The North Georgian. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1877-18??, September 11, 1879, Image 3

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Shl" oen 11 * elll * • summer will soon pass away. woods are full of chinquepins. the little boys are very happy. IlAll county superior court convenes next Monday. We are now enjoying beautiful and delightful weather. Some of our best citizens went chin-! qiiepin hunting, last Sunday. M. B. ( arter bought a wagon load of spjendid apples, yesterday. Mr. Buice has received his engine, and is now ready for the cotton. of Marietta, will preach -in the Methodist church, next Sunday. We need a little money to rim our business, and hope our friends will not forget us. Our town looked as.dry as a powder house, yesterday, all owing to the free ride to Atlanta. What has become of our Maysville correspondent? Let us hear from early and often. What has become of Rev. L. P. Winter? Has some of those Mt. Airy beauties captured him? If any of our readers want a good saddle or buggy horse, call on Judge J. M. McDonald, at Gainesville. Very little cotton open as yet in this section. Who will bring in the “first bale,” is now the question. We have been somewhat indisposed for several days, which will account for our shortcomings in this issue. J. M. Fowler has a cotton patch, near Bellton, which will make ten bales to the acre, or ten acres to the bale. J. M. Fowler has sold his bar room and fixtures to Ira K. Carter, who will have a neat saloon in a few weeks. We hope to see a rousing railroad meeting in Homer, court week. Who will issue the call for it? We will gladly publish it free of cost. Our merchants are now in Atlanta, purchasing their fall goods, and they will soon be receiving and opening them. Watch our advertising columns Wti ßreaker delivered an able dis tmtirse on the “Unity of the Christian Church,” to a large and attentive con gregation, last Sunday night, at the Baptist church. Bellton will have a cotton buyer this season, who will pay the market price for cotton, and our merchants will sell goods as cheap as any other place in this section. Col. Dunlap, of Gainesville, passed down the Air Line, yesterday. He is a clever gentleman and an excellent lawyer, and we most heartily com mend him <o our readers. The meeting at the Baptist church closed last Monday night, with the addition of four by baptism and one by letter. We trust much good will be the result of the meeting. The Post says “there, is an ear of corn'on exhibition in Atlanta, weigh ing twenty-nine ounces. It was grown on the farm of Mr. Oliver, of Banks county.” Let .us hear from another county. J. N. Coggins, our most energetic merchant, is now in Atlanta, and will purchase a large and splendid stock of fall and winter goods, which he will sell cheap for cash, or barter for <««untry produce. M. B. Carter will, in a few days, move into the store house opposite the depot, where he will he pleased to serve his customers. He is now receiving his fall stock. Give him a call, and examine goods and prices. Brother Christopher, we have not received that barrel of flour yet, and our better-half says she is getting very tired of corn bread. Why in the deuce did you mark it C. O. D. instead of Bellton? You should not be so careless. Please hunt it up, and send to Be 11 ton, Ga. The train conveying the Carolina merchants to Atlanta, last Tuesday, stopped here about twenty minutes, and several of the excursionists “in terviewed” us. But when we replied that we did not deal in whisky, beer or ginger cakes, they would make a “bee Hue” for another building. If you vyant a good home, in a quiet, civil section of Georgia, where you can raise plenty of corn and cot ton, just come to Banks county. We liave more good land and fewer pau pers; more schools and churches, and fewer dead-beats, than any county in the State with no more territory. A Good Medidlne. One day last week, we were suffer ing with toothache and earache, and a friend advised us to try Neurotic. We did so, and in fifteen minutes time the pain disappeared. It is a good medi cine, and no mistake. Call on J. B. i I Hughes, get a bottle and follow the ; directions, and it will relieve all the pains that it is recommended to cure. ► ♦ Gainesville Items. O. Bl Mitchell is Wheting up his ‘ i knives, preparatory to wading into ' the cotton. J. T. Hargrove has his splendid gin now ready for operation. Os course he will fix it up right. Gainesville has not yet received her I “first bale.” The. summer visitors still tarry | with ns. | You needn’t send “Uncle Peter” that railroad iron, as he has received ten possoins, lately, and that will set him up for awhile. Several new students at the Baptist Seminary. Several of our merchants went to j Atlanta on the Merchant’ excursion. The Y. M. C. A. meeting was a [failure Sunday last, notwithstanding I the fact that the “angels” (seminary) I were out in full force. Why is this? Rev. Mr. Pledger preached an excel lent sermon at the Methodist church, Sunday morning. The 'Missionary’ Sunday-school, in New Town, is now in successful opera tion. Dr. Bradley filled the pulpit of the Methodist church. Sunday night. He is an able minister. The “Green street (black) guards” i have resumed their regular Sunday afternoon heats. i R member, that every subscriber | to The North Georgian has the whole ■ of the money which he pays for the i paper returned to him in the best [class of reading matter. That is. the ; I whole avails of the subscription list i I of the p iper do no more th in pay for [ the making up and mailing it to sub- I scribers. Whatever profits are made , in the publishing of the paper comes from its advertising. IS IT THUE? Is it true that a remedy has been compounded which will do away with I the mineral and drastic purgatives of the past centuries, and which, while entirely efficient, will leave the system in its former healthy condition? Yes, the remedy is Tablet’s Portaline, or i Vegetable Liver Powder, a cure for j all the disorders arising from a torpid ' liver.and as innocent as spring water. , Give it a trial; it will do what it proin sies. Price 5(1 cents a bottle. For sale by Dr. 11. S. Bradley. Gainesville, Ga. OUT AT LAST. “Good morning, friend A., I am stir ! prised to see yon out, and looking so well; I heard yon were confined to* our i room, and bed. by that pest of human i ity, Piles.” “Yes, Mr. 8., I had been I long a sufferer when I heard of Tablet's Buckeye Pile Ointment. It proved a i blessing to me, indeed, one bottle hav- I ing so far restored me as to enable me to be about inv business again with ease I and comfort. You can recommend it as a genuine remedy.” Price 50ca bottle. For sale by Dr. 11. S. Bradley, Gaines ville, Ga. nol-wl NEUROTIC! The only remedy that will cure rx<-ui’n i<»isi, HEADACHE, DYSPEPSIA, ASTHMA, HEART DISEASE, NIGHTMARE, SORE THROAT, CROUP, COLIC, SPRAINS AND BRUISES. Let everybody try it. DANIEL & MARSH, Atlanta, General Agents for Southern States. For sale by .1. B. Hughes & Co. M ASTI N W. IudENT A TTORNE Y AT LA W AND SOLICITOR OF CLAIMS, GAINESVILLE, GA. (fOLLECTIONS in Northeast Georgia > and Claims against the United States a specialty. He is also a Commercial . Notary for Hall county. ang2l-tf CjQOO month guaranteed; >l2 a i tßfOvF ,lava ! home made by the in r dustrious; capital not requir- ed ; we will start you: men, women, boys ami girls make money faster at work for us than at anything else; the work is light ami pleasant, and such as any one can go right at; those who are wise, will send us their addresses at once and see forthem l selves; costly outfit and terms free; now is the time : those already at work are lay ing up large sums of money. Addi< •«>, Tin r. & <'<>., Augusta, Maine. The North GEORGIAN! Published Every Thursday, v t it ic l i ,t< > [. W.l A’ A',S' CO U.V TF, GA., 1/ the Low I'rieeof One Dollar per annum; Fifty Cents for six months, amt 7 ’tmnty-Jirc Cents Jor three months, THE NORTH GEORGIAN. -A lal V ItJ I*A I*lll*, DEVOTED TO THE MATERIAL PROSPERITY OF NORTHEAST GEORGIA, ESPECIALLY TO THE COUNTIES OF AND THE TOWN OF BELLTON. Each issue will contain short editorial comments on leading questions—a synopsis of the news, and reliable and carefully corrected market reports. The Literary and Household feature of the paper will receive careful . attention, for it is the wish of the Publisher to make it a home paper, suited to the fireside as well as the office. Advertisements will be inserted in The North Georgian on living twins. JOHN BLATS, Proprietor. WHEN YOU VISIT ATLANTA, DON'T COME HOME, UNTIL YOU HAVE CALLED ON JOI IN D. STOC KE R, "Whitehall Street, BETWEEN HUNTER AND MITCHELL STREETS, And see the Largest and Best Stock of imniu hi wmw ITV r l? IL 1C CITY. He guarantees to gire you more value for the money than any other dealer in the State. Give him a call and judge for yourself. TER M S C A NH, A NI) C A SII 0N LF. mayl-3m W. G. Ashley WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN White Pine Doors, Sash and Blinds, WINDOW CLASS, PUTTY, DOOR LOCKS, i 1 Illiiiil Hino-ets, Screws, And all other kinds of Builders’ Hardware at the very Lowest Cash Prices. No. 33 South Broad Street, ATLANTA, GA. /■ if ■ /•: i. ve i. ight~ windows and blinds. “ "lain. Rail Sash., Primed and Glazed <>utside Blinds, Rolling Sluts Windows and Blinds ■ize ol Size, of Price of Size of pair prieeofpair Glass Window Window 4-Light Sxlll 2-4x3-10 8 75 2- 4x3-11 J $ <:5 8-Light oxl2 2-10x4- 6 1 15 2-10x4- 71 1 15 15-Light 10x14 2-10x5- 2 1 35 2-10x5- 3j 1 30 18-Light. ■Oxlli 2-lOxo-iO 1 05 2-10x5-llj 1 40 Always in stock at '! I 2-KHG-7‘ too like reduced prices Ox-O --10x7- - „ I<r 2-lOxi- .il 180 for strictly cash. White Pine Doorn, 4-Pancls, Moulded on Stiles and Rails, O. it. Raised Paiwls. one ixcrt noons | 1 3-lti inch noons | 1 3-8 inch noons Size Price Size Price Size Price 2- oxo- 0 $1 00 2- Oxli- 0 $1 25 2- fixti- (> SI 45 2- 4x(i- 4 1 05 2- 4x<i- 4 1 10 2- Bxti- 8 7.... 1 (io 2-ox<>-0 110 2- Bxti- 0 1 40 2-lOxlelO 175 2 Bxo- 8 1 25 2- Bx(>- 8 155 2-10x5- 5 185 2-10x5-<> 1 45 2-10x5- 5 1 70 2- oxs- 6 1115 2- 1 45 2-10x5-10 1 70 2- 0 to 3-ox7-0 1 <ls 3- oxs- 5 1 50 3- oxll- 5 1 85 2- 0 to 3-ox7-5 2 15 3- ox7- 0 1 50 3- ox7- 0 1 85 2- 0 to 3-Oxß-0 2 25 Raised Moulded 4-panel frontdoors 2 10x5-10 to 3xß, square and circular top panels t orn 5350t0 SO 25. All orders promptly filled and satisfaction guaranteed. DR. H. S. BRADLEY, Family and Dispensing Druggist, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, CHOICE PERFUMERY AND TOILET ARTICLES, Trusses, Shoulder Braces, Feeding Bottles, Tubes, Etc. C//O IC E BRAA’ I) S 11 A l r AN A A.V II I) oMp.s TI C CI GA R S STRICTLY PURE WHITE LEAD AND PAINTER’S MATERIAL. GAINESVILLE, GA. ai , r:witTl TO THE Citizens "‘ Georgia AND ALL OTHERS VISITING A T ±4 A tv cr A. \V E DESIRE to call your attention to ▼ V our large and tine selected stock of C L O T 11 1 5 G! GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, ! BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ETC. All of which we oiler at prices to suit the times. Having been in this business for many years, we. can offer better inducements both in price and quality than heretofore. This is no humbug, as we mean business ; and LOW prices! Don’t forget the place. M. MENKO & BRO., 21 Whitehall Stjeet. mayl!s-tf ATLANTA, GA. I WHERE MIST Bl GO! ANSWER. IF’ YOU WANT GOOD BARGAINS Buy of J. M. MYERS, AT THE I’OSTOFFICE BUILDING, AV ho keeps a well selected stock- of GOOPS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, . CUTLERY, DRUGS, MEDICINES, FANCY NOTIONS, ETC.