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Sir Hubert Wilsou ia reply to Sir Robert Peel,
made the following stutemeut.
“The Mexican Government was harassed by new
difficulties. It had not only to provide means to repel
the attacks of Spain—it was exposed to auother dan
ger. which these threatened attacks augmented. He
was far from saying that the government of the United
States encouraged any seditious proceedings; he be
lieved that it desired no change; it had no wish to throw
impediments in the way of the .Mexican government,
but it was not perhaps, quite able to control its [own
subject. It had not eucouraged any attack on the pro
vince of Texas, but there were five thousaud six hun
dred of the subjects who had become squatters in that
province, and who resisted the Mexican government.
They had taken possession without any right, and they
held it without any justice. The government of Mex
ico could not allow two hundred aud fifty leagues of
•ea-ceakt to be taken away, and one of the fiuest pro
vinces of the whole contiurnt of America. These peo
ple resisted the government of Mexico, and resisted
itin a point which should recommend that government
to the philanthropists of England. The Mexican gov
ernment had issued n decree to abolish slavery through
out its dominions, but the American squatters, who
carried slaves along with them, had declared that they
would not obey the Mexican law—they regarded them
selves as independent in fact, and declared that if the
Mexican government sought to enforce it they would
call on the government of the U. States to protect them.
credulity of the people, even when they appear
iear I
We I
ith- •
with the imposing form of statistical tables
knowth u memoirs arc sometimes drawn up with
out reference to documents lit all, hut merely for
certain objects, stick as to produce an effect at
home or abroad, as the caso may ho; aud we
feur that soinesucb have been adopted aud intro
duced into works iu every other respect correctly
and well written, but which nro erroneous wheu-
ever reliance has been placed on official state
ments. Iu this singular state paper Scuor Ala-
man says,—
‘•The Americans commesce by introducing them
selves into die territory which they covet, on pretence
of commercial negotiations, or of die establishment of
colonics, with or without the assent of the government
to which it belongs. These colonics grow, multiply,
become the predominant part of die population; and
ns soon asasupport is found in this manner, they be
gin to set lip rights which it is impossible to sustain in
a scriona discussion, and to briug forward ridiculous
pretensions, founded on historical facts which are ad
mitted by nobody, such ns Ln«allc's voyages now
kuowu to be a falsehood, but which opinions are, for
the first time, presented to the world by unknown wri
ters; and the labor which is employed by others in of
fering proofs and reasonings, is spent by them in repe
titions and multiplied allegations, for the purpose of
drawing the attention of their fellow-citizens, not upon
tilt, justice of the propositions, but upon the advanta-
six or eight wounded,
nineteen killed. AmoDg
The Indians
the killed I re
. gret to state, there were three women aud one
child. Twenty prisoners, all women and chil-
i dren.
Tin: ARMY.
On Saturday Inst, the Regiment of drafted Iu
fan try, commanded by Col. Hardeman, was ilis- j I am not able to state who commanded, but
charged from service, and have returned to their I suppose it to he Col. lllair of Lowndes. You
friends aud families. There was something in must excuse the shortness of iny letter, as it is
the conduct of this regiment, which commanded j written on a temporary table, and iu great haste
the respect of all ; the gentlemanly deportraeut Very respectfully,
ges and interests to be obtained and subserved by their
Their inaebiuations in the country they wish toar-
This added to the difficulties of Mexico. She was ob-quire are then brought to light by the appearauce of
liged to keep a large force amounting to four thousand ! explorers some of whom settle on the soil, alleging that
men in this province, to protect it and to protect its j their presence does not affect the qneston of the right
own subjects. Nor wns it perhaps possihle to keep
this province from becoming part of North America,
the sqitatters, whether encouraged or not, were sprea
ding themselves over it, and would unite it to die Uni
ted States. This state of things could not be allowed
to continue with any advantage to this country. It
gave encouragement to the United States to interfere
with these new states of America. It encouraged dis
order in Texas, uml destroyed that balance of power
among the American states, which was as necessary in
America as in Europe. It was of great consequence
to this cou'.try, that the Uuiled States were slowly ac
quiring the coasts on both sides of the Gulf of Mexico;
b» and by our ships would he unable to enter,the Gulf,
without passing under the guns of the Uuited States.
The balance of power there would be destroyed, und
after extending themselves on one side, the United
States would extend themselves on the other, and go
beyond the River St. Lnwreuce.”
Nothing enu be more untrue than that the five
thousand six bundled Americans, granting this
number to he correct, who have settled in .Mexico
arc squatters who have taken possession without
. any right, and hold it without any justice. They
eruerod that roc..try invited hy the authorities of
tho States of Coaltuiia ui.d Texas, aud hold pos
session of the lands they have settled, uniter
grants made hy that state in conformity with the
gcuernl nnd stato laws of Mexico. It is not true
that they have resisted the laws in a point which
should recommend that government to the pro
tection of the philanthropists of England. They
were permitted and iuvjird to briug their slaves
into Texas, and when General Guerrero, then
President of the United Mexican States—in tho
plenitude of tho extraordinary powers vested in
him by the Mexican Government, in order to
command the means of repelling the Spanish in
vasion—thought proper to issue n decree eman
cipating the negroes throughout Mexico, in direct
violation of the constitution of that oouutry, and
of the rights of property of its subjects, the state
govornmeut of Texas would uot promulgate nor
execute it: m:d after tiie revolution which dis
placed Guerrero, the government that succeeded
him, sensible of the injustice and impolicy of the
Ian, suspended its execution iu Texas, the only
part of Mexico where slaves existed in auy num
bers. As to the Mexicans being compelled by
the conduct of these lawless squatters to keep
up in Texas a force of four thousaud men, it is
mi idle assertion. Mexico cannot protect herself
against the Indian tribes that wander over that
portion of her dominions. The Mexican towns
and villages pay a tribute to save themselves
from their depredations, aud the legislature of
Cohuila and Texas have encouraged the settle
inont of our couutrymeu as a safe-guard against
this, to them, dreaded enemy.
With respect to Texas—which we are accused
iu this debate of coveting, aud, on tbe faith of
•jewspnper reports, of having outered into uego
tiations to obtain—the course of tho United States
has been so fair and disinterested, that it ought
to have shielded thorn from such attacks, and
even from the suspicion of any intention to eu-
eroach upoutho territory of Mexico. In the cor
respondence between .Messrs, l’inckney and Mon-
roc, the plenipotentiaries of the Uuited States at
Madrid in 1SU5. and Bon Pedro Ceuallos, tho
claim of our government to all tho territory uorth
of the Rio Bravo was advaeced. and the argu
ment succecssfully naintaned. This right was
subsequently abandoned from various considera
tions; and among others, the opinion of Mr.
Monroe that it was uot the intereit of these Uni
ted States to extend their territory south of the
tributary waters of the Mississippi, had great
weight; an opinion whirl) he holds in common
with some of the soundest statesmen in this coun
try. The claim,just as it seemed, was abaudon
ed in the treaty concluded between Mr. Adams
and Dou Lewis Onis, in 18l9, and a treaty has
been subsequently concluded and ratified between
the United States and Mexjco, which established
tho same boundaries as those proposed aud a
greed to in tbe treaty of Washington. This trea
ty has uot been carried iuto effect, because the
ratifications were not exchanged within tbe pe
riod specified in that instrument, owiug altogether
to the neglect of tbe Mexican government. I f
the Uuited States had beeu inclined to take ad
vantage of the weakness of Mexico, as has becu
gratuitously supposed in this debate, they mittht
have persisted iti the claim set up by their plen
ipotentiary at Madrid, and which there is uo
doubt that they could have successfully contended
for and triumphantly established. Tho United
States generously forcbore to press this claim
for tbe reasons assigned, as well as from a due re
gard to the situation of their sister republic.
Neither havo they ever entered into auy nego
tiations to acquire that territory, nor proposed
loans, nor encouraged their citizens to settle un
lawfully in Texas. On the contrary, the Amer
ican government on the occasion ofu revolution
ary movement in that country, took the most
prompt and energetic measures to prevent any
of its citizens from engaging in it; nnd has in re
poated insiaucrs. given the most convincing
proofs of its fair dealing towards Mexico, audits
desire to maintain the most friendly relation with
her. Nothing however, our government can do,
will vnnquish either tho suspicious of the Mex
ican people, or the inclination to impugn our mo
tives, and calumniateottr character nod conduct,
entertained by some distinguished men iu Eng
land. Tho latter is manifested throughout the
debate befoie us, and tho former have beeu em
bodied in a secret memoir presented to tho Mex
ican congress by Bou Lucas Afaman. Of this
gentleman's talents and acquirements tve enter
tain a high opinion, and regret that he should
have been led by vulgar rumors to form opinions
which are not boron out by a single fact, and to
entertain so lively a belief in tho imaginary dan
gers which threaten the state of Texas, as to deem
it his duty to bring the subject before tbe Alexi-
‘ cau congress. We have heard aad read tho ra
vings of Eadro Micron this subject, but never
suspected that Bon Lucas Alaninn would have
fieen so misled as to reassert them in au official
memoir. This state paper which, although pre
sented under the seal of Secrecy is in tbe bauds
many,' contains the broadest assertions of the am
bitions desigus of the United States, and we doubt
not formed the grouudwork of Mr. lluskission’s
remarks. British statesmen appear to havo yet
to leant that official documents presented by
ministers to the legislature ol their couutry, may
be, froA beginning to end, impositions upon the
of sovereignty or possession to the land. These pio
neers excite by degrees, movements which disturb the
political state of the country in dispute; and thexi fol
low discontents and dissatisfaction, calculated to fatigue
the patience of the legitimate owner, and to diminish
the usefulness of the administrationand of the exeicise
of authority. When thines have come to this pass,
which is precisely the present state of things in Texas
the diplomatic management commences. The inquie
tude they have excited in the territory in dispute, the
interests of the colonists therein established, the insur
rections of adventurers and savages instigated by them
and the pertinacity with which the opiuiuti is setup as
to their right of possession, become the subjects of uo les
full of expressions of justice and moderation, until,
with the aid ofothcr incidents, which are never wanting
in the course of diplomatic relations, the desired end
is attained, of concluding an arrangement, as onerous
forone party as it is advantageous to the other. Some
times more direct means are resorted to, and taking
advantage of the enfeebled state or domestic difficul
ties of the possessor of the soil, they proceed upon the
most extraordinary pretexts to make themselves mas
ter of the country, os was the ease in theFloridas
leaving the question to be decided after wards as to the
legality of the possession, which force alone could take
from them.
“It h is been said further, that when the United
States of the North have succeeded in giviug the pre
dominance to the colonists introduced into the coun
tries they had in view, they set up rights and bring for
ward pretensions founded upon disputed historical
facts, availing themselves generally, for the purpose
of some critics! conjucture to which they suppose tliat
the attention of government must be directed. This
policy which has produced good results to them, they
have commenced carrying into effect with respect to
Texas. The public prints in those states, iucluding
those which are more immediately under the influence
of their government, are engaged in discussing the
right they imagine they have to the country os far ns
the RioBravo. Handbills are printed on the somesub-
ject. and thrown into general circulation, whose object
is to persuade and convince the people of the utility
and expediency of the meditated project. Some of
them have said that Providence had marked out the
Ric Bravo, as the natural boundary of those States,
which has induced an English writer to reproach them
with an attempt to make Providence the author of their
usurpations. Butwhatis most remarkable, is tliatthey
have commenced that discussion precisely at the time
when they saw us engaged in repelling the Spanish
invasion, believing that our attention would fora long
time, be withdrawn from other things. The govern
ment. besides, is informed from a source worthy of
confidence, that the subject of Texas is going tube
taken up at Washington—that if the President has
omitted to mention it in his message, it was in order
that it might originate in congress under a more pop
ular aspect, and that with the same view a fifty-gun
frigate, the Brandywine, will soon sail for our coasts,
with a few others, tube Sited out by [he cabinet of Wash
ington ”
We give this extract, because we shrewdly sus
pect that this secret document fusnished the texi
for some of the speeches before us, and we do
not hesitate to say. that it presents a tissue of false
hoods and absurdities from begiuniug to ctjd.—
American Quarterly Review.
of its officers, aud the willinguess with which
the meu cugaged, in whatsoever service their
country required, was surpassed hy none oftbeir
comrades iu aims. Every danger that pfeseuted
itself, they met with apparent delight, and had
the fortuue of war flung them iuto the deadly
breach, we hazard nothing in saying, they would
have been found as troublesome customers as
auy in the crowd. We wish them, as every
other inau ought, a safe return to their homes.
Tbe Regiment of Cavalry, commanded by Col.
Beall, has been ordered up from below, aud are
now encamped near this place. We arq not in
formed when thisportiou of the Army will be dis
charged, probably no*, until their term of service
expires. The command of Cel. B. has been en-
Your ob’t. serv’t.
P. S.—The persons killed, are Penny well Fol
som, Mr. Sharks, ami Mr. Parris.
Since the above was received, the following
letter reached tho Governor by express, ou Suu-
day evening last, containing a detailed account
of the affair, which reflec ts the highest credit u-
pou the gallantry aud good conduct ofourcitizeu
soldiers of Thomas and Lowndes. /Jgft
Thomasville, 16th July 1836. ^
His Excellency Gov. Schley .—I have to in
form your Excellency, that on the night of the
11th iust. authentic information reached Thom-
asville. that a party of Indians, about fifteen in
number, were seen iu tne upper part of Thomas
Florida.. By
company of
Willey informs us that the Indians had shot and
killed a Mr. BiiHman* about 4 miles from Whit-
esville, and stabbed him with a knife iu 4 or 5
places—his wife aud children made their esoape
to < Gary’s ferry.
Col. Hallow’s negro fellow, who escaped on
board the Essayons, reported that a large body
of Indians were on their way down the east and
west side of the St. John’s River, and expres
sed theirilitention of destroying all the settlements
on the river.
The buildipgs on Lt. L’Eugle’s plantation bad
beep destroyed. Tbe loss of valuable property,
furniture, &c. in the various buildings burnt, is
said to have been very great.
Capt. Curry ofthe Florida militia, had been
sent from Maudrin to Gary’s Ferry, to escort a
train of baggage wagons, containing provisions
and supplies for the troops, from thence to Fort On this expedition he found that the In
dians kept in his immediate vicinity, frequently
encamping within 3 miles of his troops. On his
return to Gary’s Ferry, he discovered a number
of Iudiaii trails, from which he ascertained that
they were proceeding towards Jacksonville.
Capt. O. informs there were 140 of the troops
sick at Fort Drane—among themJJi'e out of 7 of
the officersH^|B|lf|lfiiBMil|M|M|HH|B|
mercial business for the year of
lious of dollars.
igher powers, however, always
aud over these, we have neither influence or au
The Independent Batiallinu. under Major Al
ford is yet below upou the river, at, arouud, and
about Fort McCreary. Whilst they remain on
that statiou, there is but little danger that the
Indians will escape towards Florida, or commit
depredations further on this side of the river
with impunity. If ihere is to be auy more fight
ing, we should like this battalion to take a baud.
Their blows would be apt to couut, wherever
they fall.
On day before yesterday, Maj. Hoxey’s Batta
lion, consisting of the Volunteer companies of
this place, returned from their expedition to Ba
ker. The way they looked healthy, and black,
and ragged, and smoked was a caution. Tbe
boys ihat used, in the piping times of peace, to
appear like the gentle wiuds had never yisited
them too roughly, seemed upon their return, the J
very personification of sunburnt aud weather
beaten veterans, their faces, their clothes, their
costumes, in short, their whole external para-
pharnnlia. bespoke the arduous service in which <u
they were engaged. We are aware that these
men. together with tbejr immediate felloiv-citi-
zeus, have beeu promiscuously charged with
cowardice, by a portion of tbe world, who have
never seen the dangers that threatened the fron
tier, and what is worse than all, never came to
meet and repel that danger, but we feel assured,
that their conduct throughout the whole campaign
will redeem them at (east from an imputation so
foul nnd false. No portion of tho army has per
formed more duty, or bore it with more soldier
like fortitude than this Battalion. They have
went where they were sent, whether in the wild
woods of Alabama, or the dark swamp of Cola-
wabce. every where and at all times, going ns
far as those that went farthest, in
post of danger aud the field of glory.
Nor would we here pass over in silence, Yo-
h.olo ctomc Tuskenuggee Harjo, (Mansfield Tor
rance, Esq. who. at theliead of a fine looking
company of friendly Indians, nia>-ched iu with
tbe Battallion. These ludistu were actively en
gaged in the expedition below, and are entitled
command Ififty-ltvo persons lir.d died at Black Creek, in 40
of Capt. James A. Newman, was despatched in | days, troiu measles,pud diarrhtn.
pursuit of them. Oil Thursday thereafter, this, 1 Tbe inhabitants of Jacksonville were in a state
coiupnut was joined by a company of about for- j ° r great aiarm, and were embarking, with their,
ty men, frpnt Lowudts county, under the com- j effects, on board the schr. motion, Capt. Willey,-
mand of Captain Pike, when die companies ek e
ed Michael Youug to lase command of the bat
talion. Scouting parties being despatched, the
In linn, fifteen iu number were discovered
in the fork of the Big Warrior Creek aud J.ittlo
River. The Battalion immediately proceeded
across theKiver, aud scoured a very thick, muddy
swamp, about two miles wide and three long,
without making auy discovery. A company of
thirty one meu from Thomas county, under the
cotnmaud of Capt. 'i ucker, and a company of
fifteen meu, from Lowndes county commanded
by Captaiu Sharp, then joined the Battalion.—
The uext morning Captaiu (sharp was sent up
the cast side of the river, to ascertaiu whether or
not, the Italians iiad crossed the river aud left
the swamp. Having found their trail, he des
patched a messenger to the Battalioit and pro
ceeded to follow after the Indians. After pm su-
lliem about three miles, he came up with 'hem
bohiiti fm- St.‘ Marys.
(about sixty warriors aud their families) aud a
battle eusued, iu which he lost one killed (Mr.
P. Folsou) and oue wounded, when he was for
ced to retreat. Tho Battaliou hastened to his
assistance, and in about three miles came up j t j* atcd raU road C ommunica;iou.’’-Marked
with them again, posted in a very advuutageous jj o r j
position on a pine ridge, their rear prelected by a j Q fa .. R rt upon the advantage and facili-
cypress pond, and in their front a wide, open, | tjes possesset f by (j^rgia for rail road c.mmaui-
rgiar.. July :
Knoxville, 10th July, 1836.
To the Hon. the Mayor of the city of Savannah :
Sir :—1 send herewith copies of the various
deeumeuts submitted by tho delegation of some
of the citizeus of Georgia to the convention at
its late session iu this place. As they embody a
variety of statistical and other matter, necessa
ry to be considered with a view to tbe future ac
tion of our State upon the subject of Internal im
provement ; I have deemed the early possession
of their contents among our citizens, highly im
portant. A portion of them, as also of those sub
mitted to the convention by the Delegates from
other States, are to be priuted, but as they will
constitute a voluminous pamphlet, some time
must elapse before their publication.
The documents enclosed, are copies of a “ Re
port of the commercial advantages presented by
Georgia to the West, in couuectiou with a con-
boggy meadow. A general engagement com
menced about 0 o’clock A. M. aud after a severe
light for two hours,the Indiaus were completely
routed, with a loss of twenty two Indians aud
two negroes killed, that were seeu; many woun
ded, aud eighteen of the women aud children
* uiu is ,a ^ eu prisoners. The battle was fought over a
seeking’the distance of three miles, tborugh several cypress
” pouds cud bays, aud a very thick hurricaue—
The loss ou the part of the whiles were tivo kil
led, (Benton Ferrell of Thomas couuty and Ed
ward -hanks of Lowndes) and uiue wounded.
Several horses were killed ; several ran off du
ring the engagement and have not since been
heard of. The prisoners have been confined in
to the favorable c.-msideratioi of the whites. { county jail under a guard, for their safety.
They are. and will be, if properly treated, of iufi- Your Excellency will please direct what d.s-
niie service in huntiug out the bidden enemy.
Let them then be encouraged, whilst they act as
they have done, for without them, hut little ran
he done against a foe that slips lrom his hiding
place, docs mischief and slips hack again, so se
cret as to be almost unperceivcd.
Latest from Texas.
New-Orleans, July 18.
By the schr. Julius Cesar, which arrived yes
terday from Texas, we have information that
renders it very doubtful whether the’Mexicau ar
my will really prosecute further operations for
the preseut at least against Texas.
From Texiau spies scut for the purpose of re-
connoitering the enemy, it is ascertained that the
Mexican armyjbas not advanced, and thatitsnuin-
bers are continually diminishing by desertion.
The Texiaus areiu “fine spirits,” and have no
lack of arms, ammunition aud provisions,* and
with force sufficient to repulse the invaders with j overtake it unavailin
great slaughter. Santa Ana had solicited by let
ter the amicable inter position of Gen. Jackson,
and had conveyed to the Mexicati Government
his opinion, that the conquest of Texas was im
possible. and that tho independence of Texas
should be recognised.
The achr. Brutus, Capt. Hurd, was at Matagor
da. blockaded by the Mexican brig of war Ven-
cerioi del Alamo, but would soon be relieved by
the schr. Invincible, Union, and other vessels,
that had proceeded there in tow of the steam
boat Ocean, (or the purpose ofcapturing the brig.
The steam boat was lauened with volunteers,
and for ber protection there was raised a breast
work of cotton bales.
Tbe Mexican brig will in all probability fall a
capture to the Texian3.
It seeitls that the Venccdor had been despatch
ed from Vera Cruz, in order to protect the schoo
ners Cumauchee, Fuuny Butlci and Watchman,
which were stored with provisions for the Mex
icans. Finding that the Texiaus has already in
tercepted the said vessels, nud appropriated their
cargoes to their use. she very wisely procee
ded to take ifpossible.'whatTexian vessels might ]
fall in her way. It may not however prove a
judicious stop.
From all the information nccivcd, nud which
we believe to bo substantially correct, we are
firmly of tho opinion that tile Mexicans will sus
pend active hostilities against the Te>iaus for the
summer, and we shall not prove very bad pro
phets if it shonld not turn out, that their troons
will heentiroly withdrawn from the limits of Tex
as, aud tbe iudependenco of this Republic fully
From the Columbus Sentinel, July 22.
Fort Gaines, 18th July, 1836.
1 wish yon to announce tbe death of John M.
Hardison, who was killed at the battle of Chicka-
sabatchie. in Baker, on tho 2d inst. He was 26
years old. beloved and tetpectcd by all who
knew him.
Some Indians hare been seeu in Baker since
tbe troops were dismissed from there. The mail
rider just arrived from Baker, states that thirty
Indiaus were seeu there ou Thursday last, all
mounted, on a creek called Hurricaue Creek,
about teu miles above the battle ground.
HEAD QUARTERS, 1st Army Corps, )
Columbus,Geo. July 20, 1836. £
Sir: Ou tho 16th iustaut. Col. Beall returned
to this place from Chickasahatcbce, after having
encountered <ind routed, ou the 2diust. the fugi
tive hand of hostile Indians ho was ordered to
pursue on the 25th ult. The hope had beeu in
dulged that be would havo succeeded in engag
ing that party a second time, but its precipitnio
aud continued (light! has rendered all] efforts to
Rut, although it has thus
Burning of Cotton Fessels.—We have" today
to record another of these niisfui times. They
havo become so frequent as to be matter of serious
consideration with umlerivrters. and go to coun
teractjtbe good opiniou they have been accustomed
to eutettain of Cotton, in reference to geueral
average. Several cargoes ’ have beeu burned
ivithiu the last year or two, to the great hazard
of life as well as property, the fire generally orig
inating mysteriously, and supposed to be sponta
neous. Two or three ships have ignited shortly
after leaving port. The subject ought to attract
tbe most watchful attention of those who have the
charge of putting up cotton in the bales, or stow
ing it on shipboard. It is ivell settled, that either
water or oil mixed with cotton will produce
combustion, and to one of these causes, we pre
sume. most of tbe disasters of this sort are to be
referred. Even the small quautity of grease put
ou the screws w hich arc used in compressing cot
ton may bo sufficient to produce a fire which shall
destroy a tvholo cargo, aud even the lives of all
uu board. Soap answers every purpose as well
asgrease, aud ccrtaiuly with so important inter
ests at stake, tho latter ought .never to be used.
effected its escapo, I aui fully impressed that no
censure can be attached to the conduct of that
galiaut officer, or his equally gallaut commaud
When, iudeed. it is considered that the euemy
had already, previous to the affair of the 2d inst.
encompassed himself iu a dense and seemingly
almost impenetrable swamp of many tuiles iu
extent, covered with every species of under
growth favorable to his concealment aud retreat,
it is less a matter of surprise that ho should have
accomplished his purpose, tliau that the pursuit,
under circumstances so adverse, had not beeu
abaudoued much earlier.
No satisfactory information has been commu
nicated respecting the direction of his retreat.
Admonished of their impending fate, by the de
feat and discoinfituro already .experienced, they
have probably divided into small parties, which
has enabled them to retire without leaving auy
vestige that might lead to the discovery of their
biding place, aud tbits still remain concealed in
tbe coverts of the swamp; which, I am informed
is more than twenty miles in length, and upwards
of five miles in width. With the view of ousting
them from this situation, reinforcements of troops
under officers of great merit, have becu, at differ
ent times, despatched to the assistance of Col.
Beall; ami. although they may uot have accom
plished that purpose, yet tlioir conduct through
out the expedition, bespeaks for them a praise
not less deserved than that earned upon the bat
tle field ; in eucouuteriug for a number of days,
with spirit and alacrity, difficulties and dangers
scarcely less formidable.
1 have the honor to be, very respectfully,
Your most obedient servant,
Major General.
Major General Thomas Jesup,
Com'diug Army of the South, Tuskegee, Ala.
From the Standard of Union Extra July 20 th.
Good News.
The following letter from General Wilcox to
tho Governor, contains the cheering intelligence
of a brilliant and decisive battle betweeu a corps
of Volunteers from the county of Lowndes, and a
party of hostile Indians, supposed to be the same
which lately passed through Baker.
The Georgia boys have done houor to them
selves their 8tate, aud relioved a large poriiou
of their feilow-citizeus from the predatory in
roads of this band of outlaws.
TELFAIR County, July 16, 1836.
Governor Schley.
Dear Sir—I havo this moment learned by ex
press from one of the posts on the bead waters of
the Suwanne, that they had an engagement yes
terday, with a party of Indians, in which our
friends succeeded in killing and * capturing the
whole. We lost in the engagement, three Killed
Your Excellency will please
position to make of them. The expenses of
the detachment will be furnished you as soou
as the Quarter Master cau make out his ac
Yours Respectfully.
Col. Com. 69th Reg- G. M.
Tallahassee, July 16.
The summer Campaign.—Arrangements are in
progress for an expedition to the Wiililacoorhee.
'so soon as the requisite force can be assembled.
It will be commanded by General Call. The
object is to destroy tbe growing crops of tiie In
dians.—One thousand mounted men from Ten
nessee, are expected ’o arrive here by the 25th
instant: who will he joined by the regulars, and
tho miiiiia. and volunteers of Florida.
A geueral Order has been issued at Washipgtou
requiring all olfieers attached to the army of Flo
rida to repair to their posts.—Three additional
companies have been ordered from the northern
posts to Florida.
Colonel Warren, of Duval County, lately sur
prized a party of Seminoles, and killed seven and
wounded one ot their number.—Floridian.
tions with the West,” Marked No. 2.
Of the “ Resolutions offered by Air. Wickliffe,
of Kentucky, aud adopted by the Convention.”
Marked No. 3.
Document No. 2, is accompanied by exhibits,
A. being the “ Report of J. Edgar Thompson,
Engineer upon the facility of runuing a rail road
through the Rabuu Gap. and also by McNair’s in
Murray county.” By exhibit B, being details of
a route fora rail road,” submitted by Gen.New-
uau t„ the Georgia Delegation. By exhibit C.
being the “ Route of a road submitted by Jacob
M. Seudder,” Judge Wayne, Mr. I’arkman, and
Col. Jackson.
My co-delegates wbo left this place on the 18th
inst. for Savanuab, will, ou their arrival, furnish
yoH with a statement in relation to the proceed
ings of ike Convention.
1 am, verv respectfully, your ob’t servant,
m. h. McAllister.
One of the delegates of the City of Savanuah
to the late Kuoxville Convention.
P. S.—CopF-s of the Charters aod Report of
the South Caroliua Couimissiouers, are also
er n| ne mjj.
The transportation of cotton and m ,
on the Oconee and Ockmulgee rive^ rcbaDd «e
at present eight steam boats aud fif,l ’ em plot 8
and pole boats. „ * to w boatj
From Macon to Savannah, r
Road of Georgia, is about being coast'n ^ *«*
From Macon to Columbus on tbe
cbeo river, the preseut commuuicatiot,- Mo
dally lines of daily post coaches, but b 7'*o
doubt require a rail road. Macon i 9
ably tbe second, aud Columbus tbe tkiiT* l,01 <*
commercial importance iu tfa e Clt 7 ia
Southern States. Though of recent ° f 1,18
have already outstripped their elder co° ,ll,e J
and are growing with a rapidity on]» n ' petit °r>.
by the most flourishing of the North anrtw* 11 * 1 *
The quantity of cotton made iu Ge • 1 " L
last season, and exported by way of P®' 3
aud the Chattahoochiq, and Flint riv*
licola, exceeded 40,000 bales, and ,* u 1,10 Ap a .
two milliou of dollars; employins I 8 . 0 * 0V8r
boats ou the Flint, and twelve steam b,” 0 Sle3n *
Chattabuochie river. Iu tins section IV*
a large portion of the best cotton iaud*"*
yet brought into cultivation, and the D IT* “ 0|
is yearly increasing in a great ratio. Proou< - t ‘°o
IVc have stated that a rail road ecte 1
northern boundary of Georgia at an, p "" 6 ! hft
tweeu .South Caroliua aud Alabam ° ’ “®*
communicate,-by tbe Georgia rail read
Athens to Augusta, and from that point r ° Ush
command the trada of l, 0 th Charleston^Js'* 1
vanuah, thus giving a choice of the two m • '
pertain markets of tho Southern Ailami. ln# '
'1'lie City of Savanuah i u IS30, conmiJ?** 1 '
pulatiou of 7,900, inhal Hants, fly
derived from the local authorities, the n,^
is stated at 11,000. ’ P"P««Wt
Tho exports of cotton from Savannah of a
crop made in 1835, will be about 250000 b i
which at the average value of 55 dollar „„l7
will amount to 13,750,000 dollars. ** b| ®
The export of Rice of the crop of1835 l
about 24,000 casks, aud will amount in
450,000 dollars. alue ,0
Tbe exports of lumber and all other anirl
may atnoupt to 750,000 dollars making an M
gregato of nearly fifteen millions of dollars in »’
lue exported of the produce of the country
Savannah the present year. '’
The imports into Savannah from all qua .
ters the preseut year will exceed twelve ml nn .
of dollars, pait of which is sold ia Savaunah
and part forwarded in Jhe original packages to
Augusta, Macou, and other places in the inus.
Charleston, July 23.
Latest from Florida.
The schooner Georgia ff Mary, Capt. Willey,
arrived at this port yesteiday morning, in the re
markably short ruti of 24 hours from Jacksonville,
E. F.
We are indebted to Capt. Willey, for a detail
of some further depredations committed by ihe
Seminole Indians, iu Florida, upon the lifo and
property of the defenceless inhabitants of that ill-
fated territory, calculated to harrow up tho fee-
liugs, and excite the indiguaiion of every citizen,
and to make us feel still more powerfully,if pos
sible, the absolute necessity of taking the most
prompt aud energetic measures, to extirpate these
ruthless savages from every part of our territory,
occupied by civilized inhabitants. We could al
most say ihat mercy to them, is equivalent to tbe
murder of our owu citizens.
Capt. Willey copied from the log book of the
U. 8. Steam boat Essayons. the following par
ticulars: * On the morning of the 16th inst., while
on »he way down Black Creek, discovered an
Indian Inx hammock, on the bank, who did not
fire on the boat. At 3 o’clock, iu St. John’s Riv
er, suw a bont coming from Col. Hallow’s plan
tation. having Col. Hallow and Dr. Simmou,
and a few negrees on board. It.appeared that*
the Indians had fired upou the former gentleman,
while in his room in conversation with Dr. Sim
mons. and wounoed him in the head, causing
him to feint and fall. Dr. Simmons, with the ns-
sisranceof some negroes, picked him up, carried
him to the boat, at the landing, aud shoved off.—,
Tho Indians pursued iheiu aud fired upon the'
boat, but fortunately injured no one. In a few
minutes after wards, the dwelling of Col. Hallow
was fired, and iu a short time Dr. Simmou s’,house
was also burned. The Essayons ran over to
George aad Lewis Flemming’s plantation, took
off their families and negroes, and then procee
ded to Picolata, and reported the above occur
rences to the cnmmaudiiig officer at that post
who despatched 2l) men up Six Mile Creek for
the purpose of intercepting the Indians, »n their
return. At 5 P. M. the Essayon returned to
Hallow’s plantation, nud found Mr. Colt’s dwel
ling, (which was noar ■ th»t of Col. IF) i n fire.
While off thq landing, one of Col. IIdllptv’& ne
groes made bis appearance, and gave-a kignnl,
evincing hi- wish to get ou board, upon which
the small boat was sent for him. lie stated that
the Indians were 30 strong, and were back of
tho negro houses—they had now come down upon
the whites for the purpose or spilling their blood,
aod that the way he had been enabled to escape
was that they sent him to the landing to see if Any
troops were coming. He said they were whoop
ing aud dauciug in front of Col. Hallow’s house,
while it wns burning. Tho uegro' was sent back
to t lie landing,'and succeeded in getting all the
negroes belonging to Col. Hallow, (with one ex
ception only, who was taken prisouer by the In
dians) on board.
In addition to the above particulars, Capt.,
No. I.
The underv gned Committee beg leave to sub
mit the following report :—
The advantages which a Rail Road communi
cation with Georgia presents to the inhabitants
ofthe West, in a commercial point of view, con
sists in the extent of couutry opened to their
trade, producing Rice aud Cott-m, and consum
ing articles the produce aud manufacture ofthe
North Western States; and in forming direct
and convenient communications with all the
gieat commercial cities of the South, through
which the necessary supplies ofthe West, may be
most conveniently obtained, and cheaply trans
ported to the West,
A rail road entering Georgia at any point of
her uorlheru boundary betweeu South Carolina
aud Alabama, will communicate by the Georgia
rail road with Athens and Augusta; and from
Augusta, by the rail road with Charleston, and
by steam boats with Savannah.
From a point above Athens, a direct commu
nication may be had with Forsyth, there, meet
ing the rail road to Macon; and from one of
thesaplnces a rail road communication will soon
be opened to Columbus ou the Chattahoochee,
from whence, steam boats now run through Flo
rida to the Gulphof Mexico.
A glance ou the map at the lines here designat
ed, will show that the cities and country thus
opened to tha trade ofthe West, will include the
city of Charlestou. aud all the Rice-growing
country of South Carolina ; thecity of Savannah,
and every important point in the Siate of Geor
gia. touching' at Columbus, the boundary ofsoutb
Alabama, and passing through Florida.
To show thq importance of these communica
tions more iu detail, we slate—-
The gross-receipts of the Georgin rail road,
uow beiug constructed for transportation, are es
timated upon specific data, to be 400,000 dollars,
per annum. This amount is estimated upon the
assumption that the road will terminate at A-
thens. Augusta, the largest interior commercial
city of the South, is the next poiut.
The present population of Augusta is estimat
ed at between seven nnd eight thousand inhabi
tants. and immediately adjoining, connected by
two bridges, is the important town of Ham
burg iu South Caroliua..
Of the Crop of cotton made in 1835, tbe re
ceipts at Aogastn will bo 140,000 bales, 'and at
Hanihnrgh 35.000. making au aggregate of
175,000 I ales, which, at $50 per bale, makes au
amount tit’ 750*000.
The sale of merchandize may be safely estimat
ed to exceed 7,000,000 dollars, thus making au
aggregate commercial business of the year ex
ceeding fifteen millions of dollars. Bagging, flour
and bacou, are leading articles of importation
for interior consumption.
The commercial business of Augusta is carried
on by the rail road with Charleston, aud by
steam boats with Ssvauuah, through which ci
ties all her. exports and imports are made.
The business on the Savannah river alone
employs 20 steam boats and about 50 tow-boats.
,'JThe freight oti the imports of Augusta from Sa
vannah, though carried at very low rates, exceed
$200,000 per aunum _
. Diverging from the Georgin rail road Hue, at
a poiut above Athens to the South, the commu
nication it opened by Forsyth with Macou aud
nil South-Western Georgia.
The Receipts of cotton at Macon the past sea
son amounted to 80,000 bales, of the average
weight of 350 pounds, which at the market value
produced over four millions of dollars, The re
ceipts at other places above Darien, amounted
to 20,000 bales, and-in value to one million of
The intercourse between Savannah and New
York, alone, employs fifteen regular packed
many of them large ships, besides transient res’
sels. But the largest business from Savannah,
is direct to Liverpool. Iu eight and abalf mouths
from October 1, to 1835, to June 16,1836, there
were shipped from Savannah, direct for Liver
pool, 125,807 bales of cotton, which at the value
of 55 dollars per bale, amounted to 6,919,385
Krom Savannah, steam boats run to Augnstt,
to Charleston, to Darien, to Macon, to tbe St.
Johns river in East Florida, and to all the inter
mediate places on the coast aud rivers.
By a statement published iu the Savannah
Geotgian, ou the 17th of June, 1836. it appears
that the merchants of Savannah were theu own
ers of 37 ships aud brigs, besides smaller vessels
and steam boats. That i f these eighteen were
ships of the largest class, averaging over 50(1
tons each.
From Savannah, ihe Central- Rail Road trill
lead directly iuio tbe lie art of Georgia, and ar-
rangements are being made, :o c ianeet there
with lilies of s earn packets, runuing to Norfolk
and New Vork.
Having pointed out the important commer
cial poiats placed iu direct communication with
the west, by a rail road coming from thence and
entering the northern boundary of Georgia: iVe
uow state, the entire country embraced iu this
sketch is almost exclusively a country producing
col'im nnd rice, and consuming largely tbe pro
ducts, mauufactuies aud stock of the west.
The receipts of Cotton at Savannah are stated
at i?59,000 bales
Exported from Darien to plates
other than Savannah, 10,000 do.
Exported by way of Apalachicola. 40,000 do.
Making a total of 300,000baln
To pack this quantity of cotton, 1,500,000
yards of bagging is required, all of which is now
imported front Great Britain, but which may he
supplied from the wes'.
In addition to this, a large section of tbe finest
cotton lands in Georgia, lying betweeu the Flint
and Chatlahoochie rivers, are but partially set
tled, and will, in three or four years, increase ihe
gro wth of cotton in Georgia, to at least 400,000
bales—making n still further demand upon (ho
West for its produce, manufactures aod stock.
We have thus in the short time allowed vs,
sketched a very brief and imperfect outline of
some of tho commercial advantages which Geor
gia presents to her friends in the West and North
Western States, and which maybe commanded
by a rail road eutering any poiut of her northern
boundary between South Caroliua and Alabama-
(Signed) S. B. PAR KM AN,
No. 3.
Resolutions offered by Mr. Wickliffe, of hen*
tuiky, and adopted by ihe Convention.
Whereas, it has been resolved by this Conven
tion, that it is important that a branch of t*
Cincinnati, Louisville and Charleston rail raid
should bo exteudod from some point in Tennee*
see iuto the State of Georgia u pot) feciproca
terms with those enjoyed by the States of Ken
tucky, Tenueesce, North Carolina ard £ ou .
Carolina—And, whereas, an opportunity shou
be afforded to the State of Georgiuand ,ls ^
zens to become participators in the c-ustrucuo
a ud benefits of said road.
Be it the fore rtsolved, Tha; applinnj 10 ”*
should be made to the Legislatures of the 8 [a
of Kentucky. Teunessee, North Carolina, two
Carolina nnd Georgia-for an amendment 01
charters granted by those States to to _
State of Georgia and- its citizens to
ticipants iu the construction and benefits 8 .^
road upon terms of perfect equality wiut 3
that are to be enjoyed by the States of Ken u >
Tennessee, North Caroliua aud South La
aud their respective citizens, and that 8 u ^
amendment should be - provided, giy |D 5 l8 . ^
State of Georgia in the geueral direction
company three directors, residents . p,. e i-
aud a local board as are provided for M
isting charters for the States of Kentucky,
uessee, North Carolina and South Garoli • ,
Be it further resolved, That e f ur,ne r r[ers of
meat should be made iu the existing cn ^
said company providing ihat the , 1 anC mn) , D to
road to be extended iuto Georgia shall c ® uta
t Knoxville, or at the nearest point 1 ,. n i< D oi-
if the road of the company shall not stn . {
viffe, to be constructed theuce to sU . L , " t [jat
as the Sate of Georgia may elect, an ^
purpose, that the capital of said company
■creased dollars. , „harier*
And he it further resolved, That Ae £ gtt .
iu w,uuu uiucs. uiiu ui vuiuo .U oue million Ol of the company ought to be amontiCti1 ^ ^
dollars. The sales of merchandize at Macon, thorize and require that the boardo ^ sy0te
for the year, may be estimated at three millions i rection, whenever it shall lie the uo g p.
- * - ‘ ' ' ’ * * r of the directors of a State to that ^eae-i.^ jy
admit ib®
five hundred thousand dollars, and at the other
places on the river, at seven t6 eight hundred
thousand dollarg—piaking an aggregate of com
ply the amoupt subscribed by » ~ t ; 0 P
citizens in the first to the cons .