine Mackinaw do—Negro Plains and Liuueys—
super blue, black, brown mixt Cloths—Fine and com
mon Satinets, assorted colors—superfine Valeniia and
Toilinet Vestings—super white and. red Flanuels—do
Merino do.
Black and colored <5-4 Meriuos—do do Borabazetts—
fine (5-1 Bombazines—Pink Katinet—figured Circas
super and common plain and twilled Calicoes—swiss.
Jaconet, Mnll and Book Muslins—black and colored
cambric Ginghams—Irish Linens in j pieces very fine
—colored and white Homespuns—Rmvcn cassimeres
and checks—birdseye and Russia Diapers—Linen
cambric Ilkfs, Russia sheetings, Ac
Blark super Poi de soie silks—do Italian Lustring do
—rich colored silks very cheap—Levantines, sarsnets
and sinchews.
Mandarin, Ileriiinci, embroidered Romani, Bagdad,
rich satin, figuered Thibet, embroidered Thibet wool
and martin gauze Hkfs—rich figured gauze Ribbons—
Handsome thread Edgings and Quiltings—Blond Ed
gings and Bobinet Laces—and many other articles,
which cannot fail to give satisfaction os to price and
quality. • dec 17 25
Printed Snlsbury do
Canton and Saxony and Gauze do
llamask Table Diapers
Birds Eye and Russia do
Scotch _ do
Black, Blue aud coloured Bomhazettes
do do do Circassians
Negro Cloths
Bleached and l’uhleache<! Shirtiugs & Sheetings
Hamilton' Jeans
Black -Italian Lustring
do Gros'de Swiss
do do Naples
do do Beilin
do Sinchews and Sarsanets
Colored Gros de Naples
Black and colored Florences
do Italian Crapes
Merino Mantles aud Square Shawls
Common, Thibet wool. Valentin, Silk Damask
and twisted Silk Shawls
Hcrnahi, Muslin, Crape, Gauze and Gros de Na
ples Dress 1 Id kfs
Ladies and .Misses Bonnets —
Irish Linen* and Lawns
Cotton Cassimers Beaver Fustians
English Moleskin Aprou and Furuituro Checks
Domestic Plaids and Stripes Bed Ticks
FloorCloth Baize Green Frieze (Roth
Furniture Dimity Russia SheetingBear Duck
Cambric do Bleached Dowlass Ozuaburghs
Bangup Cord Coitor Yarn
Colton, Worsted and Lambs wool Hosiery
Black and rolpred Cambrics
Satin and Gauze Garnitures
Blk aud col’d Lustring Ribbons
D irk aud li^ht col'd Prints and Giugbums
Lace and Gauze Veils
Fig’daud plain Bobiuot Lace
Thread Laces
Cambric, Saxony, Swiss, Mull, Nansook and
Book Muslins
I inen Cambric Udkfs
Pongee, Indian Flag and Spittlcfield Udkfs
Carved ami plain Shell Combs
Gentlemens English Buck, Beaver and Goat
skin Gloves
Ladies Beaver, Goat skin and Silk Gloves
Bead Reticulos
S.eady-made ©lcthiagi
Superfine blue, black, invisible green, Adelaid, olive
brown and green Broadcloth Dress Coats,
Superfine blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock
Superfine hloo, olive, green and mix’d. Cloth Coattees,
aud blue, steel mix’d and fancy colored Sattiuet
Coattees and Frock Coats.
Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive,
and green Cloth Pantaloons,
Blue, black aud fancy colored Sattinet Pantaloons,
Youth’s cloth and satlinet Dress and Frock Coats,
do d<i_„ do Pantaloons.
Black and blue Cassimere, black and colored Velvet,
black Florintine, black Bombazine, dark and light
colored Valentin, English Silk, colored and white
Merseilles Toilinet, Swunsdown and Sattinet Vests
Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats,
Mixed, brown Cloth A Patershatn Box Coats
Lyon Skin Overcoats.
Fine Linen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Socks. Ac.
Negro Clothing.
Men’s dk Youth’s Fur Hats,
do. do. Wool do.
do. do. Cloth. Seal A Hair Caps,
Fine Boots & Shoes—Negro Shoes, &c. &e.
Oot. 15. 17
8 CG.IJK, COFFEE, FE O Fit, £tc. &v.
JSf Bv*X^S Whitts and brown Hayauila augurs,
(? jy *-& 123 bags prime green Coffee,
20 bags new crop Cuba do.
100 bbls Canal Flour,
20 qr casks .Malaga Wine,
Received by Ocmnlgee Co’s boats, and for sale oi:
accommodating lorni- !>y ilEA & COTTON.
In Store.
39 hhds St Croix Sugar,
20 bbls New-Oricans do. •
53 ha f boxes and 8ti qr boxes best Spanish
Cigars, , ’
6 boxes Tobacco.
Aid a "tea-- quantity of Bneginc. Feb 11 33
AE W R001x»,
JTnst received by Oieott cf Ells.
P OETRY Or yFG, toe Darden's and l>avent-
try’s, Tbarleston’s Tales, the Rambler in North
America, Reminiscences of th * Rhine, Downey’s let
ters, Crockett’s. Tour, Life of Dani-l Websier, Crock
et's Life of Van Bureu, Life of Sir Walter Scott,
PaulUlrie, Conti or the Discarded, complete«eUs Mrs
Sherwood's works, do Miss Edgeworth, do Family Li
brary, 'do Boys’ a-d Girls’ Library, do Hannah Moor’s,
do ii win’s r. ork*. do Coopers, do -ir Walter Scott’s,
Canning’s select speeches, Bnlwer’s uniform edition
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Jesuit Jugglery, all of
Abbott’s works, do Sims, complete works of Mrs lie-
man’s, Curiosities of Literature, Pilgrims of W'ajsiiur-
hain. A so a large stock of School Books, Almanacs,
and Stationary, Blanks, Globes, Ac. Arc which they
oiler wholesale and retail. Liberal discount to teach
ers. Jnn 28 .‘>.1
To Southern .fJerchunts.
Att. 234, Pearl st. New-York,
R ESPECTFULLY invite the attention of South
ern dealers to their stock of Goods now receiv
ing for their spring sales, they have materially increas
ed their stock of French f-ilk 'Goods and Fancy arti
cles, as also, the varions kinds of .Muslins, Swiss
Goods, Collars, Capes, Ac. Ac. which, together with
tiler cxteiijivc stoex of staple. Foreign and Domestic
!>»’> Goods, comprises an assortment probably e-
qnat to any. ever offered in the city. The utmost ex
ertions will be made to give, lit all respects, entire sat
isfaction lo those who may favor them with their trade.
.!.•» ,0 33 2m
A •’n,.» r a-.j-Aj O.i' FOM SvFFuld.
FBI Ht subscriber being desirous to remove to the
3 West, oilers for sale the LAND whereon he j
now lives containing about (500 acres situated on both
sides of Walnut creek, and on the stage road, six miios
from Clinton, and about -ev-n miles from ^[acon. It
is a healthy situation and tolerably well improved —
Any person wishing to purchase will do well to call
and examine the premises. P. PHILIPS.
June CO. fell 1 33 3t
A i.l. instalments on lots purchased of leased from,
tho Mayor and Council of the city' of Macon,
past due must bo paid to the City Treasurer on or be
fore the first day of March next, or they wi!’ be consi
dered. i.u fact forfeited and will be sold for the benefit
of the City. By order of Mayor and Council.
Feb 6 33 S.'O. LIPPITT, C. T.
FWJHE Monticello Female Academy, commenced
J5. its operations on Monday, the first February,
under the superintendence of Mr. W. II. DUN T, ns
principal, with the assistance of Jfrs Host, Miss M.
A-Tavlob and Miss M. S. Taylor From their ex
perience and celebrity as teachers heretofore, we have
every confidence in asking the patronageof a generous
public. The unusual locality for health, presents an
inducement for students at u distance. Board can be
had on good terms, either in the family of the princi
pal or in the vicinity. Monticello, Feh. 2, 1838. *
3t 33 Secretary to the. Trustees F. A.
Makio.v, Jan oaky,
O RDERED, That Jas. M, Hracewei.i., of Haw-
kinsvillc, be, and is hereby appointed Judge
Advocate this Division, with the rank of Major,
he is to i>c obeyed and respected accordingly.
By order of Maj Get\. Wimberlkt.
32 JNQ. G, 3LAPPKV, Inspector
ClHWJoiF Isitei::; S;;tc.
Fostponcd Shft.
I’ILL be sold ou the first Tueridajt in March
next,, at the Court House in the .town of
Knoxville, Crawford county, ihe following property,
One Lot oflaiid No. one hundred A ninety three,
(193) in the sixth district of Crawford county, levied
on as the property of Moses. Gfddina to «tt : s‘y sunaiy
small fi fas issued from h Justice’s court :n the county’
of Pubiski in favor of Jinx. Rauls & Co. w said Mus
es Giddiiis—property -pointed out by the plaintiff-—
levied aud returned to me by a constable. 31
Jan.25. WAI. ii. FILES.^D. Sk'J.
Also will be said as above-
The interest of Ephraim Lovett in five Negroes
now in possession ■ 1 Mrs .Mary Lovttt, viz: Uana a
woman, and Carouse, i.ticinda. Mage, and Ifcimy, the
four last named children—the above interest sold to
satisfy a fi fa front Cl .iwf,-»-d superior Court, Reuben
Turner v.-; said-Lphraim Lovett- Terms of sate cash.
Also wiflbc sold as.aboze, on thcji(st Tuesday in April,
One Lot of Istitl in tlie first disuiet of Craw ford coun
ty, No 103, levied on ns the property of Elijah Will
lams to satisfy a fi fa issued from tlie superior court o -
Morgan ocuiity in favor of Edward Williams. Prop
erty pointed out by Jas M Harris.
n-b t WM. CAMPBELL, sheriff.
Houston Sheriff'Sale.
O N thefest Tkestlay in MARCH next, uililesoh
before the court house door, in tho town cf Perry,
Houston county, between the lawful hours of sale.
Twenty acres of lot ef Land, No, 174, in the 15th
district, to satisfy a fi fa from a justices court, ill favor
of John B.. McCarter vs Walter J,. Campbell, John
Stapler, Wn>: N. L. Crocker and Koherf-Peacock, se
curities of Flint river Academy—levied on and re
turned to me hv a constable—property pointed out by
Robert Peacock. JOHN C. MOUNGER,
Jail 28 Sheriff. ■
Wth \e salt! asaioct,
Lot No 20, in the ninth district, to' satisfy a fi fa
from a justices’court in M i'kes county, in favor of
John B. Smith vs John Hail, Jesse' Balt and Charles
■ Dood, together with other fi fas—levied on and return-
toine by a constable. JOHN C. MOUNGER,
Jail 28' sheriff^
Pike Sheriff Sale.
B EFORE the court house in ZebulOn, Pile county,
trill bn sold, on the first Fucsday in APRIL, next,
within the usual hours of sale,
The west half oflotof Laud No nineteen (19,) in thj
third district of originally Monroe now Pikccpvtrrfto
satisfy a mortgage Fi fa issued from thesuperior court
of Pike county in favorof Ulsy Biiprifivs Benjamin
Bnntin, properly pointed out ijrniortgage fi fa.
jan 28 JOS.41. SHIVERS, sheriff. _
Carroll Sheriff Sale.
la *711.1. he sold at Carrollton, Carroll county, c:i the
® V first Tuesday iit MARCH next, within the law
ful hours of sale,
l.ot of Land No 114 in the 4tli district of said coun
ty, levied on as the property of John S Adams, to sat
isfy a Fi Ta issued from the superior court of Troup
county in favor of Ilcnry II Lumpkin vs said Adams.
Property pointed out bv plaliuiff-s utorney. inn 28
' J : »H-N PEA dip sheriff.
H OUSE Painting, plain and ornamental, either
in the city or country. Chairs repainted and
ornamented. Lookingglass or picture frames gilded
or bronzed
Signs painted, and Fancy painting of various des
criptions will be done bv applying to
J. II. & W. 8, ELLIS.
FTA REEN, Blue, Brown and Crimson Merinos,
"Uff Coloured and Black Merino Circassians,
Merino Prints. Furniture do.
White and red Flannels, with a variety of Eng
lish and American Staple Good*, just received and (or
sale cheap by CHAS. CAMPBELL.
B ills o f Excha n ge
O N Savanuah and New York, at sixty and ninety
dava, will bo discounted by .
Jan 14 30 REA A COTTON.
swuini’s Panacea, Indian Panacea,
A supply ju«trac’d by H & J SHOTWELL.
wVcir Boohs anti Stationary.
J UST received—among which are the Token for
J83I5, New Novels, Ac. Wo have Watts & Rip-
pou, Dorsey’s choice Village Hymns, Ac. Gamuts
for Flute. Piano Forte, Violin, die School and clas
sical Books of all kinds, Miscellaneous do. Law and
Medicine do. Blank do. Almanacks by single doz or
groce, very fine Paper of all kinds. We invite out
friends and the public generally to call on us, as it is
tho interest of all to support a respectable Book estab
lishment among us.
dec 3 23 OLCOTT & ELLS.
HE Subscriber will make liberal advances on
3 Cotton shipped to his friends in Savannah.
Charleston, Philadelphia. New York or Boston
nov. 5, J83C. ROIIT. ~
R EA A COTTON will make iib-tai' .--va-.CfcB
on Cotton shipments to Savannah or New
Y- '. 1-m <4. 09
T HE subscribers having m-eri appointed a com
mittee. hy the Trustee* of the “ Macon Fe
male University,” for the purpose of contracting for
the erection of suitable edifices forthe same, hereby
givenotice, that they will receive proposals until the
first day of March next, for making and laying the
brick alone.
It is supposed it will require from six to eight hun
dred thousand brick to complete the buildings at pre
sent contemplated.
The proposals must be -made by the “ thousand
brick. 1 ’ laid in the wall, including every material ex
cept lime.
The use of a brick yard, convenient to'the build
ings, has been already procured for the use of the un
dertaker, which, it is supposed, will, proportionably
diminish the to«t of the work.
Bond and security will be required from the under-,
taker for the faithful discharge of his duty.
J. COWLES J- Committee.
Robt. Auo. Beall, Sec.
All communications, post paid-, to be directed to the
secretary Feb 4 32
For Ira it Fainter,
ILL apply such time as is not employed
V * on Portraits, to paiutiug Landscape, Poetical
ami Historic.!! subjects for parlors, Ac Those having
sketches of their own, can depend upon having them
faithfully transferred; and those wishing designs from
particular passages will bn accommodated.
A few pictures of this class, now on hand, for sale,
among the number, an original, just finished, from
81>ak*i)eare’s ‘- Merchant of Catic*,”—subject. Loren
zo Sf Jessica. Lovers of the art are invited to call.
Rontn hours from ft o’clock morning, tiil 4 o’clock,
evening. Feb 4 32
H Fortrait Fainter
VS arrived at Macon, and may be found from 1)
till 5 at the room over Mr Burdsalt’s store on Mulberry
■ c xts—ratoiea’ i-.rnune Capes, white do, Sqiur-
jL’ rel tail Boas, Ladies' Opera Ties for the neck.
Also just received. Men’s and Boys’Seal Caps. 14,’
Cases low price Napped Hats. G do Satin Beaver do,
3 do super line Fur, do. Gent’s Fur Tippits, 300 pair
Gent’s dancing Pumps. Tho above will be sold at a
large discount by the Case or dozen.
Jan.6, 1830 ' 29 ISAAC NEWHALL.
Next door to the Post Office.
.m ittfi. uttU f t- ntnission Business.
f Tttke this method of itiforuiiug my friends ami the
public generally, that I have taken up the above
business, and rasp c-tfiilly solicit a share of patronage.
Alt Goods consigned to me shall be strictly attended
to. according to directions,
dec 24 2« C. L. HOWLAND,
Eamp Oil.
W INTER Straiued Lamp Oil just received and
for sale by CHAS. CAMPBELL.,1836 28
Lb* Pork and Bacon,
100 do New Lard, for stile
bv 28 7
ROM the subscriber in September last, a negro
boy, named Charles, -bout 17 years of age,
of black complexion, toleiubiy well set, cf rather slow
speech—formerly belonged to the late Robert Flour
noy, of Houston county. His mother '■till lives near
Perry. I will give FIFTY D* 1LLARS for his appro-
liension, and if he has been stolen or inveigled away,
Fiftv Dollars mare, for proof to convict the thief
Monroe co Feb 10 AMBROSE CHAPMAN.
ICT The Savannah Georgian will publish the above
weekly, four limes
To Cabinet linkers.
Thomaston Cabinet llare House for sale.
T HE subscriber being desirous of leaving th-s
part of the country offers for sale the well known
stand m the town of Thoma->ton. including shop, lot
benches, lathe, lumber house, Ac Ac. with every con
venience for carrying on theabove business. For fur
ther particulars. inquire of the subscriber in Thomas
ton. jan 28 3J WILLIAM POWERS.
G .1 Fin E vV s EE D S.
A SUPPLY of fresh GARDEN SEEDS jnst re
ceived—Also, The Gardener's Man-
act. with instruction* (or cultivating Garden Plants,
Ac.—Price 12J ct«. For sale by
jan 1 28 J. H- A W. 9. ELLI9.
Received thisday
8 CASES of Wool HATS, and
3 do. 1st and 2nd quality Hue Fur Ilats,
.4 do. boys Boots. ISAAC NEWHALL.
Next door to the Post Office. Dee 3. 23
KEY Linsey—Red dp. Mixed and Blue stuui
^JT Cassinott;
Mixed Twilled Kerrey |
Negro Shoes ; Blankets 1
Red and White Flannels.
Next door to the Post Office.
Macon. Nov. 26. 22
Scull Shoals nSaxmiactUx’ing Co.
H AVE received a snppiy of Cloths and Yarns
from the above Manufactory, of superior fab-
rick which they offer to Merchants and Planters at the '
Factory prices. Macon Sep 3 1835
T WO notes o( hand for $30 dollars each, and one
for $11.50, making $7150—made by Henry
Crew about the 2Cth February, 1835, payable to the'
undersigned one davafier date. Crawford county, 9th
Feb 1836 :« ‘It J. n KlffTMND
For sale by
HOST uAi. CriiatuwsLAMi,
A PROMISSORY note of hand, made by Ander-
cm son Baldwin,of Monroe county, payable to ire,
date not recolldcted, duo tlie first day of January,
1836, for tlie sum of three hundred and ninety three and
6-100 dollar*, with a credit endorsed on the hack of
said note of the sum uf sixty-eight dollars and twenty
Also, a note of hand, sighed by A. 9. Rucjcer. of
Forsyth, payable to me, for sixty dollars, due the 1st
day of January, 1836, and given fur house rent. AH
persons are f-'rewarned not to trade for the above de-
-cribed notes, as they belong lo me.
Feb 8 33 2t THOMAS T. NAPIER.
17RING mvabsence,Col. HENRY G. LAMAR
S.F will act as mv general agent.
Feb 11 33 3t
W.i are authorised to announce JAKE?-
■ W, ARMSTRONG, as a candidate for Colo
1 nel of Bibb connty-. Feb 11 33;
Fayette Sheriff Sale.
CFOKt the court house in Fayetterillc, Fayette
county, on the first Tuesday in MARCH next,
tctll be sold, within the lawful hours of sale, ■
One spoltsii stnd Horse, levied on as the property^
of John 11 Junes, to satisfy an execution in favor of
bamuel Cone sen. vs John II Jones and James Jones.
Lot of L-nd No twelve (12,)' in the fourth district-
of originally Henry now Fayette county, whereon
Malcoine Belhune now lives, levied on as the proper
ty of Malcome Bethune, to satisfy an execution in fa
vorof John Cargiie vs said Bethune.
Lot of Land No oiie hundred and twenty three (123,)
in the fourth district of originally Henry now Fayette
county, levied on as the property of Janies Lanier, to'
satisfy sundry Fi Fas, bamuel Darden and others vs
said Lanier. * ALFRED BROWN, sheriff,.
—also, will be sold as above—
22 acres acres of the north west corner oflot No 131
in the 7th district of Fayette county’, levied on as the
property of Uriah Glass, to satisfy a Fi Fa in favor of’
T fi King vs said Glass. A. McliRIDE, drp shff.
Bints Sheriff Sale.
» N the first Tuesday in APRIL next, vtill he sold
before the court house door in the town of Jackson,
Units county, within the legal hours of sale,
50 acres of land levied ou as the property of Joseph
Parker, i: being part of lot No. 22. in the 4th district
of Monroe county when surveyed; now Butts; and
the north half df said lot, to satisfy a fi fa from a Jus
tice’s court of said county, in favor of Jeremiah M’-
G'lendon, vs said Joseph Parker. Property painted
out by plaintiff. Levied and returned to me bv a con
stable. JAMES W. WATKINS, Sh'ff.
Jan. 22. 31
/Feetry Tar Collector's Sale.
B EFORE the Court house t n the town of McDonough
Henry county, will be sold, on the first Tuesday in
APRlli next, between the lawful hours of sale, the follow
ing Lots of Land, vv so much thereof as will satisfy the
Tax for the year le54, and costs, viz •'
Forty acres. No file, 3d dist 1st sec Cherokee, giv
en in by lliUtum T Crews, tux 4(>J ceni-s, and cost.
2O24 acres, No 57, 7tli dist Henry. ly ing on Walnut _
creek, the property of Robert X. Fleming, tax 3Eij c.
One Lot iu the town of McDonough, the property-
of IVhiificUl Huff, tax 4.>j e.»
49 acres, No 782 16th dist 2d sec Cherokee, as the
property at James Allen, tax cents.
190 acres, i!Hi 9tli aisl 4ili sec Cherokee, as the
property of Richard Knight, tax oo^c.
2024 acres, .No 110 5o dist Henry, as Ihe property of
James G Perryman, tax 73£ c.
41; acres, No 12912th dist 1 it see Cherokee, on Nim
ble Twig creek, as the property of John 11 Skinner, tax
42i c.
40 acres, No 272 12th dist 1st sec Cherokee, as the
property of Thomas II Yarborough, tax 2IJ c.
li.O seres, No IT- 4 9iii dist 2d sec Cherokee, as tho
property of John C Henderson, tax 47jJ o.
160 acres, No 197 12th dist od see Cherokee, as tho
property of .Barnabas Godwin, tax 18£ c. returned by
Alsa Bc\ eas as agent.
40 acres. No 637 2d drit 4th sec Cherokee, as the
property of Presley G Detwnport, tax 874 c.
40 acres, No 1121 2d dial 4th sec Cherokee, as the
property of Keaton Upchurch, tax 25 j c.
1»-0 acres. No 143 oth dist 1st sec Cherokee, as the
property of Moses,T Caps, tax 35 j c.
2024 acres, No 64.17tli dist DeKalb, as the proper
ty ot John C Gorham, tax odj c.
. 2024'acres, No 4ft 1st dist'Campbell, as 610 proper
ty of John C■ Cannada, tax t.oitj c.
40 acres. No 6b6 19th dist 5d sec Cherokee, as the
property of William Fleming, tax C5J c.
50 acres, No 22 3d dist Henry, gs the property of
William Moor, tax Sl| c.
2024 acres, No 206. 8th dist Henry, on Tus&ha wa
ters, as the property of John Fruition, tax 38| c.
40 acres, 478, 3d dirt 1st sec Cherokee? as the pro
perty of Silas B Duckhauoh.tjtX 254 c.
jau 28 HL’utf LONG I NO, t c. n c.
H « & -'bri K.-gs White Lead,
Si- 160 Galls. Linseed Oil,
30 do Whale do
100 do Lamp do
150 do Spirits Turpentine-,
Copal Varnish, Furniture Varnish,
Litharge, Chrome Yellow, Chrome Green.
Umber. Ivory Black,•Frussiati Blue,
Vermillion, India Red, Pans Greet?,
Verdigris, Smalts all colours White Frosting,
Venetian Red. Spanish Brown,
Red Lead, Yellow Ocre, U biting, Glue,
and Gold Leaf—Just received and for elae by
nov. 5th 1835. J9 CHARLES CAMPBELL.- '
Fire proof Buildings, corner of Mnllierr'y aud Second
jy , -S ,f F i . V G F V F
AAA PAIR Gentlemen’s Dancing i'umpy.
'J 100 do Ladies’ fine Prunella ahuKirf
Slippers, French pattern, bv
3UPPL Y of Rowand's Tonic Jliixturo, a certain
cure forthe Fever and Ague, just received and
for sale by J. II. A W. S ELLIS, e?
jurte 16-52 Cotton Avenue. Maeon-.
T HE firm of Wood A- Camp is this day dissolved" f -jj
by mutnal consent. Tlie business will becoutin-
ued by Thomas Wood,.who isduiv atttborized to close
the business of the concern. THOMAS WO D,
Macnn Oct.20lb 183.'. fT)WARP C AMP.v
F WIFSON i» a candidate-
aw lor Colonel of Bibb Cotinty;- 32-