The North Georgian. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1877-18??, August 25, 1881, Image 2

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.././ p;» v. ';.i . >ip.;p7' 20, iHsi. M. * - . .-V -i;.- . - - ' ' ■" - ' - - ■ -> 11 fAputs W’ l ' ar. ; idjgm! f<l •-.y to fhcse who pave i,at;| the fcr'uicr c-rlilor cmisident |>ly in advance fmthis paper.' tliat we can not carry out 'theii'su'b- rip tiiins iV'e •<’]■,[ ,' ( .<| " )om (jp. J h rorjnapoit we |i:rd IhLew:, 'very t'jine to he made up. hut iq mi <‘Xainitjat|onof the |mok< ••• ■ di.-cove. I.kt shine ■■ ■ubßcpitirr' -i" <■> edited :'i yeat, O| : Uio;e. tun•;.<! iii iliie it look' hard for them to lose tin--' nmoinit.- It must be remembered flint il ls hot our fault. Kot oil. ,-, nt,' of ihis money Jiris come, or v.j|( eou'ie, to m except (vl.iit is <|m from 11m fir-l of Aco U’e thel-et'ore give notice, pi: I we shall charge all persons to whom the. paper goes, as . uJNeri!>ers from that late. )V< do not intend Ic/lii vt ll.e paper lit t;c, j<' hatitls, am! will secure yoti igaiiist. loss in the future ONCE Foil ALL 1 • ** U.-4— * - * ■ We have received a ■ omima, a I on from .'onio .itikti iwn pe.-shn' wghmg himself " A’s; 7pf Ist 1 whh b' wi' cm,, hot publish tor I lie want of the nit thor’ti name. fVc wish to say now. once for :ill. tliat no minonymo'.is arti cle will pe published'iii 111 pa'jter, - We are willing to pi,ld h for *• A Baptist,”. or Metjiodg!. m; any one i‘l*e, nriy tiling Unit i> cn'.cutnmd t«> give ■whol-sonie information,' or to. benefit our r< aders ; ai.d wi- ire v ill ■ mg Io publlsli sueb tir’lieles with a! ■ion rle ///.'/im- signa! i;,'i: ; hut under no .Mrt'umsltiinces will we publish any tiling unless we have the n.'tnie of the writer ’ ‘Haire i-, another objection to the eoihuiiinie;ition itcontains -".me Im '■iiat" whii'li w 001.1,. If |hibfis!,ed, b sure-to produce strife. And wi- lake occasion'to say to those, who wish t< use our columns. that w.- ball dis mirage' even fldiig i's tl'ic , harai-ti'i of persona) 'abuse. It d due tin writer'to sax liiat we do imt tliltik he 1■ *' r.. < , ( i i .v. o uie ins to be abusive. Bui His ea> tin' US to see that such wor‘d !,»' lln rbnstract . n put upon ii. i’lfe're i- m t'piestidii ofthe ease'.dnd if the write! Mil modify bis expressions some what, and furnish ns Ids mime, we si all publish the article. It: its pies 4'llt‘form it could !e iidii’iled ordy as an advertisement to —. .. » f.-..- IE, > • 11. .s'. V . Biiant. The .iCt.i.on o! the Baptist ebinci. here tn reference to this "imt lemati i the subieel of tmive'sal cominrm: •ind the com-.e ,y be cl. imli no ,i --the unqna'ilied coimrinna'l ion of t \ e ry one who has spoken io us on th subject, with the e'ception of oi 111 11). who b< I mgs to the opposilioi say the action of the. tliureli. In such is not the wav it . . exp,--ssed I y others. By every oiie'wi.h whom « have conversed it is pronounced matter. We regret thalli,, should be so. both because i: d. «ir,,', the dignity of the church, and Im, an it places some of our fyumds an, neighbors in :> very uueiivi ible p,.-; lion. Jt is a serious thin., to cl. eye fliniily wiihusiog the poll er of clinic; iiuthvrity to oppress a mam I’m, i fs impossible to get the people 1,, la rteve that, this has not been done. The geiiijeimiii wlm presided ow. the conference by which Mr. liri u, 'as expelled is looked upo,. as guilty oV the utrifest unfairmand usiu;.. every eftbri to give siu-c, to thi prosecution. lie is represented -is bitterly prejudiced against Mr Ihianl. In another column will be found th< action of the. Gillsville church ami t'Oinc press notices. The Presidents Condition. The fact can no longi - I <■ disgtii-ed that t!je condition of im! President is ixtreemly critical. Il is scarcely possible however much we may with th do so. to indulge a hope that he will recover. From cur standpoint we can n it do otherwise than regard the treatment ns Wrong from the ve y beginning. The ball should have been extracted before the strength, of the patient was exhausted by .disease clearly attribu table to it; remaining in the the bo dy. IVc do hot see what can'mm be done except to make the comliiion of the Ipmorvd sufferer as comfortable o's possible, mid prepare for the worst. » t T THE CVNAL. From Mr. 1. K. Carter, who is with Col. Frobel's surveying parly , we learn that the woi'k is progressing satisfactorily. It lias neeti dicided to make the opening at a point known a\s the “ Seven Islands." a short dis tancc below Buiec's bridge. Col. Frolfel says there is no doubt of the success of the enterprise. ■ * ■ I’leasc Consider' If tlm North 'Georgian has been worth auy thing to you heretofore, it wilV, at least, be worth that much in the'fulure. And. with improve ments already made, and '.B lie made, it will be ' worth more to you Give »be paper your support. J W fL> f OCR J'XCHtNGES SAY. • | ■ —-—-- The Ciea elanj Advertiser hopes the revivals fepoj-t.ed ;n every direc tion will help the, finances of the ■ < hurches. A religion prays but don’t pay when it, can, is mighty poor ilufl' if [lie ninth chapter of first Co- > | rinthians means anything. i The Sa.miersville Herald says a . i 'g*<! gol.j copi was ploughed up on . Mr Boatwright! -. place, the other day. . In was buried in bSltl by (ie.n. Bolson to hide it fropi Sherman’s thieves, |>ut the owner failed to find it after wards. It was only slightly tarn ished. A writer in (jinul and U'nter says I here lire from mm to two thousand 1 l.ngiisp landholders jn 1 irgini;|, with . farms of front l(')0 to 1.500 acres, and that they are. remarkably happy: lie especially teem ;mend.s A'irgiuiit for ' gentlemen emigrats with large fami lies, '■ It oilers aiiimst the rilv gen uine ~|pii,y lii,. with eon." nial sur roundings to the exnalri:ltc<l genpe ! man.” < Tliu Allanta (’onsiitution says : ' It seems to be lire object of the Oppn ' bent of. i. .oionel < ole’s system sim <■ I they h:iye discovered that they cannot pr< vimi bis 'bii.ldiui, the road.. ]„. con lemphues, to . i.misciilale his system by prevent lug his getlmg jnto the pasyiigcr depot x ~f th«' cities or join ing the ya. ion links of the roads into one comprebeiisiye whole. Yet this is about al! hi- ehartey a-k-for. The Madisonian sav.. F\ ry om iof the thirteen m igiual State - through I iheir legislaiures, except Georgia, to her spume b e it said, lias made an ap 'propria!ion Io make the Yorktown , ' eulcimial a success. \\ by otu leu-’ islature rout'l not have been as pa ri-i otic, is a mystery lo u- Georgia i the empire Stale of the Smith, and -hotild have been, in our opinion, lirsi iml foremost, in lemieriiig her | ajrmi. i ago to this anniversary v<‘lebi;r’,ou. j The y a.. ) 1 'fimes says : A few days ago a squib appeared in tin; 1 I'imes Holing the singular abseni" ol male births this year The uexl day m aged lady entered the otia e ami de ’ired mir aston'sh ; .1 Bo; I- -k•.• •• jh r. win Knew limbing of tlu- arti-le tuques ton, to distinctly umh r-imi ! that she .iad recently been I. is. .-,-e,[ uith a raidsou, cud sue desired the item orrevtetl,' (oi feiir in after years, vh'e'n tin'aiore aid grandson d' : • • o exercise his :-oy.‘o icn right, m ranchisc would be qm -timed on tin lea thal from the tiles oi the Ti.'ii. it. appeal e<| no male ' w.-i e I,orn m I 881, ui.d it would be urged that b ! as not burn, . it all. W■■ cboei Ini I■. | .lake tile correction. SksaTlU; \ <’i>i:u>’l.s. < t Indiana I id a 11 porter of the l.lil Ic lbs I, ' ki k|. <•'! b(I if Ibere m e-elit'i: :■ 11».• Sou, 11 I: . me.'re'ss 1.0 Aisby Ii '. ill l,he n. gvegiit, tai;| ist, the , • tore the war. ami llu-Senator Gai ! ,d. lor example, "despite num:ol I'l.erm "' M Ilofiabl ■ ,\ id b;ivi ■ a d o. In-1 -is m j\ er-all '» | •know 1 to be the be.( read s ! quipped lawyer in the I’i iied rial. | .‘ii o a. , | The 1> 1 1: nm re pa, ■ -t i' ! nit Ma. viaml pays m re ri’ a! ret I mile thauali 'i-.e Xew I'.iiglaml Slat - • avi’igom M iscich'.lsetts. Tie C,, . . ... say ■ that tie " ruvemi taxes of M limg New Hampshire Yermont, Klutdc Isla'i.i i;l Ctmiiei ent add up s|. ’. | • ‘| ; w mm .Mar; lam: lone pays Gt. (..v more (han louldc t.hnl aim mil. X' ,i gmm t o. t>,(>iei, 11 la about live times', q u i, is (he whole of N \ Eimkl' .i. e> eh sive of Massachusetts: r.c-.i.i :lu lines us much as ri h >im' popu: hi ind prosperous Massachu-el Is is ea! ed oil topity?' 1|,..s .-.1,0w ing i : ~. very creditable, ns eight-i :-i I. - oftli. , internal revenue is derived from wlm <ey beer and lobaeco. I; is an honot o the New I'.im ,u.,.,st;'.t‘s m./ to pal i very large amount of taxes mi such iriicles. and exhibits their snpeiior moral comliiion - I ►- A. The vtbuit:’. i onsiitution thinks that • if, unhappily, Genera! \ r'lit:’ - should become president, he wi;| imdpid'tedly 1 make a serious attempt to earn out - the policy of the president's adminis- ■ lion. He would invite the peseu' ■ members of tiyh cabinet to retain then places, and he would do all in his - power to show that he understands 1 and appreciates the puqiic >em mem w hich would be quick to resent and repudiate any attempt to revive and ri-imu.gurate that speei- s >f parlisan i ship whiehj under the name of stat warttim, lias been condemned by the : better sense of the country. But, tin. ’ fortunately, in polities the pressure i of public sentiment is neither .is em ■ plinlie not as powerful as the pressure of personal obligations, nnd it is to .be feared that, in spite of whatever ' patriotib desires fie might have to the contrary, be would be compelled to iallow his administration to drift into I the control of that faction of the re • publican' party which distinguished itself'by hounding and abusing the president up the very moment when the assassin,s shot was tired. ' If you want to quit, pay up. It is understood, says the Boston J'rar.ner, thqt tip report of the sub ’ cpmrnittee on the world’s Fail, when - njad'e will recommend that it be held i in Bostpn fotir years hence: that S - t pOO.OOO be as a guarantee f ■ fund, ami that the Back Bay site orig-' - ; inally proposed be the place selected ■ for its location. i ; The Cuthb’rt Appeal truthfully c.e --1 ' cl.ires t|;.yt tpa Mormons are noteveu • J entitled to tin-, forbearance accorded ’ 1 t fan.dies, for to fanatics is conceded ■ sincerity, which Mormons do not pos- ■ sess. Their pretended religion is has ■ ed upon the vil est’aud pi.,; t corrup-' : ting'of human passions. Their eaut- ingliypoctisy is not at all concerned j its to theignosance souls they betray goto heaven or to "hades;” whit they ; ' want is pr>se|ytes to people their great te-riiories to be brought ipto the ’ union as Mormon i tales. Then freed from edernl ipteiference they would by their state’law:, legaliz;: oplygam. and thus establish the. earth paradise: |of tin; latter Day saints. Ail proper effort lo defi at ll.' ir vile purposes : an<l t’>'tnn.p out a growing evil so! ; hideous in all its ;. a'.m • . slmald com- ! ■ maud the zealous support <L every I ’ good citizen. . ' ■ . ( The N' w York Herald says ; Fm ' tin; first mile in a long while the pen-- : ocoiiic pat ty in New Y ~ k ;,|.j rt,:> !.- cs a canvass for a general ejection with such conlid‘nee of vi -tory tliat I there, is a si-rnmbl,- for every place on : its ticket. When the com;, ‘sjiimi ”f ■ ( i the parly is con-id; i.< u, qm'. ps faifure ; I to dehue un v issues y<,t on which to i ■ coniluct the canvass, so in'l'h confi- | deuce i cms prem ilme. Neverthe-I less it exists. The dcniocr'its everv j wheri fee) il. ami it siimillales them | into a fee'imlil v of ri vah;i« -for nomi- 1 I nations the like of which has not been visible sim Ix7m The, Chi< ago Standard infofrns us’ i iha.t Ihe udoimy-trai a : <T tb>' Inb r- I aal Revenue Deparlm. nt. under I llamn, has been a most credjt'ibb' md successful om" llnring the past live, years, mme than M'.OO.OtiO.ouu have been collected, and "not a rri ' mi‘s>m.r. after i.( into (Lu bands ' 'flhe olli lais, is the record. 1,1 is,' not probable al! lias been col.leeled . hat s,. mid 1i..; U,< n, for as it i- .uaiiilv deiived from whiskey, li-.i brings the i ll:, ial m nniract with tin- most pre i-funt: . 'ishonest class of m inufavtmi r- i lie . .-mitry who are all tin- lime cm I riving ways and m< ,m to sw \i .lie fl ;overiim,nl. Gen. Ilium evident’ ; Has p :i,i I ical ei v,l s,- ( pee reforn: i I : os department, which is a ■.molt <le ii i ‘.-Iter than tin- dHii.’iie-i lln or jzn ■_ I I rhe polili; '.ms go before Ila: p. • I .’I"- iu n .x.0.l G1.'.1 lt.Ll' >. JU i ; Al a meeting of lb Baptisi ( lain I. H l>illsville b -id A :"i I, Iss| th. I ‘ll’ving pre inmle. and uesolutiou vere ujiauini'in-ly adopted. : Wher. as, m the jiidgennml ol th hurch, the action of the 8e11i.,, ! bineh, in the case of li, \. E K y i ilriaut. was unjust and wrong, a- ,' aliiilated io do harm lo the can.- • I dlhoiigli 'be chmeh iloitbt i. .iii I vhal they regarded th.-ir 'i:'jv, and. *lVhi rm-, we e interested ill tile j natter as one of the ihm.bvs u:.d . ’ | as charge. Tiler; I'm i, | /.’.o-u/r. 7. Tbala '.anmittee of tiv ' : e to vi-i: lb- 1 Ih-llto. bur.-It, at their next r> ;i,!:i; mi cti.. . | ii.d ask. i.i our half, th it t!i 'V r. - j oiisider ill m till •a ml - jad iii -i iction. /A That tin Am, ..f Om i c, lloim i ami lia. nioi.y . ! . I'm , ,»h d with a copy of ilir> ■ ] r. amblv a' <. .1 'soluti ■ .- v i: h th. i st that th.", take similar . ;ton. h'r Ta it the N. rl h Goor, i n lie icquvsied to publi-h : as. pr.-.-md mgs. IE D. HAW ,y i-.X.'s. M< d. .1. N. GAUIiI.sON. G C. OI'I MO'.S 111 'i PRESS, Ax uilv vase ills ' eon irierl by tin Baptist ch.:r< li a: Beilina. Ri i. E s. V who was mi e- c m d niinistei '•>! tl. denonim ii >a wa- I .'barged wiilt dinmlpiess i I expelled from the church. The charge was : made by 1.. G. < after who was als. ihe principal witness. M:mv think . ' the i’ll . I fa lie It 'establish the chai m . i and he was imi'.istiy tii;ned : O'.it. Thi ' ,' vote of expulsion was It .2. and. ii ,I is st".ti‘.l that 1” of thee, voting tor. i [expulsion were n ni'.'i't a. : ’r. Tberi | is much feeling or. ;h< subject. I Allans Banner i ■j M. see from ihe Norlli Georgian j ■ that a firm just a dozen, of the Carters ' ; have got after the Rev. E. S. V. . 1 Biant. ami have have had him turned . .’ [ out of tie church We have known! - ■ Mr- BriaiM ~ lor.g time and don't ;>e-[ .• lieve he ought lo have been lomid a guilty of drunkness. Tile verdict I r should have been' cleverness and ex citability. ■ The good, lord deliver us from r.tiy i connection wmb. th-. - Carters if we AYe J -’ever put upon trial in Bellton as n I will 'ake the whole of the balance of ‘ coiUuiiiiy to checkmate them in num- ' t ber ami amount of testimony. Southron O’Subscribe for the. paper. « » 4 ag lEw'This touching little pcenq td.ow.- sp powerfully the sustaining grace of Jg.-us in the last fearful struggle: the 'calmness yvith whjeh one can meet ‘the king of terrors, when his hope is i jjpc|iored within the veil. The billows tnay roll over hjm and eiiLuli the ■ mortal body, but the soul rises triuni i phautly to heaven wjth the sontr <>f ;\ yctui:y, “ 0 death, wlpue js thy sting?-’ Is not such a faith worth seeking? Tin; J. VST IIV M 5 m MG(t i•« Nl. F Ap,M\ ~u \M. TJiP SiUibafh <lay V ;t< iu a vilkijre by tiir mu. The utlGH’d beD'-rliction tou<’b< J the I- - p h !l«i' Ii v. And they :<»sc to fare the sunset in the ‘lioh'f-d Ali<l th- B h.'t-f- I <• IU tbr-h <iv- I) f., r < h»<l’s !».»•" t-d boon of i > ’ But lie I ‘okrti o toas* rs. anti a ’m ih a.s f,i_i njj t b r< ; A th )< < spirit n oved <i ».»v< lh<m tv wiid : pait of the air— Ai l .< si and shook and tor> thein. l ; h tie s thundered, I and biioiijed. Anti alas for ans \< ->.-1 j (! tbrir vawr ng f gulfs < ntninb. d » *'iy hiia 'ius \’‘T - *h> pvoj- : .. on that KH'k.v eoa/f of V- ah's, L* -ttbe dawns of <ohii)iii ntorroM s l> mb! bo h I n in fiii t;ti. -. When th«* -ea i ; ,, I p. nt n, : mn. and .-1i... io .1 east, upon i ip- -!mi B.t< y.rt’-ek ii',| .. v.t., ,ep V-.•[.!?>■ . .. hud Uow i, ’ . < • oior«.. Wdb t tn- lough winds bl, a i- • r. ,tnd b- r. abl a i tfij.ljl I J)h. z\bd .-hr rs.iW aong th 1., m'A- ,< i.if.. vessel iail a,.d IJ>e. Oh! it'd.d not i;<’ol a prophet to tell w’.at ’ the mid fuim .. loi n > Mlip i _,b h. i‘. t\ he tr ? i .shore t»n -u h a . ej. I brh the pitying h. ”li< -i fl ■ the r hollo s and I hi- i-o -I <I: l»e:ub <dn ‘ . I- h . th . ... r... ~ I ihe p< ; iShihy .i) | e. (( If ’ ll'ip - hanus . e \m .I j --Ii r♦ t. i I* ildej hl .fit- i O'A < . ; -, H,i ~e , >ltd Ihe -hill. -1 ■ Ibv tl e ~. ; , Ihy lilial !O. ... .. ,e.i. ' ‘ ■ she has p If. dIB the Hiiddb- ’ <■: th,- bad ,u . Cl .... ,S dov. 1 • God b. v ... r h-. -ii f r hl ,5.. : ’ b l’ . ie-.-r a H-» di ■ WIJ ' Lo .' WheiiniM .he will. .'li.a-ked !-.■:< > lo ’l.Vd v. 11 !< ‘< f '1:1 ;,) ... ; di‘s 1 h i p- n; - if :be - .a Ulin ; < t || ;■ . ' I »<■ X’.-arertl. ; yitiiu! :ug vat.-ir-r- c.i’iit' t’ie v.’lf ck -IJ,. .. ,y Ann th- i,.:tn -r.ii e ni! . i< I \ lb. ;ll IH I pow OH . if ~-i.U ,1 ( we n i hh-i •-• Ji I- A1 tl I. > JI ;\ • i aas die pm ;)■ h. ' ' h oi. ' •, p, ,; x ; p . anti he w <o.<l. i< d « ha’ ’•> , . \ . in.!} f hi ' I r ,?id y A n>: II -i‘- W i foil .Hi ■ do: . ‘ • i . ’ ' ■'• 1. kio --.- ’ < ai; \ou h o7 " And ’ Ay. a\ , sir ? laii.iu au ,- t o’ ( ; th* v. .- loud aide, i, :■■ Ii t hey ! s’, t. -d |; u . . :i ; • O . in Vud die w nd* bno u; in ! d : •. h . ‘ W h ( th* ; ot i iei - ~ [ ' m’tH.'e : ;nd»’«- i. .t 1... ’<l li,. j’ h.L. .1! <d? M! ! 1.1 ,)! lii Ua~ j.l -1 '.ng.D., I- <\eik from h> wi.eis. •• Gh. ■' ■■■ \ mi <lll a la - . ‘ le < .u»!<| l-nvf 1)0 ... i" • • ’ • .Jan S !!■' h SUU 'OH n e’ : .a ah. leav in t.' t h-- di,j I ’m • Ppi ■, a ; a.i I.H tile • mi. And die vvat. h . ii. G i ! huill’WDl) ill.' Ugh dle.l e (■> y.ila lent.- Hi.; e dm.'. ad, Ji. I'.i-io dto Id v. dh J - st. m di< iif. 1 . ii-.; ot 1 hat l.\ tun LOX E. A I I ST. Tip’ Vi[t V > <• (i \ ;•)•! e , .. L\ ( . .X < * int tel v b< 4 dh tj alb •■ i u bm -m ■ iii up hi? her. | direr, and stn.i 1 , i-r th i • I his. I h ver. first hrva'hiti/< « .!'■ t ew-!mt) soul i> love r ’Lui. a> d ■ mad.pudy coutn i l.'d ui’’ il.:-. m.d . row Ing oil! tl is. i> fps :’n- Hui ’ Iron oi God uoi on ? ■ .ir,u . f (j»oh . *d‘. ; d a t- ;l ;io s. 1. j , s ~f Icii-icier, or !:iv< m i-i -’owi'il i.m r ;I. '.'ml.-, or m |., r ,-i ( .p - ls i,j u _ , .iri'd : Icy - in , :y mi ; -o; t iy b.-, : .u- t ri'mgm.,i' (I,'em :i--ii iuh -U ■■ f ; It G :. l-'w : !,:ii i nl',l_-: - ~u s. i .p;, H im. ik- no 'kl. :iii':ige : h:U ex . nil,-, uml f r ivm i i >■: I; is ; o '- v lips is not ii.mieb by p:i. i \ .in-. ‘i- i-hurch cm m-t lie, that rises ibove (’em.mi, ati a] Pi- j cl is. :-i <1 clgs-.s iu its i ii'.bi:, ■- evt ’ - . . n :'. <'>'t al p. r-oi:. wlioci. r . , | )(; I a ... lie may be ..., It'. | >•■•*.> ~ . b .h - [oi ,■ in.a \ sillily i.,' eiii.ic I hal lie i: , uimseif. a hristimi. He v. Im i> ih-sti me < f i■ i si iin ger lo llu 'mi \ ii: _ ; i >,.■<- of <;■ „i. It ma'! ■ ,I, ■■! i,ew fa:: l.fu ‘ll -.. r ; ■ i ii 11 cm I lo the ci re u< mi.i! - .7 r. ': _t. •i ■ : : bow much nmney you tti.'. ■_/v. mlie church ; how loi •_ Or.! m.'V ~, , ,url ! pn. yers; how mH \ <.a mi v - :m -. 1.. illuemly you may talk; or In x joyful- Uy you may shout; if you lime mu i ibis love, you are mil .1 cliihl of Gm!! NO ROOM FOR CHRIST '«Y 1, '.I is ; line i;lfo |he ,i , | I I In found ; t pr< .■., i;pi. il. Not Ii . lie shm mil o- the inn, but there secme i, to ‘be'A wi-'mim' place . -r him in l‘he wi :’ I. F • IG < erv i hii-i i 11,■'till l.e v. a- a pili ’ ii" ’ a Hence it is -aid. "He cairn unto hi . own. ami his own received him mu." Ami a- it w.c-in th ■ be_ in a tJ . .< [it slill. 1 u thiswickcu w or.-I < ' < , - ; lhere is very little room for 1 'lc ■ , There is room for alm -t e<erv to ... I ise wealth, j :- asur ■. atioi parties, politics, eating aud . buying and selling—room for ai! | these : but tor him who came lo l av i our burdens, ami to take away the i sins ofthe world, there is no room : |no loom in the world’s thought,in the j world's feeling for Jesus, THE HI M VN IT LSE. Pulse is a throbing of the arterjes ' caused by intermitting impulse ctjm ! municated to the blood by tha l;eqrt. The arteries being plastic, cxptfns for an instant with the increased amount of blood forced into them by each lie,ti t beat, and for t!|e same rea son contract the moment ,ifter. pro : ■ lucting thus a series of wavelike ! movement from the heart [ toward ail parts of the body. Theen. largemeut ofthe artery by the pa«- [ smg wai. s of bio > i lijtsit somewhat : iron; its l.mj so that it becomes *pre e.qitiable to the toush. Withen the limits of In-aith there maybe consid-’ ! erable varatjon ji tl.e frequency of the ( pulse, the number of pulse per minute : differ, tit with age. sex. stature, museir- i lar action mental action, the state of, the digestive ['-ess ami ll.e time of daw The aqer tge frequency per min uet is approxim atelv indicated by ilie following tqb|e, given by parpen i ter*. In the >ir»:i-i„irii : ir':iiit l.'Ul to ID ; , During first i.m 115 to bill j During .'■■‘■coud year 100 to 115 1) r ue third year !>5 to f llui ’ng 7t!i ■ 14 ■:i . SO to Hi , During 14th to 21 st y.-ar. 75 to 85 , Dur nig 2'st i . igltli \ ;ir 70 to 7.5 | In oil! :i_'.' 75 to Sl’ I In intlamatory or acute diyiise tbs ; ; pulse may rise to 12” or even IGO in [ the ad ib. ami i • come -o frequent in . : the clrld tint it cannot be content' d. M>;s :ii ir i ~ertion . ,eiila. exeitemeut |digesti"n. .alcohol dries ami i-levatjon .above the sea level ■ i.lera:e the ’ pulse :;nd as a rule :.t is mor.' ; ifri-qu at the morning thin in th" ! : evening. His s|,,wer in s| p. and i from the eil'.'i-t ■- rest diet, cold or hlooWletthig. Th pul- .f a growi l : woman exc-eds that of :i|mau <t‘ I'm i j - .tue a_;;- as mu.-Ii as It) or 1-1 beats a ’ I mi l::’..', ami accordi'ic tosonie author. , ities i- less 1re....) -nt i : th.- t ill tiri . in the short p : on s. the \a: iati m b iir i.poiit sou , be it> for ea' li <,x inch-I •■s of height. 'file effect uj »ture ■ ‘ is i-o'isi s i .ibl, ; - t ■■■■i: ,'t’i , en in Ig. S' -7. .], f : .a'. . » .1 tl. 11-.M0,. -' .".I ', , ■ I’t ug. St I* 7 ' This large di 11-rent rx i . ;i th 1 ‘ mimb'-r o l ' pulsation w h u Icing and ittmg 01 s|:mhni.o espoi'iillv whe: iirr»:i.'i|ln the inti-'tilar rqr-. <■>-! '|, 'ml'"l ! 1 lll.lki i :l s.| | |,.|l H|:lW.' .1 , 'lostii, ,' a,-;-, I.ills :.,>s th- 1 Gyatb of p"r 1-on who liavi-itiseasi. ot-ihe Imarl 01 : piii-klv issiin,j: an .r, ,-t positim, 1' ■ lit ;e lili ii" :■ •• 1 i propnsi' i., ■•’i ■ pul'" 1-, .four or ii, . . ' o O f b., 1/lo'lilih‘t • n ' 5 Hit I I. tit. < »!• ! It I- '>l 'i : -X I 1: .I. M, \ x At; Et: Rirhnioml. V -i.. dull go, 18s|, It is th" t : .-e of tin' Richmond .ml Danville R iHroad C-moani- i<- make, at the 11'.teriuitiomi! ( .tt.i: Ex pi ■>!< ic 1 .11 he held at .\lianta G■l hi- Fa 11, a ,-..m pr-.'iu-tisive i-x ■ 1: lof th.' a : ■ 1 1nr 11 1 ::,m tal am! 1 :■ ' ’ -- 1 !’■ J. ’ !1 - I,w ’t> 1 ilfj'o-is >- hich till -■ Vela . id '■; . ; its s’ stem I U'S. \ ,]i,| , ; limit’, attemhil with m> expeiis, ! 'levond the I’nr.iishi g of spe;-men ” ill thus l,c afford- d to ow mrs mim:s iml, o'! r.G .-rd ami timln-r iamis. tn Ining to attention .1 ■ i-i is. from a!I par;- o: tl o ami I Tom oth, 1 ■ "-mill ii s, the rem 11 kable : ’.ir: 'ly of pr- i-i. '». ami th ■ res,.nn-e- 1 md capacity of tin sei o-uis of om -■ ntlu rn country 1 e!"rred t. -' ,J ’ 1 : j1 ■ ti: -ic'!t IU ,11 ■ • g:, :: ’.edmi.iil and momitaia regions em- ! .raced in mir system of railroads ar id only r...piesied Imf urged to con- : libule 0 till exliii :: to be muh by ! Hi’ i.m ml ami Danville Raiiioiu: .mpaiii . g.. >d..-m-l large s., . imen. >t':ill I’d .■ Ill's of ail \> vain il.'m f.>r hoi .nd ship h"ii ii-ig f.,- ' eahirnq work ami < hi.-les and ll.e 1 im-ch ii a ~ :i":s -of '-oi.m herbs- - lui : u!a::ls w ii.’i'b Iciye '. o:cmen j.11 value md "I a!I tarm pi...i:i.'ts of ex.-elletit ...:1... and app '.-irao e. I;, short, i is dcsHabli to Ir, . > :>s .every icil: . pri.riu-'t win -b au em : liish -ll'ii l omph-’e the ;-xl, An pl.’ mid alt: ci:.; spa ■ , r such m . jbiiioti has -q., , :ppe:il to iwr f.iem'- .".nd patrons t.. ' give Us the::- cordial a-.,.! , t\a| js. '>! ’a 1 .o'. ird m.iki ._ an i-.'ihibiiio;, wot iby of the grand region it w ill 1 lep'-i -out . t apt' (. ('i-t. I : l-yen us. . signed t" the duty of r "king nr-' Ynigeincnts fm the exhibit, am!,' util have genernl charge of it tmt.l, ihe - xpi.s , closes. All perso'.',- desir ing mf.e-imnimi ami to mak-• eoutrib utimi of m.-ite: : il ai.o spechtieiis. are , ri'.p.v.' i'...i .1 ■ ’".l o md witi. her, ■ n-, [ R. A. I). 11. R. Go.. Richmond. V:t*. All articles fm3 h e:,mood ami Danville If. R \ oil -i >i:'d be _ ;i:k, 1! (ap M i’ii ii.. A gem li. A. D. R. R.. A .1 it i. ■•).. ami wHi be aliipi .. ii from any stat'-im mail of i-ie road* of th R. <\ .D. s\sten free ofcliarge. ,1. M. R. Tai.i >tt. ' • turn I M .tmigei' _ —► * ■» Chris',mi,ity d". s no: ' •'■u iu p. ou.l pries’, Loud, a costly church, ati im| ositig : itual. a fashmiable thmiig, a'pea o.g .rgan. bud res|mi.scs to the creed am! reiterated expsts«:<>ns of reverence for the name of Christ, but iu the spirit that was iu Jesus, the ’ spirit of lilial trust in God.and ardent, j impartial, overflowing love to mam -n-™".-. " i ■ .w COUHTY OFFICERS, B. F. SUDDEATH, Senate. W. A. LIAN, Representative T. F. rt ILL. Ordinary, DEAN OWENS, Sheriff.* ]L J. DYER Clerk SupT Court. W. R. ARFFLIN. Coroner.' M. L. MCDONALD. Tax Collector. JOEL GI'NfiELS. Tax Receiver, i CHURCH DIRECTORY BELLTON HA f’UST ciirHCH— R»*v. A. F. T’U'l/i wood, Pastor Pi ear-hinu on the se< <>i;d Sunday ir, each inoiith aip] Saturday before. Sunday School at 9 o’clock, a. in. M. B <”ARTER. Superi»)ten D*nr METHv '</> 7’ ('UURCH— R-'V. E. J. Smith. Partor. Preaching the fourth Sunday ipid Sat uiilav before. Sunday School do’eloek. p. in. H A. SI ;.»N El*.Superintendent. I Pi.vr meeting. Thursday. ,H o’tlmk. ’ !>■ »'■ i E\♦•ry body iu\ ited to attend. .1 7’ Pn-m-hdig First am] T’hU‘» Sabbaths ri eat-h moijh IQJ. ; v u,. ami 7p. m. h pr b. M. BREA KER Ev ry body e<«r lia->v invited. -HOMER I nA l-TIST rWT;i<'U— REV r, V. Hriagr, P i -w,r, l’F< :o h.iig fourth S m lay in > ... mouth ,tnd .\ tu i V ETHobI ST CUTRCU— V. A W. P v'slo:. J*.« ii''? j .rd.iv . /'/?/■; </; YTERI I .V L". G H <■ cth i?'-. 1 - ' I’’.*- /!: :? 'ii th.-- nd Sunday ir v ;t< h month Hcrti Fas ern Railroad. S, ,r »irx l M,-, x i - l ) ’ Vtli- II . < ill., lllglls! I'l I W t I I’ll ill.l :'!'" r Mitnilav. .lull Ilf . l*f.| ■ i ns w 11 rvn n ■ -nlhiws : X" 1 .Xu. ;<. ' Ath.-m 140 111 ■'* s<l p t Vri v< h i »i 40 ;. in • <1 ««> pi: ‘ \ » .i ’ A . t . .. , !»*.- ' i in - »—d."> i ,i. NO. >./» k • i •.-!■ A•' i• • i 4 <?" > m . ; •> Hi \ i v• nt .' i’t 'i 4 ’ :i i■' •“»!« p in \ i <’ A u.-. .. .71 <.< mi > 4-> p m ’! >. n- N < 7 an i •> run *1 -.’tv ■, ’ r T ini X». 1 on M"> lay<, r. r i: N<> • , urd« * <»ni> i . .t’l -N- ■- ‘l. •? :t. ■ 'j; s ii' tIcL )> i \ 'it ' ' ft'-) mb U i met ’i'-in.- <•’!, R • !>■>;•• ■ )'H I’. I-' t- • r X W til v..'-' 'l-.'l 1 !-.!-.< ;;.i .t s.t’ir i.i.. i; ,! ’' - v ' ' ! g ’■ ' A Bv. > ’ . ntd '.‘-.L p. <H.. V.'h-m Cv so tbl'n 1 tl rtili,- . t I-I <>n S" 1 . 1‘ ■ --ng- ; > i’>- i A igu 'la ’ 7 tri. -hi ’. • S t \ t’lliji. It) I ’» > Mt - S,. )• h . ist ■ , H via G .»r?,a Iv Hi-ua I. \ ii! mm-' t I I -• a’ A b n- wiih tram X’. 3 therein, 111 !1! tin -II I. V - ; t ’hr 'i. I’ i- i.? ' • N>• til--., -t G.- ..! 5 Hl »«’ .<■ .!• !:*Y .t Vh.-m? * * I<> . ’ ta-’h! A t.»r -a ’• at Alliens for v. ! ’ El'! .1 ;7. W-t-sf. n u i; :i.n \ri». .U'd-i ■ sup t ; .V .-. HOUS r« LX. < u I ‘.i i :m’ I' i iit A m’IU. \Eil hm.uT uiMK DRUGS! DRUGS a >»'. S’ L S-L S »i VOJ k,. WHOI.:.- 1,'./; IVD If/ I»i Al.l.l: IN w/.-m;.. i*Vi«i - vv & \i BR.WDIKS A WHISK IPS i..A7\l> .-Il.l.t: '■ ' <.' F.O. E ,V YORK OBSERVER - Es. r \ka i.. i’.ic l.nt'gi-s, i', -t l imily Impe., in th.- \\ m id. .s' . ' Suni/dt ('oj>n —I . ... X i ’1 OltK DBS'! IJ. !,K. :r; !••',>.■ x. w y „ W. H snil'KIXS .1 7'7'o/? A/J- I 7' /.AH. I!A I.'\ .V <:l/r>\'/.. (; I i Ihtul lieu’imi given "ilci'tmi.s jit..; hl) other bu-ipess ieuts' m H i-\ nevi ut. but, ; prmqpfiy forwaiiliM, BELTON HOTEL M I'd E A' TIXG L, Fills bouse i- now open fn- the ii . . ic....i:.i.0n :t I o:'r<\:-, wl.i thei transient <>i- regular. /. ".1H /> i ;/7; j /■_ i,v /> /■' .17 /’/ /,' X7' ‘‘ I. ! .s' X -1 ‘ .1. V. K’l XBEIt. A THOUS ; .r J YE£RSr Mason - i ~ ,t .bu s will,, with c.ire, lust a thou- .pi 1 ycat'. mid y-t> can bin ii'. h p.'u'hes and apples the . year r mad. Can be hid verv clie.i| s.i in 2 MY I,ID KING Aug. is.- Im LAND \HL\L ( 's.' vc la ..fem'hundred. acres of "xciHen: laud <m the G'hriitahoocliei i vv" wl-' h I .iii] gel] for-12‘J't.iti 1 . • M. MYEI’S BeHton. Ga. WANTED - Imrnediatelv at the Hotel. Bellton. a, • good milch cow. Apply to Aug 18 Mks. M. a. Kufrbfr