About Macon Georgia telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1836-1844 | View Entire Issue (May 5, 1836)
of Mabacriptfou ucirfta aiieance, triU pay for the pa- U °‘n<kuoii-ABS,paid in Qdcance.wdl fay t #o years. Tr.s Do:.HRs,paid in udcancc Ef nftrr the year has •'•' ■?*_« pAJars and Fifty Cents per annum '■ i if uat pail until the end of the spar, P>^ r annum icill he charged—with interest W' ivt iMS of Advertising?. f * K J. exceeding oar. hundred words, half ' 11 »«'r« brevier lines, will he inserted oyc timc \m " When more than one. insertion is firm, i , Jlhen more iuun 1 TO irtt, and 50 «»<*/«• «re* eflulintwitee. &Jj?J a 'deduction of onefottrti.te!llhe made, when | - Collectors' and Cormiers' Sales are chat- f .* '(Zrtistrs will be nUotCfd two suwtres i* each H 'jfrnlu Dollars per annum ,- ami W jhe *»mt ll'^^l/ourtiislnr^and the stele of the times, ■ terms should he rigidly adhered to. • ,v Marten JLiuv of Hacarts. I "is a 10 Amalia Strong; J- Chnce, MMter, Premium, Mr. Matthew*, ‘ w ,v “ mrieu, C. P. Bnekj^y. - .. Mucon, A. Bjbbuw, s-^**-il.r. D. It.’ Crime. T- Bafc«» , j 5,iJ -uliitaiili il calculated for the r ‘ ....,1, »ood accommodations for passengers, ww mFcommander*. Oue'of tlie vessels will at C al each cudofilio Line to refccivc freight, and ' ■ r o"ularty once a. week, Shippers by thu hnc % , f, .uratiTu ai five eighths per cent mid they i ,-Iv npail the vessels being regularly despatched. [ ..'Ucriber* are also agents for several Steamboats ■' r «,ilarly during the boating season between ' Hawkijtiville. and Mason, nnd are imlnecd to i , ihu Uiey can give groat facilities in forwarding L>, jrdined for the interior of foe. State, r IIAWF.S, MITCHELL A COLLINS, '•„-ini. 1st July, 1835 a 4sn>tf : _ pioneer Stea>H Boat r.itzc. . )i> iraiispmhvtion to and from Macon, is now m i lete order. A superior new Steam Boat I iHvid Crockett" with two powerful Engines, i ,:i) 3 vkl Crockett" with two powerful l Cvcral first rate freight boats have been bni.it since ,,1'tlio last reason and placed on the line. tpaut Hoot Pioneer, Capt. Goodwin, . .. Oaoid Crockett, “ M'Cormict, ,lv le-aliuh* between Darien and Macon, one of u' living Daricu about once a week with freight Li, iiuihoat Charleston, enpt. Bonncll, r ; N „ constantly liutweeu Darien and Jaovauuah, , ' , ini the greatest despatch to Cotton. h fa • subscriber’s whole attention is devoted to faejlt- inmspartalion hetween Macon and the Scu |j,; | IM invested a large sum to pat his line in GROCERIES, WAKE-HOUSE, and Comutission ■ Basincss. G 1 EU. JEWETT A Oo respectfully inform their T friends and tlio public generally, that they liave added the Ware House and Commission Business to tliat heretofore conducted by them. Their Ware House i.* conveniently situated on second street, near ly aJjyii i ig thcirstorc. All cotton consigned to them, cither by the planters or dealers ;u the article, or or ders to sell or buy in tliis market, will lie promptly oncuded to. “ They have also a convenient close storage house for the reception of merchandize from the countiy; tins receiving and forwarding of which, will receive a particular 'share of their attention. Liberal advan ces will be made on cotton stored, or on sliipments to any.miirket, when desired. They also have on hand, aud expect.shortly to re ceive a largo and general assortment of GROCERIES, 1>RY GOODS Such ns. .St. Croix and Portnrieo& llaraimasugars, Cuba, ilio and Java coffee, Liverpool salt, Swedes Iron, Noils, Brads, cast, Gcrrnau mid blister etec-1. Heavy hentp Bagging, Bagging twine twilled sack ing, Oximburghs, Negroes cloths, shoes, hats, caps, clacks. Powder, shot, and lead, saddles nnd bridles, Sots Blacksmith toots, m.Unigs, Hard ware, Calicoes, Flannels, Blankets, Wax Calf skins, &e. Which they will sell on as good terms as cun be had ill this market. 11 Jfc-pt 10 .•Agency tend Commission Bitsiticss, Doriea, T HE undersigned returns his thanks to his friends for the liberal support which he has iicretofore received from them in the above line of business, and solicits a continuance of their patronage. His arrange ments for conducting business, and particularly in gi ving despatch in receiving and forwarding produce & merchandize and protecting them while in his charge, are at least equal to these of any others in bis liue. He will spend the summer in and iii iho vicinity of Darien, ami any business addressed to bun vv directive his per sona) and prompt attention, inim 15 1*35-53 . JOHN T. ROWLAND. &L*» ",1-ou Shippers and Merchants ordering goods, to liune their favors. . • . \>Darien lie has secure and convenient Warehouses lion of Goods, and his ll harrrs h-re uro co ■ I irith sheds, enables him to keep nil Colton sli pped on his ,w nmlc'r shelter and protected from the weather, , n.4,ip»,«« iAMe8 R BBT , ra lioi.coMnz, Pr.cK &■ Co., Charleston, K. I». Burrs, Sa\annah, j. T. Ilowwmu. Darien I) IL Halstead. llawkmsville. M: c .n. Nov. 1*. 1*31 —^ Jiitcoa Steam Moat <o«< i >i. Sicmiboat ciUPKIllOR, Capt. George Willcox do. EXCEL, “ J. L. Willcox. InnilH oouipavy blue now their line of Beats ni I 1 complete order for freighting. They have r. v steamboat added to their line called the Superior. I tea Tow-Boats. * , riic bait* will run regularly bstwo"n Macon alM iDjrisn, one of the steamboats leaving Darieu every vi* or si\ days with tow-boats. The company have nv sixteen tow-boats, all first rate boats, built express J), hr the navigation c< the Oemulgep and Abanwba li u'K th.'se increased facilities will enable the com- j :nv the moans of giving the greatest despatch to isNiiti or goods shipped by their line. They have a Steamboat and a nuoibcr of Sioops, IT , c.irrv cotton and iddrchaiulise between Xlarieii and >osiiiiiih. aud Darien and Charleston. There are :■ >, five first rate Buckets runuitig regularly behwen lp>ri-n and New York, wltich come to ’Hawes & | Miti'ltel, vf Darien. AgdtUsfor the almre Coats : • 7 J. GODDABD, Macon, lkivcc, IIkvrv Jk Wat.tzs. Charleston. !.. Uai.D'.viv &. Co. Savannah, Hawks, MlfCHKi.i. & Colmss, Darien, tiro. K. ttoBtyiTs, .Uawkiasviile, - Macon, 2stii Dge., 1835. ^ * Onnutgee Steam Hoat Company. I|1 HI; company will bo prepared to commence hit- J. siness, early in the next season—They will have •i liao of Backets between New Aork.aiid Darien and Meant vessels to forward goods from Dnricn to Mncoti ~TiieagetiUiu New York, Charleston, mid Savannah, "i!l be authorised to contract for the delivery of goods •a Macon, ala freight agreed on wivhotit uitermcdi- cte charge and the agent in Macon will receive cotton deliverable in Savannah, Charleston, and New A ork Tiic company’s Acssels nnd boats, wi l he of first class with experienced comntauders, and: jo expense will be fpAied to meet the patronage of the public. PH. R. YONGE & SON*,*Agent* in Darien. mav 27tii 1335 43 siiojbSL.ifcc. .4 Fresh issortiueut Just Gpenttf. " iiO.OOO pr for .vale by J. NEWIIALL, viz, . Ladies.' Seal, Morocco, prunella ami Lasting Slips, walking and Bootees. Walking Bolivar fox’d Bootees, bl-k and col'd. Leather slips, tie?, walking and Bootees, Misses’ col'd laisiing. Bootees mid Slips, do Leather, Kid and Lusting Slips and Sandals, Childrens’leather, col’d, prunella & morocco Shoes, Gentlemen's Bootees, < 'xfurd ties and low quartor fine Slioes, Hnssett aud black buckskin do. Seal skin Bumps, russett and bl’k Slippers, Light Boots uipt .4 Boots, 500 pair Kubhcrs, Coarscund common shoesdf every disrrijition. Also, 300 Packages of Dry Woods, coxsisrrscoF Brown and bleached winnings and Sheetings, Cal- licocs, Satinctts. Cassitners, Blankets and Flannels, 1'JOdoz. palin leaf Hats,, JO cases low price fur ITais, 3 do best quality do. 4 do fine satin heaver do. 30 doz. good wool do. Gingham and silk Umbrellas, llavnunn Cigars The above arc offered in lots to spit purchasers on t ic most favorable terms Nat door to the Post Office. march ‘22 39 New Books, Oleotl it Ells hare just receirctl H ORACE, translated by Francis, Phtcdrua, do by Smart, Bosamor.d, by Maria’Edgcworth, Humphrey Clinker, illustrated with Plates,' The Gipsey. a new edition, Paul Clifford, do. Paulding on Slavery, being a vindication o Southern rights. «, Memoirs of llewes, and the tea party in Boston < )ne in a Thousand, by James, Stories of the Sea, American in England, Mahmoud, a novel, American Almanacs fot 163b. Finntto Fovers J UST received, and for stile by April * 41 GEORGE W. PRICE A Co. Sc all Shoals ^Manufacturing: Co. MYRICK, NAPIER & FREEMAN^ 1XAVE received, a’supply of Cloths and Yarns -JTfi. from the almve Mann factory, of superior fnb- rck wltich tiiey offer to .Merchants and Planters at the Fartorv prices. Macon Sep 3 1335. JO fashionable If at &. Cap Store MULIIEMIY STREET,-MACON. NEW DRUG STORE. BE. 3Z. 100SV22S AS jwvt received a large assortment of DRUGS &. MEDICINES, at the .Slore one door below W. B. JoniMTo.v’s JtwEtRr, which he will sell at mo ierate prices; among which tffe PAINTS, White Lead, Rod Lead, Black Lead, Litharge, Verdi gris, Chromic Green, Chromic Yellow, Spanish Brown Yellow Ochre, Stoue Ochre, Umber, Venetian Red, Lampblack, Roscpiuk, Terra de Sienna, Vermillion, Prussian Blue, Osborn's water colours. OILS, Linseed, Spcici, Wbale, and Train Oils, and Spts, Turpentine, Copal, Japan, Coach, Leather,&. Picture Varnishes. ' BRUSHES. . .. . Flesh, Hair. Hat.''Training, Varnish. Furniture, Tooth Paint, Nail, Com Shoe, Scrubbing, Sweeping, Dus ling, Velvet, Whitewash, Clothes, Horse, and Velvet Brushes. PERFUMERY Cologne, Rose Honey, Florida. Lavender,- & Orange Flower Wate., Aromatic Vinegar, Bears’ Oil, Antique Oil, Oldorine Tooth Wash, Cream Soap and other Shut ing Soaps, Wash Balls, Drop Lake, Essences of Rose and Ccdmt, Extmit de Meil, Flake White, Hair Powder, Orris Root, Milk of Roses, Oils of Orange, Bergamot, Ccdrat, Cinnamon, Lavender. Neroli. aud Roses; Oxy-chloriue Lotion. Pearl Powder, Pomalum Powder Puffs, Pieston Salts, Pink Saucers, Fancy vi ols, Tonquin Beans, Viu de Rouge, Vegetable Rouge, & Macassar Oil. DYE STUFFS. Annatto, Cudbear, Fig Blue, Fustic. Galls, Indigo, Madder, Nicaragua AVood, Alum, Turmeric, and Grouttd Logwood. MEDICINES. Acetic, Citric, Oxalic &> oilier Acids, Acoustic Oil, Alcohol, Nitrate of Ammonia, Concentrated Liquor of Ammonia, Atkinson’s Depilatory, Balm of Columbia, Patent Barley, Breastpipes, Brimstone, Cayenne Pep per, Spanish Saffron, Ammoniaret of Copper, Sago, Emetine, Cicula Fleeter, Ext. Aloes, Cinchona, Col- oeynth, Elaterium, Jalap, Kahinca, Nttx Vomica, Rhu barb, Rhatania, Lead, Savin, Sarsaparilki & CftWbs, Dandelion, Valerian, Opium «& others. Phosphate of Iron, Red Oxyde of Iron, Tartariz’d Iron Ac. Ginger Powders, Hamilton’s Elixir, Magnesian Aperient English Calomel, Hoffinan’s Aiiodyne,’ Oll’sl Silk or Hat Case; Iodine, Jujube Paste, Lactucarittm, Lnn- ecu, Patent Lint, Lupulinc, Lobelia, Medical Sjpoons Acetate and Sulphate of Morphia, Mustard, Oils of Caraway, Copniva, Croton, Fennel, Wintergreeu.’StJ- ncca, Denarcotiscd and Powdered Opium, Phospho rus, Pipeline. Pocket Instruments, Hydriodate fir Ox y-mnriate of Potash, Potter’s Cnlholicon, Liquor of Po tash, Dragon’s Blood, Seatons, Stoughton’s Elixir, Strychnine, Powdered Valerian, Rbubarbarine, Sali- cine, Sanford’s Bark, Lac Sulphur, Syrup of Liver wort, One Stethoscope, Swann’s Peuacca, Seidlitz Powders, Tamarinds, Tincture of Colchicnm, Wine ofCo'chicutn, Trusses, Turbith Root, White Hellebore, Colchieum Seeds, Acetate «f Colchicnm, Aromatic Carbonate of Ammonia ; an Assortment oT Patent .Me dicines. and aU others in common use, Garden Seeds, aud Shop furniture for Physicians.— ALSO, - Couching, Copping, and small Scaling, Instruments; and one second hand set of Amputatingnnd Trephin ing Instruments, April 29 jnu> Store~~fresh Goods. T HE subscriber is now opening, on secondstrcet, next door to Patrick A Martin, and nearly op posite die Commercial Bank, a complete assortment of Staple and Fancy DR Y fjQODS. Which will be sold at prices much reduced, being l>o’t on reasonable terms and cheap, they will be sold ac cordingly. His stock comprises in part as follows: • ' WOOLENS. 8-4, 9-4 and 10-4 London Dufiil Blankets—10-4 and 12-1 fiue Mackinaw do—Negro Plains and Ltuseys— super blue, black, brown mixt Cloths—Fine nnd com mon -Satinets, assorted colors-r-supernne .VaJtntia and Toilitiet Vestings—super white and red Flannels—«fo Merino do. , STUFFS. Black and colored 6-4 Merinos—do do Bouibazatt fine 6-4 Bombazines—Pink Ratiuet—figured Circas sians. « . i,'., 4* COTTON GOODS. super and common plain aud twilled Calicoes—swiss, Jaconet, Mnil aud Book Muslins—-black and colored cambric Ginghams—Irish Linens in 4 pieces very Roe -Colored and white Hbiftespuns—Rowen cassimcres and. checks—liirdseye and Russia Diapers—Linep cambric Ilkfs, Russia sheetings, Ac - . SILKS.' Black gaper Poi de soie silks—do Itah'an Lustring do —rich colored silks very Chenp-y-Lcvantines, sarsnets and sinchews. HANDKERCHIEFS. Mandarin, Hernitici, embroidered Romani, Bagdad, rich satin, figuered Thibet, embroidered Thibet wool and martin gaoze Hkls—rich figured gauze Ribbons— Handsome thread Edgings and Quiltings— Blond Ed gings and Bobinet Laces—and many other articles', which cannot foil to give satisfaction as to price and quality. dec IT 25 - ARCHIBALD McAKlv. ALMANACKS for 18-36. Y The Grose, Dor eu, or single, for sale by CHA.S. CAMPBELL lY Pt ovision Stor Onudle factory T HE untlersigned. lakes this method of informing his former patrons and friends and the public generally, that he Jus again commenced business, near bis eld stand, on Cherry street, wheic he will be hap py to execute their orders. Fine Caudles by the box or pound, constantly for sale, very cheap: Also, Meal, Bacon, Butter. Lard, Onions, Fruit, and almost every thiifg in the provis ion line. To those of his creditors who have so kindly indulg ed film,-ho returns his sincere thanks, and expects shortly to be able to satisfy all tlieir claims. feb.18. 34 D. DAI.MEYDA .Suction anti Commission JECusiniss. S Take this method of informing til? Iriendsaud the public generally, that 1 have taken up .the above business, and respectfully solicit a share of patronage. All Goods consigned to nte shall be strictly attended to, according to directions. dec 24 26 C. L. HOWLAND, Esamp OH. f Gallons Winter strained Lamp Oil vciy handsome—-just received and for sale by H. A J. SHOTWELL. Jan. 14. 30 Oppositethe Ccntml Hotel. Just Received A LOT of superior quality st Croix sugar Prime Green Coffee l't itne Northern Cheeso White Lead; Linseed Oil and Window Glass. Sole, Gin Band, and Harness Leather Calf and Kip skins, which in addition to their extensive assortment of Goods of almost every des cription makes their stock complete. Jan. 7 29 GEO. W. PRICE A CO. Notice. rgtjIIE subscribers havingconnected Geo. W. Price in company with them, the Goods business will hereafter be conducted by him under the firm of GEO. W, PRICE A CO. by whose attention wo are in hopes to receive that lib eral patronage heretofore extended to us. Jan. 6 29 COOKE ACOWLFS. Removal. A P. WILLCOX lias removed to the store • lately occupied bi Wm. II. Burdsall. tvh'etai he has lor sale a general assortment of Staple and Paiiey Dry 'Goods, Hardware & Cut lery. Hats and Caps, Bootsand shoes, China/ Glass and Crockery ware Ac. Ac. feb. 3- 32 Removal. ” WM. M. BU3SZ>&&££ AS removed his Store to the new Brick Build ings, corner of Mulberry and Second streets, Macon, nearly opposite his old stand and in front of Cotton Arenue. fob. 4. 32 . EOS'F, 3T]S ETWF.EN Carrollton, Georgia and Niles, Mich Jail? igan Territory, a letter directed to Fowler Pres ton of the latter place, containing the left hand half of A Dqc Hundred Hollar Bill, on the Baulc of the United States, payable at Savan nah to the order Of J ; Hunter, Np. 2G52, letter K. N. Biddle, Prest. and dated the 4th. March, 1826. The above letter was mailed at Carrollton, on the 10th of April, 1834. A liberal reward will be paid for the de livery of the imP' bill to the subscriber ;t Carrollton, or to Fowler Preston. St. Josephs, Michigan Ter. Feb24 35 3tn APPLETON MAXDi.VILl.E. Ik’ssokfiion of C’opartucrsaip. T HIS day by mutual cansent the. Firm heretofore existing under the names of O'lcott A Ells, is dissolved and all persons Jinxing demaflds against the said Firm ard requested to present them immediately, and those indebted -to call aud sotths with James‘S. Oi- cott. JAMES S. OLCOTT. Macon Aprtl 26 44 C. A. ELLS. 1 Shull conduct business i»t the same Store and in tend at the opening of the season to have an ex tensive assortment of all kinds of Books and Stationary Wholesale and Retail. April27 .44 JAMES S. OLCOTT C OM 1C Almanacks, and Beers Atmanaclis for sai bv J H. A W S. ELLIS P are While Lead and Linseed Oil for sale april 26 44 bjr_ J. II A W. S. ELLIS. 1 71 OR Fever and Ague—Rowan’s Tonic Mixture —Quinine Mixture, for sale bv april 36 44 * .T. H. A W. S. EI.T.I* J^rriA. V’lNEtlAR for sale by april 26 44” J. If. & W. S. F.I.LIS. fitunniC!' Clothing. J\ Large ns?oftinem just received bv L^L aprtl 27 44 CRAFT A LEWIS. ~ ' FlalOtTsllns. New and splendid article lor Ladies Dresses, just Hl rcceiyjd by CRAFT A LEWI*; april 27 4d ' ■ Mentor at. E. B. WEED AS removed has Store to the New Brick Build ings, corner of Mulberry and Second streets, Macon, nnd in front of COTTON AVENUE, feb. 4 T 11E Subscriber will make liberal advances on Cotton shipped to his friends in Savannah, Charleston, Philadelphia, New York or Boston nov. 5,1836. ROBT. COLLINS. Newark Cider. 1 BBLS first quality Newark Cider just rcceiv- _ _ and lor sale by march ID 37 CHARLES CAMPBELL. Commission ttnsiness, Marten. . a t HE imJersigned have resumed business ns a- 4’ bove, aud will os heretofore , pay prompt atten- liou to all business entrusted to tlieir care. We believe we have matte arrangenietiU that will enable ns at all 'ilne* to forward goods for the interior with the toast psssiMe delay, by steamboats wheu the river will ad mit, nr iii extreme low river hy small flats or lighters, expressly for that bnrines*. On our wharves to deserv/t aslio trusts he will receive a ate large Storehouses, calculated for the storing ofcot- of patronage. Oct 7,18:15 t»n at iho least possible expense, and our opportunities r.,.r,r,r-r. . xn to forwanl cotton inland o/ constwise, ore not exceed ed by any other House. Darien. May 20, Uvkj. _ Hawes, mitcheli, a colli Business, Marion. l ti i. subscriber having V-slublislied bnnsuJ in _fl_ Macon with a view to a pernianeitt resiueuce, will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of Hat&* Gaps. Purs &c. comprishig every variety of style and quality, usually called for at a similar establishment. Among his as sortment tjiay be found Beaver, Satin Beaver, Otter, Castor Roarum and wool Hills; Mens Fur nnd Hair, Seal Caps, Boys black, blue and brown chilli Caps, Bombazine do black and drab silk plush a new style, Merino and Circassian Ac Ac, ‘From his (uilg experience and nersowd attention to tlie business of manufacturing bats in some of the most extensive establishments at the north, he is ena bled to assure all those who may favor fci.n with their patronage that ho can furnish them with r.n arti cle which for cheapness, ucatiiess anri durability .shell be fully equal if not superior to any before oflerdil iii the southern market. As his work trill be principal ly manufactured at his establishment in Macon, when desired lie will finish hats to order in any style to suit the purchaser. From the facilities tints obtained and front assiduity and attention to his business Jte hopes liberal share (Commission ——, -- T HE Undersigned liave formed a Copartnership tortile purpose of transacting a general Com- >ni*i>ion aud other business under tlie firm ot SNOW & BOfiEBS). ami offer their services to their friends, and the public Rsuerally, in the above business. Forwarding Goods •i ml produce to aud from the iuterior of the State, will tverive particular attention. It tnny be proper to j •late that they have no connection with any or the 3iemp transporUttionlines; Goods for the inforior will always bo snipped by those who will probably give thrin the greatest despatch. ISAAC SNOW, Jan 1,1836 28 GEO- T. ROGERS GEORGE A KIMBERLY 5?Wanted Beaver, Otter, Muskrat and Raccoon skins GROCERIES, Arc. S F- DICKINSON 'lias just received. • 30 hh'ds St. Croix and Porto Rico Sugars. 125 bags prime green coffee, 25f bills N. E. Rum, Gin and Whiskey, 100 Canal family Flour, 100 Irish Potatoes, (yellow) \ 200 sacks salt, 20 tons Iron, assorted. If) do assorted costings, 20 hbls cider. Cognac, peach and apple Brandy, Monongahalaand Irish Whiskey, Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum, all sorts cordials, Madeira, Tcneriffo and Malaga Wines, Al- kohol, Porter, clarified Vinegar, crackers, cheese, Her-' ring. Mackerel, smoked salmon, 31 classes, Hiccj Buck 'Wheat Flour, Raisins without seed for cooking, do in boxes, Lemon syrup, Loaf aud Lump sugar, TohaCco chewing do in papers, Spanish and Afiicricati cigars, long nines do. snuff, 50 boxes sperm and tallow can dles, 50 boxes bar aud shaving soap, starch, pepper, spice,'ginger, cinnamon, Pcariash, salt petre, indigo, copperas, chocolate, tea, matches, wrapping paper, bed cords, brass, brass hoop and iron hoop buckets aud tubs, mca*tires, coolers, Ac. pint and half pint flasks, straws tumblers, decanters, blacking, grindstone, lamp oil.powder.50 bags ass’d shot, nails, plough moulds, weeding hoes, trace and halter chains, sifters, coffee mills, sho.vcl tutd tongs, fire dogs, waffle irons, smooth ing irons, fry pans, tea kettles, cart boxes, axes, cotton card*. Ac. Ac. Macon. Jan. 27 32 Snsnranc£a nnHE Insurance Bank of Columbus.-xvill insure EL Cotton on the River, and also take a few risks against Fire in this city. Apply to Macon. Oct. 27 ROBERT COLLINS IMunts, varmslics, «Yc. W HITE LEAD, Venetian Red, Chrome Yellow, Red Lead, Litharge, Lamp Black, Whiting. Terra dc 3tinaa, Spanish Brown, I.inseed Oil, Spts. Turpentine, Copal Varnish, Japan Varnish, Leather Varnish, Picture Varnish, also, H’iwdoir Glass, Prfint Brushes, Nc. Feb 18 35 By J. H. A VV. S. ELLIS B „ March 19. Casks Madci.a Wines 37 8 J da s do do WM. H. BURDSALL. tr£ ffiSSGM.i. t A Proclamation, By. WILLIAM' SCHLEY, Gortrnor of the State vl • • Qm-giq- fHEREAS, I have received official inferniatioti that, on the 15tb day -of March, 1835, in tlie county of Troup, i^'lliis state, a murder was commit ted ky William Taylor A: Caiharinc Taylor. his wife, upon the body of a Uegto-wotnan named Cu ty, the property of tlie said William Taylor; and the said William Taylor and Catharine Taylor having fled fYom justice, I h.iye then eh t proper to issue this, my Proclamation, hereby offering a reward of THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS, to apjr person-orpersons who may apprehend and defivei* the said fugitives to tlie Sheriff or Jailor of the county of Troup, or ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY DOLLARS for oither of them, so that they may be bronghf to trial for die of fence with which they stand charged. YvILLIAM TAYLOR is about fifty years of age, five foet'ten or eleven inches high, spare made, with blue'ey eiumd light hair, and fair complexion CATHARINE TAYLOR is a tall woman, about forty years of age, with black bair, blue eves, fair com plexion and coarse voice. Given under my hand,, and the great seal ol die State, at the Capitol in Slilledgcville. this fifteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred aud thirtv-six, and of the American Independence the sixtieth. WILLIAM SCHLEY. By the Governor, WitmUst A. TEirnn.i-E, Secretary of State. The maiden laughs in the sunny gJaqcJ ' ' Ah, vvhy doth she laugh ? Her joys inust fade. AiHhat is'dearest to her. arc inine, . All thtft»”brigblPst, on me new shine: There’s joy for me still in the lemon leav’d bower, \Y here the mocking-bird sits in the bushed night hour. There’s joy forme still in the festal throng, ! In die glazy dance, and the sparkling song, There’s a flush itt my check, a light iu mine eve, And my heart heats warm—but 1 uiu.-t die! . I tnuxt leave them row 1 1 must pass from the home of my childhood's mirth. And my place shall bo mourned hy my father’s hearth. His hair is white end his eye is dim—■ And who shall now speak of the glad earth to him ? And who shall now pour on his lime-dulled ear, Tile olden lay that lie loved to hear ? He will sit and pine in his dwelling lone, For I was hisal). and I shall be gone. There is one on my heart hath a tenderer chirm! I have taught my Soft child to lisp his name; ■ Ori his f.iithfid brails; .when my head is laid, I forget lam dying—-my pain is stayed,. I trust to his words, as on hope he.dvffells, Hut the pale lip mocks what the fond heart tells; The cold drop stands on his manly brow,— Oh God! must I leave—must I leave him now» I will come again! I will come again, in the twilight gloom. When the sad wind wails o’er my jonrly omh; When the shade's in the bower and the st?r in the sky. The early-loved scenes will I wander by; I wilt pass by the hall of the glad and gay. For they shall laugh on, though niy smile be awav r Where the aged man ween*, my brcilh shall be there, I will come to my child at ner yoting-voiccd praver ; When lovely she kneels by her father’s side, His gaze resting on her, his darling and pride. With a dark’ning shade should his brow he crossed, As his thoughts arc afarwith the loved one lost; i will live in her form, I wil) speak in her eye, I will steal front his lip tile imlj brePlhed sigh; With her silrerv voice, will I soothe his pain, I will whisper his heart.T am come again! Trenton, N. J. ‘ If. t. B. ■ STltlKX THE I.YRK AG.U.V. do. Georgia Candles, At. efjj A A BOXES GVorgia tallow caudles, /apajr 10 do sperm 250 gulls, best Lamp Oil, 3pp do Linceed Oil, With a variety of Groceries, just received and for eatehv march 9-37 CHARLES CASTPBEEL'L. G .1 li ME A’ SJTCMS. A SUPPLY of fresh GARDEN SEEDS just re ceived—Also, The GarilcncFs .Wan- Uel, with instructions for cultivating Garden Plants, die.—Price 12A cts. For sale by jan 1 28 J. H. &. W. S. ELLIS. “T»aintijng. H OUSE Painting, plain and ornamental, either iu the city or Country. Chairs repainted and ornamented. Lookiugglass or picture frames gilded ay hrnir/.ed > * Signs pnimea,-mwr runty painting of various cripiions will bo done by applying to J. H. & W. S. ELLIS. T 1 JLatcsl style 11 rah Hats. «EO. A. KIMBERLY H AS now on liand, and iu progress of ninnuiac- ture, ah assortment of tlie above named HATS, which for stylo and quality .cannot he excelled ; and at prices lower than usual in this market- tuart h 17 37 Tltp Alt out ion of the Pnblic 8 respectfully called to a verv extensive assortment of NEW GOODS, eow opening t,y tlie subscribers at their new store cor “erof Cotton Avenue and Cherry street, which are offered on vety liberal terms at wholesale or retail.-- " - are also receiving a very large stock-of ISrady made Cfo/itinsr. ’ suitable for the season, comprising almost every article Jll f gentlemen’s wear- April 13 42 FORT. HA.MH.TON & WILEY. For Sale, LBS Bacon, _ 10,000 Ihsi Lard, 61 libds St. Croix Sugar of superior qimlity, CO bags Coffee, ’ 45,000 lb* Swede Iron, , 100 kegs Nails, assorted, S5 Ithds choice Molasses, 150 whole and half bbls Canal and Richmond Flour, 5 pipes pure II. Gin and C. Brandy warranted ■ pure and three years old. 20 bbls old Momingalialn Whiskey,J> proof, 75 bbls pnre Rum,nnd 20 Gin, Aprilfi 41 DAVID BALSTON- fiew Goods, T HE subscribers are n<nr receiving their usual spply of SPRING GOGDS. consisting of a , great varieiv of _ Fancy and staple Dry Goous, Ac. Their r.ust uncrs aud tlie public generally are respeet- fully invited to md), . ..... . „ , April-1 41 GEOItGEW. PRICE/&Co. the Corn. Hou.« .quye,stiUcaroe. on the ab- ^dian Panacea, Flain and Ornamental Painting. HE subscriber has taken the shop formerly oc- cupied by Mr. Thos. AIcCleakey, nearly oppo site the new market, aud is now prepared to execute all kinds of 4 House and Sign Pointing, Chair Painting, Oil Nut and Burnished Gilding; Gilding and Glazing, Paper Hanging, Enamelling seals. Having in his employment some of the most cut cient workmen to he found in the State, he will bo a- ble to uhdc’rtakelargely and execute with neatness. April 4 6m 41 DANIEL T. REA. t, i v e r y Stable. OSEPII WAIN WRIGHT at hi* dd Stand, on F the Court House square, still carries on the nb- l^ebnrineM" Horse* kept "by the month or day—and Swniin’s rtUtBCCa, ——— - . 4 . Horse, and Catringe* to P bire~on the most moderate MOTTEMS C.lTiBOEJfCO.% . !eau »— b A ntpplyjust rac’d by II N J r.i-is. ’wm*. J»n. 14 29 ,}’ate firs, Jerr dry, Silver hi’arc, Nc. C. G. St. JOHN W ^ATCH Maker & Jeweler Cottoii A venue op posite Washington Hall, Respectfully in forms his friends and the public, that ho has taken the store formerly occupied by the Hnwkinsville Bank where he is now opening a new and splendid Assort ment ofWATCHLS &. JEWELRY of the best qual ity and latest fashions selected with great taste and judgement expressly for this market, among his assort ment may be found Gold pocket Chronometers splen did Gold Duplex, Patent Lever’s and RuLy Cylinder Watches with Extra Jewels and iudepenentscconds of die most approved makers and rated to suit the clim ate and a general assortment of Ladies & Gentleman* Gold and .Silver Patent Levers Lepine and plain Watches. Fiue Gold Chains, Seals, Keys. Earrings Breast Pm: and Finger rings. Gold and silver over pointed pencils, Gold mid silver spectacles, silver spoons, pen and pocket knives dirks, canes, pistols. &:e. &c. Together with a great variety of other arti cles kept in hisline N. 15. He has-elected the best of materials for re pairing wgtehes and will give satisfaction to those who ,i:av favor him with their custom. A share ofpublic patronage is respectfully solicited. Ori 27 14 WM. H. BURDSiALL, AS Just received a now aud extensive as sortment of Heady-made Clothing. Superfine blue, Black, invisible green, Adelaid, olive brown and green Broadcloth Dress Coats, Superfine blue, black, brown and green .Cloth Frock Cojtta, " Superfine blue, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattecs, ' 'and blue, steel mix’d and fancy colored Sattinet Coattecs and Frock Coats, Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive, aud green Cloth Pantaloons, Blue, black and fancy colored Sattinet Pantaloons, Youth’s cloth and satliaet Dress and Frock Cflats, do do do Pantaloons, Black and blue Cassimere, black and colored Velvet, black Florintine, black Bombazine, dark and light colored Valentia, English Silk, colored and while Merseille3 ToUinet, Swansdowu and Sattinet Vests Camlet Cloaks and Great Coats, Mixed/ brown Cloth & Patershatn Box Coats. Lyon Skin Overcoats, Fine Linen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Sock*. A c From the N. Y- Evening Star. On the l}eath of lAem. Izard. How-long must the Florida region Be the tomb of the valiant ana brave ? And the tomahawk swift of the Indian, Send the bold unanncal’d to their grave? IIow long must thine army, Columbia, Be shrouded in sorrow and gloom ? And the massacre cry of the savago ' Yell over thy chivalry’s tomb. By the red Outhlacoochcc water, Where Dade and his baud perish'd all, While the turf was still wet with their slaughter ! ’Twas the fate of young Izard to folk" - White pour’d theilcath shatfrom the hammock, And rang the fierce whoop o'er the plain— While volley responsive to volley. Peal’d out the quick dirge of the slain. IIo’w grand were the words of the here. When life’s crimson color ebbed fast, “Lie close to your cover, niy comrades /” That wanting, alas! was his last. For him, in the wilderness sleeping; Who well Was helflved for his worth. There’s many a sad spirit weeping, One, who finds no comfort on earth. May she look for'solace to Heaven, Wnere the soul of the hero ha* gone, Arta mercy foid o’er her, her mantle.. Whose lot ’tis so deeply to mourn. Tho’ sad is tlie fate of the soldier! His deeds withglor.v are crown’d, And his name will itninortaliy flourish, ’Tis link’d with his proud battle ground. F. L. W. PIECES Hemp Bagging _ 91 do Tow do 24 Fihds prime New Orleans and Porto Rico sugar 10 bbls New England Rum 20 half quarter Cash* Malaga Wine 20 bbls prime green Coffee '* 65 Bags do do 30 bbla Baltimore Howard St Fhitr 21 do . : • Fino do 26 bbis prime quality Havannah sugar 50 Boxes do " do' • 8 half boxes do do 5 Crates Crockery assorted 8 Bales Georgia Nankeens, made from cottou grown in this State. 20,000 best HavauuahCigars—for sale by 42 , , RFA&.qOTTON. , Koltiu? Cloths. TVOS. 3,5,7,9, 10, Anchor Brand, for sale by IK April21 43 CRAFT & LEWIS. Carriages, Piano Fortes, dec. A FEW fine toned Piano Fortes; throe splendid new built Carnages, for sale by April id ,43. CRAFT & LEWIS. Kicc. Raisins* Ac. AA TIERCES Rice; CO bags Coffee, 15 hhds Sugar, 20 boxes best Malaga Raisins, Logf Sugar, Best Apple Vinegar, &c. drc. April 18 43 For sale by CRAFT A: LI.VT'-. Goods at Cost I T HE subscriber wishing to close hi* presentstock of Goods by the first 5f July, is now offering his ^ ^ KnirkMcrJor Mcnh . liOOuSHt COSt. - Bhx’inrr TIT|^*a Hin took consists ofa general assortment of Fancy and staple D:-y Goods, Clxina And 1 must die! I Cilass and Crockery w^re. i mu*t pass away fr»m foe | > f“^“f e ^“’ birth _ Hardware and Cutlery, Hats, IL .ots Where foe rose*bloom :ad the birds have torn Shoes, &c. Ac. I Tailoring done as usua' From the Augusta Sentinel. Texas and Liberty. BV THOMAS HOLLY SHIVERS, M. D. Oh, Texas! when thy land is free— When the last cannon cloud shall be 3Iantled upon thy foaming sea— The dove shall fly to the*. When the last tramp shall wake at morn, . Bearing the shou t of Freedom boru— Then shall the tyrant ever mourn For all thy liberty' Lo ! foe dark arm of death is nigh 1 Hear tho wild notes of vengeance cry 1 IVuke ! for to-morrow thou shah dir.' And all thy chivalry! See the bright spear the tyrant wields! Hear the loud clash of burnished shields, Glancing above thy battle fields— In fearful majesty! See the gold eddying clouds of eveti Chase the dark storm by thunder riven, Gathering round the gates of Heaven, To shout for victory^ List! the fond trumpet calls for war! Rise from foe battlements afar! Thunder thy cannon peals, aud mar The shout of tyranny?- Hark! from tho Alamo at last. See the'brfght bomb upon the blast? Behold! above! a^ay! ’tispast— In frightTul pageantry? Rise! for the hourmust come to alii Charge! for the bravo shall never fall? Glory awaits you. leader’s call ? Now death or victor} 1 C Charge! for the dreadful hour is nighb - The odglo soars into the sky, To triumph when the foe shall die ?. The badge of chivalry^ Tho plain bedoWetf With savage goro, Shall feed the grass that covers o’er Tho land, that soon shall be no more Tho scourge of vittsin/v Shout for the fame that never difcs! _ . Draw! for.tiioaword shall win tlie prize .- Glory awaits thee in the skies! And own thy Liberty- T© make n beautiful aud lasting- white wash. Take 1-4 peck unslaked I tr.* i our on itn ket- tlo of boiling water; while the Jitne is striking add half a gallon of stale chamber-iic ; m. o lime is perfectly slaked, diluto it with wate o the proper cousistcuce. mid tuld to this mixture 1-4 ounce of .Prussian blue. This will give you a beautiful and lasting wash that will neither peal off nor turn yellow, and will look nearly as well as wlme paint, fly Increasing thf’ quantity of blue you tray make either a pale or dark blue as best suits your taste—or if you prefer it, by ad ding yellow or red och"e, you may impart ei ther of these tiuts to your wash. , To make a cheap paiut or while w ash. Take 2 quarts skimmed mills: “ 2 ounces fresh siaiced lime “ 2 pounds whiting. Rut the lime iutoa stone vessel pour upon it if sufficient quantity of milk to make a mixture re sembling cream. then add the . remainder of the milk. When this is done, crumble and spread the whiting oil tho surface of the fluid, iu which it will gradually sink. It must, after atl'tbe whi ting has been precipitated, be well stored, or ground as you would- other paint, when it will ho fit for use. ’ By the addition of any coloring mat ter you may make it suit your -fancy. ft should bo put on with a paint brush, and when dry a second coat should be given it. The quantity above meulioued is sufficient for 27 square yards. Incombustible wash and star* o white. _T he basis for each is lime, which must bo first sraked with hot water in a small tub or piggin and covered to keep iu the steam; it then should be passed in a fluid fonu through a fiuo sieve to obtain ,the flower of the same. It must be put oil with a painter’s brush—twp coats are best for outside work. First. To make a fluid for the roof and other parts of W'oodeu houses, to render them incom bustible ; and coating for brick, tile, stoue work and rough-cast to render them impervious to wa ter and give them a durable aud Handsome ap pearance. The proportions in each recipe are five gal lons. Slake your lime as before directed, 6ay' six quarts, into which put one quart of clean rock salt for each gallon of water, to he dissolved by- boiling, and skinuned cleau , then add to the f> gallons one pound of alum, half a pound of cop- perass, three fourths of a pound of potash, tho last to he gradually added, four quarts of fiuo sand or hard wood ashes, say hickory. You may add tmy colotiug matter that your taste may dic tate. It should be put on with a painter’s brush; it VfriU ! it is said look better than paint, and he as lasting as slate ; will stop the amallleaks. pre- veut the moss from growiug, and render the pact - painted with it incombustible. Second. To make a brilliant stucco white , wash. Take clean lumps of well burnt stone lime (oystershell lime will do as well,) slake as before directed ; add ,1 4 lb. of whiting, or burnt alum pulverized, 1 lb.' of sugar 3 pints of rico flour made into a thin and very well boiled paste- I Ih, of clean glue dissolved hy stnimcriug over a slow fire. It is more brilliant than piaster of Paris aud will last for 50 years. It should he put on warm. Selling out in Life.—The anxiety of accumu lating something for their chi.Jdrea, if not enough for their entire support, at least enough to set them well afloat in life, is very common agtong parents. It is injudicious, and arises froyi pa ternal weakness. Educate your childreu well, aud you have. (lotto enough for them; let them take enre of themselves; teach them to depend upon their own strength; and this can only be dono hy putting them upon their own strength; audin no other way can they acquire strength.—- Setting a young tnau afloat npou tSh wealth ad- ctimuiatad by his father, is like tyingbladuets un der the arms of a swimmer—or rather, one that cannot swim without them—ten chances to one he will lose his bladders, and his sole dependence,, aud then where is he ? Teach him, while young, to switn a little with his own strength, and then chuck him into the stream of life, to take care of himself, without any cxiraueous flclps. binder such circumstauccs, ho will be likely to buffet tho waves with far more success. Governor Call arrived in tew non Monday lasG • having proceeded too further than Blakely* return wo presume was hastened by the repors that tho militia were about to be discharged am. tho campaign terminated for the preseat; which would liavo left the Territory comparatively td- its own resources, to repel the renewed aggres sions of an exasperated toe; afi emergency vyh.clt would have required prompt action and energetic- meauures ofi the part'of our Executive. We are happy to learn that tho report above alluded to i£ without foundation, and WAY there is still a pros-- pect of a successful termination 'of tho star.-" Floridian. Earthquake at' Amboyna.—We are iudefctcflf (•iavsthe New-York Journal of Commerce) to 1 Capt. Furber, of the ship Mary, from Canton, fo^ the Java Courant of Dec- 30:h. It contnius par ticulars of a dreadful earthquake which tcflli 37 T V' A. P. WILLCOX. Mulberry street near Washington Ilall, March JO Ere the rude world’s blight o'er my spirit has blown, Ere the uliisic of life has lost one tone; As the dew-drop swept from the aspen sprat, With the summer's breath I must pass away. place at Amboypa and the ueighbovmg Islands OC the 1st of November. At Amboynn tho princr- 4 great mans ?d, and mamF , wotm-u nn« p;>! shock continued 35 seconds, buildings wore destroy/d or injured, lives wero lost. Fifty-eight men, children, were killed hy thri falikog of a bunding, inside of Fort Victoria,-