Newspaper Page Text
A C O If £ O K <3 I A TE L E G R A P H
D I C I r-J E S, &L c .
J fresh supply just
Received by
J. It. & W. S. ELLIS,
Masonic Hall, Cotton Avenue.
Among which are tho following
Sulphate Qitininn (french) Cambhridcn,
Fly stone,
Court planter,
Castor oil (fresh)
Sweet oil do
Charcoal, pnlr.
Corks velvet,
Prepared Chalk,
Acetate lead,
do cunri,
do Zinc,
Arscniate potass.i,
Etlter sulphuric,
do nitric,
Nitrate silver,
do potossu, *
Phosphate soda,
do iron,
Sulphate iron,
do potassa,
do soda,
do magnesia,
Borate soda,
Manna flake,
Ointment hyd. potassa,J
do Iodine,
do Veratrine,
do Itch,
Oxide mercury,
Extract Jalap,
do Butternut,
Nnx Vomica,
Sulphate Morphine,
Acetate do
Acetic acid,
Oxalic do
Citrie do
Prussic do
Tartaric do
do ( Arom apts)
Antinionialia pulv
Croton Tiglium,
Sccale coruutuin,
Oil Sinnpinc,
Oil ca ntliaridin,
Pyroligneous Acid,
Ilydriotate Potassu,
Oil black pepper,
Irish moss,
Chloride soda,
Citrated kali,
Chlorido Lime,
Medical pots,
Opium denurcotizcd,
Cyanurot potassium.
Comp. Tonic extract,
Carrageen, (prepared)
Spigelmcump extract,
Blue moss,
Precip. ext. bark,
Peruvian do
Calisaya do
Toxa do
Red do
Chamomile flowers,
Uvn Urai,
African Cayenne,
Bayberry bark (pow’d)
Blood root, do
Colchicutn, do
Slippery Elm (pow’d)
Gentian (pow’d)
Cort. Aurant (pow’d)
Lobelia and seed,
Skunk cabbage,
Alkanet root,
do sassafras,
Ladies’ slipper,
Golden thread, _
Cinnamon bark.
Powdered ginger.
Rout do
Mustard seed,
Caraway seed,
Anise do
Coriander do
Arrow root,
Aqua Forti*.
Anodyne (Hoffman's)
Black lead,
Blue stone,
Juniper berries,
Cubeb do
Oxido bismuth,
Bees wax,
Burgundy pitch.
Balsam copivi,
do tola,
do Peru,
Black drop,
Lees’ pills, Compt fl’d «x’t l'iuk Root,
Opodeldoc, by G. \V. Carpenter,
Chapman's anti-dyspeptic Dalby’s carminative.
Gum Arabic,
Pearl Barley,
Otto roses,
Magnesia, cak’d
do carb.
Seifllitz .powders,
So.!* do
Saratoga do
Red precipitate,
White do
Black do
Indigo, Spanish float,
Spanish brown,
Venetian red.
Fig blue,
Spta Turpentine,
Venice do
Salt Tartar,
Sal Ammoniac,
Jujube paste.
Polers’ do
Hunters’ pills,
Iloopers’s do
Anderson’s do
British oil,
Bateman's drops,
Thompson's eve water,
Godfrey’s cordial.
Salts lemon,
Worm tea,
Effervescing magnesia.
Botanical drops,
Swaim’s Panacea,
Indian’s do
Ess Iceland Moss,
Cough Mixture,
Fluid ext sarsaparilla,
Syr Liverwort,
Comp sarsap.
Bleaching I jquid,
Mead’s Pills,
Issue plaistcrs,
Elixer life,
Ginger beor powders,
Medicated Oil silk,
Digestive Elixer,
Pile remedy,
Chloriue tor tit wash,
Bay rum,
Balsam honey.
Cough Lozenges,
Extract coffee,
Cullen's liquid magnesia,
Potter’s catholicuii.
Rowan's Tunic Mixture,
Relfos Vegetable specific,
Oil Wormsecd.
Kxt Buchn,
cubebs <fc F.xt. Bonesct,
Tonic Extract.
Hair Powder, Almond paste,
Pearl do Ground paintbrushes,
Rouge, do tub
Milk of Roses, Oval Varnish
Cold cream. Camel hair
Cream Almonds, Badger’s hair
Florida water, various sizes Grruuiug
do ass’d
do silver wire,
Patent feather Brooms,
do do Dusters,
do do Brushes,
Fitch Tools,
Counter Brushes,
Hat , do
Crumb do
Cologuo do do do Flesh
Lavender do do do Horso
Rose do do do Ilair
Bears’ oil, Nail
Ward’s hair oil. Comb
Marrow Pomatum, Tooth
Orange Flower Water, do
Macassar oil. Cloth
Spirit of Roso, Scrubbing
Camphor soap, Shoe
Musk do
Emollient do
Windsor do
do do Brown,
Wash Palis,
Curling flnid,
Antique oil,
Lip Salve, (Persian Otto Shaving do
Rose.) Shaving oil.
Tooth powder, (superior)Powder Puffs and boxes
Erasivo do Preston salts,
Extract Bergamot, Smelling bottles,
do Rose, Tapare,
do Musk, Dutch cologne,
Honey Water. Atkiwson's Depilatory.
Shaving rakes,
Amputating cases, Capping glasses,
Trepanning instruments. do do with «
Dissecting do pumps,
Pocket cases, Guui elastic catheters.
Spring Lancets, Silver do
Evans’ thumb do Scion Needles,
Dentists’ esses, Spring lancet blades.
Teeth keys. Tooth .claws,
do do (moveable but- Gum Lancets,
tons, Medical spoons,
Scarificators, Scalos and Weights,
Abscess Lancets, Teeth Files.
The subscribers intend keeping a full assortment of
.FURNITURE, &e. consisting of all arti -los in the,
line neces-ary for the supply of emmim, Plantations
•r Families. Thoy will be auyphud with the best that
be -elected out of the New-York and Philadelphia
markets. Orders from .Merchants and Physicians,
will receive prompt attention.
•Lw. 9$ St J. H. & W. S. ELLIS
> j -
A G it Lt. A id Lit’ to an order of the honorable the Infe
rior Court for the county of Twiggs, when sitting
as a court of ordinary, trill be sold on t/ujirst Tutsduy in
MAllCH next, before, the Court House, door in Marion
countu, within the usual hours of sale,
Lot of Land No. 90, in the 4 th District of said coun
ty, sold as tho property of James Desliazo, deceased.
Terms on the day.
Dec 28th, 1835. dec 31
GREEABLY to an order of the honorable the
L Inferior Court for the •county of Twiggs, when
sitting as a court of ordinary, will be sold ou the first
Tuesday in MARCH next, before the Court House
door in said comity, within die legal hours of sale.—
all the Lands and Negroes belonging to the estate of
Joshua D. Bostick, late of Twiggs county, deceased;
except the widow’s dower in lands. Tertns on the
d» y . LUCINDA BOSTICK, Admix.
Dec. 28. 1835. dec 31 27p
THE Subscribers have taken that com
modious and well known public house in
the City ofMacon,—the Washington Hall,
lately occupied by Mr. M. D. Huson.—-
By the unremitting attention of both of
them, they flatter themselves that their House will ob
tain for them a general patronage from the Public.
They hava secured the valuable services of a Lady,
whose reputation as a manager of a public house, is
inferior to no one in the State. -
Their tables will be furnished with the best the coun
try affords, and their bar with tho choicest liquors.
Feb 5 1835^ 36
* IEP Having sold my interest in the Washington Hall
to Messrs. Mustian & Mott, Icarhestly solicit for them
a continuance of the patronage much was extended
to me, whilst proprietor of the establishment.
Macon, fob 5 36 M. D. HUSON.
Clinton, Jones Cotmty, Ga.
T HE Subscribers (lato proprietors of the
Clinton Hotel,) tender our tliauks to our
naJly Houston now Jlibh county, sou as too property . f r i eU( | s au d patrons for past encouragement, and
“- : ‘ L respectfully beg leave to announce to the public.
that we have removed to tho commodious House
known as tho
situated in tho business part of the tnrvn, nml
fronting tho Court-House-
Having leased this stand for several years,
«“ sold before the Court House in Macon, Bibb
county, agreeable to an order of the Court of Ordina
ry of said county, . . . |
LOT of Laud No. 117, iullie third District of ongi-,
of Martha Smith, minor.
Jan. I, 1830 -J!» SAMUEL JKSSOP, Guar
iN THE first Tuesday in March next, will be sold
o- be "ore the Court House door in Zebulon with
in the legal hours of sale, agreeable to an order of the
Inferior court of Pike enuuty sitting for ordinary
purposes, one half of lot of land No. one hundred and
aixty nine, lying in the ninth district of formerly Mon.- ,„ T .
roe now Pike county, it being the real Estate of Her-! wUh lhc f ntcu , ion ofreuewiug the losme or of pur-
Sd^^ M TerSi o^t},o 0 d^y. nl ^ l'^S chasing the property, tve consider oursolves pcr-
29 BEVERLY DANIEL. Adm’r. I inancntly located, ami shall continue to improve
our accomodations us tho comfort of customers
O N the first Tuesday in .March next, before the
court house door in the town of Americus. Sum- j shall require- . . . -
tercounty, within the legal hours of sale, will be sold j Our House is uotv open For tlie reception ot
tho undivided iiitc'est of Benjamin Reyuour in two ; Travellers or Hoarders. Wo shall at all times
NLKGROE8, also, | endeavor to keep such a House, as will ensure
On die first Tuesday in April next, will be sold j public patronage; and we hope to afford such ac-
withiu the legal hours of sale, in the town of Tal; {. ummui |atious as will prove satisfactory to those
botton, thirty three acres of land of lot No. two | .
hundred and forty, in 16th districts the real estate of j T , , ’ t p rom j ses e f goo d TABLES
Beniamin Reynour, under order of die Inferior court, 1 ™ u * 1 ° ..>. nlinncessarv lo „at titular-
of Talbot countv when sitting for ordinary purposes. “AR., to. wetlunkunn y l
Jail 7. 1830 3!) GIDEON pow'LEDGE. Adm’r. ‘ ize.-C.ood Lots aud other conveniences for Dro
- — — ■■ — ■ ■ 1 ' . - . 1 ■ ** " . 1 . . I ■Afiililii fm-iiichnil
iN’ The first Tuesday in March uext, wilt be sold vers, readily furnished
O at McDonough, Henry county, die interest of
John M D Taylor, -deceased, also the interest of No
ah W Tavl-w a minor, in Lot No. 197 iu the 7th dis
trict of Henry county, sold by order of the court of or
dinary. of Butts county, for ihe benefit of said minor, j
and the distributees of said deceased. Dec. 7, 1835.1
John M D Taylor, dee’d, aud Guardian for Noah
W. Tavlor. 24
January 20,-1934
19 if
Il,i. be so! I before the Court House door, in the
town of Zebulon, on the first Tuesday in MARCH
next, the following property to icit:
One lot of Land number two unndred and fifty-three,
in the Second District of originally Mouroe now Pike
Also, Nine NegToes of the following description, viz.
Scott a man. An.; a woman, Jim, Nathan, Sam, Bob,
Watch Makers Sf Jetrcllcrs,
Would inform their friends and
the public, that they have remov
ed their establishment to Cotton
Avenue, to tho store recently oc
cupied by J H & W S Ellis,arug-
gists, where they will be happy to
r favor them with a call. They
serve any who mny
have in addition to their former stock, just received
from New York a large and spleudtd assortment ot
„ Watches, Jewelry, &c.
Tom, Eliza and Jake children belonging to the estate of the latest fashions, which tliey will sell cheap for
of John Akin, Sen. late of Pike county, deceased.— cash—consisting of gold and silver levers, anchor es
-old for ttie benefit of the heirs ami creditors. Terms
made known on the day of sale. This 22d day «f De
cember, 1835.
dee 31 WILLIAM AKIN. < . „
GREEABLE loan order of the Honorable the
capement, duplex, lepiuc, alarm and vertical Watch
es, of the best quality; gold, silver and steel guard
Chains, Seals aud Keys, Ear Knobs and Drops, Breast
Pins, Finger Rings, gold, silver and steel Spectacles,
gold and silver ever potuted Pencils, silver table, tea,
salt and mustard Spoons; Sugar Tongs, soup and
& Inferior-court of Pike connty when sitting for cream Ladles-—all of which will be warranted free
■ordinary purposes, will he «old ou the first Tuesday iu from alloy ; silrer Cups, butter Klines, Castors, si-
March next, before court house in Cheroked, lot No ver plated and bronzed Candlesticks, T. rays and ^mu-
three hundred and sixty three, in the 16th district of ers, .Musical Boxes, Accordians, Flutes, rlageoletts,
2nd section, the above lots and parcels-of land com- Fifes, Drums, &c. Swords, sworo Canes, Kmvea and
prise the real estate of James Loury late of Pike coun- Pistols, among which is pocket Rifle, that
ty deceased ; sold for the benefit of the heirs and ere- will shoot fifty yards with precision; Gold roil, Den-
ditors of said deceased. Terms made known on day i rist Fries, shell, silver, grit and horn Combs, Card ca-
of sale. This J5th day of October, 1835. 17 scs. Pocket Books and Purses, silver Snuff boxes, sil-
ASA SESSIONS, Adm’r. i ver Toys, silver ThimbJes, Scissors, coral, gut and
IIIE Subscribers have resumed the JOf tiff
T- Business, at their old stand, formerly Lt
lis, Sliotwell & Co lately occupied by Mr Wm Cl.
Brown, opposite the Central Hotel, under the firm of
who intend keeping a very general assortment of
Goods peculiar to their line of business, together with
a great variety of miscellaneous articles that may he
difficult to bo found elsewhere. Their Stock is now
very extensive, having received by late arrivals nearly
all their Fall and winter supplies, a general enumera
tion of which could not be given iu an advertisement.
Some of tho Articles received are,
(Drugs & Medicines,)
Rochelle Salts, Hellebore, Iceland Moss, Flos Bcn-
zoine, Juniper Berries, Lapis Calaniinaris, Henry’s
Magnesia, Madder. Mace, Cayenne Pepper, Black
Pepper, Alspice, Hemlock Bark, Bayberry do, Poplar
do, Cinnamon do, Golden Seal, Suuiac, Seni. Ainsi,
Aqua Antonia F F F, Sulph Quinine, Sago, Gum
Gttiac, Indian Turnip, Skunk Cabbage, Hops, Pep-
S crmint Lozenges. Oil Spruce, Acidulated Lemon
Irops, Coriander Seed, C. P. Castor Oil, Cort Au
rant, Cherry tree Bark, While Vitriol, Muriatic Acid,
Pink Root, Gum -Myrrh, Seed Lac, Seneka oil, Lob
elia, Lemon Balm, Sweet Balm. Ext Coloeyntli, Pul.
Gm Arabic, Ground Race Ginger, Balsam Fir, Pearl
Barley, refined Borax, Bole Armenian* Cera Alba,
Lunar Caustic, Cloves, Prepared Chalk, Cubchs, Ca-
nella Alba, Rust of Iron, Sup. Carb. Soda, Castor,
Calamus Root, Cowhage, Mazerion, Sassafras, Bals
am Honey, Cumfrey Root, Dragons Blood, Oil Lav
ender, Lemon, Bergamot. Ext Bark, do I.
Notice. .
tfX>IIE subscribers having connected Geo. W. I rice
<6* ; n company with them, the Goods business will
hereafter be conducted by him under the firm of
by whose attention we are iu hopes to receive that lib
eral patronage heretofore eMimdcdto us -
Jan. 6 29 COOKE & COWLEA.
Just J&ecelvert
A LOT of superior quality st Croix sugar
Prime Green Coffee
Prime Northern pheese
White Lead, Linseed Oil and Window Glass.
Sole, Gin Band, and Harness Leather
Calf and Kip skins, which in addition to their
extensive assortment of Goods of almost every des
cription makes their stock complete.
Jan. 7 29 GEO. VV. PRICE & CO.
J*asfiTonabJe JPat & Cap Store
‘ -fit.'' ifSJBSj
estabustieu ii.u,. elf in
O N Thursday the Ut'.rdday ofiiic'h“wkt. wlTbS j gla« Beads steel Pens, and a variety of ether articles
sold at the late residence of James Anderson of materials for repairing
sate of Butts county decea; d, all the personal estate of ~ ^ v , i
said deceased, consisting of corn ami fodder, cotton, W.tchc rfril km&. _ ^S-V.j.racucal knowledge
said deceased, consisting of corn and fodder, cotton,
ca’t'e and hogs, sheep aud horses, plantation tools,
Household and Kitchen Furniture, aud various other
articles—on the same day wiil he hired one Negro
boy belonging to said estate, and also on die same day
will be rented about 14 acres of cleared land. Terms
made known on die day of sale. Jan. 21 1836 30
Watches of sll kinds. S. S. V’s practical knowledge
of die business induces him to think tliatlte can. and
will give satisfaction to all who may entrust their work
in his hands. Spoons &c- engraved- Oct-1
of Crawford county, will be sold at Knoxville
on Saturday t venty-eixdi March next, and on Tues
day twenty-ninth, n't the Franklin Factory, the peri
shable property of Wm J Way uinan 8-ceased, consi
sting of Dry Goads, Crockery, Hardware, Tin ware,
Cotton Bugs, Cotton, Cation Ysrns, Horse, Mule,
Cow, Wagons, Cart, Household and Kitchen Fuiqi-
tttrt;, and.otlier articles to numerous to mention—sale
to continue from day to day, until all shall have been
sold. Terms made'known on the dav of sale.
Jnn.9.1836 29 ALEX. M. K. SWIFT Adm’r.
O N THL first Tuesday m April next, will be sold
within the legal hours of sale before the Court
IIou«e door of Thomaston Up-on county, agreeable
to nn order of the court of Ordinary of Craw ford conn-
tv. a Negro woman belonging to the Estate of Wm.
j. Wayutnau deceased.- Terms cash, Jan. 9, 1836
2<> ALEX. M K SWIFT Adm’r.
O N the first Tuesday in April next, agreeable to
an order of the Inferior Court of Morgan coun
ty when sitting fur otdiuary purposes, will be sold in
the town of Forsyth -Monroe county, the Negroes be-
lotigiitg to tlie estate of Thomas Summerlin late of Mor
gan county deceased* consisting of one fellow Kyal.
25 or 26 vears old, and h"s been working at the Tan
ner's trade for a number of years, a woman. Mary a-
bout 30 years old and a giil Mjriah. 13 years old—
sold fortbe-benefit of the heirsatid-creditors of said j|e-
ccasod; termsinade known on the dav of sale by the
O N The first Tuesday in May next, will be sold
at the Court House Door iu Marion county,
the interest of John M D Taylor, deceased, also the
interest of Noah W Taylor a minor, in Lot No. 137
in tiie 23th district of originally Lee, now Mariou
county. Sold by order of the Court of Ordinary of
Butts County, for the benefit of tho minor and the
distributees of said deceased. Dec. 7, ’835.
of John M. D Taylor, dac’d, aud Guardian for Noah
W. Taylor. 24
1 WII.L sell to the highest bidder, on the 1st day
of MARCH next, at the dnornfthe court htiuein
tho town of Perry, a tract of LAND drawn by the or
phans of Jns. !i Oliver, situate in the 14th district of
the county of Houston, containing 202j acres,which is
known and distinguished in the plan of said district by
No 168. Terms ou the day of sale,
jan 28 31 WM. B. OLIVER
U NDER an order of file Inferior Cenrtof Monroe
county, sitting for ordinary purposes, will be sold
ou the first Tuesday in MAY next, before the court
house at Forsyth, in said comity,
JLot of Land, IVo. 13,
in tiie I3tli District, of Mmroe county, it being the re
al estate belonging to the orphans of Alexander Leg
gett, deceased- ANDERSON BALDWIN,
I'eli 5
INURING inv absence from Macon, John Bahr
will act as my Agent.
J»u 29 32
A P« 'OX iia* removed to the store
fm. • lately occupied b
Wm. H. Burdsall. where
he has lor sale a general assortment ofSlapIc and
Fancy Dry Goods, Hardware A Cut
lery. Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes, China Glass
and Crockery ware A-c A-e. feb. 3- 32
Mki itiovai.
WM. U. Zt ij&m&AZT.
H \S temoved his Store to the new Brick Build
ings, corner of Mulberry nirt Second streets,
Macon, nearly opposite his old stand and in from of
Cotton Avenue, f -b. 4. 32
1~T \S removed has Store to the New Brick Build-
ii - ings. coiner of Mulberry and Second streets,
Macon, and in front of COTTON AVENUE, feb n
A.C3£S TOTi. 183S,
CIOM1C Almanacks, and I’eer? Almanacks for sale
TV bv J. II. S' W. 8; I’Ll.18.
Z V* ;,ING my absence. Cot. IIINRVg. I-AAtAJf
A 9 will net a ray general agent,
Feb 11 33 3t JOHN BASIL LAMAR.
Jciccbu, Silver Ware A* Fancy
(At the lotrestprices-)
C. G. St. JOHN
W ATCH Maker & Jeweler Cotton Avenue op
posite Washington Hall, Respectfully in
forms his friends and the public, that he has taken the
store formerly occupied by the Hawkinsville Bank
where he is now opening a new and splendid assort
ment ofWATCHES & JEWELRY of the bestqual
ity and latest fashions selected with great .taste aud
judgement expressly for this market, among his assort
ment may be found Gold pocket Chronometers splen
did Gold Duplex, Patent lever’s and Ruby Cylinder
Watches with Extra Jewels and iudenenent seconds of
the moat approved makers and rated to -saiit the-clim
ate and a general assortment of Ladies &, Gentlemens
Gold and Silver Patent Levers Lepine and plain
Watches. Fine Gold Chains, Seals, Keys ; Ear rings
Breast Pin« and Finger rings. Gold and silver ever
pointed pencils, Gold and silver spectacles, silver
spoons, pen and .pocket knives dirks, canes, pistols,
tfcc. Jfcc. Together with a great variety of other arti
cles kept in his line
N. B. Helms selected the best of materials for re-
pairing watches and will give satisfaction to those who
may favor him with their custom.
A share ofpublic patronage is respectfully solicited.
Oct 27 18
BAILEY, & CREED T. STRONG, under the
linn of Strong. Bailey &. Strong, will practice law in
the Superior Courts of Talbot, Stewart, Randolph
Sumter, Lee. and Marian, tummies of the Chattahoo-
chie Diet. The junior, <&one of the senior members
of said firm,will attend those -courts regularly, and
Strong & Bailey will attend the courts of the Flint and
Wilkinson, Twiggs, Pulaski, Fayett, & DcKalb aa
heretofore. Business -confided to their management
will receive tiieir united attention and vigilance
whether it bo for collection or litigation
‘ffhAVll) B. BUTLER E3Q. is my professional
ILF agent at all times when I am absent from .Macon.
Mt. Butler tvHI he found at the M. & F. Ins. Bank
april I-ly-43 EDW- D. TRACY
$30 /IE nviitn.
•RUNAWAY.—About the 1st Nov.,
BILL Y, a short thick set fellow, has a
scar on the forehead and one <m his
great toe, and may hire himself out as
a free man—is very artful, and may
have a forged pass—has many relations
belonging to Duct. Payne, is prob
able he may change his name. A reward of thirty
dollars wilHtevnid for his-delivery in any jail, so that
the subscriber gets him. W. J. McliiTGrfH.
Darien, Decl2I,I835.
If taken in nr about 3Iaeou, Mr. Chas. Campbell
willtdke*)lnrrge qfhim and pay tho .reward, dec 31 27
4 LL persons are hereby cautioned agaiust trading
for a certain Promissory Note given by the sub
acribcr on the 2nd of February inst, for seventy Dol
lars, due on the first day of January next, made paya
ble to Angus McCollum or bearer— as I shall not pay
said Note unless compelled by law, the consideration was given having failed.
feh-18. 3tp 34 LEVI MULLINS.
jCiTRAYED from the subscriber two bay horses.
Olte of tho above horses is a small bay, he Is a-
bout 4 years old, has no particular marks, but one, he
has a small white spot in his forehead. The other is
a common sized horse, he lias a sore ou bis back and
has but one eye; he has no other particular-mark as
I recollect. They left my stable on the 12th inst and
will try to get to Meriwether county near the Flat
Shoals; any person who may take up tho said horses,
shall be liberally rewarded by sending them to me, or
letting me know of them or any -other information of
them will be-lhankfully received.
-Macon, fob. 16. 34tf JAMES M. HILL.
Stricnine, Emetine, Digitalis, Elm Eark, Flos ol El
der, Ext Hyoscyamus, Flax seed, Fowlers Solution,
Henbane, Uva Ursi, Camphor, Kino, Scammony
Aleppo, Gold Tliread. Ilydriodate Potass, Mustard
Seed, Spts Nitre. Oil Wormseed. Croton Oil. Olive
Oil, Bismuth, Oil silk, Sanfords Bark, Tamarinds,
Gum Copal, Syrup of Liverwort, Turkey Opium,
Ca.,tharides, flowers of Chamomile, Oil Pepper
mint, Bermuda Arrow Root, sugar Lead, Refined Li
quorice; Ergot. Nux Vomica, Corrosive sublimate.
Aloes, Gum Arabic. Precipitate, spts Hartshorn, Carb
Potass, Alcohol, sarsaparilla, Epsom salts, Nitric Acid,
jEther, Alspice, Pepper, Tartariscd Antimony, As-
pltaltum, Adhesive Plaster, Acetate of Potass, Bals
am Copaiva, refined Borax, snake Root, Cubebs,
Rhubarb, Ipecac, sent Carui, Cream Tartar, Nut
Galls, Isinglass, Magnesia, Mercurial Ointment, Blue
Pill, sulphate Quiniue, Conserve Roses, Black Drop,
Jujnbe Paste,sal Ammoniac, Bay Rum, Oil Cinna
mon, Acetate Morphine, sulpli do. Corap Fxt Bitcha,
do of Liver Wort, Ext sarsaparilla, Fxt Pink Root,
Comp Ext Cubebs. Piperine, Iodine, Butler’s Magne
sia. Kreosote, Assafatida, NutmegB, Tapioca, Manna,
Oil Rosemary, Canadian Balsam, Ext Valerian, salt
Petre, Glaubers salts, Concentrated spts Ammonia.
JRaints, Dye Staffs, Oils.
250 kegs White Lead in oil
25 do Venetian Red do
30 do Spanish Brown do
2000 lbs Soap Stone Paint do
6 kegs Yellow Ochre do
20 canisters Verdigris do
900 lbs Spanish Brown dry
200 lbs Venetian Red do
800 lbs Yellow Ochre do
1500 lbs Spanish Whiting do
Red Lead, Chrome Green, Kings Yellow, Verdi
gris, Prussian Blue, Stone Ochre, Rose Pink, Lith
arge, Spanish Pumice Stone, Umbar, Lamp Black,
Ivory do, Chinese Vermillion, Black Lead, Chalk,
do Red, Carmine, Water Colors assd sizes boxes*-,
Drop Lake, Spanish Float Indigo,Calc’d Piaster, Wa
ter Lime, Terra de Sienna, Green Blue and Black
Paint tnixt, BJue Brown & Green Smalts, Frostings,
Bine White Brown and Purple. Gold Bronze, Car
mine Saucers, Piuk do. Logwood in sticks, do ground
and chapped, Fustic, Madder. Camwood, red San
ders, Copperas, Brazillctto Wood, Annatto.
300 gals Linseed Oil
400 do Sperm Oil fall strained
350 do do do winter do
180 do Spirits Turpentine
300 do Train Oil
X bbl Liver Oil, I do Neats Foot
1 bbl Copal Varnish, Japan do
Black<lo. Picture Varnish. Coach do.
Da teat naet Compound .IZcdi cities
Swaims Vermifuge, do Panacea, Thompson's Eye
Water, Green’s Tonic Mixture, Rowan’s Tonic Mix
ture, Morton’s cough syrup, Harkctn Oil, Gowlaud’s
Lotion, Potter’s Cafitolicon, Barclay’s Camp. Sarsa-
parrilta and Cubebs, Dalby’s Carminative, British
Oil, Opodeldoc, Judkin’s Ointment, Lee’s W. Bilious
Pills, N. L. Turlingtons Balsam, Bateman’s Drops
Jesuits Drops, Cephalic Snuff, Aromatic do, Wal-
•di's Tincture or Cough Syrup, Carpenter’s Prepara
tions, Henry’s Aromatic Vinegar, Welch Medicam-
entuni, Hygean Svrup, Mead’s Pills, Walker’s Drops,
Morrison’s Pills, West’s Pills, Rheumatic Medicine,
Sphon’s Digestive Elixir, Little’s Lotion. Nipple
Salve, Bleaching liquid, Ess Mustard, Citrate of Kale
Consumption Specific, Cerate of Copaiva, Cosmetic
Cold Cream, Hays L<niment, Chapman’s Mixture,
Bullard's Oil of Soap, Scotts Pills, Hamilton’s Worm
Lozenges, Judkin’s Specific Ointment, Scotch Oint
ment, Hofltnan’s Anodyne.
Surgical anti .Tiedical Instruments
Pocket Instruments in Cases, Silver Spring Lan
cets Evans Crown thumb Lancets, Obstetrical Instru
ments. Fox's Spring Turnkeys, Teeth Forceps, Cup
ping glasses, Tweezers, Surgical Needles, Gum Elas
tic Syringes, Metalic do, Stefiieoscopcs, Apothecaries
Scales and weights, Spatulas ass’d, Mclalic Stalls and
Sounds, Hair Sieves, Medical Spoons.
Ground Paint Brushes assorted sizes, Varnish do.
Sash Tools do, Badger’s Hair Blenders Graining do.
Camels Hair do, Fancy and plain Hair Brushes assor
ted, Palters do do, Cloth do do. Hat Crumb Brushes.
Hearth do, Dusting do, Counter do. Shoe do, Hat
ters’ Brushes>Ta' le do, Flesh do, Shaving do. Fur
niture Brushes. Whisk Brooms, do Brushes.
Glass Warty Store Furniture.
Window Glass
Window Glass assorted sizes Iroin 7 by 9 to 22 by
28 inches, Coach Glass, do Picture Looking Glass
Plates, Tincture Bottles from J 2 gallons, do
Specie assorted sizes, Salt Month do, 1 to 8 oz Vials,
Ground stoppers -White and Green "Vials assorted.
Nursing Bottles, Globe Betties, Graduate Measures,
Glass Funnels, Retorts and Reservoirs, Proof Glasses
Dram Vials, Otto of Roso Vials, Pungents Tubes ot
Fillers. Glass lamps, with shades, do without shades
Glase Candlesticks, Suspending Lamps, with shades,
extra shades.
Cologne, tea ter Fancy articles, Soaps
Double distilled Cologne Water iu fancy and plain
Bottles, Florida Water, Milk of Roses. Orange Flow
er Water, Lavender, Harrogate salts. Pearl Powder,
Pomatum, Macassar Oil, Rose water. Oil of Roses.
Musk. German Cologne water, Honey water, Preston
salts, Antique Oil; Transparent wafers, Pungents,
(cut glass,) Metalic shaving Boxes, Camels Hair Pen
cils, Wash Balls, Otto of Rose Vials, Variegated soap,
do Transparent for shaving, Rose soap,-do Cinnantoi
do Ceylon, English Windsor, soda soap, Conrt Plas
ter, Teeth powder.
Kitchen’s Patent-Cocoa, Lucifer Matches, Bar soap,
Dt. Subscriber bavin,
Macon with a view to a permanent residence,
and taken the store recently occupied by Mr. F. F.
I Lewis directly opposite the Central Hotel, will keep
i ver wort, | constantly on hands general assortment of
Hats» Caps, Purs ckc,
comprising every variety of style and quality, usually
called for at a similar establishment. Among bis as
sortment may be found
Beaver, Satin Beaver, Otter, Castor Iloarum aud
wool Hats;
Mens Fur and Hair, Seal Caps, Boys black, blue
and brown cloth Caps, Bombazine do black and drab
silk plush a new style, Merino and Circassian Ac &c,
From his long experience and personal attention to
tho business of manufacturing hats in some of the
most extensive establishments at the north, he is ena
bled to assure all those wiio may favor him with
their patronage that he can furnish them with an arti
cle which fiir cheapness, neatness and durability shall
bo fully eqtial if not superior to any before offered in
the southern market* As his work will be principal
ly manufactured at his establishment in Macon, when
desired he will finish hats to order iu any style to suit
the purchaser. Front the facilities thus obtained and
front assiduity and attention to his business he hopes
to deserve as he trusts he w’jll receive a liberal share
of patronage. Oct 7,1835
(Lr Wanted Beaver, Otter, Muskrat and Raccoon
He expects in a few days to remove to the store
now occupied by Mr E ii Weed ly
F our months after date application will be made
to the Honorable Inferior Court of Twiggs
county,when sitting as a court of Ordinary for leave
to sell the real estate of Janies Dcshazo, lat3 of said
couuty deceased. Nov. 2, J835
I N DU It tuonius after implication will be uuuh
to the Honorable hiierior Court *of Twiggs
county, wheu sitting as a court of Ordinary, for leave
to self the lands and negroes belonging to the estate
of Joshua D. Bostick, late of said county deceased,
itov. 2. 1S3'» LUCINDA BOSTICK, Adm’x.
WbOUit months after date applicaiion will he mad<
^ to the court of Ordinary of Bibb county for leave
to sell three fifths of Lot of Land No 16 in the 8th dis
trict originally Troup now Merriwether county, be
longing to the orphans of William Pace, late of said
county deceased. dec 10
£4 F. DICKINSON has just received
» . 30 bhds St. Croix and Porto &£§
125 bags prime green coffee, V'rf.
251 bills N. E. Rum, Gin and VVhi.t,.-
100 Canal family Flour, ® e J*
100 Irish Potatoes, (yellow',
200 sacks salt,
20 tons Iron, assorted,
10 do assorted castings.
20 bbls cider.
Cognac, peach and apple Brandy, Mon n « ,
Irish Whiskey, Holland Gin, Jamaica R, npJlaIja iid
cordials. Madeira, Teneriffe and Mnl.Zfff,’. *H«ni
kohol, Porter, clarified Vinegar, cracker.! h* 8, Ak
ring. Mackerel, smoked salmon, Mola-wIn^'Ner.
Wheat Flour, Raisins without seed lor ewiE' ^
boxes, Lemon syrup, Loaf and Lumpsy.J
chewtug do in papers, Spanish and Anferir
long nines do. snuff, 50 boxes sperm and t.-T
dies, 50 boxes bar aud shaving soap starrl °' ?CJS "
spice, ginger, cinnamon. Pearlasl), salt Eet 'l r,! Pper,
copperas, chocolate, tea, matches, wrann't
bed. cords, brass, biass hoop and iron hoon^
tubs, measures, coolers, &c. pint and hah nb,, S 1 **
straws tumblers, decanters, blacking crit,,v,„ 1 “ f b,
oil, powder.50 bags ass’d shot, nail's, pl 0 u.h’!! ,ljll! f
weeding hoes, trace and halter chains, sift
mills, shovel and tongs, fire dogs, waffle iron'^ ' 0 ^
ing irons, fry pans, tea kettles, cart bores iJ*’ ?ni0c| k
cards. <Src. &c. Macon, Jau 27
Houston county. S JaJt.vidM Brmvn ap I) | v ,!! d ^-
letters of administration on the estate of f- L n for
deceased— '
Daniel B Lowe applies for letters of adtaii,;,^. •
on tl e estate of Nathan McGraw, deceased-.
^Thomas N McWilliams applies for letters j
istration on the estate of Rebecca Echlcs, dtcea«
And Daniel B Lowe, administrator on the .
John Chambers, applies for letters of Di-mis.^,// ° f
And John 8 Taylor applies for dismission
estate of William F O’Neal, deceased-
These are therefore to cite and admonish allow! •
lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to
appear at my office within the time prescribed b» uS*
shew cause if any they hate, why said letters should m
Given under my hand at office, this 21stdavofj,
nary. 1836. 31 CHAS. 11 Illrr /. **’
GEORGIA : Coweta County.
W HEREAS Aristarchus Wood applies feu,-
of Administration on the Estate of ,
chits Wood deceased : Amsto "
These are therefore to cite and adronish olUr.l
singular the kindred and creditor, of said halt
ed, to be and appear at my ejjkc, within the tk,
prescribed by law. to show cause, if any Ihui
why said letters should not be granted, * ^
Given under my hand at office this 18th dav of I,,
ttarv. 1836 31 DAVID MOSELEY, c "
jeLOUR months after date application will be made
® to the justices of the court of Coweta cottntv
when sitfng for ordinary purposes for leave to sell ail
the negroes belongiug to the estate of James Carson,
deceased, of said cwuntv, for the benefit of the lega
tees. JESSE RHODES, Adm’r,
Dec 5 SARAH CARSON. Adm’rx-
TL OUR months afterdate application will he made
—- to the honorable the inferior court ef 1’ike county
when sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to sell
lot of land No 125 iu the 3dc itrict of originally Mon
roe now Pike connty, it 'being the real estate of James
Crawley a minor. JAMES CRAWLEY,
dec 17 25 Xainral Guardian.
A OUR months after date, ap|dicatiou will be made
1 to the honorable luferior Court of Talbot coun
ty, where sitting for ordinal.- purposes, for leave to
sell the Land and Negroes belonging to tho estate of
John Riley, late of Talbot county, deceased, for the
octicfit of the heirs and crediiors of said deceased.
Dec. 26, 1835. dec 31 27 4m
OUR months after date, application will tie made
to the honorable file Inferior Court of Pike
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for an or
der to sell all the real estate, and the negroes of John
Akin, sen late of said county, deceased, for the ben
efit the ol’heirs, jcc. J NO. AKIN, jun. ? . , ,
Nov. 7. 18.35 29 WILLIAM AKIN. ( Adm rs "
ui-ORGIA—Bibb County.
W HEREAS-James Gates, senior, applies to me
for letters of administration on ihe estate of
Christiana Gates, late of said county, deceased.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin-
gular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, p
be and appear at my office, within the time prescribed
by law, to shew cause, if any tliey have, why said Jej-
ters should not be granted.
Given under my hand, at office, this 1st day of Feb
ruary. 1836. 32 HENRY G. ROSS.c. c . o.
GEORGIA : Houston County.
W HEREAS William F. Taylor applies t 0 m
for letters of administration on the Estate ff
Hannan Taylor late of said county deceased:
These arc therefore to cite and admonish all a ed tie fi
lar the kindred and creditors o % said deceased lotted
appear at my office within the time prescribed ly
shew cause if any they hare, why said letters should ec!fe
Given undermy hand at office this 13th Febraart,
1836. 34 CHARLES H. RICE, e c u.
W HKRRKAS Riley AVi.seand Rosey Wise ip.
ply to me for letters of administration do tit
Estate of Josiafa Wise deceased i
These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and siep.
lar the kindred and creditors of said (Uceasii, ’.ok ul
appear at my office within the time prescribed b) lm ti I
give cause if any they have, why said litters should til
be granted.
Given undermy band at office, Feb. Iff, 183G
34 JOHN McCORD, c.c. a
Lfircry Stable.
JOSEPH WAIN W RIGHT -at his old Stand, on
P9 the Court House square, still carries-nn the ab-
business Horses -kept by the month or day—and
Horses and Carriages to hire—on the most moderate
terms. Jan. 14 29 ■ V
.'£ Docket Boa/- 1’ounrt. ~ ,
j k k IT WHEN Columbus and Montgomery, Ala.
I .ti which the owner can have by describing and
applying at fiio Slageoffico at Macon, Ga. Dec. 23.
F OUR Months after date, application will be
made to the Court of Ordinary of Baldwin coun
ty for leave to sell part of the Negroes belonging to
Alary II Jordau, a miuot. Jan 8. 1836 29
WM. B. JORDAN. Guard’n.
F OUR mouthsaftcr date, application will he made
to the Court of Ordinary of Bil b Couuty for
leave to sell the land and Negroes belonging to the
Estate of James McDonald, late of said County dec’d.
inn 14 GREEK Mr DONALD. Adm’r
F Olik months alter dale, application v\ i.. ii.„ue
to tiie Inferior Court of Bibb county, when sit
ting for ordinary purposes, ior leave to sell the real e-
state belotigittg to Caroline Sprrtce, a minor
Inn. 19. 30 MMF« W. GREEN Guar.
(>l li Mon in- date, application will be made
t«* the honorable the Inferior Court of Pike
•minty, when sitting fiirordiuary purposes, for leave
to sell all the Estate of John Johnson deceased.
Zebulon. Jan. 15, 183-1 30
JTA OUR months afterdate, application will be made
IT te the Court of Ordinary of Bibb county for
Vave to sell the Real Estate belonging to the orphans
•f Joseph Wood ia»e of said conntv deceased.
Jan 14. 1836 29 REBECCA WOOD Guar.
■ jl* *UIt months after date application will he made
8. to the Inferior conrt of Stewart cotmty
\ hen sitting for ordinary purposes, fir leave to sell
the land and Nogroes belonging to the estate of Al
exander Nelson, late of said connty deceased.
F Uni months afterdate application will be m.ole
to ihe Inferior court of Twiggs county sitting
for ordinary purposes for leave to sell a lot of land in
Carrol Icon ntv, d raw u ’by -the orphans of Robert Reyn
olds late ofsaid conntv.
Chalk, Emery coarse and fine, Black sand, Pearlash
Castile soup, Scotch, Rappie and Mncabny muff sha-
vingBoxes, Honey, Glue, Blacking, Lemon syrup,
Barbers shaving Cakes, Chloride Lime, Wafers, Ta
pers sealing Wax, starch, sand Paper, Indelible Ink.
Corks, Cork Wood, Violins, do strings, Bellows, Ma
gic Matches, Swifts, Bath Brick, shellac.
Garden Seeds, Herbs, Floicer Seeds.
Onion, Beet, Turnip, Carrot, Parsnip, Cucumber,
Watermelon. Musk melon, (beautiful) squash, Pump
kin, Lettuce, Reddish, Cabbage, Brocoli, Cruliflower,
Kale, Pepper, Peppergras, Cress, Tomato, Vegeta
ble Oyster, solid Celery, summer savory. Parsley,
spinage, Endive Mustard, Okra, Asparagus, Nastur-
tion Roquette, Corn'ealad, Curled Chervil, English
sorrel, I.eek, saffron, sweet Mignonitte. Marjoram,
Thinie, Lavender, Basil, Lemon Balm, Early Corn,
Early Peas, Pole I’cas, Bunch Beaus, Pole do, Lima
&c. several varieties of each, also an assortment of
FLOWER SEEDS, Herbs, and Grasssecds, all care-
fully-put'tip by the Shakers and warranted Ercsh, ac- - jr.ens r ir~
companied by a Treatise on Gardening. &c. FlUVO notes of hand for $30dollars each, and one
'Intending to lie permanently engaged in this hiism- f for $11.50, making $71 50—made bv Henry
ms. die subscribers will nse every exertion .in their ' Crew about the 26th February, 1835. payable to the
undersie-ned one day af er date. Crawford conntv, 9th
P<8» 1«30 33 3t 5. ft KT^TI \r>T>.
We are nutl’.oris d to announce JAMES
W .3 >UR months after date application will be made
.IT to the honorable fi e Inferior court of Campbell
county when sitting as a court of ordinary, for leave
to sell two-thirds of 181 acres of lot No. 94, in the
7th district, originally Coweta now Campbell county,
for tiie benefit of the orphans of "William Jones, late
of said county, deceased.
Jan 20,1836. JAMES McCRACKIN, Adm’r.
F OUR months after date, application will be made
to the Inferior court of Houston county, for
leave to sell the real estate of William S. Brunson, late
of said county, deceased. THOMAS POLLOCK,
Fob 18 33 adm’r.
I LL who are indebted to the estate of William
» Jones, late of Campbell county, deceased, are
requested to come forward and make immediate pay
ment, and those who have claims against said estate,
are requested to render in their accounts jccording to
law. Jan 20 JAMES McCRACKIN Adm’r
power, lo render it worthy the patronage of their old
mid new customers. Orders by etter will meet the
same attention as if made in person.
Painting of every description carried on by
Macon Jan, 14. * 29 H. A J. SHOTWELL-
'- i - W. ARM STRONG, as a candidate for Colo
e' ef Bibb county FehJI 33
Blanks for sale at this office.
Macon Jocky Club Races
11L annual Races over the Central Course *4
fiL commence on M-mday the 21st of .March wt
when the following purses will be run for, free for *
ny Horse. Mare or Gelding iu the world.
First day mile heats purse worth
2nd do 2 mile heats, purse worth
3d day 3 mile heats, purse do
4th do 4 do do purse worrit
5th day mile heats, best .3 in 5 purse worth if
ffTTlie Georgia Journal, .Columbus Enquirer, u 1 -'-
leston Mercury. Columbia Times, Nashville Bttrtt
Augusta Sentinel, American Turf Register, andnf j
iflian will publish the above weekly six ti tries ni
ward their account to the secretary for payment.
T IIE subscribers having been appointedac«-
mittee, by the Trustees of the “Macon fe I
male University,” for the purpose of contraftmjW
the erection of suitable edifices for the same, btfl |
give notice, that they will receive proposals until tj*
first day of March next, for making ami laying «
brick alone. _ .
It is supposed it will require from six4? ciglitW
dred thousand brick to complete the buildings at p
sent •cuutaiuplated. , ,
The proposals must 'he made by the “ I
brick.” (aid in the wall, including cvei
cept lime. L-r^l
The use of a brick yard, convenient to tnej>-
ings, has been already jirocurcd for the use ol tw
dertaker, vyiiich. it is supposed, will propose '•
diminish the tost of the work. irks
Bond and security will be required from t - c - I
taker for the faithful discharge of hisduty,
R. COLLINS, 1 . Mt .
J. COWLES > Corominef
Robt. Aco. Bkall, Sec. reeledM* 1 1
All communications, post paid, to be u -. ]) 4 ^ I
secretarv. IL—
jfl. Ii. HI A TT ESOAt
Portrait Painter,, , _j|
ILL apply such time as is not e
- - on Portraits, to paintmg b****3*Lyfffb I
and Historical subjects for parlors, ■*“ : ,^s I
sketches of their own, can depend upon , LftoS
faithfully transferred; and those wishing - b
particular passages will be accommodate • I
A few pictures of this class, now on .. Uj fto»
among the number, an original,
Shaksneare’s “ Merchant of I ’enice, _ CJ ii.
zo Sf Jessica Lovers ef the art are * nvl .. . ,’did- J
Room hours front 9 o’clock morning.^ ^ rl
evening. —!
faction and C'omnttastoii jik ^
£ Take this method of informing .|,t &'
3. public generally, that I have take P
business, and re«p ictfully solicit a sm - cl j y atttn*'
All Goods consigned to me shall be
to. according to directions.
dec 24 26 _
RUNAWAY . laj (, a nff
F ROM the snbscriher in Aeptem™ r y a f
hoy, named (ChaAeS, abwj j Lather&
of black complexion, toleiably " c ‘ ’ Hubert
speech—formerly belqngedw die -j.| Jives r**
noy, of Houston county. His IW ■’ ffts
Perry. I will give FIFTY D«JLLARS„•
henslon, and jf lie has'been stolen . - e
Fifty Dollats mare.for proof to corn'd rM .\V
Monroe co I’cb JO AMBR °a l n ub!id‘ (te: 1
[pj* The Savannah Georgian will P
weekly , four times
A LL instalments on lots piircha'-ed ft r j
th- Mayor and Conned of foe ^
ca.-tdile paid to the W , hrV will I
fore the first day of March next.o. • * |- or the W
dered. in fact forfeited.and will Canned »
of the City. By order of fJpojTT, <r 7
Feb.6 33 S" L ' **