Daily journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 18??-1865, September 05, 1865, Image 3

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JOURNAL AND MESSENGER. New Advertisements. Drugs. —lt will be seen by referring to ur oadvertising columns that Messrs. Boyd A Gordon have associated themselves to gether, and are determined to keep a first class Drug Store. These gentlemen are well drilled in their business, polite and at tentive to customers, and we recommend them to those in need of Drugs, Perfumes, etc. It will be seen thst Mr. Hunt, form •rlv of Zeilin A Hunt's is concerned with them. r- J. W. Fears is offering a desirable store room for rent on Third street. . Withies A Loud, at the “White Store, are offering a desirable lot of Groceries, etc. Call and see them. Du. W. 9. Ellis, is offering a nice lot of Landreth's Turnip Seed, of different varieties. Soe advertisement. . The Celebeated EcklSy Farm is ofj fared for side. To those wishing such a pluoe, a good bargaia is offered. Call oa J. W. Feam. N. L Drury having no better-half him ml£ on some lady to make him peach preserve*. He ia a good fellow, and we advise some fair oae to make them, by all meana. See his advertisement:' Don’t fail to read Findlay Sl ff knrick’s notice of auction on Wednesday. They will sell a desirable lot of goods. J skeins it Cos., wholesale dealers hi Tea, appear in our advertising Parties in the trade will do well to give them a trial. Important Oases.—The following very important and essential order has been bended us for publication. The policy of keeping the city clean at this time will strike every one: Hradq’rs Ist Sur-District, 1 District or Columbus, > Macon, Oa., Aug. 30, 1865. ) Cept. J. K. Guthrie, Au't Provoet Morthal: Captain— The Colonel Commanding directs that you require all streets and al leys, sod all enclosures, cellars and out buildings in the city of Mftcon, Ga., to be policed and thoroughly cleaned, and lime thrown into all gutters, sewers or low places where filth is likely to accumulate. The policing or cleaning of enclosures, sellers, and around out-buildings, and the •applying low plapes with lime, as required ii this order, wiU be done by parties of per* •oas occupying or temporarily controlling rack premises or property. The streets end alleys will be policed, and the ditehes and gotten aupplied with lime, under the super-1 vmou of the Military, but at the expense I of the City, unless sufficient forco can be I obtained by the arrest of vagrants or other I gratuitous sources to do the work, lame 1 ess be procured on application to Capt. I Squires, A. A. Q. M., st this post, at a reasonable price. This order will he strictly enforced, and all who by the Bth of the present month have not eomplied strictly with its pro visions, strewing lime liberally in all water eloeeta, out-houses and other places where ilth is deposited, will be hel# re sponsible, and will be liable to arrest and tat. Very respeotfully, Your obt. servant, £. F. Maun, Lt. and A. A. A. G. k Auutid. —Conductor Geo. Dasher, of th* Southwestern Railroad, wa* placed aa«]er arrest yeeterday, and brought to Ma •on, for putting a negro off his train for rtfusing to pay hi* fare, IflT Cspt. Knight, at the Passenger De pot, is hard after th* boy*. Not a ground* if permitted to He o® tb* floor, and i m soon a* one drop*, the boy* *ay, th* i j Captein can hear it at th* hr *od *f the Kildiog. P.*tma*ti® WAsmn»e*o* has placed us ud*r obligation* for a eopy of the New Orleans Picayune, of the 26th ult. CjT Th* Ret. R. A Holland, of the Otorsia Conference, Methodut Rpiscopal Charth, South, will ftuaeb in the H*n ot (he Union, Cooper Institute Building, San ity, August 2<| at 101 o’cloek, A. Wt clip th* abof* from tho Now Yoik (Jim of th* 26th ult. W* ar# glad to i hiar of our young friend before a Northern uditßM, He i* one of the moet eloquent ! t>4 popular ministers of hi* age i® th* lUh. MP The Richmond Whig mj§ that I religion. Joumri, Tb. Christian Adroit., mllt.d by *• B*v, James A, Duncan, for th. VjM I*4 Annual Confer eon. of tb. X< Starch, South, resume* publioation on the W Thursday in September. Sotn® ot | 4s ablest pens in th# Churob will con trhnto to its columns regularly. )%. The Tribune's Browsfllb letter of K says: Th* line of tb. Bio Grande is | |htl®g dark with troops, and Gtn. ®ts.U I Ittfld ts he getting things Hi mdsf. Thfe ?«ty ski®, ltd Ihi The Tri*l of WeptE. abandonment or the case by prisoner's COUNSEL. The withdrawal of Judge Hughes anci the other counsel of the prisoner Wertz, on Wednesday, in consequence of the disso lution and reorganization of the Military Commission, pioiuced the greatest sensa tion in Court. When Judge-Hughes packed up his books and walked out of Court, the prison er looked amazed from his restless, gray eyes, and this merged mto consternation, when his only remaining counsel, Mr.’Peck, arose and announced that he also retiree from the case. . j Wertz called Mr. Peck to him, and-wiCh flowing tears expressed his regret at this determination on the part of his counsel. He was assured by hW late counsel that they could be of no service to him; that he would probably fare better in the-hands oi the J udge Advocate than if defended by special counsel; that it was impossible for them (Messrs. Hughes aud Peck) to re main in the case 'Hiider tha circumstances, when it is dearly app&rerit tfiat the Com- I mission, would not be governed by the well known principles of law; and that it the proceedings of Tuesday and Wednesday could be sustuided and tolerated as good law, .the some proceedings could be repeat- I ed at any stage of the trial and i a*: often as the prosecution might deem it proper to revise erroneous action, as the same should occur from time to time. The President of this commission sug gested that the prisoner was not without counsel; tbatjheyj udge was, by law, the attorney for the and fondant. Thereupon thw corn in ssion adjourned until Thursday, to give the Judge Advo cate time to prepare for the defence of the prisoner. Immediately upon the convening of the I commission on Wednesday ~ morning, Judge Hughes offered a motion, which he said would take precedence of all other proceedings, and he desired that the mo tion be heard. The President replied that the motion [ could be heard hereafter. The language of the motion is as fol lows : “ Henry Wertz, the prisoner, now pres ent by his counsel, moves and asks this Military Commission to discharge him from further peril aui proceedings upon the charges heretofore presented against him, and which the said commission, and each member thereof was sworn to try, and to which charges aad specifications, each and every one of them, he has in person, entered his plea of ‘hot guilty,’ for the following reasons :,.. “That after the swearing in of the Pres ident and members of said commission, and after his plea of not guilty thereto, , to-wit, on Tuesday, the ‘22d day of August, 1865, the said commission having met and con vened in pursuance of previous adjourn ment, he, the said Henry Wertz, not boing present, the said commission did, without his presence or consent, either express or implied, adjourn not to any time or day certain: and for the further reason, that ! since the said adjournment hia couusel havo received official notice from the Judgfe Advocate of said commission that material changes and alterations have been made in.the charges and that it is proposed to try upon charges and spe cifications so altered and amended in their altered and amended form, to which he does not consent. He prays, therefore, that as to said original charges and speci fications he may go free.and acquitted. (Signed) . Henry Wertz. “By his counsel, Hughes, Denver and Peck, and Louis Schade.” After the withdrawal of his counsel, Wertz addressed a letter to the commission stating his case in a frank and manly man ner, and the commission resolved to see him supplied With able counsel. —'Savannah Herald. Southern Poetojicee. —Tho Government 1 aaving notified the Provisional; Governors I of the Southern States that it i* ready to re-open alt postoffices us speedily as suita ble men ean be found to fill them, the South is being provided with postal facilities as j far as practicable. Duriug the last week 186 offices were re opened and 16 routes let, covering over I,l#o miles in length. The Poetoffice De partment U now preparing an advertise ment for the South for all its mail routes— contracts to oommence July 1,1866. The prices to be paid are to be considerably less than formerly, and it is the intention of the Department to render the expenses of these routes, if possible, smuller than the receipts* < , A Washington-special to the Cin-1 cinaati Ga2ette says: Congress, near the close of the last session, passed au act I granting three months of extra pay to of- j fleers of volunteers below th* rack of Bri gadier General who served until the end of tbs war. At the time of the passage of j th. act a large number of regular officers of Inferior grad* wsrt comlssionsd Colo* I Bt fr Lieutenant Cohm.l* and Major* of Volant#.*, and a. §u.b bslvs. entitled to th. bounty paid volunWtrr office Tb. Second Comptroller, bow- Lw,h«. to*t'Uct«d tb. Paymaster G«in. 1 end not to pay the bounty to eueh offieer. I until the sense of Congress can be obtained lon the subject. There is much feeling 1 among the regulars in regard to the sub ject. tZSg? The Treasury Department is now railroad guide. MICON AND WEaTKRN RAILROAD. A. L. Ttlbb, Superintendent. Leave Macon 8.18 A M Arrive at Atlinu p M Leave ‘Atlanta S:S« A M Arrive at Macon :.... .*.".'.".'.".'.".*.'.".1:45 p M 80UTH-WEB i’ERN RAILROAD. Viaau. Power,Supt. . Leave Macon a M Arrive at Katauia e- 3 P Vt Leave Eufaula I.’.I”” Arrive at Macon .. B;.OPM Albany Branch—Mail Train. Leave Bmltfivltle-No 10. 8:48 P M \\ Albany—No L» 4:84 P M Arrive at Satithvllle ».is a m CENTRAL RAILROAD. Gaoaoa W. Adams, Sup’t. Leave Macon g k Arrive at Ratonton .... .... .... ..L 24 P M Leave Eatontoo 8:t»> A M Arrive at Macon i-m P M Trains leave Macon on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fri days, and return Tuesdays, Thursdays A Saturdays. MAOON AND BRUNSWICK RAILROAD. G. A. Dcas, Sup’t. Leave Macon ;. OPM Arrive at Junction L4O P M Leave Junction... ..6:90 A M Arrive at Macon ....... ifltet A M ATLANTA AND WKiT POINT RAILROAD Geckos G. Inx, Sup’t. Lbbt* Atli.uU 7JB 4 M Aitltb *t W«*» Point .. 4:80 P M Lbavo Wnl Point 8 ; 8o x g ArrlTf at Atlanta p u GEORGIA RAILROAD. 1 Gbobob Yovob, Bup’t. U»v# Atlanta... 4:BO*A V AVrIYB at Augusta 6:40 P M Unvo Augusta 6:00 A M Arrive at Atlanta. 8:0* P M WKSTEBN AND ATAAJfITO RAILROAD. I. D. Walkrb, Sup’t. Traaip. A Sally freight and pasiengsr train cenuaeoeed running te Chattahoochee River on the Tth of June. Lea*e Atlanta. ~ 8:00 A M Arriv* at Atlanta 6:00 P M MUSCOGEE RAILROAD. Leave Maooa. .7.28 A. M. Arrive.... Rio P. M. Leave Columbus T A. M Arrive 7...4.24 P. M FIRE AND MARINE. rjNHE undersigned having added to the list of hia Insurance Companies, The old and Reliable IE JNA INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONN. The Strongeet Company on the American Continent . NET ASSETS $4,000,000. ALSO, THE PU4EJTIX Insurante Company, OF HARTFORD, CONN. ASSETS $1,000,000. With the above Companies added to my former list, I am enabled to take over $5300,000 On any one RISK, and all in first class Companies. Perso is wishing to secure them tel res against loss bv Fire or River risk, would do well to call and lusur'i before it is too late. Should you fail to Insure, don’t complain if you 'Dose by the delay, and say no agent advised you to Insure jour property, for the Companies or«’ ue.. able to stand the loss than you are. aii losses will be prompt v adjusted. * E. C GRANNI3S. Auent. sepl-lOt Macon, Ga. f FORJRENT. THE old City Hotel ou Court House Square, con tuiniug 14 Rooms and Outbuildings. Possession given Oct. Ist. Apply to aug3l 2t* , ' E. J. JOHNSTON, Aobnt. . Boarding, A few Gentlemen chu be accommodated with day board, within a very bhort walk es the bnsiness pari •f-tbei-eityv . Enquire at ttus office. angSO-Steod. WM. U. D«NX. ruos. W.MAXGBAU. REMOVAL. DUNN AND MANGHAM, HAVE r amoved to the West-aida Third Street, just above HARDEMAN A SPARK* Warehouse, where (bey purpose continuing their General IProdnce AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. Trusting that bj close attention to the interests of those whom they serve, aod by application and prompt ness centrally iu their business relations, to merit a liberal share ot the CITIT and COVNTRY trade. Thay keep always an band for wholesale and retail } SHIRTINGS, OSNABURGS, | YARNS. COTTON CARDS. CORN, MKAL. FLOUR, SUGAR, SYRUP, •OFFER, SODA. LARD, BA CON, TOBACCO, WHIS KY, Ac., At., Ac. They are also prepared to pay the highest market prim for Cotton, either in Specie er U. S. Currency, jyd-tmeod MIX & KIRTLAND Have received and are now offering tiENT'M FINE BOOTS, GENJV CALF BALMORALS, Airy Congress Gl-aiters. ALSO, - The Ladies’ Celebrated Steel Sba*k (WteftJ, offAriMi Petteroe, wbieh for Durability, £sc*He»M of Cmatr^; i sart 8 Sfifl!' ** *““ Stfrt.tr JJjSiml {a&E u*>" tkHi iriairitoi to alto and admoalsh tbe Mnerm nssSsawbssr. “ffiTertufft hand.thls ITth day•» *&£}**• I inglT tftd ' ICHW I. HP»UWna. sell all the lands belcigitg to the **t*t <ctJ o • 8.0. PRATO®. an«**-w*m. _ _ _——— flVnatVjSr toetrd W RU the Utod« MgffiftflMHSS New Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods and Clothiag STORE. WE, the subscribers, bog leave' tn inform ovr uu metous fiends and the public ger.e.olly, that we hive received the ni *t extensive and select stock of Dry ti<>o Is, Clothing it id Furnis'iing Goods io this maike', sod are prepare t to aoconunod »te wholesale aad retail customers with all articles in our line at the lowest cash prices. We are receiving G ods daily, and have now on hand 20 Cases of American Prints, 75 Pieces of Irish Linens, Table Cloths, aad Towellings, - -A large lot ot linen, silk and cotton Handkerchiefs. A fine and large assortment of Jaoonets, HwiSS Mas [>»*' Lawns, Cambrics, Brilliants, Paper Cambrics, Hollands, Canton Flannels, Jeans, sheetings nod Shirt ings of nil descriptions, Alapacas, Bombasine, Heri aos, Delaines, Bareges, Crapes, Ac. Ladiei’ Cloaks, made ia the latest style; Shawls. A large stock of Ladies' Hose, Gloves, Gauntlets, Belts and Ribbons.: A large assortment of ladles’ unseen and children’s Shoes, Gaiters, BelmodeM, Slipper* and Booties. Hoopskirts of al l sorts and (trices. Ladies’ Collars, Edgings and Miser tings, Trimmings, Vlusquito Nettings. Perfumery, Scissors, Thimbles, Knives and Forks, Pocket Knives, Purses, Pocket Books end the like. In the clothing line we offer fine Cassimere Suits, 4ilk, Satin and Marseilles Yosts, fins Btoidoloath »ets, Black Doeskin Pants; in short, Clothiag of all ozes and prices. A large stock of Hats, mens’ aud boys Shoes aad Hoots. Shirts, and Collars, Nadar Shirts, Drawers, Socks, 4andkerchiels, Gloves, Gauntlets, Suspenders, Ac. A fine lot of Watches and Jewelry. A liberal discount will be nude to country merchants, who will honor us with scall. A. SCfcKURMAX A 880., Mulberry et, neat to Boaidman'e Book Miore, sug2B-lm Macon, Ga MARINE. FIRE AND LIFE INSUUANCB. phckvlx comcamt, or snoesxvx, n. r. Capital $1,000,000. IXTSKNAnOKAL IMSOOANCB COKPAXT, OF Jt«W TOOK. Capital $1,000,000. HtXItTTtX UIBStHCI COMPACT, OP XSW TOOK. Capital $500,000. NSW TOUC LIPS INSPBAVUB COMPANT. Assets $4,000,000. J. MON&OR OGDEN, Aourr. Office at Miichel A Smiths Store, Srd N treat. auglQ-lm* AUGUSTA HOTEL PROPRIETORS: i. M. JONES, Z. 1. RICE. WE respectfully invite our old friends and the trar iliug public to give us a call. Our House is located a the heart of f-ad*. and convenient to the depots. Augusts, Oa., Aug. 24, 1885. ts Csosey, Lyons & Patrick Are ia constant receipt of the following it their Newg Emporium, on Cherry street, iear Elba’ Drug Store : New York, Cincinnati, Louisville and Nashville Dailies. Illustrated and Sporting Weeklies. Harper’s, Atlantic, Godej’s, Les ie's aud Peterson’s Monthly Magazines. Also have a fine assortment of Late Novels, Novelettes and light general reading matter. Stationery in everv varwvfv Ph/->« <r ~. r i *— vibuuio, Toilet Soap, Pocket Books, Play ing Cards, etc., etc. aug24-tf SAMUEL D. KILLEN, attorney at Law, PERRY, GEORGIA. SENDS greeting to his friends and former patrons, and hereby announces his safe return from the war. Having recovered my wonted health and secured my ight to citizenship, I tender my professional services o all who may be so unfortunate as to need legal ad vice, and will be found in my old office in Fielder's building, or at my residence. For reference—my former reoord. aug24-lm* St. Cecilia’s Academy. r HIS WELL KNOWN FEMALE ACADEMY, under thr direetiou of the Sisters of the Or ler of St. Dominic, situated in one of the most lelighlful and healthy loealities iu Davidson eeun v, will open for the next session oa tbs first Mon lay in September. For farther particulars, apply it the Academy, or address “The Mother Supe ior, St. Cecilia’s Academy, Mount Yernon, Nash ville, Tenn. jyl»-lm JAMES SEYMOUR, WHOLESALE GROCER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, MA COM, OA., OFFERS hie services in the Pnrehase ot Cotton, mad respectfully solicits consignments of Merchandize. A large lot of Richardson’s eelebratod Green Leaf Rope, for sale at lowest market Prices. aug27 — lot* Wanted to Bent \ Ny ona having a House containing’ three er four ix. rooms, can Bad a good tenant by applying at this office, or dropping a note through the Peat Office to ‘•J. C. P.,” care Journal and Messenger. augSO KB. JAMES MERCER UREEN, HAS resumed the practice of hie Profession. Office m Second Street, up stairs, immediately above the store of J. B. Ilaberabam A Cos. Reaidenet on Poplar street, one and a half squares abort the City Hall. jylt-3m* “FOR tSufXLE. ONE Ton Horae Power Engine, with Boiler, Pump*, Pips, Steam Gangs, Shaft* mg, Belting, Patti*., Aa. All in go *4 or* 4*r, with Front and Growlaw, BLaths. OriodftonM, BuAng Wbwla, and Bolling Maobino Pan, aU with PalttMi W, J, MoBLBGY. aug!9~2w* GEORGIA, Palasltl Cwmmßir.—Whersas, Jas. naming, applies - me for Letters of Msmlsslon from the Guardianship of Mary J. Williamson, minor heir of Tidy Williamson, deceased. These are therefore to site and admonish an and singelas, ths kindred and eraditorsof said deceased to beaad appear 3WSS*’” 1 ** 1 QrSg£JStt> SmwSs L t^^LsefOrMj* sty ot Moean 1 -AT VST. A. « * i GRAIN EMPORIUM, • 1 w ;, *• MAY be found the fallow in# mi tide* for Bale. 10,000 bushels l orh. 100 hMsbels 0»K 500 bushels Cew Peas 400 bushels firand Feus, 6,000 pounds Choice Bucou, 600 bush, fresh Meal,* 600 reus Wrapping Paper, 100 boxes Tobacco, all gra4os, 100 boxes Faaily heap, 600 bbls, goo 4 Flour, 6 boxes of the genuine !9perm Candles, - 10 cnees Cue* Brandy, ' i 10 “ Madeira and Sherry Wine, 60 bales Colton, '• MkMi.Mil, SO “ Sorghua Syrup, ljooo yards Macon Sheeting, :i,OOO " 7-1 Shirting. WANTED. $2,009 in GOLD, - $2,000 in SILVER, ;s,OOO buskeU CORN, 10,000 pound, BACON, 100 bale, COTTON, 1,000 bushels fresh MEAL, 100 barrels SYRUP, 25 bbls. StfGAR, and an/ quantity of FQ&DER, OATS, &c., that may be offered. For all of whioh the highest price will be paid^by aug2s-tf W. A. HUFF. THEY ARin doming. We hare Engaged the BOLIPriK Klrnoo tu bring all of our GOODS, and one Car load baa ar rived, Among tbei are Pine Old Port, SHERRY. and M A DERI A WINE, in Casks. VER ZENAY CHAMPAGNE sod HL JBLIISN MEDOCK CLARET, in Caaos. PURE SAL\D OIL, English Chow-Choir, White Unions,* Pickles, Lemou Syrup, Assorted Extract,, Lord Ward’s Worchester shire nance. Another Lot of Fine Ale and Porter, by the Cask or Retail. Cense and look for yourself. OREER A LAKE. Ne. 1 Ralstea Granite Range, 3d St., Macon, Ga. ang.£4-tf REAL ESTATE AGENCY. . * I HEREBY tender mgr lerriees to the public m buy iof, soiling ud reoliag bouse# sad tenements, ta the oity of Maoon, sad •? jam la buying, selling aad rooting terms aad arid lands throughout the Sta'a. Haring had long eiporieuee in such business, I pro mise proasptitude to all who may wish my service#, and flatter myself that I shall be able to wire satisfaction. Terms moderate. J. K. HARMAN, Over Christian Ifdez office, Cotton Areaue. uug2s-Bw* Crockery! Crockery! JUST rseeired, several more eratss CROCKERY aad GLASS-WARE: Also, large lot of TEA and COFFEE. If. A. MEGRATH, %'t. aagfid-tf __ JONATHAN COLLINS k J. 4. FOSTER, GENERAL COMMtfiSION MERCHANTS, Third Street, Macon, Ga. Will attend strictly to all Business en trusted to them. i aug23-3m* ' NOTICE. OFFICE MACON k WESTERN R. R., ) Maoon, Aug. 88, 1845. f , \S and after this date the freight on COTTON 1 J from Maoon to Atlanta will bo two dollars per bale, not to sxcssd fire hundred lbs. in weight. E. C. COX, attyß&-ti Acting Sop't. SEORfilA.Pnlsaki Mary SEX* peer at my 4Ked«a w tffifi the iMflioada/ ta oh* awa^«Bsar. ir T p r t y JratsursrkMf fladeffisJel l‘*5 i aiKhaolr ***’ tit tons the andcnifßM for Letters of Administration de bonus non, apen the fSlatt of Vtsdea Smith, late of “JlSXlthKtoreto clu udadmealsh the kindred and arbiters of said deceased to file their otyeotlone—lf any theyhave—oner before the first Monday to October nmxt—mhj Administration should not be granted. -y offietel sl-rtue. thUAmvuetU, IMS. auglfi-wlm WM. T. SWIFT, Ordinary. GBOROIA, Heaeten Oman roa L» Oonmr.—Whereas, Jehn King pett- Uetu the aadersigned for Letters of IHsmlseioa from the AdmlnMtretloa of eetste of Joseph M. King, deceased. Theda* re therefore to site and admoaleb eU aad etagnlar n. u. Baldwin, New York. R. brighax, Sanaonah. j. f. roujuNos, New York. c. s. Hour, Savannah. D. H. BALDWIN & CO., A‘o. 178 I'J.JKI. STREET, NEW YORK. BRIGHAM, BALDWIN & CO. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, (■eneral Commission Merchants. Particular attention giren to the tale of COTTON, TOBACCO. PRODUCE, and MERCHANDIZE gen erally. • ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. Liberal advances made on consignment! to os Houses in Savannah and New York, or to oar friend in Liverpool. Refer to Asaxr Avans. Macon. Qa. aog27-8m Printers’ and Binder’s Warehouse. THE subscribers manufacture Type Revolving double and tingle Cylinder Printing Maebioes. BED AND PLATEN POWER PRESSES FOR BOOK, JOB AND CARD PRINTING. Presses with wrougbt iron cylinders, Standing Presses of various kinds thas s. turnitu-e, Canes, SUnds, Brass Rule. Com posing Sli ks, and every article connected with the arte ot Let hr-pi ese, Copperplate and Lithographic Print t. g, Book binding, Stereotyping and Eleetretyping, al. wavs on hand, or furnuhed Ml short notice. They would also call attention ol Publishers of News papers to their New RAILWAY NEWSPAPER PRESS, AND THEIR SINGLE LARGE CYLINDER Hand Printing Machine, Either of which is especially desigied to supply Newa paper<i of moderate circulation with a cheap, plain yH serviceable Printing Machine, capable of doing also the ordinary Job work of an out of town office. They are designed to run exclusively by hand, at a speed ot 700 or 800 per hour, and at'this rat# will run with out jar or noise. Anew Catalogue, containing cuts and description# of many new Machines not before shown in their book, wilh directions for putting up, working, Ac., and other useful information, is now in press, ana when completed will be sent to any of tbs craft who will furnish their address. ft. HOE A CO., New York, and Boston, Maes. Publishers of Newspapers are at liberty to insert this advertisement displayed as above three times in their wtkly jHijxr . with this not*, at any time during the next six months, but not later, provided they purchase type or material of our manufacture tor lour times the amount of iheir bill, which will be allowed in settle ment of ours i,o receipt of s copy of their paper ?on tainhg the advertisement. May 10th, 1865. sep2~fit FLOUR, SOAP, &c. 70 bbls. extra Family Flour, 50 boxes No. 1 Soap, 00 coils Green Leaf Rope, 30 doz. Brooms. 20 bbls. Salt, For sale by J. H. ANDERSOIS & SON. aug26 -ts EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR 100 barrels Extra Family Flour, juat re ceived. For sale by J. 11. ANDERSON & SON. - - ■ ♦»-■-- ■ i » ■ ON CONSIGNMENT 1000 bushels of Corn, 50 coils Rope, 50 pieces Kentucky Bagging, Just received and for sale by J. H. ANDERSON & SON. Meal, Soda, etc. 100 bush, fresh Corn Meal, 15 kegs Soda, 20 barrels Cane Syrup, 20 boxes Tobacco, sugar, Coffee, Tea, Crashed Sugar, etc., etc. For sale by J. H. ANDERSON & SON. Augl6-tf FRESH ARRIVAL. Large lot Mackerel, Large lot Cheese, Cases Brandy, Cases Bourbon Whisky, Cases Champaigne, Cases Soda, Crashed and Powdered Sugar, Cigars, Tobacco, &c., &c. N. A. MEGRATH, Agent. aug22-tf p. p. pease, Receiving, Forwarding ANB Commission Merchant. XIJO, DEALER 1# COTTON, DOMESTICS, YARNS, ROPE* TOBACCO, PROVISIONS, Ac. Careful and prompt attention given to buying nad selling COTTON. In Scott’s Range, between Cherry and Mulberry strseta, MAOON, GA. REFERENCE!: E B Lung k Cos, Augusta, Oat Mitohsll k Madwi, Oa; McDaniel A Irby, iynchburg>Y»s fa tfryis k do, New York; Jamas M IssU, lsffiea, Mass: Erwin k Hardee <Sefaaaab, Gat J A Emlow, G'fcar&ekm,B Qi IS Webb k Cos, Mobile, Ate} D Rodfiff Sing, Fhli&dslphte, Pi : Wan! A Shew, Meat gomeiy, Ala ( Umus! Peebles, Petersburg, Yfi. aagis tm NOTICE. MACON A WESTERN R. R.. | Macon, Aug. 89,1845. { ON and after the Ist of SEPTEMBER the rata of Freight on Lumber t rom Macon to Atlanta will be Ten dollars per thousand feet. E. B. WALKER, aug3o-lw Superintendent. GEORGIA, Houston Cennte-Oumtn’i Ornoi roa said Coobtt—Whereae, 0. 0. Daae»n petitions the unders gned tor Letter* of Administration de bonis non earn testamento annezo, open the Estate es Jere miah J. Duma*, late of »»W county, deceased. These are therefore to olio aad sdn onlsh all pereoae to teteetedtebe aad appeal at my offioe on er before the firm Monday in October aezt, to show afines iff aay they bate) SUPERIOR COURTS. AT CH AMnnw,, AlSawT, Ga, Aug. 18, I**S. THE Superior Courts < f »b- several cc-• .<■* r—-i posing the South western Circuit, wi 1 he h< t . the ensuing riding, et the time* nowpmCTi*d.e» . ; that of the county of Worth, which will he held on the fid Monday in October next, luconntie* wl --vs. were eot held at the last spring terms, tits J•*•' *"»• u the Interior Court are requested to meet with-m «!• »*, and draw 86 Grand and 48 Petit Jurors, who shall b#i (y summoned by the Sheriffs or their l)e; at ire. The re vising of the Jury boxes by the Inferior Courts an or dered, if not done, need not bs lor the present. Parties, witnesses, end eouose) are notified that As Dockets will be sailed in their order, and sbowtogs tor continuances wfll be required RICH. H. CLARK. » aug22-«t Judge Sup r. Coort, S. W C WANTED. A GOOD dwelling house, with five nr • * rooms, to wanted for next year, from let of OCTOBER. Owe near the business pert of town preferred. Far farther particulars inquire at this OFFICE. auglO-lOt* DISTILLERY. HAVING completed all my arrangements to dioctt end rectify SPIRITS, I am prepared to uWi contracts with anyone, who may wish tod aul! and other fruits into brandy. I will also hrrnd t.* trade with rectified whisky, pure spirits end *5 to t > >er cent, aleoboi. For further particular* enquire of lr. Sparks, or at my distillers. three mti*« west of Maeeo. ADERHOLD * IHJSAL D. auglO—lm. LANEY & BRANNON, COTTON FACTORS, RECEIVING AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, IVVACLAi ALA. WILL fire their personal attention to the purchas ing e i Goods, Ac. aarsuuiCKs: Ex-Gov. Shorter, Youeg, Woods A Gardner, K it., la, Aka; William H. Young, Columbua, <K ; J B Ross, J. B. Aaderson k Son, Macon, Oa.: W. J. An deraon k Cos., Fort Talley, Ga.: Atktns k I>enham, W A. McKeuue k Cos., Apalachicola, Fla., O. I*. Metcalf A Cos., New Orleana, Louisiana. jyl vlas. v. a. m. AwnanaoM. t. a. dbla>s. ANDERSON <fc DeLANE, OKNEBAL PRODICE AV» Commission Merchants, MACON, OA.. Triangular Block, opposite City Store. WILL keep on hand for sale, Bacon. Lerd, Sugar, Coffee, Butter. Chickens. Floor. Meal, Grits, Rice, Tobareo, Ac ,A. And con. •igntnents ot Produce end all other nriictee ot Commerce. All goods consigned to our care lor sale, wiil receive prompt attention. Give us a trial, as we must live. au«l3—tf FARM FOR SALE. A small FARM of 100 acres; 40 acres in t* f OAR and HICKORY timber, four and a half md’-a ea*t of GRIFFIN, GA.. is offered tor sale. The pW. torn ritClT UKCdAKDS. running water, •; .* and a good well on it, double log dwelling and out houses. For further particulars sppiv to JASON BULK. Griffin. Ga . or 3. B. BURR, auglS—tf _ Macon, Ga. DRIED PEACHES. I will nr HIGHEST MARKET PRICE For Dried Peaches, if bright and well druid. J. N. SEYMOUR. augll—lm PUGH & LUNQUEST, PHOTOGRAPH, AMBROTYFE, AND Daguerrean Gallery, Triangultr Block, Macon, Gs. Wa have received anew aupply of materia' and are prepared to ezecute pictures of every kind in the beat etyle of art. anvlO— 3m* I. C. PLANT, Stock, Exchange and Money Broker, MAOON, GA. Stocks, Bonds, Sterling and Domestic Eichange, Bank Notes, Government Claims, Gold and Stiver bought aad sold ; money invested as parties may direct. Collections made and promptly remitted for. RanuuniCßs:—R. H. Maury A Cos.. Richmond, V*.. W. M. kJ. C. Martin A Go., Charleston, Jotah Mor ris, Montgomery; Marine Bank oi Georgia, Savaa oak; Uaiea Bank, Augusta, Wm. 11. Young. Pro- • daot Bank of Colambus; St. Joha, Powers A < , Mobil*. jyl»-4m* INSURANCE. THE underaigned has been re appointed agtat of that reliable Institution, the Morohanta’ Inauraaoe Company, OF HARTFORD, CONN., and will he glad to serve bis friends who wish to be secured against lose by fire. Office at the counting room of BNIDER A COL LINS. on Seeood street. saaio-lwi HENRY L JEWETT. FURNITURE AND WOOD WORK *F ALL SIMM USB TO SIDES. Psmltsr* CtMBMd sad Strains. corrals ALWAYS ON BAND, %**J3r # S»r fpooVUm* ON CONSIGNMENT. 100 pieces Kv. BAGGING, 40 coils GREEN LEAF ROPE, 100 bush CORN MEAL, 300 lbs Kv. TWINE 15 kogt 81. CARB. SODA. For sale by auglO-tf J H- ANDERSON k *QV GEORGIA, lamter County.— Wherea*. Jams# p. aai PhUtp West, applty iom.hr Leu r, «r Ad ministration, de beats non ea the setate of J. W. Walker, Ute of me let fIOBDIY. d?C(ll#d These are thrre'ere to cite aad admonish es end • fi lar, the kindred aad creditor* es said deceas'd *« b- - ad appear at my office on or before the first Monday ta o*e b*r neat, them aad there to shew ease*, y say ttry b.ve, •by sate letters theffid net he star ird. Imsaate my hard aad affieiat strnater., t«s ra, M^f4ffi