The North Georgian. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1877-18??, December 22, 1881, Image 3

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IVorth Cxeorg-ian. Arrival and Departure of Trains. kXPREBS TRAINS. WESTWARD. Arrive nt 8tJ1t0n.i*..*...........9:2.5 a m At... 9:31 a in EASTWARD. Arrive nt Bellton. 6:35 pm at... 6:41 pin MAIL TRAINS. WESTWARD. at Bellton 8:53 p n EASTWARD. at Bellton 10:37 am BLeave at 10:43 a in WESTWARD. §3 Arrive at Bellton BJO a m : at 8 ; 1° a 1,1 i EASTWARD. at Bellton 6.58 a in Mg Leave at ":ot> a m MAIL SCHEDULE. ■R Going East, Leaves 6:58 a. m.. Htroing West, “ 8:06 a. m. ■doing East, “ H:l* P- m - Going West, 0.11 p. in !■ Oii Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday*. ■ via Allendale, Silver Shoal*, Middle ■ Hirer, Nail’a (’nek, Cheap and Urn* k- to Homer, at 1, p. m. I Thursdays, via Lruu, Hod’s Ferry. HMoavy Creek and to Cleveland, at 1. p ni. --1 C~7 » Sunday * until 8. a in y J. M. M VEILS’, P- M. Prives Current. Corseted weekly by J- M. Myers. IELLTON GA. Dec. 22,1«81. D H Y GOODS. »rints * ® ™ }j- Tk-kmg...- ® Q.u Dress Goods <-“ Adieus Grus I,u GROCE R 1 E S. V lb * l j’-J Hams ” “ tuba Molasses *» “ New Orlisus “ .... ’’ a I’ (golden Syrup ( ’ "ion Corn bush . HO “ >j® Chickens -f 10 •* - L<)C A L I 1 R •' W —' |TT' Business n<»t e.*. ■; thm oolumu are Wrtly lOceuts a lint each insertion. Some farmers are Mil sowing oats. Time we were having some snow. Last Sunday was a delightful day. The days are still growing shorter. Did somebody say egg-nogg ? Mutilated coins ure rapidly disap pearing. Pack the little one’, stockings full of jjMce things. ’Tom Sumner took in >he Expooi ‘Mien last week, and is now happy. Trade has been lively during the past week. The travel on the Air-Line was rteyer heavier than nt the present time. Several good citixena of Banks coun ty have been in town during the week. Persons, so we learn, are very much behind in Hull county, in paying then taxes, and executions are being issued. Some people are very backward in advertising, and they are usually very backward iti having much business. Tob. Hawkins is one of the best pullers in the Stale— accommodating <nd obliging to a fault. JKew buildings are going up, and a fresh impetus U perceptible in every department of trade. Let 'er roll. We are under many obligations to Prof. Wilson for his assistance it get * ting out this issue. The attention of the reader is di rected to the advertisement of E.B. V- Briant in another column. There is less drunkenness in Bellton. Iktcordlltg to population, than any other town on the Air-Line Railway. Now, put a pin right here, if you please. a For gentlemanly bearing and genu ine politeness we’ll pit the Conduc tors of the Air-Liue with any road I that enters the Car-shed of Atlanta. ’ Move on with procession. J. M. Myers offers for sale or rent 1 a good farm on the Chattahoochee river. Call and see him at outeat , the post office. We note Rev. J. W. Baker, paster of the M. E. Church at this place, on our atreete during the week. As an r earnest, faithful servant of his Mas ter, he lias but few equals. i The adhesive plaster on Sam Oli- ' ver’s face is the result of a collision a > With a car bumper. He affirms that " be saw more stars in a minute than there is any mention of in Astronomy. Some of our streets have been put Sgl In excellent condition, which reflects the “city dads,” and Mar nki.wlw, byi-Jo I-. b... fftXha- fill' 'I ail orb- f.“ I:. fejl 1h "I’ '' ' 11 |jClelßl!ard L’ . HT.k rid-r |Hr> no .1; .- G. B. Forbes will pay cash for j green apples, turkey, chickens, eggs,! quails and rabbits. Ballton, Ga.j i Dec. 22.—ts. Col. Buice will spend the holidays j with his family next week. May good cheer and solid comfort crown his i board. See advertisement of A. Engleke i in another column. He is a wide-? awake business man, and don’t you i forget it. There is not a vacant house in town. Put our school building in proper trim, and property will advance fifty per cent, in twelve mouths. We ; know whereof we speak. The prospects for increased attend ance at our High School, next year, i are very flattering. Those who want 1 a sound, practical education should, by all means, patronize it. Prof. Wilson is an educator of long stand ing, and knows just what to do with girls and boys. Since the removal of Frank Vinton, the dashing young Nimrod of the Pied mont range, all kinds of game are on the increase. Come down, Frank, and kill ’em out. We heard a stranger say, the other day, that Bellton had many pretty girls, but very few good-looking youtig men. We know he is right or. the girl question, but then lie didn’t see Tom Sumner, Jerry Ritch, or Craws. Faulkner and many others too numer ous to mention. We appreciate a call from Fletch Morris, of Homer, on Tuesday morn ing last, while on his way to Atlanta, to interview Santa Claus. lie says if Homer can’t have a railroad, it can be at least headquarters for all kinds of Xmas tixins for the good people of Banks county. Mr John Stephens, and Mr. John Hall, the former on his way to Atlan ta to buy goods, mid the latter to make glad the hearts of our merchants, were in town on Tuesday. “When cold the wind blows, take care of your nose that it doesn’t get froze,and wrap up your toes in warm winter hose.” The above, we sup pose, was written in prose by some who knows the effect of cold snows. From all over the county ‘he re port comes that more small grain has been sown than for many years past. In all probability the short crop of cotton, coupled with low prices, has been instrumental in opening the eyes of the farmer. The true policy is, to make hog and hominy, first, and let the cotton bale be surplus. As our schbol will open Monday three weeks (10th Jan.) it is now in order to make tlie necessary repairs on the building. Can’t money en ough be raised for such an object as that? But the old adage is a true one : “ What is everybody's business is nobody’s business.” We trust, how ever, that our enterprise and liberali ty will not flag in this particular, but that it will be taken hold of at once, and put in a comfortable condition. It will pay a good dividend to do so. Mr. Calvin Briant, one of the solid yeomany of Big Hickory district, and his son Matt, were the guests of Rev. E. S. V. Bryant, during the week. James B. Poole, made hit friends and relatives a dying visit during the we.ek. Jimmie intends making S, C. dirt fly in 18«2. We wish him much success. Mr. James M. Poole, and family have moved, and are now located at the Chafin house. His removal is due to the advantages offered by our ex cellent High School. There will be a union Christinas Tree at the Baptist Church, on Tues day, 27th inst., in which everybody is invited, to participate. The foliowing are the committee*, to wiiich ail ar ticles intended for the tree are to be delivered. Let the presents be fur nished as early as possible: Misses Emma Martin, Rena Carter, Annabel Bowden, Hassie Sumner, and Messrs. D. G. Hyder, C. C. King, Idus Bow den. While on the Exposition grounds, by invitation of Director-General Kim ball, on Tuesday last, among the many things of interest our attention was irarticuliirily called to a braiding machine run by Miss Mary Ella Beede, a bright little girl of about twelve summers. We had the pl ensure of receiving, at her sweet, little Indus, trious hands, a beautiful braid watch, guard, which we intend to cherish as a memento of her skill. This machine is tlie greatest curiosities of the age and should be seen by all. What are the poor cows around Bellton to do this winter? Firstrate. Why, send west for hay. La, la, did you ever. By some hocus-pocus Dr. Breaker’s name appears or. the outside as editor, while in fact he had nothing to do with it. Tlie publishers of the North Geor giau wisli to say to ail who have pat ronized the paper cither as subscribers or advertisers that all contracts made since the first of August, lb«l, will be faithfully carried out on their part. No one need be afraid to pay in, us the paper will go ou. STANDING lIItLES. The price of this paper is one dollar in ! AnVANeu. if n ot paid until after three months, the price will be SIX’S a year.— If not paid untii after six months. 51.50. We do not desire subscriptions for less tone than six months, but will furnish th.i paper lor th. e months tor M rents; tws months for ?c cents; or one month for to cents—strict: , in advance. Ko paper will be discontinued until alt arrearages are paid up. The law gives us the right to cout nue the paper until such payment is made, and collect the whole amount due. If you wish your paper changed from one office to another, be sure to name the office at which you have been receiving the paper, as well as tne one to which you wish it sent. _ H you tail to receive your paper at any time, notify us promptly, and we will send you another. We can not promise this unless the notice is sent /inniediute/p. W e make no charge for any matter of general interest. Publications intended to benefit a particular individual or party, are advertisements, and must be paid for, at the rates of 10 cents a line. Marriage notices and obituaries of fifty words tree. One cent for each word over that number. Initial letters and figures count as words. If the motley does not conic with rhe manuscript, the excess will be omitted. Study these rules carefully, and don’t blame U.S for your mistakes, as we ahull make no deviation from them. No anonymous articles will appear in this paper. The name will not be pub lished if the writer wishes it withheld, ! but it must uccompariy the communiea- I tion. Upto date it has been warm and Wet. i Legil Advertisements. I GEORGIA—Banks County. Mary H. S. Owen ] vs. . I Bill in Equity for Geor£p W. Poo], Specific pprforin < F. F. Reynolds, | ance, cancellation • f M. Reynolds and of Deed, rrik f, &c. W. A. Quillian, of » Banks county, and I •I. T. Quillian of | Jackson county, Ga. ) It appearing to the Court that G’eorge \V. Pool, a defendant of this hili, depart ed this lit? before the same was served upon him, but that all the other parties •* who reside in the State hav< been served, on motion of Plaimifl ’s coun sel, It is ordered by the court that further tin.u be granted to perfect the service on the representative of the estate oi said George \V. Pool, and that defendants F F Reynolds and J M Reynolds, be served by publication once a’montb for fqir months in the North Georgian, a nows paper published in the town of Bell ton m said county, before the. next term cl this court. Got. 7th, IML A LEX. S. F’ Il \V IN, Judee, &c. Win 11. Simpkins, W. I. Pike, Compl's Atfv’s. A true extract from the mi’ utes o' Banks Superior Court, <><■’.i ( .r i.tiii, 1881. R J DVA it, V S C I lee. B.—4m,S(i ’ rE()BGf A—Bank‘ county. H .S Chaii'bors | vs > Libel for Divorce. Ro.' a L < ’hainberF. ‘ Banks Superior Court. <»ctober term, 1381. It appearing to the court that Roza L t'luimlMTS resides out of the county of Banks, and it further appearing io‘ the court that Jbe said Roza L Chambers re sides out of the Stale of Georgia, it is • d>ier<’d that service be perfected in lh< above s'a *d case upon the said Roza L (Ihamla's in publication of this notice and rub m the North tveorgian, a news paper p . dished at Bellton, in said conn ty <»f I .uks, once a month for four months pi creed mg the next term of this court. ALEX S. IJIUI.S, .Judge Superior Courts Westein circuit. A <’ Moss. Plaintill’s Attorney. I heiadiy certify that, the above is a true extract from the minutes of Banks Supe rior court, October term. 1881. Deo. K-4m 54$ R J DYAR. <J SO G EORGIA—Banks county. Lucy L. Simmons having applied to be appointed guardian of the person ami property of C <> Simmons a minor under fourteen vvurs of age, resident of said county. This is to cite all persons con cerned to be ami appear at the term of the court ofthdinary, tube held next after the fexpiratiou of thirty days from the first publication of this notice and show cause, if any they can, why Lucv L Simmons should not be intrusted with the guardianship of the person and pro perty of C O Simmons. Witness my offi cial signature. T F HILL, Dec. 8, 1881— IjuS3 Ordinary. ADMINiSTHA TO/Ks SA LE. ~ (> EORG'lA—Banks ('<»( nty. By vittue of an order from the court of Ordinary, of said county, wdl !><■ sold on the first Tuesday in‘ January 1882. nt tlie court house door, in said comity, between the legal sale hours, the follow ing described property to wft: Atractof laud in said county, in the yi2lb dis G M, adjoin ng land- of L F Morris, T<- West brook and others, containing fifty acres, more or Ickm, ummproved, belonging to the estate of James I hiti’hison. deceased. ’1 erms < ash. W. A WA'J SON. Adm.r. Dre-8 of Jas Hutchison. (; E( )R(. i A Ban k - county. D S .McWorter, guardian of Julia E Neal appliea to Oir court of Ordinary of said county for dismiswion from said guar dian.'hip. Therefore, ail persons intrr ratrd will take notice that IrUenc of dis mihsiou will lie granted b in at the March term next of the court of Ord narv of said county, to be lieid on tlie fiirit Munday of s tid month, unless good cause to the J contrary be then shown. Dec k‘, | JmSArfjO T F Hi LL, Ord A BOOK FREE TO EVERY 8U BSC IB ER. I All new yeaiiv niibxcriberx to thn savannah weekly news p-ii'ivtd In-foil. .Janunoy 1.t,'13K1, and all mib.-eribera who renew before that dafe, wdl be entitled to any one of the follow ing novela of the “ Morning New. Libra ry,” KKZK 1 111 order ng the WEEKLY NEWS, or SOUTHERN FARMER’S MONTHLY i ithin olier appliea u>aobacriptionH to eith er publication), state whatatory Jou want and it will l,e aenl Io j on, or ;iuy uddreaa youiinn furniah, by in.iil poalage paid. Somuhk .I/oxi>k. By .Vary Rum- Eloyd. -l/i. i- Kl’l’, By J/ia Ophelia Niabet Reid,' IHKOI 011 Till Ykakh, Bv R J Ph.lbrick, K>:vibks<;<>, By .V E Heath. The Hbatheiicotbh. By Mat Crim. iienzeilKN. By Nora L.pinuii Hussey. Vasco, or, UxtH, Death. By B 3/ Zimmel man, OXLV NOHA lIEABfi.HV, Bv Ophelia Nisbci Reid. 1 he Image ok her .i/othkh, , By -Vary Augusta Wada. Elijah Bathi itsi’e Exi-lation ; Or, tin* End of a Dream Life. Bv Fannie /.-.y Wat. ’ J 'lliene books are original aerials . Southern authors which have appir.i. • ,’u ilie Weekly News, ami are pu .... ,i. I.andaoiua ijuaito fv.iii ( sler pi nted in excellent style and . ou- J*per. $2,000! How to g,-et it! ?H«; MF.X AXD WOMEN’S MUTUAL MELIEi' ITNi> ASSOCIATION OF AU INTA. GEORGIA. Pays certificates of endowment forsW!o; Sl,OOOor S2,(il‘o:it timeofmarriage, accoriL ing to class. The money is made up by mu tual contribution. 77ie best institution ever or’/amvnl to give young people a start in the world. Local Agents wanted everywhere. Send for blank applications, an ■?* Constitution ami By-Laws I’m agencies, address M.F. Asionot s. For Idauk applications, addres W.M.S ro. x i gs . S.-cretary, Atlanta, (la. Our Beloved O.A KFIEDI) And his Fnithful Cnbinet. An elegant chromo Lithograph of our late Pr. S makings full length port raits, printe 1 ! I‘lcoiorsou heavv paper with a ric‘ •: ! border. Size IXxL’il inches, lhe sale ol this beautiful work of art ba been simply unprecedented ai SI per copy In order that every family may b> able to possess Ill's beautiful ami tom-hing souv enir, we svill mail it for only 50 cents per copy. W :,i, furnish tins sam subject, pimted ill s ■ ■' >rs, ttxl’J iiielms, for only 15 Cents. Postage .slumps laken. .ts- » tf> H’ Now i> the i no l<u v gents to reap a rich Larv'"-: ’•' Hi< <e ! t autiful portraits. Nothing - keth.-m. Send for samples and t« ■ CGfiANT A. CO, Publishers, 1 ley Strevt. New York. « • v ‘ -k in your own town. ssntit tii lie.-. No risk. Every thing new < i|‘ ml not required. We will fur nish you evt.iytiling. Many are ■ miking f<»nun< k. Ladies make as iHUechus men; and boys and girls mak » great pay. jt you wart a businessat which you can make great pay all the time you work, write to Hallett X (.’< nuA.. 81- ly i pd Portlan I, Muiiie Hort'i Basterji Railroad. SiTEKINTEN'DENT’n OEEICE. I Athens, Ga., August l(‘(h 1881. | On and after Monday, July 4th, 1881, (rains will run as follows: NO. » i. Leave Athens 1:40 a ni | 3:50 p m Airivo al Lula t».4d a, <n I 600 p m \t .<( A f lanta. . I(>*'' a m i 12 0.5 a in NO. 2 NO. < Leave A i anta 4:00 a m | 3:15 p in k i ri\e at Lula <»:•!!* a m I 5:59 p ni Arrive at \: h.r - ..11 r:> > m | 8 !*’• p m Trains No, “ ami 3 run daily except Sund-iv Train No. 1 on Monday#, ami I’i r»ii N<i*4 i»n Saturdays only. Trans N-ls. 1. 2 ami 3connect closely at | Lula with passenger trains « n R-chmond ; ami D hiv: 'c, hotn Ensl We. t, and I No. 4 w’lh west bound p.< semgei train on Satiirdav night «»uly. wlie*i "ill wait unt JU. 45 ['. tn., u hen by x ><) doing a coti »e< t Ml -' ll ‘ made |’;i ■ in • Augusta. Charleston | ami y. f , ’• a" I points Southeast com- I ing vi.t ”1 a Railroad, will connect! clo.M- o as iei>- with train No. 3 thereby i ■ them to visit the summer resorts ! ot Northeast Georgia without a delay at A th. ns. Through tickets for sale at Athens for all points East ami West. H. IL BERNARD, Acting .Sup t. W.J. H'HLSTUN, Gen. Pass, and Freight Agent' NOW IS THE TIME TO M'ltbCKl BE FOX THE ILLUSTRATED CHRISTIAN WLI KLV, 11 is mostrempliatically Ihe paper for the family. Y twelve page, highly illustra ied, unde uniliational but Christian pa per, Hile .th interesting useful and in structive matter for parents, stories for (he youth, ami notes on current events for all. It is the only paper of its kind in America. It will assist in forming right ••haracter for the young, helping to fit them for future usefulness and happiness, and will brighten andoheerall hemes into which it regularly coumds. All this for 52.5fi per year. We wish to place this paper in 100.000 families. Don’t east this aside, but be induced, and that at once, to send your order and remittance to the address of I LLt'KTICATKD CIIKIHTIAN WEEKLY, Nassau St. York. Sample copies sent free on application. THE COTTAGE HEARTH, Published at Boston. An Illusli-nted Magazine of Home Arts and Home Culture. Contrlns more reading of Practical Domestic Worth and Positive Home Interest than any oilier mauazine of its price. Each number contains Portraits and Sketch es of Distinguished Men, Superior Home Music, Flaral Articles, Stories and Adventures, Choice Poetry, the latest Fashions, the Mother’s (.'hair, Il he Student’s Corner, tlie Young’ Folks’ Window, all fully illustrated Tlie next number will contain the first chapters ofa splendid new story by Dr. George McDonald, written expressly for this magazine and worth alone lhe whole year’ subscription, $1.50- CLUB RATES. We are enabled to make the follow, ing liberal offer to our readers: To ! all who subscribe within three months ■and pay $1.75 in advance, we will send the North Georgian and tin* Cottage Hearth” for one year. Tliis will give you a good paper and a choice magazine for a little more Ilian the price of one. Please send in your sii'oscriplions at once. J MONROETAYLOR ESTABLISHED 1544. sis £** »ia JAS ffl 15? ■ 4 J 13 W RTF It ST.. KEWWBK. Thousands, di.gusted with the many poor articles offer'd in market, are now happy in using J. Monrob Taxi/>R's Gold . Medal preparations. 7 hey are guaranteed Strictly pure and superior to any other in • market. Ask your grocer for them, and do i not be put off with any others until you j have jprm thorn a trill. | —lBB2. H BELLTON HIGH SCHOOL 1 <Lt HIE Cj-EDUCATIO V OF THE SEXES .1. X. mtr >* W ' th Teachcrs of ex P e nence and ability (if required). able mXZnt h os\ l r„, ! ’. l . 1 ! !, ’ ( ' , p this Illstiluti ”» of learning, under the announcimr'to the pub ictint'thei 1 11! 1 ’ 01^11 ’ U ‘ e 3?'- UStecß - take r P lensure iu that tho Spring Term ' haVC SCCUl ' ed Bervices f or 1882, and WILL OPEN JANUARY 16TH. And continue Twenty-Four Weeks. ~ , mid Tex*ni!B, I RnrARY-(Abcdarians) ... . Common School - . ' - ♦ » 31 00 Academic 1 SV High School ... ‘ 200 Bookkeeping and Commercial Law* .* Tuition d'm* -it IS I? L Xed I nni! Anal .vtieal throughout. time, only in eases o ? ’ "’ oßth - N ° dCdUCti ° n f ’ r loSt •if nu-hpiipiL I ' l ' lllal leC ’ tor the of buying wood, will be required paredfln! nn(i W(,mvu < aid can bo piocurcd in private families at moderate rates. lYiiscipliiie. tiet 'THfli'wbl'b"eLVorc t k d , ‘ l ’v ,,Pi ‘ rUnl r ,,d A " t,le P ro P r, e 'ions of evil lemner wi srmnhung, or other manifest*, thoritv, attention to rules 6 K n' eaU t ' obedien ce, respect for au Wilful and persistent disohedi-n. 7* i wiU be demanded- mitted. Faiilflul studv -n d-h 'i ‘ ssan< - i ldleneßS . "iU not be per- The Prinein i feels er efnl r "o IIV altai,le d b .V each student. past vear nd»h d .<*s hi ir ',’ 1 ’ P atro,| age he ins received during tb» 'alisfhXn to os ’J, ! L -° ~>a" hl bis Puerto give still gre..«r slant aim to build'the sI P 3 m the future, as it will be l-« c >n. can lie obtained -it L. " a ", g ' Nla ndm'd, where, a practical education For dh i i ni if 4 !’. h«m at any similar Li this section. Su ner WR 8 ‘' bb e>'“f'he fokwim- trustees: 11. A. N ' I-”; " ' Bo "'den, T. T. Echols, R. Marlin, Coggins, or ' J “H>( LN, Principal. JI. 7. K. J. CASTLEBERKr MENGS & CASTLEBERRY, dealers in all kinds of AI .A I?ni J K I > Gl< TVTNXT’IS HoimmentS TOMBSTONES, IRON RAILINGS, &U, MAIN STREET, NEAR THE DEPOT, octijßM C » uuiiuojsvillo, <4 ri. nwuM (Successors to W* P. Carter.) BELLTON - . GEORGIA atthe Bell corner and see the largest and best store house in tow». Also, a lull line of CJonevnl AI<M-<.|inn<liMi, Sho... He,,.-, i. r -i. CLOTHING BY THE THOUSAND! i vonr n?, U fiU O ’T “ llt ’ c ‘‘‘ ll ~n ' V ' P ' c ' al ' ler ’ wbo * s always ready to bake yout measure and guarranlee a lit. J 1 a ... a . AIjh OE FARMING TOOLS. We'-n-o".' C ,°. " a ’ a '^?Iln^in•y 1 ln^ i n •y, o , the, ; Groceries 100 numerous to mention. •’ o pnS.I»ELIVERBD INTOWN FREE. U7/- All who .ire indebted to the above firm will save cost by calling and scttlinii, as we do not, intend to have old accounts run over. Don’t forget the Bell corner, Bellton, Ga, ; __ Dtic - l -— 3 m M. B. CARTER & BROS. rm» fkss h c.t « o ,v. CLAUD ESTES, ATTORNEY AT LAW, GAINESVILLE, GA. Practices in the Courts of Hall. Jackson Banks, Forsyth, Lumpkin, White, and I Habersham. Ur Prompt attention to allcases, sept 22 ly ii. ii. ii Y, A TTORNE Y A T LA W, Gainesville, Ga. Practices in Hall, Banks, Jackson and adjoining counties. aprlO-ly L W. Hi LL, 4 TTORNE Y A T LA IU, HOMER, GA. B’ill practice in the Counties ofthe Western Circuit, and in Madison county ofthe Northern Circuit. Col lecting promptly made and remked. iuuelMy Up NRY STWEST 4 TTORNE Y A TLA W, HOM ER,.GA. Will practice iu the Coonties of the tPestein Cjiciiit, and elat&bery when specially retaim d. Collections of claims solicited, and business promptly attended to. june-9-ty. w, 11. SIMPKIN’S, A TTORNE F .1 T I. A W, HARMON.\ GROVE, GA. [FT* Faithful atiention given to collections and all other business Clients’ monev never spent, bui promptly forwarded. L. J. GARTRELL. ATI tR>. Y AT LAW, ATLANTA,GA. fIRAC'TICES >ll the United .States ( cult and District Courts at Atlanta and tin- S: |.u i nndStiperior Ci.nrtK of t s< •> .1 THE BEST . 30 SIMPLE '•'rug wgffl a I k SOLO iLZiBb I * | /y 4 ttWRI v woWfow Qf. .^ s oai£Ks aho Dtf^ lt £nACE PLAre, FOR PARTICULARS //Vf WMBER 0* SH ,^^ DRES s; 'CjH Machine Co. ClevelaM, ohi o. * THEM OST POPULAR j k IB ifye Ijs^ o6 MB ■o|R> -- K^W 1 ’ ° L7\BT I ! LIFETI ME *• S . SURPASSES/'OTHERS ( > < UNION eq. NEW YORK > Chicago ill.-e- 8 <t^9Orange maba. fl Ii• < ■ I*El•:l*l4<s,2s^Whitehall Kt/H ATLANTA, OA. t