Newspaper Page Text
B J. 51. B-iHTLETT
i'er/us of aiiilbscfiiruo.i.
|) 0 Li.vM,P'»W in alliance, tallpay fir the pa
1 !,ur*r. r’l' E I tou.sns.paid in advance, icill pa
r mm Tk J Dollars,in advance
^Xp'pcr two year, Te,L
. ", pai l Sk/h.-i Jtt months after the year has
[‘■I 'farce Dollars an l Fifty Cents per annum
"‘jj. if" nut paid Huiu the end.of the yiar.
J Qji?rs per annu l: icill be .charged—with interest
and Commission
I liiisinvss.
4~1 i'.O. Ji-.W I.TTA. Co. respectfully inform their
inendH ami the public gsnoitili)', that tliey have
added the \Y are House and C'ciiina.-sion Ru-incs* to
tim heretofore conducted bv them. Their Ware
II »uic is conveniently situated on second street; ucar-
jkrrsjltt- 0 f 4,j •yrJisin'T. I *-Y "‘p*” 1 * S the'*rstore. ‘All cotton consigued to tlieui,
1, .nis ezeteiing one hundred tcords, half »*«p aWOW or dealers in the article, or ot-
or ucrJcc brevier tines, mill be inserted one time : f b, V »»»•»**«. wiJJ bo promptly
• IVnr. mere than one insertion is given -
‘.‘O it Idlsr- . . is —
• .*> for the first, and 50 cents for lath continuance,
’"'ran ihi'h a 'deduction of oncfonrthiciU he made, ichen
Collectors' and Coroners' Sales arrehar-
'^Ys.-h Advertisers icill be alloiccd two s nun res in each
' - f ir Twenty I)Mars per u it uu.n; and in the same
r Tff jr a larger spue—payable quarterly.
'‘ f ie extras'* of our business, and the state of the times,
,jjre that these terms should lie. rigidln adlurnl to
JLinr. of Patkels.
jfo BRIG Amelia .Strong. J. Chaco, Master,
Mt~r. I’retmmu, * Mr. Matthew*, ",
,!r 'A new “ Darien, C. P. Buekk-y, “
■.■-jlbg, • .«* Macon, A- Bibbinr, ••
u — Scl.r. D. B. Crane, T. Baker, “
\!lsr»o'l and substantial vessels, well calculated for the
j,. Jr, with good accommodations for passengers, aud
tipcrianced commanders. Oue of the vessels will nl-
r./vs he at each end of tho Line to receive freight, and
n..’l soil regularly once a week. • Shippers by this line
, ja c:f"ct f iisuranco at five eighths per ceut ami they
i jjv rely upon the v« s*ol* bring regularly despatched,
fa- - ih.icnhers am also agents for several Steamboats
r ut regularly during the boating -season between
Dtri-n. Mawkinsvillo, and Macon, and aro iudneed to
b, !i--v that they cm give great facilities in forwarding
■ uJi d-stilled fur die interior of the Sa«tc.
r HAWES ,<c .MITCHELL, Agents
p nit n. 1-t July, 1*35 ,1
fiottter Stcnin Rout Eine.
A'licy have also a convenient close storage house
for the reception of luench.mdizu from the country ;
the receiving and forwarding of \Vlnch, will receive
a particular shuro of their attention. Liberal advan
ces will be made oti cotton stored, or on shiphicnts to
auv market, when desired.
They also have on hand, aud exper t shortly to re
ceive a large and general assortment of
Such os. St. Croix and PortoricaA Ihtvumiasugars,
Cuba. Hio and Java'cofiee, Liverpool salt,
.Swedes Don, Nails, Brads, cast, German and blister
Heavy hemp Bagging, Bagging twine twilled suck
ing, Ozuabuigh*,
Negroes cloths, shoos, hats, caps; claohs.
Powder, shot, aud lead, saddles and bt idles,
•Sets Blacksmith tools, castings, Hardware,
Calicoes,- Flaimols, Blanket.-, Wax Calf skins, Ac;
Which they will sell on as good terms as can be had
in this market II S.-»u 10
-dwestry and C^nnsnission Business,
TU^tVi undersigned returns his thanks to his friends
L-i. r or the liberal support wjiich he has liorctofor
Kvd IVoni them in tlie aUovelifie of business. and
merchandize atul protccmix them While in his charge,
ire at least equal to those of auy others in his line. He
will spend llie summer in olid in the vicinity of Darien,
unf any business addressed to film trill receive his per
oniil and prompt attention.
Time 15 Jtt’A&l JOHN T. HOWLAND.
F j,> transportation to and from Macoti, t* now in
complete order. A superior new Steam Boat
. -David Crockett” with two powerful Engines,
.,nd several lirst rate freight boat* have been built since
t) r . rinse of the last season and placed on the line.
Steam Hunt Pioneer, Cap!. O mdtvin,
“ “ Daniil Crockett, “ ATCbmick,
w ill ply rogulnily between Darien and Macon, one of
ihjnj leaving Darien about once a tveek willt freight
I, in'.- in tow.
f?f 3 aji33at SSAaiSSTpSffr
Capt. Donnell
will run constantly betwcon Darien and Savauuah
in<i aj.tri the ;■ rentes! despatch to Cotton.
IV sith.-tcriber's whole attention is devoted to facili-
icing transportation between Macon and the Sea
Parfs. II* has invested a largo sum to put his lino
Hie most complete ord-r. and Kelt eves that Ins orrtuig
in-:it< forgiv'na despatch to freight and keeping it :i
; iad order, while in his rare, will make it the interest
of Cutton .Shippers hud Merchants ordering goods, to
i iiiliu'ie Ihtir favors.
At Darien he has secure and l onveniciitlVarehou-e-
fer r.-r.*ptio:i of Goods, and his
v/iiarves thoro aro covered
with shads,
wlfch enables him to keep all Cotton ilupped on In
I! • its under shelter and protected from the weathri landed for reshipinent.
lIoLcouat:, 1’tcK A Co., CIuirlestHii,
K. P. Burrs, Savannah.
J. T. Rowi.avp. Darien
D. H. Halstead. llawkinsville
Macon, N«V. -|<*; 1**4 -sa i; :
.Jfttzon Steam Boat Company.
Steamboat SUPivtU-Jil, Capt. George H illcoxi
tlo. EXCEL. ” J. I/. Willeo.x.
rjl HIS company have now their line of Beats it
.fi. complete bnler for freighting. They have
new steamboat .Tided to their line called the Supcrioi
and it it Tow-Boats.
Ttw Boats will run regularly betwo-n Macon am
Darien, om? of the steamboats leaving Darien ever
Jive or six day, with tow-bottW- Thu company Irn
iuw sixteen tow-boats, all first rate boats,built espn;
ly far the navigation of the Ocutulgeo and Alta mall*
roers; these increased facilities will enable the com
pany the matins of giving the greatest despatch t.
tuitiin or goods shipped by their line.
Tti -y hive a Steamboat and a number of Sloop-,
t 'carry cutton and merchandise between Darien an-
Savannah, nu t Darien and Charleston, Thera art
nlso, five first mte Packets runilfltg regularly betwSet
Dirieii and Now York, which coma to Ha-.vus A
Mitchcl, of Darien.
Agents for the abort Boats :
J. GODDARD, Macon.
Hover., Ifrxnv A Walter, Charleston.
1.. Baldwin &. Co. Snvanuuh,
Ilauns A. .MiTcnrt.L, Darien.
K. Itor.EHTS, Hawkittsville,
Macon, 24th Dec... 1*33. US
Oaifiilgec sTcam~Uoat Company.
fin HIS company will be jirepared to comment-o bit
JL silicas, early in the next season—They will have
<* li'tnof Packets between New York, and Darien au.l
a.tNioi vessels loforw.ird goods from Darien to Macon
—Tilt* agents iu New York, Charleston, and .Savannah,
will he authorised to contract for lire delivery of goods
"i Macon, at a freight agreed on without intermedi
ate charge and the agent ill Macon will receive cotton
deliverable in Savannch, Charleston, mid New York—
The company's vessels and boats, will be of first class
with "xpcrienccd commanders, and no expense will be
spared to meet tho patronage ofthe public.
PH. R. YONGE A SON'S, Agents in Darien.
:nav aW» IAA5 4f>
At Darien, 6a.
.rfitlfE nndersigued hare resumed business as
.a. hove, and will as heretofore pay prompt utten-
ti:>u to all business entrusted to their rat e. We believe
we have made anaiigcmenls that will euahle us at all
times to forward goods for the interior with the least
po-sibic delay, by steamboats when the river will ad
mit, or in exircuic low river by small flats or lighters,
built expressly for that busin'es*. On our wharves.
arc large Storehouses, calculated for the storing of cot
ton at tho least possible expense, and our opportunities
to forward cotton inland or coastwise, are not exceed
'd bv any oilier House.
Barien. May 80,1S3S. 40
^Commission Business, JOaricn.
'nA.l'i Undersigned have formed a Copartnership
A, lorthe purpose of transact)ug a general Com-
•uuuon and other business under the firm of
mt'l ulfei tboir services to their friends, and tho public
6*oenI|y in the abnve business. Fovwarduig tlood-
;i| tJ produce to and from the interior of the State, will
reee| ve particular att rition. It may be proper to
•fU'Mliat they liavo ' no rount'ction with tuiy of the
' , t'-'-"» irausnortattonliins; Goods for the interior n ill
abv.tys b t shipped by ilinse' who will probnhlj’ give
'hem thu gr.- ite-tdesjiatch. ISXAC SNOW,
dri l. IgM. ‘M GEO T. ROGERS
T 1 ’ Undersigned temlers his Jjtanksto Jiisfriends
On ths liberal patroiMgo he lias Rir tnabyyoa--
^'stvetj, nndassnro* them tliat;tlio same zeui vv>il’
tii * r ’ •'•Jividna! capacity be applied bimvdf, wi‘
„' r ’ J !, *s eiforts in protecting those interests which
r> confided to the new establishment. - ’ U*
Jan. I. I83« ' ISAAC. SNOW.
Sfcant Packet Forrester,
Copt. A Kiug. to ply weekly
between Savannah and Augu-ta,
will depart front S-ivaiiiKili at !)
^o'clock, A. .M. every Wetlties-
day. and from Augusta every Saturday, at" .0 o’clock,
A. .M. She i? on the low pressure princijilt, and tho
subscriber feels much pleasure in recommending her
L-t ii perfectly safe boat. S. C. DUNATNG.
march 10' <5t Gli
TfieiJIacosi"Clothing Store
i s? removed to the store lately occupied bv .Messrs-
Myrick, Napier A Frcemaii, next to Air Win B
t.ihtuail's Jewelry store, where may be found a good
--orunent of
Clothing, Hats, Boots, Shot.» and
Fane)’ Articles- mnostiug in part of
Fine blue, black, brown, green, olive tnixt and silver
grey Frock Coats
'iue blue, black, brown,green, claret and olive Dress
drown, green, lni*t and silver grey Coatees
tipar drab mixt brown aud green Over Coats
/elerslntn over aud lluntiug Coats—Ladies’ Cloaks
Gentlemen's camblet Cloaks, mole-skin.11 anting coats
•adnet and lieavcrteen round Jackets, Fautaloons
aud Vests of utmost every desenption-
ott in nuJ wnoljen nett Shirts and Drawers, Flan-
tel. Canton Flannel, plain and twilled Cotton Draw-
h’s. Lilian and Cottou.Shirts, Flannel Shirts, Collars,
.itt-toms. Gloves, Hosiery. Russian Bolts. Black Ital-
an and white Cr.ivut?,' Cottou, worsted and Gum El-
...t'.csuspenders, a great variety of Stocks, Utnlirclla.-
'! ilh, Fur. and Seal-skin Caps.
'•) eases Hats, Fine Boots tnd slices. India Rubber
toes. Ladies India Ruliber shoes. Also
’itie blue, black, invisible green, anil Royal purple
■ >!‘>s. BnirCrts-iiu;re, Tailor’s Trimmings, r.iilita-
Triiiiiuings. Ac. A c., ail of which will be void at
'.need prices for cash,
'neon net. •♦!>. SJ _ HORACE FITCH.
P. F. le mTs, .7ft reliant Tailo .
a Ad taken the.stand a few doors above the Clo
thing Store of Mr. L. Fitch, on .Mulberry
tre.-t whore ho continues to carry on the Tailoring
■ -mess. He assures all those who may favor biui
.:h their rtmiuii, tliat their work will be done at the
hoi tost notice, aud iu tlie best manner.
'.He has on hand a supply of the best materials in his
nc. consisting of
Blue, Black, royal Brown, Claret, Raven, Green,
Vc. • • -
CASSIMEKFS,—A good assortment.
A good vanety ofthe best quality.
IViersham, ami a complete nssortment of
TjIILOWS trimmings.
Ho respectfully solicits a share of the public pat
Macon, Oct 30 1834—24? ' _
To Southern .TIcrrhati ts.
jXo.'dlU, Pearl st. Ticte-1'oii,
^RESPECTFULLY invite the attention of South-
ru dealers to their slock of Goods now rcceiv-
ng lor th«-ir T spritig sales, they have niaicrialty increas
’d their stock of French hilk’Gootls and Ftmcy arti-
jlns. as ii I-to, tho various kinds of Muslins,, sjwisa
.Goods, Collar?., Capes. Ac. Ac. which, together wjth
'her extensive slock of staple, Foreign ami Dotneilic
Dry Goads, comprises an assortment probably e-
qnai to any oyer olleicd iu tlw city. 7 he utmost ex
ertions will he made to give, in all res]iects, entire sat
isfaction to those who may favor them with their trade.
Inn •-?() 33 2m
sn. h, XeOomiss
H AS just received a large assortment of DRUGS
A MEDICINES, at the Store one dour below
W. B. JoBXSTOti’s Jkwklrt, which he will sell at mo
derate prices; among which are
Whl:« Lead, Red Lead, Black Lead, Litharge,.Verdi
gris, Chromic Green, Chromic Yollcyr, Spabish Brown,
Yellow Ochre, Stoue Ochre, Umber, Venetian Red,
Lampblack, ROsepink, Terra de Sienna, Vermillion.
Prussian Blue, Osborn’s water colours.
Linseed, Speim. Whale, and Train Oil*; and Spts.
'Turpentine, Cupai, Japan, Coach, Leather, A. Picture
Varnishes. .
Flesh, Hair. Hut ?-raiuing. Varnish, Furniture, Tooth.
Paint, Nail, Com Shoe, Scrubbing. Sweeping, Dus
ting, Velvet, Whitewash, Clothes, llorsc, and Velvet
Cologne, Rose Honey, Florida, Lavender, A Omiige
Flower Wate.. Aromatic Vinegar, Bears’ Oil, Antique
Oil, Chlorine Tooth Wash, Cream Soap and other
Shating Soaps, Wash Balls, Drop Lake, Essences of
Rose and Cedrat, Extrait de Mcil, Flake White, Hair
Powder, Orris Root, Milk of Roses, Oils of Orange,
.Rcrpuniot, Cedrat, Cinnamon, Lavender. Neroli. and
Hoses; Oxy-chiorine Lotion, Pearl Powder, Pomatum,
Powder Puffs, Pic*ton Salts, Pink Saucers, Fancy vi
als. Tonqoin Beans, Viu de Rouge, Vegetable Rouge,
A Macassar Oil.
Annatto, Cudbear, Fig Blue, Fustic, Galls, Indigo,
Madder. Nicaragua Wood, Alum, Turmeric, ami
Ground Logwood.
Acetic, Citric, Oxalic A other Acids, Acoustic Oil,
Alcohol, Nitrate of Ammonia, Concentrated Liquor of
Ammonia, Atkinson’s Depilatory, Balm of Columbia,
Patent Burley, Breostpipcs, Brimstone, Cayenne Pep
per. Spanish Saffron, Ammouiafct of Copper, Sago,
Emetine, Cicuta Plaster, Ext. Aloes, Cinchona, Coi-
ocynth. PJaterhim, Jalap, Kaliiuca, Nux Vomica, IUiti-
barb.Ithntauia, Lead, Savin, Sarsaparilla A Cubebs,
Dandelion, Valerian, Oplmri A others. Phosphate of
Iron, Bed Oxyde of Iron, Tartariz’d Iron Ac. Ginger
Powders. Hamilton’s Elixir, Magnesian Aperient
English Calomel, Hoffman’s Anodyne, Oil’d Silk or
Hat Case: Iodine, Jujube Paste, Lactucarinm. Lan
cets, Patent Lint, Lupuline. Lobelia, Medical Spoons.
Acetate aud Sulphate of Morphia, Mustard, Oils of
Caraway, Copaiva, Croton, Fennel, Wintergreen, Se
neca, Denarcotised and Powdered Opium, Phospho
rus, Piperiue, Pocket Instruments. Hydriodate A Ox
y-mnriate of Potash, Potter’s Catholicon, Liquor of Po
tash, DragSn's Blood, Seaton.-v .Stoughton’* Elixir,
Strychnine, Powdered Valerian, Ithuhiirbarine, Sali-
cine, Sanford’s Bark, Lac Sulphur, Syrup of Liver
wort. One Stethoscope. Swanu’s Panacea, Scidlitz
Powders, Tamarinds, 7’inctnrc of Colehicum, Wine
ofColchicuin, Trusses, Turbith Root. White Hellebore,
Colchicunt Seeds, Acetate ?f Colehicum, Aromatic
Carbonate of Ammonia; an Assortment of Patent Me
dicines. and all others in common use, Garden Seeds,
and Slurp Furniture for Physicians.—
Couching, Cupping, and small Scaling. Instruments;
ancl oue second band set of Amputating and Trephin
irt-T Instruments. April 29
btrniiu’s Panacea, Indian Panacea,
A supply iitstrec’d by H A J SHOT WELL.
.Vftr Store—Trcsh Goods.
T HE subscriber is now opening, on second streer,
next door to Patrick A Martin, and nearly op
posite the Commercial Bank, a complete assortment of
Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS.
WLieh will be sold at prices much reduced, being bo’t
on reasonable terms and cheap, they will he sold ac
cordingly Ilia stock comprises in part as follows:
8-4, 0-4 and 10-4 London Duflil Blankets—10-4 and
12-4 fine Mackinaw do—Negro Plains and Linseys—
super blue, black, brown mixt Cloths—Fine aud com
mon Satinets, assorted colors—superfine Valentia and
Toilinet Vestings—super white aud red Flannels—do
Merino do.
Black and colored 6-4 Merinos—do do Borabazetts—
fine 6-4 Bombazines—Piuk Ratiuet—figured Circas
super and common plain and twilled Calicoes—stviss.
Jaconet,,Mull and Rook Muslins—black and colored
cambric Ginghams—Irish Linens in h pieces very fine
—colored and white Homespuns—Bowen cassimeres
and check*—Birdseye and Russia Diapers—Linen
cambric llkfs, Russia sheetings, Ac
Black super Poi de soic silks—do Italian Lustring do
—rich colored silks very cheap—Levantines, sarsnets
and sinchews.
Mandarin, Hcrainci, embroidered Romani, Bagdad,
rich satin, fig tiered Thibet, embroidered Thibet wool
and martin gaoze Hkfs—rich figured gauze Ribbons—
Handsome thread Edgings and (luiltings—Blond Ed
gings and Bobinot Laces—aud many other articles,
which cannot fail to give satisfaction as to price and
[luality. - dec 17 25
• Die Grow, Dozen, or single, for sale by
hHUEtt, AC.
A Frasli Assortment
.foist Opened.
“ 20,000 pr for sale by J. NF.WIfALL,
viz, '
Ladies’ Seal, Morocco, Prunella and lasting Slips,
walking ami Bootee*.
Walking Bolivar fox’d Bootees, bl'k attd col’d.
Leather slips, tjes, walking aii-i Bpotfes,
M isscs’ col’d Lusting. Biuitces aud Hijw»,
do. leather. Kid and Lasting Blips and Saudals,
Childrens’leattier.col’d, pntnclla & morocco Flioes,
Gtuiticmon’s Bootees, ' xford tie* and low quarter
fine Bhoos,
Kussctt and black buckskin do.
Beal skin 1 uiups, russclt and bl’k Slippers,
Light Boots and j Boots, 500 pair Rubber*.
Coarse a ud common *hoesof every dLcriptiou.
Also, 300 Packages of l)]? Goods,
cossisrisc of
Brown and bleached Shirting* and Sheotings, Cal-
licoes, Batiuetfs, Cassitners, Blankets and Flaimols,
120 doz. palm leaf Hats,
10 cases low price fur Hals,
3 do best quality do.
4 do fine satin beaver do
3t» doz. good wool do.
Gingham aud silk Umbrellas,
Havanua Cigar*
The above aro offered in lots to suit purchaser* on
the mo*t favorable terms Nert door to the Post Office.
march *22 39 ' ,
Snuar, CoiTeeTFlonr, XCuni, Ac. Ac.
O /fi DHDB. N.O. and J'orto Rico tingars,
/Q “ft 26 bbls. Hugnr,
85 bagspriine green Coffee,
29 hid* do.
62 bbls Boston Rum,
74 bhl» Flonr,
21 bbls Monougnlmla Whisker, 5th proof, 4
years old, choice quality,
10,000 lbs Bacon,
Received per steamer Darien, and for sola on ae
comiuoduting terms bv REA A COT v I ON.
Mt* Store.
56 hhds prime Bt. Cro.x Sugars,
54 boxes white and brown Havauiia Scgarr,
30 hhds Molasses, prime quality,
20 qr casks Malaga Wine.
175 pieces hemp aud ?ow Bagging,
50.000 Havaimn Segars. choice quality, V
:10 boxes rcliacco. march 17 39
Cixtitlle Y'acioiy A Provision Store.
T HE undersigned takes this method of informing
his former patrons and friends and tlie public
,'generally, tliat he has again commenced business, near
his old stand, on Cherry street, where he will be hap
py to execute their orders.
Fine Candlps by the box or pound, constantly for
sale, very cheap. Also, Meal, Bacon, Butter. Laid,
t Inions,"Fruit, and almost every thing in the provis
ion line.
To those of his creditors wl>o have so kindly indulg
ed him, he returns his sincere thanks, and expects
shortly to be able to satisfy all their claims.
f-K* ie 34 D. DALMF.YDA
Ao Just received a new and extensive as-
which he is c.Teriug for stile at reduced prices
For Cash Only.
Super Saxony, Blue, Black and Fancy Colored
Broad Cloths
Blue, Black. Mixed and Fancy colored Satiuett*
English Merinocs --
Duffle, Point and Rose Blankets
Scarlet, Crimson. Green and White Flannels
Printed Solsbnry do
Cantou and Saxony and Gauze do
Damask Table Diapers
Birds Eye and Russia do
Scotch do '
Black, Blue aud coloured Bombazeftos
do do do Circassians
Negro Cloths
Bleached and Unbleached Shirtings & Sheetings
Hamilton Joans
Black Italian Lustring
do Gros de Swiss
do do Naples .
do do Berlin
do Sinchews and Sarsauots
Colored Gras de Naples
Black and colored Florences
do Italian Crapes
Merino Mantles and Square Shawls
Common, Thibet wool. Valentia, Silk Damask*
aud twisted Silk Shawls
Hcrnaui, Muslin, Crnpo, Gauzaand Gros do Na
ples Dress Hdkfs >
Ladies and Misses Bonnots
Irish Linens and Lawn* -■
Cottou. Cassimers Beaver Fustians
English Moleskin Apron, aud Furniture Checks
Domestic Plaids and Stripes Bed Ticks
FloorCloth Baizo Green Frieze Cloth
Furniture Dimity Russia SheetingBcar Duck
Cambric do IHoached Dotvlass Ozuaburghs
Bangup Cord Cottou Yarn
Cotton, Worsted and Lambs wool Hosiery
Black and colored Cambrics
Satin and Gad/.c Garnitures
Blk'dtVd cdVVl Lustring Ribbons
Dark aud light col’d Prints and Ginghams
Lacc aud Gauze Veils
Fig’daud plain Bobiact Laco
Thread Lacos
Cambric, Saxony, Swiss, Mali, Nansook and
Book Muslins
I inen Cambric Hdkfs .
Pongee, Indian Flag and Spittlcfield Hdkfs
Carved aud plain Shell. Combs
GentlcTuens English Buck, Beaver and Goat
skin Gloves
Ladies Beaver, Goat skin and Silk Gloves
Bead Roticules
Sltoady-mado Clothing.
Superfine blue, black, invisible green, Adelaid, olive
brown and green Broadcloth Dress Coats,
Superfine (fine, black, brown and green Cloth Frock
Superfine blue, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattces,
and blue, steel mix’d and fancy colored Sattinet
Ceattees and Frock Coats,
Super, bine, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive,
and green Cloth Pantaloons,
Blue, black and fancy colored Sattinet Pantaloon?,
Youth’s cloth and satlinet Dress and Frock Coats,
do do do Pantaloons,
Black and blue Cassimere, black and colored Velvet,,
black Florintinc, black Bombazine, dark and light
colored Valentia, English Silk, colored and white
Merseilles Toilinet, Swansdown and Sattinet Vests
Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats,
Mixed, brown Cloth A Patersham Box Coat*.
Lvon .Skin Overcoats,
Fine Liiten Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Socks, Ac.
Negro Clothing.
Men’sA Yonth’s Fur Hats,
do. do. Wool do.
do. do. Cloth, Seal A Hair Caps,
Fine Boots A Shoes—Negro Shoes, Ac. Ac.
Oct. 15. 17
From the Nctc. Orleans Bulletin.
War Song of Texas.
They come, tliey come, the ruthless band,
T’enforce the Tyrant’s fbul decree;
To desolate the smiling land,
Tlie dwelling-of the fair and free,
Sons of the west, the hour has come
Of ? iciory or martyrdom.
These fields hsTeoft our if rows bedew’d)
As bloom'd tho desert our foil,
Shall be with bh?od more deep imbued
Ere thraldom stains the Teiiari soil;
Whore bleach our bonds on every plain.
There wolves may greet Sant’ Anna’s reign.
Well shall tlie imperial traitor learn
Tho cost of such a dreary sway—
Behold yhu'r warriors, few but stem,
Who front tlie invader’s broad-array;
True, as the ride to its a tut.
Each heart is to the cause they claim,
On gallant souls whan glory calls,,.
And God and Freedom be the try;
Where one devoted patriot falls -
A hnndreti ruiiian slaves shall die;
And should’they win one conquer'd rood,
.’ ija? with a slaughter’d legion strew’d.
On, w-hilo heroic shades look down
And view your kindred rank* with pride;
Y«>nr sires"who fought with Washington,
Youcbrcihern wiu? with Mina died,
• '‘Shame itofyour race," they cry- f “ye brave,
'■Preserve a home or find a grave."
“Bleas'd ara the bowers nostornis invade, -
Where plenty remits ami hearts are warm;
Bleas’d are the free whoso s words have made
Their, dwelling saft? from foes dr harm;
But fsfmore bluest).!i?ie valiant de*d.
Who dia in honor's glory bed.” P.
seven days, v licit fit uit? western uiiiiemess He
resigned his life into the hands of his .Maker!—
Me do most sincerely sympathize with his af
flicted mother and distresssu kindred.—Columbus
Songef the Dragoonti.
Our march is like tho thundergust—
. We prostrate where we pass;
And broader js the trail we leave
Along tlie prairie grass? .
Prcun north to .south wa range tlie wood.
We skim the plains afa'r,
We thread the brake, we braast the flood—
Onward—huzza! huzza!'
* . 1 ' .
Our halt is where the prairie wolf
Barks at the grizzly bear;
And every conch we lie upon
The buffalo must spare.
Break not my boys, the squadron’s liiie f
Dowu with the forest spar;
Cut with your swords thetangled vine;
Onward—huzza! hnzza!
Our steeds are, like ourselves, my boys,
Bom for a martial train.
Fearless and strong they tramp along,
And yet they heed the rein;
Then let the merry bugle sound,
We follow freedom’s star;
For battle or for hunting ground.
Onward—httzza! huzza!
Scull Shoals Manufacturing Co.
H AVE received a supply of Cloths and Yams
from the above Manufactory, of superior fab-
rick which they offer to Merchants and Plan'.ors at the
Factory prices. Macon Sep 3 1835.10
Fashionable Wat & flap Store
.initial; uud Commission Business.
I Take tin* method ot informing my friends aud tlie
public generally, that I have taken up the above
busmens, and resp .-ctfully solicit a share of patronage.
All Goods consigned to me shall be strictly attended
to, according to directions-
dec 24 26 C. L. HOWLAND.
B ETWEEN Carrollton. Georgia and Niles, Mich
igan Territory, a letter directed to Fowler Pres
ton of tho latter place, containing the left hand half of
A One Hundred Dollar Dill,
bn the Bank of the Uuited .States, payable at Savan
nah to tho order af J'. Hunter, No. 2032, letter K. N.
Biddle. Brest, and dated the 4th Marcn, 1826. _ The
above letter was mailed at Carrollton, on tlie 16th of
April, 1834. A liberal reward will be paid for the de
livery of the hal r bill to the subscriber at Carrollton,
or to Fowler Preston. St. Joseph*, Michigan Ter.
AfeAfedN J-h-PorkaDdBacon,
100 do New Lard,for sale
Geographical Discoveries. A't a Into meeting
ofthe Royal Geographical Society in London.
Capt, Maconocfaie read % narative of a journey
across the Andes and down the river Amazon, by
Lieut. Geuerar Symthe, in which he gave a
minute description of the face of the couutry.-
tnanuers, customs, and habits of the aborigines of
tho country. He stated that the'i* were upward*
of twenty navigable rivers flowing into the Ama
zon, some of which are nearly-two miles wide at
their month, one tributary stream connecting it
with the ltiver La Plata. He crossed one im
mense plain railed LaPampa del Sacrameutox.
w Inch ho found intersected by many beautiful and
navigable st-eams and the banks of which were
generally covered with forests of the most im
mense trees, The climato approached more
nearly to that of the Island of Madeira than to
auy other tie could narco. The country abouuded
iu animal aud vegetable produce of the most
luxuriant description. There were ten different
tribes of natives, materially varying in character
from those described by previous writers, one of
which was so’ ferocious as to prevent him from
coming iu contact with them, and these also he
found to be cannibals. He precured front a mis
sionary priest, whom lie found to be a man • f
great intelligence,nam’d rienor Andre Fernandez
d.-i .a. a detailed account of tho country, atrau-L-
turn of which was announced to be ccad at the
next meeting.
iVetvark Ci«lor.
BBLS first quality Newark Cider just rocelv-
«nd for side by
march »0 37 " CHARLF- CAMI’BJ LL.
OM1C Aluisuork*. and Beers AUnnnacl;sfor*:!
J. H. A \V. 8. liLIJ.S
C4 F- DlC’KltStiON )ia.-jusl received,
• 30 hhds tit. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars.
125 bags prime green coffee,
25t bbD N. E. Rum, Gin and Whiskey,
100 Canal family Flour.
100 Irish Potatoes, (yellow)
200 sacks soil,
20 tons Iron, assorted,
10 do assorted casting*/
20 bbls eider.
Cognac, peach and apple Brandy, Mocbagabalaand
Irish Whiskey, Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum. all sorts
cordials, Madeira, Tcncriffeand Malaga Wines, Al-
kohol, Porter efurified Vinegar, crackers, cheese, Her
ring. Mackcrel/smokedsaliuon, Molasses, Rice, Buck
VVheat Flour, Raisins witlmiit seed for cooking, do in
hexes, Lemon syrup, Loaf anti Lump sugar, Tobacco,
chewing do in papers, dpanish and American cigars,
long nines do. sutiff, !>0 boxe spenn and tallow can
dle*, 50 boxes bar aud shaving soap, starch, pepper,
spice ginger, cinnamon Pearlash. 6alt petre, iudigo,
copperas, chdcolate. tea. matches, wrapping paper,
bed cord* brass, bias* hoop aud iron hoop bucket- and
tubs, measures, coolers, Ac. pint and half pi*it flasks,
sttaw* tumblers, decanters blacking, I'rmdstone, lamp
oil. powder 50 bags ass’d shot, nails, plough moulds,
weeding hoes, trace anil halter chains, sifters, coffee
mills, sle-vel an:! '«< r« fire dogs, wallh irons, smooil:-
ing irons, fn pans, tea kettles, cart boxes, axes, cotton
f Sj 11 (L Subscriber haying established in
JL Macon with a view to a permanent residence,
and taken the store recently occupied by Mr. F. F.
Lewis, dhcetly opposite the Central Hotel, will keep
constantly on hand a general assortment of
Hats* Caps* Furs £tc.
comprising every variety of stylo and quality, usually
called for at a similar establishment. Among his as
sortment may bo found
Beaver, Satin Beaver, Otter, Castor Roarum and
wool Hats;
Men* Fur and Hair, Seal Caps, Boys black, blue
and brown cloth Cap*, Bombazine do black and drab
silk plush a new style, Merino and Circassian Ac Ac,
Front his long experience apd personal attention to
the business of manufacturing hats in some of the
most extensive establishments at the north, ive ta ena
bled to assure all those who may favor him with
their patronage that ho can furnish thorn with an arti
cle which for cheapness, neatness and durability shall
be fully equal if not superior to any before offered in
the southern market, As lii* work will be principal-
Irmanufactnri'il at fij*ftrtlfohmoBiin Macon, when
desired he will finish hatfe to order in any style to sait
the purchaser From the facilities thus obtained and
from assiduity and attention to his business he hopes
to deserve ns bo trust* ho will recetvo a liberal share
ofpatronage. Oct 7.1835
(ET*Wanted Beaver, Otter, Muskrat and Raccoon
Hoexpeetsina fow days to reiaove to the *fore
■ now occupied by Mr E B Weed ly
Just Received
A LOT ofauperiorqualitystCroix sugar
Prime Green Coffee
Prime Northern Cheese
White Lea<f;'Lirisoed Oil and Window Glass.
Solo. Gin Baud, aud Harness Leather
CalfaudKip skins, wliich in addition to their
extensive assortment of Goods of almost every des
cription makes their stock complete.
Jan. 7. 29 GEO. W. PRICE A CO.
rftlHE Insurance Bank of Columbus, will insure
JL Cotton on the River, and wlso takc a few risks
against Fire in thiscit-/. Apply to
I'aliits. Varnishes. &C.
Arabian Anecdote.—God gave a king a son.
who was extremely cunning. The kiug placed
him uuder a tutor, to learn knowledge. The
child said to 1iis preceptor, “My dear master. I
see no end to study; life itself is not long enough
to acquire all the sciences; teach me oue that can
be speedily acquired, and which will afford my
happiness in this world and in the next.”
“Then practice silence,” said the tutor. The
vouth from this moment became mute. His fa
ther was iu great distress. Supposing the tacitiir-
uity of his sou to he the -effect of disease, he had
recourse to physicians and euchanu rs ; all was
■in -vain. The kliiia one day went out hunting and
took his son. with hiui. A heathcoek uttered a
cry and was taken.—“If this bird had been
mute,” observed the prince. *‘bc would uol have
been caught.” Some one told tbo kiug his sou
had spoken. The king sent for his sou* but
could not get a word from him. The king was
wroth, and beat his sou;whereupon the latter
exclaimed, *‘my master had good reason to
inculcate silence; if I had held my peace, 1
should have escaped these blow*. The prophet
w;is right in saying, He that holds bis tougue is
safe ”
Site Iron Steam boat.—The wrought iron
steam boat, ordered from England by the Steam
boat Company of Georgia, arrived, (in pieces.)
last week, on beard the Br ship Alcyone, capt.
Muir, from Liverpool.
Her length is 120 feet, her beam 26 feet, and
her depthTj feet. It is estimated by her build
ers that she will draw, with all her machinery and
every thing on board, 2 feet 3 inches. Sho will
have an engine of 46 English horse power, on the
low pressure principle, riho has three compart
ments, each Water-tight, which plan adds much
to the safety and stripngth'of the boat. If on trial
Iter draught of water bo a8 low as estimated by
berbuild' ra, this boat will prove highly benefi
cial to our increasing' commcrco with the up-
couutrv, via Augusta, for sho will be able at all
stages of the river to reach that place; The boat
is, we understand, to boi immediately put togeth- ,
er, and will be toady for *ervife'in thfc month of
\Ve are pleased to observe such a spirit of en
terprise. on the part of our citizens, to'overcome
The Burying Place tit Naples,— l had read sc
many harrowing accounts ot the burial place at
Naples, that I weul with tto Aniejrican of my ac- ’
quuiiUance to visit it. An old. mau opened the:
iron door, and tre entered a clean, spacious, and
well paved area, with long rows oi Iron tings in
tho heavy slabs of the pavement. - Without ask
ing a question,rthe old matt walked across to the
farthest corner, w here stood a moveable lever,
and, fastening ibr chain into the fixture, raised
the massive stone cover ofthe pit. request
ed us to stand b^tk for a -foiv lninutrs, to give
the rfSuvin time to esrtipe. aud fben sheltering
our eyes with our hats; we looked in ' You have
tead, of course, that there ate <il>5 pits in this
place, one of which is bpr tied every day for tbo
dead of the city- . They are throw n iu without a
shroud orcofBn, Btid the pit is sealed tip at night,
fora year. They me thirty or forty Jcet deep,
nod each would contain perhaps two hundred
bodies, ’ll whs some time heforo we run Id dis
tinguish anything"™ the darkness of titejabyss.
Fixing my eyes on ffjo" spot, batveayer, the out
lines of a body became defined gr-.tiunlly, and in *
a few mi nine*, sheltering my eyes completely
from the sun above, I could *ee the liorrors of
the scene hut too distinctly. .Eight corpses eli t f
grown person*, lay in :t confused heap together,
as they had been - thrown in. one after nnbthar
in the course of the day. The. hist wrtS a power
ful made old matt, tv ha had f^Hctiflatou hi* bach
with his right hand across ;md halt oovcring the
faccofti woman. By his full limbs and' rlieST,.
and the darker color of the leg* below the knee,, r -
he was probably oue of the lazzaront, cud had
met u'itlra sudden deatb. Hi* right-heel lay on
the fty ehead of a young man. emaciated to tiie
last dt-grer. his chest thru wo upas ho lay. and
hi s ribs showing like a skeleton covered with skin.
The rourse black curl* of did latter, as Itis hands
rested on another htkly. were. in sti'clrstrong re
lief tliat I could have counted thorn. Off to the
right, quite distinct,lay, in a bcautifuLatti' a
girl, os well as I vOttid judge, iff. not more than
nineieeu nr twenty. Hju- bad fallen on ;hc pile,
and rolled or slid away. Her hair was very long
and covered hex left sliouincr, and bosom; her
arm ira* across her body, and if her mother had
laid her iloti ti (o sleep, she could not have dispo
sed her limhs more decently.' The head bad fa!- '
len a little way to the right, and the feet, which
were small even for a lady, were pressed one a-
gainst tho other as if 9lie vrefe about turning cn
her side. The srxtow said that a young, man
came with the body; find was very ill some time
after it was thrown in. \Ve asked him if res
pectable people were brought here, “yes” he
•aid, "many. None tut the rich would go to tbo
expense of a separate grave for their relations.
People were of(en brought in handsome- grave
clothes, but'they, were always s’tript before they
were left; Tho shroud. w henever liiere w as one,
was the perquisite of the undertakers.” And
thus arc flung ruto’this noisome pit., like beasts,
the greater part of't his vast city. The young
aud the old. the vickiua and the virtuous togeth
er, wirhout the deyenei' vf even n rug to keep up
thti distinctions of lifol" Unu human heiugs thus
be throwu away? meu like ourselves—women,
children, like our brothers and sisters? 1 never
was so humiliated.m nty life as by this horrid
spectacle. ,1 did uoi think a-m,in—a felon
evfeu, or-a leper— ynu Mil 1 that' is guilty or
debased—I did not think that anything tinman,
could he so recklessly abandoned. Bah-!, it makes
one 9ick at heart} God grant I msy never die at
Naples. .
Pnginini will be in tile United States this sura-
tnec! He makes no bargain with any manager,
hut goes oh his oiva speculation- lie wilt be
in Paris in March, in London hi April, aud pror
baldy will sail from Liverpool! iu July.
There was a rumor that Paginiui was dead.—
It was his brother, tbc Doctor, who died at Ge
neva. He wns in a manner// fanatico par lc
Mv^icai his collection of musicul instruments
was curb ns and exteush-s. He had several
Stradiornrii of immense value, a violin, inlaid
with mother of pearl and ehouy; bclotigiug to a
late Shah ofl’cisia,— Lord Bjrun’s favorite vi
olin—one which was the property of Stanislao;,
Grandfather to Louis XV,—one which had
Oharies IV of Naples lor its master, and onebc-
lougiu? to Manuel Gtidey, Prince of the Peace.
He had two musical protogees, one of' the chef
d’orchi-stre of the opera at Vienna, the other a PM
Munich, aud left each of them 10,OiK) Crane*-— **
Liverpool Correspondent N. Y. Star.
Nautitcket ss going largely into tho silk busi
ness, This is characteristic of the enterprise of
those famous hunters of the whale. The deli-
cntefahtR'k ofthe bno employment is in'siugular
cootrast to the hold and darritig ilnugers which,
aro associated with tho other. There is to be Nantueket by the Atlantia silk compa
ny, a steam silk factory, w hich is already iu great
fofwardnes*. ■’■'r
Steam Boat Erplosions—We see in a Scotch
paper tlib proceedings of a criminal court,, beforo
whicit tho engineer of a sieinner yvhich had ex
ploded, was tried for “ culpahJe homicide”.—
Such investigation is much wanted in thiscotuury.
There has very seldom happened a steamboat
explosion which Was not the consequence of very
culpable neglect on the part of somebody-—X. 1 •
Jour, of Com.
A Committee on Banks in the Legislatnre of
Maine, ht voreported ih fhvor of increasing tho
Bunking Capital of that ^tnte, from $3,7S5,000
its presen: amount, to $7,£150,000. The Legis
lature of Virginia, have determined that there
shall be no increase of tile Bunking Capital of
that State.
A melancholy Honeymoon.—A sober industri
ous young man, nitthed Asa Asdeiisos, of Mad
ison county, fcy- wa* married to.a young lady on
the I2th ult‘. and weiit cfsititi the -evening after,
aud hung himself to a tree" irt bis father’s orch
ard, whet e he was won’ ilfienrard* found quite-
.Mobile. tMarch 25.
At a special meeting iof tiie Board of Mayor
uid Aldermen this day at 12 o’clock, the Mayor
informed the. Board that Gen. Esaioxi* P.
Gaines would arrive from Blakely, and land at
. -i • f Ct , ■‘Government si. wharf, about blftpast oue o’cl’k.
those obstacles, which a contracted spnat' of ^■'whereupim. On mbtion of Alderm.iu Gucringer
legislatiou portnits to exist. M esay—uo ahead. . - - * °
Sdvarinch Georgian.
Most digressing intelligence.—We have just
beau informed that Mrs France* Love of 'hi*
place, has received a letter from a getleinan from
ih.e'AVest, giving her the nfHicriug intelligence of
ha death of her son, Hugh L«.ye. formerly a resi-
- dent of our city,-hutqf lnt’c a merphaut in the In
VV7HITE LEAL/. Veuctian Red,'Chrome Yeflow, j dia l country beyoud the «rt;. usas lino. A*
VW Red Lead. Litharge, Lamp Black, Whiting, far a8 we can gatlpw the .facts, it appears that
Terra de Scinna, Sp.nii.di Brown, Linseed Oil. Spts. j lV :i<» travL-lIiug. Whon night came on. while
orpeutuie. Copal Varnish Japat:
Varnish, J’icturo Varnish, also,
1t‘inftnit- Glass, Bain/ Brush
r’cl) 18 :to By J. H. A V S. 1
Varnish.' Leather
s, Xr
i -
t|r. Ca.-k* .Mtidei.;
cznii., Ac. Ac
Macon, Juu. 27
l March 10. 37
w.y. ii.
I kmdle ii fire, and iu the act ofstii
king fir-* with 'he flint and steel, a kpirk arci-
; il, utly fell into a cnui=ierof powder, which nrn
liabiy iv is about hi* person- It c-xjdoded and
1 ore off lii- arm at tit-, shoulder. He is said to
! rived tiiis terrible
if wax
' Resolved, That General Edhunp P. Gai.nts
bo considered the City’s Gdest, and that th*
Board of Mayor aud Aldermen ^ill unite witfe.
their fellow citizens in forming a proci ssien to
roceive him, and that theAlayor order ro bo paid,
out of tho Treasury of the. City, the expen * at
tending his reception and sojourn ia the city—*
Register. _ - •
Savannah, March .25.
Major Gott. Macombe, with his aid Captaih
Cooper, arrived in the steamboat Dolphin, la^ 1
ovening, from Charleston, on his way to Florida-
and took up their quarters at tho city Hotel,
Ceneral MacOuse wax accompanied from.
fatal accident for\ Chatleston by Gen Hamilton and Son.— fftdr.