Newspaper Page Text
i O N €* JK O R €r I A T E I E O « A P B
DB b G S
.1 fresh supply just
Received It}'
j. ii. «v w. «. 2:1.1.1s,
Mutnif Hall, Colton Avenut.
Amone which are the following
OTEImcinms, Ac.
Sulphate Quinine (franch) Cniiih»rides
Sulphate morphine
Acetate do..*
Acetic acid,
Oxalic do
Citric do
Prussic do
Tartaric do
do (Aroinspts)
Antimonialis puiv
Croton Tiglium,
Secale cornutuui,
Oil Sinapine,
. Oil enntharidin.
Pyroligneous Acid,
ifydriotatc Potassa,
Peperine, .
Oil black pepper,
Irish moss,
Chloride soda,
Citratcd kali,
Chloride Lime,
Medical mustard, in pots,
Opium dennrcoiized,
Cyanuret potassium,
Comp. Tonic extract,
Carrageen, (prepared)
Snigelia comp extract,
Blue moss,
Preeip. ext. bark,
Peruvian do
Calisaya do
Toxa" do
nod do
Chamomile flowers,
Uva Unu,
African Cayenne,
Bsyborry bark (pow’d)
Blood root, do
Colchicum, do
Golden seal,
Slippery Elm (pow’d)
Gentian (pow’d)
Cort. Aurant (pow’d)
I.obclia tnd seed.
Skunk cabbage,
Alkauct root,
do sassafras,
Ladies’ slipper, .
Golden thread,
Cinnamon bark,
{ Owdercd ginger.
oot do
Mustard seed,
Caraway seed,
Anise do
Coriander do
Arrow root,
Aqua Port is,
Anodyne (Hoffman’s)
Black lead,
Bine stone,
Juniper berries,
Cubeb do
Oxide bismuth,
Bees waf,
Burgundy pitch.
Balsam coptvi,
do tolu,
do Peru,
"ly atone,
Court plaister.
Castor oil (fresh)
Sweet oil do
Charcoal, pu’,v.
Corks velvet,
Prepared Chalk,
Acetate lead,
do cupri,
do Zinc,
Arseniatc potassa,
Ether 8ulpht:ric,
do nitric,
Nitrate silver,
do potassa,
Phosphate soda,
do iron,
Sulphate iron,
do potassa,
do soda,
do magnesia,
Borate soda,
Manna flake,*
Ointment hyd. potassa.’
do Iodine,
do Veratrine,
do Itch,
Oxide mercury,
Extract Jalap,
do Butternut,
do Ilyosciamus,
do Gentian,
do Belladonna,
do Taraxici,
do Rhubarb,
do Nux Vomica,
do Khatania,
do Ctcuta,
do Glycyrrhiza,
Gum Arabic,
do Camphor,
do Scammony,
do Myrrh,
do Asafmtida,
do Gniac,
Pearl Barley,
Otto roses,
Magnesia, calc’d
do carb.
Scidlitz powders,
Soda do
Saratoga do
Red precipitate,
White do
Black do
Indigo, Spanish float,
Spanish browu,
Venetian red,
Fig blue,
Spts Turpentine.
Venice do
Salt Tartar,
Sal Ammoniac,
Jujube paste.
Black drop,
I^es’ pill*, Compt fl’d ex’t Pink Root,
Opodeldoc, by G. W. Carpenter,
Chapman’s anti-dyspeptic Dalby’s carminative.
raters’ do
Hunters’ pills,
Uoopcn’s do
Anderson’* do
British oil,
Batciu.m’s drops,
Thompson’* jye water,
Godfrey’s cordial,
Salts lemon,
Worm tea,
Effervescing magnesia,
Botanical drops,
Swaim’s Panacea,
Indian’* do
E*s Iceland Mom,
Cough Mixture,
Fluid ext sarsaparilla,
Bleaching Liquid,
Mead’s Pills,
Issue plaistcrs,
Ginger beer powdors,
Medicated Oil silk,
Digestive Elixer,
Pile remedy,
Chlorine tocth wash,
Bay rum,
Balsam honey,
Cottgh Lozenges,
Extract coffee,
Cullen’s liquid magnesia.
Putter’s catholicen,
Rowan’s Tonic Mixture,
Relfcs Vegetable specific,
Oil Worniseed.
Ext Bucliu,
Syr Liverwort,
Comp sarsap. cuboba &- F.xt. Boncset,
copivi, Tonic Extract.
Hair Powder, Almond paste.
Pearl do Ground paint brushes.
do sash
Oval Varnish
Came] hair ‘
Badger’s hair
nzcR Graining
do astf'd
do do silver wire,
Milk of Roses,
Cold cream,
Cream Altuond*.
Florida water, various size s
Cologua do do
Lavender do do
Rose do do
Bears’ oil,
Ward’s hair oil,
Marrow Pomatum,
Orange Flower Water,
Macassar pil,
Spirit of Rose,
Camphor aoap,
Musk do Fateut feather Brooms,
Emollient do do do Dusters,
Windsor do do do Brushes,
do do Brown, Fitch Tools,
Wash Balls, Counter Brushes,
Curling fluid, ilat do
Antique oil, .Crumb do
Lir Stive, (Persian Otto Shaving do
Rose,) Shaving oil.
Tooth powder, (superior) Powder Puffs and boxes,
Erosive do I’reston salts,
Extract Bergamot, Smelling bottles,
do Rose, Tapers,
do Musk, .Dutch cologne,
Honey Water, Atkinson's Depilatory.
Shaving cakes,
Amputating cases. Cupping glasses,
Trepanning instruuionts, do do with ai
Dissecting jlo
Pocket cases,
(firing Lancets,
Evans thumb do
Dentists' cases,
Tfocth keys,
do do (moveable but- Gum Lancets,
fotis, Medical spoons,
Sfcnrificators, Koalas and Weights,
Abscess Lancets, Teeth Files.
The subscribers intend keeping a full assortment uf
2*Hi <;>' mi ;>(( !\<:< paints, OILS. 8110 r
FURNITURE, A c. consisting of all articles in tbr
One n.vcs.ary for the supply of physicians, Plantation-,
or K.tMilics. They will be supplied with the best that
« m !,.• •vtoeted out of the New-York and Philadelphia
Orders from Merchants and Physicians.
. i| re vivo prompt attention.
- r 5 31 J. H. & W. B. ELU3
Gum clastic catheters,
.Silver do
Setou Needles,
Spring lancet blades,
Tooth claws,
Mncou Academy,
.little Department.
rglHE Principal, feeling under renewed obligations
U to Ids patrons and friends, again tenders to them
his thanks, for the increased patronage recently be
stowed on this department. lie now respectfully in
forms parents and guardians, that lie has procured the
I services of agentleinau fully competent to assist in ev
ery branch of instruction. ’ The Principal, therefore,
solicits a continuance of the present patronage, also,
an additional number to justify his retaining his pre
sent assistant. fV - P. MACINTYRE.
April 25 44 3t
.Hacon, Georgia.
T HIS establishment is now uuder tire control of
the subscribers, who pledge themselves to ren
der comfortable those who may call on them. .
Feb 25 35 JOHN P. RAMEY.
IIIE Subscribers have resumed the Drug
h n THE Subscribers have taken that com-
dnVos modiotts and well known public house in
•ti’fib' ‘he City of Macon,—-tire Washington Hall,
-Lvki lately occupied by Mr. M. D. lltisou.—
" ’ By the unremitting attention of both of
1 them, they flatter tbcirisolves that their House will ob-
| tain for them a general patronage from the Public.—
! They have secured the valuable services ol a ^Lady,
j whoso reputation as a manager of a public house, is
do Buckskin faucies, Stermonts Constitution i interior to no oue inthe State. ~ .
Twill*,Rouen Csaitncres, Cotton Hose, A Hose, . Their tajiles'will be furnished with the best the conn-
Gent’s lino Boots and shoes. Youth’s do -'try affords, and their bar with the choicest liquors.
Children’s do Ladies’ flue shoes of every det-j Tlie Stables are attended bv careful and experienced
oription. Ostlers. MUSTIAN & ’
25 Case of Hats, Wool, napned, fine Satin,
Beaver and Fur, 100 Palm loaf do on the most
reasonable terms. April 28 44
hummer Cioods,
Bales of Brown shirtings do white do
do Bed Tick, do Brown Drill,
Feb 5 1835
Notice to Contr actors for Excavation
and Embnuhincnt.
P ROPOSALS will be received at the office of tins
Monroe Railroad Company, Macon, Ga. be
tween die l!-th and 21st May next, for Excavating and
Embanking die whole of the Railroad from Macon to
Forsyth, a distance of 25 miles, embracing much heavy
For/urther information apply to
DANI EL G RIFFJN. Resident Engineer.
J. EDGAR THOMPSON, C. Engineer..
April 28 44 3i ■ '
Lime For S:tlc.
A PPLY to WILLIAM DAM FA. Who has made
arrangements for a quantity, and will be deliv
ered at his shop, or by the load, at any jdnee i*i_ the
city for cash April 25
Comprehensive Commentary,
■ .jOR sale at the store of J. H. A W. S. LLL1S.
C Agents end subscribers will cah and get their
copies. April t> 41
1 3 now oponing at the store opposite th>* Washing-
Hall, a new and handsome assortment ol
Spring and Summer Clothing,
which has been tnado up by L. Fitcb, and will ke sold
cheap for cash, consisting in part of
Super black, brown, greeu und olive camblett f. Coats,
>• v “ *• *•;. , **. Area? Coitls,
“ •• •• “ bombazine, f. do.
« « “ “ “ “ dress do.
“ “ “ " 11 summer cloth,
Brown and white grass linen frock coats & coaltcCs,
Brown and white German and French linen do. do.
black aud green boinazjnc coats,
pants. French &■ German lin. do
bl’k & green cambleit do lasting A Circassian do
olive A browu do do Dutch and rnixt do
br’wn &. white gras* lin do white and buff mersailles
do do drilling do vests,
do do imp. cord do do do valentia do
linen & doe skin do fig. cfc rib. mersailles do
crape dril. & honey comb plad & spotted do do
pants. do &. fig’d shelly do
merino, casjmer. lasting do Eiiglisli A French silk do
cantoons and cord do bl’k & fig’d velvet do
cloth A casiiuere do Florentine and bombazine
with a general assortment ** do
of common do with a good aasortmeut of -
white A grass linneu short common do
Fine linnen and cotton shirts. linnen and cotton
drawers, Angola nett shirts and drawers, Ac. Ac.
Also, stocks, collars, bosoms, gloves, cotton, random,
linen, black aud white silk lialfhnsc. black horse skin,
buck skin, black and white silk and linen gloves, sus
penders. a variety, Spiltilfield, pongee, flag and ban-
dia lidkfs. Italian plaid, fig’d and red bordered cravats,
white do. stripe rougian belts, braces, fine brown linen,
(for childrens’ aprons) bine, black and green broad
cloths, while drilling, bombazine, and merino cassi-
mere, fine palm leaf hats, common do, children’s leg
horn do. and caps, also, a large assortment of
Hats, Shoes, Hoots, Sc.
which I invite my friends and public (o give me a call
at the store next door to W. 6. Johnson.
Gentlemen wishing their clothes made to measure at
the North, by leaving their measure with me can have
them made in the best and most fashionable style,
march 31 40 HORACE TITCH.
N. B. Those that have not settled up their last years'
account will not forget that I waiit my dues. II. F.
.3 .Vfir Slock of
A T the new fire Proof Jluitdinys. corner of Mul
berry aud Second streets, including the follow-
Bummer cloth, Bombazine, Grass Cloth, Grass and
Brown Linen Circassian and Rouan Cassimere
Summer Cloth, twilled Merino, gross Cloth, grass
and brown Linen, and Rourn: Cassimere COATEES.
Summer Cloth, Bombazine, Erminet, Cyprus, wor
sted and Valentia Crape, Napoleon Cord,. Angola Cas
simere, brown and grass Linen and Drilling. Fancy
Drilling, Pongee, Mexican inixt, Rouan Cassimere
and Jeans PANTALOONS,.
Boys summer Cioth, grass Cloth, brown linen, and
White and buff grass Clotb.-bttffipnd brown Linen,
Pongee, Koimn Cassimere and Jeans ROW!) JACK
ETS. ' - -
A large assortmentof fancy VESTS.
Fine Linen Shirts, Silk under Shirts and Drawers,
Ac. Ac- A-c. .
Clinton, Sones County, Cfa.
T HE Subscribers (late proprietors of tho
Clinton Hotel,) tender our thanks to our
friends and patrons for past encouragement, and
respectfully beg leave to auuouitce to the public,
that we have removed to tho commodious House
known as the
situated in the busiucss part of the towu, aud
frontiug the Court-House. , - v ; J
Having leased this'stand for several years,
with the iutention of renewing the lease or of pur
chasing the property, we consider ourselves per
manently located,, and shall continue to improve
our .accomodations as the comfort of customers
shall require. , .
Our House is now open for the roception of
Travellers or Boarders. Wo shall ut nil times
endeavor to keep such a House, os Will ensure
public patronage; .and wc hope to aflord such ac
commodations as will prove satisfactory to those
who call on us.
Tho usual gretR promises of good TABLES
BAR.’-, Ac. we think unnecessary to particular-,
ize.—Good Lots and other conveniences for Dro
vers, readily furnished.
January 20, 1634 19 tf
Watch Makers fir Jctcdkrs,
Would inform their friends and
the public, that they have remov
ed their establishment to Cotton
Avenue, to the store recently oc
cupied hy J H & W S Ellis,drug
gists, whero they will be happy to
serve any who .may favor them with a call. They
have in sdditioo to their format stock, just received
.from New York a large and splendid assortment of
Watches, Jewelry, &c.
of the latest fashions, which they will sell cheap for
casli—consisting of gold and silver levers, anchor es
capement, duplex, lepine, alarm and vertical Watch
es, ofthe best quality; gold, silver and steel guard
Chains, Seals and Keys, Ear Knobsand Drops, Breast
Pins, Finger Rings, gold, silver and steel Spectacles,
gold and silver ever pgtnted Pencils, silver table, tea,
salt and mustard Spoons; Sugar Tongs, soup and
cream Ladles—all of which will be warranted free
froin'alloy ; silver Cups, butter Knives, Castors, sil
ver plated and bronzed Candlesticks, Trays and Sniff
ers, Musical Boxes, Accordions, Flutes, Flogeolctts,
Fifes, Drums, Ac. Swords, sword Canes, Knives and / f, ... w
Pi,„U. mg* wteh£ lUgffc.' pock.1 Bh. fagglSaggy"*
will rliootfifty yards with precision; Gold toil. Den
tist Files, shell, silver,-gilt and horn Combs, Card ca
ses. Pocket Books and Purses, silver Snuff boxes, sil
ver Toys, silver ThiuiOles, Scissors, coral, gilt and
glass Beads, steel Pens, and a variety of other articles
iinially kept in their line.
N. B. lve have the best of materials for repairing
Watchessof all kinds. S. S. V’s practical knowledge
of the business induces him to think that he can, and
wilt give satisfaction to all who may entrust their work
jw his hands. Spoons Ac- engraved- Oct-1
JtSusiness, at their old stand, formerly 11-
lis, Sliotwcll A Co lately occupied by Mr Wm G.
Drown opposite the Central Hotel, under die firm ol
who intend keeping a very general assortment of
Goods uecnliar to their line of business, together with
a grCst variety of miscellaneous articles that may be
difficult to be found elsewhere. Their Stock is now
very extensive, having received by late arrivals nearly
all their Fall and winter supplies, a general enumera
tion of which could not be given in an advertisement.
Some of the Articles received are,
• (Drugs & Medicines,) _
Rochelle Salts. Hellebore, Iceland Moss, Flos Ben-
zoine, Juniper Berries, Lapis Calaminaris, Henry’s
Magnesia, Madder. Mace, Cayenne Pepper, Black
Pepper, Alspicc, Hemlock Bark, Bayberry do, Poplar
do Cinnamon do, Golden Seal, Sumac, Fern. Amsi,
Aon* Antonia F F F, Sulph Quinine, Sago, Gum
Guiac, Indian Turnip, Skunk Cabbage, Hops, Pep
permint Lozenges. Oil Spruce, Acidulate^ Lemon
Drops, Coriander Seed. C. P. Castor Oi!, Cort Au-
raut, Cherry tree Bark, White Vitriol, Muriatic Acid,
Pink Root, Gum Myrrh, Seed Lac, Seueha oil, Lob
elia, Lemon Balm, Sweet Balm, Ext.Colocynth, Pul.
Gui Arahic. Ground Race Ginger, Balsam Fir, Pearl
Barley, refined B.prax, Bole Armenian, Cera Alba,
Lunar Caustic, Cloves* Prepared Chalk, C.ubcbs, Ca-
uella Alba, Rust of Iron, Sup. Carb. Soda, Castor.
Calamus Root, Cowhage, Mazerion, Sassafras, Bals
am Honey, Cumfrey Root. Dragons Blood, Oil Lav
ender, Lemon, Bergamot. Ext Bark, 00 TjverWorf,
Stricniiie, Emetine, Digitalis, Elm Bark, Flos of _ El
der, Ext Hyoscyamus, Flax seed, .’Fowlers Solution,
Henbane, Uva Und, Camphor, Kino^ Scammony
Aleppo, Gold Thread, Hydriodato Potass, Mustard
Seed, Spts Nitre, Oil Worniseed, Croton Oil, Olive
Oil, Bismuth, Oil silk, Sanfords Bark, Tamarinds,
Gum Copal, Syrup of Liverwort, Tuikey Opium,
Car.tharides, Flowers of Chamomile, Oil Popper-
mint, Bermuda Arrow Root, sugar Lend, Refined Li
quorice, Ergot. Nux Vomica, Corrosive sublimate,
Aloes, Gum Arabic, Precipitate, spts Hartshorn, Carb
Potass, Alcohol, sarsaparilla, Epsom salts, Nitric Acid,
/Ether, Alspice, Pepper, Tarlariscd Antimony, As-
phaltuin, Adhesive Plaster, Acetate of Potass, Bals
am Copaiva, refined Borax, snake Root, Cubcbs,
Rhubarb, Ipecac, sem Carui, Cream Tartar, Nut
Gaik, Isinglass, Magnesia, Mercurial Ointment, Blue
Pill, sulphate Quinine, Conserve Roses, Black Drop,
Jujube Paste, sal Ammoniac, Bay Rum, Oil Cinna
mon, Acetate Morphine, sulph do. Comp Ext Bncha,
do of Liver Wort, Ext sarsaparilla, Ext I'iuic Root,
Comp Ext Cubcbs, Piperme, Iodine, Butler’s Magne
sia. Krcosote, Assafmtida, Natiueg6, Tapioca, Manna,
Oil Rosemary, Canadian Balsam, Ext Valerian, salt
Petre, Glaubers salts. Concentrated spts Ammonia.
I*ain is. Dye Stuffs, Oils.
250 kegs White Lead in .oil
S3 do Venetian Red do
30 do Spanish Brown do
2000 lbs Soap Stone Paint do
G kegs Yellow Ochre do
20 canisters Verdigris do •.
900 lbs Spanish Brown dry
200 lbs Venetian Red do
800 lbs Yellow Ochre do
1500 lbs Spanish Whiting do
Red Lead, Chrome Green, Kings Yellow, Verdi
gris, Prussian Blue, Stone Qchre, Rose Pink; Lith
arge* Spanish Pumice Stone, Unibar, Lamp Black,
Ivory do, Chinese Vermillion, Black Lead, Chalk,
do Red, Cartnihe, Water Colors assd sizes boxes,
Drop Lake, Spanish Float Indigo,Calc’d Plaster, Wa
ter Litno, Terra de Sienna, Green Blue and Black
Paint mixt, Blue Brown & Green Smalts, Frostings,
Blue White Brown and Purple. Qold Bronze, Car
oline Saucers, Pink do. Logwood in sticks, do ground
and chopped, Fustic, Madder, Camwood, red Snn-
CraxTFcid Sheriff Sale.
W ith If /fa’d cthe first Tuesday *# JUNE just,
before the court house door in the totenof jytoz-
rillcj Crairfortl county % he 1 vxci the usual hours of salc r tne
foUtncing property: «... , , *
One negro mon by ViiMiune ot IVI'irwL about tlA
yUff nlH. levied onus thz properly of .william wt,
to satisfy mortgage F f’u isriied out cf the Inferior
court of Crawford coiu ty, in fat or of Arthur West
vs the said Win. p-o^ryp^nted orrt hy Sugar
J. Cauley. WILUAM'V AMPBEL-., zbtrijf:
April I 41 . .
Houston Slupilf Sail'.-
O N the first Tuesday hi JUNE next, ictll be sold
bcfoic the court house door. in the to mi of Perry,
Houston county, betirccn the lairful hours of sale,
One negro boy named Frank, about ten years old,
levied on us the property of John M. Cain, to satisiy
a p| Fa is-iied from Houston inferior court, in tavor of
William Kibbe, aguinst said Cain—property pointed
out by James J. Scarborough, pl’tff’s att’y.
April23 GEORGE M. DUNCAN. Pep. Sh f.
Fayette feiieviff Sale,
B EFORE the court house in Fayetteville, layette
county, on the first Tuesday in JUNE next,
tcill be sold, icithm the Idirful hours of sale, ■
Lot of land, No. 24, in the fourth district of origin
ally Henry now Fayette county, levied on os the pro-
perty of Junius Blood worth, to satisfy two Fi Fus
from the Inferior court of Fayettexiounty, one in favor
of J. M. Peck tSi, Co. and the other in favor of Henry
Vanbiber, vs said Junius Bloodworth—ptoperty poin
ted out by defendant April 12 44 '
Also, uilt be sold as above,
The east half of lot of land, No 144, ill the seventh
district of Fayette cotintv, levied on as the property of
John Butke, to satisfy a’Fi Fa issued on the foreclo
sure «f a mortgage, jn favpr of Henry B. Thompson,
vs said John Burke—property pointed out jn snie.
mortgage. April 12 44 _ -
EPIOUR months after date, application will be niu^f
S’ to the Inferior Court of iiibb county, when s
ting for ordinaiy purposes, for leave to sell the real e “
state belonging to Caroline Spruce, a minor
Jan. 18. 30 JAMES W. (ili! I’.N. (,W
F UL K Mouilis.alter date, application will beihSX
to the lioncrable the Inferior. Court of i>;^ 0
county, when sitting Ibrordinary purposes, for l C a Ve
to sell all the Estate of John Johnson deceased
Zebnlon, Jan. 15, 18’.W. „
■37I (»UR uictntlis after date application will beuia?:
Jto the Inferior court of Stewart county
when sitting for ordinary'purposes, for leave to sell
the land and Negroes -belonging to the estate of Al
exander Nelson, late of said county deceased
> Admr’f
F OUR months afterdate application will benwiv
to the Inferior court of Twiggs county sirt, ne
for ordinary purposes for leave to sell a lot of laud m,
Carroll comity, drawn by the orphans of RobertRcvn-
olds late of said county. .
Jan. 19 30 THOMAS. S. CHAPPELI..Cacr
1*1* »* * •”»
T HE subscriber has just received n supply of
Spring and SnnimerClotblng,
made of the boat materials, which he will sell low for
cosh He invites persons to give him a call.
Tailoring H test ness
done os usual at liis shop with despatch, and in the
neatest manner. He tenders his wannest thanks for
past patronage, and will endeavor to deserve a contin
uance of the same. F. F, LEWIS.
April 21 43 Mulberry it. opposite Central Hotel.
N. B. Those iudebu-d will please call and pay their
dues—he must have money Jo meet the demands a-
gainst him. ’ ■ F. F. L~
Pratt’s Nipple Shields.
T HE Medical College ofGcqrgia at Augusta have
given their opinion of the superiority-of Doctor
Pratt's Nipple any thing else hitherto oficred
for tbr saiue.pttrposc, which opinion can be presented
if ucccssary to physicians and others. The opinion of
Dr Baber and other physicians in Macon, who have
examined the instrument, accords with that of Doctor
Dcwece and the Medical College of Georgia. The
Instrument is for sale in Macon by the subscriber only,
price $5, with primed directions. H. LOOMIS. ’
. Sign of tf[t Golden Mortar, Mulberry street.
Certificate if Doctor Detects.
" Doctor Elijah Pratt": Dear sir—As I Feel,it a mat
ter of much public importance to possess a- means of
lessoning the terribic sufferings of tore nipples, l have
much pleasure in being able to say that the “Shield”
you offer for the preventing and the cure of this mala
dy, is better adapted to this purpose, thau any l-have
heretofore seen. In tho two or three instances J Irwe
known them jo be used, much satiffaction has been
expressed; and 1 have no hesitation to believe it will
generally succeed. I am so. well persuaded of. this at^
tills moment, that 1 cannot forbear to' express a w ish
dint our city through tho various apothecaries may bo
supplied with .them. I an. yours. Ac.
Philadelphia, VSlh Jan,. 18;M. Wm. P. Dewkes.”
' Notice.
■■"AMES R. BUTTS and Matthew McCormick ha-
9W ving declined to receive and act upon the appoint
ment by the Legislature at its last session, as Commis
sioners to expend, &c\ &e. the appropriation of-Ten'
Thousand Dollars in the improvement of the Ocmtil-
geo river, notice is hereby given, that, in pursuance ot
the statute, an election :o supply the said vacancies,
will be held at the Counting Room of James Goddard,
in Macon, on Saturday, the 14tli Mnv next
April 15 43 Jt J G»im.VV«Cr> rAr.Vu.|.,
THIS beautiful and thorough bred
horse, die property of Geo. B. Robert
son, will stand the present season at the
stable of Mustian iv. Mott, Macon, and
is now ready to serve marcs at Fifteen
Doilars tftelesp; Thirty Dollars the season, payable
the first of July, at which time the season will expire;
One Dollar cash, to the groom for each marc ; Fifty
Dollars to iusurca marc to be iu foal, payable as soon
as she is known to be so, or is parted with. Every
KMMsary attention will be paid to prevent accidents
or escapes, but no liability r*r .-irber.
Description —MINER is a beautiful dark brown,
with remarkably black legs mane and tail, 15 hands 2
inches high, 5years old this spring, of fine muscle and
well formed in all particulars. 31iner is lialfbrotiier to
the celebrated race horse Argj le, whp is the favorite of
the South- See Turf Register for the pedigree of
Monsieur Tottson and Collier- -
1 do certify that die bay horse which I have sold to
Mr. George B. Robertson, will be five years old diis
spring, and that he was got by Mr. Wm. it. Johnson’s
horse Tonsoii, his dnui Brenda, the dam of die cele
brated race horse Collier, formerly owned by Wui. Fin
ney and myself. The above (Miner.) I trained the
spring lie was three years old; his first stakes at Fair-
field—first heat ] in. 55s. for which he did not contend;
second heat, he was beaten by Mr. Hare’s black colt
(now Black Heath) by about half a length, in the un
precedented duie of 1 in. 51s. (see Turf Reg’stcr.)—
Having an cxtrnoidinary opinion of .Miner’s speed and
durability, aud diis being the .best 2d heat I had then,
or have ever yet witnessed, over any Course South of
the Long Island Conrse, N. York, I purchased Mr
Hare’s Black Heath. The next fall I trained them to
gether, and was under die firm conviction, from, pri
vate trials, that Miner was the best of the two, and as
an evidence of tha fact, 1 refused $1750 for half of Mi
ner, and sold to Mr Richard Adams the whole of Black
Heath for 2500, die next day. Tim spring lie was
four I trained him again. In contending for the J. C.
Purse over the Broad Rock Course, he lot down in die
second hoat; though let down he was well up—Irc-
nettc winning, Tohaconist.distanced. I iiavo no
doubt nature intended him for a first rato four mile
horse, but from some injury which I never could ac
count for, lie was unfortunnto. This last race see
Coal J’itts, Chesterfield co. Va. Jan. 24, 1836.
Isold the dam of Miner to Geo. W- Johnsou.son of
Mr. \V. R. Johnson, when 15 vears old, for the sum
of$1500 cash. JOHN HETH.
1 haye also sold the half of two fillies, one when a
year old, theother.’.vhQn tiyo, for $3000j'nsh,.both.«tit
of diudam of Miner. JOHN 1IET1I.
1 am well.acquainted With the bay horse Miner, now
the property ot Mr. Gcorge'B Robertson, and have
been from the time of foaling to the present day—He
was get by my horse Monsieur Tonsoii, out of Bren
da, aud five years old this spring, 183C. This
maro Brenda is now the property of my son George,
and has some very promising colts, and is row in foal
io'Eclipse. She’is also the dam of Collier by Sir
Charles, who has run into distinction in Virginia. 1
have M«ri this horse Mioer, while hi trainiog. and
know, that he wns considered very promising, aud that
Air. John Iletb, who trained him, thought highly of
him; and valued him highly I have also seen him
run- and perform admirably well, and I thought high
ly of hiui us?i race horse. Up is certainly of lineup
D ~i GORGE FITCH act us tup ai .o'in my Sbt
sense (Yom the State, until the return of Horpcc
Fitch from the war in Florida, who is my qnthorifcft]
agent. Those indebted to mo or II. Fitch will ple.r-.
come forward and -eMlo the same with hiip M,»is
also agent for lIoracwFitch. LEWIS iRTCH.
April 18
pearance, great durability :ind_of fine family. CGivc
under my hand, this 17th January. 1836.
April 14 12 W. it. JOHNSON.
James ll. Cooke,
,l’o. lOO. Hroatltray .>V/r For/.’,
OFFERS for sole every description of
Cabinet Furnitpre,
such as Sofas, Sideboards, Itamsur, Ta-
V' files. Divans, Chairs, Looking Glasses,
f'N/M Bed.-teds, JiairM -ures/es./md every nrli
f i \ i etc in the furnishing lino, which will be
. * -old low for cash or 01.1 time. .. ‘
300 gals Linseed Oil
400 do Sperm Oil fall strained
350 do do do winter do
J80 do Spirits Turpentine
-,300 do Train Oil
1 bbl Liver Oil, t do Neats Foot
1 bbl Copal Varnish, Japan do .
Black do. Picture Varnish. Coach do.
Patent and Compound JTIcdicincs
Swaims Vermifuge, do Panacea, Thompson’s Eye
Water, Green’s Tonic Mixture, Rowan’s Tonic Mix
ture, (fertile fever aud ague ) Ilarlann Oil, Gowlaud’s
Lotion, Potter’s Catholicon, Barclay’s Comp. Sarsa-
parrilia and Cubcbs, Dalby’s Carminative, British
Oil, Opodeldoc, Jiulkin’s Ointment, Lee’s W. Bilious
Pills, N. L. Turlington* Balsam, Bateman’s Drops
Jesnits Drops, Cephalic Suuff, Aromatic do, Wal-
di’s Tincture or Cough Syrup, Carpenter’s Prepara
tions, Henry’s Aromatic Vinegar, Welch Medicam-
entum, Hygean Syrup, Mead’s Pills, Walker’s Drops,
Morrison’s Pills, West’s Pills, Rheumatic Medicine,
Sphon’s Digestive Elixir, I.itde’s Lotion. Nipple
Salvo, Bleaching liquid, Ess Mnstsrd, Citrate of Kale
Consumption Specific, Cerate of Copaiva, Cosmetic
Cold Cream, Hays Liniment, Chapman’s Mixture,
BuUariTd Oil of Soup, Scott* Pill*, LXatutltou'a Worm
Lozenges, Judkin’s Specific Ointment, Scotcli Oint
ment, Iloffuian’s Anodyne.
Surgical aud %ileiUcal Instruments
Pocket Instruments in Cased, Silver Spring Lan
cets Evans Crown thumb Lancets, Obstetrical Instru
ments. Fox’s Spring Turnkeys, Teeth. Forceps, Cup
ping glasses, Tweezers, Surgical Needles, Ginn Elas
tic Syringes, Metalic do, Stcthcoscopes, Apothecaries
Scales and weights, Spatulas nss’d, Metalic Staffs and
Sounds, Hair Sieves. Medical Spoons.
Ground Paint Brushes assorted sizes, Varnish do.
Sash Tools do, Badger’s Hair Blendctr Graining do,
Camels Hairdo, Fancy and plain Hair BrmSies assor
ted, Palters do do, Cloth do do, Hat Crumb Brushes.
Hearth do, Dusting do, Couuter do. Shoe do, Hat
ters’ Brushes, Table do, Flesh do, Shaving do, Fur
niture Brushes, Whisk Brooms, do Brushes. . .
Glass Ware, Store furniture.
Window Crlass
Window Glass assorted sizes from 7 by 9 to 22 by
28 inches, Coach Glass, do .Picture Looking Glass
Plates, Tincture Bottles from £ pint to 2 gallons, do
Specie assorted sizes, Salt Mouth do, 1 to 8 oz Vials,
Ground stoppers White and Green. Vials assorted,
Nursing Bottles, Globe Bottles, Graduate Measures,
Glass Funnels, Retorts and Reservoirs, Proof Glasses
Dram Vials, Otto of Rose Viols, Pungents Tubes or.
Fillers, Glass letups, with shades, do without shades,
Glass Candlesticks, Suspending Lamps, with shades,
extra shades. , -. . -
Cologne, icalcr Fancy articles, Soaps
Double distilled Cologne Water in fancy and plain
Bottles, Florida Water, Milk of Roses. Orange b low
er Water, Lavender, Harrogate salts. Pearl Powder,
Pomatum, Macassar -Oil, Rose water, Oil of Roses.
Musk, German Cologne water, Honey water, Preston
salts, Antique Oil, Transparent wafers, Pungents,
(cut glass,) »Metalic shaving Boxes, Camels Hair Pen
cils, Wash Balls, Otto ofHose Vials, Variegated soap.
do Transparent for shaving, Pose soap, do Cinnamon
do Ceylon, English Windsor, soda soap, Court Plas
ter, Teeth powder.
Kitchen's Patent Cocoa, Lucifer Matches, Bar soap.
Variegatcddo, Turpentine, Fine and Coarse sponge .
Cox’s Carrying Knives, Clay Pipes, do Glazed, Lamp
Glasses,. Lamp Wick, Bees’Wax-, Diamonds, French
Chalk, Emery coarse and fine, Black sand, Pearlash.
Castile soap, Scotch, I’appieand Mncafioy snuff, sha
ving Boxc-fiJInuey, Glue, Blacking, Lemon syrup.
Earbers shaving Cakes, Chloride Lime, Wafers, Ta
pers scaling Wax, starch, sand Paper, Indelible Ink.
Corks, Cork Wood, Violins, do strings, Bellows.' Ma
gic Matches, .Swifts, Bath Brick, shellac.
Garden Sccds t Herbs, Ho ice r Seeds.
Onion, Beet. Turnip, Carrot, Parsnip. Cuciimbe^
Watermelon, Muskmelon, (beautiful) squash. Pump
kin, Lettuce, Raddixh, Cabbage, Brocoli, Ct uliflower,
Kale, Pepper, Pepptrgras, Cress, Tomato, Vegeta-.
Ho Oyster, solid Celery, slimmer savory, Parsley,
spillage* Endive Mustard, Okra, Asparagus, Nastur-
tioit Rnquet e, Corn salad. Curled Chervil. English
sorrel, Leek, saffron, sweet Mignonitto, Marjoram.
Thime, Lavender,.Bast), Lemon Balm. Early Conr,
Early Peas, Pole Peas, Bunch Beano, Pole do, Lima
Ac. several varieties of each, also an assortment of
FLOWER SEEDS, Herbs, and Grossgeods, allcare-
Corroil Sheriff Sale.
il.L be sold at Carrollton, Carroll county, on the
first Tuesday in JUNE weir, within the law
ful hours of sale, '
Lot .of lapd No, 207, in tho second district of Car
rol county, as the property of Benjamin Chapman, to
satisfy a Fi Fa from Carroll superior court; in favor ot
Ambrose Chapman—property pointed put by the said
Benjamin Chapman •
Cine dun steer, one duri and white pided steer, levi
ed oil as the property of Robert Shaw and James N.
Wright, to satisfy a Fi Fa from Carroll inferior court,
in tavor of the officers of said court, vs said Shaw and
Wright. April 21 44 JOHN DEAN; Sheriff. ,
Also, will be sold as above, on the first Tuesday in July,
Lot of land, No. 197, iu the ninth district of Carroll
county, levied on as the property of James McCart
ney, to satisfy a mortgage Fi Fa in favor of Thomas
McGuire and William Beall vs said James McCartney.
April 21 44 JOHN DEAN. Sheriff.
Valuable Land For- Sale.
O N the first Tuesday in JUNE next, will be sold, at
the court house door in the countyof Bibb,
Lot of Uaml No. 884, inthe 13t3i,<list.
ofthe county of Monroe originally, now Bibb comity,
sold by virtue of an order of the honorable the Inferior
court of Bibb county while sitting for Ordinaiy purpo
ses, it being the Real estate of John Burnett deceased,
sold for the benefit ofthe heirs and creditors. Terms
of sale one half cash, the balance in" 12 months.
roar 29 ' SOPHIA ANN BURNETT, Ex’rz.
1 7ILL be sold ou Tuesday the 21st day of J UNE
next, within the legal hours of sale, in Laurens
county at the Cowpens, known as Hick’s Cotvpens,
where Ileese Coleman now lives, the stock of CAT
TLE, belonging to the estate of Abner Hicks, deceas
ed,supposed to be near a thousand head, they will be
sold in lots to suit purchasers.. Terms of sale made
known on the day. The sale to continue iitmi day to
day until all are sold. E. W. DENNIS; Adm'r.
Knoxville, March, 30,183G 41
UREEABLY to an order of the honorable Uie Infer
rtor Court for the county of Twiggs, when sitting
as a court of ordinary .will be sold onjhc first Tuesday in
JULY -next, befortmtht Court House door in Marion
county, within the usual hours of sale,
Lot ofLaud N 0.90, iu jlvt! 4 th District of said coun
ty, sold as tho property of James Deshazo, deceased.
Terms on the day,
CUM months after date application will WTiiad,
jmP to the honorable ti e Inferior court of CatopbcJl
county, when sitting as a court of ordinary, for J eav „
to sclltwo-thirds of 181 acles of lot No. 94, fo ,j
7lh district, originally Coweta now Campbell comm
for the benefit of the orphans of -William Jones, Jate
of saul county, deceased.
Jan 20,1836. JAMES McCRACKIK. Adp,' r .
OUR months alter dale,application wTiTbeawde
to the-Inferior C6iirt of Houston ccimtr, for
leave Ao sell, the real estate of Willi am S. Brunso‘11 laic
of said comity, deceased. THOMAS POLLOCK
Feb 10 33 ’ - - adm'r.
b A0UK months after-date application will
jag to the honorable the Inferior court of Fayette
county, while sitting as a .court of ordinary, for leave
to sell all the real estate of Jesse D. McIntosh, laic 0 f
said couutv, deceased,'this 24ili'Febniarv, 1836 -'c
'D. B. HEAD, Adm’r. .
F OUR months after date, application wiirScnwde
to the honorable Inferior court ol'Jetfoou coun
ty when sitting as a coOrt of Ordinary for leave loull
Lot No. (203) two hundred and three in the £7ih <ii s .
trict of formerly Cherokee now Walker county, for
the benefit of the heirs of Lucy Archer deceased’
march J7, 1636 38p JOHN A. WALLS Jdm'r
O N the first Tuesday iu JULY next, will be sold
at McDonough, Henry county, the interest of
John M. D. Taylor, deceased, also, the interest of No-
ry ot Butts enuuty
and tlio distributees of said deceased. April 7, 1636.
John M- D. Taylor, dec’d, aud Guardiau for Noah
W, TtCvlor. 42
The Justices of the Inferior Court of. Pike county, sit
ting for ordinary purposes, metp.ursuaut to adjourn
ment, this 7th day of March, 1836. Present their
honors, J. B WILLIAMSON, )
J. L. BLACKBURN, }Jt,slices.
J. 11. IlEEJ>,j >
I Tappearieg to the Court 011 the shewing of John
Grisham, that John W- Brown and William - Cun*
mnghaio, dmiiiff the lifetime of said \Villiaci Cniiuing-
bam; did mako and execute to one DonicJ SbcIJ their
bond jointly and severally, uuder the penally of six
hundred dollars,'to execute titles to the said Daniel
Shell, to all the east part of the creek, on lot of land
No. 34, in the {second district of originally Mohroc
new Pike county, reserving to themselves all that was
on the west side of the creek’, together with the run of
the creek, and whereas the said William Cunningham
died without executing titles to the part of land ou the
east side of the creek, on Jot No. 34, to said Daniel
Shell, and whereas the said Daniel Shell lias since In
dorsed the said bond with his written assignment to
your petitioner, and whereas your petitioner has now
filed in tlio clerk’s office of this court a copy of said
It is therefore ordered lu the Court, That the legal
representatives of the saidWiHiuui Cunningham, de
ceased, file their objections, if any they have, why they
should not be directed, after three months publication
of this rule, to make' titles to your petitioner ' to said
east side of the creek, on lot of laud No. 34, agreea
ble to the term of said bond. ‘
And it is further ordered, That a copy of this rule be
published for three mouthls in the Macon Georgia Tel-
itObil mouths altei date application Will be ira*.
to the honorable Inferior Court of Stewart com,
ty, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell
the .negroes belonging to the estate of Benjamin F.N’el.
son, a minor, deceased. March 22, lt26.
GEOltUIA : BUTTS County. ~ —•
W HKKRKAS John Camp applies to me for let
ters of administration oh die Estaje of Stcr-
lingCampi late of said couliQr, deceased:
These arc therefore to cite and admonish all and singu
lar the kindred and Creditors of said deceased, to be end
appear at my office within the time prescribed ly leu to
give cause ij any they have, why said Utters should vet
be granted. ■ -
Given under my liand at office, April 4, 1836.
41 " JOHN JllcUORD. c. c. 0.
GEORGIA : Houston County.
V ■'l’UEREAS Jacob W. C Horn applies to uiefor
V V letters of Administration, de bonis non, on the
estate of William II. Riggins,deceased,
2/use a re therefore to cite and admonish allandsingn
lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be aud
appear at my offer within the time prescribed by lair, to
show cause ij any they have, why said letters should noth
Given tinder uiy hind April 8.-1836. 42
C. II. ttICF.. c. c. 0
GEORGIA—Bibb county.
tOS/ HEREAS Harwell Parker applies for letters of
V V ' administration on the estate of Benjamin Par
ker, late of said connty, deceased,
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sings-
ar the kindred aud creditors of said deceased to be and
appear at my office vithin the time prescribed ly law, 10
shew cause if any theyhate, why said-letters should not le
Given under’ my hand, at office, this lPih day ef
April, l.*:if> 40 HENRY G. ROSS, c. f. 0.
GEORGIA—Pike county.
W HEREAS Irby Stamper, guardian of Thornes
Pitman,.orphan of John Pitman, late of said
county deceased, applies to me for dissmission from
toe guardianship of said orphan.
These are therefore to cite aud admonish all perms
concerned lobe andagpear at my office withiiitkclmcjr*,
scribed by law, to shew cause if any (hey hate, why said
application should hot be granted-.
Given Htiderniy hand at office this 14th March, 1S3S.
39 II. G. JOHNSON, c. e o.
S3 T apt
appearing to the court on the shewing of Daniel
Ilaines, that Thomas G. 8hcbee did, during his
lifetime, make and execute to your petitioner bishopd,
under penalty of three hundred utld seventy-five dol
lars, with condition to be void whenever the said Tho
mas G. Shehce should make good and lawful titles to
your petition tuthe west half of lot of land No. 184,
in the eighth district'formerly Monroe now Pike conn
ty, aud whereas the said Thomas G- Shehcc, alter the
limiting said bond, (a copy of. which is filed in the
clerks ollice of this court,) departed this life without
making titles to said half lot of land to your petitioner
orauy provision therefor by will,
It is therefore ordered. That the heirs, or legal repre
sentative of the said-Thomas G. Shcltee, file their ob
jections, if any they have, why they should not he di
rected by the court to make titles to the said half lot of
land to your petitioner, after three mouths publication
of this rule, agreeable to the tenorof said bond.
And it is further ordered. That a copy of this rule he
published in the .Macon Georgia Telegraph for three
True copies from the minutes.
march 2o 3) II. G. JOIINSOy, c. c. <?.-
GEORGIA —Crawford county. ~
Goods pac
d for shipping at short notice.
1 i43 3'm 1
f.EIVED u J extensive -stock of
h° 1 folly, put up by the Shakers and warranted Fresh, nc
j compapied by a Treatise on Gardening, &c.
Intending to be permanently engaged in thia busin
ess, .the subscriber? will u,e every exertion in iheir
powqr,' to render it worthp the patronage of their old jj
atid new custoir
^"T.appearing to thecourt ftoui the petition of Wm.
;Murry, that Alexander B. Taylor, Into of
said .county, deceased, did. on the 3d day of. -February,
i834, make an execute his bond conditioned to make
titles to lot No 7, in tho 2d district of originally Hous
ton now Crawford county—and it appearing to the
court that said bond has been complied with, now, this
isto notify the administrator of said Alexander B. Tay
lor, deceased, and all parties concerned, 'tbat-the said
ndinjpistrator be ordered to make and execute titles to
aid lot of land according to the condition .of said bond
unless good and sufficient cause bo shewn to tlio con
trary in the time prescribed bylaw.
And it is further ordered, That three months notice
of tliis order he pnblished.hy the clerk of said court in
one of the public gazetts of this State, and in twopnb-
lie places 111 said county dr f’rawford. Given under
my Kami, at office, this 7th day of Match, 1836.
38 . WM, H. BROOKS, c. c. o.
51 iA iHQI IS. ;
.— -*— 1’ubhc that she.
hams, Fret
which will
April 10
Orders by etter will meet the
Spring Goods, } same attention as if mad. in person,
i splendid assortment «T Muslins, Ging- IIARVFY 8HOTWELE,
eli prints. Hosiery’&t. rich figured Bilks, JACOB SHOTWELL.
!>« sold on accomodating icrms. Painting of every degcriotwn carried on hv
43 CRAFT & LE.VVI3. Macon Jan, 14.' --8? H. & J. SHOTWELL.
0 J Mrs. OT.
OUL1) respectfully inform th
has opened a House for Day Boarders, adjoin
ing Mes<rs Mustian and Moil’s Hotel-on MtiH'. rry
street, where it is hoped froni the. careful attention gi
ven this business, those wjio-inay favortiie House will
find -?erv thing to their convenience ami entire satis-
Anri! &8 2tp 44 ’ .. ..
Blanks for sale at this office.
\ GEORGIA—Crawford connty.
W HEREAS Edwin Medor applies to me foi let
ters of dismission from the adiniiiistratien cn
the estate of John Richardson, dec. ased,
These are therefore to cite and ofiieanish all cnl
singular the kindred and crcditorj of said dtews-
ed, to be and iipyear al my ojfit e, v ithin lit libit
prescribed by lata, to shore cause, if arty they halt
ichy said.leltersrshould not be granted^
Given under my hand, this 7di dav of March. 1830.
39 _ WM. H. BROOKS, r. c. o.
EORGIA, ( Daniel B Lowe.administr.itSti*
I h>u>ion co i the estate of John Chambers, agjiliti
for letters of Dismission—
And John S Taylor applies for dismission firm tlf
estate of William F O'Neal, deceased—
These arc therefore to cite and-admonish all and singu
lar the kindred and creditors of said deceased to le at*
appear ty my office within the time prescribed by law, ts
shete h/tise tf any they hare, why said fetters should netk
(iiven under my hand atoffiee. this 21 si day ef Jan
uary, 1S3«. 31 CHAfi. II. RICE c.c.y-_
GEO - GLA : Houston fourty. .
H ARDY Hargrove applies to ire for .tellers >*
Dismission from the estate of Hopkins fip
trot deceased;
Hugh -L. Dennard applies for letters of Dfoniis 9
from the estate of John Dennard deceased;
These, arc therefore to cite unit admonish all a no
gular the kindred and credjtors of said deccasid tobi < <-
appear at my office within the time prescribed b/h ’•
skew cause if any (hey hate, why said letters skcnliln-1
granted. s
Given under my band at office October 31st L «
CIIAKLES H. RJCE, c. c.ff^
'GEORGIA : Pike County. . . , ,
■WTR/IIEREAS Francis L Matthews admjntftnW'
V v of the Estate of Isaac Matthews d cCeas '
applies tome for letters of dismission : . .. 1
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
singular the kindred and creditors sf said a
ceased, to he and appear at my
time prescribed by law, to shew cause 'f a f- ‘ ^
«tn trhy said tellers shall n»t be granted theo-
Givon under my hand at office this 5th o-’l 0 .
1836. 29 11, G. JOHNgO^^f
A LE persons liaviug demands against tbetf*? .
tYilliam Munson, lato of Bibb count)’,
are requested to present them in terms of to*
tho-e indebted wiil make iunnedialopavnjet 1 *
April 21 43 RICH’D MfGOLDKICJLjl£y-
S20 Bcward. • K . rl iK>irt
/ RANAWAY from the s,,bs ®”K na med
tlie first of April, a Negro wafO ^
/ Robert, about 25 years ofa-j ® ^
to, diinS tei^ht, yellow
M somewhat decayed, a p" , s fo0®
one of ins curs is oil'. Jias a scares cue 0 post,
the cut of an axe, wore away a t lue «oi JJc WI ,
had a watch, and is of genteel apueaw* 1 ^’ . workf I
purchased recently dfMilton A Bm'' ’• j ur kirg*:
fast year at Red Bluff. It m P^baffie h« reward
boUt .Mac0/1 where he haso «i,e. l , . j»
will he paid for his delivery or forb»
where lean get him. -F*i’
Hottston Co. near Hayneville, April^i
^ : Ton Doltus Bewaro*
IJ UN An AY from me on > J ‘ e ; b oy >') *
JLfc lo, Jasper county, Ga. a »>o
home of Idiimotit! 'Fhurl V. all0 ,u I7) e *j
hound to me as an apprentice. ^ j..n v bui
old, but large for that age. and P«^ , d yni
was seen in Sparta on the 8th ,US !’ with a
the !2lh inst. travelling m comi— . be
Tho*. jCnnaky. The above
his delivery to me or stvfe ui^SFI^ 1
can get him. Ll-Glv
April 20 44 3t ——'
4 SPLENDID assortment o* yf aoet t"?!’
April 18 43
SPLENDID assortmentu - r g f ee t *;£'
Also—Oil Floor Carpeting- & lF rE.
;i 1 q .iu For sale by vw**