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•V.fCO.l*, CL'ORG/.L TIBCBSB.l I*, J%*OJ'E.lIBEBi 24, 183C.
Terms of Subscription.
advance, will pay for ties pa-
r Five Dollars, pan/ »« ad cane % wiU pay
r* ^ ^ Tkm Dollars, paid in (vltaace
Xi' six mantks after the year has
ri>r ! Three Dollar* and Fifty Cent* per annum
‘ ,l If not paid nntil the end of the year,
[*i't,'Urs per annum ieiU be charged—with interest
*'*■*“' Term* of Advertising.
, brrt 'nr. no,ts nrt ,receding one hundred words, or 12
1 tin s (considered a square,) will be inserted one
' n n ' e ddlar. men more than one insertion is
•, cents for the first, and 50 cents for each sub-
Mriff'Tax Collectors’and Coroners' Sales arechat-
[/*/,* 1*1 Jcrtisers mill be allowed two squares in each
Lr ffr Tecuty Dollars per annum; and in the same
f.rn larger spare-payable quarterly
nil accounts for Advertising, Job Printing, bee.
u for subscription. Interest trill be charged
, s/tded within the pear
■— 1 I " 1 1 ’■■■ "
Volume Sl.»«!«i n t>n 8.
Tork te Barien lAue of Packets.
|)K|(i Macon, A. Bibbins, Master.
•• Amelia Strong, Brown. *•
Darien, C P. Bulker, *•
New Jersey, B. Matthews, “
Premium. J. Conborn, “
<• (New)
Sclir. D. Bf Crane. Baker, “
Phcie vetscls are all coppered, fastened and bni'.t
„res<!y A>’ this trade, nave experienced capt iins
,|| regularly once a week from each port. |
bound fur Darien will find Dubov B r j
iv of access: 19 to 21 feet water will be found ou the j
r at liigli water, the same depth can he carried with- j
it wiles of Darien, 13 feet cubic carried up to the ;
The anchorage in Doboy sound and river is j
,ticii!aily safe and good, with ample room tor ves-
. tucarry off the whole cotton crops, coming down
[ river* to lliirifti.
Agents Darien.
to James Goddard, Esq. Maco.t.
Itict III. 1*36. 8
.Huron Steam Boat Company.
»ij% o ssto.v bcsi.vess.
WyrlQft, Napier & Free-
* SJT man inform their friends and the
V rn public generally, that they are enlarg
ing their Ware House adjoining their
store ou Cotton Avenue, and will have
rt ready tor tire reception of cotton by the commence
ment of the eusuiug season. All cotton consigned to
tiicm by I lantern and others, dealing in the article, or
orders to buy and sell in the inurket, will be promptly
attended t». They likewise inform those Merchants
who forward tiieir goods by Macon. Hull they have a
large and safe Brick Store, for the reccptiou of mer
chandize, aud will receive and forward all goods con-
digued -o them. Tiieir charges in every in-tauce will
be as low as is customary in the city. Liberal advan
ces will be made, on cotton stored with them or ship
ped by them lo'any other market.
Having one of the partners of tiieir firm (Mr. A. R.
Freeman) located in the city of New York for the pur
pose of aifording the necessary facilities to their busi
ness in Macon, they respectfully inform Merchants
and others who have business to transact in that city,
that he will be prepared to attend to any Commission
Business vjth which he may be favored. Tlicv em
brace the present opportunity to return their grateful
acknowledgements to their friends ami the public for
past favors, and solicit a continuation of their patron-
In addition to their present stock, they will receive
earlv this fiill a (jue asssrttnent of
Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
Cutlery, Bale Rope, Heavy Hemp, Cotton
Readymade CJotiiiug, dec. Ac. Ac.
suitable lor the full trade, all of which they offer for
sale on the most reasonable tint*
■Macon. August25 (jj tf
•Inti Commission Business.
Watches. Jewelry, Silver Ware and
-F.5f.VF I* Cm oons,
*‘8"£*3»rar\V,*h Maker
aud Jeweler, Cotton Avenue, oppo
site the Washington Hall, respectful
ly informs his friends and the public,
timt he is now opening a new aud
splendid assortment of
of the best quality aud latest fashions, consisting in
part of the following articles, viz:
Ladies’ and gentlemen’a Gold Duplex, Patent Le
ver, Anchor Lscaptnieut anil Lepiue Watches; la
dies fine Gold Curb. Guard, Basket ft- Cable Chains;
Watch Hooks, Seals and Keys; Swivels, Finger
Rings, Far Kingsand Broaches; children’s Kuohs
and Wires; gentlemen's Curb and Linked Guard and
Fob Chains, Seals. Keys, Swivels, Sleeve lick", bo
som and collar Buttons, Breast Pins, Finger Rings,
Guard Seals and Keys, Medalions, gold aud giU Buc
kles, silver and .-coteh Snuff Boxes, gold and silver
Everpointed Pencils, silver and gilt Bracelets gilt, sil
ver and shell Combs, gold and silver Thimbles, gold,
silver and steel Spectacles with glasses to suit every
eye, Seed Coral, large Coral, Coral Necklaces, Bead
Bags, Chains and Purses, a variety of cut and plain
Beads. Spy Glasses. Quizzing Glasses, Pocket Books,
r.moiy cushiuus, card and cigar coses, imitation fruit,
lucifer matches, fire machines, Rogers & Sons’, and
Wude & Butcher’s razors, Emerson's razor straps,!
scissors, dirks, chess men and board, backgammon 1
boards, dice, dominoes, steel pens walking canes, j
pistols, powder fiasks, shot pouches, game bags, otto j
of roses, cologne, lavender and Florida water, fancy I
soap, lip salve, pearl and tooth powder, flutes, flageu-'
letts, accordions, shell music boxes, large music boxes,
o piay from 3 to 12 tunes, fiddles and fiddle strings,
gentlemen’s dressing cases, hair aud tooth brushe
front Forsyth to Ii'esl
A URlvLABLY tome provisions of the act of the
1 m- 2l General Assembly of tireState of Georgia, pas
sed'ihn 26th December, 18:'-5, entitled •‘.m net to in-
; corporate n iiail Road company, to b« called the. Wes
tern Rail Road Company, tfcc.’.’we, ill the
| town of LaGrange, Troup comity, on the third Mon-
. oay in November hist, a book of subscription for stock
; in the aforesaid Rail Road Company. (See acts of
f Ueoigia, 1335,
R ESPECTFULLY' solicits the attention ul pur- tint General Assemblytof the State
chasers to a very large assortment of • i page 203.)
iSiitS And Oa r S As •' , ‘ s rowtfi * s 10 connect the trade of the great
which have been made by him expressly for retailin'' 1 " esU rn ci, ‘cs aud country by its union with the Mont
and are warranted to be of superior sty’le and quality ! " ol,,e: v u,ltl West " ! ‘building.)
to any ever before ottered iu Macon; amoii" ids assuit- Wltl ‘ 11,0 Atl,m,,c * tt, H l m,isl «c*e«ss:in!.v b. < ume the
mem may be found, - ° [ great thorougiilare for traveling frotu. the Western
Super fashionable black aud drab beaver Hats j country to file North, it is btdieved the stock will he
do broadbrim do for eldeny men ’ [ sought eagerly: appricatio-H had therefore better be
d(J ‘ ; made curly and .while it can be had.
do fash do do satin beaver
d" do do black and drab Russia beaver, j
Wide, meridian and nurruw brims, oiler, nutria, musk- '
rat, rucevou aud cony hats of every variety ol j
shape . ud style, )
\ »iit:is beaver and satin beaver hats, latest fashions, 1
Fur asttl Cloth Caps, consisting of j
super No 1, Otter C aps,
•* seal, mink, muskrat and cony do
mens and boys full top cloth caps,
■f „ Robinson's do do
ut.'FUS broome,
I.aGranre. N'ov 1 .7 2t
THE Siib.-crflst-rs have taken that com
Academical Noiirc.
THi. Jackson Acad
emy will go into operation
tin; ensuing year, under the
charge of the Kev. \\ . A.
Maldy approved qualifications.
Waving the advantage of a
heltiicAl, an Astronomical and
.-hilosdphical npparatns,- they
will lie able to give llioi ough in-
stritcticm tri all the branches of
liberal education*.
Mu-ic, Painting and the Fine Arts will be taught—
also, ilio Latin and Greek Languages. '
The lirghly rejiutable chararteT of Mr. and Mrs.
Florence as teachers, cannot fail to elicit for the insti
tution a liberal patronage, and to place it, in point of
celebrity, at least, upon a level vrtth any similar insti
tution in lit--' State - •
Thi taorai and health} condition of the village will
afford an additional inducement t» parents and guar
dians from abroad to send Mirir children; (or the ac
commodation of whom boardiiic may te had, citherin
private at regular boarding houses, at tho
most reduced-prices. WILiY W ( AlTHUl,
Jack soli. Oct 14 ttjan See ItnnrdofTrus.
Acudcinicnl Notice.
|HK 11IL‘..ACADEMY, .Muutoc connty,
»■ acoru toji celeste caps,
children’s fancy silkeaps, &c.&c. A c.
Fnr capes, Pelerins, tunfl’s and rufis, consisting
rsn\ _ . ...
ta open on the second Monday in .lanuaiy next,
under the reclorsh p of Mr. MAE >3iN l-.T, (the pre
sent rector of Franklin Academy, Putnam county,
modinits uitu well known public house i» : and formerly a principal teacher in the'Scotc,borough
-l. .I*,- . - . .1.. lr- ...I.:-.., tr. I I. . . , t ... t- —«« r C
Riesmboat SUPKRIOR, Capt. George Willcox,
i. EXCEL. “ J. L. AVilteox.
IIIIS company have now their line of llcatj in
I ,. , n|i!ete order for froighting. They havo a
fv ci-.nnboal added to their line called the Superior,
i ten Tow-Boats.
irii.; IImIswHI run regularly beiwe-n Macon and
Ilka, one of the steamboats leaving Darien every
or -it days with tow-boats. The company have
; sixteen tow-boats, ail first rate boats, built express-
Ifor the ii tvigi'.ion o f the Ocmulgee and Altamaha
tliese increased facilities will enable the eom-
iv ilte means of giving the greatest despatch to
liia or goods shipped by their line.
[They have a Steamboat and a number of Sloops,
bttoii and merchandise between Datien and
Ivaim.ii. and Darien mill Charleston. There are
, live first rate Packets running regularly between
(irien and New York, which com: to Hawes &
d, of Darien.
Agents for the alocc Boats :
J. GODDARD. Mneon.
Ittovcr. Ilr.vRY & Walter, Charleston.
II.. Baldwin ft Co, Savannah,-
I If awes, Mitchell it Collins, Darien,
jiit ., K. Roberts, llawkinsville, i
J M i i i. 24th Dec., 1835. 2 r » 1
\Or unfixed SI cam 'Boat Com pan if.
The undersigned desire tu inform their
Friends and the Public generally, that
they continue the above business. They
are makingsome addition lotheir Ware
house w hichisconveuieiilly situated on
Second-street adjoining their store, they will be pre
pared to make liberal advances an Produce or Mer-
! chandise, cither in store or to be shipped to Savannah,
j Charleston or New‘York.
Their personal and individual attention will be de-
! voted to selling cotton from the warehouse or wagon.
In addition to the above, they will continue the tner-
! cantile business at their old stand, and expect sliortly to
! receive from the New Y ork and Boston markets, a
I fresh supply of
! j)rv Croods, Grocery s,
I Hardware, Hats, Shoes, &c. dec.—which will make
[ their assortment large and complete.
By a strict attention to business they hope to merit a
I share of public patronage.
sept 15 f>4 GEORGF JEWETT & CO.
THE undersigned will continue ta
‘transact the above business in all it?
V 39 various forms at their old stand They
will, as hitherto, make liberal advances
on produce and merchandize in store,
or to be slopped dither to Savannah. Charleston, New
Y ork or Liverpool, and will devote the same persona!
and undivided attentien to all business entrusted to
iImir care, and particularly to that of selling cotton
from the warehouse or waeons Hnvine disponed of
their warehouse in East Macon, they will in future
confine their business to nne lioitve, tvhich they are
enlarging considerably for the storage of Cotton, and
where they will be happy to serve those who have
given them their patronage from the East side of the
river. Feeling grateful for the liberal patronngehere-
tofore received, we hope by a strict altention to busi
ness to merit a continuation of the same.
Macon. 1st September. l^Sfi
200 nieces Best 1 temp Bagging for sale at market
rates, br H. H.& CO.
sept j 62
llats made to order at shortest notice.
stands candlesticks, branches, fruit baskets, sntttters
and snuffer trays, tea trays, silver table, tea. desert,
salt, mustard and cream spoons, soup ladles sugar IIat tr i„ imi ng*. ulcohol a ,,d shettack. constantly oi
tongs and butter knives; marble, ebony aud alabaster hand. Oct 2<» 3 ^
mantle clocksto run eighteen days without winding, t — ———
military and military Trimmings, s t!L w.. nnti JVntter Clothing.
and a- variety of other articles usually kept in liis line, A A .1, * iothing 3tore, one doot above
all of which he will sell at the lowest cash prices. He »ym. B. Johnson s Jewelry Store. The sub-
respectfuliy invites citizens and persons generally vis —LLm j?
iling our city to call at lus store and exaunue his stock, , *7 , •* inter Stock of Clothing,
where he is ever read v and happy to attend to those : ! K “ ia>1 niannfactored by Lewis Fitehthe
who may favor him with their calls | >’ as . t Min " ,ler ’) an ' 1 " hlc,l 1 ' Vl1 be s,,|d ®ff !ls cheap, for
N B—Purticulur attention paid to Wab’h Repair- J as at an - v ° ,htr establishment,
itig. Having selected the best of uiateriah for repair-i „ , ,,, co ' , s , ®T*n« ok . }
ing Watches, he is now prepared to manufacture auv ! . I’*’ r * ,'• * ™ e Brawn, Green, Invisiblo Green ;
part of a Watch, and will warrant every piece hi i a,, ".^ lare * 0, ^P° a '“' „ , . „
makes ns perfect as the original, and his Watches to ! ,,.'I er _/,V ; ’ M r " n ^ ircen > Invisible Green
perform well Oct 27 7
Institute;) and fio'm his reputation as a. gotttlen’an of
distinguished literary atluitmtciits. moral character
and industrious habits, we confidently reconimeud our
Institution as presenting a.- maiiy.iiiducementst'i gen
era! j.atrooagc, as any 'other institution in Georgia;
HP especially when we take into consideration the mural
whose reputation as a manager of a public house, is character aud healtli of the neighborhood.
the City of Macon,—the ljoshinglon Hi,
lately occupied by Mr. AI. D. ITnson.—
By tli<» unremitting attention of hptji of
them, they flatter thcinscives timt their House will nb-
tc.iu for them a general patronage from the Public.—
They have secured the valuable services of a I.ady,
inferior to no one in the State.
Their tables will he furnished with the best the coun
try affords, and their bar with the choicest liquors.
The 3 tallies arc attended liy careful and experienced
Feb 5 J5I35 fiti
.llacon, Gl'corgia.
HIS establishment is now under the control of
tiie subscribers, who pledge themselves-to ren
tier comfortable those who may call ou them.
Feb25 35 jl'liN Ik IIAM ! Y.
T 1
Brown. Green, Mixed and Cadet mixed Coatees.
Fine Blue. Black. Green. Brown and Mixed Pants
Super ribbed, striped, corded and plaid Casiuieredo
Bcaverteen, Cord and Lion f-kin Pantaloons,
uper Bluo, Itroivn, Green. Mixed and Drab Over
I fate h Makers Sf Jewellers, , .
Would inform their friends and ty0a ' ..... , ,,,
I Goat s Hair and German Cnmblct AV rapper do.
Gentlemen’s super Blue. Black mid Invisible Green
Broadcloth Cloaks,
Ladies’super Olive. Green and Claret Broadcloth
Indies’ fitrured Merino, plain do. and Circassian
i pu
ed tiieir establishment to Cotton
Arcuue. to the store recently oc
cupied by J II & \V S Ellis,drug
gists, where they will be happy to
serve any who may favor them with a call. They
.THE undersigned informs his
friends and those of the late firm of
Cutter tf Cornwall, that he intends re-
s tilling the
Ware House Sf Commission Business,
at the stole next above ineooo recently occupied by
T. J. Chaie. on the margin of East Macon, known as
the town of'J'roy.
He further informs the public that ho ha? bought the
Goods, »Y". and having now ou the way, from New
Y’ork, mid o'Jjcr places,
Brtf Cootls anti Groceries,
together making his stock complete, w hich will he sold
low for ready pay, he will he ready to receive Cotton
early in the fall, iuid be prepared to make advances —
He would particularly notice to his friends the grea
advantages his Warehouses have over those in th
dense part of the city with regard to Fire, they bein
detached frui:t.i-t!ier buildings and at a distance from
any street cr lane, and well enclosed
May 5 45 _ tf H. S. CUTTER.
Factoratro ft Commission Business.
BSO.lTt.y'ti, Sfr.
rgl If E subscriber lias located in the city of Savon
M uah lor the above purposes, and taken stores
nearly opposite the City Hotel.
The steamer “ Chieftain ” Capt. While, will
be ready in all the present month to receive freight for
.Macon, and will continue regularly tbrenghont thesea-
son the liver admitting, and unavoidable accidents
only intercepting.
Goods for forwarding will experience no delay, and
the hiterest of the owner only taken intoconsideraliou.
ad 13 2 S. F. DICKINSON
11113 company will he prepared to commence l.'i
sine-n, enrly in the next season—Thee will have
iv.3 of Packets between New York, and Darien and
l-nju’essets to forward goods from Darien to Alaenji
['n'-tgents in New Y’ork, Charleston, aud JsavaHimh,
Hi he aittliarisod to contract for the delivery of goods
Macon, at a freight agreed on without lntermedi-
M-a irge and lha agent in .Macon will receive cotton
'ivenble in S Hannah, Charleston, and New Y’ork—
rc onpaiiv’s vi-s.eis and lioe.ts, will bo of tir.-t class
til experienced rommanders, and no expense will be
-tv I io meet the patronage ofihe public.
I’ll. It. YDVG1& 33X3, Agents ia Darien.
miv37iii 1335 -It)
|tn iirr S i'rtl .In• astgenicnl of the
Pioapcr >li‘irm & l*oio bout Line.
III., proprietors of the above line notify their
friends and the public, that they will have ruli
ng on the AIt.iiiiaha and Oi iiiulgee rivers during
..miraer and fall mouths, four or five Pole Boats.
t' trly adapted to tow stages of irntcr.^and which
- h.B. J by Steamboats when, the water will per
Ship icrs by this line may depend upon every at-
a being paid, mid exertion used te give despatch
f prapiwtv slopped by it to nnv of the landings on
J rivers'. J. T. ROWLAND, Ag't Macon.
ssr» HoLCOstnE, Peck & Co. Charleston.
E. P. Burrs, Esq. Savannah.
Ron-land, Crank & Shackelford. Darien.
Halstead,Taylor «& Co. llawkinsville.
Msron.dnne 30 1 6m
Va it Mission ttitiint sM, Barien.
|1 I.', undersigned have resumed business as a-
L hove, and will as heretofore pay prompt niton ■
i°:i to all business entrusted to their care. We believe
t Iwve made arrangements that will enable us at all
[' a ‘ s ,0 forward goods lor tl*.‘ interior with the least 1 1 . g c j. 0 j- Mucou to any port or place in the United
suite delay, by steamboats when the river will ad- ^. ale ^ ,, n equally advantageous terms to the assured
or in extreme low river by small flats or lighters, ot £ r Marino (CompaniTs.
’ expressly for that business. On onr wharves [ James Goddaud, President.
I irge Storehouses, calculated for the storing of cot
have in addition to their former stock, just received
from New Y’ork a large aud splendid assortment of
Watches* Jewelry* &c.
of the latest fashions, which they will sell cheap for
cash—consisting of gold and silver levers, anchor es
capement. duplex, lepine, alarm mid vertical Watch
es, of the best quality; gold, silver and steel guard
Chains, Seals and Keys, Ear Knobsand Drops, Breast
Pills, Finger Rings, gold, silver and Steel Spectacles,
gold and silver ever pointed Pencils, silver table, tea,
salt and mustard Spoons; Sugar Tongs, soup and
cream Ladles—all of which will lie warranted free
from alloy ; silver Cups, butter Knives. GklStors, sil
ver plated and bronzed Candlesticks, Trays and Sntif-
ers, Musical Boxes, Accordians, Flutes, Flageoletts,
Fifes. Drums, &c. Swords, sword Canes, Knives and
Pistols, among which is Ruggles’ pocket Rifle, that
will shoot fifty yards with precision; Gold Foil, Den
tist Files, shell, silver, giit and horn Combs, Card ca
ses, Pocket Bonks and Purses, silver Suuff boxes, sil
ver Toys, silver 'Thimbles, Scissors, coral, gilt and
glass Beads, steel Pens, and a variety of other articles
Usually kept in their line.
N. B. We have the best of materials for repairing
Watches of all kiuds. 3. 3. Y’s practical knowledge
of the business induces him to think that he can. and
will give satisfaction to all who may entrust their work
n iiis hands Spoons &c- engraved- Oct-1
Our course of instruction will embrace, in addition
to the elementary branches of the English language,
a thorough knowledge of Grammar. lEstory Geogra
phy, with the use of the Globes. Celestial and Terres-
tiai, Composition, Rhetoric, Mora! and Natural PKi-
losophy. Chemistry. Algebra and Mathematics, mixed
and pine. Mr. Maussinet will also teach, critically
the Latin, Greek. French and Italian languages.
With regard to Mr Maussinci as a gentleman anil
scholar, we are referred to a number of literary gen
tleman in this State, among whom are the names of
Dr. Brown, (the fnrtnder of Scottsborongh Institute.)
and Dr. Ambrose Baber, of Macon. Nov 1 5
VI. W. Met RAW. )
and Green Blanket Over Coats; Kentucky Jeans
Frock Coats and Pantaloons; Cloth, Satinet, Peters
ham and Beavertcen Hunting Coats, C oth and Satin
et Round Jackets.
, .. , ... „ , Biuck and Blue Cloth, black figured and plaid Vel-
; and Keys, Lar Knobsand Drops, Breast v „ t . ))I;lin ond fi , d , ish £ ilk> darJ . {t a j encias .
Rtllgs, gold, silver and Ktecl Spectacles, Toiliuet. WoeHen Velvet, black and striped Satin,
r ever pointed Pencils, silver table, tea. Bombazine. Tubby Velvet, and Satinet Vests,
Fine Linen and Cotton Shirts, plaid and striped
Ginzham Shirts, Silk, Cotton, Merino patent and lamb
Wool Shirts, not cotton and woolen, flannel Canton,
flannel and twilled cotton Drawers
Wool. Lamb’s Vvool, patent Merino and brown cot
ton Half Hose.
Fine YVool, Buck, Ilors-skin, Beaver, White Kid.
peiied Berlin. Lisle thread, black, white and colored
Silk Gloves.
Black and white Silk Half Hose; Russian Belts,
Money Belts, nett, worsted and cotton. Silk and Gum
Suspenders, Cravat and Cravat Stiffeners, Silk and
Ginzhtim Umbrellas. Bombazine, Satin, Velvet plain
and plaited Stocks, blue, black and white crimped Silk
Stocks, Spilalfiebl. English Silk, red and vellow B in-
dana, white ond red Pongee Silk Pocket Ilaudker
chiefs, plain and rutiled Bosoms Collars, l’lirses.Cloth,
Fur and Hair Seal Skin Caps. Wool Hats, a large as-
sortnimit of Fur Hats, Silk Hats, Boots and Shoes, a
grod stuck of Negro Clothing, also fine blue and black
Cloths, Canvas, Padding, gilt and lasting Butt m-- i
Cotton -Wadding. Military Ball Buttons, Cord, Tas
sels, Stars, Laco, Epaulette, die.
Gentlemen wishing their Cloaks made at the North
will, by leaving their names with me, have them inaib
iti the best manner, and most fashionable style. If.F.
Nov 17 7
Iusiiruncc Company
T HE public arc hereby informed that the whole
of the Capital Stork of this Company, of
One Huutli-cd Thousand Boliars
in cash, has been paid in, and is now prepureu to lake
risks according to previous notice ; viz. to and from
: at the le ist possiblo expense, aud our opportunities
’ forward cotton inland or coastwise, nre not exceeJ-
J ony other House. Darien, May 20, 1835.
r BY I:, undersigned continues to transact the Ware
IB. House and Commission Bu-incss, .situate r.en-
N te the Cotton Market, on the corner of Cherry and
f-ennl streets, within a fow feet from Cotton Aveu *e,
br.n -rlv oeeg|iied by James C, Morgan. Liberal ad-
lince- will |>e made outproduce or other articles slor-
f* «r skipped. Colton will be sold from wagons or
kote ut 23 cents per bale, and stored at customary
l««. L. L. GRIFFIN
Aag 25 6m
oct 6 1-tf
AVm. B. Parker,
J Cowles
F. If. YVellmak
Titos. Tavlob
James Rea. Secretary
’arker, A
*• (Di
|*VO tit SSI O.V « USJ.YESS.
TIIK UNl)Ktt?>IGNE.D will eou-
—Diiino to transact the above
* the Ware House occupiedby him last
Gratelii! for the liberal patronage re-
I lv *d from nis friend? and the public, by strict ntten-
r««‘.-,si„ M , confided toll,scare, he hopes to merit
I -airt-1>! the public patronage.
v.'il link* Kberal advances on cotton stored with
“•orou shipments to Savannah. Charleston and
\7 ' ,,rk A. F.. CHICKF.RING.
’■’con. August 11 59 6m
ri^'wy for Messrs 8. At M. AlIciiT -
■ ’'I undersigned will generally lie a purchaser
U,. uf bills on London and Paris. Buy nud sell
■ r * ,s * a,, d checks on the north, &.c. &c.
i*if "’ill he purchased and sold on commission,
r^from «'»y part of the United State* will he re-
L| '?' " ,r colleciion if made payable a’ either of tho
L , n ( re°rgia or South Carolin i. Orders for the
P was* of Northern funds will be carefully and
.T consignments of Colton will bo
I- 'sillily received with an assurance of best exer-
T >° r»nder satisfactory sales.
1 Hannah. Oct 31 6 4t
^)W»kH fur sale at litis Office.
tlolnsses, Sugar, Cofice,Ba?gin{(« Ac
al ©[telilids Prime St. Croix Sugar.
99 99 30 do Porto Rico and New Orleans Sugar,
39 Barrels do. do.
29 Boxes Brown liavanuah Sugor.
26 hbds. Porto Rico Molasses,
24 do Cuba do
. 90 Bags Coffee,
220 Pieces Hemp Bagging.
80 Pieces Tow do
50 Qr Cosks AV*ne,
* 15 Boxes Tobacco,
5 M Cigars, for sale by
•t Jl’eir Stock of
A T the new Fire Proof Buildings, corner of Mul
berry and Sccoud streets, including the follow-
e» • #
Summer cloth, Boinbaztttc, Grass Cloth, Grass and
Brown iauen Circassian and Rouau Cassimere
Summer Cloth, twilled Merino, grass Cloth, grass
and brown I.iuen, and Itouan Cassimere COATEES.
Summer Cloth, Bombazine, Erminet, Cyprus, wor
sted and Valentia Crape', Napoleon Cord, Angola Cas-
Rimere, brown and grass Linen aud Drilling Fancy-
Drilling, Pongee, Mexican mixt, Rouan Cassimero
Boys summer Cloth, grass Cloth, brown linen, and
White aud buff grass Cloth, buff and brown Linen,
Pongee, Rouan Cassimere and Jeans ROI’NDJACK-
A large assortment of fancy VESTS.
Fine Linen Shirts, Silk under Shirts and Drawers.
&c. &r A-e.
i’ffi- Sate
la Perry, Houston connty, the
stand at present occupied by Phil?
nay Oliver The House has lung
been occupied as a Tavern, a;icl i - j
. r too well kii6xvu to need tlcscrip- j
finn Perry is a small, but thnv j
ing village in a rich prosperous connty, and is the j
thorough fare for a great deal of travel. Attached l< •
the house are '.'h acres of ground, with stables and o- j
theronthouses. . T ! paving C K. Allen. one hundred dollars, or
If not sold before the first I nesd-y in January, n , OM h5s a Ilote of thal amount in C. K Al-
will on that day be sold at public outcry to the highcsi | le .,. s j. llld8 A1 | lllc ilbrve , uilfs bca-ing date tl.« 9th
bidder. Terms will be made to suit purchasers j day of August. 18"6 The said notes having t een
Apply to die subscriber at \ ieuna 1 .^O. in Lrni-ltn j fraudulently obtained and withont consideration, ihe
th* in unless com-
Notice and Caution.
FglHE subscriber htreby forewarns all persons a-
JL gainst traduE for or recci'.ilig the follt wing
'MlTI 3 made by him aud-payab'e io I tmtse! Y\ ibb,
nr L. Webb, to wit:
Tour small note? for twenty-five dollars, each due.
25th December, 1836 true note for one hundred dol-
htrs. due asabbvc,'conditioned to be void on il.e sub-
Super Blue and Pilot Cloth Over Coats. district, 3 miles west of Perry, or tn M, ilsrtlett, in ! m,i, s( . I iu’ 0 ri s determined nol to rtav
Drab, Blue ami Olive Duffle Over Coats; Lion Skin Macon. Nov 3 _5_ MOSES COLLINS, j pJlied by lavx\ * Wl! IT A!
Valuable Property for Sale
A NY person wishing to purchase a handsome situ-
JjI ation fora House of Entertainment, well im-
proved. with i good two story Dwelling house, and
all other improvements necessary fora public house,
all new it is situated txxo miles Fast of {Bacon, at
the fork of the Milledgeville and Marion reads, where-
the subscriber now makes hi.residence. Also, three
hundred and thiity eight acres of first quality o.tL and
hickory Land, lying about one mile above, xviih about
150 acres cleared, under good fence, welt improve'!,
with a tine ; oung peach orchard of about 2000 trees,
aud a most excellent garden. &c Fax merits will be
made easy for tho purchaser,—say four aiimi»l in
stalments, SAMUEL MORGAN.
Nov 3 5 4tp
Nov 1
f UU hereby notily- and forewarn ali persons of tra
ding with my wife, Elizabeth Miushew, and char
ting the Hccount to me. as she lias leli my bed and
iioaid without provocation, and as such I am deter
mined not to pay any such accounts made by her.
Nov 1 6 4ip NATHAN MIKisHI Vi.jun,
~iicnmlgee Steamboat Cominntif.
pH” HERE will be a ineetiiig of the dw-khiiiw-r' of
H this Company, held at the Company’s office in
iiaiieti. on the Est day of December next, lor the pur
pose oi declaring a’ dividend for the previous six
mouths and transacting business generally
Nov 10 7 2t HENRY Y«‘NGE. Agent.
Strayed or Stnleu,
9 N Meriwether County, on the 30th night of Septem
ber, one Bay Mare, dark body Avith u long switch
tul. 15 oilti hands high, six yeai sold last spring. A
reward of Ten Dollars will be paid for the delivery ol
said mure, or any information, so that I get her. or fifty
dollars reward for ihe thief, If stolen ; the subscribe!
living in Favette connty. the sixth district. Geo.
oct 20 '3 M1TCHAELT. 3IMMONS.
JLaud and Negi’oes for Sale.
IIE subscriber otters for sale the PLANT ATI 1 N
YS Just received a new aud extensive
tillD3 3t Croix, 1*. K. and c. e>. e>ug,ir
150 bags prime green Coffee,
40 lihits prime retailing Molasses,
50 bbls fi. E. Rum,
40 „ American Gin,
35 ,, Whist- ey,
250 p* heavy lleinp Dundee Bagging,
50 coils Rope, 6000 lbs bagging Twine,
A General stock of Groceries,
■u store and for sale on accommodating terms bv
sept 1 62 Mulberry st.
Oct 7,
rgquE Insurance Bank of Columbus, will instu
B Cotton on the River, and also take a few risks
bXcon. . ,
F OR SALE a superior lot of Bacon, just received
from Tennessee wagons, and a further supply to
arrive, all of which will be sold on liberal term 1 --
July? 54 tf WM. B. PARKER & Co.
WANTED. , ......
S IX good Journeymen PAINTER8. for which li
beral wages willlm given. Apply to
DANIFI. T. REA. Macon Ga.
iryThe Charleston Courier will give tho above four
inrertions. ** M —
Store Blouse to Bent.
ONE or both of the Store Houses ad
joining the subscribers; for a large and
general assortment they could be easily
united and would make a desirable stand
for business. To auy one desirous of
p afi>»0E jewcttVco:
4000 300 sacks do .
Baron. Mackerel Flonr. „ ,
Anda fewhhds; “Boston Haros,” for sale by
. For Sale,
350.000 So'tE;,,,.
01 hbds St. Croix Sugar of superior quality,
50 bags Coffee,
45,000 lbs Swede Iron,
100 kegs Nails, assorted, 41
25 hhds choice Molasses,
150 whole aud half bbls Canal and Ricnmond
5 pipes pure H. Gin and C. Brandy warranted
pure and three years old,
20 bids old Monongahala Whiskey, 5 proof,
*75 bbls pure Rum, and20 Gin,
Commission Business. Barien.
T HE firm of SNOW’ & ROGERS is this day-
dissolved. The undersigned will continue tho
Commission Business on his own account, and devote
his whole attentiou to this branch of business. The
friends of the late firm and others may rest assured that
no exertion ou his part shall be wanting to promote
such interests os mav be intrusted to his care. Partic
ular mention will be paid to forwarding Goods and
Produce GEO. T. ROGERS.
Darien, 1st Nov. 183G.
The subscriber, of the late firm of Snow & Rogers,
begs leave to return his thanks to the friends of the
late concern, and would respectfully solicit the contin
uance of their patronage to Mr Geo. T. Rogers, wlio
will continue the Commission Business ou his owli
account. Darien, 1st Nov, 1836.
E. RUSSELL, Mtdborry dheet.
Crockery & Hardware.
A T New York Cos! for sale by
Oct. 27.
surtiucut of
Heady-made Clothing.
Superfine blue, black, invisible green, Aduiaid, olivt-
brown and green Broadcloth Dress-Coats,
Snperiiue blue, black, brown and green Clotli Frock
Superfine bluo, olive, green and mix’d Cloth Coattee.-.
and blue, steel mix’d and fancy colored Sattinei
Coattees aud Frock Coats,
Super, blue, black, invisible green, drab, brown, olive,
and green Cloth Pantaloons,
Blue, black ami fancy colored Sattinet Pautalooiu,
Y'oulh’s cloth aud satlinc-t Dress and Frock Coats,
do do do Pantaloons,
Black and bine Cassimere, black and colored Velvet,
black Fiorintinc, black Bombazine, dark and light
colored Y'alenlia, English Silk, colored and white
Merseilles Toilinet, Swansdown and Sattinet Vests
Camlet Cloaks aud Great Coats,
Mixed, brown Cloth ft Patersham Box Coats
Lyon Skin Overcoats,
Fine Linen Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Socks,&e •
•tlcrchant Tailors,
H .W’E entered into co-partnership under the firm
of Lewis & Nkwton, for the purpose of trans
acting business in their hue.
They expect to have on liana irom New Y’ork, in a
short time, a general assortment of Cloths, Cassi-
meres, Vestings, &c. Which, together with the stock
on hand will make their assortment complete.
Also, a general assortment of Readv-Made Clothing
which will be sold low for cash They solicit a share
ofthe public patronage. 1. F. LEWIS,
Aug 18 60 T. F. NEWTON.
whereon he now lives, 7 miles below Macon,
ill Bibb county, contail:!!. 1 " 360 acres good (fine laud.
I'herc has been for the last 5years a good SAW MILL
in operation unon said plantation, but lias been stop
ped this year on account of some repairs v\ anting
■lone. Stone Creek, the stream which said Mill is on,
is a never failing stream, and the mill is better situated
on account'd' pine timber than auy mil! within the vi-
cniity of Macon.
Bibb county uBcadensy.
P ROPOSALS will be recen i «i by the undersign
ed uutil Saturday, iGtli irist. lor putting a new
ronf. and making other necessary repairs oti the Aca
demy i^.fice. N. C. MUNROt, See B. T.
Nov 17 7 2t
A I.L those indebted to the cifv council lor Taxes,
are hexebv no' find *0 j ay the.- feme to the sub-
> her on or before the first dat of I.'t ccniber next,
ns in default executions will if no therefor.
Nov 15 7 S. C. LIPPITT, City *frcas.
Ladies CIo: hs.
LOTII aud Merino Cloaks—worth from $40 to
$50. imviO fi CRA?T ft LEWIS.
Figured Satlins
PIECES rich figured .'Utlure tor indie* dres
ses, for sale by CRAFT ft LLW IS.
10 6
-Cranford county.
Also, ten likely NEGROES will be sold, together
with Horses, Mules, Cattle, Hogs, &c; Ac. tiaid
property is now offered for sale on accommodating j p ( , wr |;. hue of said county, deceat-ed.
rms; a credit from one to three years will be given | These are" therefore tocitcand admonish all persons
TTSTTHFRl AS Join Blacksioneaj plies to me lor iei-
f J tors of administration 011 ibe estate ol Libel t
required, sept 8
Hhd* I eat quality family Molasses just re-
etivst aud forsalc by
June 9 ft SMITH MODOrRS ft CO
A FEW esses superior water proof BOOTS*
just received WI1. H. BURDSALL-
Nov 17 T
Georgia Insurance and Trust Com
Augusts, Nov. 2. 1836.
T HIS Company will receive money on deposit
for any time tiot less than sixty days, nor more
than twelve mouths. Transferable certificates ol
such deposites will be issued, bearing interest at the
rate ol six per cent, per annum For periods longer
or shorter than either of the above, special contracts
will be made.
For the convenience of persons residing at a dis
tance, applications may be made to either of the a-
getils of the cotupouy, in South Carolina and Georgia,
whose names are anuexed.
WM. T. GOULD, Sec’y.
Agents. Day, Macon-
Iverson ],. Harris. Milledgeville.
ARTnuit B. Davis Columbus.
Padklrord, Fay A Co. Savannah.
P. R Vos or. &. Sons. Darien.
Holcombe, Peck ft. Co. Charleston, S. C.
George Parr'-t, Hamburg. 3. C. 3t ^5
H AVE purchased Mr. Laird H.’s inter
est in the late firm of Fort, Hamilton ft Wr-
le’v, and Hamilton, IIayf.s ft Co. and given IRA
E. FORT an interest in the same. The Dry Goods
business will oe continued at the same place, under
the firm of
Fort, Hamilton A Co.
and the Ware Houses and Commission Business ns
heretofore, under the firm of HAMILTON, HAY’ES
ft Co. FORT. HAMILTON ft Co.
June 23 S3
Gallons Winter strained Lamp Oil very
Ovif handsome—just received and for sale
by H. ft J. SHOTWELL.
Jan. 14. 30 Oppositethe Central Hold. >
Valuable JUILL Proi»crty for sale.
T HE undersigned otters for sale iiis tivo SAW
M1I.L3, withiu three miles of Macou—Loth
Mill* are now in successful operation.
Ou the premises is also a GRIST MILL. Attach
ed to the Mills is 151)0 acres of finely timbered LAND,
with ail ihe buildings requisite for conducting the busi
ness. Added to these advantages is a t-pringof pure
water, a healthy situation, and its near b cation to the
rapidly growing city of Macon, where a market can al-
wsys be had lor 1.umber 11 fair prices. Persons wish
ing to purchase, are invited to call on myself on the
premises, or on Roger McCall at Macon.
»ejt 21 65 ELEAZAR McRALL.
8100 REWAltD.
The above reward will he paid for
) *9 . the apprehension of my boy
sometimes called Bill Black. Vv’illiani
left me about 25th-December last; he is
a very bright mulatto, about 5 feet 10
inches high, thi< k set, full faced, small red, or rathei
blood shotteu eyes, and straight yellowish hair. I have
no uoubt lie will change his. name and try to pass him
self for a white man, which he may be able to do-un
less to a close observer. He was formerly the proper
ty of M. Myers of this place, and traveled with him
through the up country last summer. The above re
ward will be paid fur his arrest if lodged in a safe jail
so I get him. Y. S. PICKARD.
-avannah, Aug 9 Oin t
Faints and Oil.
■ Ta Wk4fK KEGS Nos 1 and 2 White Lead,
301) gals Linseed Oil,
With a general assortment of Groceries, for sale, at
the lowest market price.
ILLBon'Savannah,Charleston and New York
will be discuuuted by application to
sept 28 66 REA ft COTTON.
Papering for Booms.
J UST received a good assortment of handsome pa
per barging and bordering
Oct 13 2 II. ft J SHOTWELL.
concerned to be and appear at my office within thettmtpre-
i scribed by law, 16 shetc cause if any they hare, why said
application should not Lc granted.
t.iicn under my Land this 17th Comber. 1836
4 ' W. IL BROOKS, c. c o-
<: I O U l IA—Houston county
W ill HI AS Daniel Fredcrwkapplies ionic far
letters of administration on- ll.-e 01 tale <6 M iii-
inm C W.miiBinakcr,deceased:
These are therefore to cite nut admonish all ana sin
gular the kindred and creditors of said deceased tube and
appear at my office within the time prescribed by lair ’u
shetc cause it any they have, why said letters should act he
Dived nuder my hand at ofitre, this £8;h October
If 36. 5 • c If RICE, r. c. o.
I 'AOL'R mouths alter date application uilll e made
’ to the honorable the iuleri<'r c' liitol' Houston *
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to
sell etii negroes bebitiging to ti e tst-tto ol' John C.uig-
ley. late of said cotratv, deceased.
.- ug20 ' R. H. LUCKFY. Ad'mr.
I AOCR lutuilhs after «!aie applirai.'t'ii \Mlib<- u.ado
to the in! lioi cc nrt of ilonston county . wl e.n
sitting for ordinary business'fhr leave to sell all the
real estate belonging to Tlijeli' l.'aw’, late of Morgan
county, deceased, sept 5, 1036. 63'
MOST& COLLIN’S, Adrn de bcnisr.on.
F OUR mouths after date vve shall make application
to the honorable the Inferior court of Pika boun
ty, when sitting fur ordinary purposes, for an order to
sell all the real estate of liby Stamper, !ato of Pike
county deceased, .- „>
sept 1 63 M. W. STAMPER. < A l8
t YullR tiiouihs afterdate, appiicatiou will be made
to Ihe Inferior court of Bibb county, sitting for
Ordinary purposes for leave to sell the real estate of
Benjamin Paiker, late of said county deceased,
1 7YOUR mouths;
. to the honorable the ink
J U ST RECIIV ED bv boats 13 aud 16,
500 keg. White Lead in oil,
10(1 gals. Linseed oil. of superior qualities,
<u.»4 58 II. ft J. SHOTWELL.
A N as.mrttnent of Harness, Bridle and Upper I^a
ther, for sale by GRAFT ft LF.W19.
I’rtv 11 r,r.
A LARGE and general asmitmflit of
Fancy and, Staph Goods
For the wint r trade, just received by
nov It) 0 CRAFT ft
Buckskin Jackets,
A N excellern article for persons subject to conch
For sale by CRAFT ft LEWIS
uov(0 6
Cloths and Cnssimcrs.
4 LARGE stock of-evEry .hade and quality, just
received aud for sale by
Nov ft) 6 CRAFT ft LEWIS ^
Job rriptjof rTonc at thii Oliica. J.lection. Nov 10 6
lion will be made
to the honorable tb.e inltrior court of Hour,too
county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, Tor leafe
te sell lot number 118, in the 12jhoi*lrict ofsaid coun
ty. beiugtke real estate of Jeremiah McCormick, de
ceased. for the benefit of said estate.
sept 12 64 JOHN It SENTERFIT. adtn't.
iiCtt Moutiis after o;im, apjij'icatioii will Ut inaflu'
to the honorable Inferior court ol'Cravvford coun
ty, ft>r leave to sell ali the real estate of Uni. J. Wayn-
liian, late ofsaid county, deceased.. fo$ the bewofit of-
tjiuheirs. . ALEX. M. K- SWIFT, Adni’r. .
sept 5.1836. ^ ' “ ■ ■
F OUR months after date, application will bo m;u3e v
to the Inferior t'onrt of Butte County, sitthig'
for ordinary purpose*for leave to sell the real estate *
of Dennis Mc’Cnrly, Iato ofsaid County deceased-
f>rt 21st. 4 DAVID MARTIN. Arfmr.
IMifa. Wc are authorised to announce the’
name of ABNER HAMMOND, Esq. a c?a
idaie for Tax CoKector fbr the enstring year#
Aire 52 .61
WE aro nuthoriwd. to anrtuunce*
D.) MP8F.Y J. CAIUv. Esq- a candidate foF
Kri-iver ofTnx Returns. 3 20
ifftSr ■ candidate lor l ax ftcceiver at the ensuing «!--