Newspaper Page Text
M A C O \ G E
From theNnc-Orleans Bee, 21*/ ins/.
Ttio unanimous declaration of independence,
madu by tho delegates of tiio peoplo of Texas,
iu general convention, made at the loivii of Wm. Motley.
Washington, on tho 2d day of March, 1836.
Wheu a government has ceased to protect tho
lives, liberty nud property ot the people from
which its legitimate powers are derived, and for
the advancement of whose happiness it was in
stituted, and so far from being a guarantee for
the cmplnymeutof these inestimable and unalien-
able rights, becomes au instrument iu tho hands
of evil tulers for their oppression ; when the fed
oral ropublicuu constitution of their country
which thoy havo sworn to support, no longer has
a substantial existence, and tho whole nature of
their government has been forcibly changed, wi.h-
out their consent, from a restricted federative re
public, composed of sovereign States, to a con
solidated central military despotism, in which ev
ery interest is disregarded, but that of the army
and the priesthood—.both the eternal enemies of
civil liberty, the ever ready minions of power, and
tho usual instruments of tyrants'. When, long
after the spirit of tho constitution has departed,
moderation, at length, so far lhsr by those in pow-
or, that oveu the semblance of freedom is reuiov-
*‘ed, and the framers, themselves, of the constitu
tion, discputiuue, aud so far from their petitions
tuid remonstrances heiug regarded, the agents who
boar them are thrown into duugcous,—nud mer
cenary armies sent forth to force a new govern
ment tipon them at the poiut of the bayonet:—
When, in consequence of such acts of inelfea-
sauco nud qbdiclion, on the part ol the govern
ment, monarchy prevails, and civil society it dis
solved into its original elements: In such a cri
sis, tho first law of nature, the right of self-preser
vation, the inherent and inalienable right of the
pooplo to appeal to first principles, and take their
political affairs into their bauds, iu extreme cases,
enjoins it as a right towards themselves, and a
sacred obligatiou to their posterity, to abolish
such government, and create another iu its sfeud
calculated to rescue them from unpeuditig dan
gers and to secure tfie.r future welfare and hap
Nations, as well as individuals, are amen -ble
forthoir acts to the public opinion of mnukiud.—
A statement of n part of our grievances is there
fore submitted to au impartial world, iu justifica
tion of the hazardous, but unavoidable step now
takou, of soveriug our poiitical connection with
tho .Mexicau people, and assuming au indepen
dent attitude among the u-iiiuusof the earth.
Thu Moxican Government, by its colonizutiou
laws, iuvited nud iuduced tho Anglo-American
population of Texas to colouizo the wilderness,
uuder the pledged faith of a written constitution,
that they should coutiuuu to enjoy that constitu
tional liberty and republican government to which
they had been habituated in the laud of ibeir birth,
the United States of America. - In this experts
and here is opeued aoother field of action for the
noble hearts now returning triumphant, aud cov
ered with laurels won on Uv banks ol the Witli-
Fucoocbie. against foes less savage, perhaps, lhau
Santa Anna’s merciless Mexican bauds.
Our iuforineut met iho express hearing the news
wr give, and from him procured copies to-be pub
lished lor the information of the people ou this
side of the Sabine, whose relatious and friends,
kin aud countrymen, arc now the victims of Mex
ican barbarity. Col. Howie, it is said, shot him
self. and Col. Travis stabbed himself to escape
the cruelties of the enemy. Nobly they fought,
doaily iney sold ‘their lives, nut none escaped of
the whole garrison of ?jnn Antonio.
We learn by tho passengers of the sehr. Cu-
manche. eight days from Texas, that the war has
assumed a serious character. On the 25th Feb
C. Pennington, Wm. C. Crawford. San Patricio I ruarv. tho Trxian Garrison in llexar, of 150 meu
Municipality of Austin-—C-B. Siasttri., ’Inns.
Barret. Brazoria—Edwin Waller, James Col
lingsworth, J. .**. Byrum, Asa Brig* am Bexar
—Francisco Itouis, .Antonio Navarro. J. B. Bad-
get. Colorado—W. I). Lacy, Wm. Menifee.—
Gonzalez—J. Fisher, M. Caldwell. Goliad—
Harrisburg—Lorenzo De Zavala.
Jasper—S. II. Everett. Geo. W. -‘tnith. Jack-
sou—Elijah Stepp. Jefferson—Claiborn West.
Wm. B. Scates, M. Menard, A. B. Hardin. Mi
na- J. W. Itouton, K. J. G.-zlay, 11. ,M. Cole
man. Matagorda—B. Uardinnu. Milam—L.
C. Robertson, G. C. Childress. Nacogdoches—
Robert Potter, Thus; J. Rusk Pecan Point—R.
Hamilton. Collin M. King, Albert H. Lutipio're,
Refugio—James Power, Sam. Houston, David
Thomas, Edward Conrad, San Augustin, E. O.
Dcgand, Martin Farme, Si-M. Blount. Sabine
—James Gaines, Wm. Clarke, jr. Shelby—S.
—John Turner, B. B. Goodrich, Je-tsc Grime-
J. G. Swisher, G. W. Barnett.
Late from Texas.
The following Proclamation ot G< nrral lions .... M ^
ton. Commander in-Chief of the I’exiau forces, J about the same time Col Johnson, with a party of
cohunaiided by Lt. Col. W. II. Travis, was at
tached by the advance division of Gen. Santa
Anna, consisting of 2000 mcu. who wero repulsed
w ith the loss of many killed, between 500. to 800
men. without the loss of one man to thsTexinns.
mos cou Basa !’ (Let us serve him tho same as t worthy, it is not the part of prudence to give
w-e did Busa.) Min? became seriously alarmed, them the ad vantage which thoy would derive from
aud sought refuge with the whole Artillery at I the right of complaint that the Senate had acted
Momijouch. The mob is now at the palace.— | hastily or summarily ou their petitions, without
God knows what will be the result of tho Irritated J inquiry or consideration.
state of the iuhahitants of this city• Let the committee set tort Ii their own vieivf on
‘ these points, dispassionately, fully, and candidly
And whereas the said resolve, mu „ .
debated, and -adopted at a time, au.l
cumstauchs which had tile eff-ci « r - - tr ( ir.
«• co-oper*^
With the Buuk of the United Slates
cidal —* ■ ■ ■
[This is evidently a wholesale statement, aud
we do not find it confirmed by other account.-
A Barcelona letter of the 29th, speaks of the
lives of tho rioters having been spared, agreeably
to the request of superior officers of the National
Guard. Antonio l.liuas, cx-mcmbcr of the prin
cipal Juuta, was arrested ou account of tho riuts,
has been banished from Valcntia.] '
will furnish the reader with some idea of the eriti
cul statn of the Colonists. War, AVar. isthqjrrv,
and before the battle is over aud the conflict end
ed,” manv brave patriots we fear wiil perish.
Convention Hall, Washington, March 2. 183G.
70 men, while recouuoitcriiig the westward of
San Patricio, was surrounded in the night by a
large body of Mexican troops, ill the moruing the
demand of a surrender was made by the Mexi
can commander unconditionally, which was re
fused, but au oiler of surrender was made as pri-
War is raging ou the frontiers. Hejnr is be- j soner? of war, which was acceded to by the Alex-
sieged hy two thousand of ihe enemy, under llhtj h-ans—but no sooner had the Texitms inarched
command of General Siczua. Reinforcements i out of their quarters and staked their arms, a go-
are on their march to unite with the besieging J ue ral (•„-«. was opeued upou them by the whole
army. By the last report, our force in Hojar was Mexican force. The Texians attempted to es
only 150 nten strong. The citizens of Texas
must rally to the aid of onr army or it will perish
Mr.Webster addressed tho Senate as follows:
Agreeable to notice, 1 offer sundry petitions on
the subject of slavery ami tho slave t^xle in the
District of Columbia. The first purports to be
signed by two thousand four hundred aud twen
ty-five of the female inhabitants of Boston.
This petition is in the usual printed I'm in. It
is respectful to Congress, and coataiues no re
proaches on a uy body. It asks for the consider
ation of Congress, both w ith respect to the ex
istence of slavery iu the District, and with res
pect to the slave trade in the District’
Let the argument be scon aud beard ; let the
people be trusted with it; aud I have no doubt
that a fair discussion of the so ject will produce
its proper effect, both in and out of the Jjon-
This sir, would have been, and is the course
of proceeding, which appears to tne to be prudent
and jntt. Tho Senate, however, having decided
otherwise, by a very large majority, 1 only say-
so murli. on flic present occasion, as tnay suffice
to make my oivuHipinions known.
Exi»uu?iM£ Resolution.
Mr. Beutou sulmiited, March 16, in tho Semite
of tho United States, the following preinuble and
Whereas, on the 26th day of December, iu the
year 1833, the l'ollowhig resolve was moved iu
tho Scuatc.
“Resolved, That, by dismissing the late Se
cretary of the Treasury because be would not,
contrary to his own sens* of duty, remove Lhe
money of the United States in deposite with the
Brink of the United States ami its branches, in cou-
attempt which that instiuHiou
The second ts n petition. signed by Joseph Y il- fc h , vilh lhc p resi ,| cn p s mid by tip
sou, and. about a hundred others of Boston, soma his s , 1Cf esso , to HR-ct such removal,
of whom are known to me. and are highly res j £ hjch ^ 0eet) j olle , lhe has assumed
pectakle persons The petttiou is to the same ef
fect, aud iu the same form
Let the citizens of the East march ratho combat
The enemy must be driven from our sod. or deso
lation will accompany their march upon us. In
dependence is declared, it must be maintained-—
Immediate action, united with valor, alone can
achieve tho great wmk. The service of all is
forthwith required in the field.
Commander In Chief of the Army.
P. S.—-It is rumored-that the enemy are ou
their march to GooziiKz. and that they have en
tered ihe colonies The fat« of Bojar is unknown.
The country must, ami shall lie defended. The
patriots of Texas are appealed to, iu behalf of
their bleeding country. S. 11.
We iuvite attention to tile folio * ing documents,
-ecoived from a gentleman now m Texas, n.ul for
warded bv express to the editor of the Montgom
ery Advertiser.
Head Quarters, Fart of the Alamo, I
Bexar, Ech. 25. 183(5 y
To his Excellency. Major General Samuel
The third petition appears to be' sigued by a
inhabitants of Wayne
Mexican lorco. me ’lexians attempted ™ | arge number of person, i
cape, but only three of them succeeded, one of, couatryt iu Michigan. 1 ntn not acquainted with
whom was Col. Johnson- them it is a printed petition different in form from
Between the 25th February aud 2d March, the
Mexicans were employed in forming eutrench-
ineuts around the Alamo and bombarding the
place ; on the 2d March Col. Travis wroto that
200 shells had been thrown in the Alamo without
i tj tiling a man. Ou the 1st March the Garrison
of Alamo received a reiuforcetneutof 32 Texians
from Ganzallcs, having forced their way through
the enemies lines unking the number iu the Ala
mo consisting of 180 mcu.
On the 6th March, about midnight, the Alamo
whs assaulted by the whole Mexican army, com
manded hv Santa Anna iu person. The battle
was desperate until daylight, when only 7 men
belonging to Texian garrison were found alive,
who cried for quarters, hut were told their was
none from them. They then continued fighting
until tho wholo were butchered'. One woman
(Mrs. Dickinson) and a negro of Col. Travis’
were the only persons whose lives were spared.
Wo regret to say that Col. David Crocket, his
companion, Air, Benton, and Col. Bouhan of S.
the preceding,drawn more at length, and going
farther iut * the subject. But I perceive nothing
iu it disrespectful to tho Senate, or reproachful
to others.
The fourth petition is liko the two first, in sub
the exercise of ft power over the Treasmy of the
United States, not granted him by the constitu
tion and laws, and dangerous to the liberties of
tile people.”
Which proposed resolve was altered ami chan
ged by the mover thereof, on the 28th day of
March, in the year 1834, so as to read as fol
lows :
‘ Resolved, That in taking upon himself tho
responsibility of removing the deposite of :he
public money from lhe Bank of the lfuito»i States,
5 to produce a panic and pi***. l,lt »
country—to destroy the ceidiuoncc of , ,D ^
in president Jackaou^to -pumlne ‘ a ® P*»ple
trition—jo govern the elections—,,, I,-,-
Sbtte banks—ruiu their—fill“ 1 "P» »fc»
IJ, i ,0, ‘ 1 til terror and distress,—and ? e ’’Ms
extort the sufferings and alarms of er %lo
the restoration of tho deposits and ,, ^“pl*
of its charter : 1,18 fe-ieij]
Aud whereas the said resolves is of -.
{de and dangerous precedent, mnl s |,* Mo
have been received, debated, or o,i l,IJ Bev*,
.-ensue, nr nslminej esnry $2* .hi
tcncrefore. J ,n " je Uroai
Resolved, that the said resolve I
from the journal; and for that p Ur ,'® C *l’ u «i:ed
Secretary of the Settnc at snob il, ’"'
mite may appoint shall bring the m-of,,
unl-of the session 1833—4, into ;l,e « scr, i n jour-
iu presence of the Senate, draw bl v "” e ’ a “<l
die said resolve, and wrire arrows th» r ,Ue * r ° JD <i
in stroug letters, the following WO rd
at-:o by order oe the Senate ni *
OF _ ,,N THE YEAR OF ODU I'.or.D,'1.^,''”’
In the Pliil idelphia .Vat;oa»l
day last, we find the following: * ■ of !V-
"A cargo ol Indian torn has :
stance"rind m form. It is sigued bv four hundred j of lhf; u nite0 s.ates-has assumed
aud uiirty-three citizens of Hostou.
these signers, sir, I recognize the names
Houston, Commander in Chief of the Army of; c wer „ amoU g t he number slain. Col. Bowie
Terns., 1 was murdered in his bed. sick and helpless, Col.
Travis’ servant was ordered to poiut out the hotly
mr—On the 23d instant, the enemy in large:
ed the demaud with a cannon shot, upon which
the enemy commenced a bombardment, from u
tion they have been cruelly disappointed—as the j nyhnth positions—Col. Batres, the agent of the
Mexican nation has acquiesced in the govern- • President. Santa Anna, demanded a surrender at
meat by General Antonio Lopez do isauia Ann i; i discretion, calling us foreign rebels, 1 auswer
—who, having overturned the constitution of this 1
country, now offers the cruel alternative, cither
to abandon onr own house, acquired by so many
privations, or submit to the most intolerable of
all tyranny, the combined despotism of the sword
aud the priesthood.
It lias sacrificed our welfare to the state of Co
nhuila. by which onr interests have been continu
ally depressed through a jealous aud partial courso
of logislatiou, carried ou ut a far distant scat of
government, by a hostile majority iu an unknown | we ope.icd a heavy discb
tongue: and this too, notwithstanding we havo | isteron them,tqgether wi
lorccs entered the city of Bexar, which could not „f muster, he did so, when Cos drew his sword
be prevented as 1 flan not force sufficient to occu- aD) j IIlallg | P ,| ,j 10 f iice and limbs with the malig
nant feelings of a Cumaucho savage. The lx>-
di- s of tho slam were thrown into a heap in the
ccutreof the Alamo and burned. The loss of the
Mexicans in storming the place was nut less thau
one thousand killed and mortally wounded, and
five inch Howitzer, which, together with a heavy i ag , n;H ,y wounded—making, with their loss iu the
cannonade, has been kept up incessantly ev<, r j first assault, beuveeu two and three thousand meu
suite. 1 mstautlj sent expr-ss,-s lo t ol. hamiiii The flag used by tho Mexicans was a blood-re.l
at Goliad, aud to .the people of Goilzal iz and
San Felipe, to-day at 10 o’clock. A. M. some
iwo or three hundred infantry crossed the river
below, and came up under cover of the houses,
until they arrived within point blank shot, when
trge ol grape and can-
ith » well uirected tire
iu accordance with the provisions of the national j from small arms, which forced them (o halt nud
constitution presented to the general congress a | rake shelter in the houses about 80 or IlKl yards
republican constitution, which was, without just J fiom our batteries; the ar tion continued to rage
cause, contemptuously rejected.
It incarcerated in a dungeon for a long time
one of our rilizeus, for uo other cause but a zeal
ous endeavor to procure abe acceptance of our
- constitution find the establishment of a state gov
lt has failed and refused to secure on a firm ba
sis, the right of trial by jury; that palladium of
civil liberty, -and only safe guarantee foi life, li
berty and property of the citizen.
It has failed to’ establish any public sy stem of
education, although possessed of means almost
boundless, (tho public domain) and although it is
an axiom in political science, that unless a people
are educated nud enlightened, it is idle to expect
tho continuance of civil liberty or the capacity fur
It has suffered tho militaiy commaudaut sta
tioned amongst us to exercise arbitrary arts of
oppression and tvranny; thus trampling upon the
most sacred rights of the citizen, and rendering
r the military superior to the civil power.
It has dissolved hy force of arms the state con
gress of Coabuiln aud Texas, aud obliged our re
presentatives to fly for their lives from the scat of
government; thus depriving us of the fundamen
tal political right of representation.
It has demanded the surrender of a number of
our citizens, and ordered military detachments to
secure and carry them into the interior for trial:
iu contempt of the civil authority aud in defiance
of the laws of the constitution.
It has made piratical attacks upon our com
merce, by commissioning foreign desperadoes anti
authorizing them to at-ize our vessels, and convey
the property of ourcitizens to far distant ports for
It denies us the right of worshipping the Al
mighty according to the dictates ofuur conscience
—by the support of a national religion, calculated
to promote the temporal interests of its human
functionaries, rather than the glory of the true
and living God.
It has demanded us to deliver up our arms,
which are essential to our defence, tho rightful
property of freemen, and formidable only to ty
rannical governments.
It has invaded our covuiry, both by sea and
land, with iutcut today waste our territory, and
drive us from our homes—and has now a large
mercenary army advancing to carry on agaiustus
a war of eztcrminaiion. -
It has. through its emissaries, incited the merci
less savage, with tho tomahawk ami scalping
knife, to massacre tho inhabitants of our defence
less frontiers. -
It has been, during tho whole time of our con
nection with it, tho coutempliblo sport and victim
of successive military revolutions; nud hath con
tinually exhibited every characteristic of a weak,
corrupt and tyrannical government.
Theio rihI other grievance* wero patiently
borne by the people of Texas, uutil they reached
that point at which forbearance ceases to be nvir-
tuo. We then lookup arms in defence ef tho Na
tional Constitution- AVo appealed to our Alexi-
can bicthrcn for assistance. Our appeal has been
made in vain; though months havo elapsed, no
aympathetic response has been heard from the in
terior. Wo are therefore forced to the melancho
ly conclusion, that the Mexicau pooplo have nc-
(juiesred in the destruction of their liberty, and
the substitution thereof of a military government;
fhat they are unlit to be free, and incapable of self
Tho necessity of self preservation therefore,
now directs our gjcroiil separation. A o therc-
iore, the delegates, wth plenary powers of the
people of Texas, in solemn convention assembled,
.appealing to a candid world for the necessity of
otir conditiou, do hereby resolve and deduce, that j
our political couuexion with the Mexicau Nation
. has forever euded, aud that tho people of Texas
now constitute a free, .sovereign uu<! indepen
dent republic, and aro fully invested with ull the
rights and attributes which properly belong tain-
rJcpendeiit nations. a -
for about two hours, when tho enemy retreated iu
coufusion, dragging off some of their dead and
wounded. During the action the enemy kept up
a continued bombard and discharge of ball, gnip.;
and canister. We kuow, from actual observa
tion. that many of the eueuiy were.-killed and
wonnded, while we oil our part had not lost a
man Two or three of our men Have been slight
ly rratched by pieces of rock, but none disabled
1 take great pleasure iu statiug, that both officers
and men conducted themselves with fiiuiucss and
bravery. Lieut. Simmons, of Cavalry, (acliug
as Infantry) and Captains Cary, Dickerson and
Blair, of artillery, rendered essential service, and
Charles DLspalber, aud Robert Brown, gallantly
sallied out aud set fire to the houses which afford
ed the enemy shelter, in the^ face, of the enuiny,
five, indeed tho whole of the men, who were
brought into action, conducted themselves with
«uch uni a tinted heroism that it woulo be i-justice
to discriminate. The Hon. David Crockett was
scon at all points animating the men to do ibeir
duty; our uuinbers me few, and the enemy still
continues to approximate his works to o.irs, end
I have every reason to apprehend tin attack from
his whole force very soon, nut 1 shall hold out to
the last extremity, hoping to rereive rrinforcc-
tncuts in a day or lire. Do hasten on to aid me
as rnpiuly as possible, or from the superior num
bers of the enemy, <t will be im possible for us
to keep them out ranch longer. If they over
power us. we fall a sacrifice at the shrine of our
country, and tve hope posterity and our country
will do our memory justice. Give me help, oil
my country.— Vietory or death.
Your ob’t seiv ant,
[Signed] . W. B. TRAVIS.
Lieut, Col. Com'dt. February 28.
To the Governor and Council oj Trias :
Ail express arrived from Bexar, under date of
the 25th, which brings glorious news, our follow
•oldieis have sustained themselves beyond our
most sanguincexpcciiitions. Lieu . Kimbol of the
Rangers, with a command of forty men. left yes
terday evening for Bexar, under orders from me
to make their tray into the Alamo a* early as
practicable. By express, wo have intelligence
t;.st Col.. Fannin, with 3(H) troops and four pieces
of artillery, hns beeu t«o days on the road from
Goliad to Bexar, we may reasonably anticipate
his arrival this evening in llexar. 1 pray you to
forward men and ammunition, powder, fur the ar
tillery is almost exhausted in the Alamo—lead,
their is none ou this frontier for the Militia. I
.can write no inure, the express is waiting. 1 have
just received other glorious news, the first detach
ment of Rangers under tho command of Gapt. J.
J. Tomlinson, have re taken the Indians with
Airs lltbbius and her child. I have ordered him
bv express of to day, to this place direct lor Bex
ar. It. M. WILLIAMSON, Major.
Gunzallks, Feb. 28. 1836.
Dear Sir— On arriving hero with an express, 1
despatched one to Col. Fannin, who answered it
by saying he would leave the day before yester
day for 8au Antonio, with ubnut three hundred
ana twenty men; there was about sixty tneu. A-
mericans and Mexicans, gone from this place to
join the troops from Goliad. We arc preparing
provisions lor the troops ns fast as they come, so
that there may be no detention; hurry ou men,
as there is no time to lose; send powder hy all
means. This goes with a letter from Ctd. Travis.
I am doing all 1 can here, mitil-i am able to to go
on, which I hope «tlj he wbt u the next
rive, if so. 1 shall .leave with them,
haste, J. D CLEMENTS;
. — red
one in place of the constitutional flag, linuie
flintel\ after tho capture, Gen. Santa Anna scut
31 rs. Dickinson aud tho scivaut to Geu. lious
ton’s camp, accompanied by a Alexican with i
flag, ivbo was a bearer of a note from Geu. San
ta Anna, offering the Texians peace and a gener
al amnesty if they would lay down their arras
and submit to his government. Geu. Huuston’s
reply was—“True sir, you have succeeded iu kil
ffhg some of our brave men, but the Tuxiaus are
not y.-l conquered.”
’! be effect of the fall of Bexar, throughout Tex
as. was electrical; every man who could use a
rifle, aud was in a conditiou to take tne field,
marched forthwith to the seat cf war. It is be
lieved that not less than 4000 riflemen were ou
iheir way to the army wheu the Cumaiichcsailcd,
determined to wreak their vengeance ou the Mex
General Houston had burnt Gonsales and fal
len back on the Colorada. with obout 1000 men;
Col, Fanning was in the fort at Goliad, a very
strong position, well supplied with munitions aud
provision*, with from 4 to 500 men.
'I'he general determination of the people of
'tVxas is to abandon all their occupations aud
pursuits of peace, and continue iu arms, uutil ev
ery Mexican east of the Rio del Norte shall be
Late it from Liverpool.
Charleston. April 1.
The ship Comolia, On pi. Eaton, arrived at
this port yesterday afternoon from Liverpool,
whence she sailed on the I8th February?
By ibis arrival, we received Gore’s Liverpool
Adve rtiser, of the ISth FVb. Loudon papers and
LovH’s Lists to the I6:h, inclusive.
The political news is of little importance. The
Colton market has advanced l-8d. Such infor
mation as we have bceu able to obtain respecting
the market follows:
• Liverpool. Feb. 16—Yesterday 4000 bales
Cotton wera sold at extreme prices, 500 to spec
ulators. 2U0 for export. Our market is very firm
and prices a little higher than on the 14th iust.”
“Liverpool. Feb. 18.—The sales on Mtiuday
wore 4000. Tuesday 4000, and yesterday up
wards of700i». and such was the inquiiy then (or
American Collou of the new crop, that prices
advanced lully }<J. during tho day, nothing rep
orted done by speculators, but exporters purcha
sed freely , and spinners were encouraged to ope
rate by the active business done in .Manchester
on Tuesday. Most articles of consumption arc
risihtriu Ibis country, and the Rail Road Mania
is still excessive. We canuot look upon these
symptoms of sp.-rnbitivo spirit, without (oaring
and expectiug (he reaction Ctiar must take place
in time.”
The London papers are occupied in discussing
the charges aguiust Air O’Connell aud the late
Carlow elections, which are about to be brought
before the House ofCoramous.
The news from the armies in the' north of
Spain does not amount to much more than that
both parties are inanceuvring to take up advanta
geous positions.
The lion. Sir Thomas Packetiham, whose
death was prematurely auuouuced some months
ago, died ;> short time since iu Dublin, at the ad
vanced age of78 years.
Ills excellency SknoR Don Manuel Eduar
do pe GkroSTIza, was presented to the Presid
ent by tbo Secretary of State, on the 24th ult.
as Envoy Extraordiuaiy and Minister Plenipo
tentiary o( the Mexicau Republic, to the Uuited
A letter from. Volusia, received in this city
dated the 24th of Alarch, states that tho whole
army ol Geu Eustis, was at Volusia, and would
cross the St John's that night, aud join Gen.
Scott, in five days, by a forced march, when a
decisive action wns expected. The force of
Geu Eustis was sai/natic about 200(1 men.
Later still from
Fall of Hvxai — c|. -»b fiM*
et aud other Americans—<• inmund of Satr.i Vti
ua in per.ou—•'exit' coiive, tad into a, iniiiiar.;
ctimp. •••.-
Tie ftrijiirros<«•[;,<;• yriinvii, were r»i,rc
<;<1 int.i on. fr;; rV"by. « j;nt
from. -Tox-is. Thu o«. tv* J* mxlauc.. »iy iadoefi;. to jimu,
Spain.—Mina’s cruelty has caused great hor
ror. He ordered every fifth inhabitant at Larn-
yniirs iu i coz,to be shot, and ou arriving at Barcelona,
j shot 5U immediately,, of tho Grst Carlists and
I Republicans.; at the same time ho transported
I 500 person; beyond the seas—to Ceuta, tho Phil-
Bouie. Crock i iiptuo Islands, and other equally detested places.
, r. y.ri. „-v Vtmr ram <ho spot published in the London
IF--raid .of :h< 12lh of February, says under date
•vf -intiun • s6ti». “this last act was mono than
tlie pewp'frfcould bear; and this morning the mob
sous well known to me to be gentlemen of great
worth and respectability There are clergymeu,
lawyers, merchants, literary meu, manufacturers,
and indeed persous from all classes of so
I ask, sir, that these petitions may be received,
and move they be referred to the Cpmraiuee for
the District of Columbia.
This motion itself, sir, sufficiently shows iu what
manner 1 think this subject ought to be treated iu
The petitioners ask Congress to consider tho
propriety aud expediency of two things : first of
making provision for the extinction of slavery
within the District; 2d. of abolishing or restrains
lig the trade in slaves within the District Sim
ilar petitions have already b<~«H received. '< h *e
gentlemen who think Congress havb no power
over titiy part of the subject, if they are clear and
settleJ in that opinion, were perfectly justifiable
in voliug nut to receive them. Any petition,
which, iu our opiuiou, asks us to do that which is
plniuiy against the Constitution, We inigtit very
justly reject. As, if persous should petition us to
pass a law abridging the freedom uf the press,
or respecting au establishment of religion such
petition would very properly be denied any re
ception at all.
- In doubful cases, we should incline to receive
aud consider; because doubtful cates ought not
to be decided without cousideratiou.
But 1 cannot regard this case as a doubtful
otic. 1 thiuk theeonsiiutiouoi power of Cougrcss
over tbe subject is clear, ami, therefore, (bat we
wore bound to recieve the petitions. Aud a large
majority of tbe Senate are also of upiuiou that
the petitions ought to be received.
I have often. Mr. President, expressed theo-
piuio» that, overslavery, as it exist* iu ibo States,
this Government has no control ivhatever. lt is
eutir 4y and exclusively a State concern. Aud
while it is thus clear that Cougress has no direct
power over this subject, it is our duty to take
care that the authority of this Government is not
brought to bear upon it by any indirect imerfer
dice whatever. It must be left to the States to
the course of things, aud to those causes over
which this Government has no control. All this,
ray opiuiou, is in the clear line of our
On tho other hand, believing that Cougress lias
constitutional power over slavery, and the trade
in slaves, within the District, I thiuk petitions ou
those sujects, respectfully pre euted, ought to be
respectfully treated and respectfully considered-
The respectful inode, the proper mode, is the or
dinary mode. We have a committee on the
affairs of the District- For very obvious reasons
aud without auy reforenco to this question, this
committee is ordinarily composed principally of
Southern gentlemen. For many years a member
from Virginia ot Maryland has, 1 believe, been
at the head of the Committee. The Committee,
therefore, is the appropriate one, and there cau
be possibly no objection to it, ou Account of tbe
mauncriu which il is constituted.
Now, I believe, sir, that the unanimous opinion
of the North is, (bat Cougress has no authority
over slavery iu the States; and perhaps equally
unanimously, that over sluvery m tho District it
has such rigtfui authority.
Theu sir, the question is a question of the fit
ness, propriety, justice, aud expediency of consid
ering these two subjects, or either of them, ac
cording to the prayer of these petitions.
It is well known to Cougress and tho country
that Congress has hitherto entertaiued iuquirirs
ou both these points. On the 9th of January,
1809, tbe House of Representatives resolved, by
vory large majorities “That the Committee for the
District of Columbia be instructed to take into
consideration the latcs icilhin the ULhict in res
pett to slavery ; that they inquire into the slave
trade as it exists in, and is carried oil through, the
District; and (hat they report to the JJ^use such
amendments to Ihe existing luics as shall stem to
them to be just.”
And it resolved also, “That the committee be fur
ther instructed to uiquire into the expediency of
providing bi/ law for the gradual abolition of
slavery within the District, in such a manner thut
the interest of no indivdiuul shall be injured
At early ns March, 1816, the same House, oil
the inotiouof Mr. Randolph, of Virginia, resolved,
•‘That a committee be appointed to inquire into
the existence of an inhuman and illegal traffic of
slaves carried on in and through the District of
Columbia, and to report whether any. and what
measures are necessary for putting a stop to tfie
lt is known, also, sir, th rt the Legislature of
Pennsylvania has within a very few years urged
upon Cougress the propriety of providing for the
abolition of slavery iu the District. Thu House
of Assembly of New York, about the same time,
1 think, passed a similar vote. After these pro
ceedings, Air. President, which were generally
known, 1 think, the couuiry was not at ull pre
pared to find that these petitions would he ob-
and dangerous
to the liberties
from Italy. Potatoes from Fruuro^
Italy! What next—hogs from Ilohomi'T froa >
But a few days since, we s;mv ill '
inenr of ai> importation of wheat 3i’’""T 1 *'*
Emriaud, at New York. From th e “i ff,ni
of pork, «ve do not doubt that a r P enI I' r ' c e
from Bohemia would prove a profio.t!i ■ bo S’
turn, as sarcastically :ls , he GaLtie s'lTT 9 '
sucIi au cutcrprae. When was it ,0
m tins country that p.,rK was r-. lhec *M
a barrel, during a state of p n< 3^
A lining .j ext( r C ise of a power over the Treasury of tfie j eVer y ut her article tieces^iry ^
o P er j United States not granted tu him hy the cousti- t ,lmi y„ high . 1’beseTacts are eji-jlri*
' 1 e<1 ' rj,e J brought | )1)mo t0
every one who has to provide for a f a „ f,“ rkcti of
A mes, useful subject of . great majority of the peojWc bl *
teresi iu understanding, is, what r/s n ’
which have led to this state of t|.j,,..» S . C ?1“ se ‘
the effect, few understand the cause' t ,
practical observer, the cause is cl,..,, n,,',
The declaration of ou.-s mavstartle am,!',?*
readers, nevertheless it is \\ nr . - . f ‘* ur
liatc it hy proofs too strong not to
most sceptical of the fact. Ce
It is an incontrovertible fact ihatiUi
mouths of 1834 immediately succee-liug
me session of Congress, was a pt-rio.l „f '
Universal prospenty throughout the L’uitca Siam
Commerre flourished ; the farmer r,„„. t ,
ma.ket for the surplus product of !,i,
obiai ied satisfactory prices; the mchm X
nay laborer and fhc salaried individual™ e
bid to provide the necessary articles of $u h, m « e
for hrmsclve, and their families, ai priW^t
while they amply compensated and ,ati s fi fd ,
producer, corresponded to a considerable ieZ
m a relative proportion to the (trices which tits*
"h-V’lK r‘ ,,0r ’ ;,U,i 1,10 c °Uipen85(fes
which they received for ibeir services. Hon bit
now ? In a little more th n „„e year hmv sre ;t
has been the change! I„ that short period, h ow
great the transition, fro-r the state of moderatioB
which we hirve described, to one of ur.paralieltd
exorbitance! We need not give a coo,par.-,tire
prtre current of the articles of necessity: that
m brought home to tbe practical exprrierceofsE
" « KO to explain. the cause. It crises in travitt
banking end excessive issues of l.ank pour! Let
us state distinctly, we war nut agsinst auv briti-
mate State bank But facts withiu our kilos-
ledge, we shall state unhesitatingly; and frr.o
the facts, deductions we shall draw.
At the close of the year 1834, tbe Ban's cf the
United States commenced its expansion of pipe
issues. I tied the van. Iu a few mouth* there
after it extended its circulajion of paper nearly to
millions of dollars • State institutions followed
in its wake. New iuslltulions went into opera-
con. New institutions were incorporated. AI
tbe latter gave full employment to the paper mill.
AV c loci confident that we speak within Irnuudj
when ive express the belief, that thirty mitliewt/
doHars were added to the jxiper part of our dm-
lation medium in 1335.
This is an addition of nearly one-third iawx
year, to the amount of paper in previouscirci'i-
\Ve have but to state a few example* of addi-
tional i.rsnes of bank paper, within our own kuor-
ledge to sustain our position.
The Bank of tbe United. States j
union and laws
of the people.”
Which resolve so changed aud modified by the
mover therof on tbe same day and year last incn-
tioued, was further altered so as tu read m these
“Resolved. That the President in the late ex
ecutive proceeding iu relation to the revenue, has
assumed upou himself authority mid power not
conferred by tho constitution and laws, but ill
deregation oflmth
In which last u-entioued form the said resolve,
on the same day aud year last mentioned, was
adopted by tile Senate, and became tbe act and
judgment ofTliat body; and. as such, now remains
upon tlje journal thereof:
And whereas tiio said resolve was irregularly
ilegnlly, and unconstitutionally adopted , by tlie
Senate, iu violation of the rights of defence which
belong to every citizen; aud in subversion of the
fundamental principles oflaiv and justice ; because
President Jackson was thereby' adjudged and
pronounced to be gmity of nil impeachable offence
aud a stigma placed upon him as a violator of
bis oath of office, and of the laws and constitu
tion which lie was sworn to preserve, protect
and defend, without-going through tile forms of
an impeachment mid without allowing to him
the benefits of a trial, or the means of defence:
Aud whereas the said resolve, in nil its vari
ous shapes and forms, was unfounded aud er
roneous in poiut of fact, anti therefore unjust
and unrighteous, as well as irregular aud iii.con
stitutiqnal; because the said President Jackson,
neither in the act of dismissing Air. Duane, uni
on the appointment of .Mr. Taney, as specified
in the first form of tbe resolve, nor in taking up
on himself the responsibility of removing the de-
posites, as specified iu tbe second form of tbe
same resolve, nor in any act which was then, or
can now, be specified under the vague and am
biguous terms of the general denunciation con
tained iu the third and ias.i form of the resolve,
did so or, commit and act in violation or in dero
gation ot the laws aud constitution, or dangerous
to the liberties of the people :
And whereas tbe said resolve, as adopted, was
uncertain ami ambiguous, containing nothing but
looso and floating charge for derogating from tbe
laws and constitution and assuming mtgranlCil
power aud am hority iu the Into Executive procee
dings iu rela.tiou to tho public revenue, without
specifying ivhat part of the Executive procee
dings, or what part of the public revenue, was
mteuded to be referred to, or what parts of the
laws nud constitution were supposed to have
been infringed, or in what part of tho Union, or
at what period of his administration, these late
proceedings were supposed to have taken place:
Thereby putting Senator at liberty to vote iu favor
of the resolve upou a separa c and secret reason
of his own, and leaving the ground of tbe Senate’s
judgment to be guessed at by tho public, and to
be differently and diversely interpreted by in
dividual Senators according to the private und
particular understanding of each; Contrary to all
the ends of justice, and to all iheforras of legal
mid judical proceeding—to the great prejudice of
the accused, who could not kuow against what
to defend himself; and to the loss of Seiintroial i
grounds which tho public cannot know, aud
which, if known, might proveto be insufficient in
law, or unfounded in fact:
And whereas tbe spefieatiou9 contained iu the
first and second forms of the rcftolve, having been
objected to iu debate, nud showu to be iusulli
cient to sustaiu. the charges they were adduced
creased irs paper issues in 13.35.
or within two mouths of that
year, -
.«I P.000,til)
The State Bank of Indiana has ob
tained principally during the year
1835. a cir- ulathin of
The Illinois Bank, tltirie» the Inst
few months - .
The Bunk of \ irginia. curing the
year 1835, has extended irs <ir
dilation - -
I ho Slate Bank of North Carolina
has obtained principally iu 1835.
a circulation of
• 1&0(M
$13,000. tffl
Here we liave ati addition to »l;e paper par'd
the circulating medium of the country- Iwfi”**:
to (support, and it being well believed that no stilolions only of fifteen millions of doJfarsi®**
majority could be obtaiued to vote for the said ! year! Iu other.States, uew banks have itecui*-
specificatious ; and the same having actually been : corporated, mid have gone into operation,
withdrawn by the mover in the lace of tho whole j have, during the whole period of thcjMrp*
Senate, in consequence ol such objection and j been employed in throning out iijanutaciorr*
belicfi olid baton- any vote taken thereupon, the l from ihojjfipcr Ittinf.
9itid speficiilion* could not idler wards be admu I lu Kentucky t.vo banks have geuc iuto
ted by any rule ol Furliameiiiary practice, or by j lion, each with a capital of tivi million’ oH'"
any principle of legal implication, secret intend-11ars; and without doubt, those two iustitutio®
meut ot mental reservation, to remain and con- i have issued a million and a half f.,tw.>n*" !
III1UC a part of the wruen aud public resolve ' of dollars of paper. In Ohio, in A1i»sis*ipfC* l *
from wli'ch they were thus withdrawn; and. it : in Louisiana, new banks have gone into op**
jected to, ou the ground that asked for tbe exer
ciseofuu authority ou the part of Cougress, which
Congress cntinot constitutionally exercise; or,
that having been formally received, the prayer
of them, iu regard to both objects, would Im im
mediately rejected, without reference to the com
mittee, and without auy inquiry.
Now, sir. the propriety, justice, nnd fitness of
any interference of Cougi ess, 'em cither of the
purposes stated iu the petitions, are the points on
which, as it st ems to me, it is highly proper for a make a report. The well disposed
iml patriotic among these putiiioners tne omitted
l 1 **’ _ . . „ , ..
paii.J <f . .meets, crying. \Meura Alina !’('death . to bercspccifmly answered: aud if there boa
•) ‘ilagamos cod ’cl lo miimo quo hici-1 meug them othu’is whose xnojjvos are less praise-
they could be so admitted, they would not be
sufficient to sustain rhe charges therein contai
ned ;
And Whereas the Senate being the cousti’u-
tipoal tribunal for the tria: of tin Preside it when
chaiged by tho House of Rep esvuUtives with
offeuces'against tbe laws and tho cousti. uiion, the
adoption of the said resolve before any iinpeach
meut w as preferred by the House, was a breach
of the privileges of the House, violation of. the
constitution, a subversion of justice a preju lica-
tion of H-questiun which might legally cqtne before
the .Senate, and a disqualification of that body
to perform its constitutional uty with fairness
and impartiality, if the R esident should thereof
ter be regularly impeached by the House of Rep
reseututives for fb<> same offence.
Aud whereas the temperate, respectful, anti
argumentative defence aud, protest of the IVesi
deut against the aforesaid proceedings of the Sen
ate, was voted to be a breach of its privileges,
and was not permitted to be euiercd ou its jour
nal, or printed among tbe documents, while all
meinorios, resolves aud remonstrances against tbe
President, however violent or unfunded, aud cal
culated to inflame the people against him, were
duly and houorahly ’received, eiicomiastically
commented upon in speeches, read at the table",
ordered to be printed with the long list of u mu s
attached, referred to tin Finance Commiitfie for
consideraiimi, filed aw ny Union* the public ar
chives, and now constitute a part id the public
documents of the Senate, to bo handed down to
the latest posterity.
liou during tile past year; and have issued I
ly of paper. Uitli these, and the addtfto* 11 * j
deuces before us, we hesitate not to ' I
there have been added to the piper pud I
circulating medium of the country, thirty M". I
of dollars during the past year. In d |15 l6 f jifr I
*erret of the high prices of every uecw* 1 * 1 ?
at home, and their importation from a ’ ( ^
Cun this state of things last ? Impose*™
ready do we wituess the day laborer, tnf
the mcchattie, striking for an iucrea’W c l ( j
sation for their labor. Now canittiv
The man who receives his dollar in ronir 1 , ’
for his daily toil, is unable to oliiait* with ^
bui little more than half t ie ucces»»ry*i 1 ^
for his family, that be could two yearsng • ^
rich proprietor, the landlord and the
lienefirted during the ‘existence
things. All orhor classes suffer. M
phaticallv. TO MAKE THE RICH 1^“
The past year has, to npp^araocc, ^
great and unexampled prosperity- . I0 lit
feel rejoiced could w«_but believe toa ^
of long duration. We think otne.W
lieve tb«t brilliautsunshine ui V r0 ^ C . nal »esr*
ditfieineral A reaction Iws ulreat J l ^0& r
I’liousauds who. in toiagiuetirai: 1 ■
ted. fortune-, from their sjlerclatt . rU j, : . '
will find themselves uverwheune
tremble in thiukiug of eomitig l ‘ k ' f .
But when people fit/, lbs* t-ir, /
the most The iheusauo* t
eff will discover^ wt-iie pouciefinS 0