The North Georgian. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1877-18??, June 19, 1879, Image 5

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1 it €*mss. JE 7 ~ gLX ' ■ : any huckleberries r JWegetables are growing rapidly since the rain. b ‘ ‘ Wheat harvesting has begun, and the yield will he good. r Bellton and Maysville are applying ior incorporation. Blackberries will soon be ripe, and then we intend to have a feast. The Atlanta Daily Dispatch is grow ing very popular in this section. . a .‘ems ct news from cur sub ' til' •> and friend.- will be thankfully the prospect for a coed wheat crop vas never better in this and adjoining ■ counties. V hen will there be a wedding in : town ? Can't somebody break the ; monotony ? • to Smi:’. & Jenkins. Gahws ville. (la., for juices of Cotton Gins and Pres ses. Smith & Jenkins,dealeis in all kinds of fun iiure and manufacturers of tin ware, Gainesville, Ga. The mail route from this place to ( i. vcland. V> hite touuty, will not go I i: to efi'eit until October Ist. ‘ Iron King” is the best stove to ; buy. Always pleases. Smith A Jenkins, Gainesville. I A;r. Buice gave us a couple of ripe |, yesterday, and our little two y ar old says they were very nil e. Mr. W. J. Hyder is getting out tim-! lu r for a new dwelling, which will be 1 an ornament to cur town. Sorgo Mills. Evaporators, Rubber • and Leather B< It it at factory prict >. ! Smith & Jenkins. Gainesville. The employees of the Air Line I hailread. < xcurted to Toccoa, last I Saturday. They et joyed themselves i hugely. Banks is one cf the best counties cn this continent—the. people arc in- I teliigent, industrious, honest ami law I abiding. B. F. Suddeth, our efficient sheriff, I was in town last Tuesday. He s.-r. the crops are good ai.d th ■ people ; ■hr jful. . Ilvder will n'case accept our " ks b ) a inc.-s cf snap beans ami .. a potatoes, and also for a pitcher cf syrup. Yin can get delirious ice cream, when visiting Gainesville, by calliitg I on 11. Cohen. It is . good and cold as neve r v as. But a tew weeks til! vacation, when , wc will miss the pretty faces of man; ■ sweet girls that, pass our office on their way to school. The North Georgian will be sent to any address, in any part of the United States, postage free, for the remainder of 1879, for 50 cents. Brother Morris, of the Baptist Ban ner, gave us n very pleasant call, last Friday. lie rejiort.s his paper as being in a prosperous condition. Mounted and Down Thrashers, ami Horse Powers, Fan Mills. Smut Mills. Bolling Cloths for sale cheap. Smith & Jenkins, Gainesville. France Myers was right, when he said we would have rain after the drouth. The ground has been well I soaked, and oats, corn and cotton arc ! making good time. Jf editors printed everything they . arc asked to print, and supptessed ' everything they are asked to sup- i press, how little their journals would deserve to be called new spapers. Bellton is regarded as the quietest town on the Air Line Hailroad, but last Saturday, ‘Johnbarleycom,’ alias whisky, took possession, and the wo men and children had to hide out. One of the young ladies of Bellton suggests that the new mineral spring be called ‘Lover’s Retreat.’ And she made the suggestion in the presence of an ‘old’ bachelor. It is a pretty and appropriate name. And Bellton really has two mineral springs. Mr. Buice has just opened one on his land, some two or three hundred yards from the depot, east of the railroad. The water, if we mis take not. is strongly chalybeate, with a good per cent of sulphur. We would suggest that our citizens take steps to this water analyzed by a compe tent chemist, that its virtues may be fully known. This is a matter in which all ought to feci an interest. jif. Buice. with his wonted entcr- Mfe has fitted up the spring neatly, a aood road to it. and al ■idy the young people are making a 'place of resort. The Baptist Church. Some fears having been entertained I as to the safety of the Baptist church 1 building, owing to its hurried construc tion at the opening up of our town, a meeting of the members and friends were held on Monday night last, and • it was decided to appoint a committee ito consider the propriety of taking • I down the present building and remov ing it to a more suitable location. We learn that the committee will rccom ; mend the removal. The committee consists ct L. U. Carter, J. N. Coggins i and J. M. Myers. The removal will I necessarily incur some expense, and all who may feel disposed to help this struggling band of Christians, in this • noble enterprise, are requested to seed any amount to Ehler E. 8. V. I i Briant, pastor, Bullion, Ga., which I ! will be d'My acknowledged and recip ; l ocated when opportunity affords. V e are also glad to learn that there | is a probability of -Mrs. Voyles donat ing a beautiful lot to the church for the new location. Maysville Minutes. A. 11 serene. Brisk work saving wheat and killing grass at the same lime. Crops of wheat good; corn and cot ton promising. “Dry May makes good crops.” Experienced reapers in demand at ’ ?1 to $1.25 a day. Few, if any, disposed to loaf now. i “Git up and .it," is the order of the : d ly. Happy are they who see something j in reach to ‘git.’ Ineffectual attempts of the ‘colored ; troops’ to capture a witch, last week, ' incited in the hearts of some whites, a f.t.r of an insurrection. That was a I few miles cast of this place. Jumping, crawling and biting, is the I popular amusement of numerous liens i hereabout. Keeping from the pursuit of them . in company, exercises the fortitude of ■ r lie young ladies. Liquor traffic in this precinct is • . defunct. “More grain and grasses—less cot-1 ' Ion," is the coming jirogramme. | North Georgian is a good paper, ' and a welcome visitor. ()11! that's no news. Breaching last Saturday’ and Stmd ty by Bev. Van Hoose (Baptist); on Ith Maid.\v l.y Rev. Carlledge (I’rCsbyte i inn.) Quite a large and deeply interested congregation last Sunday. Refreshing rains last Monday and j Tuesday. Sunday-school improving in interest and excellence of recitation among I those who appreciate it. • Teachers and parents should re-; member that example is mightier than jirecept. Unite the two and success is certain. Vainly wisdom pleads with the farmers to plant more grain. Wonder where the farmers (?) get. the means to buy so much corn and Hour? Xcept the farm be self-sustaining, | the farmer fusseth in vain. Young man, farming offers an open field for enterprise and energy. Zeal is necessary to success and happiness. # The Legislature. This body meets in July. The At lanta Daily Bost w ill have a reporter I | in each bouse and give the proceedings I Izm JiiZZ as it did last year. Inorder ■ that all the people may be thorough- [ 'ly informed upon legislative action ■ land news of the capital during the i I session, the Daily Bost is offered all i the. remarkably low’ price of 81.00 for | i three months, or 40 cents for one I month, beginning on first day of the ' session. Liberal deductions on clubs. I Stamps received for single subscrip- ■ lions. Address Bost Publishing Com pany, Atlanta, Ga. do we believe in witch craft? “I take the position that we do not, in its broad sense, said a gentleman of years and experience, and yet we find ! many’ of the present day carrying a Buckeye in their pocket through a kind of superstition, when they might be relieved by a few applications of Tabler's Buckeye Pile Ointment.” This ointment is made from the Buck eye. and is recommended for nothing else but piles. Try it. It will cure you. Price 50 cents a bottle. For sale by Dr. H. S. Bradley, Gainesville, Ga. TAKEN IN THE ACT. ' Sister Jones called on Elder Smith a few evenings since. Being a next door neighbor, she entered his study un announced, and was greatly shocked at seeing him taking a drink from a ; suspicious looking bottle. He noticed her look of inquiry, and said: “This, I Sister Jones, is Tabler’s Portaline, or Vegetable Liver Powder, the only j remedy I have ever found for the j many troubles arising from a dis-; ordered liver. I can recommend it.” 1 Price 50 cents. For sale by Dr. 11. S. Bradley, Gainesville, Ga. Only Forty Cents. The Atlanta Daily Post, now nearly one yearold.will be sent for one monfh, i beginning with the session of the legis i lature in July, for only 40 cents,' It will contain Aztt proceedings of the . Legislature, the latest general. State and local news, telegrams, editorials and miscellaneous matter. Clubs at • reduced rates. Address, with money or stamps, Pest Publishing Company, Atlanta, Ga. ‘ A W EEK in your own town, V I | Anil no capital risked. You can .cive the business a trial without ' Xpense. The best opportunity • I “XF ever otloreil for those willing to work. You should try notliiug else until rou see for yourself what you can do at the business wo offer. No room to i xptaiu here. You can devote a l vour tune or only your spare time to the busi ness, and make ,•>. at pay for every hour that you v. »rk. Women make as much as men. Send for special private terms and partieutai s. wh'ch we in.i 1 free. 8.5 outtit flee. Don't emnpbvn of hard times while you have such a chance. Address. li. II a: ■ ill i K Co., Port land. Maine. c-r•■•••o 8 a in yunrown locahtv. Nt'i isk. Wouiuu <lo well as mon. Many make more than the amount stated. No om- ran ail to make money fast. \ny one can do the work. You ran 'make .rom 50 (o S 2 an hour hy devoting your • veningsand spare time to the business. It < osis nothing to try the. busim'ss. Nothing I ke it for money making ever ottered be fore. Business pleasant and strictl) honor aide. Krader it you want to know all about the host paying business before the public, send us your address and we will send you particulars and terms free : samples worth '-5 .also fiue; you can then make up your mind for yourself. Address. (Ji omiE Siinson X- Co.. I’ortlard. Maine Tc T II I) Citizens '»■ Georgia AND ALL OTHERS VISITING .V r i? i ./v >• r r .v . < VT'll DESIRE to ra’.l your attention te. V our large and tine . elected stock of C L O T il I N G! ■ G/JKTS' tTRNISILIXd GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ETC. AH of which wo. offer at prices to suit . :!:<• ttines. Ha\ i.g been in this business for many :iL', wc can otter butter induccim nts both in price and quality than heretofore. I his is im humbug, as we moan business and i.“W iiiit’Es! Don’t forgot the place. M. Ml'zNKO A r>no, 21 Whitehall Si.u-et, nrnyl.-■ ts ATLANTA. GA. On Consignment. TS'c' w -4, (> DORTABLE HOUSE EXG/XES, i Down on sil’s or mounted on four wheels. SECOND HAND ENGINES, Down or on four wheels- uhuap. 22,21 and 26 Inch (’\lindar Farquhar’.- Celebrated •'-epar.'Cors--(took premium at | Cuiiti iinial I’xposition.) i 4 to 6 Dorse Down and Mounted Powers, Tread Powers, Horse Threshers, ■ with ami without sliak<*rs. I Cotton (liiis, Cotton Presses, Grist Mills, Saw Nills, Wooden Pumps, Etc. J. H. ANDEKSON A (JO., Agents, At No. 61, Broad Street, niayls-tf Atlanta, Ga. 2,500 Acres ;()F LAND FOR SALL. I I WILL SELL SMALL FARMS, Emm 50 Acres to any number of acres i I'esired all within two mih s of the Air i Line depot at. this place at very low figures. Farms improved or in the woods. Also, for sale cheap, several town lots, ami houses and lots. Look farmers and fruit growers to the garden spot of (reorgia. W ts H.i;i kk. DON’T FA IL To semi stamp for the Largest, Hand somest am! most compleU; catalogue of TYPE. PRESSES. CUTS. ETC. Lowest Prices. Largest Variety. NATIONAL TYPE COMPANY, :-5 suiith Third street, Philadelphia. .1. 11. v .x XJi L MAN UFAC’TCKEK OF S A 1) D L E S, IIA JIN ESS, 811 11) L E .S, E TO., BELLTON, GA. OLD STYLE CITIZEN SADDLES mad.' and repaired. All work guar-i mtee.l. ami prices to suit the times. JOHN Whitehall Street, Atlanta, Ga., HAS NOW OPEN FOR INSPECTION HIS SECOND Ml SH III' Hill ■, Him, SHOES, ETC. -li uiih a inrge Un pins of umod's, amVybo'm'"Jh .'d ( r M. t u, ~1 i l ’b\ n | S u , | C r l " R {’® R L m " ny Importers and Manufacturers been toreed to slaughter goods nt any price they could get. JOHN Uw h “ Ve Great Cutting in Freight Rates, IV u'ih..".’':'izi'us teJXrf'the7hn-- l iu^)u. R h !^; i ow\ir’'H rp ’ , " s, '. n '«; i '-e from Atlanta at the time, to him only expecv.tions. and will offer: ' lu. ba.s now (he pha.-tue to state he has succeeded beyond his most sanguine IT pieces Illa, k Gros Gra u' Nilk at <1 ' wortii'sd'V) *' ' ° I oi' ?! roa 9 rn, ! n * ilk at 75 cents, worth $1 15 •15 lecees Xtriped Black and Gr'iv Hl el-sml Brown ntLt „a’ n! P< "'r B '"iV GrOS Or “ ,n ‘ Siik at 81 2f ’’ wortl ‘ 7n north 115 cents. Cannot bo e.pmlh >1 in the i’nited for price 1UU ’ irU "‘ 16 great ,alllUe White street > at4s cents > -•_> p eei .. tju eko.l NlUis h, Fancy Colors and Mode Miades. at 45 cents worth 75 7 pi'.e’L g’fn,, Mr'ii'e.'f silk^aVsLw'.'worth $2 50°'" 75 C ‘’ nt8 ’ 83 c *' nt * 5 ’ 51 ,0 81 25 l‘ cr - var,] c-nsho!i by t! l ,.'fali'ing n "here so many barely escaped being l>iooes. 3.11 Cohn s grass cloth at 8 cimts wortl j " .a't s -o 1 1 "‘’'''"J" I'™ 1 '™ rpeeinl sale to JOHN RYAN. •a pieces Brown Linen for dresses at E”e worth ’M '' in " Brown Linen for dresses at 10c, worth 15 20 pieces genuine Brown I mum for dretses at 'J o, worth 30 ’ K Fl".» ”1"' I t'IT en dr « Bees at 15 «- 'vorth 23 7 p cees Bl In d Tabl,. Damask at 75e, worth A o f " . w ' " e » an,a ", k at •W®. ™rth Wc 13 pieces left of that Irish Linen slightly wet. at 40 cents, would be' A’.rv Tit'np a' ? ’ ' V ° r "‘ WSO 13 pieces Dimh .'w? Zd ” a 8;- Co., for cash was 7>5 li™:; ’V" b, ";r i ' , "V. a " B,ai k Caelum re at K 5 cents’, worth $1 25 / 73 idee'es kaney i'.X .rtrtpes at 25 cents, would be cheap at 40 cents. To enunwraTe Htfs' sTock k'ld’reiinwe UHy t^sVl^paem‘' SP, “'’ iCOre H “ d ‘ S '*“ in SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! rt.. l U'\f'lLHUs':'"d't;|,',;'' ’ Jml |,a\ .m'3■eodc,| , '’k'aLT? n! l''"'" IT'”'’” . Kar,p ™ , ” at ' k <'t' t» purchase their entire k>'t them at his on upt !,•,.. This i> a t'nmiemlons s M i ’ l,av '"« ’“Uglit and paid cash for 1,450 cases of shoes, "mis that he has not mom to tore them til l'now i ~'t "‘“ a ”'“ p aK lar «" j f ‘ a ".'' 'vnr shoe stocks in the State. He ■Mo. 1.,.., he » ill ~0. r ..ho. Sal p, iees about half the main,On-!"ring ' r ”' S '* ' ,ni ’ , ' k ‘ ! ‘ n ° Ut " ,CBC U “' , c Glpat Bankrupt b'iE’ZlC If Mr*; \ VI ;x <’< >l ridtJS! I’bihlHm's ait.l'l lent'''''hoi >'and 'v'ipkk''al' 2 Hb p iii'''Guf^ an M 'V"' ' , " l . a al , 50c ' 3 l'iJ’s of Ladies’, j?bi Hals at >!. worth <1 75. (till ettrly and see I easen Men's Black Fur sunt, Stagger ami dumbfound the .vspectalde regulnt''alo;,;‘^ n S tl K e d ' at B ’m-iixolts! 1 *?» Enrols ! | I UMBKEELAN! i AIIJR KI sLAN! I/ON//•;/?)’, OI.OVBS, NOTIOXS, RIBBONS, R LSITJ XGS, ZEBU TRS AND J'A XCT DE BA RTAfENr (he ■-131 is all Hines fined with novelties of that John Hyun lujkls wjjh low r prices. ’ Kuoun luct throughout Georgia, 'limo, I sbi| l | , s I ' u l |Xh v. iil” b. ’ -f. •-V-H'-'o cen'ta "" for a Miort ' ■'"•■l-H's .Ljtly. Thia were slnjqicd to John Ryan, Atlanta, to he sold <n account of .shipper. " ‘hey Carpets! Carpets I Carpets! •■qnaled it, New York. 115 pieces Tapestry. Brtlstads ."m.-d i, X.: .? ±i .'''f '“My □■SSL '.v 1 '- - sHiii "» a. „i,t, plaudits of your cuts ttnd the admiration ’tut' resj" ‘‘ < 'Sr "S ol 3 ""’'i ‘■‘’"r’T 1 l hc honors of limil triumjffi. 1 yoiu compctitois, wealing the deserved and enduring (EJ ’ Send till orders for Dry Goods, Carpets, Shoes and Hats to the great house of JOHN I4N A N. Atlanta. <4 sl . WHERE I ■ III] 1,11! r ANSWER. >' IE YOU WANT GOOD BARGAINS, Buy of J. M. MYERS. , AT THE POSTOFFICE Bi lI,DING, 11 Who keeps a well selected stock of 1 I>l«7V GOODS. a GROCERIES, HARDWARE, > 7 a BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, c CUTLERY, DRUGS, MEDICINES, EAN •¥ NOTIONS, ETC. ~~A. i). ('LINAKI), PKOPKIETOR J TM«;av<oii House, ■ ATHENS, GA. <■* JEF Beard. ?2.W» per d»y. iipi’-J ts f< ip nun w. J. N. (’Ota J NS f|IAKES this method of informing his ■ friends that lie is still at the up town store, Bullion, Ga., where he keeps a full line of Dry Goods, GROCERIES, HARDWARE. Cntlpiy, Crockery, Drugs, Medicines, Hats, (’apß, Boots and Shoes, all of which he will sell as cheap as the cheapest. And he wants it distinctly understnod, that prompt paying customers can buy BA CON AND FL 0 67d, and all kinds of Provisions on time until November next, which he deems quite an accommodation to his friends and custom ers during this panic stricken season. aprlO-Sm WM. 11. SIMPKINS, A TTORNE Y A T LA W, HARMONY GROVE, JACKSON COUNTY, GEORGIA. ATTENTION given to ■ Collections and all other Business. Clients’ money never spent, but promptly V-rwarded. s»prl7-oin * • r ——z— Money Saved IS HHJIB! VD>U CAN DO THIS BY CALLING > on .1. T. Hargrove, when you go to Gainesville to trade. His PSpring- SSt <><«]» is now complete, consisting of DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, IF A Sil POPLINS, MUSLIN, S UMM E R I) E L.l INES, and a nice line of WHITE DRESS GOODS. A full line of NOTIONS cheaper than ever before offered in this market. GENTS' AND LADIES' HA TS of all kinds and styles. A beautiful and well selected stock of Gents’ Shirts and Linen Collars. His Grocery Department is all the time complete Meat, Lard, Flour. Sugar, Codec (green and parched) and a full line of shelf Groceries, and he will sell all of the above cheap for cash or barter. <J. T. HAKGKOVE, aprL’l dm Gainesville, Ga