The North Georgian. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1877-18??, August 28, 1879, Image 3

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kJL o <»a 1 Ii ein «. Wlf us 4-1 ? Can you ? ■ a: .1 tedder puliincr be order. man ought to subscribe fora •newspaper unless he intends to pav ■ for it. ■ The summer season is coining to a ■close, am] the resorters Arc returning ■homeward. | Xiu Athens road, between Bellton ■and Gillsville, is much in need of a ■ thorough working. Mr. W. IL Craig has retired from the Southron, and Mr. Atkins takes his place as publisher. __Mr. John Griffin is adding another I room to his house, which will give it la neat appearance. Mrs. Owen and Mrs. Hyder have jour thanks for sweet potatoes, beans, ■ tomatoes and squashes. I J. N. Coggins is building an addi jtion to his store house—making room ■ for a large stock of fall goods. I Me. J. H. Ajytce has moved bis Ht-ildo'e* ami hwhess establishment to I the house next to the postoffice. I Mr. W. J. IlydertWil soon have his 'new dwelling completed, which will add much to that portion of our town. Subscribers (o the North Georgian, who v ish to pay their subscription pxith tire wood, can “fotch” it along. | The “walking widder’’ has not yet (arrived. Uncle Peter I.awsho says she left Gainesville, last Tuesday imorning. i The freight on the Air Line R til road is constantly increasing, judging from the number of trains that pass tip and down the road. Our merchants predict a good trade this fall, and Mose Myers especiallv. jVill make a “desperate” effort to get ’.rich—and if lie fails, will try again. Frank Myers says the times are immensely hard and hugely dull, still ’lie keeps 'pegging' and ‘stitching, and will soon have some more money to loan. Mrs. A. B. Bell, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. apd Miss Annabel Bowden, wi re received into full connection at 'tin Methodist church, last Sunday pi<«. The school girls of Bellton look (sweet enough to eat when they go by •our office with their nice little white, pprons on. We always did like the school girls. ‘ We havn't the time to reply to our correspondents, asking f. r informa tion. bond its short items of news frmn your neighborhood, and we will write or call in a short time. Dear I tide Pete—it is impossible •to scud the ten pounds of sweet but ler. We have not seen (en ounces in the last ten days. Will honey, syrup or “mountain dew” answer the pur pose ? After much rain for several days, find a heavy blow on Monday, the weather has become quite cool and fall-like. Tuesday and Wednesday would not have been out of season a pronth later. Mr. M. P. Brown, of Silver Shoals, maid us a short last Tuesday, ille reports the cofffißrop very good, llait cotton is not doing well. Ilis sec ■|>n is infested with letups, who are |Hoving J. F. f.atiu re’-r—< SB. ’- ijHolie d’i \ l:i-t Wf. k. He is a • ■]■. \ i and traveling in the inn r- T-st of a. very deserving Northeast J-eorgia enterprise. Call again and flay longer. Remember, that every subscriber " The North Georgian has the whole if the money which he pays for the paper returned to him in the best class of reading matter. That is, the "hole avails of the subscription list :>f the paper do no more than pay for he making up and mailing it to sub x ribers. Whatever profits are made in the publishing of the paper conies from its advertising. Bellton must be a dull town, or else (Brother Blats is a lazy editor.—Stm ■day Phonograph. a We have to steal editorials, make Hocals. use the scissors vigorously, set ilype, ‘make up’ the form, work the Kpress, do the mailing, attend to the ■books. try to collect money, and all ■Kith the assistance of a young man finho has had but three mouths' expe dience in a printing office; and be dides, we have to tote wood, kindle •the tire, rock the cradle, (hope you ■-will soon enjoy the same blessing.) Baud then be called lazy! Send us a Bbarrel of flour, and we’ll let you off'. Gainesville Items. The Seminary girls are arriving. The hop at the Piedmont, Saturday night last, was a success. The “walking widder” is sojourning : in our city for a few days. I W. 11. Craig lias retired from the i Southron. Pich Johnson has every part of his hotel full of boarders. The Georgia Baptist Seminary opens its fall term September Ist. A protracted meeting is now’ in progress at the Methodist church. Sanders & Bro. have erected a new ■ guano warehouse at the depot. 11. W. J. Etc. Ham looses his tem per when asked for the loan of i Business is not very brisk, but our , merchants expect a large fall trade. Several of our foremost merchants ! will leave for the. Northern markets ■ soon. James A. Findlay killed a d°er near White Sulphur Spring, one day last week. I Messrs. Boone & Rudolph have had • the walk in frouf, of their store laid : with rock. ■ g j W. E. Loden and family left for ; Covington, last Trtestlav. May suc ‘ cess attend them. | Stvlev Bradley fell from a tree Ibis evening (Tuesday) and broke, his leg in three places. Jim Gaston is said to be the hand somest man in town, and Archi-ZwZ<Z : Patterson the u rliest. Two livery horses were driven near- i j ly to death by a couple of young bloods ' of our citv, last Sunday. i • ' Our enterprising fellow townsman. ■ J. T. Hargrove, is erecting a splendid j gin house on College Avenue. Joe Hunds returned from his trip with a mashed up leg. lie. is a good : ' boy. and deserved better luck. Nearly everybody went to camp t meeting, last Sunday, notwithstand-i ting the disagreeable rain which fell j in the morning. The fall term of the Gainesville i iCollrgc opened Monday last, with I ; seventy students, and many more are I expected to come in next week. This | i is a splendid institution, and deserves the patronage of all our people. We i wish it abundant success. ' “I ain’t binner” and “I'm sorry i 'bout, that.” is the latest slang [ . phrases by the Gainesville boys. The I latter they caught from a rising (?) i young editor at Mossy Creek camp ■meeting, who had been imbibing 100 1 (freely in “mountain juice,” and was \ laying in a wagon singing and saying, i “I’m sorry ’bout that.” - ♦ Maysville Matters. You were probably right, in stippos- 1 ■ing your correspondents attending ; I “meetings.” The Baptists held a ten-; I day’s meeting here, ending last Sun-■ ! day night week, and resulting in the ; I addition of ten or fifteen to the I i church. I . The Presbyterians commenced last 1 Sunday, ami closed to-day, (Tuesday.) I four having joined their church by letter, ami one on profession. Last Saturday a little cyclone struck . a negrt os’ place, about, four miles north of this, and demolished all of. his houses, except the walls of his ’ dwelling. The floor of his house was torn up, and the plank of the loft . shivered to atoms. Large green pines | and small growth twisted to shreds, for a little distance, and then the i whirlwind seems to have left the ' earth to return no more. The man,• Sam Marlin, and his children, were j in the house, but none of them were 1 hurt. After the cyclone, had passed, ! an oak rail came down from the heavens and stuck through a plank near Sam. Cotton in this section mostly stalk and but little fruit. # Personal. Rev. Mr. Harwell preached at the 1 Methodist church last Thursday night. Mrs. Wilkie, we regret to learn, is still quite sick. Mrs. Rich, of Jackson county. i> spending a month with Mrs. Hyder. Air. Walker House is quite sick with bilious fever. Mrs. and Miss Fish, of Oglethorpe, Ga., are stopping with Mrs. Daniel. Our worthy representative, Rev. D. C. Oliver, addressed the Good Tem plars, by request, last Saturday night. Miss Minnie Dillard returned home I last Sunday, after a very pleasant visit to the Misses Sutton, of Clarkesville. is IT TRUE? Is it true that a remedy has been compounded which will do away with the mineral and drastic purgatives of the past centuries, and which, while entirely efficient, will leave, the system i in its former healthy condition ?'•' Yes, the remedy is Tabler’s Portaline, or A egetable Liver Powder, a cure for all the disorders arising from a torpid liver.and as innocent as spring water. ; Give it a trial; it will do what it prom sies. Price 50 cents a bottle. For sale by Dr. 11. S. Bradlev. Gainesville, Ga. ■ OUT AT LAST. "Good morni-'g. friend A.. I am sur prised to see you out. and looking so "<‘11; I heard you were con lined to vour i room, ami bed, by that pest of human ity. Piles.” - Yes. Mr. 8., I had been long a sufferer when I heard of Tabler’s Buckeye Pile Ointment. It proved a 1 blessing to me. indeed, one bottle hav- • ing so far restored me as to enable me to be about mv business again with ease ami comfort. A on can recommend it as a genuine remedv. ” Price M)c a bottle. I'or sale by Dr. H. S. Bradley, Gaines- 1 ville, Ga. nol-wl Short nainl Writing. All persons desiring to learn the interesting,' fascinating,* and labor saving art of Stenograph} (Short-hand writing) by which words can be Iran- i j scribed on paper as fast as a fluent • ' speakt'rean utter them, will he riven j a trial months instuction for *1 in ad- I var.ue. References upon appli -a'ion. Address, Thus. I’. llaxbuky, ! Dalton. Ga. V '/ ( ’77;.U,7’ X.I /./•?.< < • ICOKCIA, Ba.XKs ('OVNTY. On the first I in (lumber next, will be .-<>l,l. Ji Court H-iuse door, in •be town of Homer. Banks county, (<a . j b,*twet'll tln* lawful boms of .sale, and to ! tlx- highest and host b tbler: 1 One stoic house and lot, Ivinjx in th* i town of llonicr, and on Main street., hontiii" the Public Square, and adjoining b-t ol !>r. A I>. <'hcnault, uontainiiii; one |'i nth J-’») of om acre levied on as the ’ | > opei ty ol A. .1. \\ <’St, W. (’. J. (I a rrisen ; fonaui now in possess on. One house and jot. adjo.nauj lands heid in trust by F>. N. ; 'I iirk, A. (’-Moss and the B ipt'st church lot, one aur<‘ and a <{uai’ter,the -nine being wuil improved—levied on as tin pK-l'ity <>f flames J. Turnbull, by ; virtue of a fi fa ’ssued from tin I Superior Court of sad county, in favor ol ’John M ze, as administrator of Claeksloti M : ;.e. d-ceased, a- i nst A. J. West and I inius J. ihirnbiill. ProperO t o nt< d out j in sa <1 li fa. Notice given to parties in possession in terms of the law. B. IL St' I>i > A TH. Sh<‘iili’. iuig7-W)ds I U TOR'S SALK. CronoiA, Banks Cocntv. By \ rtue o‘ ftn onler of the Court of i Ordinary ol Banks county, w II bo sold, before tlic Conn Hoi'-u' door, in the town ! of Homi'r. on the test Tuesday in Seplem i her Hext, the following property, to-wt : i One tiact oi land, lying in said county. <>n S lyer C eek, ad joining lands of 11. J Morris. M. Parsonsand others,eonta n'tig > I blue Hundred acres, more or less, w 'tu • about 40 acres in (mlt.ivation ; some 2o or . 0 acres of bottom: balance upland: the remainder of the tract in original forest, i Fold a> the propci i v of John R chanls. d<<<‘.'tscd. Sold tor flu l benefit of the Imirs and creditors of ’John Richards, deceased. i Terms made known on dav of sab*. W J. CRENSHA W. aug7-td Administrator. i >. Banks Ccn nty. \\ In reas. Jane I'. Jordan, Adnihrstra ! trix <0 the estate of Eloyd R. Joidan. late 'of said county, de < <‘ased, petitions this Court for discharge from su’d adniinistra i tion : I lierefore. all p'-rsons concerm'd, arc herein notified that said discharge will b<‘ grantc'l the appl < nut al rhe November term of the Court of Ordinary of said | county, to be held on the first Monday in November next, unless good cause to’l he : <ontrary lie t hen shown. This August 4, IH7‘J. T. E. HILL, ■ • J" Ordinary. Ci;ok<;ia. Banks C<»i nty. L. C. Garrison applies to me for Letters of Administration, on the estate of David J. Garrison, late of said county, deceased. I h*-refore. all persons concerm-d, arc i hereby notified that said letterswill be ■granted the applicant, a! the September Term of the Court of Ordina y of said '■••iinty. to be bold on the first Monday of I said month, unless good cause to the con , fraiA be then shown. This August 1, !s7'j. ' ’ d x. If. HITjIj, Ordinary, G 1 ' I ■ I \ . I’•\ N K s (’: > i , i , R<i h 1 1 .L Dy ar, ad mini.-hator of Ja/nes Erskin. of sa <1 county, deceased, appli< s 1 t<»r lea ve to sell the lauds of said deceased, j rherefore, notice is lieieby given that the ; leave pra\ < d for will be granted the appli- i j cant at the Septemlon’ term next of the - < oiirt of Ordinary of said county, unless [good cause to the contrary be shown at I said term. This August 4. 1R79. aiig7-td T. F. HILL, Ordinary. WEEK in your own town, j I and n<> capital risked. You can the business a trial without PX P , ‘ ll '‘*- Ike best opportunity " ever offered for those willing to work. You should try nothijig else until you sc<- for yourself what you can do at the business we offer. No room to explain here. You can devote all your time or only your span* time to tli<* bnsi m ss, and make gn at pay for every hour that you work. Women make as much as • men. Send for special private terms and I particulars, which wc mail free. >5 outfit i free. Don't complain of hard times while you have such a chance. Address. H. Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine. a year, or S”» to v/ :, .‘lay in your own locality. No risk. Women do as well as men. Many make more than the amount stated. No one can fail to make money fast. Any one can do the work. You can make from 5(1 cts to 52 an hour by devoting your evenings and spare time to the business. It ! costs nothing to try the business. Nothing ! like it for money making ever offered be- • j fore. Business pleasant and strictly honor able. Reader if you want to know all about the best paying business before the public, send ns your mblress and we will send yon 1 particulars and terms free; samples worth 85 also free: you can then make up your mind for yourself. /Kddress, Geokge Stin-qn N; Co., Poitland, Ma ne WHEN YOU VISIT ATLANTA, COME HOME, UXTIL YOU HAVE CALLED OX JOHN D. STOCKER, AV hi ( olisill EETIVEEX HUNTER AXD MITCHELL STREETS, And see Hie lfjfe<>st and Best Stock of 1 A ‘J’ 11 !•: <; i 'l' . . * • lie i/iiaran/ii.s Io you more raliic for the monc;/ than any other dealer (>tre /mu call and )iid<je for i/ourscft*. T /■: RX S— C.l .S’ 11, J .V I) c.l ,S zz 0 .V Z, r. mayl 1 ~• * ” ■—• ■ ii ■ W. G. Ashley irzznz.z.’.sjz.z; j.vd retail dealer z.v White Pine Doors, Sash and Blinds, WINDOW CLASS, I'UTTV, DOOR LOCKS, fi Eiui 44"ESfiixl lleib o’<-x, ►**’*<• i*<*wx And all oilier kinds of Builder:'’ Hardware al Hie very Lowiis-r Cash Prh es. No. JX South Broad Street, ATLANTA, GA. 7 ir/./JV-. I.Uillf H7\/O ||,S IV/I /.7./A /LS. I'lain Roil Sox/i, t'rimed ami O'/' ItliniS. Rolling slots 117. mows ami HUmts Size of Size ol* Driee of Size of pair prieeofpair Glus Window Window •1-Lielit Sxio 2 4x:'.-l(i S. 75 2- 4xl'-11j $ !>o Sl.i"lif 10x12 2-10x4- <i I 15 2-10x4- 7J 1 15 15-I.ieht 10x14 2 !oxs- i ::5 2-10x5- i no Is-Luiit lOxlo 2-lOxo-10 1 05 2-10x5-111 1 40 Alwa-Vs iu stoek at 10x18 2-!oxt>-li 185 2-10.xfi-7J 1 (io likereffuce< 10x20 2-10x7- 2 210 2-10x7- HJ Iso for slriclly <wh. Ultite J f inc floors, ■i l'ont s. Moulded on. Sflies anti Rails. 11. G. Raised Ranels. one in< n doors | I 5-16 ini ii noons | 1 ;i-8 inch noons Size I‘rieo Size Price Size Price 2 OxiL 0 S.I 00 2 Oxli- 0 S1 25 2- lixli- (> S?1 45 - G<i- I 105 2 4xo- 4 1 10 2- Bxo- s’. jOO 2- GxG l> 1 HI 2 Oxli- 0 1 40 2-10x0-10 175 T !i S l-o - Bxo- 8 155 2-10xli- 185 2-lOxrt-B 145 2 10x0- 0 170 2- Oxli- 0 195 2-IOXO 10 1 15 2- 10x6-10 1 70 2- 0 Io ."-ox7-0 195 ox 9-0 iso oxo- o iBS 2-o f<> ;i-ox7-o 215 Ilx7 0 I 50 IF ox7 0 185 2- 0 to .‘141x841 225 l.'nisrd Moulded I front doors 2 10x0-10 Io .”xB, square and circular lop panels from -••■■. 50 Io *5 25. All orders promptly till, d ami satisfaetion guarani. <d. DR. If. S. BRADLEY, Family and Dispensing Druggist, DEALER IN DIU (;s, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, CIIGIt F. BF.RFIIMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES, Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Feeding Bottles, Tubes, Etc. CHOICE II RAN tl S II ATA N A A N1) ,D <) MES TI C CIGAR S HTRH TLY PI KE WHITE LEAD AND PAINTER'S MATERIAL. GAINESVILLE, GA. aprlMim T O Tll E Citizens ™ Georgia AND ALL OTHERS VISITING V 1 I.A,TN r r A.. % V G DE.SIRE to call yoiir attention to ’ ’ our large and tine selected stock of C L O T ii I N G! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ETC. All of which wc offer at prices to suit the times. Having been in this business for many j years, we can otler better inducements both in price and quality than heretofore. I his is no humbug, as we mean business and low ph ices! Don’t forget the place. M. M LN KO & BRO., SI Whitehall Stjeet, I mayls-tf ATLANTA, GA. I HERE HIST HE lill! A A S W I. R . IF YOU WANT GOOD BARGAINS Buy of J. M. MYERS. AT THE I’DKTOFFICE BUILDING, M ho keeps a well selected stock of i>l<y <;<>(>ds. GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES. HATS. I CUTLERY, DRUGS, MEDICINES, FANC Y NOTIONS, ETC. AGENTSWANTED. The Uatiai $65 Machine Reduced to 825 a o' Co g I ■ ft o a OS r 3 On* NEW STYLE SEWING MACHIXE, mid Best in the World. US( - ita Superior Merits. Ijfpiakes the shuttle, double-thread, locK-sHt<;)i (the same on both sides of the work) wl)10h received the hi'/hest award at the (b rfOMftlnl Exhibition, Philadelphia, with a larger assort than any other maUiiiie, .and reduced to only 525. Has Horizontal Shuttle Mot Strong Erame. Self-adjusting Shuttle, with new tHWF matie Tchslmmi novel feature.) Extra Large-sized Shuttle, easily ExtrrtPlargc-sizcd Bobbins, holding oiMtg., \undijj)d yards of thread, doing away w’UflEj Hie frpi]uent rewinding of bobbins. The Shuttle Tension is directly upon the nrt'adj not upon the in Mlmp maeb'iics. and is in\ ■lie Bobbin is full or nearly The Perfection of Stitch ftnd . T«he upper ami lower threads together ami locked siniu 1 t:i centre of the goods, forming precisely alike on both sides of ness of work, from light gauzi* nrle tther. Four motion under feed—tlieouly reliable feed kiimCn: leeds each sideof the needle. New Self-adjusting upJ ‘No tang ling of thread,’ or droppfflf stitches. Great width ol Arm. and large capacity for work. Adapted to all lhe wants of family sew ing, without restriction. Simplicity and Perfection of Mechanism interchangeable working parts. Manu factured of fin<* polished steel. Positive motion, guaranteeing certainty of W<»i k. More readily comprehended than any other machine. Easy working Treadle No exertion needed. Is always ready and never out of order. It has thoroughly <‘stablished its repnta • •n throughout the world as the only Re able J ? annly Sewing Machine. Is an eas\ ami pleasant machine to ope ate, requires the least uaru, makes every variety of work,and will last until the next entury begins. Strong, simple, rapid and die.ent. Use it once and you will use no other, ne money cbcertully refundvil if it will .of oilin' irl' and outlast any machine at oiiblv ’ho price. Agents sell them faster than anv other • consequence of their being the best at ■ e Lowest Price. Mach nes sent for examination before aym'lit of bill. Warranted five years. '.. pt in onler free of charge. Money re ml<*<l at once, if not perfect. Indnce .unls olieretl to clergymen, teachers, .orekcepers, etc., to act as agents. Horse md wagon furnished free. For testbno i »ls sec desciiptive books, mailed free •lb samples of work, liberal terms, eir likirs. etc. Address, Family’* Sewing Machine Co., July 24 755 Broadway, New York. ~iTllK W AY FOR SI’RING AND SUMMER GOODS! C. IV. DuPIIE, \FTER spending two weeks in New York, in diligent ami constant search for NEW STYLES ami Low i’RIUES, is now prepared to show the most complete stock of Dry Goods, Notions. Shoes. Hats and t’lothhig ever put on the shelves in Ndrth East G’corgia. In m\ Dn >s G’oods Depart ment are to be found Lini'ii Lawns at 7c; Muslins at 8 and 10c: Poplins 10 to 15c; Alpacas 15c ami up: Cashmeres 20 to 75c. An < ndle-.< lot of Fancy Dress Goods, ‘2O to sti< . M y Idrn k and summer silks are bargains. Parasols 10c to 8-3 50; Folding I'ans 12b' t” S 2. Kid Cloves 25<‘ to 81 25. In niy Shoe Department you will find any thing you ma\ call for in Gent’s, Ladies*, Misses’and Children’s Shors, ami prices just right. I am agent for Canfield’s world renowned hand-made Shoes for Gents— <yi ry pair wairantcd. I am agent for Keep’s Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, KiJ •md Umbrellas. Keep’s Shirts li:UMhb> <<|iial; every piece warranted; pi'bHfL My stock of Linens, Trimmings,l e Damasks, Napkins, Towels, I Zephyrs, Knit Shawls, Etc., is eiigjKhe, an<l prices down. M y <'lot hingSHKrt nient is worthy of mention— find anything you call for—suits io 82’0 00. Suits for Children, Boys a Men. A line stock of Hats in fur, straunß ■and wdbl. Send for samples. .C. W. Dt’l’KE, •*’ may 22 3m Gainesville, G'a. DON’T FAljm To send sliunp for Hie Largest, Hand- somest iuid most complete catalogue of TVVE, PRESSES, CUTS, ETC. Lowest Prices. Largest Variety. NATIONAL TYPE COMPANY, 85 South Third .Street, T’hilndelphin. .i. ii. v v>ci MANUFAUTURER OF S A I) D L E S, // ARNESS, Il RID LES, E TC., BELLTON, GA. OLD STYLE CITIZEN SADDLES made and repaired. All work guar anteed, and prices to suit the times. A. D. CLIN ARD? PROPRIETOR ATowton JXotiwe, ATHE NS, GA. Board, $2.00 per day. apr24- ts