Newspaper Page Text
fiti-i I Tl - -"ItirtfliifiSll
Tcriiis of Subscription.
Tl(RKK adcanco./cdtpy firths ya-
‘ , ‘ r r’lv x .)oli.4BS, paid 1.1 (ulra.nct, will pay
l[ :r foLpcr W>» ** n ’ Tkn U,ll - LAr ‘ s - P' udM < u!t “ ncc
^smotdhs after the year has
I Three D./Uars and Fifty CcuU per annum
' ' r T:* f. .1 If not paid until thy cad of the y-ar,
/• '/ !)dl/rs per ‘lanUM soUl he chars*! -with interest
uaesjur Tep , |ls0f Advertteisiff.
! Inert,seW* it.ii rjese.ding one hundred words, or 12
. lines, (etasidertd* square,) ,cdt be inserted one
. far O n I'Uar. IVhtn mare than one insertion » w I _ r
'' ' cc nte far the first, and 50 cents fer each sub- , cfc induce. mid will, receive .ml forward all goods jrpn-
•1L.’, insertions . ■, , signed o them. Their charges in every in mow; will
riff Fie C/Hectors’and Coroners hates arc chat- ; by as low us L customary Inibe city. Liberal mh-au-
hy the lea). t | c,u * ' vil1 bj »n-*do on cotton stored with them or ship
Hyrick, A'anicr & Free-
~ '8P titan inform ilieir friends mid the
V ^.public gein rally, that they ape enlarg
ing their Ware House adjoining their
store on Cottou Avenue, Irnve
it ready lor the reception of cotton by the .camnicacc-
ment of the ensuing season. All cotton consigned to
them by Planters and oiht-rs. dcajui; in the avticle, or
onii rs in buy mill sell : ti the inarhcu utO boprntuprer
attended t*. Tiiqy likewise iufufin those -uerehanu
who (<I (heir goods by .Macon, t-«t they have u
large and safe Brick Sto'-e, fur Uio n coption of mcr.-
- y Darien IAkc of f*arfrets.
JL diilii Macon. A- iSiblnns. Mn-ur.
■TvE- - AnTia Strong, Brown,
ffliV « D.- rioii, C P. Bnlkcy, “
; >• w Jersey, B. Matthews. "
\r=s& .. pjcoiinth, J. Couhont. “
•• (Now)
Schr. 1>. B- Crane. Baker. “
The* i ar • all rnppt-rcd, Hastened twin bn:!i
expressly for this trade, h ivc experienced rapt tins
"ini -ail roaiilaHv mire ,i week from each port. - j
Vchoi-id'f< r Darien will, tin J ifirlroy i»:r:
r.wof arc—'-T i9 ta 21 feet water wtl! Ire lonrril-**:> thf j at high Valor, tin* same depth can be carried with- j
n -ix mil's of Daiit-n, 111 feet cubic carried tip to the 1
in" The unchoinge in Doboy S'UiuI and ri\ ;-r is;
..•trticnl-iilv sale aval good, with ample room tor ves
sels to carry off the whole cotton crops, coming down
m-s rivers i > DuniMi. v *. • '
Agents Dariai.
ilcfer to jA'ijss Gormana, Fsq. iMocn.i. .
tin It), E* Id. 2 __
ami others who have business to transact ia that city,
thatJte will be prepared to attend to any Commission
J Business with which ho may he favored. They tin.
brace the present opportunity to return thetr sratetul
acknowledgements to their friends and the public fur
past favors, and solicit n continuation of their putron-
In addition to their present stock, they will receive
e.irlv this rma fine asssrtmeut of
I>ry Goods, Oroceries. Hardware.
Cutlery, Hale Rope, Heavy Jlentp, Cotton
! Readymade Clothing, Ac. Ac. &c.
j suitable for the full trade, all of which they offer for
I sale on the most reasonable t -rms
| Macon. August 25 (il tf
hiri Coenmisfiion Business.
IFiitch Mahers tf Jct'dlcrs,
Would inform their frie
tho public, that' they huvo re
ed their cstabhshirvsfit \a^Ci’ttXk
■Ar-aiuc. to the store recently oc
cupied by J If & WS EHis.drtig-
gists. whore they will be lutpnv n,
serve any who may favor them With a coil. '1’iiev
have in addition to their lornier stock, just received
from Kerr; Vork a large and splendid assortment of
Watches* Jewelry, &c.
of the latest fashions, wiicli they will sell cheap for
cash—consisting of gold and silver levers, anchor 03-
capenieht. duplex, lepine, alarm and vertical Watch
es, of the best .jnnlity; gold, silver and steel guard
Cltnins, Seals and Keys, Ear Knobsund Drops, Breast
files. Drums,. Ac. Swords, swonl Canes, Knives and
Pi'lols, uiuong which is Buggies’ pocket Rifle, that
will shoot fifty yards with precision j Cold Foil. Den-!
tist.files, slicll, silver, gilt and horn Combs, Card ca
ses, Pocket Bonks ana Purses, silver Snuff boxes, sil- -
ver Toys, silver Thimbles. Scissors, cord, gilt and |
glass Bopds. steel Pens, and a variety of other articles
nknnlly kept in their line.. “ i
N. 15. \\ e have thebest of tun;erials for repairing [
Watches of :dl kinds. S. B. V’s practical kuowledgn j
of the business induces him to think dial he can. and ’
w'il! give satisfaction to all who muyen trust their work j
r> '■!. b inds '■tioi'iisit c. ener.iMst- Oct- 1
Tfgi -
«ii»l«GJS A. HASiiaEESfEl'
KKV solieis the ittteuiioii o< pttr-
causer* to a very largo assortment of
'Hats and Caps,
. » - -. * ■ wnicli have been made by nun expressly fur retailing!.
Pins, r mger Kings, gold, silver and steel Spectacles, | and aro wnrr..ntc J to bo of superior style uml otiuhtv 1
gold and silrer ever pointed Pencils, silver table, tea, to any ever before offered in Macon; aimni" his assort- i dor c<>rnftirr;.fif
salt and mustard Spoons; Sugar Tongs, soup and ; mem may be tbund,
cream Ladies—all of which will be warranted free j Super fishiouablo black and drab
from alloy ; silver Cttps, butter Knives. Castors, sil- - do ‘ broadbrim do fur clderiy
rer plated and bronzed Candlesticks. Trays and Shnf- ! do-fasli do iio satin beaver
ers. Musical Boxes, Accordians. Flutes, Flageolet's.! do do i!y black and drnb Rits:
Wide, meridian ;im! narrow.brim
metis and hoys Inti top cjptji caps,
it „ Kobinson’s do do
, The undersigned desire to inform their I
Friends and the Public generally, that
they continue the above business. They
are mnkiii?£omeadditi' ii!ot!ieir Ware
hr.iiso " liicli is conveniently situated on
VV M. si, Jttl i» tr.' ALL,
ift Jus' received a new and extensive as
sortment of
. Ready-made Clothing.
rtinc blue. Slack, invisible green, Adelaid,
, brown and green Broadcloth Dress Coats, ,
! Second-street adjoining, they will ha pre- Superfine blue, black, brown and green Cloth Frock
I pared to muko liberal advances on Produce or Mor- Coats,
} < hnndise, either in store or to bo .shipped to Savannah.
; C'harlcsten or New York.
.Tlxroti Si ram Boat Company.
<i£Z SuPtlKIOJl. C ipi. (iaor.o .. dico.v,
do. r.XOVUi’. ** J. L. Willcox.
•31 111> company have now their lino of Beals in
h_ ca nplofc or.l v for freighting. They have a
' ^icamh iat added to tliair lino called the huperior,
■ad ten Tow-Boats.
i - i its will run regularly berwa-n Macon and
S^-n, on • of the stjain'iuats leaving D.irion every
vo nr dx days with tnw-bo;its. The company have
Unv sixteen tow-boats, all first rate baits.built exprass- l!m navigation .of th - Oc:it'tlg'»c \immaha
Mver>: those increased liicililies will enable the com-
mv the moans of giving tho greatest ocsputch to
o or goods shipped by their lino.
.•v law u At.• an I a nni«1>er of Sloop*,
[TTTrrV cn’ion and mare!nudist* between Darien and
a im. a'.tj !)uri*'M and Cjia.-h’s.ntl. There ore
five livst rate Pa diets running regularly hotwwn
Rf.ii aa | Xew Yor.c, which come to ‘Hawes «A
iiitchal, of Darien.
Agents for the abate Rants :
J. GODDARD, .Macon.
HsTrcn. Kii'r.v A Wai.tiui. Charleston.
L. fJxt.nwis «Sr Co. Savannah.
11 v.vr.*. aliTCHKM. fv Com.ins. Dnricn,
.J). K. Rom;nrs, H’r.Wiinsville,
d i"m. ?4lh Dec., ISC.
Their jicrsonnl and individual attention^ will bo do
| voted to selling cotton from tho wareimuscor wagon,
j In addition to iho above, they will^autlimie the mer-
j cantilo business at their old stand, and expect shortly to
, e>ive from ihc iScw York and Boston markets, »
’resli supply of
29rv Goods? Grccori'S*
Hardware, llats. .Shoes. Ac. Ac.—wt.icb will mtike
ihoir assortment large and complete.
By a strict atteulion to business they hope to merit a
•ii i tol public patronage. .
•n.t 15 lit (.l ORCr JFUT.TT A CO.
Oamilste Sieassy caosu ro
r Jl-U-miptn. vi.; h * *i
sincss, citrlv in the trx! s--:a*-o:t—Titov will fi—•
!i . ■ of Packet* lie'M'cii X-tv Y-rrk. ami Darien -inri
get. a vessels to forward . ; • > ! * from Dar'e n to Mar,*i: j
—Theagents itt New Vork. C'urlesfnn.and Savannah, j
■•.•ill le> authoriseil to c-ritraet f-*r the delivery of vorid-
fUi; undersigned w.ll r.untiuue to
Hrausactiho above business in ail its
❖ J9 wirious limns at their old stand They
' v hl, asIfuhorto. make libera.l advance's
on produce ami merohnmlize in store
Superfiito bloc, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattccs,
amt bine, steel mix'd and limey colored Saitiiret j
Coattees and Frock Coats,
Super, bine, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive,!
olid grceti Cloth Pantaloons,
Blue, black and fancy colored Sattinet Pantaloons, ’
Youth’s cintliand satlinct Dress uml Troek Co?;ts,
do tie do PantaTooiu, j
Black and bine Cassimcro. black and colored Velvet,
, . j- acorn top ceieste caps, ,
iJ^PVfc &C-Ae, .. * , v jjl that,k.vtesold at public o'.ilrr"
ch'mcbifia lV.J C T‘*» i""* 1 r "^' c0,,!,,Ktai -' bidder. 'Perms will h» made to ittir p r-rfraser.,
bit and nU ,0 ' ° rn,U,C ’ 6^ Aop' he aibscrihrr at Vi -a.i , V -O.-in. thoMth
Mats iiindoianniArM l . . i liblrirt..t miles v.-est of PeV.-tVor' 5J. Birtlolt, in
U ttrii , - . ; •«•»<■»«• -w:i ft-. 'MDrfKB OOi.fclNtf.
hand Oe,T' * udtt * tiaek ’ constantly nt. |—
JBOOJS and ^.oes, ilomeite5rS5r.~' J.'/ "isb.ngmf.nivut,.,. -r K.tuLmr
7» CAs»t,S Bouts and .Shoes, consist- j
ing in part of
Gentlemens fine calf Boots, sewed
.and pegged.
Stout pegged ami water proof Boots,
f ine call and stout .Slidesand Pumps.
Ladies . teal. Moiocco and Prunella Walking Shoes.
Suns and Bootees ; Children s Shoes a; all kinds.
A complete assortment of Negro shoes.
. limrtiu^l^fa.-e i>r a great deni tif tiax'.'.ir Atfached to ; . e ^r aforesaid. !,v wfuVh said „
! th'5 J-.o;iaj prp acres vii:h stables aud'o~ ! l.osiy Coats then mil thete- «.* i «r xot.Vtj to
• tlv'r oif hen s.:-. 'i tile said Alexandei I’oyetllii U. < \ or lot^oi iajul lvuoxx tj
if jiuf scld'befove the first Tuer.Ky’Id 1 -January.'it | n ~ the nntnler eigh'.v-;wo in the fillet nth district, of
y’fd the highest saiftcoitniv' Ifnttsi -t!. rm iainin? two lietdied
two-and hail inerts-, a.- weii for. end in cutis delation
nl th*- sum of or.e dufiitr mi our d paie as better tc
L-cnre to the soil! Ah-x.u.der Foj. r . by tho tannj nHlt
B.iay of J)t comber then s.esu thop'avnient ot the -uti of
j eleven hundred and seventy six i!ol iirs.theu and tuero
potson «i»purchase ; l'.:.rniA«nositu- :
•Kiott ifbra House of^:iusriiniii6etit.;-'
proved, with i good two story Dw.etnngi,house, and PI ... ^
ali o.fier inieruvi metita uecossm v lor a nid.-iic, h.-.t-on, is stiii due.and niipt-id. ?cd u.-e' said Alrxan-
prayed «>d
cotivpvttttce. in ternur of tho .-ii'ttte
ivitlf d. " It-iS tJ.eTi-f«.Ve. on motion of
black Florintine, black Bombazine, dark and light ! Fine 1..I and 7 3 FK>iri»^ S rt'i. ln i,„r- v rt
colored Vale.itia, English Sift, colore,I and white Ac.I^t„ c ”^ vej JS't n 00 - 113 ^
Mcrseilles Toilinct, Swansdown and Sattinet Vests j hv ' c I ?»mvl \ vtt x rn“’
Camlet Clonks and Great Coats;. ! oeMB « r^'
Mixed. brown Cloth & Patcrsham Box Coata ! gViVt.s ,m —i e^~ -?. d " ftrl, \ tl . ,< ‘ 1 “- ; -°nice.
Lvon Skin Overcoats. j r S 1 s, ‘ t,s ; r i 'h'-rsinilorra theirtnemis aim u, u ,mb-
Fine Linen Shirts. Collars, Bosoms. Socks. Ac i b * k remaved to the lire pr.krf
l titictc store in J lurd-street, near.v opposite to the store
«f -»ir Stock of loovnpied by David Ralston, nnda few doors south-
hiekdry Lead, lying at,mil etic nvWVal'oVe, w'Ttii- j:front
15H ncics cleared, ttnt'cr good fence, well iitii revedf
2() cases DmueMic C^a'.'fteWteTand nubiench -f wi « h a • i »« ! >'«»»« P# 8 ^ I*’®
ed.-consisting office Shirting and wheeling, * tuui do '* «‘^^‘ | t-gHHlMi, cxc • utatutfr. wm bo
n «sr»» «-«s- -«—• i SSSS
Nnv 3
r ; AM> FJ. .Vtiitvif
SliMyed <*r sitnen.
v attorney for >h< >tiid Alexander 1‘ope,
.rlercti? thht the jirincipal and interest due by said
'nbrtgnge deed and also "all cOh? be paid into court
.v. i-.hiu-MXfntonib.. from the present term, amt that on
rWjrfe th. ip.if. tfte ctjuity of redemption of and in the
w- --fiirf metigage'pr<ui>i>-fs, be from then-eforlli linr-
tbr liarrejd and foturiri.cil; tnu! it is IVt v * I trot tiered,
■ this rub' he puldishe'd in ow of the public Gazettes
. i'tliis State dttpet ;• kndmli for six months, ex -rtvt-d on
.id L-!-ley Coal>, or his special agent or nttoriieyy
; i.i‘. three ttrutiliis previous t« tho next tetiti nl this
u> lie s.iipp. d either to Savannah Ciiarleston, Nevv
■ -k or i.tverpi.ol. and will devote the same persona!
fid undivided attention to all business entrusted to
heir care, anti purticr.iarly to that of spiling cotton
f.-n .t tho .warchnnsc or wagons Having disposed of
their warehouse in Fust Marnn. they will in future
liltin'- their business to-out- boose, which they are
oiiargiitgcQtmderablv lot the storage of Cotton, and
•"here they will he happy to serve those who have
riven tlieitl Itiieij pntiullage from the i n-t -ide «if the
ver. Feeling grateful for the liberal patronage here
tofore received, we hope by a strict attention to busi-
•icss to merit n continuation of the same.
Macon. 1st September. 1336
200 pieces Best Hentp Bagging for sale at market
hv H.H.& CO.
•u-pt i 6»
Mtiifeisivtied ii foiins his
friends and those of the late firm of
Cutter He Cornwall, that he intends re-
s i.imig the
~.c y Cotniiii’,sion Business,
l i'mi, at a fra■ - O a p-.vt-l.nn tv-iUwiut iiitcnnwi- t t i0 .,i 0 , 0 next above the one recently odcttpied by
nr'-aai ^pig.-.Qtt M-tcou v.i.i ••.•eer..' ;-ot;n iy Chase, on the margin of Last Macon, known as
A.vanmih. Charleston ami \ or..- ; ^ ,„v VI1 ,„- Tr ov. ' . -.
-,) -1' ,-ty s v - sels -' td boats, will bo of ttrrt ckc- i He further informs tiie public that ho has bought the
SPKLYG AXii SVMLUER CLOTIHYG, * v e«i>0'» die Ocutral Hotel, where they offer for sale.
wm. H. BVH9SAKK,
A Tlhh bevy FireProof UuUn'in^s. cornt-rof Mul
berry and Second streets, including the folloiv-
JSunimer cloth, Bombazine, Grass Cloth, Grass and
Brown Linen Circassian and Uouan Cassiutcre
Summer Cloth, twilled Merino, grass Cloth, grass
and brown Liuon. aud KonnnCn-tsimuiu CO VTLLS.
Summer Cloth, Bombazincl Lriniuct, Cyprus, wor-
sled and Valentia Crape, Napoleon Cord, Angola Cas-
simere, brown ami grass Linen and Drilling Fancy-
Drilling, Pongee, .Mexican tuixt, Kouan Cassimere
Boys summer Cloth, grass Cloth, brow n linen, and
White and biilf grass Cloth. ImlTand brown I.ineu,
Pongee, Ronatt Cassimere and Jeans ROF Ml JACK
A large assortmentof fancy VFST9.
Fine l.iuert Shirts, Silk under Shirts and Drawers.
Ac Ac 4f
F. F,
exptSi’iaite: ! t-uiMtitfudcw, and no expehstF wiil »>•
• 1 ta iur>..i ih«* p-itrinago of:!j-> pa’dic.
I’ll. Y-'Vn J :0i.-SON.~, Ihnfrjii Fforifn
ir -js;s‘e,::*tett£ of fjj
?i».iesr Stettin A i'oic riottl Line,
: l . nrupnetors of rha ahov * .tin** iioufy tiicir
2. Diait U uud the public, that they will havornn-
aing on the AUi.inaiui and «Icinuigee rivers vliirtiig
.i-* - tinnier and fail uv.iulat, four «n- five P;no Boats,
■ v; - n’nrlij adopted to Law stag a qf tenter, anil which
■viil it.- ividoil by. vvhi-n tli-s water will pur-
ant 3lii|> ier* by this iiitumaydt-p -ad upuo every a;-
r. niiini bniugpaid. antl.oxortiou used lu give despatch
lit prouertv siiipp -d by it to anv of tbe laxntings on
aid rivers. J. T, IWW1.AM1, d/t I «“»■
'Ie**rs Ilouco-tnr. Pcck & Co. (.Iintlcston.
Ik P. Butts, F.sfp Savnuaid*.
R nvuivo, I.’ravb »V ^ntezn.rOTO i-arien.
II vi.sTr. va, T.xyi.or & <5o. IIawki:isv,>i!e.
Marnn Jane 36 I tan ;
lie further infotms tiie public
Goads. Ac. and having now on the way, from New
'fork, anil oilier ponces.
Dry Goods anu Groceries♦
••igeihcr making his stock compieto. which vyili lx - suld
! r.v lur readv pay. ho will he ready to receivo Cotton
,-irIv. in the fall, and be prepared to make advances —
l.w.-nuld particularly notice to his friends the. gren
oiv:iu:a;;es his Warehonses have over tljose in lh
V.-nso parr of the citv with regard to Fife. They bciu
detached from other buildings and at. a distance front
-t-iv street or lane, atnl well enclosed
Mny 5 45 tf H. G.C1TTHH.
Fuctdi'nisc A ComntKslon Bn sircss,
BO. i'ri. VG, Sc.
g l HE subscribei has located in-the city of Savan
nah fur the above purposes, aud taken stores
o- irlV opposite the City Hotel.
The Mtcaim-r “ Chieftain ” Capt. White, will
b • ready in all the present month to receive freight for
■i.icim, and will continue regulaily liiron about the sea
son the river admitting, and unavoidable accidents
only intercepting. ..
Goods for forwarding will experience no delay, and
-be interestefth” owneronlv takenintoconsider.ttion.
,ir: J:: 2 *S. F. DICKENSON
LLWib at '£. F. Mx* .. >UY,
.Merchant Tailors,
H AVEem red into co-partnership under the firm
of l.cvvis A Nsvvtos, foi the purp-*>o of trans
acting business in their line.
They expect lu have on iinna irom New York, in a
short time, a genera! assortment of Cloths, Cnmd-
uiercs. Vestings. Ac. Which, together with the stock
on hand will make their assortment complete-
Also, a general assortment of Bend v-Mode Clothing
which will bo aold low for cash They solicit a share
ofthe public patronage, b. F. LEWIS,
Aug 18 60 T. F. NEWTON.
Co hmission ^Bnsin^ss. Marian.
rllUl. nndersigorrl have rc-uuMA OlHUWss a* a-
«. have, and will as heretofore pay prompt atten-
tion to all business entrusted to their cure. \y e helievo
"‘n have made arrangements that will enable us at all
Jtcrdir.nts’ Insurance Gasupany
T HE public are hereby iuiiirmcd that the whole
of llie Capital SvUK-kofiiiis » orapnuy. of
One Hundred Thousand Dollars
ill cu-li. has been paid in, and is now prepared to take
risk* according to previous notice ; viz. to apd trout
to forward gauds for the intcrier with the least , "J . 0 ,- -vincon to any port or place in the United
In* v.t.iKneiu tvlihii lii > nvrr ivi 'itl* I . .. * . 1 .1._ 1
, n delay bv suvinboats when tho river will ad- f
a a 11 .« . »• * „ . pmstn. nil nuiiiinv u“»
mu. or m axtremo low river .by,small flat* o.- Kgutcrs, , Miain'e ('Onifanice.
•unit cxpr-*s>ly for that (piiHie-«. fm our wiiaryes. Jx*es -j
ifi- : ir.-e iiareho:!' -s, calculated lor tin- storing of cot
; ,Stales,On equally advantageous terms to tho assured
j'odtmlRO, President.
tan at tnu least potable expense, and onr ippotiuuities {
io forward cottou inlaiul or coastwise, aro nut exceed-1
nd by any utirer ilopso. Darien, .May 2(1. 1-05.
^ . H IRE tlOlJSB
A* i.,i
cn -fi-nssio*' susi.'s'&ss.
( 1 1 . -in lerstgsod continues io trau-uK the H’are
flntisn and Commission Businoss. situato coit-
tml to th * (Jott vt II irket, on the corner oi’ Chcny and
'-rend s,Tacts, within a few fact from Cotton Avon o. j
; >r.n rlv occupied by jkttnos C. Morgan. Liberal atl- i
v titi-et will !v». ruade «ii prod tco nr odtLr articles stor- j
I or shipped. Cotton will bo sold from wagons or |
turn at 25 cants per balo. and stored nt customary
>!•* L. L. vlRE-TIN. (
\ag 25 Gtn
Wm. il. Parker, 1
~ J Cowles.
!• Directors
Tuos. Tttum, J
1 .
oct 6
1-tf James Rba. Secretary.
Commission Business. Darien.
rgllii: firm of :«NO\V A BOGLK> is this day
Jfl dissolved._ The undersigned will continue ih-
ttomifissinu Busin fits oii his own account, atnl dovot-
bis whole attention to this brooch of business. The
friends of tlte late firm and others may rest assttredilini
no exertion on his part shall he wanting to proruot!
such interests as mav be intrusted to his care. Partic
ular rttention will bo paid to forwarding Goods and
Produce GEO. T. ROGERS.
Darien, 1st Nov. 1836. ,
The snhscriber. of the late firm of Snmv & Rogers,
begs leave t« return his thanks to the friends of the
late concern, and would respectfully solicit thccnmin-.
nance oftheir patronage to Mr Geo. T. Rogers, who
wilt continue the Commission Business on his own
account. Darien, 1st Nov, 16550.
6 fit I3AAC SNOW
(a part of which to arrive,)
7u hluis tit Croix and Porto RictrSugars
dilil bags Pritna Greun Rio, audJava Coffee.
luU barrels Northern Rnut and Gin,
25 casks Wine aud Cordials
pipes I ogn.ic Brandy aud H Gin
Io baskets Champaigne Wine, part superior
-j, boxes Muscat do
4!) bb!s No BMackorel
No I .Salmon
150 bolts heavy Hemp Bagging
00 coils Bale Rope
400 lbs Twine
6000 lbs feathers, to arrive.
A Ueneral.Assortment of
» y Goods, Shoos, Hats, Hardware*,
Ac. &c. all oi which will be sold at unusually k>w
prices, for cash onlv. bv
— ,ct i:UL__ 'Vi ELIA MSA- BRADLEY
J nDSX KBtEIVEB Bom Nevv-York7and fur
I sale by
50 bags and 50 b.urels prime green Cofiite,
20 hhtis prime ,~t Crttu sugar,
30 bbls Rum, 30 bins Whiskey, and 20 bbls Gin:
'V e will algo sell uur DA* Y GOODS, a splendid as
sortment, at, or about cost, wish to turn our at
tention to the cotton and grocery business.
July 7 54
oav uooosT
thenvitiutes of said court,
JORDAN. Clerk.
' tho
•» I .— I.titistep coju ty.
f IJKREAs Hnglt L Invin, sdui:i;i-'.raior _
estate of Ratliff Lckles, «l'.i..u,;sed, aj phes for
ienere of Dismission— ,
, AL'O. UtighL Irwin.executor of the>staU- ol Tho-
--. , .- . i, l f> rf ; OIf '■ f cu..:tA Irvviu,deceased,at.plieafnriw'.ursnl Dismission,
v.aimai w rci, to be -paid, .at the LsnUim..[ ihirfoK to ciifiuui.w ., i <.iu?l all and >xngv-
. touue m orin-mre too loth l.ucamu,. kindred do* chdHonoj soidjec end. (o he and
living in Favette.cattuty. the-sixih district (lei. • »
pet 20 .» _ MiTCUA; L 'i 1 . SIMMON. ; . |
^ t{D, .K’.-;D, T*tat tho rjfmfEtnldora of ihe Ftu :
xLF uters’'Baii!; of UbattittuMeJ-.u-L-; be. and they an j
Iter-'by notified, tiiat Forty Dollars per share on tl
iJ..I»l ot o. C. il.X:*E .J L.>->,. C.(S I time, trim said letters shomd nolbr.
Fur suit, -•*
(Wf Y BK1UK iiuDSE tjtiA Io:,.on tlig coniti-oft
JLTJL New ami Popiar streott. within 70 jauJs ul !
Coti-m Avenue, it us a Two story house,'nuvv a .-Hi j „
convenient- The e is an abundant hmhng SpwSg'ot i ^ r .
good water on the lot. Its sitnntion tis id ketii'.h, eon- • -yB
t stwic Cause ij any they haic. why said tattrs.shonid not hr.
iveu u.ider my h>ru! July. 4 1630; r
f i n • rer
OH‘it A : Lih.pKiM Let ,ut
HERI Ari tsWiu-y U likersoh applies to n o
i ,■ , .... . v J for |e ters of dismission from the Estate ol
vumenuy to nu„»i, s and lire Female I ollege. render. * w WtlkevsoP. deceased :
it valuable., Apply to Messrs Ha mil tun A. tort or,. .- T/teJC are tv cite „ K d adu.auisk all and -
luysoit. Alsu its r unniure. Private ooardurswt;i ue i , ,, ,..., ...■ <
uccutuinodateu unurtho proj-u-tu issntiU
Atnr ;-o na A-
Charleston, S. C.
T HE subscribers have imported from England.
direct, a large and splendid assortment of FALL
GOODS well adapted to the season, and manufactur
ed expressly for the Southern markets, which, with
their supplies from the North, enables them to oft'cr a
stock equal to any in the United States, and at price.'
■slow. C. <fc G H. KLLSFY A- IIALSTED.
Charleston, Sopt. 7, lStitt 64 9t
//dm, 'tHUH.fSf liO.Y.YH If’*’
T HE subscriber having determined to abandon
lb i trade in the above articles, will dispose of
—•— ! r
? VI» rO 'M MiSIO.Y ft F.VLVE.VS. J
1' I UiVOfe-R>Dxjl D .will con-I
■■I®— inno to transact the nho-.o bnsiuess at
i - .V’.iro Ilotisettecnpicdhy him Inst 1
lihd* Prime St. Croix Sugar.
;Kt do Perm Rico and New Orleans Sugar,
30 Barrets do. do.
39 Boxes Brown Ilnvannah Sugar.
2G hhiR Porto Rico Molasses,
21 do' Cuba do
90 B igs Coff.e.
220 Pieces Hemp Tagging. .
80 Pieces Tow do .
50 fit Casks-'Vine, 7'E^TE',
15 Boxes Tqbaero,
5 M Cigars-, for sale by
Oct. 27. 4 gf REA # COTTON
alHl. Insurauco Bank of Columbus. wiU insttt
Georgia Iasaranrc nu«l Trust Com
Augusta, Nov. 2.1836.
rip IitS Company will receive money on deposit
H for any time not less than sixty daya, nor irioro
ihau twelve months. Transferable certificates of
such duposites will bo issued, bearing interest at the
rale o! six per cent, per Hiiuinn For periods lunger
or shorter than either of the above, special contracts
will bo ina-iu.
For tbe convenience of persons residing at a dis
tance, applications may be made to cither of the a-
gents of the company, in South Carolina audGeorgia,
whose names aro annexed.
WM- T. GOULD. Scc’y.
Crakles Dav. Macon.
Iverson L. Harris, Miliedgeville.
Artour B. Davis Columbus.
PADF.LroRD, Fay & Co. Suvanoab-
P. R Yo.hgf. & Soxs. Darien.
Holcombe, Peck A. Co. Charleston, S. C. - ...
Gforov Farr t. H.inibiirtr. S. C. 3t C.
iheni atcost; his ussenment being good, porch .sorswill
fiud it to their interest to call,
sept 15 64 WM. II UBRPSALLf
Yoticc. ‘ .
W(0E undersigned has connected JAMES D.
JL ■ CARIIART with liim in Mercantile Busiuese,
nt the store located on the corner of Mulberry and
Third streets, and the business in future transacted by
th-**. establishment alone, will bo distinguished by tbe
tit.» Of ffE B. PARKER & Co.
ihs sail) J D- C. being The Company und having an in-
tertst in the said firm enlw.
uly 7 54 tf WM. B. PARKER.
Tales of the Woods,
The Doctor.
Three Eras of the life of Wo-
The Diary of a Descunnyie,
Lord Roldan,
Laud -xiitl AejU'Ot s »or saic.
t ijA It 1. subsctiuei dtu-rsior sale thea’i.AN i A'i L >’*.
3 _Wiu-feou he now livesi 7 rtuies oeiuw .Uncoil,
in Bibb county, containing SCO acres good pine la hi
There has been for the ia.~t5yeafsugnoo MILL
in operation boon said plantattun, but- h:i> been stup-
jit-n nun yeur on accutmt of some repairs wai-.'.-ng
dune. Stone Creel., the streamwhich said Mil) is rm.
is a neverfailing Rtri-mu, and the mill i* bettor sttitl.'.d
on aecu intnt'-juuu timbei than any indt within the vi-
C oity of Mu con.
Also, ten finely NEGROES will be sold, together
with Horses, Mules, Cattle, Ilogs. Ac. Ac. Said
property is now offered lor sale on‘aru-MiimbdtUiitg
terms; a credit from one to threo years wifi be given
if required, sept ' f'. DAVIS.
- ! tun.,c fiindra! and-creditors of sum denoted. t«K eat:
t* t’Ai • • n/rptat at myajfio itithin the tins free, idud hp ter - to
——7—us v „ -! .■reunite if aiiiridu'ii htvei why said Utters sb.ould not
v i«ale. ! 7 r -- . .C- .
^rautcit. .. .. ■
Given undet my hand at office. June 11, lfc36.
f I . P. l-.S #1: Alt. c. c. o. •
s on :
ULltJ.Aa. U fiiian, j; i'l.Os utld J. Vi e ’ I- Ysty-
lor. ailuiinisliatuis ol the estate. Ol Ah:.-., i.dcr
■or deceased, apuly to me fur lettyr.-* <s di*n:B~
Vitfuubte -tSit/L Proiitit; fo: suite.
fjgNHfi miid^tggcti odi-rs for sale ht$ two txA'V
MljuLS. within tlnije tidies tit Alacou—bath
ildis ;tru now in succos.-Iiil operation
On.tfiepremises i« also a GRIST MILL.
These are thertfop- to cite and ad.vcnish dll cr.d sinpu-
(u,-tne /thillred au.i dmtisiti toh and
apjtt4ir nt tmj qtjia icithin the limn prcxciKW! "U . . ,r ?
shew tauscij any thzy hate, why saui lams shade, not Oe
sfLCMMs tub July, u
Ml vest niider mr Lata-,—.
. ( f ii. 1 . ; AM . I>. r.. e. j>,
iiFtWGIAi Pike t ow.ilyi
Wfkr, eiimiia«,aciRjiRi<=*
Vgf- trutui ot Ch<*‘uaiine of Nnu..:ti -Lti't-v, hU tiF
id cuoniyr<I*‘fic» 4 -* ? rt« a ] , i i . ,ie;s rt i ' ^ ^ ictuta <il «»
'ill- * - ,
These are till ref ore. io i'6’f avuafin ui.isli. ail and sntg-
:tfi:r thi kind feu anu cniiiirr.- r.r suin dciietul to tin to
- - — - i-*— . j/tpurikidby K
July 21 ftb’t
U ' - * V 'MF* - » . . , -id*--'
my hai.d. at rtfi. e, thi* 1 : ; th July, IfSt.
6t ,11. G JCrNsCN -c. c:o. -
cdto the Jlilis is 1500acres of finely t;i-iho:i-*I LAND,
withnlftiie buildings requisite lor conducting ti-.sbtis;- f
ness. Added to these advatitaies. is-a gpringof plff;-'i causc'fij'any ftiryluis--.) trim-.; t:tinii j/t
water, a healthy situation, and its near-It c.ition to tl.u i Ian , why said letters sknldi. lu-lbr rrm m. '
r.tpitIK-growing city of Macon, where n market rat) al- ‘ ^ 1
ways be iiad .ur Lumber 11 fait prices, perilous v.Dii-
t;>3 to pit re base, are invited to call on_ niy sc If on the
ptumides, or on Roger .Mc( all at ATucnn.
sept21 65 ELEAZAU ftTcCAI.L.
ESTTLLbe paid fnr llie appreuuusjoil of EPIIRAlM
(f i black man,about 3Uyen> of age, 5 teci 10
inches high, has a heavy beard which causes his face
toio It tough—was formerly owned- by ihu .Me-sis
Harpers of Augusta
hia way to his former master in Columbus. The above
reward will be paid lor his apprehension, tf lodged in
any safe jail so that I get tint, giving ran iniiunu-tior;
it Clinton. G-.i. H'ljVRY \V DA USEY.
eni 2't, 65 . 9t
■ eeuidy.
•5'^ MILK LAS, Ailtcd Buffington* guardian of tho
^ V qt [.haltsofJacoii Dcffingtoiu late ol MotitW
iinty. ilechuicd; appbts for* icttv.H*t ; f ttisriiissii tr.
’Itliese anv thereiot.'-, tocit* and sdniotiisli all und
iiyniai die kindretfand cici'itors. ol said o.j l.uiis -t(>
it u r ause.. if«).-) they ctvn, triiljn li t- titny prtM fit-
i’ ! ik - 1 L„ r li,.n1,l tint n,i <4t( t< > ijkV.rl ilfitll
-was formerly owned by the MeSsis ..t i,y !;A v why he shctild not be dfc.missptl Item the
igttsia. and bnughtu! .them bv a Air Mat- iiafdnuiship'bf raid mxthafc..
mbus; it is believed be will try to main- ,, jvenundermv. 1 amiut effieo ibis S'M St.pi. 1636.
The Old World anil New,
Shepherd Lee,
Steward’s Adventures—Capture of Alurrel.
Oct 17 3 j a ails s. olcott.
m tjk ifll Ds Ft Croix, V. K. and N O. Sugar.
HrlP 150 hags primp green Coffee.
Cotton on the River, and also take a few risks
tgainsi 1 tro in thisciiy. Apply to ,
ALF. a superior lot of Bacon, just receivtd
Unron. tlc.1.37
40 bhds prime retailing Molasses,
50 bbls N. E. Until.
40 „ American Gin,
35 „ Whi*‘ey.
250 ps heavy Uemn Dundee Caggiug,
50 coils Rope, 6000 lbs bagging I'wine,
A General stock of Groceries,
in store and for sale on accommodating terms by
S'-pt 1 fig Mulberry
F Oil SA_ . . -
from I'.mncssct-wagons, and a tnrihe, supply to
^Grateful for the literal palrnuagcre- ' arrive, all oT which will be sokl on liberal terms.
- --veil from ,'iD frifitil ' vuil iho public, by strict altoit- ! Julv7 54 if "M. B. PARKER A: Co.
| ii) t tin *ssodnfide(i tolliscaro, hs hopes to merit i ' * •" nnKvrn
l.i ! r ‘ !*■ !, «e p-iblie patronage. ^ ■ ■ .« ANTER
. ' - - ill mik • liberal advances
I iii'ii, or on shipments to Savannah
‘" r '" A. L. < HKULi.lAti. J Charleston Cquriei will give thty-bovefour
insertions. ^fP 1 Aid ***!
M icon, August 11- 59 .' 8tri
Agreney for Messrs gy * STAHclir
iJJvnF iindeisiaued will generally he a purchaser
3 of hills ou Loudon^niid Paris. Bay ahd s-)!l
h Caro, ii.? to niiriij fi
meson cotton st'-re<! with Journevtuon I’AINTM RS for whichli-
V T‘ril!r^r\r nd l ‘daNH I. T RLA^ Macon Ga.
• Im I. (11C-ayi-it <•> w. * v tr- ^rei. /'....rior will sIx-a iltn r.hovnfmir
trails am! c!
■ r from any pan of llu .tr uted ~:ate; Will he re- lor business. i o a
IS^lfor collection if made put i,bln a either of the renttltg ihmn .orsuclt pnronsc, ««
m ;r,n tjeorgia or S'inih Caro!.n .. Order* .for tin* J rat ' 5 ApP'.v to OF UU .
par, .i'jxo ,,f *JnrlhAn, r.niT, —'III he*' ',.,,-flill- ' ‘'fPl 5 —
on the north. Ac- &o.
u-rks will he purchased an ’ -oil on eo rintis-uou.
•f '-lorthern funds will f'c' cir.-ful|v aud.
Store Borne to Bent.
ONE or both of the r-tore Houses ad
joining tho--ubsertbers; fora large and
general assortment they'easily
united and would'make a desirable stare!
for business. To any one desirnn* of
sc; the firms will be mode-
J* ri| n|v;i. executed; consigntneuts of Cotton will b<
TankfoUy receive,| with an as>unil<ce. of best exer-
' n undersatisfoctorvsales. dj^uV-r-': 'T':
_ •■tv-inal*; OttNj
For Sale,
250.000 ssysau
61 iibds St Croix Sugar of superior quality,
56 bags Coffee, , ^
45,000 lbs swede Iron,
100 kegs Naiis. assorted,
25 bhds choice .Molasses,
150 whole and haif bbls Canal and Ricinnond
5 pipes pure H. Gin and C. Brandy warranted
. pure aud threo years old,.
20 bbU old Muuniigeliala Whiskey, 5 proof,
75 bbls pure Rum. and20 Gin,
A PLANTATION to rent or let on shares, consis
ting of about 300 acres of open land, and the
must of it rich river bottom land, two miles front Ma
con. For terms apply to J. GODDARD;
Oct 6 1 ’-tf ^ -
Notice to Citizens of NKticou.
T HE subscribers h»ve 600 acres ol heavy Timber
Land, mostly oak and hickory, for sale in lots ol
.0 to 25'seres, to suit purchasers. Tlieconveyauce to
town easy, and distance from 1<| to 34 miles. For
terms apply to ^.GODDARD.
t >ct t> 1 tf C. B. COLE.
Notice to Shippers of Cotton.
JjllVK t-euls pet'hub; .villbocliargvirfor Wharfage
on all cotton shipped at our wharves.
J. R BUTTS, ' P. It.
Oct .1 1 4t P. llVO.Vdi. A SONS.
AV ure House aud AVlim t
.For Sale.
T HE. .ittdcrsigimd oilers for sale his well known
. property on the river bunk iu .Mac-kn,. consist-
itig of Wure House, Store House,'"' bnri-es, due. dec.
Octa i -v ' UO«i,R Mc< \I 1.
* tte l ik %v a ue*.
The above rovaid will be paid lot
theapprehensmti of tnv boy
smhfitimes called Bill Black. William
left nie about 25th December lust; he is
.t very bright mulatto, about 5 feet If
iuches high, thi k set, full faced, small red. or ratin'-
blood shotlen eves, and straight yellowish hair- I hav,
no'mmhthe will change his name and try to pa-s him
self for a white man, which ha may he abie to do un
less to a close observer. He was fornteriy the proper
ty of M. My ers of this place, and traveled with fsiii
through the up country last summer The above re
ward will be paid for his arrest if lodged in a safe ja>'
..T set him. Y. S. PICKARD.
^v'anttah, Aug 9 6m t -
Paints and Oil.
< .iventuidermx hcndat.c/r;CR this 22>J
. H. L JCIJNht-F tap. «.
•rl.UKGIA : ('roirjora county.
UF-i.EAJS, jotit-s llirfcs ni.r! G’rnry
if ilirEs. nppu<~ for'leffeisi of Di, missicn'frcm
rtic e'-rale ••fDaiimi Hfrks. Inteofsaid cpiinty, dec’d
TI c*r.rfr then fore b’ciff cfdd advion/sh ail and sin * r r
ip? ? .\C kimlrtd end' ere/Ror.* of aid defeased to be and. t.yjjjic. th- >ime riked l.’j /«!»-,<«»
Sheic eaitec if.ariu they luito.tchy sold biters slu/nl/i not he
granted.- / - '' tS* '-^Sr'
fiivrn tn (!rr r;v I-- : nd at4»IB<e.»3h<»8{j» day ol sep
. ■ p IV'I' .. r
» ■ • ■ j, ( \r-. u JucCjcJt*ppltC9 to ieo fur let
y 2 i.-rs of dismission firm the estate of V. iliisiu^
Ki.GS No- 1,'iul2 \Vhite Lead.
300 gals Linseed Oil,
With a general lussortmeut of Groceries, foj talo.aj:
the lowest market price.
TfSiB- S t iB S C It! B tiff v
B ILLS of the Farmers Bank of Floritla, payable
at tbe agency in Perry, will be received in t
at tbe agency in Perry, will be received
tnent Our goods, or accounts due the sbbserber.
I’OIiT iin interest in the same, Thp Dry-Gt nds
business will do; continued at rite same playe. under
the firm of T-.stN^ -VaiKSwfojBc- reJ-i;
Fovt, Hamslien & Co.
and the Ware Donees anjl.-Commission; B««iacs*,ar
heretofore, under the firm of HAMILTON,- 1IAV I-F
June 23 32 . - - : V. ' .. .
'rinllnn-: Win*«r -trained i.amp Oil very
cy ; also AjdgsrCder .M K.F- .vitf applies fei letters of
dts-miseicn Irete’thr. eftatcof W iilium J-AV,—
both ofsitnl ertt’! 1 ;-.-. dcceffred— _ -
■-These are vferifirrMcite and adivoniskyll and m«£»
hr the kindred arid crediters of sail deceased iuitani
:,.JIrear at n c r^iri v Min tie tin e pnsnilia hjlew to
cause, y uny ifuycaii why said Idlers shi eld cot les
y-ranieUt- - -■
Given under ntv baud, 5th Sept, 1c56. •
53 t B. F, LANE, n. c. c. o.
Notice aiidCauticii.
rj|t HE subscriber h. reby H.rtyvatus ml perrons a-
lor cr receiving the It !<Avn^
, l.tirtb
A Lot of first quality, put up in Tin Cansfor fami.
lyiaaq- by 1 •'RAFT &■ LEWIS,
so, a small Lot good country Bacon.
pt a '-..giRiy'^-J-r^T-*.
hands me—just receivetLaud-for sab- _
• , ~ - by H; Jt J.' SlffmVKJ-E. ; 1
fan. If 'W - npyafitr theXV«rr/>> It. Ut
■ Tor side,
gaiiirt trodin,,
' </(' n.ade by him and payable to
: L Vt i l b.ld v ,-: •*
Four Hi. all'iu - es for twrfity-fivc dollars, t m h cite.
■iu-ih.-DccemlHrr, Dvifi. Vtie note fet or chtir.dtcd-doi-
i»rs, dt;i-as r.hcve. t ei.-f ifioned to l-e void cn the mb—
t-ri c r paying <7 h. Ailment hni-drcd dcdlcis. r.r
on hie Liking op. a note of that amount in C. K. A1--
. lott V hands." AiUfee above totes 1 < arii.p o’are tee Iitii .
'•daj of August F I •*'.'6 The. said t.-utes having been
frau-itilcct' v obtained and withchl consideration, the--
V^dd. a first rate
tSse s-rvafif.' J? . her <!att"h-
•v.ArHUor* 'nit, foi* fiirthcf priftfcnlpFs inqnir;
uiTTri. Vo- 3 Ft : -V
g 4t
g..take lor Hit:.a this OiOco.
Bat oti. M-tcki
And a few bhds;
sept 6 & R
Cronltery & Bare’ware.
1 New York Cos! for sale by
T New For
Gt;o w.
rift HE undersigned have formed a connexion for
J|_ the transaction of a geuerul FACTORAGE
COMMISSION BUSINESS in lids city, undur
JQHN ;3. CD MBS, |
JIol asses
IFuda I cat quality family Molasses j
•tc?v«t and forscilc by
■k . v.
i-ed to jumosttce t)m
tor for tbe etb.«irer:y«D.
.. ‘nin'ATrrTT I
Uiicrul, vavua.-e-.
idinG m Stiviutiiidi.
York cr Boston
are auUifi-D^t to aoRt-jlitce
D+'.MPt-] V J. <;AUtv, j-..-q. a cands«ifttfe;lv*r t
IfW'Wi (if-T'-c >lplitr4’.. • ■ ’* -. - 2b . 1
LOTH and 5*® dtp Croahi—» ovvli freedi__f46 to'
1_g-$StK riov' KJ. 6 CRAFT A LEWIS
fftasca san»;
A nrUHtFiVtk bgnud K»ttii»Kto?*%?'***'
% tf «i », IcreBte by ^ CRAFT A U-Y-ES.-.-
- -t-6-V iO- **t>
Baekskin Jackets,
■AK. exet-ib ir; nr““ "‘ hl
•-. -^CrAC-T Lj-A>fc;