The North Georgian. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1877-18??, October 23, 1879, Image 3

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<'??]> I 1 lYi . Cotton is selling nt 10', to-day. Butter, chiekens and eggs are in demand. Preaching at the .Methodist church, next Sunday. See change of schedule of the North eastern Ballroad. Can't our town support one school during the winter ? Our town government will be organ ized in a few days. (>’ily live of our citizens attended < the North Georgia lair. All who owe for the North Georgian ' ought to call and pay up. M e would like to hear from our Nail's Creek correspondent. Cotton is booming, and our mer chants are now paying 10 to 10J. Trade for the past week has been very good, considering the inclement Weather. We presume that nttr correspondents ! tire water bound this week, or bound | not to write. ' The sun. the beautiful sun, made I. its appearance to-day, and everything 1 looks lovely. A great deal of cotton is changing !’ hands everv dav in our town, but we ; don't see any of the ‘change." Mr. M. Buice is now running a grist mill ami a cotton gin, and can grind I your corn and gin your cotton. The tax collector of Hall county ■ opened his books in our town yester day, and made a pretty good haul. , y We have, begu delayed in getting' out our paper for the past two weeks, I but hope to be on time next week. Our creditors wants us to pay them, but we can't do it until our debtors I antics up. Come to our rescue, gen tlemen. Our merchants arc paying lb cents • for cotton, ami selling goods :is cheap a« they can be bought in Northeast Georgia. The weather for the past week has I been dark, dreary and chilly, and the j smiling face of the sun has not been I seen for several days. Passenger and freight business on the Air Line Road has been quite brisk for sometime. Fourteen trains passed our depot, last Tuesday. I). M. Breaker A Son will supply i whatever yon need in the way cl •hugs, at die very lowest prices for! cash. Call and see for yourself. The Augusta Evening News, one of our best exchanges, has be, n enlarged and otherwise improved. We like the I News, and are glad to know that it is . prospering. We are glad to learn that .Mr. F. J’. Conn and Mr. J. M. Myers, who haw jsjmen quite sick, are getting well, and we hope to see them on the streets in a few days. Rev. L. P. Winter, who -has been ' absent, about three weeks, returned ' last Monday. We accused him of I being on a courting expedition, and he said not altogether. We would remind our friends who have notes and accounts due first of November, that it is close at hand, ami wc expect them met promptly. J. C. Quillian* & Bros. “Cousin” John Thrasher, of South Carolina, was in town last Monday. He said he was hunting something to eat, and we believe he was. as he bought all the butter, chickens, eggs and apples he could find in our market. We learn that Rev. E. S. V. Briant, of our town, will address the Odd Fel lows of Homer, in their hall, on next | Saturday evening. He will also say | a few words for the North Georgian, | and his receipt for subscriptions, ad-1 vertisements, etc., will be acknowl-1 edged at this office. We learn that Harmony church, in ! Banks county, at their last meeting, withdrew (by a unanimous vote) fur ther correspondence with the Liberty Baptist Association, and elected the following delegates to the Gillsville k meeting: M . G. Hobson, Isaac VV . Alexander, Berry Duckett and John N. Cash. Heaven be praised! The warm weather continues, and the land is still free from the plaintive howl of the country editor for wood.—Au gusta News'. Mistake—we have been ‘howling’ for two weeks, and notwithstanding the fact that we are in the woods, yet we can’t get any wood. Now. give us another diatribe on the “plaintive howl of the country editor for wood.” Hr. Lovick Pierce. We publish on our first page a letter from the venerable Dr. Loviek fierce, which we copy from a recent number of the Wesleyan ChrWian Advocate*. Dr. Pierce is the oldest living preacher in Georgia, and one cf the oldest in the I nited States. For seventv-tive years he has been a zealous laborer in the Master’s vineyard, ami though now disabled by age and infirmity, he still retains his mental -vigor ami his ardent love tor the church, and the cause to which he has given so many years of his long life. The Doctor is now in his ninety-fifth year. He has been quite infirm all the year, but we are pleased to learn that his health has improved since he wrote the letter published elsewhere, and hopes are entertained that he may yet be spared to the church awhile longer. There is moral sublimity in the life and charac ter and work of this grand old man. Mr. J. VV. Brewer, of Silver Sb all. gave us a pleasant call to-day. He subscribed and paid for the Georgian for one year, and said every man ought to take his comity paper. Governor Colquitt addressed a large congregation nt Mt. Airy.last Sunday. His remarks, founded in (he Scripture. “Lei them learn first to slu>w pint v at home,'" were full of practical, earnest counsel. Ills hearers were much im press'd ami *. ratified. Subscribe for the Daily Dispatch. It contains telegraphic and general news, suppresses nothing the people have a right to know, publishes regu larly the Supreme Court reports. Price, >6.00 per year, six months, Sl.l’i); there months. > 1.50. Address “Dispatch." -Atlanta. Ga. Rev. E. S. V. Briant was quite sick last week, but we are glad to state, he is improving, and was able to till his pulpit, in the Baptist church, in town last Sunday. He has been* culled to the pastorate of this church, next year, and we hope he will accept, as we believe the church would sustain a great loss if they fail to obtain his services. The Baptist church of this place endorsed the action of their delegates in withdrawing further correspond ence with the Liberty Association, at their last meeting, and elected dele gates to the meeting at Gillsville, which convenes Friday before the sth Sunday in November. Revs. E. S. V. Briant. F. P Conn, I). M. Breaker, and Mr. T. T. Echols were chosen as the delegates. If there is a death. If anybody gets hurt. If there is a marriage. If you have a line school. If tln re. is a house burned, If anybody gets snake bit, If a mill dam gels washed away. If tin re is a big meeting near you. If you know of any extraordinary yield of any crop, or any other infor mation that would interest the public, write he facts to the Nor h Georgian and we will publish them. The Sunday Phonograph, of Atlanta, is the best weekly paper published in 1 the State. Its columns contain some thing to please everybody. It is a bold, fearless paper; attacking official corruption in high and low places. It is a good family paper, in everv sense of the word, and we advise our read ers to subscribe for it. if they want a good paper from the Capital. A spe cimen copy can be seen at this office. Terms >2 per year. SI for six mouths, 50 cents for three months. Address, Phonograph, .Atlanta. Ga. The invention of that Superior and Complete Sewing Machine (the Fam ily Shuttle Machine), marks one of the most important eras in the history of machinery, and when we consider its great usefulness and extremely low price (>25), it is very difficult to conceive of any invention for domes tic use of more or even equal impor tance to families. It has great ca pacity for work; beautiful, smooth, and quiet movement, rapid execution, certainty of operation, and delightful ease, that at once commends it above all others. The working parts are al) steel: the bobbins hold 100 yards of thread: the stitch is the firmest of all the stitches made, neat and regular, ai d can be regulated in a moment to sew stitches from an inch in length on coarse material down to the finest, so infinitesimal as to be hardly dis cernable with the naked eve, and with a rapidity rendering it impossi ble to count them as fast as made ; it does to perfection all kinds of heavy, coarse, plain, fine, or fancy needle work with ease, and far less labor than required on other machines. It needs no commendation, the rapid sales, increasing demand, and volun tary encomiums from the press, and the thousands of families who use them, amply testify to their undoubt ed worth as a standard and reliable household necessity, extending its popularity each day. Agents wanted by the company. Address them for information. Family Sewing Ma chine Co., 755 Broadway. New York. I,IST C VLL. I hereby nolify all persons indebted to me by note or account, that I am determined to settle my books up j soine way. After the first day of I November. I shall put all my notes i and accounts in the hands of a law ver for immediate collection, for I am : compelled to have money, and am I tired of dunning. 1 hope all will respond at once. J. N. Coggins, j THE LATEST NEWS Is the arrival of piles of new goods at i .!. R. Barnes A Co's. Just drop in and look around, and you will sttrelv find i something yon want. Among other ; things is their new stock of clothing. They can lit you with a suit ranging ! in price from to silo. Their stork of overcoats is large, and you will do well to examine their stock before I you buy. We must not fail to notice their stock of cutlery, for it is the best ■ selection there is in town. They have i pocket cutlery in all grades, from the ' best brands to the poorest. Also a' ' splendid line of table cttllerv. iiiclud- , ing a nice lot of ivory handled knives; also a splendid lot of silver forks, tea and table spoons. Butcher knives, shoe knives, kitchen knives. Their shoe stock embraces everything in boots and shoes for men, women attd children, and their motto is not to be [ , undersold. They keep a splendid line < f men's fine hats, and if you want one go their and get it as cheap as you can buy it in Atlanta. Their dry goods department is full, and you can gel what you want by calling. A full i line of groceries kept by them all the time. They waul to buy all the wool, feathers and chickens they can get, and they will pay the top of the mar ket. They also want a few turkeys. Gainesville, Ga., October 9, 1879. Newspaper law says if a person or ders his paper discontinued he must pay all dues or the publisher may continne to semi it until payment is made and collect Ihp whole amount, whether the patter is taken from the office or not. Also action for fraud can be ins! it tiled against any person, whether he is responsible or not in financial point of view, who refuses to pay subscription. -® « Remember, that every subscriber to The North Georgian has the whole of the money which he pays for the paper returned to him in the best class of reading matter. That is, the whole avails of the subscription list of the paper do no more than pay for the making up and mailing it to sub scribers. W hatever profits are made in the publishing of the paper comes from its advertising. r*WM>--raa-MW.. -r” AarwMwvMtf'SMMMv'VMWWM-.v-m-vavw , -■ 11 —— H<• h « * < 3 1 o .Vo A’7’///■;. f N 77','/’A’ RAILROA D. < hi ami .‘l‘hT Momhiy. October (>th, 1579, train.- on this Road will run as follows, dji!v. except Sunday : Li .1 VC A t hen*' 3:50 p 111 I A i rix <• .it Luln 0:20 p m Arri\ • it Al kinin in .;o p m I. ?*li.inf i .’•:.?(» p m Li .«v. Lula. 7:4(1 p m Arrive nt Athens 10:00 p m The abovi trains also ' onuects closely at Lnia vv 'h Northern hound trains on Air Line Railroad. On Weil. * s<l;t\s and Sa! urda v> the fol lowing additional train will be run: I H-avc AI hens 0:45 a m Ar; \ eat Lula 8:45 a in Leave Lula 9:20 a tn Arriv•• at Athens 11 ;30 a m This train euniHM’ts closel\ at Lula for Ail.infa. ni;»k'!i;< the time to Atlanta only tour hours and forty minutes. J M Edwards, Superintendent. .g. 11. VANOE, MANUI'ACTURER OF S A n D L E S, // AR A* /■; NN, B R 11) LES, E TC., BELLTON, GA. y .LI) STA I.E CITIZEN SADDLES' made ami repaired. All work guar anteed, and prices to suit the times. WAi. ii. slmpkinsT” .1 7’ TO RS E F A T L A IE, HARMONY GROVE, JACKSON COUNTY, GEORGIA.! jMAITHFUL ATTENTION given to a (’olleciiojis and all other Business. < 'licnf s' money never spent, but promptly forwarded. aprl7-<im JOHN ,\l. KINI)LAY? si 8 I -<si nv, GAINESVILLE, GA. ’ILL X’ve prompt attention to the V r Collection of Claims. Office with J. B. Estes \ Son. aprl7-3ni L. J. GARTRELL, ATTORNEY AT LA IF, ATLANTA, GA. (PRACTICES in the T’nited States Cir cuit and District Courts at Atlanta, and the Supreme and Superior Courts of the State. mayf.s-tf ~A. J. SHAFFER, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, . GAINESVILLE, GA. SPECIAL attention given to diseases common to women. I will guarantee a jadical cure in all cases of Dropsy, after examining patients. mayl-ly FOB TIE FALL TRADE I j. r. miLiin t bk, ' BI'ILL'I’OA, (JA.. i \ ARE RECEIVING THE LARGEST STOCK OF , ) DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES: I Ever brouglit to this market, mid special invitation is given to everybody to 1 call am] examine our Goods and Brices, as we can make it to your interest ' to buy of u.s. 555 4 2 t I V e fiaii* as fim* 10l of Dross Goods as there is in tlie up-eomitrv, such as 1 Alpacas, Uassimeri's. Water-proof Goods. Delaines, Etc.. Etc. ' 1 FOOTS AND SHOES. t i \\ i have in stere a large and splendid stock of Boots and Shors, which wc are selling at <‘\rcedingl\ low prices. j < |O N ovok! f sl * BOV « ‘ !*>i I I t \\ <■ ha\ eon hand a large lot <»f Stoves, \\ hich w<* ran sell as low as you can buy 1 them in ;.ny maiket. Also, a large stock «H‘ BEDSTEADS, very cheap. Clothing! Clothing! Clothing! A vt»ry heavy stock of Clothing. Suits and Overcoats. (icnts Shirts and Ladit’s’ Knit Goods, Ladies’, Gents’and Children's Hosicrx . in large variety, ai.d all vcr\ ( heap. Also, a large lot of Notions. A very heavy stock of Blankets, very cheap. We sell Avery’s Wagons and Plows at manufactiin-rs prices. We have a big stock of Iron, which we will sell low. Il'r’ \\ r will buy Cotton and nay cash. Wc also pay cash for Seed Cotton. . /JI N. B. Our Gin is now ready for ginning. Bring your cotton to us. and we will guarantee satisfaction, fi /* We have an experienced man to wait on you at the Gin. oct4-3m J. C. QVILLIAN & BROS., Bellion, Ga. woWliiwn! Published Every Thursday, A r r BELLTON, RANKS COUNTY. GA., ■At th' l.ow Price of One Dollar per annum; Fifty Cents for six months, and Tu'cnly-fire Cents for three months. A I : 1*1:14, I DEVOTED TO THE MATERIAL PROSPERITY OF NORTHEAST GEORGIA, ' J < ESPECIALLY TO THE COUNTIES OF .IJAA'IiSS IIALIj, I AND THE i i i TOWN OF BELLTON. I I Each issue will contain short editorial comments on leading questions—a synopsis of the news, and reliable, and carefully corrected market reports. The Literary and Household feature of the paper will receive careful attention, for it is the, wish of the Publisher to nftike it a home paper, suited to the fireside as well as the office. Advertisements will be inserted in The North Georgian on livin terms. JOHN BLATS, Proprietor. AC ENTS W ANTED. The Usual S(is Machine llelneed to $25 CO § *** f Cb Cb O* Cb Co THE NEW STYLE "FAMILY" SEWING MACHINE. ’rhe Cheapest and Best in the World. Too lou</ in use to doubt its Superior Merits It makes tin l shuttle, double-thread, lock-stitrh (tin* same on both sides of the work) w hich received the hiffhust award, at tin* Centennial Exhibition. Philadelphia, Pa., 1S7(». Complete with a lart/er assort in<ot u/jirtiirrs than any other machine, and reduced to only <25.’ Has Horizontal Shuttle Motion, with Strong Frame. < Self-adjusting Shuttle, with new Auto nialie 'fension (novel feature.) Extra long, large-sized Shuttle, easily removed. Extra large-sized Bobbins, holding one hundred yards of ihreml, doing away with the frequent rewinding of bobbins. 'flic Shuttle Ti nsion is diicetly upon the thread, and not upon the Bobbin, as in other machines, and is invariable, whether the Bobbin is full or iwarly empty. The Perfection of Stitch ami Tension. The upper and l<»wer threads are drawn together ami locked simnltaneoirsly in the centre of the goods, forming the stitch precisely alike on both sides of any thick ness ot work, from light gauze to leather. Four motion under feed—the only reliable feed known; feeds each side of the needle. New Self-mljiisting ‘Take up.’ ‘No tang ling of thread,’ or dropping stitches. (Heat width of Arm, and large capacity for work. Adapted to all the wants of family sew ing. without restriction. Simplicity ami Perfection of Mechanism Interchangeable working parts. Manu factured of tine polished st(‘el. Positive motion, guaranteeing rerfainty of \\ ork. More readily comprehended than aiij other machine. Easy working Treadle No exertion needed. Is always ready and never out of order. It has thoroughly established its reputa t.<>n throughout the world as the only Re liable Family Sewing Machine. Is an easy and pleasant machine to ope rate. requires the least care, makes every ariety of work, ami will last until the next "■ utury begins. Strong, simple, rapid and efficient. I se it om e and you will use no other. The money cheerfully ri'fnmled if it will not outu'orh and outlast any machine at double the price. Agents sell them faster than any other 'll consequence of their being the Best at he Lowest, Price. Machines sent for examination before Daynieiit of bill. Warranted five years. Kept in onler free of charge. Money re funded at once, if not perfect. Induce ments offered to clergymen, teachers, storekeepers, etc., to act as agents. Horse and wagon furnished free. For testimo nials see descriptive books, mailed free with samples of work, liberal terms, uir - ulars, etc. Address, ■Family” Sewing Machine Co., July 24 755 Broadway, New York. NEUROTIcr The only remedy that will cure IN <‘iii*si HEAD ACHE, DYSPEPSIA, ASTHMA, HEART DISEASE, NIGHTMARE, SORE THROAT, CROUP, CO LIU, SPRAINS AND BRUISES. Let everybody try it. DANIEL & MAKSH, Atlanta, General Agents for Southern States. For sale by.L B. Hirghes& Co., Bellton, and Dr. E. E. Dixon, Gainesville. "MASTIN W. RIDEN, ATTORNEY AT LA IF A N I> SOLICITOR OF CLAIMS, GA INESVILLE, GA. (COLLECTIONS in Northeast Georgia I nnd Claims against tin* United States a specialty. He is also a Commercial Notary for Hall comity. ang2l-tf Short Hand Writing. All persons desiring to learn the interesting, fascinating, and labor saving art of Stenogranhy(Short-hand writing) by which words can be tran scribed on paper as fast as a fluent speaker can utter them, will be given a trial months instuction for SI in ad vance. References upon application. Address, Tnos. P. llanbury, Dalton, Ga. »A WEEK in your own town, ami no capital risked. You can give the business a trial without expense. The best opportunity ever offered for those willing to work. You should try nothing else until you see for yourself what you can do at the business we offer. No room to explain here. Yon can devote all your time or only your spare time to the busi ness, and make great pay for every hour that you work. Women make as much as men. Send for special private terms and particulars, which we mail free. $5 outfit free. Don’t complain ot hard times while you have such a chance. Address, 11. Hallett & Co., Portland, Maine. "A. D. CLIN A RD, PROPRIETOR jNewton House, ATHENS, GA. Board, $2.00 per day. apr24-tf dTaT breaker, m. d? Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, HELLTON, GEORGIA. 27* Female Diseases a Specialty. _i"ll