Newspaper Page Text
iruliSßEß 54.
The people of Georgia, through their
representatives,' have chosen Hon. Benja
min H. Hill as Senator in the Congress of
the United States for six years from the
fourth day of Match next. When Georgia's
voice has been heard the preferences of in-
must be put aside. We were net
of those who saw nothing in the political
treasury of the commonwealth but the
glittering abilities of Mr. Hill, but , vpt
thought and continue to think that there
are other sons of so noble a mother 'who
eowld hgve las. honorably and as profita
bly have served ber in this crisis.
It has resulted differently and Mr. Hill
has been chosen to that high position so
long coveted by him. We shall shed’ no
.tears over the fact of our preference being
overridden, and shout no laudations because
the new sun has risen, ye will say here'
and how 4hat itr. Hitl's -geniuS and abili
ties have always had sincere admiration
from us, and that we ha\ e never denied
that he could bring his patriotism end tal
ents lo prbud achievements r Shtfd,
We congratulate him upon the victory
he ha* won. He ha* heaven rqen
worthy of* his steel, an3 to whom defeat
' brings no shame or degradation.
He has bounded into a field of uaeful
, Bess where all hi* powSrs will ftntf play
and where every spark of his patriotism
may help to illumine the pathway of the
ship of State. He has reached' the pinna
cle from which fame may be courted in
her most roseate realm, where thunders,
may be hurled down in terrible destruc
tion on bis people’s enemies. He has en
larged his audience and mtpst now face the
world. We trust he may become a greater
1 victor than ever, and wear the garlands of
duty well done anu patriotism successfully
vindicated. We ground arms and extend
to him the right hawd -ex
ponent who never quailed and never
rested while the conflict continued.
In his labors for Georgia and
the Union, we shall fight as gallantly and
as unreservedly upon his side henceforward.
May he, then, lead in his country’s cause,
where traitor* and scoundrels are the ene
mies, and where every victory Won is
greater than a city taken and sacked. May
he magnificently illustrate tee “Wisdom,
Justice and Moderation” of tee State; the
truth, patriotism a'id chivalry of her peo
Mr. Hill's Speech.
Copies of Mr. Hill’s greet speech can be
had at this office.
/ _
Do not forget in the future teat tee
Young Mea’s Library is not open on Sun
At a meeting of the Police Commissioners
last night, eight supernumeraries were
added. %
WHY SUFFER from Goldin the Head? I
Dr. J. H. McLean's Catarrh Snuff soothes
and cures. Infallible for Catarrh and any
Sores in the Nose. Trial boxes 50 cents, by
mail. Dr. J. H. McLean. St. Louis.
Weekly Floridian: We have had some
very warm weather for this season during
the past week It has been almost mild
enough for summer clothing, and such a
thing as a fire would run one out of the
Coatcsto* Election.
The investigation of the ooutestod
for Ordinary of Fulton couuty, of Ham
mond vs. Pittmau, continues to drag its
slow length along, before Jastc* Pool. As
perhaps a good many witnesses will be ex
amined, a number of days will be requisite
to arrive at a conclusion.
i The Bertw Imm.
I This popular house, situated on Forsyth
I 'street near the comer of Marietta, is one of
lithe most comfortable hotels in the city.
I ***• roQtns are well filmed aml carefully
I attended to, and ail tliat can be deSired is
■done to make the weary traveler feel good.
■Stable is supplied with the most select
can lie procured in this and other
m and fpie*t~ always express them-
Htisfied The proprietor!.
K Balmer are pleaaam and oour
■LuilUy is of the right kind.
j *
t 0 h ; T
- *** * 4
■V.i ’ .•! ■.< ■ 1 ■■■■ r ' M t - • A 1 .’■•Ji. r ;il, • I
J , WMT fff* BIT.i 1
..... - ~ -
SarfleM le Manipulate tire Opposi
tion in the Meuse—Hayes Con
sulted by tdegrapi-latn*
rare Branght to Row
ITpeai Oraat to be
raw a Vet*.
Special to die telegram,
Washington, January 26.— Morton has
not given up hopes of defeating tee Com
promise Bill. Garfield will manipulate the
opposition in the House, but tee friends of
tee mean re say it is
Opponent* of the bill can pot off the vote
till Monday, when, two-thirds of the House
favoring, the rules can be suspended and
tee lull passed. It is believed, if necessary,
that two-toirds can be obtained and to spare.
Telegrams have been sent to Hayes to
know how far he wants his friends to go
If he indicates teat it must be defeated,
they will filibuster to-day of judgment, if
There u also
to induce him to relieve the party of the
odium of such ceptious opposition by in
ducing a veto.
Ibgnuiova, S. Y., January 3>. —Ex-
Got. Haines died this morning.
Mrscmna, S. BL, January 36.—The
coldest day yet —25 degree* below ana
aliLi Lake, January 36. —Jn. D. Lee,
the mountain massacre fiend who was to
be shot to-day, bus a shay of proceedings.
New Yok, January 36.—A special to tbc
Oouit Judges. Nathan Oifixd, Samuel F.
Miller. Stephen J. Field. William Strong.
Jos. P. Budy. Senators, F.J.fte
siali G Abbott, D. Dudler FSaU, J. A. Me-
Ifilkx, Gunge F. Hope.
Orcsrj, lows.
k word to the wise. If Ten ant n^M
with a (<sngh Weald, jtraraie w Mather
yeffl pdhf to 4 SbiMS#
ikon Imm lowawtl astT'W* TU -%a
* **• -’t *lw !■*•■# • nwfirwrf ?
. JnffL
Jk - /
-ilMllM W WUSs^
1 ’* M •> v ||hS|§! *' Itp?"
>• -l
f"••:<’ * v; ut’j
■/ < /; :j| 'i
—Augusta is troubled by the tramu nuis
-Of course tie eariy fruit OropMes
troyed. ' * * Jjjh $1- .
—Tropical mat* are tror hiftr ir this
—The menagerie will be sold in A igusta
on Monday next.
—New Orleans Minstrel* are to be n Au
gusta Saturday night.
—The coal supply is increasing. We hope
tee price will be lower.
—Business in the past day or two in the
city has improved some.
—Lent soon. Then wale dancin' and
other fun for forty days.
—Young grasshoppers skip before some
of the disgusted formers of our State
—We thought that the sun wdtld be
afraid to come out strong yet awhile
—Chance? for suits against the dty to
broken limbs from foils on liarr {lave
—Why are not the crowds scattered that
frequently collect at certain street centers of
the city ?
—The Kimball candy is s new variety,
and is made at the stand where Georgi for
merly kept.
—A few representatives think teat the
legislature will adjourn in about twenty
five more days.
—Choice seats in the theatre in savannah j
| have been engaged for four nights for Miss 1
Anderson’s engagement.
—Oar exchanges from some pads of the i
State inform us that planters are preparing !
to patting in their crops.
—We had hoped that the “statu quo”
was broken. Not so, to there is a prospect
of another spell of bad weather.
—A sub-soil plow would not uieartli an
Atlanta man should he be so unfortunate
as to foil into one of the mod hoes in oar
—‘Our eitisett* want oar new city council j
to have tea city hall park fitted op with ,
benches, a tea* the little ehillren can i
jdigr therein thecvWringe nextsummer.
—A German ef this dty sigh? already i
over a fovorite summer beverage. He says,
yAf nr
• Myy Lmiidbnfti. dollu Mllp
nMMR irkiMtiTTlT liarfiTMut M lbuiffice of
—: — . |
•• *>■ •*.!> CMfoaMa ffWßr. a 1 - I
nUSt " • ****** iC "
The Atlanta Convocation.
The exercises of tee Convocation are
proving highly interesting. Yesterday
rsorsisg Esv.R. &i Fstste read a highly en
tertaining article in regard to tee pew sys
tem. At night the subject of free churches
was ably discussed by Rev. H. K. Reeje.
Rev. M. "Barnwell, Rev. M. Bpps, J. H
Smite and J. D. McConnell.
To-day the morning session will be held
at St. Lake’s. At half past seven o’clock
the Convocation will assemble at St. Phil
lip’s church, where Rev. R. C. Foute will
express his views on the subject of free
churches and rented pews.
Hop at the Markham.
Exceedingly pleasant and highly enjoy
able was the hop at the Markham House
last night. A number of charming ladies
from abroad, and many of our city, graced
the occasion. All, both ladies and gentle
men were on their best mettle and in high
spirits, and the evening passed delightfully.
Prof. Schultze, who is quite an acquisition
to our dty, furnished the music.
Thanks are due the efficiency of the
management, for several hours of hearty
The Domestic Sewing Machine office has
moved from James’ Bank Block to No. 31
Peachtree street, next door to Cox <fc Hill.
Craig <fc Cos., general dealers in Domestic
Machines and Domestic Paper Fashions
will be pleased to serve their many friexds
and tee public generally at their new stand.
jan 14-h 1-etlw.
Members of the Legislature, visitors to
the city and tLe public generally, are re
spectfully invited to pause at Pause’s, where
the finest liquors, wines, etc., in the city are
dispensed to an admiring public.
Robkkt Pausx,
jan 14-1 ni 14 Marietta st.
Baltimore. j..
If you visit this splendid Southern city be
sure to stop at the Maltby House. It is
located in the commercial centre, is well
kept and combines both American and Eu
ropean plans. tf.
A returning board of ladies has counted
iuß.fi. Crutcher's nerw Sewing Machine
Attachment* as the best, and it is undis
puted that they save labor, time and thread.
Leave orders at Cannon House. jan26-lw
The ball at the Perry House, in Colum
bia, Wednesday night, waa a grand affa r.
The hall Was handsomely prepared, and
there were Over two hundred in costume.
Atlanta was represented by Miss Alexander
as “SpaaiahLady,” and Mia* Mary Howard
as “None Such.” Mr. Akoo Angier, “Henry
\ V.,” A. G. Gordon,
I■’ 4 * • ■ i j, r — 1 :
Rev. Hr. Beechtfcalla the Newark Prea>
bytary—“apatrol koß* Look out, Rav.
Sir. “He thfct eslleth his brother a fool it in
strikes have no affect. _
♦ !■■• •■■■■-. *• ?• tin
The Race Terminates by the Klectlon
of Hon. B. H. Hill.
the balloting Resulted as follows:
Fob Hill. — Asbury, Bryan,
Brewster, Bush, Cabanisa, Chastain, Cody,
Cure ton, Deadwyler, England, Godfrey.
Harkness, Howell, Hudson, McAfee, Jflc-
Leod, O’Daniel. Ragsdale, Staten, Slaughter
and Wilson. —Total, 21.
Fok Nobwooo— Senators Black, Bullock,
Clifton, Dußose, Felton, Freeman,Furman,
Graham, Harrison, Hopps, Mattox, Mc-
Daniel. McDonald, Newbem, Reese, Reid,
Wilcox, Wessalowski, and President Lester.
Total, 19. 1 ■" • > ' i;: '
Fob Jekkiks — Senator Gamble.
Not Votibo— -Senators Perry end Ruther
: f--, •-> i . (W-. f . - !> •
Fob Hill —Messrs. Adams of Lee. Al
mon, Allred, Anderson, Awtry, Bacon of
Liberty, Bennett, Bloodworth, Blue, Born,
Bowen, Branch, Brockett, Buntz. Candler,
Carlton, Cloud, CoCirtvth, Colbert, Cox of
Troup, Davis of Bibb, Davis of Hotriton,
Davis of Stewart, Dozier of Harris, Dozier
of Quitman, Dudley, Dagger. Duke, Pry,
Grant, Gray, Gresham, Goodwin, Guyton,
Hammond, Harden, Harrell, Haralson,
Hawes, Hillyer, Hollis, Hogan of Carroll,
Hood, Humber, Hutchins, James, Jones
of Polk, Jordan of Pjulaski, Jordan of
Hancock, Kennon, Key, Kimsey, Leaph.
Marshall, Matthews of Pike, Matthews of
Talbot, Maund, McAfee, Mclntyre, Me-
Gan, Moses, Murray, North, Ottis, Pea
cock, Peek, PenriJ Phillips of Carroll, Phil
lips of Cobb, Pickett ,of Rabun, Pickett of
Gilmer, Pope, Pucket, Randal*, Robson,
Roper, Sheffield of Miller, Smith of Ogle
thorpe, Smith of Wartdh', Stanford, Stew
artrof Mtttoe ptteWsrt of Spalding, Stokely,
Taylor, Tumlin, Turnbull, Walton of
Burke, Walton of Harralson, Wiser Wilkes,
Whittle, Wilßon, Wooldridge, and 'Mr.
Speaker Bacon—Total, 93.
Fox Noxwood.— Adams of Chatham,
Atwood, Benson, Brewer, Brown of Upson,
Brown of Fayette,' Burch of Thomas,
Burch of Elbert, Cilia Way, Cirter, Case,
Collins, Corker, Cox of .Bryan, Davison,
Deloach, Evan*, Fletcher, Fort, Frederick,
Green, Glover of Twiggs, Glover of Jones,
Hnges, Johnston, Jones of McDuffie, Ken
drick, Kirby, Knox, Lang, Mallet, McDon
ald, Mcßae, Mobley, Moore, Northern,
Owenby, Payne, Paul, Pearsofi, Perkins,
Pilcher, Polhill, Price, Rawlins, Reid of
Morgan, Reese, Richardson, Robinson,
Rouse, Russell, Scruggs, Sheffield of Barly,
Sikes, Simms, Smith of Taitnall, Smith of
Butte,Stewart ofTaylor, Strickland,Thomas,
Vick, Wall, Willis, Williams, Wollihin and
Fox Smith.— Messrs. Hogan of Monroe,
Miller, Walsh and Willingham.—4.
Fox Johnson. —Messrs. Black, Colley,
Fortner, Reid of Putnam, Shaw and Tur
Shows as follows,
Hill, 114
Norwood, ... 85
Smith . . . 4
Johnson ... 6
Jenkins 1
Whole vote cast, 210
Necessary to a choice. 106
Mr. Hill was therefore declared duly elec
ted United States Senator for the term of
six years from the 4th of March next.
Arm*, Indeed.
It it our great pleasure to bring to the at
tention of the people of the Southern State*
the “ Grand Union Hotel,” in the dty of
New York. It is undoubtedly the cleanest
and best kept hotel in that city, and while
everything is of the very best, the chargee
are well adapted to suit the most economi
cally inclined traveler. The hotel being
situated nearlyopposite the Grand Central
Depot, it saves the guests expensive carriage
and express hire, as they deliver your bag
gage to your room free of etpense.
Its 350 elegantly furnished rooms, to
gether with the constant attention and gen
tlemanly deportment of Mr. Win. D. Garri
son, the proprietor, whose well known kind
and warm feeling towards tee Southern
people is worthy of reciprocation, makes
the Grand Union a hotne comfort rarely to
be met with.
From our personal experience ware en
abled to call the attention of the Southern
people who contemplate visiting New York
not to foil to gift (he “Grand Union” a
trial. jan*7-tfj|
- * WO' ■ ■ ■ —- ■
~. .n o*
r, The wheat prospect of Floyd county is