The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, February 01, 1883, Image 3

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The roil liquor Vmr is a daisy, and don’t you forget it. Vr, W. E. Brady contemplate- moving !o IIj>iris county next week, Frank Gann is a Boss sign paint er if be did make bis letteis crooked. Business in the justice court 'a reported by tbe officers as being lively. f jBycicle riding is a favorite i ii’sljmo ■with a croud of boys iu )allas. V e bad s v( iv pleasant call from Mr. Tnlmatie Kichnrils, of Atlanta, yesterday. He was lavoiubi; ini- prettied will) our town. '■ “Grandma" Mathis has a lieifer twenty months old which brought a calf the other night. Pretty young. Mi.fp. H'K'brbt(i|'hcr, of tbe Phr- i•Oil'llpit spent a Hey in Dal as thi week in t tie in,crest ol tin sprig lily paper with which lie is connected. Now is the lime to sow votir rust- j roof oat*. I’u: in a good crop ot thou, and you will find that it wi I pay vou bolter tliau uny worbfcyou Cculd do. George Foote lias purchased the livery stable of Foote & Kith- cart. He will keep good stock and vehicles for the accommoda tion of his customers. J. B, & T. A. Foote, are having a small building put up in the va cant space bet iveeu their wooden and brick stores, to be used us u barber shop. Mr. T. J. Cooper has discontin ued his business at California court ground and is removing his stock of go >ds into his atoro at Dallas. BtAitPEim Wanted.—Having lo cated in Dallas, two doors from Christie,tn hotel, I t m now pro per d to accommodate several day boarders. J. D. ItEED. If any ontf wants their sewing machine repaired, call on mo at Dallas, .wlitire I will sojourn for only a fit w days. Iain itmachiu- is; of it) years experience und guarantee all of my work. J. II. Edwards. IV. K. Carter has laid in a good supply of t!ie fr est, liquors for court week. JTe can bo found at the “!!pc1 Liquor l'ar,” u f he's lu- would bo pleased to have- his cus tomers cull. We r- parted rr-curtty that Mr. C>. A. . lliirii*: <H h>couey. rlii.tgliler- crl a hog weighing ")7a ptaei Is nut. \V(, maett n mi-tako a) the name. It was Jot n W. Hollis that rased the 1 o ', Uutior to wh- ni honor ib due. Pnots, shots and ready-made c’otli ing ut ess titan cost tu dcso out at mludnisiraiora sale. A g"od ituc'< vet to si leet Ironi. W. II. bt lUCKLAND. Atluiittistr .tor. C. Z. Turner visited Smyrna this week, lie only intended staying about twelve hours, and protracted his visit to about, sev enty-two hours. Wo begin to snspset that thero is some attrac tion over there for Charley. Mr. Walter Connally, besides being one of tbe best bar-keepers in Geargia, is hard to crowd on pool—if you don’t behove it try him. You will find him at the Bed Liquor bar, always ready to wait on you. I m selling out 'the rcmnintl c> c the stock of giiotis belonging to the estate .,f S. L. Ft rich land, deceased, at less Ilian cost. A good stock yet to select ironi. These goods toe cb- lig'.o to be sold in older to wind up ih<> business Call early ai d get bui- ga as. \V. R- 6 1RI' K L/\ N D. Administrator. Springer and Barnes are now lo cated near the depot, Dallas, Ga. and are prepared to take pho tographs, ferrotypes, etc, cheaply and in good st\)e. Call anil have your pictures taken while you have the opportunity. They have good lights, good material, are jiood artists aud guarantee satis faction. They make four ferro types for fifty ceuts. Mlacksniithing. I have rented Noah Pinkard’s Our Club Rates. We haro decided to put our club rates for subscription to tho New Era at $1.00 n. year, if paid in advance. We intend to try to make a livo local paper, and ive think that every man iu the coun ty’ ognhi to subscribe for it at that price. Pay us one dollar and we will arrange the chilis and send you tlie paper a year. Let all pull together and wo will be sure to make it a success. $ I pnzid on bis caretu-rn and haggard face, “ \ ml thojlinos cf sortow i cnuM"cnsily trace, t(,|d u too plainly of (poverty’s cur)*, Ot an c. pivjsion ach niul an empty purse. 1 iis etui tale ho told with' n any a sigh. Ot llie fond hopes liejhau tlut were burn I ut tn die, Of tili’s j »v oils morning, ^ut lettered utul dec— 1 Item was none so contented i n ’ Imp; y as he. fho^big tears Iriek’cd down his 'tir- r wed chock, 'And h'< Inmrt wa» so heavy he could n t speak, B it he whispered to mo sadly; iu ao-' cents low, l utn sorry I never traded at Tom (Sanders's store. 1 ’ .it antii Imports the ; renter part of the (rush beef wh eh she u»es Irom l.inoago Bradstrocts reports eleven failure* lor ianuutj. Ch'ilera Is main t> an ill■■' m nj xleit tu Southern 'tixieu. llu d ei me dy ing dally irom the talul dibc-ise. A Nashville dispatch to the Times- -tar says t nil. an ■ucnioitunt Hulls llui Illicit of the late Treasurui Fo.k, of i elluessccc, to ho if .02 427.25. The citizens < f Atlanta arc excited over t e appenrsi ce iu West End ot a ( rocluus animal w deli they have duhhed a hyena. Uue.o Heuius Is eomeiup aniig r, moving. Thectt.l/.ous « r Atlanta ars clamoring .'ot better street*. Tlo city (oui.ell Ivs viited tilti.OtiO tor that pnrposu, mid now Hint the people h ive Ini cu n noli it,they'll p it ll.c stru ts In good coiidntou lief ■ u llIolUln , week. The charge made hv Mr .tames, of Don* In-, Hint Hie pnpt.s of the deal aid dumb asylum at Cave Sp, u * did not get enough to eat, was Iie.iru Info-e l; v Stephens I ist Mlnduy ami proved not to be iu. Mr Joe Patterson, who lives near Ath ens (»u., recently cm Ids wile’s throat ir v og a* hi* cause that, tie Mi-.ple.bmrd her ml lull lelit.v. Sun lingered a few d i.vs and dual from her Injurh '. Pater- soil dodged arre-t, to - a few days, but us* finally apprehended at Bel.on hie. d ’s I’u 1 (arson's mal.ien uiiine was Bel’, ainl she wa* a dough er of [)r W it Bill, of Smyrna, who was form, rly a ropreson- titive of Banks, county, Ms, A.M. Cl ylon. a'clnirvoyaut "n til elocttt onist, who ha- huen traveling over the ve-t under the uoin de plumes of Mr* 'I Kent Matson, liiiweu*. IBayton, CJ.ttfield mid oihoi-, Is c:ea lug a * uni. Ion In that sceiaeii. -It I - chmgod that she ha* in 1 1 rep re-en led Imise f a* bring employed hv the Woman's Christian Union, in ord. r to see we the Inttuencu of that org.inizulion. The iflle ,* ol the union say that' hey lave no disposition to Injure this culerorising woman, hut a*sejt '.hat t.le-v will not. he Imposed u .on hv her and '.five not. fled her that if she i.on'td sl-t fiom deceiving Jin- nubile l..oy wi take legal steps to stop her. (Senator Brown and Protection. At the first f vrrable tir.gortuidty, Senator Brown bus rli floedf hi* noslt'on o theturhh He l> tor pictcc'lon and said so, and on oread hi.-; argument by Ids vote He prevented irom troro being pht'-e l upor t ie tree list, aud has rui-.d the tie olgpcck ami Wa' ersou, Jwhoh ire walking lie delettt of tl>« democratic patty as Indusiri .'Usly a- possi'j.e on all occasio'is. | He i* quoted ns fol'ows In two special ! Washington telegrams: i Mr. Brown warned his democratic friends that they conld not succeed n a presidential campaign if the people of thlseountry are satisfied that tlie demo crats are antagonistic lu their ibelings a Id action to Amet h an production and American lubo . an X that they moulding to put foreign productions and foreign ( ia'ior iu a position of pre'erence to (nine ! pro lucti >• s and home labJr Mr. Brown, who announced at ti.e ] op. idng of his remarks, that he was rar- nest'r opposed to the internal revenue sysiein. s.dd that) the pending bill coi- taiued many dentils which lie did not I ke. ainl lie did cot kuow whether he wou.d vote for It or not. T e time had c'uue whan the new industries of the south should have a large sluffe of the hem U:s of the protection nfTortled hv the i tillin'. As to the proposed duly op. iron j oie. it should be doubled, instead of being | reduced I Wo ska 1 ! look with some interest to I tat luture online’ of I he free 'rad. rs who j i ave lieeu clinging o tile coat-tal s of ;|ie I senator, Tie sen itor ranges himself | alongside of tneTo egi'oph and Mss sen- er.—Telegraph and At .sseuger. Know That Brown's Iron Bitters will cure the worst case of dyspepsia. Will insures hearty appetite and increased digestion. Cures general debility, and gives a new lease of life. Dispels nervous depression and low spirits. Restores an exhausted nurs ing mother to full strength and gives abundant sus tenance. for her child. Strengthens the muscles and nerves,enriches the blood. Overcomes weakness, wake fulness, and lack ofenergy Keeps off all chills, fevers, and other malarial poison. Will infuse with new life the weakest invalid. 37 Walker Si., Baltimore, Dec. 1881. For *lx years 1 have been a great sufferer from Blood Disease, Dys pepsia.nndConstip.'ttion.and became so debilitated that I could not retain anything on my stomach, in fact, life hail almost become a burden. F* .’v, when hope had almost left me, n/ husband teeing Brown’s Ikon Vttbks advertised in the t aper, niiuced me to give it a trial. am i. - ‘akhig the third bottle and have net felt 10 well in six fears as 1 Jo (S the present time. ■ <ra. L. F. Grirvin, Brown's Iron Bitters will have a better tonic effect upon any one who needs “ bracing up,” than any medicine made. The RED LIQUOR (In New brick Row) W. K. CARTER. Proprietor. CHARLIE FOOTE, CLERK Tlie Finest Bar in Balias. Tf you want, to ttpoml a pleasant hour, oblivions to tho mi*i)8 of tho woi'ltl, drop Inlo tin* “Itoil Liquor liar,” which Is sup plied with the choicest Wines, Whiskies, Brandies and Fragrant Cigars. A lull .stock of fancy confectioneries. BILlllltl) &7ool tables. In oniincctliiu with tiio liar, are a line New Billlnnl anil New J’ool Table, ill which nil who enjoy the game cun spend n_n linin' both pleasantly mill profitably The hull Is large and roomy, tastily deco tilted and hmilshed wltii eomfortnbli ehnlr*, am! Is well lighted. Politest nt- tcullnn given to customers. tf. J. B. & T. A. FOOTE & CO. F, AST T EJN IN E«?»KIt:, Virififfl & GEOilfilll R. R. GEOUOIA DIVISION. rUE INT33W SHORT LINE. II.UTA.NOOOA TO ATLANTA, ATI,ANIIA TO MACON, — AMI— rile SHORTKST ol ALL ROUTES UHATTA.NOOOA AND TIIKWH8T TO FLOJIIDA AND Til It SOUTH KART I Condensed Loenl I’ussenger Sehedule (on basis Louisville time,by which all trains lire run) In efleet November liili, 1SS2: " bouthVv a b n. — Train No. f,J. Leave Clmtlnnoogii... Leave Oiiltewnll Leave Colmtta Arrive DALTON Leave Dalton Leave Home Leave Kockinart Leave Dallas A rrivo ATI. A NTA ... I,eave Atlanta Leave ,McDonough... Leave Jnekson Leave I ndiiin Springs Arrive MACON....... I,cave Macon Leave Cochran Leave Eastman Arrive .1 ESI: B Leave Jesnp Leave Sterling Leave BRUNSWICK Train No. 51. 0:15 0 :50 a. ill 7 :i!0 8:20 u.m . K, Chastain, MANUFACTUltKIt OK,S, IIUHESS,WHIPS, BRIDLES AN1) COLLARS, Dallas, I’auldino County, Ga. Repairing a laity. A good sleek of lmnd-m ,de work eonstmitly on Imud, Harness Oils kept In stock. *Uj!| I have also add 'd a shoe shop to Fgimy business, and am prepared to make and repair shoes In the bust work- in an-llko manner. Ulvi> mo it trlul. Dm :05 :I5p.mi :()(l p.mi :0(, p.mj :25 pan :(IS pan; :22 pan :()() pan! :00 pan! : I7 pan; 1 :35 pan! 1 : ID nan| :()() nan!. :45;. :II5 nan . 2:2li p m j I I din pan : 7:15 pan Train No. 40. I dla nan 8:40 nan 1:50 5 :lll n.m 8:0(1 a.m 0:00 t :06 a.m 2:00 m 5:20 pan NORTHWARD. STATIONS. Train Train No. 54. | No. 50. Leave BRUNSWICK Leave Sterling Arrive.I ESUi* I.euve Jesnp LeaveEiistman Leave Coehran Arrive MACON J .(-ave. Macon Leave Indian Spring Leave Jackson Leave McDonough... Arrive Atlanta Leave Atlanta Leave I (alius Leave Kockinart Leave Rome Leave Dalton Leave Cohuttah Leave Ooltewah Arrive Chattanooga.. did| :10 p.m' :0h p.mi :45 p.m! :13 a.m :0S ii.ii>! :00 a.m; ;15 a.m :55 a.m :08 a.m :5!t u.m :15 p.m :20 p.m :ll() p.m HO p.m :25 p.m .18 p.m, HO p.m! :48 p.mi :20 ]i m! 7:()() a m 12:08 pan I :25 p.m 8 JfO p.m 4 .15 p.m (! :55 p.m 7 :17 p in 8:30 p.;. 10:30 jn:. Train No. 52. 7 :55 a.m 11:00 a.m 12:00 in PIMPLES. 1 will man (I'Vce) the receipo for a simple Vcgcianle Kalin that wilt remove Tan, Freckles, I’imples and Hlotehes, leaving Hie skill -oft, clear and Iiou'itIfn•; also liiHlruciluns for prodiic ng a luxuri ant’ growth of heir on a lwild h ail or smooth face. Address, inclosing 3e. stamp. Ben. VaudilfiSs Co., 12 Barclay St., N. Y. ■ TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser having been pu:minion ly cured of tliat dreid dlsea-e, Con*limp tion, by a simple leinodv, la anxloti- to make kn-wn to Ills fcllow-sulfereis the mcaiiH of cure. To all who desire It. lie will send a c ipv of the preserlplIon used, (froi of chirr*.) with the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will Hud a sure Cure for Coughs, Coins, Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &e. I’artlcs wishing the I’reseilptl on, will plea-c,old less Rev H. A WIL UN, 104 Penn St., William Imrgli, N. Y. ERRORS OF YOUTH. i GENTLEMAN who siiflcrud for \ years fr ai Nervous O K HI I ITY PREM ATURE DECAY, and all the efr feels of youthful Indiscretion, will for the s ke of suH'ei liig liiinmnity. seed free lo all who need It. the recipe and direction 'or making tho simple remedy by which lie was cured. Sufferers wishing to : rof- It by tbe advertiser's experience can do so by addressing In perfect eo ifl 'cnee, JOHN li. OGDEN, 42 0 1 nave rented moan rinKara s r* ru r\ r\ ii blackBinitb shop near tlie hotel iu L/l*. Will. L'. LOTlllfll lV, Dallas, anil am prepared to do all kinds of bliicksmitbing at_ short j Practicing Phj sician 'n all the depntt- 'I „ notice and iu the best workman- j nient* u : mccielue and surgery. Amply like maimer. I solicit tbe patron- »Rh all necessary means and , , , T , 1 , :a,.| tia CCS lor tbe relief and cure of silt— age of the public. J. 1 arm work & hering immunity. specin.Uy! Satisfactfon guaran-j otiiecu tbe i)aiias drug «'ore. Resi- teed. Give me a Ollll, deuce .ypo-ite Ciirlsljau Jlotei Always J.w. Allen. I >dd.iy lor duty. )ni;2t-tl. Connections—Trains Nos 53 and 54 connect at Cbattanooga with Memphis and Charleston Division, K T V A G it R Nashville Chatanooga and St Louis Rail road, and On N OA T P R R. Trains Nos 51 and 52 eonn-ct at Colint- ta and Cleveland with main line East Ten Va A Ga R R; and conneetut Rome with Alabama Division E TV AG R R. Trains Nos49, 50,53 ami 54 connect at Atlanta and Macon with all diverging roads, ami connect at Jesnp with H F A W Ky lor Florida. All trains run daily except Nos 1 ami 2, between Jesnp and Macoir which run daily except Sundays. Trains to ami from Hawkinsvillc con nect at Cochran. J E. Mali.ohy, M N Bkaty, Ass’t Sup'r, Macon. | Ass't Siip't,Atlanta. W. V. JIcCRACKEN, Sujjerln’t, Atlanta. J G Gitiniix, A.Popk, A G I* A, Atlanta. Gen La.;s A'gt. J. U. FREE, Manufacturer and retailor of SADDLES AND HARNESS, Scnoia, Georgia, A Ptoik of TTftrnoPP, Hi kilts. Huddles, whip*, otc„ kcj)t constantly on hand. Thnnkin*' the public for pn«t patron- ft ire. I res peel fully n*»k a continnunce o/ thcli favuis, UcHpcc*fully, 4* 1-ly J. U. FREE. ROBERT SIBLEY-, Attoiinby at Law, Senoia, Georgia. - PracHcep in all courts. 4 NOTICE Thu good people of Senoia enn obtain my professional services by calling upon me. F.M. BRANTLEY, M.D. 4-Sfiin JOHN F.METILV1N, Attorney at Law, Senoin, Georgia. Practices In tie counties composing the Cowe a circuit and elsewhere hv special coiit.iut Also In ilie state and federal ourts at Atlanta 4-b-liui ARE r t4 An«l l>«n*t You Forget It !** Fan, IIE LARGEST SOCK OF General Merchandise Ev «i' Brought to Dallas. WAnd we are selling It so elioap that the public nr«>nrprfgwl I *1 re.'iVd •-iii't iT,my st^e ami examine our goods and aseertaln the ex.?emoly low pilc^CTch wJ In Reudy-jvxarto Clothing, manner, and lu sizes to suit all ages' suits Vi,' , ' V , , ** t wurk »‘»h-llk- nten.suits for old men; and the tunnlost part o.’lt Is Um^tC a^'rolld^X slieap as never vas l” Bry Goods, lieml'tiIbfpIttUrnsf sTkt LT? ii'"’! “"*» »« mans,Shirtings, Slieeilng* Georirla rii... L.’t m . Uloaks, .Shawls, Dol- tbbig In the dry goods line. ^ C k * Jcu " 8 ' ““S^ry ; fc nnd, to be brief,.every- Millinery Goods, 111^*; r (?oVis'l!st hiil'i-t{y*"oI lull'd'° n l |iii er |*on*Ju^t*** p J”J l !'. llc *l l ^ p '[ cr J’ t l 1 big In th« laces,hms,parasols, This.lepa.tumntU SIiocm, IIlltN Oi’ooorlois, "c*. Sugar, Cuflbs^rI-'itm*'«?tpi>S»°n P .Moat, Syrup, MoIm- Tubnooo, ClgnrH, Tbe best and chcnpmt brands, and a largo supply. Hardware, Cutlery, Pocket an^i'djIe^eilthe'yl'riiz^rH^om.^ar'ov^ryli'Kly! 0 ^ 0 "' k0I “ ' n * tOP ' CiMcltery und Glnawaro, A flill>toek.lCall ni|d give R an exanifnntlon. WE LEAD TIIE VAN! ch«'W| l iK/t| M /rt?l| , |K; ,l miVl , V| f yo 1 , , ll ao»»U l |M,VlVvT > ?i« ,ltl ‘ T,,,, of Uw P"'Mlng It |« WT'Vo kei.p oil hand a , 5 M I I n ST?,!™ «» convIncSl. CU.-S BUGGIES, which wusel le lieniV.Jl W AOONS and DAVIS, GOULD A ., n, ‘ r , Lnshiess two store louses Or new l'i'T’" or , B h "KK/’ «*» «n *•. Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery Goods 1, " U,re ho11 ** >» <l«vot«l to vote, too roee. le.*, Tolmeeo, ('Igors, Ji niw >, r 0n tl,e coriw '’ «• ^ -ttCffitlr ^ largest stock ol brought to tbl* I-3m llfvadqmirterM for Nun In Claue. gSSSSifesistiSattta NEW i ASIf STtHiEI J. J. I’A\ Nl*. 1) VLLAB.JGA. j. M- STONE, SMYRNA. GA WADE WHITE, MARIETTA, GA. J. J. l'AYNE & C0„ DALLAS, GA, wv sasJisrarj; a? *4 i. r,":::s; % r r> r k - a » r “■«" 2A S5 u:.;- CK; S S& “tnl bring your cash to tho NEW CASH 81 ORE. ° IQ -A-3F?; <J A T TsT «=t I Want Everybody to Know T±lAT THE largest stock of Ever Drought to Dallas HAS JUST BEEN OPENED AT T m And will bo sold at prices that will startle the native*. I MAKE A SPECIALTY OF . RutlsfyhiK everybody tliat comes to my store Hint they can get as good bargains her. M at lav lilac, nit , In iiuy other inurkut. 1 have lur^o Htock of 3 1 JIuIIuh; or, for tliut mutter,. DRY GOODS, srtsfea&iiSSS'sSS i ™'S2S i n 1 x-,% BOOTS AND SHOES. In IIiIh line T urn prnpnrcd to hiiU everybody. It Ih iinposHih);* for mo togive n full duflcrlplion of pririi ^Ihi i’i'r j ‘ 0,M * M un< * 1 >U ^ C wuiculiou me, J will tuko pleas urohi ohowlng it to Uieai>aiiS Call ana give mu a trial. X. UULLAUD.