Newspaper Page Text
Hull, third Monday
Auuca*i>ku Krwk, »»» At . *
At.i-t.iri L. MiiohSU- 01 Aui«t», S. lie r -'««(
i!», Are: Mofoluv i» A|-ril »ml (VtsIwT.
iw! Mv-i-Uj m M-.> ».«1 .O
Tnuiilin. t**.-«»l Mv.i luv lu April .i.J Oc-
ViwtnmU, flr-t i« March u..d Sep-
1 ‘ p 1 -,!'- ■ Uiir.. Jluiol .J In April aud 0c
Mnrcl. and Kepirai
flmt Monday it. Fcbrnsrj and
H urlli Monday In January and
Jul iuhnn, lonrtli Monday in April aud Do
Walton, third Monday in February uud
A iHSto. Monday alter the fourth Monday in
April and Octob**
ATliimT CHARLOTTE‘I-iiiie Railway.
Passenger Department
BJ A.S'rJtSJJ^-^ 3 ' CX'X’x jjias i
On *i..l alter June lat, l«7?,_Train* will r. n
on tin** 1
loUnwn, irolur K**l:
6 4ft A M
Arriv* at Lulu ?•?? '' ?!
(active r *
« IM* Oil*.
Arrive at “*> * “
I 8 * i31 A M
Arrive at !“'I5 r *
!*■» * 11
A rive ut Lula Jjj jl 0 A JJ
Arrive nt Lula
connection nt Atlanta *«»r all
Went and Soulhw.sL (’onnectiinf *t O.arfoite
••rnl point-* Ka“l. Through Tickets on a; t
in «.i inenville, S. imhm City,* nville wild
.»»rti nbunr to nil Ku**t mid W ei*t.
«. J. FoUEACUK. >»-*••«/*/
J HOUSTON* «4et». >r*eR .» * - «
Georgia Hail Road Company
iirrt«i»mw»T’« Orrua, l
ita, May Hi, lssn. )
Minday, May 2-ir.l, Truin. will
*.15 * v
, #.4# A U
... .1. .2.' A u
U'.-S A u
11.05 a n
11.21 A u
11.45 am
5.00 r m.
0.30 r m
3.23 r m
2.35 a m
7.00 A M
7.45 > \
I Vint'.'. 1I .
Klville l.lo r m
ovs 1.30 m
i omii..-lHlliv'
run n> follow*:
Lmiyc ATH*M*
laonvo Wlnttrvillc
Leave Lexington
Lejixt Antioch
leave MuX«.\
Leave WmKlVille
Arrive Union l*oitu
Arrive Atlanta
Air*vo Maeoii
Arrive A>i£it>**a
Lcnvo Auj'Usta
L**avu Mncoii
Leave AlltiliUi.
i VV*
■ Anti*
VOL. til.
For Sale !
Horses and Mules,
1 have on band at my Stables the above men
oucj numocrot Horse* and Mules (or Mile, and
ersona wishius to buy would do well to call
on me before purchasing.
.. La, z. Cooper.
Athens, Georgia.
The Mammoth Harness and Saddle Store of
Northeast * .••orycla* 1 have enlanr« d mjr wale mom
Mid have it >liM-Ked with hand made »urhu
baddies. Harness. Bridles, Whips. Horse Coven,
and Saddle Blankets. My goods are all »re*h aud
newly gotten up. My prices cannot lie Wat. My
Kuggy Whips cannot he equaled. My fl.Jwi Sad-
iocn LftO m
Ainvc Lexington S-lSr *
Arrive. to interville r m
Arrive At hem*. ....8.15 r u
I min.s run dadv. Clone connections* made nt
Augusta uud Atlanta for all point* North and
Northwest, Fust and South.
K K. DoltMhi, ticn., UaM., Agt.
S. K. Johnson, Supt.
Northeastern Railroad.
'■■licJulo ol NartliouMurn Kailru»d >>n an
ati.-r Monday May 51, I33n dram, on tni» ro»J
wli run a. lollowa. ,'.lly Sunday.
I. ravi-Alhinia 4.05 i*. M.
Arrive al ].uln 5.21* I*. M.
Arr r. al Atlanta... lo»“ I*. M.
J. ,-a,i* Atlanta 3.50 I*. M
trav, 7.4ri I*. M at Athena 10.00 f, M.
Toe nl>ovt* \ruins ulao connects clomly nt Lula
null North,'rn Iruind Iraitu, oil A. L. K. li.
On V\ ,.lnodi>\» nun Saturday, the following
aiMitional train nil) l>e rim :
U;.M- At In in 6.15 A. M.
11■ ■ v.,, |.ala .................. 8.45 A. M.
n a 8.20 A. M.
Athrlli. 11-30 A. M.
iriu vnnntcla cloudy at I.nla tor At-
uixiiiL' the time to Atlanta unly tour
ul forty-nv -jiiiuitn.,.
i Lu-ra I'r.'Tii G,i>rnia Hailroad have am-
for tranator at Athena, thereby tnak-
ina cloa 1 .' wimii'ctioti to all the Miminer Koaoru
■>f North Georgia. II R. BERNARD,
Act’*, sup’t.
Notice in hereby given that the Auacnaora
huve completed the A***K»a«iicnta of Real tie-
late tor ls$i». mid plnred their htx»ki» it. mv of
fice for examination by nil concerned. Objec-
tionw to nancasn cuts are required to l*c made in
writing, sworn to and filed with me within ten
dava thorn the *lwte of tliis no»iec.
’ \V. /v. UlLLKLANJ), CTk of Council.
Family Gioceiy Store and Genledientiy,
roml Mutt.
Athens. Georgia,
Next c/oor to A. S. DORSEY
Keeps on hand nt all times the fineat Tobacco
and Cigars. The best and Freshest Lemons*
Oiangea, Apples, Peanuts, Candies and Con-
feetionaties generally. Also keeps on hand a
constant supply of all country produce, such as
eggs, Chickens, Batter, Cabbage, Potatoes etc.,
etc. The Cheapest Fnm ly Grocery Store and
Confectionarv in the city. Give me a call.
nov.18.wSm. P. LEWIS.
Ho,’pretty page, with the dimpled chin.
That never has known the barber’s shear,
All your wish is woman to win,
Thi- is the way that boys begiu—
Wait HU you coine to forty year!
Curlv, gold locks cover folish brains ;
liilling and cooing is all your cheer:
Sighing and singing of midnight strains,
llnd r Bonnvhell’s window pants—
Wait till you eo i e to forty year !
Grizzling hair the brain‘doth eft
Tlieu ' ou sec through a clearer glass,
Then you know t e worth of a lass,
One.- you have come to Cjrty year!
Pledre tne rouud, I bid ye declare.
All g«x*d fellows whose beards are gr^v,
Dili not the fairest of ti e lair
Coinniou grow and wearisome ere
Ever a mouth was past away {
The swot test lipa that ever have kissed.
The brigh est eves thal ever have shone,
M.ty prav and whisper and we not list,
Ur look away am* never l»e missed,
Ere yet ever a month is goue.
Gillian's dead. God rest her bier;
ilow 1 loved htr tweuty Years syne !
Murinu's married, hut 1 sit here,
Alone and merry at forty year,
Dinp’ng my noee m tue Gaso*-n wiue.
New Haven Register.
In many parts of the country wo
men will be appointed sa census enu
merators, with the probable result
something like this:
Neatly dress* d woman ot an unci r>
tain age with big book under her arm
aud pen in her hand ring* the door*
belt. Young lady appear* at the
Census Enumerator: ‘Good morn
ing. Lovely morning. I’m takiug
the census You were born?’
Young lady: *Ye»’m.’
‘Your name please? What a pret
ty dust-cap you have on. Can 1 get
the pattern ? It’s just like the one one ol the vaults ol the Merchants’
the ladv in the next house Las. LelV ■ National B*n» ol Kallim .re, where
see, your name ? tl,e . v 118,1 lM ' en l°e’hed u|> yeors ago,
‘I haven’t the pattern. Dou’t you | T ,a * brought to jiuht properly which
>iet awful tired walking round taking i ' l:,<1 been lost sight ol by the ojiginal
the census V j owners. In one ol the boxes, i he key
*Oh, yes, it’s wearisome, hut I pick ! t0 wuich was in the hank, were di»-
upa great deal of information. How j covered 810,000 in lie first mortgage !
nice your dinner smells cooking! bonds ot the 1’ennsylvania Riilroad.
From British Butttes on Land and Sea.
In the corporation records of
Leicester, there is still preserved a
story curiously illustrative of the
darkness aud precaution of Richatd’s
character. Among his camp baggage
it was his custom to carry a cumber
some wooden bedstead, which he
averred was the only couch he could
sleep in ; lmt in which he contrived
to have a secret receptacle for treitsv
lire, so that it was concealed tfilder' :■
weight of limber. After Bosworth
Field the loops ol Henry pillaged
Leicester; but the royal lied was
neglected by every plunderer as use-
less lumber. Thu owner ot the house
afterwards discovering the hoard, be
came suddenly rich, wAbout any visi
ble cause. He bought land, and ut
length became Mayor of Leicester.
Many years allerwards bis widow,
who had been left in great affluence,
was assassinated by her servant, who
had been privy to the affair; ->nd at
the trial ot this culprit aud her ac
complices the whole transact on came
to light. Concerning this bid, a
public print of 1830states that "about
half a century since, the relic was
purchased by a furui ure broker in
Leicester, who slept in it tor many
years, anil showed it to the curious;
it continues in as good condition ap
parently as when u-ed by King
Richard, being formed ol oak, ami
having a high polish. The daughter
ol the broker having married one
Babington, of Kolhley, near Lei
cester, the bestead was removed to
Babing'.ou’s horse, where it is still
preserved ’
An examination ot old packages in
|*1 e lii
Wcstley Meriwether’s
Blacksmith. Shop.
Gann & Reaves Stable,
Where all kinds of plantation work
is done, such as repairin;
Buggies, making and _ _
plows, g^u- Horse shoeing a sjjecial
Fortify I hr System-
Anil you arc anneti against <li*ca»e. The flne**t
tonic fbr thin purpose ia llostetter’a Stomach
Bitters, which render* digestion easy and com
plete, counteracts liilliousiu-si*. and keep* the
•la In order, and so irenial and lieueflcent
nly i
How a Clerk Became a Partner and Made His
Ten ton* of timothy up there.
Aud four of clover iu the bay;
Red-top that’s cut—well, middlin’ fair,
A root *»' *nd aqnar
To help eke out the crop* of hay.
A dozen heid of cattle stand
Rede^iye In'thsMfeNwnvtHt^
#lnd stalks m stacked afo every hand. : .1 .
Tlie latest otTerinjr of the land ‘ 1 1 w
To labor loug inaiutaiuod and hard.
The oata are bundled scaffold high,
And peas and beans are heaped hard by,
As if there were some fesuval. 1
- tf t : lit • # r * f *
At length old Fafmer Joe sits down—
A pitch across each of his knees ;•«:;•>
He crowds his hat back on his crown.
Then clasps his hand—so hard and brown—
Aud, like a far^akjea hit eaao. t r yt ,
“How fast the years do go 1” says he, m -t |
“It seems, in fact, but yesterday
That !n thi* very bam we three— 'u.--
Davitl, Ezekiel and. me— ,
Pitched in the snmmef loads of hay!
x ■ // - ■ t. 1
“David—he sails hi* clipper now ,
San Francisco News Letter. <
The withdrawal of the Rothschilds
Agency from this city through the re-
tii.m.nt of.Messrs <So««] I Coll.,,, I . TSS^SSS^SOSS^
recalls an anecdote connected with the T - w - - vi -•*
bouse ofUothschild, which will illus
trate the prompt manner in which the.
,banker| deal • with the employes. 1
When the Rothschilds dccided on es
lublishing an aeeney on this oa<t,
they were for s> m t time in doubt as
to who should accompany Mr. David
son, who was detailed for that por-
pose. Finally, clerk number one, as
we shall call him, was requested one
morning to sup into the manager’s
c-fin-e. Presenting himself there, he
was asked how long it would take him
to prepare lor a journey to California.
He wished to know where California
was, ami how long he should be re
quired to stay there He wasinformed
ot the locality of Lin- hitherto unknown
land, and that his residence there
would be indefinite, and to lake time
to c uisider before answering Pon
dering awhile ^e replied that he should
require a week to pack up and pay
larewell to his friends. ’Very well,’
said the head of the house, you will
be informed should we decide on
sending you,’ and so dismissed him.
Clerk number two was then sent for,
and the same questions and answers
ensuing, asked fbr three days. He
also, in like manner, was dismissed,
ami number three snmtnoned. Ou
being questioned a< to the time he
required to prepare for the long jour
ney, his reply was, T am ready now.’
‘Very well,’ again replied the hanker,
‘to-morrow you sail for San Francisco,
w here you will be junior partuer in the
house we are about to open there.’ |
The clerk who was thus ready at a j “I’ve plowed and mowed this dear old l>rm
moment’s notice to take a journey to „ Till uAt a rod but what I know;
the.other side of the world was T Mr.
Julius May, and thus he laid the foun
dation of the handsome fortune which
he now so thoroughly enjoys.
Old Fanner Joe steps through the doors,
As wide to him aa the gatea of Thebes;
,And thoughts 1 walks about the floors
fl Whereon ere piled his winter stores,
And counts (he profits of hi, glebes.
‘David—he sans his clipper now
And ’ZeHel died ill Mexico-—
Some one must stay end ride to plow,
G ;t up Hie horse and milk the i-ow—I
An l who, of course, but little Joe I
“I nvirht have been—4 can't tell what I
Wlio knows about it till he tries I
I might have settled in some spot
IV her e money is mole easy got;
Perils;., bebeath Pacific skies. ’■ u: *
“I might have preach.d like Parson Jones:
Or got a living at tlie law;
I might have gone to Congress, sure;
I might have kept a Water Cure |
I might have gene and beet.—oh, pshaw I
•’Far batter is It as it is ; „ j,.... j
What future awaits him, no man knows;
Whst he lias got, that sure is hit; -
It make, no odds if stocks have riz,
Or i>britiei»ns come to blowai ■ 1 '■* 1
“foment |s rich anil srnnethih’ triors—
l think I've t«ard somebody ray; ,.
If it rains, it’s apt to pour;
And I swi rich on tba barn floor -
Where all is mine that lean raise.
Plum pudding ?’
In Maine! No, I haven’t plum
pudding to-day. I’m looking for a
new recipe—’
with the interest coupons fir the ppst
fifteen years attached, making the
aggregate value of the property about
$20,0U0. These bunds, it has been
I've got one that I took down from : ascertained, belong to the Hagerstown
a lady’s cook-book across the w.iv. I (.Md.) Lank, ol which Governor
Are you married V * Hamilton is now the President.
No. Wain an invitation to the J» dealings between the two hanks
wedding, dou’t you? It will be a ! llle hoods were deposited with the
long time before you get it. You can ; Merchants’Bank fifteen years ago as
keep you' plum pudding recipe, thank J collateral. The then President of Ha-
,. ou > i gerstowu Bank, lion James Dixon
‘I sit’d think ’twould be some time. ! Homan, died • the cashier was snper-
Have you cbil—Oh, of course, I furs ! a . ml that bank lost traces of the
got. This hall-carpet is just the pal-1 transaction, the disappearance ol
tern of Aunt Prudy’s. She had it the however, always remained
more thau twenty years,
are tuey in the family 5”
Editorn Chronicle and Constitution-
General Gordon, during his recent
visit to Augusta, met with a rousing
reception. The big guns were tired.
The uld Confeds turned out to greet
him. lie was made the guest of the j
city. A large audience listened at
tentively to his address. What does
it all mean ? To vindicate himself 1
Not so. 11“ knew, mid so stated,
thal no 'ru ■ man questioned his uffi-
iul acts, but that his friend, Govern
I’ve kept the old folk* snug sod wsrm—
And livt;d without a twinge or banu—‘
I don’t care hoar tike storm might blow.
'“And on this same old farm I’A atay, ’
Au l raise tuy cattle and my corn;
Here shall these hair* turn wholly gray ;|
These feet shall neverJearnto stray;
But | will die where 1 was bom.’* f
Aul Fanner Joe palled down b'm hat," ”
And stood upbu hi* feet once more;
He would not argue, after that, - *
But ; like a Iwruaristocrat.
Kept A»n;his walk shout the floor. ’ ...
Thomas Lock land.
Extracts from His Atlanta Speech.
The Question Asked by the Enumerator*:
The enumerators are now out at
work taking the census. WolJeL'me
give below the questions that are ask
ed, and suggest that they be looked
at carefully, so that answers can he
readily furnished the , enumerators
llow many i a " unpleasant mystery, which is now , "T Colquitt, needed his support. ; w |, e n "they call. ..The best way to se-
1 happily cleared up, and the bank adds Noble, j»ure and chivalrous uiau, as : CHre accuracy is for heads of families
‘ “ ““ “ *“*“ ‘ to prepare in advance fbr the ques*
‘If this hall-carnet don’t suit vou 1 WO,000 more to its surplus. The se« *»« is > Gord( *". » practically taking the
vou can cet oft'from it. and <-o iboui 1 curiues ure raukedas among the best. slu, “H tor . lu8 *J lel,d ll |® Governor.
Jour censusin*' ’ ^ ° ! The other valuable package found io | >» d 1 >‘ ar 18 weakening his popularity
•YVelL voii’er an imnudeul iade ! «>- vault ol the Merchant,’ Bank was I b . v tl > 13 cour f- Governor Colquitt
anyhow^ ^ou haven’t told me when’! a 8 " ,:dl J.™ nk ’ e°“ tai,, . in S papers and j ° P a*
you were bore, or what’s your uame j some diamond jewelry valued at
or when you expect to gel married, 81,000, winch, it nas been ascertained,
and there’s 810 fine for uot answer- w ere deposited with the bank by a
ing eensustaker’s questions, aud if I i Spaniard for safe-keeping more than
was you I wouldn’t be seen at the door I a quarter ot a century ago. One ol
iu such a slouchy morning-dress, so ' the letters was signed w ith the name
there ’ ! 01 Robert A. r isher, now Presi-
•Oh. you hateful thing. You can ! dt; nt ot the Board of Trade ofBalti-
just go away. I’ll pay ten dollars 1 ,n «re, who. on investigation, louud
it v. All work done at short notice.
"sept.9.4m. W. MERIWETHER.
G. C Thomas,
attorney at law.
i inii.uirv I Personal »ttention to all
Im-imw cntni-tnl to his core. *[>»-«
Lam ak Cobb.
Howell Cobb,
0.1. .1 I IV I (lilt
cy banished from the nil ml.
* For pale by all ilrninrist* and dealer* gener
Meal* nt all hoar*. Good bed*, ami every
thing in tirst-clax* style. wlin.
his inteniions, end all thal. So much
his friends claim for him; but he
makes too many mistakes t. be a sale
Governor. He has too many expla
nations to offer, and this last appoint
ment of the Uou. Joseph E. Brown,
while it may prove of benefit to our
Suite—as he will work bard to retain
his seat—does uot iu ray judgment
meet with the approved ot the people
at large. It Governor Colquitt toat
not a candidate tor - re-election, I
• I* OOWUIB III WIUVJ, WHI rn» K*'"" 1 *••»»» >" mvmv m. I uou gv ** ** **J * 4 W ” ,
” I ore its effects that uot only is the b*»dy invig- jug^ ;q ng^ j»jd you And Hlllilt! doilllZ 1 inilh 11® hflll Ut tl»C uillu nuniOu T6*
retiring b °* \ If. none of your business, nor j <^v<k1 a consignment of coffee from
the census’s either. No. it isn’t, ttm Spanish gentleman, who when ^
You can keeD voer naltern and your here, deposited the truuk with the 1 "u,lit think tlial lie Bad no ulterior
plum-pudding and j^ur saucy, impus! hank, as was the custom in the safe- 1 views in making Hus appointment;
dent questions to yourself—1—L’
■Good morning. I must be get
ting on. I haven’t done hut three
families all the lore-noon,’ and an en
ergetic hang of the door just irissed
catching a foot of her trailing dress-
IT. conn.
ATTOttNETK at uw,
(Athens, Ga|
Will ).T»otKV 111 the Kcilcral - ’ »l
thr sun- <.s>nns, «i«i« 'ho City Conri o
I'lurkv t'onnt). (eptflJIWJt
Dr. D. 0. C. HEERY,
Hnvinc mmumontly located inAthcn* v m
Icr-* hi* professional service* to the citiwn* o
Athens wml surrounding conn try. Mnv Iw
found .’.urine the d»v nt the Drug Store of K. t .
J oiI*' Go., on Broml Street, and at ntpl t at
fnv fvHidencc on Lumpkin St., house formerly
*n*ted hv t’npt. Wilbams.
C-e?'’ I>«r-«»*e*of wonteu » specialty.
GEGIICIA company. 1
tip pick I. p.n’l Pah kngkr A«* t r
Aiigiista, Ma ch 2,1SS0. J
COMM KNriNG THIS DA IK, thi» Comnauy
v.mmI over main line and brsnehe*,ni TUIKTEBN
7VIMi mil.LAltS each. 1 hei*e ticket* will lie ls-
lmllviduslt, Anns, or fiiniUle*, bat to
tl litiuilie* romblned.
H, inhl0*tl
General Panenger Agent.
Just published
a new editt«n of
Dr. Culvrnrrllk ,
Celebrated Evsay
on tlie radlenl cure (without medicine)
of Spermatorrhoea or Seminal Weakness
Involuntary Seminal Lueses, jmpotxnct. Men
tal and Physical Incapacity. Impediment* to
Marriage, etc.; also, CoNtciipnox, Epiutpar,
and Fit*, induced by seif-mdulgcnce or sexual
extravagance, Ac.
The eolebrated author, in hi* *4mir»blc Ess. jr
clearly demonstrates, xrum thirty years’ sucecs-
tul practice, th..t the alnnniiut conseq icnccs ol
selt-bhnro may be radically cured without tlie
dangeious use of internal medicine or the hjs
plication ot the Unite; pointing out a mode of
cure at once simple, certain *ud effectual, by
means of which every cofferer, no matter what
his condition may he. may cure himself cntaply
private*?, and radically.
Prince Fred is solid for ‘father.’ The
reason why is explained in a Wash
ington telegram to the Cincinnati
‘Apropos of Fred Grant’s loud
mouthed electioneering tor his father
around the Chicago hotels, an item in
a letter just sent to the house by the
secretary of war iu answer to an in*
quiry regarding officers of the army
not on duly with their regiments, is
of interest. Son Fred is first lieuten
ant iu the Fourth cavalry, hut has the
brevet rank of lieuteuant-colouel as
aid-de-camp of Sheridan, which posi
tion he haa held tor over seven years.
Iu this capacity he receives 82,116 a
year and extra pay above thal due to
keeping of valuables at that period of lhal lie **= uot ^'“S »o>' aid upon
lime. The trunk was never c: died ! Senator Brown's money and influence
tor; the gentleman is dead, and his j ^ ma - v he, ^sympathizing with thecit-
heiis will get the property through >3eiis of Atlanta, he mistakes Atlanta
the Spanish consul. The Merchant’ lv,r the Slate ot Georgu, and there
Bauk has beeu in the business forty-
five years, and several of the original
officers were at their posts until a
comparatively recent date, and of
course kept record of the existence of
the valuables above referred ’o. Mr.
Wra. L. Gill, one of the tellers at the
starting of the bauk, and afterwards
the cashier, died last year, aud Mr.
fore deems that city entitled to both
Senators aud the Governor. It was
predicted that Gen. Gordon would
stump the Stale in Governor Col
quitt’s interest, although the Govern
or’s friend shouted out against the
maliguity of those who asserted it;
yet, since lie appears really to have
taken the field in this behalf they now
lions they will have-to answer, amf'to
as-ist the enumerators in every possi
ble way. .The follow big are the ques
tions . .
Name of street?
House number?’ : ’ " 1 •
Name of each person wbo-e i place:
of abode on the 1st of Jane, 1880,wm
in this ^amiiy?
Color—white, black, Chinese or
Indian? ' h 1 *' J ‘ '
Sex?’ ■ ! 'f ■ •' “ e.-iJ i
Age at last birthday prior to June
1st, 1880., It under one year, mqnt|ha
to be giver? ■-
Relations of each' person’ to’ the
head of the family, Whether wife; son,
daughter, servant, boarder or other?
Civil condition—single, marripd,
widowed, divorced,. married during
the census yeai?
' Profession, cocupatidn Itfid tr^ide of
persofi, male or female? •:*< cm.»I
Number of months the person has
been unemplpyed during the census
* Is the person 8fi the“day : bf Iho
enumerator’s visit sick or temporarily;
The time bad come. Your rights
were secured, your liberties sate, and
the .opportunity far congeuial and
profitable employment for myself pre*
sented itself. Some months ago I
met a confederate friend formerly of
Louisiana, who bad acquired a large
fortune on the Pqdfic coast and was
engaged in important enterprises in
Oregon. He made me such offers as
induced me To consent to join him. It
waa myifmrpoae; however, .to continue
in public life until the Legislature
should meet, hu( the. letter which I
hand the ’ eporter will show why it
became n, essary for me to deeide a*
once. v ’. - i ■ • . 1
New '.V*» k, May 1, 1880.—My
Dear Qv,» Gordon ; I trust you
will pard-j-t .to for pressing for an
early decjflon as to your purpese in
respect to'iesigning ybUr seat in tne*
United Stati s Senate-and accepting
the position tendered you iu Oregon.
I am compelled by my own negotia
tions to know as early as possible what
1 can say as to your action. May I
again remind you that in a pecuniary
sense tlie certain compensation is more
lhap double that which attaches to
your present ] o-ition. The business
Opportunities you will enjoy in Ore
gon will enable you to accnmulatc a
fortune in a comparatively brief space.
I beg, in making your dccucon you
will keep these considerations in re-
membraucc as well as the minor' col
luteralbnes. ■*
Trusting for an early response and
that it a favorable one, I am,
my dear general, faithfully yours,
1 '' T. Egkntjn IIogg
General J. B. Gordon.
To accept this offer and one' which
I was arranging for my sons, I sent
my resignation to the Governor.
W bile in New York, coiiferrin<j alter
my tesignation with Colonel Hogg, I
received intelligence that Mr. New
comb wished to obtain my services as
shown by his letter which I also hand
the reporter:
Louisville and Nashville R. R.
Co., NeW York Office, No. 52 Wall
street, Nos. 9 ahd 10, May 19, 1880
—My Dear General Gordon : I am
informed you are about resigning or
have already resigned your seal as
Senator from Georgia to accept some
position in Oregon. If this be true,
let me see you before you make up
your mind to leave Georgia. I am
sure 1 can make it to your interest to
remain in the South and do not doubt
on reflection, you will find it • more
agreeable to yourself - and family ito
remain among your uwu |ample. At
any late, I would like to see you be
fore yon decide upon taking this step
and see if we cannot reach a conclu
sion mutually agreeable.- I remain,
your, most truly. ■!
H. Victok Newcomb,
General J. B Gordon.
Tat once'saw Mr. : Nevtcomb and
changed my plans and so notified my
friend. Colonel Hogg, whereupon lie
wrote me this letter which,! ask tlie
reporter to incorporate io my remarks
at this point S' '
' New York, May 19, 1880.—My
Dear General Gordon: While feeling
deeply disappointed at your decision
not to accept the propositions made
■you in respect'to Oregon, I can fully
appreciate and understand the feelings
prompting you to accept a proposition
to which a less remuneration is at
tached than the Oregou one. Yes, I
'do recognise that there is a vast dit-
. The other day an excited imliv idusil
accosted a street gamin oitii ill-
question: ‘Say hub, which is the
quickest, way for me to gel to th•• rail •
road depot?’ ,‘Run;’ was iho re
Side saddles are the In s', when vou
are riding a hobby.
Mrs. Justice Field is floe !o< kin<r,
many years the junior of her husband,
.brilliant in conversation, though often
There was damsel, < Hib.&u iier,
It coct very little to dress her,
8he waH ok sweet m* a ro e
Iu her every day clothes, * ~
But hud uo youug mau to cares}. Iht.
In the West the laws arc .. l .om
enforced ; ucaTy all the eyclcm-s arc-
shop litters, but no cue tries to arie-t
A husband telephoned to hi- wife:
‘What have you for brcnklnsi, mid
how is the baby ?’ The answer r um-:
‘Buckwheat cakes and nn-nslc.-.’
New Yojk p.ys more fu- tobacco
than lor bread iJealersaniy tnat there
are smokers in this city wnn average
one hundred cigars a week, and men
whose cigar hill, run up to tnuii-aud*
ot dollars per annum.
Mr. Horatio Seymour celebrated
his birthday on .Monday by planting
two trees in the morning amt giving
n dinner in the evening. Some Al
bany friends gave him a magnificent
A lady lawyer down East always
addresses her husband al breakfast as
‘My learned brother :’ at lunch bin-
calls him ‘the counsel for i lie defence;’
at dinner time she ca Is him 'a brass-
mounted pettifogger with a check like
an army mule ’
The Philadelphia Times thinks it a
sad commentary on tlie Liberian col
onization scheme that the ship which
was about to take a load of in- roenii-
,grant- over ir.mi Now Y<-ik bad to
put oat to sen ahead of time, in order
to keep her passengers from jumping
overboard and swimming a.Imre.
A young lady in Brooklyn is work
tug a motto, “No Ice (.’leani.” She
says: “You know it is leap (ear,ami
tlie ice crop’s a lnilnre, and the boys
might as well know it first as la.-t.”
The horses on a circa- hand wagon
never balk. They are under the im
pression that they can tiavcl away
from tiie noise.
Mra Waslihuriie, a lady of French
descent, speaking the French language
with fluency, is described :is petite,
dark-eyed, emotional, a fine eouver-
sitionalist, an enthusiastic, warm
hearted lnend. As mistress of a
household she was alert, a faithful
mother of numerous childien. ready
to entertain on short notice Mr.
Washbume’s constituents, ami to en
ter with zeal into their t la
Spurgeon said, in a recent sermon:
‘The worship of the goideixalf is
pretty general now. Theie is too
ir.ncn bowi.ig down and cringing be
fore it in all classes ol society- No end
of dodges arc tried to get a sciaping
of one of tlie creatine's hoofs.’
‘We wish,’»ays a Texas newspaper,
'that a few ot our citizens could be
permitted to live till they die a natu
ral death, so as to snow the world
what a magnificent, healthy country
Texas really is.’
Let me see your taper a moment,
dear?’ Husband—‘Yes, as soon as we
get to tlie tunnel.’
Vanderbilt proposes to cut an eye
hole in Cleopatra’s needle big enough
for a camel to go through, lie is not
sure of the kingdom of heaven, hut he
intends to die with a good margin in
his favor.
One of the greatest tyranls in tin.
world (in a small way) u a hen
peket husband—when lie iz away
.from home..
Chicago dispatch to: <he Boston
Journal'. “Lieut-Col. Fred Grant
has undertaken to electioneer tor his
lather, but his visits to doubtful del-
have not produced any
c —A l _ . . — egauons Have not produced any
terenebbetween your position as a k jL & or , rout . His f:1V0 ,iie
married man, with a family and the ag » ^ t)iat « it wi n bo
t titfl t A t n xi INDA riln at vaii w Sf nln nnrl ’ * - •
Mifliu Coulter, the other teller, was see no objection to this courae. Con
retired last January, after a service of ! swteucy, thou art a rare jew el, but not
lorty-tive years.— Baltimore Sun. I “grceaule to modern statesmanship.
I ... ; Gen. Gor-lon, take the advice of a
Here is what the Atlanta RepuhU. . sincere frieud aud well wisher, whose
can has to say about the Radical, blood ou Saturday last went tingling
prospects in Georgia this full: ‘There ' through his veius ns he grasped tl e
i akc till- uwlhod ol Tttnminx thiuili. tomy
Iiiuurrollb eil.toiu.1* for tlicir Ithcral ptlruli-
dnrhiir »>> loiw propri.tor.bip of the Now-
o,» l|.»tt-»* in Athens.
i in ho t iuU-r 31st, my proprietorsHp of llm
NowliHi 11 mine wiU cease. uLvrhich timei I wlU
x.jwn, lor the ncvotumodiUion of the public, the
I,|. r.iiiiv loroteJ on CI«yion Street, on. ifth}
priireipal burino-. street, id Athciw, where I
koi-e.nri expect iny tonnei p»troo» »n<I th e
traveling publio irencmlly to Mop when virtiTtgi
Athens. Plod xi-at myiwir to do all in my, tlioir «m, ‘
riAwtf : p 1 ritT --
A ll who have wi«d the .ipwiMal Syre ohafoed
rrsefym*mty by ^t-rertmag IntHtlUrtwrUSgA
A »pky Acw»p«pcr, spaAUn. wilh wk Mid kamer,
eccux up with (he lime. 1. wrerylhl*,. Ilnlhepa-
Utdr hectare «huuld be in tlie hind* ot i J. . , , - „
every joa.h end eveiy mnn iri tlie land. , 1)18 lineal rank, making an agg.egale
Sent under aval, in a plain enyelojw, to any of #16,531 tor the whole period. Tile
rcC ' i,rt ° f °' 0U * r oecretary’s statement show s thut there
Addre^. the Pnhii»ben<. | are two hundred officers mu ou duty
THE CULVNHWELL HEBICAL CO., : xt i t h their rvgiuivnls, whose extra*pay
1 Ann SI., New Fiufc: 1 <*>t ufliee Box SSBfl. | M(|#B|| , 0 8 f xty . lhreo thousand
... r- « j lars a year Many ol these are em-
DlSSOlUtlOIl 01 copsimor- I ployed at West Point, or as military
qVnTi. i instructors in civil institutions. Olh-
.. ** , , ... . era ure engaged iu the signal service,
rerren t^r! a »d still others in other branches of
tweuary 1880, dissolved )>v mutual consent, the service. The war (leparlmcill u-ui tow uujr wuu,wu ueiug uacu uuw
Tim MtlmlI to ! i"*' 8 ** * i8 al ! l,ul lliere ' 8 ! fi «L h . had caught, replied ;
ar-- 80,000 colored voters in Georgia,
and 130,000 whites. A full vote will
he polled this year, and not one col
ored man in a thousand will vote the
Democratic ticket Admitting that
there will be fair elections, that every
Republican will l>e permitted to vote
and have his vote cuuuted, aud that
haud ot his uld batt e scarred chief-,
tain, as the sight of you recalled m>
vividly rcuiini-cencts ol the past when
he tullowed the ‘Red Cross’ -to more
than one glorious victory: Let Col.
quilt ‘tote his own skillet.’ Publish
the two speeches you have already
made. Tuey will indicate your real
25,000 white- from various causes may I feelings couceruiug your friend,. and
not vote at all, from 15,000 to 20,OCO j tf.en retire irotu mis political turmoil
must be had to enable the party to | under tlie shelter of your own vine
march to victory. These while votes - and fig tree, before you stir up politi-
we tielieve can, with tbe right sort of j cal antipathies which may become
effort, be had. These votes we are , wide-spread and uufortuuate, and
working for, and from tlie present out- ! seemingly justify me assertion of your
look, would judge that the last one of i enemies mat you resigned to secure
disabled so as to be unable loattepd
to ordinary duties? ,, , , , ti , ,,, , '
If so, what is the sickness or disa
bility?" M ' ! ' ! ' '' ' “ -
Blind, dflaf and dumb, idiotic; in-,
sane, maimed, crippled, bedridden or
otherwise dUabJed? , ,, „ ( . | To General Gordon.
Attended acitool within Hte cenjus
j j on Friday 'that ttiay wel
ties to the people of your Stale and
section and that of mine—a bachelor
—who tor years has been residing on
tlie Pacific coast. I am glad that-,, I
have had tbe opportunity of submit*
ting the business propositions to you
to testify my willingness to further
your interests. Believe me to 'remain
faithfully yours, ■ ■ '•' ' ‘ • \
T. Eceston Ho«o.
3mlj t JL;
Canuot read?
' Canhut Write?
Place ot birtliof tbe person, nam
ing State.and Territory of the. United
States, or the ^uptry, if' of foreign
Place of birth of the father, 'as
above?''”'* '* -I*' >'i
- Place ot birth .0t tho mother, as
*V° v V? t^icw all ’ ... '
Mr. Becl^ faid a £bing in the Senate
them will be |Killed iu next Novem
ber.’ The above calculation reminds
u-of the hoy who, on lieing asked how
Tire w-xniic. nil nunilitiM, iind will «tlrn-l to ———- ” • o * |
wlicmletncnt of tho bu.Mier.of tlie former i reason to bt'lieve that lliere are not a !
| few cases of gross lav lilism, chief
among which is that of young Grant,
who was jumpedlrom a first lieutcn-
tho nuerelii)-.
oopo 1
When I catch the one that is nib
bling now aud two more I will have
three.’—Enquirer Sun.
BXiACZSMXTSXXTC aulcv into a snug position, whose du
ties have never iuterferred with his
. going on trip* to Europe, to the East,
I have retr.ovoil my Shop Irom Foundry St Uuba or Mexico, aud do not now
to Broad Street, only abonl S-i feet from where I ■ • „ t,-.
t vu formerly, next to Mr. w. L. Wood. u>d 1 prevent lit* giving his able assistance
i am now l-reparat to do II mo shoeing:. 1'lan- to the tliird term managers at Lmca-
i*o#,Vcrk,*nfl>)) kind, of Bl«ck.mi ita* In ; g(J ,
The Potisville Chronicle says that
a Washington correspondent an-
the heat ntyle and at moderate prioe«.
Ynowleilge that 1 have done wronir in the nut
but 1 am daearinioed far tbe future to be "rjeht
-i-le up, with rare.” Give me a trial. Kind
treatment to atock guaranteed.
,: Johnson’s ;
1~) TJOXJ Sllj i Vernon and slept in General Wash-
S^S. W .ri*iM»d »«aWn’ i ington’s bed. That un’t tbe worst
okdiEg : i ' tbmg they ever did by a long shot.
,,,, .
Steam Dyeing ,Establishment,
Next dooeto EnUeopal Church,(Clayton SL
rep* »,
Mr. and Mrs. Hayes have been sleep*
ing in Samuel J. Tilden’s bed in the
White House for the last three years,
—Telegroph and Messenger.
Prof. Bcncke, of Marburg, Ger
many, alter measuring 970 human
hearts, says that tlie growth of that
organ is greatest in the first and
second years of life. At tlie en i of
tlie second year it is doubled in size,
and during tbe next five years it is
again doubled. Then its growtli is
much slower, though from the fif
teenth to tiie twentieth year its size
increases two-lli'rds. A very slight
growth is then observed up to filly,
when it graduallv diminishes. Ex
cept in childhood, men’s hearts Are
decidedly larger than those of wo
builder of coffin*
Senator Brown's influence to re-elect
Colquitt. The statement that Colquitt
cannot afford to retire u.uder fire will'
uot go down with aq jutejijgcnl peo- 1
pie. He has retire-1 before butter fires
and better men, then he. preferred lu
retreat rather tnau be defeated. Be
that as it may, t care little tor Gov
ernor Colquitt’s race; but am' con
cerned tor your reputation. I. am
conscientious iu my. statement that,
since you have seen fit to quit public
for private file, your best tiieudj, Who
have no political axes to grind; desire
you to carry out your fexprforied in
tention. , Ex A. N,,y. i
set plain
,e thinking. . ‘I, served on the
[louse committee on ways and meaus
for'six year-,’ no said. *1 saw'all the
1 great 'tiioliopOlies and protected in
terest, of i he country, struggling there
fo perpetuate their privileges. I have
teen, the ablest- lawyers argue their
cases'tdr pay, day by day—some lor
salt, some tor iron, some tor blankets,
some tor cotton, and for everything
that iq protected. But l never saw
one hitman being conn; here yet to
argue'for a reduction ot taxation in
the interest Ofthe producers and tax
payers of this country.’ v*
Tlie journalist, lieing himself a ver
itable slave, and truly ot the lamp, has
but onc i/cnii beneath him, and thal
i* his pen; and, if this pin could apeak,
jt wop|d|Utter , of jt s poor mayfer.
again and again, these fatuous aud
“I’ve writ the foolish fancy of tho brain,
I These aimless jests thal striking, huth caused
pain: '*
Mrs. Sherman is tail, litlie, Wfcll
formed, with tiie frank simplicity and
sincerity ot sweet seventeen. Kindly
and cordial ahd equable, her nearest
friends note not the slightest elfcva
tion of sou) since good fortune has
raised this amiable lady to almost tiie
Angult* {few.. 1,1 * 111 j
Well, Mr. Switcrkase, whom do
you th nV will Im the pfobable 'homi-
nee Of tlie Chicago convention?* 1 ''
j > - “D tt vas a hart matter toeaitM ■
.“What, do ypq Grypl’s
chances?” * ' . . |,
"De Sherman alehienii not ljke
Krairt,' acd ‘Meester Garl Bhebfft he
vas sail dot Krant ilaustertpcili-ain't
.Wf.jfiw f:-,|(J n« l - |U:-. -Ill- '
., “What do you Vliiuk ot Sherman?”
‘•Veil, he haf a' good'name. De
Sherrfliin beeplc doU’t gart -Svftor de \ ^ .
nomination vas gUmofe»..,Kya«fo de. 11 " ,dl “ WHrd th,t ht<! ' mh bjck •«““•
-koose leceet.’i n.w in * ,j n -,,i “ M'vlihelped i im to (ten ra*nr V line for
^Vhat do tou^ftk of, Bhtip,-?--
“l^e vas a gpot man, ober do gin, \ y{^. ,nui. 7 ; . j
male VasVfoosdrtfng thr' MW.; han’t, l nD»ysfc.derS»khMtsfob.dene:
Htamlt TtirAtf veduflr. 1 ^ O matter l who Aud sarc JU» comet, the postman *t»d tlVB ;
de neminaaliin gits jirecitea iKpintide' WMfc^wbtetMf ifia«to," “• ‘ .
‘ iWfi bnffersfaM-.ii MflGreghr wo*,
* ,n ‘ fu;.'u -i man Jiaa-afiplieerfor an appointment
‘" ” •*“ as .impna #R|m^rator. ..SliOi -ought
Io. have, it because tyotueji beat.all
hrejafio'n for asking questiops.—Met
•Y&i - r - '•»!- ‘ ^Ofegor Acics.
“DiM'tmM'I flAitl^
• “Well- wbalujo you think of 51 f.
EdtWffM-". n . -;* felWtol W H ’V
I tbe daughter of Mr, Jagiys Stewart.
Wat you dryiiri to-gifi-mw? *M
eight inontlndi May be it-^ voa-petter
you gojntMtnd a ieetie peer -talwt- ih'
blsce.ofc dot gind ,of dsffy. Meester
eight qmih»4 Booty goet!? ,
r bread,
A youngster jqytillly.,awujt d .his
motlier the other (lay that lie had
ibniidbut Where they nude 'horses;
he had seen a Ml no finishing ! onb-i-‘he
wnv nailing mi his last foot. . >1-'
a d—d shame if they don’t nominate
paw.’ ”
There is a certain dog w. Il known
in the ueighborho(>d of Sadhu’s Wells
theatre, which has been in ’ lie
for some years of attending i he Slinks-
peariaii revivals there. It is positive
ly stated by Slrakspearo -let otccs that
when a play of any other author is
snhstituted, the animal slwaj s de-
fiarts in dudgeon.
j WiieB Marshal Narvaez was on his
deathbed, his oouicssor ask- d him it
he freely forgave all his enemies. “ I
have no enomns,” replied the dying
marshal, proudly. “Every one mu.-l
have made eo uie- iu the course ot
his life,” si'-gj.- ted the priest, mildly.
“Oh, of cou>>..” replied the marshal,
'•I have had a great number of ene
mies iu my tiiu;, but I have non«
now. I have had them all shot.’’
Events are somewhat monotonous
on the planetary records of the month.
The visible planets are evi-nly divided,
Jupiter, Saturn and Venus doing du
ty as morning stars; Uranus, Mars
and Mercury lieing numbered a*
evening stars. Jupiter tak- » the lead
in interest, and >vc may expect to hear
the report of observers concerning
the great red spot that glows upon hi-
disc. Sunsspots are still t-> I c studied
in connection wi'h meteorological
changes, those occurring during the
last month having been ot marked
importance. Auroral displays may
also add their weird testimony to
prove the existence of - solar disturb
ance—Providence Journal.
The mother of several children
says: ‘I devoted myseKto tlmcharge
of my ntirsetv ; I attend*:.! in person
tb'the physical nnd mental needs of
itny Y ou, iS children. ■ The work was
,laborio i us,.but 1 i‘-has repaid me. They
are healthy, brave, honest and friiuk;
'they tire cursed with none nf'ttie small
vioes intimate inter-
icouiae with persona of inferior intelli
gence, and they arc-sell-sustaining at
an esrly period. Neither pert nor
precocious, they ripen early to Judg
ment and common sense,-' and 1 he-
lievo that the careful tillage ot my own
little field has pro-bleed a harves;
worth the labor/
\ A