The North Georgian. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1877-18??, December 22, 1881, Image 4

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HINTS. < ifan ’* tn bft » ' : W' , ” t fl ‘ h ’*•»•'« sticking in tho I Ii into be swallowed nw. Th - it. cogtent is made by mixing V powdtred rice with-a little cold wafer, and then gradually adding boiling water until a proper oopsisteuoe is acquire!, heinv earefu; Co keep it continuously stirred; lastly, it must be boiled for one minute iu a clean saucvpou. This glue is white and almost trnnapaw.t, and is well adapted for wefk which requires a strong and odoriess cement. Warm Mms as a Beveraoe.—Milk heated to much above 100 degrees Fah renheit loses for tire time a degree of its avi cetness and its (tensity. Ho one who, fatigmd by ov< r-exertion of body or mind, hats ever experienced the reviving Uidaence of a tumbler of tins leverage, heated as Lotas > lean be sipped, willrull inglvLiregoanaso. Ito it becanseofiUhav ing *jpeu rendondsomewhat less accept- the palate. The promptness with AHHeh i!i cordial influence is felt is in ■ Weed -urprittiug, Some portion of it F seems to be digested and appropriated almost in '.ediittely; and many who LZanoy that they noedalcoiiolic stimulants h‘-n exhauskdby fatigue will find in ■raitr simple dr. ugut an equivalent that will be abundant '.• rnt’sfyu.g and more enduring in its efleou. To Cuban Km Gloves.—Get one quart of deodo- iz' d benzine, one drachm of sulphuric ether, one drachm of chlo lA. reform, two diactuns of alcohol. Co ■fcgne oil can Ins added, if desired. Pour this into n chum bowl, mid. "> > f a- >'•>! would wash vt-fp r the dirt is marly out, IHVIuKc >u more <>t clean fluid, tlsual ly one nn-uig -n . nougb, but if the gloves were to. y much i-£n«l rinse tlw | eecoud tune. If the gloves cheap I kid it is best to dry t! cm nUteWS^iil; ’ Init a nice glqve, aft.. having robbed with a soft cloth to smooth out wrinkles, may be hung on a line to dry. Dii« prejpftmti'ji. is nu excellent thing i to keep in the homo, not only for denn ing cloves, but for taking out » spot: from clothing and earpots, and for I sponging coat collars and felt hats. I Economy aw» Oaiie of Clutmino.— , One of the most important items (u the family expenses is the clothing, es peeially a* there is no much of what is called “doth" made np for boys and men that will hardly bold together. With the average family the income is limited, and too prices of sluxldy ur t '<s arc so Fiuap (hut there is a strong ind"ccmoiit‘ t 6 purchase the so-otdled “cte geds. ft is, perhaj*, not too I mnohtohay tht tlr< -majoritv of people u bay iow-pri'ted clothing. But, os a I matter of tact, thpy arc th" most expen -1 Hive goods that ean be worn. A strong, fine-textured, well-made article will t outwear at least three of tide jxxir ns f tel nd, end it docs not really cost os much, co . lidwing the amount of wear, to say nothing of the shabby aptiearanco of faded doth- the vexation of liaviug the garro. ntn continually breaking to pieces, the necessity of daily repairs, with the iu: ale fooling when one steps ga hitle hial', pr puts on an unusual MpJ!u7vne excuse winch we have bug- for bnyi:ig such gCotla-we know ~ is a hard or>e to n.oet, Iwing iu >■ major -8 ity of cases the want of money to get better goods. But-it is belter to make the old corttlnab a little longer and pnt all the money in the rent of the suit, and when, the money one will soon have to find to Hupply-nnother cheap writ is nt hand, get a good ooat. As a wise and economical rule, one should never pur chase anything but a good article. Taking: Cliarge or n Female. Juot before the train for Buffalo pulled out of the C-eutTid Tiepot a man mitered the depot iri company with an old de crepit woman who wo-n being sent to St Thomas, Ont, Leaving her for a mo ment he boarded the train, passed slowly along until he uaiue to the right man, and then asked ; " Are you going through ?" “ Yrs.’’ “ Are vou alone ?” “Yes." '•Woulil you have any objection to taking oharpo of a hwiy friend of mine?” “ Oh, HOU* ip the leant.” •' Won’t it be any bother?” ”Oh I no, no! I shall esteem it as a privilege.** “Thunk yon. I ahull be a thousand i imes obliged. She is very innocent and ■ hdiUbh, and. 1 ano lucky to fall in with such a gentleman as you. I will bring her in.” He returned for the old woman and helped her nlx-ard, and these who were there say that the man who was going through aad would esteem it a privilege drooped off the rear platfori' with hie salcuel aa the train started.—Detroit Free s. * A H*t Climate. A British oßteer’Jt wife in Bumijh de acriliea theclimaft by this incident: "'A friend gave my husband some owl’s eggs, whtah he left in a plate in the drawing-faem, the oixJest place in .he house, beiiit in the center and sur- I rounded by other rooms. The eggs ; were on a table in the corner, and were , forgotten, Some days after 1 saw one of I the eggs moving, and slightly chipped. 1 Presently out came a little owlet The other egga followed suit, till they were I all hatched. Tins may seem impossible., to any cue who has not lived where the thermometer ri generally 105 degrees! ” Ajfei'upmes <4 science: Scientists have ditoosewd ■woru'i. tn fishes and are bt»?bciin| tlicr iirauie to know how they came thyrv. Very simple. We have fed aoinethiiig losa thar a million worms to fishes vtdNk-lvt*. All that is necyssaij is to put,a worm on a hook, drop if into Mae water *®d the fishes will nf i ’off ss clean as a ybMla, Worms in Joshes ! JVen’ a " S’HVBp-pul off till 10-tn Jrrw what I you do to-day,” said |p advising nx-dw M her child. “ Well, then, mamma. Mt us eatjhp mince pie that’s I Ik, in use onpbantd,** was the child’s pre- I nhteotje-s reply, j. < * U io • Virginis wt- • that 08-cr : i i • "X sr??' ■ 7h ’'<‘ Jr--"* Mr. Fooo said to hia wife: “I will come right back.” The wife gently re sponded: “Bee that you come back right” In a Cincinnati daily we notice that Mr. Tim Gleeson, ex-member of the Council from the Fourth Ward of that city, says he suffered terribly with rheu matism all last winter and spring. He tried all kinds of liniments and medicines without any benefit until he used St Jacobs Oil, tue first application of which insured a full night's repose, and its sub sequent use entirely cured him, It j ( g great remedy.— Akron (OAio) Beacon. “ I sat, mister,” said one Yankee to another, “howcame your eyes so all fired crooked ? ” “My eyes ? ” “ Yes. ” “ Why, by sitting between two gals and trying to make love to both at the same time.” A Weetnraal Ramble ■•« »>■( Caaae er la Some genius—we suspect him to be long to the jovial order of humanity— has said: “ The day to drone and dream, the night to learn and ramble.” We do not propose to dispute this worthy’s view of the matter, but present herewith the experience of a Philadelphia journalist. Mr. William H. Cunnington, 1,712 North Twentieth Street, one of whose noctur nal rambles he thus refers to, beginning his narration rather peculiarly, however : “ I am not a rheumatic, and have been troubled very little with bodily pains. Lost Tuesday morning I experienced a very annoying stifl'ness of the neck, which grew worse as the day wore on. Toward evening it became very severe, and I could scarcely turn my head in any direction. Arriving home at tea time, it wa« with diffi -ulty that I could eat my anal. My wife wanted to rub my neck with St. Jacobs Oil, but I refused, saying I thought the affliction would soon pass away. Tea over, against the remon strances of my family, I left home to i ulble toward the new Chestnut Street Opera House, about two and a-half miles from my residence. I started in the midst of a hvavy snow storm, and re mained at the theatre until the close of the performance, although I could fool my neck getting worse and becoming very painful. Leaving the pjay the trouble came to reach home. The storm continued; the car in which I was be came blocked in nearly every square, a cold current of air swept through the car, and I did not reach home until to ward 2 a. m., by which time my neck had become alwolntely rigid. Then I consented to the use of St. Jacobs Oil, which my wife applied two or three tinn s before I arose. I continued its nse that day and by evening I was free from pain, and tlie next morning I amused myself by twisting my neck ni any direction’that suited me, and pot a vestige of stiffness remained."— Bouton Herald. Pour into y<mr age your whole life, i it be pure ou.l gotx), anti be sure that you have done eomething—your little all. There eliall lie no drop of that life vasttal Where you put it there it nhall be, iu> atom in the elowly-riaing monu ment oi a world redeemed to goodnena. a,».M n. IfMtray.rK The loea of lite in India tine to the ravago. of veuomoue anaktu la alm oat io credible. Yet Con sumption, ahleh ia as wily and fatal as the dead liest Indian reptile, is winding ita ooila around thouaanda of people while the victims are nn ootucionH of ita presenoe. Dr. R. V. Pieroe's “Golden Medical Discover?” must be used to cleanse the blood of the scrofulous impurities, for tul>erciilar cousunipUan is ouly a form of scrofulous disease. “Goldeu Medical Discov ery” ia a sovereign remedy for all forms t>f eon.fulona disease, or king's evil, such ns tumors, white swellings, fever sores, scrofulous sore eves, as well as for other blood and skin dis eaaee. By dniggista. A rnovicßNCE girl, on being told that her false hair wan coming off, replied that it woe no such thing, as she didn't wear false hair. And then she went and locked in the mirror, Taken Ont nr Br<l. Dr. R. V. Piutcx, Buffalo, N. Y. i Dear Sir— I have to thsnk you for the great relief received from yonr “Favorite Prescription." My Mcknus had lasted seven years, one of which ! was in bed. After taking one bottle I was able to be about the house. Respectfully, AMANDA K. ENNIB, Fulton, Mich. A New York statistician estimates that in fifty years from this seven out of every ten of our adult male population will use tobacco in some form. The quid m gaining in favor. Fits. Fl.a, Vita, successfully treated by World's Dispensary Med ical Associstion. Address, with stamp for pam phlet, Buffalo, N. Y. Ths State of New York has had three Presidents, Martin Van Buren, Millard Fillmore and Gen. Arthur, and each of them first served as Vice President. The census shows that the proportion es voters to the population is Ito 8 T 4-100. The proportion of persons troubled with kidney and liver disorders has been alarmingly increasiug, but since the almost universal UM of WarnaTe I Safa Kidney and Live. Cure these diseases are I rapidly diminishing. ———■ w— mil ..1.. There wem 102 railroad accidents in the United States during July. Thirty eight persons were killed and 120 ! wounded. Mottce. I, F rom the 10th of October. 1881,1 ‘he Ist of July, 1882, genuine Rock S Spring Water will be supplied t* cus i tenters by Ellis A On., of Bailey Hpringv, Al.t.. at the following rates : Ten gallons in anti-corrooive can. 46.00 Same can refilled at 4.00 Five gallons in anti-corrosive can.. 8.26 Same can refilled at 2.60 Nine gallons in glass bottles 7.60 Reasonable freight and express rates are riven by al! railroads. This water has been tnown for nearly fifty yeara j as a euro oue for Dyspepsia, a sure cure , for disease- cf the Kidney and Bladder, i a sure cure for al) curable cases of ! Dropsy, a sure cure for Scrofulous cases ; of the Bones o< Skin, and a certain de -5 stroyer of the terrible thirst for intoxi ; eating drink th st overcomes so many worthy resolutions. Deprive a drunk i ard of his dram for three days and • meanwhile give him plenty of Rock i Spring Water, and he won’t want ‘he whisky. Don't you thiuk lt’» I trying? If you do, drop a jost-sl t« Tt-wtu O..wt only a cent Men and women in Ceylon dress alike. Both wear a sort of petticoat, and, brushing their long black hair from their loreheads, fasten it with combs. They are cowardly, and lie like Yankee peddlers, but treat the old and infirm with respect and kindness. When a man has the headache, and says “it’s the salmon," you may safely conclude that he has been “drinking like a fish.” HrCPTL. J. jfAX.^Kima,'Goorgia,~«ay* : “ Though I had lost all filth in Aathmsreme dial, I oonclnded to try your Conqueror. A single done relieved every symptom of Asthma. I bare had Asthma seven yeara, and during the attacks oould neither lie down nor sleep. Since I have been taking the Conqueror I can sleep ell night” Address, Coxs Asthma Co„ Atlanta, Go. A Ohicaoo woman had fifty-six photo graphs of her poodle taken behWhe struck the proper position. The dozi-n cards only cost her S2B. Raw J. W. Knott, Pastor Georgia Street, d. E. Church, Soutr. Memphis, Tenn., writes : "As to the power and virtue of your medicine you can refer the world to me. I have swm the Ume when I would have given 8100 for a bottle of ft.” To Con a Asthma Co., Atlanta, Ga, The Boston Trantcrtpt atks : J‘/fn what language shall we siug Ti't care a cent, so long as you don’t -ing through your nose. Rfv. J. 8. Bbtan, Pastor M. E. Chnrch, South Palmetto, Ga., writes December 7th, 1881: “My wile has experienced d~--ded benefit from the use of your medic.ue.” Coss Asthma Co., Atlanta, Ga., and Ciu’ti, O. Dean Stanley's penmanship was so abominable that the printers once turned “ Halo of the Burning Bush ” in his MS., into “Hornof the Burning Beast.” It has wonderful power on bowels, liver and kidneys! What ? Kidney-Wort. Frugality is founded on the principle that all riches have limits. Bt.KFn.rsH and restless ladies should take Lydia E. Pmkhaui's Vegetable Compound. It is nettor to auilur wrong than to do wrong. «n Tlilrtx »«ye' Trial. The Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will send their Electro-Volt io Belta and otuer Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days to any person afflicted with Nervous Di-binty, Lost Vitality, and kindred troubles, gnarmt'wi e«g complete restoration of vigor and machood. Address as above without delay. P. B.—'No risk is incurred, «» thirty days' trial is allowed To discover a Truth and to separate it from n falsehood is surely an occupation worthy of the best intellect. Fon dyßpapeia, indigestion, „f spirits and general debility in their forms, ala > as a preventive against fcv'ei'and ague and other intermittent fevers, the Fkiiko PuoHPH'inAnii Euxtn or Calibata llauh, made by Caswell, Hazard A Co., New York, and sold by all druggists, is the best tonic ; and for pa tients recovering from fever or other ei. knosa it lias no cqnal. ur Hi rn riton nriTit. William 9, Coughlin, of rk>m«rYilJe, Mim., M7«t ‘‘ln the fall nf l«7fi I thk*n with biMKhnga of th* Inugw, fol Io w»i« i by a n«vrr« cough. I Iml my ap|<Hi<e and <!♦•!», and waa eon fl nod to my bed. In 1877 I *a» ad mitted to tin- h <>i pi tai. Th* doctors aalt I had a hate In nay '»••»?» • 4wl l«r-. AA «,•>* • wwXWs.>.w.-t went aioutbi that I waa dead. I <*ve np b- but a friend told me of Da. William Hali/i Balaam Apb tmb. Lvwgh. I > bottle, when. In my anrpri**. 1 ©mn memtod io feel bettar, and to-day I fe«l f.r lhn-« year* puit. I wrltn thia Imping every ;ed with dineaaad lunga will lake Da. William • an, and be convinced that cowwcmptiox caw at “j.-t an. ! cab poaitlvaly Nay It. has done more giMti than all th ether inedicitia* 1 have taken autco my aickqcM." Area tty’s pianofortes -Msmin.-am • holiday presents; square graii'l piunufoi trtLwur very handsome lound corner*. rosewood casra three nuiM«u». Beatty's maiciilesa iron frames. Stool, bookeo ter, boxes, H w to #'297 50| catalogue prices gtf.MHo JluOO; aatififacUoD guaranteed or money refuudol. after on* jear’ausej ( prldiu IM«tnnforte«,ll2Al<>l26s. eata lugu* prices *SOO to |HtMi .auiMtard pianofortes of i hr uni verse as thousand* testify , writ* for mammoth lial of tea- Umontaia. Beutlfa i’nblnwr ORG A NS, oithe-iral, church, chap*!, parlor, S3O upward. Vlalt-' s w*lr. me; free carriage i»eet»pu:**n«e r *; illudratS'l catalog u* (holi day edition) free- Address or call uuou j)ANIEL F. iIKATTV. WtflPiwoTow.Nrn Jcts«y B A tJS AM MB ||B (This lu*r*vtM re»rwe»t« th* Leaf* in a ieatiby *M**4 A STANDARD REMEDY IN MANY HOMES. For ( trngha, O»l«la, Croup, HronthlHy »n«4 alt -*h-Y "ngeftht. Throat *’’d l*k’*‘£iJt*- •..•u.nde unrivaled and utterly beyoud all ooiupeiiL *.u. IN CONSUMPTIVE CASES approach** •• acai a •pccifc that •• Jllu*4y-fiva” p*i eeat. ar* permanently «ur*d, where the durcilon* are •U icily com riled with. There Uno chemical or otb*r la* gr*di*nt* Uiharm th* young or *1 A. AS Ahl EXPECTORANT IT HAS NO EQUAL. IT CONTAINS NO OPIUM IN ANT FORM. J. N, HARRIS a CO., Proprietors, CANCI MX ATI. O c OR SALE By7lL DRUGGISTS. olldß y LT g. ! ? O-n> > Are y> ~a A9KWTN W 1WT0» fht th* B«et*ad Fat -M ?*U tag rtcUiT'j! Book aad Biblee. Trice* red weds.* p» oeot, Xanocal rub-llahUjg Co., Philade’phi*. Fs A REGULAR CIRCUS. \ OIL J 7 LJ L,/ If there is f-ne thing In all the world L_l ff that allures the average boy and dc- Cj lights people generally, it is a well \JgL__J >managed and thurounhly equipped yt I circus. The children or a city or town fciS seem to know of its coining by a kind of intuition, and prcfmre accordingly. TJje Pennies, hitherto dropped into the missionary-box with conscienti • ous regularity, are now faithfully di- M « verted into tin old coffee-pot In the K < cellar comer for prospective use, and dtf • crap-metal, old paper, etc., do sub- ■ tB s.tanlial service in the way of securing H St the amount of an admission fee. But ■ for all that, w e believe fully In the H properly condacted circus as a means HR V of amusement and diversion, and are K M happy to state the gratifying fact that ■Jj “ tlie circus—or ratuer its proprietors yi AA and employes—experimentally be- ileve in st. Jacobs Oil, the Great K l ain Reliever of the age. Hon. P. T. Barnum’s Greatest Show on Earth and t Coup’s Monster Show can be taken as A typical rases. The former says: “We J take gre it pleasure in stating that St. - Jaoobs Oil is in w»e by many ring ar tists now engaged with P. T. Barnum’s Greatest Show on Earth, united w ith the Great London Clrcuis Sanger’s Royal Briliah Menagerie and the International Allied Shows, From its hoppy effect Upon those who havo <■< easion to employ it, we have no hesitation in pronouncing St. Jacobs Oil the best lin’m* nt w hich has ever been brought to our not;< *. It is wonderfully eflica cious in subduing pain. (Signed) BarnvM. Bailey & Hutchinso*." The Press Agent of Coup's Monster Show says: ** In cases of rheumatism or complaints of that kind our artists know bow to cure themselves very speedily. St. Jac obs Oil is a very popular rem edy among our people for rheumaticj>alns,aixl as loQgas they can get it they wont suffer muoh.” Mr. Frank I. Frayne says: “I have suffered terribly from rheumatism in my right shouldei and arm, and at the same time I had severe pains in my chest. Sometime since I read something in a newspaper about the remarkable cures of St. Jacobs Oil. and 1 thought I would try that remedy. I tell you I urn mighty glad I did, for after using one oy two bottles o> that preparation I felt no pain whatever, and have had none since. I am fl rm believer in Sr. Jacobs Oil, and I want everybodyiu my company to keep ft near them.” _ BITTERS In Hoata of Families HoatttUsr** BUmach Bitlvri la m much regarded a* * hoUMbold neoamUy *a augnr or eoffVa. The raaaou of thia • that yaara of axporltnro havo proved to bo perfectly rvMabloia «hoa« oaoeo of vmorgoooy wfcoia a prom; t and eouveniant remedy la domauded. Coaatipation. liver eoin plalat, dyapopaia, ladigaatlon and other troubles are over ooino by it. For aalo by Drugglata tad Dealara, to whom apply for Hootoitor’a Almanac for 1881. " $1U.60 FOR 40c. Any one Bending me 40 cents and the ad dresses of M of their acquaintances will re eeive by return mail goods that retail for <10.60. This is an honest offer, and it you want a fortune, don’t lot the chance slip J. H. Henry. Box 127, Butialo, N Y. Pa tAn t <8 t*«nd etamp fbr inatrnctlone. Pna nuxrn, ftiareoN .%Co., P.0.80x ensions w, Wa»ldngi<u, P.O. T fTI Pm to toll our But bar Printing Stamp*. Sam -1 JL p'oofroa. W. R. MERRILL. ManchoMer, Me ODIIIAH By B. M. W001.1.F.Y, At- F* IVJ awl iaata, Ga. Roliihl* evi done* given, A ref»r?nce» M A BIT to cured patieuta ar.u i live- n A Ol I iciarfa.Bond for my bo k or CURE. Tb. U.b.l* ItoCnr.. Kr.. smSSaMMMHBHB LIST OF DISEASES ALWAYS CUBABLE BY USING MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT. OF HUMAN FLESH. OF ANIMAIB. llti.umntlam, Scratches, Jlni-ns and Scalds. Seres and Galls, . Sting. an<t Rites, Spavin, Cracks, Cats and Brnl.ea, Screw Worm, Grab, Sprains A SUtchee, Foot Rot. Koof Ail, Contracted Nln.cle, Lameness, itlfl’JoinU, Swluny, Founders, ■ Backache, Sprains, Strains, Eruptions, Sore Feet, Frost Bites, StUtoess, I .nd all external diseaaes. and every hurt or accident i lor fan: rvl u» in family, stable and stock yard it. i. THE BEST OF ALL LINIMENTS fIiLL and FACTORY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. BELTING, HOSE an 4 PACKING. OILS, PUMPS ALL k -OS. ISON PIPE, FITTINGS. BRASS < UODS, STEAM GAUGES. ENGINE GOVERNORS, Ac. Send for Price list. W. H. DILLINGHAM & CO.. 143 Main Street, LOUISVILLE, KY. PT P • a • p > geode ff*nd for •xp! mo a torr circular. IAI RTPUCTC Caulega» Free. Addrea?. Standard WAI viitv American Watch Co., Pituburgh. Pa C» * t»)A Wick 817 • day m bc’ne eea'.ly tnedr. Coatly I AJvtud' free. A Mrece Tar* *Ce., autu'O Me LU 'HU Addies? STirv-x A Co., Pottlend, Maine. CHRISTMAS GIFTS 11 BOOKS MAKE THE BEST PRESENTS. I in HAVE A B-LAI’TIFtTL AfSORTMEVI Os THE POSITS, Red Ijine, JTull GHlt Edges, ' —AT— WONDERFULLY CHEAP PRICES, And other Bwlit auiuLle f<-r chriatmaa Glfra. 6e»d I Catalogue. ? Cheapest Bookstore in the World. I MANHATTAN BOOK COMPANY, 16 Woat 14th St., New York. f. O. Boa dSHO. BmSmm i - BBS CONSUMPTION CAN BE COPED! MALL'S ren tHEft a s ft • na Lffies.bMdAm O» etnnpdicn. Cohl«, Fnruinauln* It’- liroiivUiu! IliilirMiMes. Ilrwu’hltli*. Hlr-llßf Atria* AmjU M 3, Croup. ‘t'hn MJHg , I itnd cell l>l«M«n*r k - *tf ihi- HwuiiJi’nu : I iliuitii-*. Il ■ootkriH nn<l hv.i Ihr A! ciiibt •«»' • I »!'th» inllnuK d mid pniMonrrt by «hr i I 1 iHttft PIVITMI * th'* iiitthl and , I i«lilnri*M arrets ihvchttl whv h nccotuM ’ny ’ I «. <'oitMtimn(lt»rt !•» iLp! hh dy. I If A ELS MIAIM will .wip you, ev» :• hnnali profrwlonnf nld liiil*. I ADDER’S PASTIL HI m BLOOD’ Par* JIV« Till, make >•.« 11 Blood, and wtll completely chan*, the Mood In ilia entire ay.tem iu three month., A*r person she will take one pill aach nlxht from 1 to ts w-.ka ma- >•« reetored to aonud hwlth. If auch a thin* be poM ble. Bold erervwhere or aent by mall for 8 letter ataiup*. I. 8. Johnson do co„ Bu.iou, m*.*h fTinerly Bangor, die. DIPHTHERIA! ANODTWK I.INIMKNT will ynMtively preveat thia terrible diaenee, and will poaitively niie nine caeca out of tea. li.formati‘>n that will -av» Tiany livee, setit free by mail.* Dou’t dc.iy a mooieut. Pi evention is better than cure. I. S. Jottwaojr <t Co., Boston, Mam., formerly B.mgor, Maine. ARIRIB B Nlorffehtne IVnblt < nr»-l fn »<J to 20 «Ih.vs. tiiltuied. Vl IwIWI J- br’ci'HKMtt* Idebaaou. Ohio. YOUNG MEN aiioQ, ad<h••• BJMK4., Jxuea'.ul*. '»••• P AGENTS WANTED FOR THE ( ICTORXAT. WORLD Kmbracing fell and antbeetio account* cf avert . » nt abcient asd anodvra times, and Including • hut -i y or Che rise and fall es the Qraek and Roman E.npirva the middle age?, the oruaadee, the feudal system, the rvfvf luation, the diacevery and eaitiemoDi ofihe New W ..->4, etc., etc. Il voatalne #72 Sne hietoiical engtavinge. and > the moot complete Hialory of laa World ever pub -hod. Send for epoolmea pagwaaud eatiD tonus to Agents. Add rets Nation*! Pr • • ■ M n % Ga. r»Z» * week in your nwn town. T'-rnie and •■’flt »trv >\ > free. Adt» a?- H Hai.urrvß PS'SE sec. B K7A Tlii* N.Y Hiagt r Sewing h.s. ia ’hr beat evnr foal., ruse Btdcl JM •-'V. very baedactao, quiet. durat>'% OfMJVFDIsHiI, and pwcrfttL yJ IFor»-<ntM«( 5 jeera. Bent anywhere If JAI ft -Java 'HI. Fay qf P’ ’**• dK 4,000,0€ w as thta model ! • bine hare t»*on »aid. A«k fbr ciruv . • and a—A testimonial*. Lcfe- »»tor» to e'■ i-i. No risk to try oe. ThooMode do every ye» sad t:.« < u» Inr the |lO'■« 180 »av»d In k'ltln; ( tb‘« •ut, and wDe* roo or a friend ne> 1 a .•■>«* < Mac* ..-.-e vs wire to addraaa Qoa Pavna A o*-. 41 Third <»..< - > a< . lit Milling articles hi uwwvrai Isa-., v. AtldrueH «luy Kroeaon, JL»vtruK Mi h I mi— . .*•- - j «'>’*»*«< <nu » rewwa-A i»y i/i»- '" ■r M M fS k- ' '-3 gs «r»if p;-o/r *.•-»'» » w />»»•■ V Ml M M *•'«’**“•‘• k • Jp MMgff jp M * ff B Br /.* n •• «*- - **/ * M V Sf Sr M - 4 ' C? V 'o rou* r rowfe-a-B <}€NTI.BMF.N: 1 *»as f • 1 u ’• * nt.v labor u p. B exc denaome to me. A vacation of a mon’a did '.- <t .ch icj .> »t i’ie < ’try, w. k ß followwd tty Gcreaaed proetmtit'n ami ainkion chille. At tlrtetlta.-» 11« n lb* nf your »to» •*•:<, fr-on WQAcp j y | Bilged alinoatlmmediate and.wonderful res iii-A ! . ■ d <•' 1 ;.oJ I f ■<« • ,t ntv natural raw wm not permanently abuted. 1 ttave need th tee botfloe of th* i-t. r>in'« ur ; n thu»ed«.-.a twic*>tb* la bor that lever did in tho HMM time during ni> in ■ s. an I with f " r the tranuuli oenta and vUror of body, has come also a clearness of « 1 •iCvrrlr-v.'.F <p. opd. i‘‘ ’ i-i bns notdoo* tan work, I know not what, I give it therrvdlt. 11 (The Jro>* Tonic itt n\ ■• -*aM"ew'-<apMm*w4\a | prrwrv»■<•<•<»»• nf >*»•©-! jr MT w JV tojcUlc of Imn. Teru- | IHttV V i r MM ff rM M vian Hork, and K f ■> . ,<r W * S? M nhatco, ff ' X* /F 1 M M triffe Me I cffctable I |Ey M W f / JBMf ST Sf Sf JM M 4»<»mnfic». v # AißPy j2* S B every pitt jione ivhevet |H— wWßwßwmßb > «* Tonic io neecfiodry,/ fc—ina’m *—mmwi-.v— —t—■■!■■■ —*<— UAKUFACTUftrg ST THE DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO.. ?1. 21. MMTH MAI« STREET. ST. USS. MnMfsri’ Dr. MKTTAVR’S JEEADAfTTE PH.TS' cure mo«t wnnAerfrlly In n V P short Htne both SICK and NI.RVOC3 tUSADACHEi ond »ykU® ar tha ntrvoui »y»tetn. cleanae the it*m*ch of excess of cue, recabMr Uealtby acUun of the bowel*. ••HEA3ACHE Aran .li.lxnor tboMvamabUPlUS. will-. fhTI <Mrr.-rtna. for nrom plete cure, mwlled to any address on receipt of uioa tiixv.—cent pot»t«<e 1 * e<»a>p*. For *a!e by aUI drnr«7t»f* Bt R3e. PrevFietor-. \ BBOSVN CttEMICAI. COW’ ANY, lixltixnore, Md. < •• • • PILLS laPROI/CKCHTS-lICW STH.CS-HE» CATALOGUE. THE MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN Whose cabinet or parlor organ* bare won srensT bosorr at mtar os> of th* svbat wo*l»’* nrocwnxAf. Kxxrvmoa I I (br rocBTBKv yxabs a being the only American ofgan>» which have been found worthy of such st anyi, hav* *flb*MH I ■oas and oacsTKa pbacticallt valcabls imvbovkmbvt* in their Organ* in th* last tkab than in any similar ’ alnce th* first introduction of this instrument by them, twentT years since ; and ar* now offering •waw#? ■xcwllbsc* and MbAß*an cafaoxty : also popular mfuitm and sxat.vmb of amfbovxb qoautt, and atMVBf. Pbjcbs : 522, Mb, *34, *«) and upwards. A NEW ILLVSTRATF.D CATALOGUE. 3f» pp„ 4*o. is now ready (o*Ma< IAB1), Ailly describing and illustrating mor* th.n 100 sty les of Organa. Thii*. with nxf and circular* { much information about organs generally, which will be useful to every on* thii.kinff nf purcbaatiig, will b* **a* k J rrw and Address MARON Ait AM LIN ORGAN CO., IM Treurant St.. BOSTON; 4t> East lOhfit.,UW 1 TORE; or, 149 Wabash a re., CHICAGO. —— TT-' COITE’S \ J ISTHMA CMUEH I ■ -oS i.r .. ... .ItHiaui.kt •■ - ’■■ '■ ‘■••-I'iFS ■ ~ j<T. a. .a •>*•>: .’oar..-o- , ; ■■ \ ' . , - <•:- ••,1 a.-MHa - ' ■ '■ T ,' «. •• um • !>* r'tj.'-rin :» full..*, d 'Tial - I '‘ 1 < ,r B T«» • T!«B - s A= -KM. •■ F ,• . . . , • l': \'T \ T IT i S ‘' 7 «'■ . V CONE ASTHMA CO.. No £»«> 1....'.,.-., 'tr otSer. *<:•«»«», «—rrt». ifruc ami v ejr t?n*rMiw f ßl Gs ifi Ci wnL. ■ Ivl LUlVinl*. ■■ 11 IN EITHER I.IOVID OB DRY FOBS ■ jtig That Acts at the name time on g ZJYtty FZTf BoWgLg,n n BSD TSX ziomt. M y WHY ARE WE SICK7M fw JteratiM (tlloie these great organs Ufcittmd chßjfjed or torpid, and pouontrui W humors are therefore forced into the blood IM ■ WILL SURELY CURE M [IKIDNEY DISEASES, R LIVER COMPLAIHTS, ■ jiPILF.S, CONSTIPATION; VRINARTn FJ DISEASES. FEMALE WEAKNEOOB®, ■ II AND NEBiVOCS DISORDERS, Fl ■Bdj/ f O'''ion of these organs ancflfl N rutorii. g t heir jtoirer to throw off disease. ■ M Why Rtiffer IHlions paios and aches! H Pg Why tormented with Piles. Constipation! W ! Why frightened oyer disordered Kidneys! Q Why endure nervous or sick headaches! M Cid KIDNEY - \VOHTandr< nee tn health.. H It is put up in D’j e* cju*a one package of which tuaJcx ejiarta of i medicine. Also in Liquid T orm, Conoen-OM trnted, for those that cannot readily prepare It. jgrit acta with equal efficiency tn ettWr form. M GET IT OF TOL’It DRUGGIST. TRICL, B 0 WELLS, RICHARDSON A Co., ProM 11 Will send the dry port-paid.) BURLPCTOa, Q A This Riding Saw Machine ciraoff <T| 2 foot log tn 3 minutes, aad wnaial fM WhgM beat and cheapest that D made. Wm ■LT \ will.not be undersold ii we it- Wo want th# /| address of everpv Ci / f ; / one wljo inteuda to ’*/.j - cut log*, wood or ties. Tha persoa aundihtf us such names esu bay our machine holfcStUo price. (Circular freo» United States M&nTg Co., Washington, D. O» S If you ei loy a ’augk heartily Thsu read o’lrSciEWcaiir hrenM O! HamptyTubbeand his IpenaA The >.n J>o tor h Tr. * M •-keyi k The auD E. B. Foote, U. 9, M Idtuirafed equate free. r But If yea'refpnJ of lets o’ r Just hay the Peryepilrnni For pre outdoffio. Zz: Thr Poly, is a picttirWun l» PENSIONS. r. to. IT KCPrcriF-, Xi .f t 0.,, r V.rtwo Vrf., . 4- R - o. ,'nd.r ikw l.w thoii.wh »M » ii c tie 1 ar iacres*•• o! rection W'dqwg, or /IF S rh*n« !»» ivpwidest rataore or B<4tb«rf off lff\ y loidiurs - • •pKHneii A*’ 4 8 Btainp« <•> oopy 07 13 Peaaioa »M Scanty AcW £ S’fjrtedgfc a ?4a»i4 IwLlaaamllk s«■«*« a TEAR and (UrpeNK* to agente 111 Ontflt fie*. Addrcva IIS 1“. O. Vickery. Aug J Payne’s Automatic tngineo.l i Oi / 1 MRS '**? .’ ■ Ul R. able. Durable and uOmtcaL » t r , i' '<n i M’ufcr «ww» 1 }..> It ie>t h i vitb AH Automatic Cut-o« I rt< B U I’oy. A turning. ruhllehers’ Union, Atlanta, Ga., r? glfryrtwd.— ;• M A.rwMM , '.'-V >• m 4 PW '«rn r’ tAaF / ».»•!>-01 aauWBTW ..*• gj Iff BA i r* (•‘mm*.. “U 'umbik « nAH