The North Georgian. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1877-18??, June 19, 1879, Image 3

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Blackberry pie good enotlgh. And chicken pic is hard to beat. The sound of (he wheat thresher is heard iti £he land. Plenty of fish are now caught out of the Chattahoochee. What has become of Parson Briant? Come up and report. W -C. Haftlbrook, our efficient tax receiver. was in town last Friday. We had tine rains last Sunday and Monday, and now everything looks lovely. The new mineral spring is attract ing the attention of our citizens and visitors. Send to Smith & ,T -r.kins. Gaines ville, Ga., for prices of Cotton Gins and Presses. Preparations are being made for a glorious fourth in Atlanta. Lets get up an excursion. C. A. Lilly, of Gaiiwrille, passed tip the Air Line, last Sautrday, on his way to New York. Smith & Jenkins,dealers in all kinds j>f furniture and manufacturers of tin ware, Gainesville, Ga. It is a mistake about Myers drink ing tar water. He is now indulging in lemonade—not ‘dashed.’ (?) When properly developed, North east Georgia will be the most inde i'ei.dcnt country on the earth. “Iron King” is the best stove to buy. Always pleases. Smith & Jenkins, Gainesville. Sorgo Mills, Evaporators, Rubber and Leather Belting at factory prices. Smith A Jenkiks. Gainesville. Mose Mvers has just: received eight million boxes of matches, more er less, and he is selling them monstrous cheap. It has rarely been our privilege (o listen to so able a sermon as wtv preached by Rev. Dr. Goss, l ist, Sun day, at the Methodist church. Maj. Pratte has been shaved about two weeks under the skin and had his head sand-papered, at.d it is hard to tell which one of the boys he is. Mounted and Down Thrashers, and Horse Powers, Fan Mills, Smut Mills, Bolting Cloths for sale ( heap. Smith & t Mrs. Vance has our thanks for a I ticket of the finest Irish potatoes we l ave seen this season; and also Mrs. Hyder for beans, potatoes and honey. Miss Mary Hyder, who has been visiting relatives and friends in Gainesville, returned home last Tues day, and was gladly welcomed by her many friends. We r< turn thanks to the President of the North Georgia Agricultural College, at Dahlonega, and President LaHatte, of the Gainesville College, for an invitation to attend the com mencement exereis's. Parents are Warned to keep their children away from the. railroad when trains are passing the station. We daily expect to see or hear of some one being crushed, from the fact that the boys are seen jumping on or off cars while in motion. About three hundred excursionists from Montgomery, Ala., passed up the Air Line, last Tuesday afternoon, on their way to Toccoa and Tallulah Falls. We know they will eujov the beautiful scenery, and return home well pleased with their visit. We are truly gratified to be able to -State that Mrs. Speer, the accom plished wife of Hon. Emory Speer, is now recovering from her recent severe illness. We sincerely trust she may soon be restored to perfect health.— Athens Watchman, 17th inrt. Last Saturday night, Dr. I. J. M. Goss, of Marietta, favored our citizens with a lecture on temperance. He de livered a fine addressed of about an hours length, abounding in solid argu ments and eloquent appeals in behalf of sobriety and against the temptation of the wine cup. The lecture was well received, and we believe will serve to strengthen the hearts and hands of the temperance workers in our midst. The Atlanta Dispatch is mailed on all evening trains leaving Atlanta, and reaches nearly every section of the State the day of publication. Du ring the session of the Legislature the Dispatch will contain full proceedings of that body, and will be mailed within one Jiour after its adjournment. Sub scription 60 cents a month; $1.50 for three months; $3.00 for six months; 86.00 a year. Address, Tsr. Dispatch. Af'lnn n. Ga. Atlanta Items. The comjnencement exercises of the Atlanta Female Institute, last Friday night, was a grand success. Miss Ella Foreacre and Miss Dedie Foreacre, ■ daughters of Col. G. J. Foreacre, re i reived gold and silver medals for the ' highest average in the school and in j their classes. Gov. Colquitt's Jhree I daughters acquitted themselves with : great eclat. Miss Kate Hillyer, of” Forsyth, a lady of almost peerless ; loveliness, and Miss Kate Hillyer, ofj ■ Decatpr, instructors, are to be con-: Igratulated on their success in their departments. Miss Julia Wilson, of, Decatur, as a linguist* and scholar, takes the front rank. Mrs. Ballard, I the principal, in educational matters, . ;is a lady of great weight. * 1 he South Carolinians propose to change Colonel Foreacre's name to J , • Thotisai d-acrcs.” Henry Durand is the general maraeer of Ballard’s restuarant, and ■ serves up the newspapers in his bill i lof fare. He waxes Ids iponstache and | : parts his hair in the middle, as usual, j It is rumored that th" society editor lof the Constitution will soon wed al ; ittl-pound Athens belle. Jim McCool uses a headlight on bis I Jersey bull, as he trots him around I i > private race course of a. night. He is a prospective candidate for Governor, and will stump the State on his bull. Atlanta cor. Augusta News. Gainesville Items. The merchants of our town say its dull. The morning prayer meetings at the I Methodist church are a fixed institu- II ion. We introduce you Io a couple of jcollege commencements between this ! and the first. Don't ask Ozzie Wyim how cement feels when you sit down in it. Wc haven't had a coroner’s inquest | i this week. The letting out of the jail contract | (■reales some few remarks. The doctors are whittling sticks on j ' every < r race -healthy you know. Bradley’s soda fountain continues ■ to be the head centre of attraction with us. Its so' cool and nice. Our city is unusually quiet just now. - Even Tom Ganic looks dull. The summer visitor cometh in slow- i ly but surely. I'iU. on your beaver and standing | collar, when you come down next aMir-. ■•-* ■ - -'(•■• Rev. Dr. Means Mill preach the j commencement sermon at Gaines- I ville College, Sunday week. Our citi zens may expect a rich treat on that i day,ns the Doctor is one of the ablest I living preachers. The Legislature. This body meets in July. The A(- ; lanta Daily I’ost will have a reporter in each house and give the proceedings ! 'in /«//as it did last year. In order ! that all the people may be thorough-1 ■ly informed upon legislative action I land news of the capital during the | I session, the Daily Post, is offered at I ■ the remarkably low price of .SI .00 for i three months, or 40 cents for one j month, beginning on first day of the | session. Libera! deductions on clubs, j Stamps received for single subscrip ' lions. Address Post Publishing Com- I pany, Atlanta, Ga. OUT AT LAST. “Good morning, friend A., I am sur- I prised to see you out, and looking so , i well; 1 heard you were confined to your , 1 room, and bed, by that pest of human ity, Piles.” “Yes, Mr. 8., I had been j long a sufferer when 1 heard of Tabler’s Buckeye Pile Ointment. It proved a biasing to me, indeed,one bottle hav ing so tar restored me. as to enable me to be about me business again with ease andcomfort. You can recommend it as ’ a genuine remedy.” Place 50c a bottle. - For sale by Dr. 11. S. Bradley,Gaines- s ville, Ga. nql-lw ► There is no habit that is more dis- ; gusting than that of profane swear- - mg. When the, inexorable conscript officer from the Silent Land lavs his pallid hand upon you and bids you . come to join the innumerable caravan 5 forever marching to muffled drums through the Vale of Shadows, how much do you suppose you would be 1 willing at that moment to give in the - current coin of the realm to be able f truthfully to say that you had never i sworn an oath in your life? You I needn’t name the sum. To pay the ; interest on it at one per cent, for iif ' teen minutes would bankrupt the Rothchilds. IS IT TRUE? 1 Is it true that a remedy has been » compounded which will do away with ■ the mineral and drastic purgatives of ■ the past centuries, and which, while ; entirely efficient, will leave the system < in its former healthy condition ? Yes, t the remedy is Tablet’s Portaline, or . Vegetable Liver Powder, a cure for . all the disorders arising from a torpid ' liver,and as innocent as spring water. ’ Give it a trial; it will do what It prom- sies. Price 50 cents a bottle. For sale by Dr. 11. S. Bradlev. Gainesville. Ga. Only Forty Cents. The Atlanta Daily Post, now nearly one year old. will be sent forefrie month. beginning with the session of the legist laturc in July, for only 40 cents, ft will contain full proceedings of the Legislature, tne latest general,.State I and local news, telegrams, editoriala. | and miscellaneous matter. Clubs at reduced rates. Address. With inoncj* or stamps, Post-Publishing Company, I Atlanta, Ga. (th 41 f l A '' EEK in your own town, k’l I and no capital risked. Yon can I \|||| give the business a trial without *hi|||| ex l M ' , ne. The best opportWhity h W ever ofered lor those) willing to work. You should tty nothing else until you see for yourself what you can do nt the business we otter, No rooin to explain here. Yon can devote all youq time or only your spare time ta the busiS ness, and make great, pay fore Very hour ihat you work. Women make as much as men. Send for si»ec ? al private terms and particulars, when wo mail free. $5 outfit ; free. Don’t compla nos hard times while you have such a chance. Address, 11. Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine. KA A to sia-w a <>r $$ to sub a (lay in your own locality, a * No risk. Women do as wuH 1 as men. Many make more than the amount •ated. No oner an fail to make money fast'. ; Any one can d“ the work. You can make i loin 50 cts to $2 an hour by devoting your evenings and spare time to the business. If ! costs notlrng to try the business. Nothing like it for money making ever ottered W fort*. Business nleasanl and strictly honor* able, lleadt r ir > on want to know :h1 About the best paying business before the puldhv send us your address and wo will send yoi| particulars and terms free : worth >5 also free; you can then make up yotw mind for yourself. Address, Gkobge Stinson & Co.. Portland, Ma nc ~r o 7 r he Citizens <»Georgia AND ALL OTHERS VISITING a r I a a a r A J 1' DF.SJRE to call your allention to v V our large and fine selected stock of C L <) T H I N Gl j 6’/-’A 7.S’ /•’/ /?.V7N///.VG r <;ooi)S, BOOTS, SHOES, II ATS, ETC. All of which we offer at pricoK to suf; the times. Hiivdig been in th s business for ma&s years, we can oifer better inducement;.: both in price ami <|mUity than ' This is no liumbiig, as we nvan bunini ; and low PKicEsl Don’t forget the pla*.«> M. MENKO& BKO, - « WhitvVmi s.uci, nmilj-ti AT(.ANTA. GA. On Consignment. A <*5V I, <> Il < 1 PORTABLE HORSE Down on sills or mounted on four wheels. SECOND HAND ENGINES, Down or on four wheels- cheap. I 22, .24 and 26 Inch (’ylindar I’arquhar’s < ’olebrated Separators—(look premium al f ’< ntcnn'a I Exposition.) 4 to 6 Horse Down and Mounted Powers, Tread Powers, Horse Threshers, with ami w ithout shakers. I'otton Gins, Cotton Presses, Crist Mills, Saw Nills, Wooden Pumps, Etc. J. IT. ANDERSON & CO., Agents, At No. 61, Broad Street, > mayls If Atlanta, Ga. 2,500 Acres I i OF LAND FOll SALE. ■ I WILL SELL SMALL FARMS, i I*’rom 50 Acres to any number of acres ’ desired—all within two miles of the Air Line drpot at this place at very low figures. Farms improved or in the woods. Also, for sale cheap, several town lots, ami houses ami lots. Look fanners ami fruit growers to the garden spot of (Georgia. 15 ts M. BUICE. DON’T FAIL i To send stamp for the Largest, Iland- , somest and most complete catalogue of TYPE, PRESSES, CUTS, ETC. Lowest Prices. Largest Variety. • NATIONAL TYPE COMPANY, R 5 .South Third Ntreet, Philadelphia. .1.1 ITA^Aj> r €JI ST MANUFACTURER OF S A D D L E S, : HAIIN ES S, li RIDL ES, ETC., BELLTON, GA. OLD STYLE CITIZEN SADDLES made and repaired. All work guar anteed. and prices to suit the firm s. JOHN RYAN, Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga., HAS NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION HIS SECOND Will STOI'K Ilf llllf lilllllis, mums, 18, ffl. B with a largc h hi l S a K n>a ‘ mi »>'y Importers and Mnnufacturets been forced to daughter goo& at any price they could gef. .i thT h ‘ V 0 Great Cutting in Freight Rates, 17 pieeus lil'a.' k !:'ros Gra'n Silk at i'l ' woW I?*T W °° I 9? RP'T r™ 8 at 75 cents ’ Wvrtll 8115 •45 pieces .Striped Miks Black and Gr'iv 81-X-i-i in, nJ , “> .',T' CC , ,!!a '' k <•”>« Gram Ntlk at $1 2S, worth $1 7.5 worth ttt cents,. < 'aunol be equalled in the United “t/itJs for l "'’ ‘ rO '" ‘ at4S ec ’“ s ' .1 pieces Cliecktnl .Silks in Fancy Colors and M ode Shades at 45 rents worth 71 neni. 7 Si'^a^jw^h 7fi C " l, ' K ’ K to ■’ - >5 pnr - varil ‘ j erushed by the ('aliing walls. waVsaved'h^^ios, 1 . lire in Fourth street, where so many barely escaped boiug 7" Pi( all culm s grass cloth at K em.ts JoS I•>**. nT “ ' -'.J a ‘ writers’ special sale to Jf)H N RYaSj. :;-2 pieces Brown Linen for dresses at 121<’ worth "0 !e 1> ! < ‘ c< ’ s Rennine Brown Linen for dresses at 10c, Worth 15 L 7 pieces Bll'aehed Tabla 7<fo’° rlh ” 13 10i '' t ’r,n ’’v a - a < wo.itd W ° rth ” : « & C ° >™ --d: ” 715 pieces at 85 Cents, worth St 25 .10 Eaney Gross Goods, light'shades"’/^^'.S's 'pT'k-’"l'’i*r u''’"' 5 ’ v at fl< ’’ Wo ’ t) ‘ 110 .st . pcs at 25 cents, would he cheap at 40 cents.' To enunwrate thtf dock wo'uld n:<Juire rffty tinwMli^paiZ" Bl eSC ° rC SHOES’ SHOES! SHOES! I locks of Nhoes'-uul havdi-^tuvee.hd' P i H ti< ’. K in the Eastern market to purchase their entire Vol, then, al ilia own price. Tliis is a freineudous sloe!, nt si/ r| ly, and Kuv nig bought and paid cash for 1,450 cases of shotis, finds that it., has net's,nlleieot rom o s re m H ,1/ w US l .’‘ , ' ge f, ’" r Sl l° ,! Stoe,!s in U “ ! «»“>• «<’ storks, in will otter shoes at prices about half "th" ;'"<t. of' '.numdutUdn g? ’ rU!,l ‘ il "' 1 ClCa " '’ Ut t,ICBC tl,re ° GrCat « a »krupt 11 is B AiitfJ AI .N <D< B ATEItS! <n<ihlV."i's'a!‘id <;!/;<'sth,J!ind Mippe^CTi, 51 O pu’rja'r"l "'r" "’m * SIi PT , ‘ r ? nt r>c< ’' pairs of Ladies', thousands of .Mtocs on his other counters at prices tbit J ili". tJsi, a i'w'i* ’ * "]» *Vr *, ‘)?° eS linil ‘ s ' l 'l’l ,l ‘ rK at «1, and stun, stagger and dumbfound the Retable regular fed 1 I ’nrnsols! 1 > ai*jisols ! ■ £ SK.7K ° r u,c l ‘t“ j L’l.iladelpbia. i.ion. .ina.igii.uei v.meti ot handles than any other stock south of I I' Al BR ELEAJS! 1 plSas^H^G.e’SiJmx 11 l ' On " a<t lnain,ri,ctui ’ cr; ’ Atlanta, and will sell them at the 6 DEPARTAfENT Carpets! Carpets! Carpets! No one But St,el, is the ease with JOHN' RY A N’. Having adopted 'th* ’same. '< a -se' SJtfe DeStn < H! D y sei 11 ,gur 1 l<Tev<.rvone.|,e has s.teee. ,1, d in bmldmg op a trade for Car. e7 ,t AU■[ , J mlv I','? "s, i'l fv' •' 1 ?' S p • Brussels, just opene.L now tleligns, fresh goods ’fr ,n'"()£ S orv it i £Jsn™7";l: , x ns .!i”;.r""ir™ ™ 1,7 I'“' ‘““I from U.o Ulo E re«l MiulngS!,’ What chance in (he name of heaven, have others, with their long-winded, aristocratic quotations when broiwht hottest, earnest, answerable logic, these silent, stubborn and matchless figures (hat win Olceess. It is the wTI” ; ing you along the quadmire of the low lands, will al, once plant you upon Ih-AhiniiP’ mbihs fh’., ’. tl ‘ W °mV * firn's of ‘finaltrimnpln ““d :Ulmira,iorl il,l<l res P ect (,f A™ B competitors, wearing the" ieserved and filming (D ' Send all orders for Dry Goods, Carpets, Shoes and Hats to the great house of .IOIIA R\ AA, Ad.-infa. WHERE ■ III! HI! ANSWER. IF YOU WANT GOOD BARGAINS, Buy of J. M. MYEBS, AT THE I’OSTOFFICE BUILDING, Who keeps a well selected stock of DKY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CUTLERY, DRUGS, MEDICINES, FANCY NOTIONS, ETC. A. 1). CLI N A lli),' PROPRIETOR Newton -Lloiiho, ATHE N S, GA . ILr Board. $2.00 per day- apr24-tf IT TIIIIT s■. J. N. COGGINS r pAKES this method of informing his ■ friends that he is still at the np town store, Bellton, (la., where he keeps a full line of Dry Good*, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Cutlery, Crockery, Drugs, Medicines, Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, all of which lie will sell as cheap as the cheapest. And he wants it distinctly understood, that prompt paying customers cau buy RACON AND FLOUR, ami all kinds of Provisions on time until November next, which he deems quite an aceommodatiou to his friends and custom ers during this panic stricken season. aprlfl-.’hii WM. H. SIMPKINS, A TTORNEY A T L A W, HARMONY GROVE, JACKSON COUNTY, GEORGIA. pAITHFUL ATTENTION given to • Collections and all other Burines: Clients’ money never rpent, but promptly forwarded apr!7-«m ' Money Saved IS Mffl UN!! i* V°V CAN DO THIS BY CALLING „ 011 T. Hargrove, when you go to Gainesville to trade. His Spring* Stock is now complete, consisting of DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, WASH POPLINS, MUSLIN, SUMMER DE LAINES, and a nice line of WHITE DRESS GOODS. A full line of NOTIONS cheaper than ever before offered in this market. GENTS' AND LADIES' HATS of all kinds and styles. A beautiful and well selected stock of Gents’ Shirts and Linen Collars. His Grocery Department is all the time complete Meat, Lard, Flour, Sugar,. Coffee (green and parched) and a full lino of shell Groceries, and he will sell all of the above cheap for ca.'h or barter. J. I HARGROVE. aprM-.'ic. Giinc sville, Q*.