The North Georgian. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1877-18??, September 04, 1879, Image 3

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B Dems. | Dust up jour winter clothes. 8..~ Thflrdays are getting shorter. ?: Butter and eggs are in demand. k See the legal advertisements in this jl issue. K; Atlanta drummers are again on the ■ “w*” path. “They are passing away”—the old " Confederates. Suddatli gave us a pleasant terday. you wish to be supported, support home industries. Several of our merchants will visit Atlanta, next week. Miss Emma M. Garrison, the belle of Gillsville, spent a few days in our town last week. The weather is getting quite cool in this section, and our summer visi tors are returning home. Weddings have about played out in this section. A marriage now would be an incident in real life. Peaches and melons have about played out, but apples and chestnuts will soon take their place. Fodder pulling time is at hand. Save every blade of it. It will be needed when the weather gets cold. “S”—your communication is well written, but it is too long. Let us hear from again, but “boil down.” The 'walking widder’ made her ap pearance last Thursday at noon. She says she will reach Philadelphia on time. A little cherub made its appearance .I><|ie house of Mr. 11. L. Davis, last Frtdav morning. It is a boy, and is doing well. The heavy freight trains which pass daily over the Air Line, betokens a lively and brisk business this fall and winter in Atlanta. Mrs. A. B. Clark has our thanks for sweet tomatoes, which are the finest we have seen this season, and beans, tomatoes and cucumbers. Rev. 1.. P. Winter, the popular pas tor of the Methodist church, is absent this week. We wish him a pleasant time, and an each and safe return. Mr. J. N. Coggins has enlarged bis store, ail'd we learn he intends going to Atlanta, next Tuesday, when he w ill buy a large stock of dry goods and groceries. |r The average small boy is about the same all over the country, ami when he sets his bead to it, we know of nothing that can prove a greater nuisance, especially about printing offices. Mr. T. B. Hazleton, agent of the Singer Sewing Machine Company, passed through our town to-day. He is representing the favorite machine, and says he is meeting with great in this section. * The Atlanta Dispatch will publish regularly the decisions of the Supreme Court. In order to get the full reports subscriptions should be sent in at once. Price, $6.00, a year. Address, Miller & Dickson, Atlanta, Ga. Last Monday we had the pleasure of visiting Ilotner in company with our young and talented friend, Claud | Estes,'Esq., of Gainesville. Claud is a ‘‘chip of the. old block.” and will, Im doubt, go to the top of the ladder. s We had a very pleasant chat with Dr. J. W. Bailey, of Gainesville, one day last week, who was in our town on professional business. Dr. Bailey is a tine physician, and has as good a reputation as any man of his age in the State. He has many warm friends here, who are always glad to see him. The union meeting of the second district of the Liberty Baptist associa tion, was held with the church of this place, Friday and Saturday last. A good number of delegates were pres _ent, and we learn all went away well pleased with their visit, to Bellton. Full proceedings will appear next week. The merchants of Atlanta, through the. Chamber of Commerce, have in vited the merchants and editors of North and South Carolina to visit t hit city on the 9th inst. About one iNOHsand tickets have been issued. Arrangements have been made with ■ road to bring the fanii ■sts of the merchants at mple accommodations at Is will be afforded at re- A large crowd is ex they will receive a warm , Ve return our thanks to I ee for an invitation, and I orry that we cannot be ' je joyous occasion. ' REV. E. S. V. BRIANT, The devoted pastor of the Baptist ‘church, has been spending several I weeks with the churches of his charge : in the country, conducting protracted i meetings with them. He has been 'greatly blest in his labors, and re ports eighty-nine additions by experi ence and baptism. Mr. Briant re signed the pastorate of the Central i (4th) Baptist church, in Atlanta, two years ago. on account of ill health, and came to Bellton feeble and ema ciated; but we are glad to announce that bis health is now almost entirely restored, and he has baptised near ‘ two hundred converts in Bellton and , the surrounding country since his ar rival among us. He is a native of j South Carolina, and studied at the 'Southern Baptist Theological Semin ;ary at Gragnville. The Herald, lead ing paper published at Spartanburg, has this to say : Rev. E. S. V. Briant.—This emi nent young minister of the Baptist church, formerly of our town, now of Bellton, Ga., has been spending a few days at his old home in our county. A visit from Mr. Briant is always pleasant, and while we would not de tract anything from our Georgia friend against their wishes, we will venture this assertion, that if he was ever to conclude, or see tit to return to bis old friends, he would receive a rousing welcome. And while lie min gles among his many new friends in j his adopted State, we hope he will I remember that many hearts where she was born, baptised and begun his ministry, still beats warm and sends j up many prayers for him. . We will only add that if the editor of the Herald has any more such men ias Mr. Briant, to spare, he can send them along—we will find room for them. Gillsville Items. As you desire news items from the i different sections of our county, I I take the liberty of representing this vicinity. I Our crops are considered good, al ' though they were somewhat injured by the drouth; but since the recent j rains, the people seem to be in fine ■ spirits. However, the cause of their j cheerfulness may, perhaps, be attri : billed partly to tile glorious result of the good meetings with which we have been blest this the different churches around us. ] A Baptist church was organized at I Gillsville, in .lime, with about thirty i members, which, through the faithful | labors of Revs. E. S. V. Briant and 1 F. I*. Conn, has recently liad-a gra ! cions revival, and the membership now numbers eighty-six. May these ; worthy servants of the Lord long be ! spared to labor in the Master's cause, ami be richly rewarded both in this life, and in the life, to come. Services I are now held in (ho upper story of . the storehouse occupied by Mr. IL M j Smith; but the memberscontemplate ; building a house of worship soon. Perhaps it is not generally known that the Northeastern Railroad Coin ! pany have, this summer built a neat : little depot at Gillsville, and business I is looking up at our station. M. —.—. Banks Superior Court. The fall term convenes on the first ■ Monday in October. The following ■ grand and traverse jurors have been j drawn: GRAND JURORS. F A Garrison, Thomas Jordon, L B Norton, J I) Terrell, Armor Rucker. Win Rylee, Win R Arflin, Paul F M Furr, I) H Messer, Jas A Potterfield, L I, Reed, J I) Sanders. G N Patter son, M B Mangum. J E Roe, W C Richey, J W Prichett, H II Payton. ' W C Haulbrook, Richard Martin, F I A Martin, Tilmon Perkins, R L Mil | ler, J W Cleyhorn, A W Henderson, j Wm D Hicks. John E. Strange, J 4V | Miller, A J McWhorter, B F Rey nolds. TRAVERSE JURORS. Robert Hambric, Thomas Payne, J M Pool, Joshua White, J C Parker, J P Frix, A L Griffin, Win P Thomp son, R W Boswell. John Brock, Wm G Parks, Crofford IIiII,WM Black . burn. R L Madden, J O Thompson, W B Brown, Hardeman Wade, L II Borders, M S Hyder, M W Cox, John J J Shepperd, J T Dodd, Wm Smith, Wm A Caudell, James Greer, Hiram Cash, B J Cash, Perino Boone, B F Brady, Ransom Simmons, Wm T Prichett, J B Bruce, Wm C Hooper, W S Sanders, J II Boling, Wm J Coker. ——— DO WE BELIEVE IN WITCH CRAFT? “I take the position that we do not, in its broad sense, said a gentleman of years and experience, and yet w'e find many of the present day carrying a Buckeye in their pocket through a kind of superstition, when they might be relieved by a few applications of Tabler’s Buckeye Pile Ointment.” i This ointment is made from the Buck eve, and is recommended for nothing I else but piles. Try it. It will cure you. [ Price 50 cents a bottle. For sale by Dr. 11. S. Bradley, Gainesville, Ga. Gainesville Items. Local items are scarce. But money is a blamed sight scarcer. Ilarve Craig now sports a new white hat, and one hose of one kind and one of another. Joe Blalock, well known in upper Georgia, will hereafter be found at ; C. W. DuPre’s. The Baptist Seminary opened its ’ fall term Monday last, with fluttering prospects, there being forty-two en rolled students, and there are others who will enter very soon. We wish it success. The cool weather for the past few days, has caused a good many of our visitors to leave. From the amount of machinery re ceived at our depot, one would think there was to be a foundry started here. Let it come. The material for the rebuilding of Candler & Henderson's corner, is be ing put on the ground. Archibald Patterson denies that he is the ugliest man in town. The North Georgian is still a great favorite with our people. There are 9,453 fleas to the square inch in the Methodist church, or at least that is what a young lady says. Stiley Bradley is improving finely. The Christian Association of this place is not well attended. We need a new hand at the bellows. The paragraphist of the Toccoa News has his hack up, and makes the startling declaration that we make “futile attempts at witticism.” Per haps some of those “futile attempts” have been wasted upon him. and. like that “mountain corn,” don’t sit well on his stomach. “We are sorry ’bout that,” Joe. Court Calendar. Hall, third Monday in September. Banks, first Monday in October. Franklin, second Monday. Habersham, third Monday. Rabun, fourth Monday. White, first Monday in November. Clarke, second Monday. Short Hand Writing. All persons desiring to learn the interesting, fascinating, and labor saving art of Steuography(Short-hand writing) by.which weirds < axi Lm-tran scribed on paper as fast as a lliient speaker can utter them, will be given a trial months instnefion for *1 in ad vance. References upon application. Address, Titos. P. Haniiury, Dalton, Ga. TAKEN IN THE ACT. Sister Jones called on Elder Smith a few evenings 'since. Being a next door neighbor, she entered his study un announced, and was greatly shocked at seeing him taking a drink from a suspicions looking bottle. He noticed her look of inquiry, and said : “This, Sister Jones, is Tabler’s Portaline, or Vegetable Liver Powder, the only remedy I have ever found for the many troubles arising from a dis ordered liver. I can recommend it.” Price 50 cents. For sale by Dr. 11. S. Bradley, Gainesville, Ga. NEUROTIC! The only remedy that will cure HEADACHE, DYSPEPSIA, ASTHMA, HEART DISEASE, NIGHTMARE, SORE THROAT, GROUP, COLIC, SPRAINS AND BRUISES. Let everybody try it. DANIEL & MARSH, Atlanta, General Agents for Southern States. For sale by J. B. Hughes & Co. M\STl.\\\. A TTORNE Y A T LA IY AND SOLICITOR OF CLAIMS, GAINESVILLE, GA. € COLLECTIONS in Northeast Georgia > and Claims against the United States specialty. He is also a Cominercial Notary for Hall county. ang2l-tf "XT SbIA FFER? jU D.r PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, GAINESVILLE, GA. SPECIAL attention given to diseases common to women. J will guarantee a radical cure in all cases of Dropsy, after examining patients. n>ayl-ly month guaranteed; sl2 a mOVU at home made by the in- ■ ilustrious; capital not requir- ed; we will start yon; men, women, boys and girls make money faster at work for iis than at anything else; the work is light and pleasant, and such as any one can go right at; those who are wise, will send ns their addresses at once and see for them selves ; costly outfit and terms free; now is the time; those already at work are lay ing up large sums of money. Address, Tbub & Co., Augusta, Maine. WHEN YOU VISIT ATLANTA, CDOdMHE HOME, UNTIL YOU HAVE CALLED ON JOHN D. STOCKER, fsitroot, EETHEEN HUNTER AND MITCHELL STREETS, And sec the Largest and Best Stock of HUMTIUK MB IlfflHW ITV r r H H OIT Y . IL Ruwanlcex h, ;l irc you money thun any other dealer in the State. Gire him a call and judge for yourself. TERMS -C A S 11, AA’ D CAS II 0N LY. may 1-3 m W.G. Ashley IVIIOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN White Pine Doors, Sash and Blinds, WINDOW GLASS, PETTY, DOOR LOCKS, Iling*OM, Hliixl Hing-ow, JSoi’onvw, And all other kinds of Builders’ Hardware at the very Lowest Cash I*i<ices. TWELVE LIGHT WINDOWS AND HUNDS. Pbnn Rail Sash. Primul mid Glatml Outside IMimls. Rolling Shuts Windows ami Winds Sizi’of Size of Size of pair pi iceof pair Glass ; Window Window 4 I i.rhi KxlO 2- 4x3-10 «75 2- 4x3-11 j » <ls . IjJZht 10x1- 2-10x4- (> 115 2-10x4- 7J tls 15-Liaht 10x14 2-lOxfl- 2 1 .V, 2-10x5- 31 ) ;'o IS-LialU WGK trnS'fi 1 s'r .MoV'iJ 14 " AlwavsVn stock at low’o 5 uivT o I 1 ’ ( ’O like reduced prices llixAl 2-10x7- 2 210 2-10x7- 3) 180 for stri. tly ejsli. ' Pirn hours. JIvuSSI ”« SHU u l i i rWiirfoffLßdisfl Puffs: - ~ - ONE INCH noons I IjklG inch m.oHH I 1 3-8 IN( „ mnmT size Price si Z( . Price q- '» *1 '“I 2- (Ixti- 0 $| 25 2- 11x6- 6 ... . si 45 j. * 2- 4x6- 4 140 2- Bx -8. i Z 160 3" : ! 1 hzh- 6 140 2-10x6-10 175 2- 8 1 25 2- 8xl»- 8 1 55 2-10x6- 6 1 85 2-10x6- 6 1 45 2-10x6- 6 1 70 2- ox - <> 1 <ls ]« -’-loxti-io 170 2- o to ' -G hx6- 6 1 8.5 2-0 to ;;-ox7-(i 2 15 •“ Xl ~ 1 • | h .J- Oxi-0 18.5 2-0 to 3-0x84) 225 Raisml Mo'i)d..d 4-pauel frontNloors 2 10x6-10 to 3xß, eireniar top panels from ?.>.’o to »o 25. All orders promptly filled ami satisfaction guaranteed. DR. H. S. BRADLEY, Family and Dispensing Druggist, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, CHOICE PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES, Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Feeding Bottles, Tubes, Etc. CHOICE BRANDS HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS STRICTLY PURE WHITE LEAD AND PAINTER’S MATERIAL. GAINESVILLE, GA. apr . Mln TO THE Citizens Georgia AND ALL OTHERS VISITING ATEA TV T . WE DESIRE to call your attention to our large and tine selected stock of C L O T HING! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ETC. AU of which we ofl’er at prices to suit the Innes. Hiving been in this business for many veare, we can offer better inducements bO rJs. ,n .P ricc a,ld quality than heretofore. I bis is no bumbug, as we mean business andiA>w pkicbh! Don’t forget the place. M. MENKO & BRO., 21 Whitehall Stjeet, miyls-tf ATLANTA, GA. mu H lit HI A N S W E R. IF YOU WANT GOOD BARGAINS Buy of J. M. MYERS, AT THE POSTOFFICE BUILDING, Who keeps a well selected stock of 1111 Y CK>OI>S, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CUTLERY, DRUGS, MEDICINES, FANCY NOTIONS, ETC. AGENTS WANTED. The Usual #65 Machine Reduced to 825 Co I 1 o a $ 2 Cb S' I THE NEW STYLE 1 FAMILY" SEWING MACHINE, The Cheapest and Best in the World. Too long in ioie to doubt its Superior Merits, it makes the shuttle, double-thread, lock-stitch (the same on both sides of the work) which received the highest maard at the Centennial Exhibition, Philadelphia, Pa., 1376. Complete with a larger assort ment of fixtures than any other machine, and reduced to only $25. Has Horizontal Shuttle Motion, with Strong Frame. Self-adjusting Shuttle, with new Auto matic Tension (novel feature.) Extra long, large-sized Shuttle, easily removed. Extra large-sized Bobbins, holding one hundred yards of thread, doing away with the frequent rewinding of bobbins. Tile Shuttle Tension is directly upon the thread, and not upon the Bobbin, as in other machines, and is invariable, whether the Bobbin is full or nearly empty. The Perfection of Stitch and Tension. The upper and lower threads are drawn together and locked simultaneously in the Centre of the goods, forming the stitch precisely alike on both sides of any thick ness of work, from light gauze to leather. Four motion under feed—the only reliable feed known ; feeds each side of the needle. New Self-adjusting ‘Take up.’ ‘No tang ling of thread,’ or dropping stitches. Great width of Arm, and large capacity for work. Adapted to all the wants of family sew ing, without restriction. Simplicity and I‘erfectiouof Mechanism Interchangeable working parts. Manu factured of hne polished steel. Positive motion, guaranteeing certainty of Work. More readily comprehended than any other machine. Easy working Treadle No exertion needed. Is always ready and never out of order. It has thoroughly established its reputa tion throughout the world as the only Re liable Family Sewing Machine. Is an ea.s\ and pleasant machine to ope rate, requires the least care, makes every variety of work, and will last until the next century begins. Strong, simple, rapid and th cient. Use it once and you will use no other. The money cheerfully refunded if it will iot outworh and outlast any machine at lonble the price. Agents sell them faster than any other n consequence of their being the Best at lie Lowest Price. Machines sent for examination before •aynient of bill. Warranted five years. <ept in order free of charge. Money ro unded nt once, if not perfect. Induce nents offered to clergymen, teachers, • torekeepers, etc., to act as agents. Horse uid wagon fiirnislied free. For testimo :i'als see descriptive books, mailed free with samples of work, liberal terms, cir ■iilars. etc. Address, Sewing Machine Co., July 24 755 Broadway, New York. THIS WAY FOR SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! C. W. DuPllE, I , ’ AFTER spending two weeks in New 5 oik, in diligent and constant search for new and low pkicks, is now prepared to show the most complete stock of Dry Goods, Notions, Shoes. Hats and Clothing ever put on the shelves in North East Georgia. In my Dress Goods Depart ment are to be found Linen Lawns at 7c; Muslins at 8 and 10e; Poplins 16 to 15c; Alpacas 15c and up; Cashmeres 20 to 75c. An endless lot of Fancy Dress Goods, 20 to 50c. Mv black and summer silks are I bargains. Parasols 10c to $3 50; Folding Fans 12Jc to $2; Kid Gloves 25e to $1 25. In my Shoe Department von will find any tiling you may call for in Gent’s, Ladies', Misses’ and Children’s Shoes, and prices just right. 1 am agent, for Canfield’s world renowned hand-made Shoes for Gents— every pair warranted. I am agent, for Keep’s Shirts, Collars, Cud’s, Kid Gloves and Umbrellas. Keep’s Shirts have no equal; every piece warranted; price sl. ; My stock of Linens, Trimmings, Table i Damasks, Napkins, Towels, Embroidries, I Zephyrs, Knit Shawls, Etc., is complete, ■ and prices down. My Clothing Depart i nient is worthy of mention—here you can i find anything you call for—suits‘at $1 25. to S3O 00. Suits tor Children, Boys and Men. A line stock of Hats in fur, straw and wool. Send for samples. C. W. DuFRE, inay22-3m Gainesville, Ga. DON’T FAIL To send stamp for the Largest, Hand somest and most complete catalogue of TTPE, PRESSES, CUTS, ETC. Lowest Prices. Largest Variety. NATIONAL TYPE COMPANY, 86 South Third Street, Philadelphia. -I. 11. VALIVCJIE, MANUFACTURER OF SADDLES, HARNESS, BRIDLES, ETC., GA. <ALD STYLE CITIZEN SADDLES N-z made and repaired. All work guar ante< d, and prices to suit the times. A. D. CLINARD, PROPRIETOR Newton House, ATHENS, GA. KT Board, $2.00 per day. ajirJYtf