Daily journal and messenger. (Macon, Ga.) 18??-1865, September 08, 1865, Image 2

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JOURNAL AND MESSENGER. 3. ROSE dfc S. B- BURR. editors Ind PROPRIETORS. ~MACON. FRIDAY MORNING, BfePT^B^lMs^ QT Th e oMce mt Hie “Journal Sc Mes senger" hn« been removed to the corner mt cherry end Third Streets, (five door, above whore It formerly was,) over With ers* *.oud. Job Office- Our Job Office has been refitted, and we are now prepared to do all kinds of JeVWork on short notice, at reasonable rates. Particular attention paid to Book Printing. Our facilities for this branch of business is not surpassed in the State, and wo solicit a share of patronage. _ <+ ♦—•- disturbances opening. We learn that there was a serious difficul. ty on the plantation of Madison Jones, Esq., near Clinton, on Wednesday, between the negroes and the Federal guards, placed there for the protection of the place. Re ports vary with regard to the facts. One is that the guards were wounded, and the other that they were killed by the negroes* who had become very disorderly- • cannot vouch for the precise facta, but there is no doubt the disturbance is a serious one. A sufficient military detachment was sent from ibis city yesterday to restore order, or to act as circumstances might require. This is one among several cironmstanoes we have lately heard of negro insubordination to law; and a just regard for the lives and welfare rs individuals and community would s:em to dictate a precautionary policy. Crawford Infrriur Court. —The first Court in Macon Circuit opened on Mon* day, Judge Cole presiding. But little busi ness, (beyond the action of the Grand Jury) was disposed of, owing to the absence of Attorneys, and the past disturbances of the country, in which that county, fortunately auffierod but little, as its records were undisturbed. The Judge was lenient with regard to the neglect of counsel at this term, but gave due caution as- to what might be expected at the next term. Tax Convention. —James J. Ray and Thomas Simmons, Esqrs., are nominated as candidates for the Convention in Craw ford county. This nomination seems to be acceptable to the people, and Mr. Ray was nominated by acclamation by those he has long served creditably in many capac ities. The Soldiers for the Constitution aa it is, and the as it Was. It ifi & gratifying fact to find so many of the returned soldiers in saver of the old Gov* eminent, and not in favor of what the Aboli tionists want to rnako it—a Negro-Equality Consolidated Despotism. It. M. Hatcha way, Esq , who has been in the military service, has just taken oharge of tho Roches ter (Indiana) Standard, and thus puts the case: Some of our old pcrssnal friends not un frequcntly enquire of us, why is it that so large a number of our soldiers who havo been through tho Southern States, and seen so much of tho evils of the rebellion, and the true condition of the negro, can return home with such sentiments and feeling, as they express in relation to the colored freed men?. We of course can only answer that it is beemse they have been there and seeß these things for themselves. They do not oely upon the extreme partisan and feigned religions teachings of men clothed in fine linen, who reposing upon their couches of wealth and leisure in the shady North, know co more of the struggles of iby rebellion, nor of the real character and status of the negro, than the veriest sleeper and dreaming visronist of Europe; but from hard wrought experience ihoeo soldiers have learned their niL iied lessons in these matters, and cannot Ik led, or frightened awsy from their stern r. *oive to oontinue in their defense of their own rights, and to protect the people and the government they have lescned. To preach to them the wicked uJctrin© that the rebellion and tho war have changed the fuml»r£cntal principles of thtir government knd tranafermed their neighbas and rela tives into abj ct slaves and savage,barbarians while elevating the demented African to a sup ricr race, is to trifle with iLcir good sen-; and insult their jride as American clt:zct.s. Men who Lave tested the L't<crcs»t cud c f deadly strife, dwelt in ,L e clouds of battle snackc, bokly Ptr.< J e among the acreech.ng, bounding balls of death, lived in the musket s wide fl amea fire , and bathed in the cannon’s heited breath, are n6t disposed to feed on f anc y’ 8 poi!4oned dregs ot jealous superstition, nor to fire the mind with dangers only of the imagination And this is why they rally 80 earnestly aronud the ancient standard, and principles of the staid and candid sires of the Repub- It is stated, as anew discovery, that wonderful effects may be obtained by water ing fruit trees and vegetables with a solution •f sulphate of iron. Under tins system beans will grow to nearly double the size, and will aquire a muoh more savory taste! The pear seem to he particularly well adapt ed to this treatment. Old nails thrown in to water, and left to rust there, will impart to it all the necessary qualities for forcing vegetation as described. BY TELEGRAPH. ASSOCIATED PRSES reports. The Wertz Trial. Nine York, Sept. 4.—The Washington special says: G. 11. Emerson, bailiff, of the Wertz military commission, has just returned from the South, where he was sent by the Government, to summon wit nesses for the defense. Names of about sixty rebel officers and men were furnished by Wertz. Considerable difficulty w&s experienced by Mr. Emerson in finding the witnesses, as they were scattered over the States of North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Florida and Georgia. A num ber were found to have gone to Texas, Mexico and Europe; out of a list of sixty but thirty-three were found, all of whom are now on their way to this city. Many of the ex-rebel officers were fearful that if they came to Washington, they would be arrested and placed in confinement by the Government, and it was not until they had received due assurances, that they would come out from their hiding places.. The list of tboSe subpcened, embraces names of officers of all grades from colonel down, and also a number of private soldiers. Most of these summoned served with Wertz while he was in command of the Andersonville prison pen. The Sutler, Comnrssary and Quartermaster of Ander sonville are also among the number. Dur ing his sojourn in the South, the different commanders cheerfully co-operated with Mr. Emerson, and gave him every assist ance in the discovery of and summoning of witnesses. Southern Mail Contracts. The contracts for postal service in the South gpw being made with railroads and are taken at an average of fifty per cent, lower than before the war. In one case $27,000 is now paid for which the Government paid $158,000 five years ago. In another case, $1,200 a year was paid for carrying the mails to a sfhall post office where the receipts were but $2,400 a year. H . Treasury Issues. The amount of national currency issued by the Treasury Department for the week ending September 2, was $2,230,530, and the grand total issued up to date, $177,- 487,220. The total amount of certificates of indebtedness redeemed at the Bureau of Redemption in the Treasury Depart ment for the week ending September 2 was $0,987,520, and the amount of muti lated currency destroyed in the same pe riod, $2,206,575. Mouth Carolina New*. The Herald’s Charleston cos reopen«lent says Gen. Hatch has retired from the command,of the military district of Charles ton, and has been temporarily succeeded by Gen. Bennett, the Dost Commandant in the city. The election fewr members for the Con vention ia to take place to-day, and r.he South CaroliHiar.s were considerably ani mated by their-preparations for the event. Perry in the letter he has recently written states that in cases where reb els take ths.amnesty oath and receive the re commendation to the President for pard< m, it is presumed that, the pardon will be granted, and that they are therefore en ti tled to serve as members of the convention on this presumption. New York , Sept. 4.—The Charleston Courier, of the 31st, says it is stated that a decision has been arrived at that only those will be allowed to vote at the ap proaching election for members of the con vention who wore actually loyal voters in 1860. If this report ia correct, it disfran chises ail those who have obtained their majority and those who may have become qualified since that time, and contacts with the intent and spirit of Gov. Perry’s proc lamation based upon the* anfipuncement made by President Johnson that the laws in relation to suffrage in force prior to the secession should alone be valid. A movement is on foot to invite Presi dent Johnsun to extend his contemplated visit toTtichinond as far as Charleston. Prom Virginia. The World’s special says the recommen dation of the late mass meeting, in Rich mond, that similar meetings should be held throughout tho stole of Virginia, is being carried out. They have been called in several counties. One held last Friday, in Halifax county, passed resolutions accept ing the abolition of slavery as an accom plished fact, and pledged their efforts for a full restoration, of the Union, and en dorsed the reconstruction policy of Presi dent Johnson. From Loaiiiana. The Herald’s New Orleans correspond ent says Gov. Wells, of Louisiana, has ap pointed an agent to proceed up Red River and seize on behalf and for the benefit of the State all the cotton purchased bv Hen ry W. Allen. Captain Sommes, of the pirate Alabama notoriety, and his son are still at Orleans. Probable Kpsipiation of Got. Sltarlcey. Concerning the difference between Gov. Sharkey, of Mississippi, and General Slo cum, the correspondent says of the Gover nor’s remonstrances at Washington, that the military refused to honor writs of ha beas corpus issued by loyal judges- both Secretary Seward andStanton reply, that although the President has appointed a Provisional Governor, martial law is still predominant in theStatc, and it is the duty of the national military to preserve order and mete out justice, for the aeccmplish ment of which important objects the peo ple of Mississippi have not yet demonstrat ed their ability dr disposition It is thought that the result of the misunderstanding will he the resignation of Gov. Sharkey. h Railroad Men Arrested. New York, Sept. 4.—lt is reported It. J. Race, conductor of mail triin, and James White, engineer of express train, Long Is land railroad, have been arrested on the cor oner’s warrant. Habeas Corpus to be Restored. ' The Post's Washington special says it is confidently predicted that the President will soon issue a proclamation restoring the writ of habeas corpus in the loyal Spates. Mrs. Mallory, wife of the rebel ex-secre tary, has called on the President to secure the release of her husband from Ft. Pulaski. Freni Port-au-Prince. New York , Srpt. 4.—Advices have been received from Port-au-Prince to the 19tb of August. An insurrection %t Corial was in tended to aid the rebels at Cape Hayden has been suppressed by the government forces. President Jeffrard has sent commissioners to examine into the condition of the army, which is beseiging Cape Haytien. Mem bers of the commission have returned a fa vorable report, and they also advised that to spare a useless effusion of blood the rebel stronghold should not be attacked, but be strongly blockaded so the rebel garrison may receive no succor from outside. Seven steamers and three sailing vessels are at the command of the government. - Texas Intelligence, etc. New York , Sept. 3 —The steamer Morn ing Star, from New Orleans on the 26th, has arrived. Texas papers contain the following: Thos. C. Moore, Recorder in Judge Devens’ Court at Austin, has been arrested by the Provost Marshal, and it is stated that other arrests have been made, upon charges of making away with public'prop erty after the surrender. Accounts of horrible atrocities by the Indians are occurring often. The Herald’s Washington special says the printing of fractional currency notes upon the new membrane copy has been temporarily checked bv a slight disagree ment. The public will be supplied with a fractional currency, the successful imita tion of which will baffle the oldest coun terfeiter. The work of reducing the number of staff officers of Commanding Generals’ staffs is still progressing. The Herald’s Fortress Monroe corre spondent says Jeff Davis walked out yes terday, for the first time in four-days. He is laboring under another attack of erysip elas, but of slight character and showing no change. Gen. Miles having ascertained the where abouts of Capt. B. Winder, issued an or der for his arrest. The prisoner was to day sent to-day sent to Washington. ’llUciUluneoas Kewi. Cairo . Sept. 3 Three hundred and sixty bales of cotton passed here to day for Oin-. cinnati, and two hundred for Evansville. A Jackson, Miss., dispa'eh to the Mem phis Bulletin says that the action of General Osterbaus in taking a prisoner from the court room while ou "trial for au offence against the civil law created much excite ment among the people, tut. contideuce was felt that the President would sustain Gover nor Sharkey. The Memphis cotton market declined one cent. Cotton quoted at 34a41c. New Orleans dates sajs three* hundred bales of cotton was burned at Selma, Ala., on the 22 1 inst. It is reported that the greater part of Shreveport, La., including a considerable amount of ootton, was burned. Thos. \\ T . Conway, Assistant Commission er of Frcedmen, repirts but 100 negro va grants in Louisiana. Money Will Not Buy Pardon. New York , Sept. 3.—The following letter, addressed to the Governor of Virginia, has been furnished for publication : Attorney-General's Office, ) Washington, Aug. 17 1865. j Hon. F. H. Fierpont , Governor of Va : Sir: Lam directed by the Attoruey.Gon eral to acknowledge the receipt of your let ter of the 25th inst., and to say in reply that, as far as this office is concerned, you have bis full authority for saying that the only influence possible to be extended in the matter of a petition by any agent or attorney, whatever he may be, is to delay the petition in all cases coming under the 13th exception, and all peity civil officers, having your recommendation, need nothing further. ..They are approved by the Attor ney-General, a matter of course ; and the President declares that any intimation that money can assist a petition is a gross insult to his whole office, from himself down to his humblest messenger. I am, sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, M. T. Pheasents, Pardon Clerk. Foreign News. New York, Sept. 3.—The Saxonia, from Southampton 23d, arrived at this point. The Great Eastern had arrived at Shecre ncss. Capt. Anderson fully believes in be ing able to lay the cable. He f es ihe manufacture of anew cable and proper picking up machinery by May, and theu lay anew cable, and afterwards pick up the old one. The Atlantic Telegraph Company pro posed to lay anew cable aud theu to pick up the old one. Mr. Mason writes to the 'i irnea’ that or ders were sent at cnco to stop the Shenan doah’s crurie. The cattle plague still continues. Prance. —The Emperor and Empress aro ija Switz.rhnd. Turkey. —-The cholera is disappearing in Constantinople. Spain —The cholera at Gibraltar, Bur ceiouia, aud Valencia is disappearing. The Saez Canal flood gates have been opened, aud vessels laden with coal passed direct from the Mediterranean to the Red Sea on tho 15th. Prussia. —It is officially stated at Salen burg that a conference has been agreed to between the Emperor of Austria aud the King of Prussia. Liverpool, August 23—Tho colt m sales for two days, the 21st and 22d, amounted to 25,000 bales. Market firmer, and prices unchanged. Breadstuffs—Flour firm. Wheat buoyant at oxireme rates. Corn steady at 30s Gda 3Ls6d. Beef quiet, but firm. Pork tends upward, j Bacon advanced la2s, closing firmer. Lard I advanced lOd, selling at 80s. Butter ad- 1 vanced 2s, closing firm. Bugar steady. No sales of coffee. Rice firm. London , Avgust 23.-—Consols for money closed at 89ia$9i. Illinois Central shares 79, Erie shares 53Ja53f, 5.20s 69. DIED, At Longstreet; Pulaski county, on the 30th nit., Mr. GEORGE WALKER, aged aboit 70 year*. Mr. Walker baa long been koowa a* a most enterprising planter, a useful and public spirited citizen, iu every thing pertaining to the community in which be lived. He was one of the directors of the Brunswick rail road, and did orach by bis influence and means to originate and catgr on that work. He was a leading member of the Baptist ebnrcb, a devoted Brother of the Masonic order, and practiced all the virtues and charities belonging to a Christian, and of the ancient order of Masonry. His 4«rk bas been well and faith fully done on the square, with all mankind, and we trust, that as a Christian, be will receive the welcome ol a good and faithful sereant, from the Grand Master of the Universe, to partake of the rewards-of a well spent life. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF OA. t I Office of tbs Provost Marshal General, r Augusta, Ga., August 3d, 1*65. ) Provost Marshal General’s \ Orders No. 1. ) Teleg r aph Operators, Express Agebtf, Post Masters, Forwarding Merchants, Common Carriers and Rail road Agents, are notified that they will not forward or deliver messages, goods, wares, merchandise, or mail matter to any persons whomsoever, within the Department of Georgia, who have not taken the oath prescribed in President’s Proclamation of Amnes ty, May 25th, 18*5. Any violation «t this order will* be punished by a forfeiture of all rights to transact business within this Department by the offending party, and by. fine and imprisonment. By command of Major Gen. Steedman. C. U. GROSVENOR, Brevet Brig. Gen. and Provost MarshalGeti. HEADQUARTERS Ist SUB DIVISION, 1 District of Colourcs, r Macoo, September 7tb, 1865. ) The above order will hereafter be strictly enforced. By coinmand.ef Col. Andrew K. Z. Dawson. E. F. MALIN, sepßtf Lieut, und A. A. A. G. VALUABLE MACHINERY ASD CITY PROPERTY IN MACON, FOR SALE. We will sell, on FRIDAY, the 15th inst., at 11 o’clock A. M , on the premjgaa, unless previously disposed of at private safe— The BUILDING and LOT on Third street,formerly known us Knight’s Sash and Blind Factory, end re cently used by tbe Southern Wire Company.. The Lot is *2oxllo ieet—one large two-story Build ing aud one small Stick Shop on the premises. LIST OF MACHINERY', Etc. One 25 horse power Steam 'Engine, complete, with double-flue Boilers, Fire Fiont, Breeching, Pumps, Pipes, etc. 1 Slide Lathe, with overhead Pulleys; 2 Band “ “ “ “ 5 Machines for making Wire: 4 largo Boilers for annealing Wire; 1 machine for making Buckles. WOOD MACHINERY. 1 Woodsworth Planing Machine; 1 Daniel’s *‘ “ 1 Teuou Machine, (doub’e cylinder) ; 3 Sash and Moulding Machines; 1 Cut- Off Saw Machine, (two saws); 8 Saw Benches with saws ; 1 Slat Machine; 2 Boring Machines, etc. With the machinery there is a full complement of Shafting, Pul lies, etc. There ia also on the premises an extensive Bluolc smith Shop, with seven Forges, Anvils, etc., the blast for which is supplied by a Fan Blower driven by etaam. In additiou to the above, there is a complete set of machinery for making Buttons. All to be sold together. Applv to FINDLAY' A KENRICK. sepS-tds Triangle Brock. AUCTION SALES. BY FINDLAY & KENRICK. This .Horning, at halt-past 9 OVlock. 1 Lounge, | 1 Chest Tools, 3 Feather Beds, 1 Stove and Pipe, 4 Mattresses, 10 reams Letter Paper, 2 Bolsters, 5 “ Note Paper, 4 Pillows, 5,000 Envelopes, 2 boxes Tobacco, Lot Knives and Forks. In front of store — VOne-Horae Wagon. sep3~lt BACON, BACON, BACON. A large lot »t . v G. F. A H. E. OLIVER. lepß-lt FIFTY SACKS EXTR+I JWJVIXI* FIOIR, JUST receded at sepß -It G. P. A H. E. OLIVER. SOLE AND UPPER LEATUER at 0. F. k H. E. OLIVER. sepS-lt 5 bales OSNAUURGS, 6 “ YARNS. For sale by 8<?P8-H «. F. k H. E. OLIVER. Telegraph copy advertisements once, and send bill to this office. Wanted Immediately, ONE pair PLATFORM SCALES, (Fairbanks’ patent), for which a jro .and price wit) be paid. Ap ply at T. A. HARRIS’ WAREHOUSE. sepß-2t* |>F.OR«IA, Puluskt County. -Whereas, John F*le, Executor of Mathew Qraee, decM, ap. plies for leave to sell the real/estate of said deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singu lar the kindrrd and creditors, to he and appear at ray of fice on or before the first Monday in November next, and show cause, if an? they have, why said leave should not be granted (liven under my hand, this 6th Sept-irber, 1665 *epß-w2m J. J. SPARROW, Ordinary. G BORGIA, Pulaski County.- Whereas, Ma rl ah Rawls, applies for Letters of Administration on the estate of John J. Rawls, late of Pulaski county, de ceased. This Is therefore to cite and admonish aU and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap pear at my office on or by the first Monday in October next, then and there to show cause, if any, why said Letters may not be granted to said applicant. Hive* under my hand and official signature, August 17th * JOHM J.MffiRROW, Ordinary”* augl7~Bod Be and Call' ADAIR’S SALOON, ON MULBBRY ST. AT 110’CLOCJL, EVERY DAT And get a plate of “UNCLE HARRY’S Mock Turtle Soup. HARTFORD FIRE LXSIRAXCE CO. Established 1810. Oldest and one of the most reliable Companies in the Vnited States* ASSETS, JUNE, 1865, $1,600,000. AGENCY IN MACON 35 YEABB. THE undersigned are prepared to take RISKS on PROPERTY in Macon and vicinity. All lorsee promptly adjusted. E. J. JOHNSTON 4k CO., Agents, (under Masonic Hall; aep7-lm* Cotton Avenue. I. Y. SAWTELL, Groeerj and Commission Merchant, (Corner Whitehall and Mitchel Sts.,; Atlanta, Qkosoia. HAYING procured a houss in the most business part of me city, I take pleasure in announcing to the merchants of Macon, and country general!,, that I am prepared to receive and sell all Groceries and Country Produce generally, on Consignment, that may be consigned to me. Personal attention given to, and prompt returns made on all Cou sigmuenta. sep7-eodlw I. Y. SAWTEJjL. SHEETING AND NAILS. 4 bales Sheeting, 30 keg 4d, 6d, 8d and lOd Nails, 150 sacks Corn. For sale by J. H. ANDERSON A SO A sept7-tf v \t BACON. 5,000 Sides and Ilams, dust received and tor sale by sept7-tf J. H. ANDERSON A SON. J MGGIJTG XPD HOPE. 80 pieces Kentucky Bagging, 10k coils Green Leaf Rope, j * •' 200 ** Begging Twine. In store and lor sale by sept 7 ts , J. H. ANDERSON 4 CO. A. CHANGE! I OFFER my DRUG STORE and MEDICINES for sale, as 1 am desirous to change my business. H. N. SPINKS.. Fort Talley, Aug. 31st, 1865. sep2—lol* ON CONSIGNMENT, 45 Barrels Bure BOURBON WHISKY, Direct from Louisville, Kentucky, for Huje only by the Barrel.- Apply to sep7-!0* JAMES SEYMOUR. COTTON NOTICE. ALL persons bolding the Receipt of H. J. COOK, or of H. J .COOK 4 CO. for; Cotton stored in a Brick House on Washington Street, are hereby poti> tied of its remurol to the WAREHOUSE on toe cor* ner of Washington and Pine streets. The causa of its removal being the expiration of a LEASE on said Brick House, and the acquisiton of storage room ia the Warehouse by the shipment of other Cottons. Any person objecting to said removal are hereby noti fied to present their receipts and receive their Cotton. Hamlin j. cook. * Albany, Sept. 4th, 1865. sepfr-lyl* DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. NOTICE is hereby given, that the Partnership here tofore existing betweeu the undersigned and EL LIB W. JENKINS, in the Warehouse and Commis sion business in Albany, Go., under tha firm name sod styl® of “H. J. COOK 4 00.," expired by its own limitation on the first jsj of Bcpteuiber,'lß6s. A.l persons indebted to raid firm will moke payment, and all having demands will preaant them to the under signed for settlement. HAMLIN J. COOK. Albany, Ga., September Ist, 1885. supuM'Ot Laadreth’s Turnip Seed. (difpsrkmt VAKIBTISS.) Warranted fresh and genuine. Just received and for sale by W. S. ELLIS, * Corner of Chevy Street 4 Cotton Avenue. seps-St* CRUSHED SUGAR. QA barrels best quality CRUSHED SUOAR. Far U sale by JAMES SEYMOUR, sep6-10t* 8d Street, Macon, Ga. ■FVesh. Arrivals AT JAMES SEYMOUR’S STORE, On Third, 2 d door from Cherry Street. kegs 4, 6 8 and lOd Nails, 7 bbls. Georgia Syrup, 4 boxe Cotton Cerda, 10 doz. Sifters, 10 bales Twine, 10 bales Gunny Rugging, 20 kegs Soda, 5 bbls. Apple Vinegar, 10 cases Sardines, 150 bnxes star Candles, 50 rolls Ky. Ragging, 8 bales Yarns, 5 bales Wool, 2 bags Rya> 800 cjils Richardson’s Green Leafttope. sep3-10l* Sundries. SUGAR, COFFEE, BAGGING and ROPE, LIVERPOOL SALT, FAMILY FLOUR, ia barrels and sacks, for sale bv j. n. Seymour, aug24 lm Cherry St., Macon, Ga. Beeswax * Can be sold for a-hfgb price by calling on J. N. SEYMOUR, aug24-lm Cherry St. Macon, Ga. n NOKttilA, llonaton County.—Oaoiaaax’a VJ Ornosros said Oocxtt.— Whereat, George M. T. Peagia, petitions the undersigned for letters of Dlemiaaion from the Addilniatration of estate of John P. Pordham, deceased. Thists therefore to eite end admonUh all persona ooaooraod to be and appear at my office on or before the first Monday gwntftl 4 Igfsisttigrt Job Printing Office, Corner oC Cherry and Third Ste ., Afaoon, Os. Having removed our Printing en tabfi&hment to the corner of Third and Cherry Streets, (the white corner,) we are prepared to do all kindn of • PLAIN AN© FANCY in Ik Colored Ink* or Brokki. Having recently ’purchased NEW JOB PBESSES ' and procured a large and fine lot of BfftHMlM, We are prepared to execute in the BEST STYLE, Kv«rjr Variety of • i SUCH AS BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, BILL HEADS, PROGRAMMES, HAND BILLS, RAIL ROAD RECEIPTS, DRAY TICKETS, CIRCULARS, POSTERS, BANK CHECKB, mm, nmm WEBBING ANB VISITING CAxms. GIVE US A TRIAL. We have eta bead a large aasortasnt of plain and fancy cards, » •" IAW BLANKS. ETC.. BTC. At OU> PUCKS. Parties will Bud it to their iaisrsst U ». f , \ if - HC, -» t* > ♦*' f give us a call. 8* ROHE k CO. Ml£T A.LLIC CASES. RECBI FED this day a fell asaortwiest ol METAL 1C BURIAL CASES aad CASKETS of the mat beautiful Pattern a For aaJeat air Factory, feat Third Strytua* Go. GREENVILLE WOOD. J. N. SEYMOUR, Dealer la Greeeries aad rrmWeet, —AND— GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT Cherry Street, Manes, Ga. saffM-lH riBORGIA, Pataskl i. VJ S. WaMu, apoHoe lor letters of llmlaleUallea oa Qraee. fewiS toned to bo esd appear *at up edUe wtthta tSTuTe yrT Mrtbod by lav, and stow eoaeo. if asp fey bare, tty saM letters aheold sot bo grasto* toeatd eppUeeat. JSVpaJS? “'TSi.TZ&Z'* BRUCE'S Tfi OWNERtOF tOT^ house at ir.ucncou n | kt tb. parpM* ,f nem,i. K . Stsn, Compnae and Fhrw^dV Taxes, Charge aod aahe edvasom ! W.TW.CRiXt.cO.^rT^"*^ * <»• m QiTti, Orleans, or will ferweid <Vi« m 4 MOST where owner* prefer te -maty, giog aad Rope MppUed Shlppera can rely epos prompt patronage solicited. Ad.irw, E. M. BBCOt.MotaAi 4 aepA lm CHAPPEU, BRUCE 4 j IMPORTERS aad J0M0,.., DRY GOODy N0.141 Went Fourth Star (■■vwsaji eki tn ate c im-c I##* ri. EVERT DESCRIPTION ft j DRY GOOD' • •' f|l AND EVERY ABTICLI Hccuurj it Make a Ctnpfci FOR A CITY OR COUNTRY B]**£ ! CAN BE OBTALXED aT This E.stabli««h2Hea: WK will duplicate pncea of aay M aamw t * Nsw York. Wa mt dttiraiiaad >»me>» a>> J threat of tha Soothers States is msi Is sa of us this fall. One of our panawi iwia o fal York aad noooaqaiatlv boo great dtuea am 1 wa propose to extend to esr naitiaura s«asw pty avary artiaia kept is a oasstry Dry oa*am CHAPPEL, BRUCfc 4 CO aogSO-lm j To Owners of Cotta. | la Aarwrr »• Nsmaersss Isgalrtes tan Abroad, ire would .my that art are Is pwraß TO TAKE CHARGE Os PUT IN ORDEB ANDBMir. J.r r EOT OF €OTT9J\ fa the States of Oeorgw, Soatb Conhsoar A aha aa wo have local Agesta at Mvb rrery lowa si corps of moat cAoisst men, aataotsS far wtagnw.w atty, sod export* mm, to take aharya af awry hk, M e will Rite pay al Texts ni (top ts every DeicrlpUei, And make liberal advaecta oe tbc CRR la short, wo will taka sharps af tha OaStwassaa or orders, aad giro the OWNERS NO TROUBLE VIATfUi from the time we isreive it aalß aeM aad letmwsa by our houses. WATTS, CRAVE ACa. New Tea* w c. watts a ca. L vfii 1 . fcf* osr < attau lea E. M. BRUCE 4 CO. Angaria, Aag. It, HO. h*fhr Sarasaob. Atlanta, Meet*. MaSi-re. B*B Selma, Atbeo*. LoQ.eage. Hutefe Cfeaoa Charleston, tnlaska, Lraettert, aad lao* Vs, pafsra espy tu month and send hi ooouiatag card is K. M. BRUCE A U> a ■. saves. rs. ui s *•*' E. M. BRUCE * CO, IMHIOAD *TtEET4AUGU*TA GA Bankers and Cotton ftetm % \ DEALERS EXCLUSIVELY Foreign a DobmsUc KuM'- Cota, Uoourront Mousy aad Cotta* I HAVE the*'- doe fohra io«e THOMAS 8 MORGAN ldo|h» tins aad appn Mama at bee tsu« aatiefertnry asd nomettsl my asm—Trial sad <Ue»*«st %da>r* ity to my is'rraoio (heetoff haas nit boat istersMoowm fee sot then I do therefore enmstid hi* *''* ibo>aei»eoo psMfe. *.«.»*** Assaoto.Gs. A off. Ist. MIA ssffHMsU -—- the psreta. aod properly of Me ■ ****? *"*—•* Ml One William*. hoetog UerOorgr* ffoorgtaiooessla ■wiaio.sfeq tens ieUaaal^gUw^StJ^|^|jr*J Q^*S»£o«ss a Jw>»Sbr^**yg Oooafip fee usee IsoUttho raahfe»«*esse »«;» SUSS3T * » •S*lM,N*'