The North Georgian. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1877-18??, August 18, 1881, Image 2

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ii REI.LTOK. G.l. Al'ol.ST la, 'KHI. Hr. D. JI. BREAKER. Editor. THE t-IH'KI-II TRI \l,’ In thi* f**ne will !,<• found a full a,-, count of the- proceedings of the Bap tist church «t this place in the ease of Xev. E. S, \ . Briant. We* present the simple facts. Just as they are. and leave our readers to draw their own conclusions. Among* those who were pre-sent nt the trial, there exists ;1 wide difference i <d opinion as to the guilt or iiino- i cence of the tmeused. The church, doubtless, did what they felt to be I their duty ; but outside of who voted for his ex-lu.-ion we have notj found a single indie iehntl who believes itiat the charge was proved. It is a Very *ad thing for ary minis ter to be placed in t||,. position which I this gentleman occupies, ft j s par-j llcularly to be regretted whim, as in thin cane, the minister possesses the capacity fo r accomplishing a huge atnonnt of good. May a gracious Providence direct the issues for the good of ail concern ed. ■— •* <*■ 4 HIE CAN if.. Col. U. W. Frobel. with a parly of Engineers, ttrrlved here on Sitmlav night, and the work of locating the proposed eiuial to Atlanta is already ' begun. W e look forward Io the open ing of this canal with a great deni of interest. |( will not onlv supply one of the urgent needs of Atlanta in the i matter of water, lint will alibi'd trans portation for n large amount, of build, ing materials, also needed in that: <ity. All alone tin proposed line,' find especially in 'he neighborhood of ’ IJeilton, there is an ahniidancn of ex cellent clay tor milking brick, and <iunntities o| line building stone. i I hese artit'les, can be ral l ied l>v a eanal nt a mtii'h lower figure than by 1 railroad. We may. therefor.', tea- Monnbly expect a large' imrease: in this sort of business. That lliee.'inai will greatly enhance the valmi of the land through which it passes, does nm admit of a doubt | and the people generally will jmilr i wl h ns in Imping for its early com pletion. wn it rs thi? m vr ri:it! Two instances of great, distress have lately lailett under our observation jt I which the parties have absolutely re. fused to go to the homes provided sot the <lc*tituto. l u one instance a pom -1 woman with a si, k fa;her and an in vaiid ( mothi'i , walked several miles t< ! procure work and,' carried hack th I provisions she received for her l-ibot r 111 the Other a crippled man with : wife iiml’t wo small children were hev ging their wav out of the count vie ! avoid the poor house. From what we know of the jiartir referred Io we do md think it. was r matter of pride. They spoke of tie i *• poor house’’ with the same horrm that one would speak of prison life ii its worst, forms, it is fair to * uppos, that they may have received their impressions from some one who did ■ not represent the eondition of things nt these institutions with perfect tielel ity; but it is also fair to suppose that there must he some grounds,ami good ones too, tor the many con plaints about them. It is proper to state that the eases referred to did not occur in this coun ty, and yet it may be well tor the proper authorities of this, as well as other counties, to look after the treat inent to which these nnforltmates are subjected. The Atlanta ('.institution says: bottle of the organs think it queer that the democratic journals of the south 1 which expressed the strongest spmpa thy for th<' stricken president, should | continue to criticize the republican party. The logic of this is that because tsothern journals sympathize with ' the victim of the assassin, they should 1 therefore cease to eritcise* the partv which made Guiteati possible and fur nished him his cue. We have no time to tirgue the matter- Tlte Milledgeville /,"» eonier in a late issue gives a I rightful expose of the convict system alleging that hun dreds of these unfortunates die ’from discipline —<di«.« the lash. The system as practiced, is a blot upon the State indeed so damning ns to rival the cru elty as practiced, by Kursian Mon-' archs- The Atlanta constitution thinks tae favorable report on the bill to tip. prop.iateS2o.Otio for rebuilding Ih.t North Georgia agricultural college a Dahlonega will probably secure its passage w ithout serious opposition. The Savannah Times boots at the suggestion of petitioning congress t<> suppress Mormonism in Georgia,and mvs that “shot guns" arc the proper eradications to be apple,] m the pren • Gel « A JHNTSTt’.R EXPELLED, I And llou It Was Bom*. _ The Baptist church fit Bellton met in cons j'etice oij .■stilmday. Aug. loth. I W> <l. nitil After tin ettriw st and <-Jo .uent iliscotn -e by Elder (.'. M. It win. . r< ei»ede<l to business. Dr. t'nderwood tie! big as model a I or. Tlte special matter of business vas the investigation of a charge pref'ereel against Bev. E. S V. Briant, at the pr< viotts meeting, for ilrimketini'ss. The speci.'icatioti was. Hint ihene jctlscd was drunk on the 7lh day of. March last,’‘and at divers ot her times before and since.” (Ilijeclioi. vv;is i made by tlte d.-fenehmt to the portion |of hr sj .'cilica' ion embra -. din tin : iptola lon marks as not having been in the original indictment but added | subsequently. No denial of litis fact, i was ntaile ; but the moderator after-. I winds explained that hi: assisted the iclerk in writing up the minute*, mid ' had it pul in this form to express what i he understood tube ihe idea of the . prosci tttor. ami to give Ihe accused j the opportunity to meet the matter I in it.* liroadest sense. > Ile’ieoti .1. M. Myer* called lor the rending of the minutes in order that ' corrections might he made. He said : that the words * and divers oilier limes before and since ' were not in the charge made against Bev. E. S. V. ' Briant that that, much of Ihe matter Was simply ;| charge mule by the, ' nioileralor, and in justice, to the m etis > I cd, ought to be s,riekeii on. T. Echols, the eh 11; ol the church, being called ilpn.i by Di'itcon Mvi rs, staled filial the words were not in the orig . llial charge. He said lie Was not a i lamiliar with the duties of Ins oilice .as he tell he ought to be, ami had i asked tite moderator Io assist lain in •w ri ing tt| she minutes, and ii was i pul in this shape by him. That Ibis ' ,ia<. been done after the adjournment of the last confere.iico and that ; minutes had inn been coinirmed as j they now read. Deacon Myers attempted to speak again, hnl was ruled out of older by j ihe moderator,ami sat down. riiere was some fnrther discussion j iboi.t the mi. itiles, but the) were ml ; I read nor changed, and the trial pro- I exuded —agamsi the sidiiin proles, ot I uie accused a* io that part ol ihe mai dir. At ihe request of the acctiM d tin : churi ii agreed, by a mi re imijon \ hi invite a council of mini*li i s to .nd tn the in v< stigat ion ; but a motion to unite Elder C M. Irwin. M. 11 . i id Itobi ri Hawkins, vt-liing mii.i-- . el's, was opposed by the same, nrnn nr ol votes as in the prei ions m : ~ i ■ mil each of these gentlemen i i turn !h i li.ted Io act *i| ihvn was any ob- t jectnui to him'pcisnt.alli.” Noex- H.iuaiioii ua* nimlc. and llic parties mitatt.i'd as * disctut iested wntiess ■s” of th.' pr.w. ediags, i.miv. A motion was .h.'ii t.i.tde t. a ( .point i coin,mi ,1-e of In cos ihe no inbers it the eh i‘c,i io livarine lesumoin md report I i the i Imreh. Theinotiot, jrvvaiied, ami .tiler apponui;.._ ihi "Itnniit tee, tin couleiemc miik a re ess of t wo hours. At th' appointed I ime the confer, ■nee was called to order, a d alli t some devotional cxitii'i-. led bi llei. Bobi'it llawki...- (he lui.'imss was resumed. I'he comintltev icpm ~. in their j.ldg, nieui i; was b s. that Ihe li-siimotiy slmiihl lie publu and referred lite matter lin k io Um L'hltreli. Tin chut ,n , he.i proceeded to hear Ihe e\idence. E. < . I arter testified that, accord- I ing t<> hi'judgement. the ttecU'id w as ! drunk at the time spei ilied IJr .id milled. however, (he col l I'CI ne-s ol the statements of the accused in re gard to a number of minor ciii inn slnttecs, language used. etc. sima mg that Uefendelil s miml must hp\ e been dear on the occasion ami his memo ry perfect. T. T. Echols next appealed ami staled sulistantially what was stated by the previous witm s He regard ed him as under the iiiilitenie ~f ii ouor. Allen t'after made a similar state meiit. S. \\ . Carter stated that, from w hat he saw outlie occasmn, if it had bieti any oilier man, he would have believ ed that he was drinking; but he knew the licensed was an excitable man and often acted as a man under the influ ence of liquor. " I*. Carter tesiilii-d that he had seen the accused, as he O'lin-. A. utuli r the influence of liquor on several occa ' sions, and that he ha.l sold him liquor i several years ago. A. J. Seegers stated that he had ■seen the accused, as lie iheiighl. on one occasion, under the intiuenev of liquor; but might have been mis taken. W . alawkitts, of Timber-Kidge. w as then called up ami icstitied that about three years ago he saw the accused, as he believed, under the i.irtuetice of liquor, and stated that In* reason for i thinking so. was that a certain paper which he wrote up was done tn a man ner altogether ditie rent from bis usual style. H. Faulkner and J. N. Coggins, to whom the paper referred to was ’shown nt the time, corroberated the ‘latemenf* of the previous witness as to the character of the writing, but disclaimed till knowledge of the cause of the difference of style. Tims. Hughes, the Marshal, was called upon to testify, bitt declined to have anything to do with the matter. Several others were sent for,'but re fused to appear as witnesses on the ground that they wen- not members t he ehiircii* The moderator announced that the tesliimmy for the prosecution was closed mid requested Mr. Briant to present Ills witnesses. Bev..J. .1. Camp was offered ami testified that, he was with the defendent on the :if t' rnoon ut' the 7th of March, ami re tmtim d wiili him until marly dark, •ami Ihat,to his I'eilain knowledge, he. was not midi r the inihience of liquor. Bev. lit*. A. I’i:,k'lotl Was called at id_ made the io) low log si nt' me nt: I was present on the oecasion rcf’ei- • led to ami did lint tlieli, ami do not now, regard the defeiident. being ; under the intliieiice of Ii [qi"**-gt I la .lime, I know t lint d, fcmletit was in in high state of excitement in conse- I qtieiice of a personal altercation with •lames El liots, who I anie to the di - li'mlcnt s store and raised a difficulty . with liiltt; but. have no reason to be lieve that the, defend -id wa> drinking. It. J.. Davidson tesiilied Hint lie hid j been with lite defcmlent a great deal, but had never seen him under tile illlluencu of Itqitoi, or even seen him take a drink. The deli ml'.'iit off' r d some ci rlili call's fiiri.i-lied by parties who were 'not present. tn regard to the part ii fi ller multi I* < I.aiged him. hm die moderator r tied that such t< sti ! mony was not ndniissable. • Tlte defen.lent then mule the fol i lowing statements : I sometimes use 1 liquor—do so hv the advice of a phv j si'ian hut was never iuloxieated but .ohee in my life, ami thatwas IS years a: o. I have beq sever.ll times sitb | jei ted to gri it excitement, am! the 'excitement pl'odueed the symptoms were taken tor drmikennccs On lite 7th ol M nidi as stated b\ ot.. of my w ttnesscs. Him s la hols came to my spire in a slate < I i: ti.\iealmn. ■md lorced me into a difli'alt > with him. Si arci'ly had t : >i- 11. amlc ct ased. 'wlieu [ I'cceiveda leb ;;rain tmtitii.i me of i lie ext re me ii im-ss of m v lath er ami summoning me to his bedside While making the neccssarv airaie'e ment* fur my departure, I wn* arrest 'd bv the Marsh.ill ami Ink n In ti r. .In May or to ans aer tor the djffg ult v I d'h E. h ds. I 1.-vi b-it a f'w mln ties i* the train was neat ly due. and, ot emits,■_ was considerably agitated. Bet ol e going bet, a e l lie Ma Vin . I did :ike about a f t| of w hiskey, 'in I fell Ji n I need- d it ; but 1 emphati call) deny llial I was intoxi. i;ed. In the i ase lepi'l ted !'v Bro. Iliiw kias aearlv llm ■■ \ ears ago. I had been • rouged and insulted ami lii.iwn ino a qnatl.l. ami hi' called on m nisi liter the I'illi Illiy. ami while I was still under the e\! i I'lnetd. I could not write well. am| be thinks ih i: I was under the iidl'.ience liquor. I t'Si it most piisiiively that it was not so. I was uri'ith excited, but was not drinking. This I- ill I have In -ay . The mod 'iator instructed the i hurcb thai it was now then -olm > d tlv to deeid'. Upon the ev id me. wh. t'lir the :t-i ised was guilty m i.m. I.ut wished, before the di . I'ion. hit tile > hii'ch should spend a s'mr. time m prayer. Kev. C. M. 11 w in, bv tv pn s>. led i.i pr iy er. Km M. 11. 1..;.. ..s’.. I helot, the vile was taken, dial ii s’mu'.l '• stilted whether the elmt’ch meat to v a,- upon the charges as it rvnil,m that the accused was under the iiilbn ".tee ol liquor, as the witne's.s bad stated llt-it. in was at the lime referred to. I he moili't’.itor ih i ide,| that th: v ot.- must tie upon til. ghilt or Inimceti. i ot' accused, ttmlcr the charge, as it stood. A motion was mad th it Hi v E s \ . Bl iant be expelled tr. m tin- . Imich. On this question the vote was ns fol low s : ton EX, t-l 'IOX. Alt A I X't tXI t.t 'x. I < . 1 alter. .1. I’ Echols, Almena Carter, K.F D tvi.lsoti. W F. ( after, F. W. House. A. .J. Carter, Levada t'olfee, Joar.a ( uinr. Ham th Echols. M B. ( after, M. E. Briant. L. W. (’arter N. L. Scales, J.ewjs Carter. H. A. I. ii.k.nd, Mary Carter. .Mrs. H. Jones. T. J. Carter, M A. Wilkie. Loze Curler, JLvbt.Davidson, Rena Carter. A. J. ■seeg. —l2. A. Whelehel. Mrs- Burke. —l4. The moderator then annotmeed th d Rev. E. S. V. Briettt was no longer a member of the church. It was agreed to postpone all other busttiess until the next regular meet ing. and the conferem e ailimtrneil. Crop Prospects.—The cotton crops Georgia and Alabama are reporter! m the National bureau of statistics to be exceedingly fine, mid such bet ter than the crops of other States. Mr. Geo. I. Seney, the wealthy New A ork philanllinpist, has given Emory College another <'o.lloo. —■- - As soon as he can make his depart ment show a clean balance sheet Post master-fleneral James intends to recommend two cent letter pos tage. I’his will be, reform hi dead earnest. - ’ Judge Robertson has enter.-d upon his duties as collector of customs hi Xew York city givittga qualified bond of ii.titio. His predecessor, (renvi al Merril takes a foreign ntismoh. Due thousand loti.' ofsteclratls will : he shiped immedi itely from Belhle- I hem, Penn., bv (’ol. Cole for the At lanta am] Rome Railroail. Track i lay ing will commence in ten days. We regret to 1. arn that Mr- Char tlie Brown, son of vx-Gov. Brown, is lying very low at his father's house, m Atlaota. His disens -i* consump tion ami his case re|>' tied hopeless We *v mp-ti biz..* deeiilv wi'lf tile suf , ferei it' wi ll :i- wi: li tl.i-family in this I sad atlli' tin.i ! Col Cole's company will cxpei d '5. |cil.lKin, to build i lie mad I’i o.n M • ji-oti, via Atlanta, to Rome. General (•ordoti's company set :i*ide ss.uihi.. 'ttOtllo 'mild the read from Atlanta to 'tho M i-'is- ippi ri vr. The it ylimimd 'and Dattv illc company will spend *'4. . iiiio,tii'ii ia I'xieiidiog ami eip'lppiug ihe Xoillicasti i n Road. 'l7. ltio.oii 1 will be spent i . tluq next I>v i v.-ai ' 'upon these roads nmi.i'ig from Atlanta. ’lhe < ottoii Exposition in Atlanta that is to open in ,i shoit liim prom ises lobe It., greatest e-xhibiiion i-v.-i ' Itch! in the south, mid the gr< ai -i . one of its kind ever held atiywlu n . It will moteov'i s low tin mati'iiil and .' progress that tin ■'••mil i i making. I'lie Russian .le vs ire cru- ing tin '>■ rimin li'i.u; i:i i-o'i.-i'l rabh- t.nm ..<u-s inminli ;g to f irm s ‘tth' tn Allli l'isl. No obslaell is offei'-, 1 -■ I lieii d. p-tr. ore by the goyo nni~nl. (In Thnrsd.i \ the ito'ise after a ibl li t'debate ami se-velai mi 11 'e tnal i-Hort to throw restriction nrouml Cede s character, the lull ias«eel In 124 tei 2a. Th,' result was grecteel with grc.i t a pphetiso. (' J. \\ * llboiu. oj I jilme i-oimtv was e h'e'.e'el .Inelge-eif .he new cire-iiu iml W.s Erwin, of H ih.-r- ha m, So lieiteir. Dr .1. L. M<un y. i h<» iiDi ht Ih< 1 rccciil I\ jddn iht <• t (»r..’ii i' uisl.uin v . umiiiD lh< ipj rc |»! iti i‘'ii <■! " I jimm.’i (i aiinuu’ly I’m • d’l a, imr Th (li.cioi > i :Hivr < ‘ iem-j; ii. was received wiili eti tllll'i.tMM. a. .x « Tim f irme r' ••! T'antii-is or- tv h eV held i'iiiion ami. in view e>t all ilie-ir smreiiim'ings. i-i'solve to i.ii-e --he reafter all the' supplies on ,' it'n iml then to look af’er e,.: to i. 1,. I ill our farm.-r' f II".\ tin . e xample' i . Nashville' A fieri -eo mfeirm» I he' public that tin- re-conl* of Itt-ge li'ts | prism,ci s i.i the Tenm state’ piison have be e n lost, and m one' can ti'll the length eif the' term I l which tlie'e were sedtcm e'l. The I . ..lon (Tel,::; Joutmel s-ivs: I’m i !■ - re la i' g got '"Il up .ill .ve I the' com trv in v mw of the shore e i ■ q ■ pravi ig llie govarnor ;. re leas om veal's taxes,::' two al: npor ihe peo pie at the- sani" lime, by . alii.ig at extra ses.-: mos the leg;.-tat '.ll' Sueh a men e- w mild be rig It, ai d nnel pro per umle r tin' e ire-umstam e>, ami «e' have no elmi-it the Gene'iuor wemhl -at’e-tion the> move- a* it woiiiel pe-e'ss the poor pteip! to tin- wall t. meet these tax. s with th-ir e>tit.'r . n e-umbe ram, -. Tl.e> e'eiminittee'em t<*mperiin e> hi' not y >'t ,'om;i’,t lcil it' work. Th.' lo ti bills <.;t th. s'i'ii.'et bav neatly all been ti'P"! ted on lav rably . but the sub-com mil t v‘. to pass on abottot twenty general 'nil'has tint yet agreed to :» report Thvr.• is likely t" be' strenig nieivemcnt to pass a gem ral law nbsolulely prohibit mg th" -I of liqvor oui'i I" of im-orpi.rated cities e>r towns, iml is tothese town.', le av. ing it to a vote of the peopl.v. The e-omniiiice will probably report du ting this week' Election* ur 'his t ill in N v York. Ohio I'., i.nsy Ivatila. Y ir-gii in and Mississippi Tim only s ate of tii-i'r elected in in Pcnnsy Ivmtia is Trcasuttr. In New Ymk. a full Stale ticket is elect, el . xei-pt (rovei'li ;ot a nil Liemennin Governer. toge-tli ’er with members of the Legislature ami four cottgressmen. Full .'talc ticket anil legislators are to be elec ted in Yirginia Mi"-|'t - m .1 (> < IRt ( EAR. Office us General M vx v<ier Rklmioml, Vn.. July 2b. ISsE It is the .‘tirpose of the Richmond and Danville Railroad Company to mnkc, at the Intermitiotial <’,>tt<»n Exposition, to In- Imhl nt Atlanta. Ga., thi* Fall, a comprehensive ex hibit e.f th,- agricultural, mineral ami forest products e>f al* regions through whieli the .sevet;*' roads comprising its system pass. A splendid oppor tunity, attended with no expense beyond the fttrnishittg of specimen*, will thus be aH'iireled to owners of mines and of mineral ami timber kind', to bring to the attention of visitors, frmit till part' of thi* an'el from other countries, the remarkable variety of products, ami th.- resources ami , -tpacity of the sections of our Southern country refi rreel to. All person* throughout the' great Piedmont ami mountain rweions em braced in mtr system ot railroads are mH only requested but urged to con tribute' to the exhibit to Io made by tin' Richmond ami Danville- Railroad | Companv, gooel ami large specimens of all minerals—of all woods vain al ie for house ami ship building for cabinet eorkaml vehicles ami the , mechanical arts—of roots, herb* ami : plant' which hare commercial value : anil <1 all farm products of e x.-ellenl variety ;tliel app.-aram-c. In short, it :is elesir.iblc to have spee imens of' , every native product which can em ibe lli'h anil complete tin- exhibit.— • Anipl: ami atlrai'tiv ■ space tor such j ati exhibition ha* been M'l-iif.d \V. appeal to our friends am! patrons to giv- it' their cordial ami ptactieal as 'jstanee'toward m >)-.i:ig an i xhibition 'iv't'liv <4 th.- grand region it will represent. • apt < 1 . McPhail has bi'cti a.'- 'igtii-el to tin- dni'. ot making -ill ar range m uts sot the exhibit, ami nii! have gem-r: I charge of ii until the ixpi'sHiott . lose.'. Ail persons de-.'h ing ii.foriuatioit ami to m.,ki .outii 1 tili"ii ot mat e-.- am, 'pi-cimens, ,n-i requested to ,-orre spoil I -.villi hinv ar R eV D. It 11. < ■■ . Iti. linioml. \’a. Al! .nii' les tor -tu- Rietmioml am! Danville' i! It Exhi'ii.i n. sliotihl he mi: ked ( ap' <.<. \| • p.i i J Agent R ,V I>. I;U.. \tht tta. (ra.. ami will ■ e ahipped If. hi in v slat ion mi all i.| in- road- ol th. 11. .D. -e stem i’i <■< fcliaigc. .1 M R. Tu.i'irt. • emmral M it. ig.-i * State S. s. tssociiition. rhe'eighth amial session of th. • 1 ol g t.e state Sin ela V -School A- .o. *,i lion will la- he ld at grifiin, (>.i.. Wed m sil.i.v ,u.d Tam-day . August _>|th end 2'>.h. I."i. Man a i icv, oi a . i |,, rs . ; oi gauiz.-Kimi. i: i- .-ai ip el sir -d that .■eery eoutlly io the <!a he repr.'- -I-nti'el. ” I'h.- A -so.■■ iiioa s' ( .,;: , om- misod i t om- i!"|t gate for ev iy three htmdreel m fl.l.cion of tbr. . litmdt'ed uh m vr» ol S mtlny -st hools eomptm ing the (mil. y a ss,,< iit i.,n. ;1!1( | it, < oimlie's whi'ii' no Ass,,, i.itioti exists two eh'legates to e'v t t tipi sen tali V' IO win, I, th,. Countv js eutithal in the < tem-ral Assembly ot the stat, R ad t des as f .Bowed to dele gate" : Y -t-rii A Ailantii- Kaitroml. 2 cent -p< r mile. Atlami. X < harli th Hailroa. 2, ci-nts per mil. ( e ill il. Wet Point and (i.-or-gi i Railrad'. cents p< r mil, ■I -< . < irm xi t . Mt ■ nix A. e \x. tn. Fit. ,s. ■'>i, A’r 11 lias h 'cii found out at last ■■ vho 'truck Billy Pau rsoti.” Baldwin s Mm,thly say* it -A;ys \|i,an > Paym., • /'‘Uiiij pii\>i.i!i, uml an aij(| ‘Hi. rrMino ar< num <»t the a h«»lv .itl.iir. Il is ass rted th It quite , member of young ladies hav gone to parting ihiii han-on one siite that thev mat Hot : ■ >ok like Ihe si ||y v ol ni g ti ten w ho part their hair in the middle If this does mit put ;1 stop til i:. we suggest that every linn'om of these t )ock he-.iels is found, the ladies procure tin iiit v <»t two or thr» ( sturdy f v |- hnv.-nd ha\, hi.n-< io(ii. .| in frin .li attire. H. favel. ot the firm of lavcl A Vowel. h.r> |»ui clihm <1 of Mi Apolph S. Uchs a half iiifcii *t in the Clial Time!*, in all i(> t)iisiiie>s- - - —— Tin* li t' been thus far mm of the best lisherv season known. The eas tern ma, keral fleet Istnded 2L(«ki bar ret* of pi. kioil mueke-r.'ils at th.- out pori' ami at Bostm, tlutittg the pa*t week The li'li mi- rep ' tvd to be plet tit'ul al! .ibmg tin ■ :i»t, mid the 'ii'iinii i ' catch prsmiise-s to he the largest for a long thue. - Hereis maeemnit of the shortest courtship on record. Rm-hei the Lord hath sent mv tu tuary thee.' said tin* suitor' "The Lord** w ill be elone' was the submissive r. plv. NEW WIERTISEIIENTJi. CO LEREOX THE OID FAMitr MEDICIHEI A SAFE AXI) rXTAII.ING HEMEDY! An Absolute P<iln-Killer! ,\ ei tI tin e'iire Im’ (''ntler.i ('hiilcra Morb’.is, (‘liok'm Inlatif tint. Dysentery, or Flux. Dittr rliti'a. Cramp in the Stoin tell, etc A sure relief for Ivlieninati*tn, Xettralgia, lieaii.mlte, '!’•»<»t!r,t<-h«•• 'ore i’hremt ('roup. Cough an.l ill ptin* am! *p:i*nioilie atlei'- t iott'. Ont of the nttniennis le'tinio ititil* giveti in reference i-'i the wonderful elleels of thi' \i ili e'ine, we take the following: lt-i.4 w I -nn. Es?.'. Tuh \ iri up'<»f < OIJ-.R !> >.\ ;trr wv.H tinier* • 1 here. F n I'i-lrr it •Hi|H*iii»r :■> all ’im bit •rep ii';i' for Cte for w if< -t U i* ;n E. IL ' F I’-kSt.ii isicr. F».”vlri I- •. F.''in. o I. 2.\ !<:. < <>LERE<>\ k iiu<l(*niab!y th«* !• >'t in li.- n* • I ... ><H' in du.-i.'i.ii ix I. I iia\. kit" an ii in b noin'i rof .-tnd ii !•. y ;• f ;l il ■ ‘ d '1 nt' ;hi h i<* a "<>veri*i rn rein * lv. w. . i»:. w. m. J M'inrkr <. "I-1D r. >. < .hnu- I. KI. I < >!.!■ o I. ‘X 'it*. 11l HIV ill I n » v I I .1 -a riD*'i' in Hi. \ hi .I* Hie iDHts <»( "t •. him ri-: an Ia . a .m kiJi r.‘ I - mhi! : «• t •- i. - . -i. vs \ i.i i \e.. n,.,,., ** »v mnalj. Ga. *'». I<7l. I have - ! i *!\ i izeii ‘mini- of » »X • .all; .in-1. lli High o > 't »ri ■!,nl i, », < .Tr.Ht.f 1 .TV Imi'llp. i:alu;,\s y. 1 r w.| . •" i ’it. Li •> i in'tan •»'. I v .', I- it tn i tn . n uh-i a- in ad. d ; "j litioti. -,v <1 i«i- ’» i . ■j A ! !.l. I'i \ i>. Mini., r H •!■■! >ll. • .;t, M•' , ’ 'L- ‘ '•’.’ I •gl 0 'lt Hl ( ■ n ». - In- \ 4 . hilt 'I-'V .o'l'h! Ih« ?h I. 'hl ~H I •• Ih-v -Hl I ( Ilrlsh •' F M'. i : • < ( . r>. l iii: if ik . .. r. D. M HHE VKH. li. lion. (i f. Agent. iD<LTO\ KOTEL si ml EATI X(; Huis I;. Thi' house jx hm.\- op n fir ill* •t>’."inin. ,<lll i i i of Im t * 1 rx. wh»>iher'-ui or i-fifnlar. : /.’ /> ' // /: i /*. i v/> a i / /.• /’/ .s / cf. i> s kH” |x -It H. V k A THOUSIH J YEARS! M i-n..'' h : , •.h will, with up, i.i>i .1 ilpiihmihl yt'.ir-. i ni yon c.iu Ilivc fri“*h pradicM and :ipplc» th* year r »uu<l. ('mb'' h>l ' <-h. i|. at thi S-<h .■ .»f M'l KR > A K( XS Aii j ■ i>. Itn J» \ XK' ( . (.F'.olUil <hUit.\Ain\ Oi l |< ’! . Aid. >. L»!. l»"’p’in- <1 StH th hi- appr" i t.» II ‘ »»i • hpt io?i >• p i H ity. tit I - tin- .1 a i-| |yvil pt « ,ip .1 t’•> • 'Mtn. ■ •. I1 v j.ith of ,\ - l' . IX>|. ;H ’ ’ u< I r. HILL. <> -i \ K « \\ A N rm> 1 nom'il: 11v at t li• H ■(.■ i. It 11tmi, v mili'li eow. Apple to A ig IS Mt:-. M A. K >Ei:t»t:i:. i v<i: miik i; A l l mom y du> this p.sper np to At gii.«l I-1.1 ssi. inii't In p.ihl to if. I/,.,., who only is all! hot ize-ei to le (eivc ami receipt for the s.inn-. All .imemiits i-oiiiing dm-situ e- lien time , must be p iid n i In' Editor. In c'oiisjele rat ion . 4 iln fact that we have Io carry out a mmibi e ot s th- : tpiim.s for which we- r.i-ceiv no re mmie-iai ion. w. ,ru*l tin- partus will ri new pr< mi pl Iy , .iml t hit . v et v tri. ml ot the |.l) el will help Its ill genii ig nvu subset b.-is flu- Ne w ( ire nit < ateii'le r. 11., II ( mtniy on the- lif'i Mmui i, sin Fe britary .mil AttgU'i. Habersham emtnty m tin- fourth Mummy' tn Februarv .'iml August Rahim e-otmiy ,ai the sm-oml M *n ,lay s tn Match .iml '■ Towns .-minty on tin thirel Mon .t-iys -■ Mar< h anil s piemher. I tiimi comity <it the fourth Mon days in M.irclt ami Si- >temlicr. White' county on the- first .'lmoiavs i i April ami ( h tola r. Lumpkin ,-oii ity mt the tair-l M i.e d.'ty ' in A pail ami (tciober. V t ew Words Plainly. We in- obligiil tosav to those- who have paid tin- .oiiiier i ditor considera bly in advance for this paper, th.-u we ian tint carry out llwir subscrip tienis. \\ e s.tppeesed treiill the- it,, if. rmal iott wm hail that then- was vrv , little- Imw to he made Up ; Imt tlpoit vx em,::.e l tmi. e. |u- book', we eiiscov e-r that same tibe ts arc ere eliteel v ,v tec. m- m. r. . aheaii While it look haul for them to |,>se the se am..mi,., it must be reiiiembcivil that it j,. nm wirtaull. Not one cent of this mou.-y ha* C»llli . or will come, to Us exce pt "bat I- elm the-iii-,.1 .es August, uI- thi'U'lmi' giv uotietc that w<- shall I'lt irge aM persons to whom th.' pap. t :,s subM-ri'ier* troti, that mile. W v do no t intend to hav the I'ape-r breeik down on <, U r hand*, ami ''ill secure you a-gaiust loss in th-g tuiur