The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, February 01, 1883, Image 4

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FACTS AND FIGURES. —It is estimated that Virginia will this year make 2,000,000 bushels of pea nuts, Tennessee 500,000 bushels, and North Carolina 125,000 bushels. —It is asserted that in the three years ended 1880 there were no fewer than 252 theaters destroyed by tire, or partly so, resulting in -4.870 deaths and about 3,-100 injuries.—N. Y. Sun. —The Paris Jlourtc estimates the total stock of cold in the world in use ns coin or ns banking reserves in one shape or other nt about £580,000,000, of which England has £120,000,000, l-'rnnco £180,000,000, Germany £80.- 000,000, and the United States £92, 000,000. —Silver veins have been found in tho 1’nlo l’into Mountains of Texas. The ore has been assayed nt 171 ounces to the ton. Negotiations arc now being carried on with two mining companies —one of New Mexico and tho other of Arizona—toopon up these mines. — V/ii- eago Timm. —Statistics from trustworthy sources have been furnished the Kansas State Horticultural Society, showing the por cent, of the apple crop in soven of tho Western Stales, us follows: Kansas, 71! percent.; Michigan, till; Illinois, 33; Indlnna, 20; Iowa, 80; Ohio, 87; Mis souri, 75. -Mr. John Field 1ms prepared an es timate from tho accounts of tho com panies of the quantity of gas used in London last year. It was, in round numbers, 20,230.000,000 cubic feet. This is equal to a bulk of one mile square by 720 feet high. Consumers paid $14,- 555,000 for this immense supply. — C'/ii- rngu 'tribune. Tho lumber cut In the Sierras will this season reach 40,000,000 foot, nnd of this probably 40,000,000 foot sold for about $12 a thousand, footing up about $500,000, and the lost sold as clear him- I or for about $85, making over $200,- 000 more—over $700,000 earnings for tin: nine mills that run, some of thorn only part of the time. Wesson, Miss., was not long since a pine forest. It now has a cotton-mill, the insurance on which, with contents, is $400,000. It gives work to 1,000 people, uses lip 4,500 bales of cotton a year, has a set of hands at work all dav, and another all night, nnd is lighted by elo tricity. it makes doe-sk-ns, enssi- tnetvs, jeans, coltonadcs, knitting-cot ton, sewing-th cad, town's, etc. Wes son has a population of 2,500. --’She lumber business of Puget Sound, W. T., is immense, and the dis tribution is \ory wide. In one day, re cently, vessels were seen loading for Hoston. Fan Francisco, Valparaiso, the Sandwich Islands, Vallejo. Mexico, Japan, China, France, Kngland and Australia. The export in 1881 was about 175,000,000 feet, valuod at $1,- 700,000. Some of the logs are immense. Many measure live feet in diameter. From one tree lately cut there woro sawn two logs of tldrty-twonml Iwonty- si\ and two et thirty feet, in all 118feet in length. Tho top of the tree meas ured sixty-one inches across. — Detroit livening mi the Farm. Thoro is no raoro real enjoymont in this world than tho winter even'ng en tertainments amt instruction mi tho farmuvith parents surrounded by noble sons and daughters seeking knowledge ami moral power. Tho larger the fami ly tho greater the variety ami spirit which can be thrown into suehovonlng entertainments. Ami near neighbors can frequently be brought into tho circle. This amusement nml enjoyment can be mingled with intellectual im provement. Hut fun and frivol ty should not be Indulged in lo the detriment of the main object - preparation for the great duties and battles of life. And while it is advisable to have a course of readings from the most instructive and se'amlilio hooks, care mast bo taken that they are not too protracted, nor of such a character ns to bo uninteresting to any member of the family. The parents should take a loading part in those oxoreisos and make instruction amusing and cliocrful, so that home to the children, as well as parents, will ho the most ploasaut place on Cliil- dron ra'scil bv such surroundings and under such in Humors never eauso tlioir parents to mourn over llieir con duct, but will grow up honorable and useful members of tho community. And this costs nothing, nor detracts' in tho least from the home comforts nnd pleasures. lint a house which is dark and gloomy, one head of the family dozing away the o.cuing or absent, no one knoivs where, nml the other head un easy, peevish and unsociable, the Ians will soon seok enjoyment elsewhere, jirohnhly beyond tho reach of paternal lnl'.uouee, and tlie girls as a necessity will accept the company of young moil not suitable companions ‘ for them. There is a fearful responsibility resting on parents surrounded with budding sons and daughters. It is enough to awaken all of the energies nnd virtues of tlie wisest men. The best and noblest work any man and woman can do on earth is rearing a family of children so that they will honor their parents, con scientiously observe tho laws of (h d, nml bless the world with faithful serv ices. And it is around the family altar that this can be easiest and most oiloct- ively done. And on tho farm there is no time so convenient as the winter evenings. And this opens n hold wide enough to satisfy the ambition, or in dulge the desire for happiness of any parent or child. Make the home happy. Make it a school of instruction. Make your children companions, and exert all your time and energies to be able lo lead them in all branches of informa tion. It is a noble work, tho best man or woman can be engaged in, and if faithfully performed vour evening skies will be cloudless, and' your sunset clear and glorious. — luiva State Mcgtster. Kish CoMjiasioxrai jjaird nos been .provided by the Government with a swift cruiser, the Albatross, at an ex pense of $200,000, for tho purpose of looking after the propagation of "fish on the sea coasts of ttie country. The Pro fessor and his staff will take the United Stato fish exhibit to the great Ixiudon exhibition next summer. The Albatross is provided witli every comfort and lux ury known fo toilers on the sea. She is built for speed, "For Tour Brother’s Sake.” A good story is told by the Providence Journal of a gentleman’s mistake while on tho way to tho inauguration at Wash ington, in March, 1881, Between New York and Philadelphia he took a seat beside a portly gentleman, and conver sation ltegnn. Politics were mentioned, and the Ithode Islander said tie was a Republi can, and thought last fall that it would not bo well for tho country to Jinvo a change, but that he had a brother who was a Democrat. Boon tho train stopped at a station, and tho Rhode Islander stepped to tho platform and met an acquaintance, who, after a little space, remnrked: "Gen, Hancock is on this train, and, ns I nui acquainted with him, perhaps you would like an introduction.’’ Of course ho would ; so they entered tho ear, and approached tho portly gen tleman just loft; the Rhode Islander was introduced to tho General, With n t winkle of tho eye, Gen, Hancock said : "I will shake hands with you for your brother’s sake." A Bible With 1(18 l’lns in It. It was an old Bible, a family Bible, a well-worn Bible—tho Bilde of nn old lady who read it, and walked by it, anil fed on it, and prayed over it for a long life-lime. As slio grew older and older, tier sight began to fail, nml she found it hard to Hud her favorite viwscs. But sliu could not live without them, so what did sho do? Bhe stuck a pin in them, ono by olio; and after her death they counted 108. When peoplo went to seo lior, sho would open lior Bible, nnd feeling over the pago after her pin, would say, "Bead there," or “rood heroand sho know pretty well what verso was stuck by that pin nml wlmt by thin pin. Hho could indeed sny of her precious Bible, “ I love thy comma; imcntsnbovo gold, yea, above line gold; tlioy aro Hwootor to mo than honey and tho houoy- cornb." -—Tho expression "white as snow" is not strictly ncournto, for there Is such a thing as rod snow. Aristotle, irt his writings, mentioned tho phenomenon, hut could not oxplniii it. M. Measure, a Fronch scientist, observed rod snow on the Alps, and upon examining it with a microscope discovered that tho snow owod its rod lute to a minute plant, Protoooceut Ninnlm, which consists of a ■singlo coll, lied snow has heon observed in this country on tho Wasatch Moun tains, ten thousand feet above tho sea. it looks liko snow that has boon sprin kled with fresh blood.—A r . F. Sun. —A blind man In Newark, jv. .)., carries on tv retail cigar business with out the aid of a clerk, lie makes change pcr.'ootly, keeps track of the various kind of stock, nnd is reckoned « flavor ouehre player. "I have nicked a certain number of plli-lioles," lie said, "in certain places on the cards, nyd by sliding tny lingers over them I find out instantly wlmt en<Ji rard is." An In.lil.iai ln;vir.l»lM. Our old friend, Mr. Win. Olaughtoti, of Heatlisvillo, Sheriff of Northumber land County, Vn., says : "We have many good medicines in our parts, hut nothing which equals Mt. Jacobi; Oil, tho Great German Remedy. My family keep the Oil in tho house at all limes anil use it for almost everything that n medicine can be used for. Tlioy claim that it is utiequaled for rheumatism and nil bodily pains."—Tappahannoeh, ( Va.,) Tide IVatc.v Index. In spile of a somewhnt extensive pimgrution of French Canadians to tlie Un ted States, limy have increased in number from 1,082,0(10 ten years ago to I ho present population of 1,298,929. bailies ,t oliihtreii’s hoots it shots ean’i run over if Lyon’s Put. Heel Mtilleners are used —It is said llmt the Chinese believe that tlie scrawls and dragons on tea- (■hosts preserve tlm transporting sli ps from wreck. Hence tho draqons. Itoeon on Rats.” Clears out rats, mice, flies, ronclics, bed-bugs, ants, vermin. 15e. Motukii Swan's Worm 8vmr, for fever- islmess, restlessness, worms. Tasteless. 15c. A Cure outs. Mr. 1). 11. B.irusbt, ol Owcgo, Ter York, ray. that hit d( iwt Itr pm Ir ken with . si ilent c 11 x hi eh termJontert alth pn. uiuonls, nail nil 1 he hint physicians g vn the enu u ■> amt ni.1,1 she*-, ul.t not lire but n t iw h'U’» at moil. She ana In 11.ij c n- lUtlou when a (r.onil,1 lit. IVin. Vail's Hhl ism (or tue L .nga and rdvtaotl her to try it. She accepted It se a laat report, mil was lu-prlsoi to Sad that It (roduced a marked than olortio bet ter, nnd by p rsorertog !u 111 u.o a permanent cure wnailbctod. Mother*, Allenllon! Charles .tone*, ot hllztle |.,, Spencer county, Jud ■ayp: “i have dealt lo in . tcine a numb r cf yenrs and will ray that Dr. 1’oqei’a Vegetal 11 Worm Syrup 1, Ihe most ralttat le medicine 1 ever tul I." R nOTMATlSM Often!.T COREDI Bend MAinn for free prescription. K. K.Uelpheuathie, Washington, . .O. the great IAN Rl FOR PAIN. CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbayo, Backache, Headache. Toothache. Hor« Tliront, Nn cl 11iiN|ir»( iik, llruIim. llnniM, Ncnltl*. fr'rool AND ALL OTIIKU IIOIHLY PAINS AM) AHUM. Sold b/ Druggists nml Dealers everywhere. Kiftr Ceuta a belli*. Directions in H I.languages. ‘ THE t'HAKI.KN A. UMiCI.EK CO. :r A. v OGKLCR A OO.i irf*Jliuinri>. Rtl., B & A. ENCINESSb^S* WtiUTn AULTUAN it TAYLOR CO. M>£fl3d?a TU/n Photo* of Fcnule Brant lea. lOc.Illustrated ■ Wf U Catalogue a els. J DIETZ, Hxading. I*a. J5 to nol&aasf KOS!®* &im» s Invalid*, trikes Iowa la hoalth kid f>lrit* by ebrouic dya* fiopkiA, or ooffiriaf from tb* tarribU «*< hauDtlon tbw\ follows tho olUck* of oeato diMUt, tho testimony Of thousaud* who htvo (niraolc fiOni * aimflar •tats of prostration hr HootMter’oHDimottli Bitter* Is » *uro guar- on toe that by tb« tarns mtirii you, loo, may bo ■trciigtbcoeu and loatoiod. For Mid by oil Druggist* and Btoldro fcooroliy. Beware of Frand. deceit* thepublic by mine SIMILAR NAMES, hut do not he de ceived) tee that the wore' SAFE H. H. WARNER & CO. ROCHESTER. N.Y. ne-Thla r.inrd.v In i.fiU.tiiti-aillTinr-eor of wnimrii arlhrUlMnOlct'il n.i viiu, ir,.|ibU-a <il yliulti, and lot Ih. »-■ bully wliirb piwnlmiU mr. w"‘in* "™”?r"i!ml.»!li ■swiRor ||M . ww . srhiclinur I*lvor €*•»• poooeBoeo ovt-r I In llgOll* . BEFORE—AND — AFTER i Electric Appliances are lent on 30 Oayg' Telit. TO MEN ONLY, Y0UNQ OR OLD, TTTIIO aro Buffering from Nbbvous Debility, \\ I.08T VITALITY, IdACIC OP NKRVB FO*CX AHD Mioor, Wasting Wkaknrasko, and nil those diseases nt a Personal Nature resultlnff from Anwaxs and OTMr.ii Causes. Bpoody relief nnd comploto resto ration of llKALTn.viaoH and JIaniioodouarantekd. Tho grandest discovery of the Nineteenth Century. Send at once for Illustrated Pamphlet free. Addro** mUIO HIT CD,, MAMMAll, MICH. $66 16 outfit frto. AUdT* H JLllett ft Oft. J*urU»nd,M» Writs for Caislogus. * AraenEl 8t.. BL Louis. Mi CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS, BoRt Cough Syrup. Tastes good, gj CONSUMPTION IF YOUR _ WATCH Hu been rained by incompetent wort* men, or needs repairing, send It by c , GSflBaBm improved machinery is employed, we mare TTEW any part .that baa been dam, scre8 or worn. Prices for repalrt will M cr vaxt yon before the work u> cq»- menceef. All work gnarantesd. Ful your name and address in the package with the wat«h. aerBend for our ULUS- tbateo catalogue asp prices. H CO„ waiehea. ntHALL’S KBALSAM I f The Lunas, lifliNlff ll«4 a PflM l*fi*e, Mi pr*v*Eli Rliil l. tightnrflfl acroM the cIni whlcl MeMMif Ihengh prsieulMEi aid faille* FREE! |>. W. MOODY dfc We Mlk UtedAMD, B. A CIRNTN WAkTI.O for thr R*«t nnd fastest selling rictorlnl Books nnd Biblssi rrlcea re- duced 33 percent. National Pitbi.m»u»q Co., AilaDin,Un. 1,01 IM(.. fith) II ► l»Y o HMYDKK 0d Tlioso wtabling lo nmko 91V •o.inry in «nn COTTON FUTURE t *•:•«* igcf full aiflofnintloia naitl clrcnliirN aiaiillcafl iwr on ii|i|»l la'll I Ion l«> 9uU IiOl'IN C. HU Y d CO., COM kl I SSI ON llRGi'.KRS, Ken fief Bloillf NPW OULEANf,. LA, stoO HEALTH IS WEALTH! Dm. ■. i ipaalla f« ■ andnaha, tar* Ob bos sli beisa hi It* dollars j aaai bif rAMi yfafald m rnoalft atf prlaa, Wa isiriaMi all beNM t* Etna tay wt. With ink ardsr raealrad by M flit ata bMM, i* aompaniad will Ira dallara, wa will taad tit a yRp> akMar air wrlltaa gvaraataa ta ratira tba naaay V tko iraatmant doaa sat aflbat a aara. Ouaraalan bavad aalf by «. J. LVHH. rharlaatan, iTS Ordaaa b| •ail arwaptly aWakdtd ta, xx.KbficE.-xx. AS BLUE FLANNEL GARMENTS Of InlVrlor Quality nflAoodd nro sold nt tho “genulno Middlesex," K’lilcH.lire not miulo by tlmt mill. The Middlesex roinimii.v.iU ortjcr to protoot tlioir customers nml Hut public.give notice tint hereafter all Clothing inndelYoin TIIK MIDDI.K- HKX HTAPJDAHIb INDIGO liLl’K KLANNKL8 AND YAOIIT GIiOTlIH. gol.l hv ill lending clothiers, must hour tlm "SILK DANGERS,” furnished by tho Belling Agents to nil parties ordering the goods. Wendell, fay * co., BELLING AGENTS, MIDDLESEX (,'OMPANTa •0 and MM Worth St., Now York: IIT KrankllU ML, Boston; )M14ChestuutUL,ruiUdelpiiiiv OPIUM HABIT AND DRUNKENNESS. I’osltively Hpuodlly and permanently cured by Ml K KKLKr'H GOLD RBMKDIES, oontalnlm; no form of opium. Truth invltet* Invc.sllgatlon. UeforeoccN heat, il llioHtate, For lei ins. |mui|»li lets nml proofs,address, tVltli three cent htump, IV. €, lltLL.l.M V, Si. !>,, 7 1-V8 llronrl NL. b »!»»’</». fin. it unfalltny and lafain bla in euiing Epilaptic Fits, Spasm*, Oonrul sions, Ht. VitJ* Danea. A Iciihtiham, Opium Kab lag. Scrofula and af Nervous and Blood Dia aasoa. To Clergyman Lawyara, Literr.ry Mhr, Marchanta. Bankara, lAdiea and all wlioee aadantary ampluymaBt causes Nervous Prostrs Men, lrragularitias of the blood, stomach, bowels or Kidneys, os who reqnirt a norva tonle, appetizer ar stiniulaut. SAMARI TAN NKKV INK la in- valuable. Thousands proclaim it the moat wonderful Invigoranl that ever sustained the sinking system. Pot sale by all Drnggiata. TflB DR. S. A. RICHMOND MRDICALCOw Hole Prawlaiara, Hi, Jowph, flip. ft*JimatAiu. IfiBYlHPi CONSUMPTION. I have a potlttva remedy for the abort dteearn; by Its uao thnuaonda of caeca of the wont kind and of long stftiidlnir have been cured. Indeed, eo strong is my faith In Ita efficacy, that I will sand TWO noTTLES FRKB, to gether with a VALUAB1JC TREATISE on this diseaea, la any safferar. Give Exuren and P. O. add: DR. T. A. BLOCUM, , 1U Pearl BL, New York. This N.Y. Singer, S20 With fl set of Attachment* Free WamuiUxt perfect. Light; nnning quiet.handsome sud durable. Sent an trial plan when desired ■fleppy Ilonas Organ*) 4 Net* Kerala, IS stop*; Mechanical Sub Hess, octave coupler, 2 knee a wells with 93stealandtlBook.only f.'6 Ah*i lent an teat trial-plan if do sired. Klepsmt caae, mugidnccnl tone, durable Inside and out. Ctr ctiiar withteatimoniftla.fraa. Ask Q.pavno ,t Oa.47 Third av .Chicago . Dr. LaFIEUS' FRENCH MOUSTACHE VIGOR " * faro in 20 days or it ou receipt or.S0o STRONG'S PECTORAL PILLS. A SURE REMEDY FOR COLDS AND RHEUMATISM! Ensure licalthy apnetlto, good digest Ion. regular ity of tlie bowels. A phkcioi h boon to dklicatk fkmalkh, soothing and bracing the nervous sys tem. and giving vigor and health to every fibre of the body. Sola by />rufioUt$. For Almanacs with full particulars addresa O. K. IIi j ll Co., llox 650. New York- MILL and FACTOEY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. BELTING HOSE ani PACKING, OILS, PUMPS ALL KINDS. IKON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS STEAK GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, &c. Send for Pries List. W. H. DIL LINGHAM Sc CO., U3 Main Street, LOUIS VILLE, KY. ■racial rrsw ^ELASTIC TRUSS M IlaanFadiUfibringfrcmallotbmk P Is capihaM.witn Scll-Adiusting T Baiiln c*nttr, adapts! twit to ail r r«ii!t<ns of tba body, wbila the l italhn the cnnproa. os back tb# IctentlncajcBiaaaEannawoald with (ha Fla£«r* ^Ith light freuare the iiernlals h'sld cscbnI* layand night, and a radical cure certain, ilia easy, duablq tad cheap. Sent by mall. Clrculan free. EGGLESTON TK0BS CO.. Chicago. UL A *3 HIND FOR 50 Cta. ^ To introduce staple gotnis and show their quality, l'l'send this elegant t'li/U). Platrd, Hbavy Band KING on receipt of soc. and address o (io persons you think wil lbuy O* I'll send prepaid my Agent’s Outfit ^staple articles) ring included, prlca k. j. D, HIINr'y^Boe am. Bufflkib. N-'v* Publiahera 1 Union, AtlAutA, Qa,, Five.—'83 E VOUR Club Id of ihe Mutual _ _ investment Olnlw ulTcrs (he surest menus or innkiug regular monthly l ln\T»«t menlsof fio tofiouuor more dealing in H . PROVISIONS & STOCKS >er gets the benefit of coinlmieu capital of ihe Club. Reports sent weekly. Dividends pirn! monthly. Club 13 pniiishareholders Ixiek their money m profitv in piuit three mi'htlis. Mill leaving original nmouui making money inClnb.or returnedouucumiid. KhnreK,flueHcli. Kxnlsumtory circulars sent free. Reliable correspondents WunictL everywhere Add nun R. K. Kendall & Co.. Coui’u Mchts.. HT -t- r.*» LaSalle Sf..Chicago. 111. <£70 A WEEK, f 12 a day At home easily maue. 4)1 uOoatly outfit Dm. AddrMoTrut IiCo. Augusta. Ha. HEV.J.L.TOWNEB, Industry, Ill., says:— “I consider it a most excellent --nmedy foi the debilitated vital forces. EEV.A.I.HCBBS Writeo:— After & tDorouRh trial of the IKON TONIC, I take pleasure in stating- that I have been greatly benefited by its use. Ministers and Pub lic Speakers will find it of the greatest value where a Tonic is neces sary. I recommend it as a reliable remedial agent, possessing un doubted nutritive and restorative properties. Ay., (Xt. ii, i.'X.’. ruftf 1997T5X DR. HARTER MEDICINE CO., SI3 V. HAM61.,ST. 99913. MAGNOLIA SALOON Having moved <rnm old itand to the corner room in the dcelre to announce to one and all that we are better prepared to P'***' .. \ lirn i. than ever before. The ealooi bai just been fitted up with new and eo J . ture and stocked with the finest assortment of liquor* ever brought to > consisting of PARK & TILFORD’S W1NE8, BURGUNDY PORT, INPORTED CUN. BRANDY, (Apple and Peach) of the Finest Tennessee Brands, Mountain Corn, the "Golden Grain’’ K-ntucky U. e, And above all HARPER S PURE OLD NELSON COUNTY RYE, The Finest of Kentucky Brands. Tobacco, Cigars, Oysters, Fruits. Everything guaranteed. Polite attention given to Cuto-.iers. Call fK'I rrn NEW FIRM ! C. Z. TURNER, In Robertson Building, Dallas. Ga. I desire to Inform the public that 1 am just opening out in Dallia a n3V atoot of COMBINIGr Family Groceries and Plantation Sillies, WITH A FULL LINE OF Staple and Fancy Dry Goods and Notions, H ady-made clothing of the best li.atertV and of the most fashionable mnke. Boots, Shoes, Hats, etc., lrom the best manufacturers and of the latest sly lea. AH of which will be sold low for cash. Came one, como all. and eive me a trial. My mo'.to is Law P ices, Quick balee, Fair Dealing, Good Meatu e, Full Weights. I am a’s> agent for eevoral standard brands of guano. C. Z. TURNER. OFFICIAL VOTE. Tho following facts demonstrate beyond it reasonable doubt that FRANK GANN, the L>w-Price Cmdidjte, has been elected, leaving his com petitors far behind! I am offering my stock of General Merchandise at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! Head, Co ne and Examine and be Convinced ! <3-T^OOEIK.IE33. 0^*1 I keep a full line of Family Groeories, consisting partly of Bacon, Co 'o Med, Flour. Crushed, Granulated and Standard Sugars, Coflie (10 lbs for $1.00) Rice, Soso, Pota<h; a full stock of O C. Sc W. G, Ware; Cutlery, Knives from 10 .ntttta to Roger’s Brat. Boots and Shoes a Specialty! Hats from 25 cents to StetKoivs Best! Drv Gcofs and Staple Good.,'f Christmas Tricks, Proprietary Medicines, Plain and Fancy Confectioneries Michigan Appier, Cabbage, Oniq.n, and in tact, everything you want and at prices lower than was ever known before in Dallas. Don’t fail to call and convince yourselves. IT. Is/L. GhA-lSnsr. Honorable Competition is the Life of Trade. SEW FIRM, NEW GOODS. gSTNo old stock brought over from last year !-^jJa *erBut everything fresh from the Factory 1-®* 6®* All goods of the best quality and latest styles, ani sold at the lowest price!.-®# W E have just received a full stock cf FALL and WINTER GOOD3 pur- h with the greatest care, and from the best markets, for cash nnd re- spectfu nvite the public to call and examine them. Our Stock consists of ^Staple ®ry G^oocl^, J^otioi^, So^ie^y HARDWARE, CUTLERY, Crockery, Glassware, Groceries, And in fact, everything usually kept in a firat-clasB general retail atcre We are continually adding to it, and will keep in store everything for which there is a demand in this section of the country. Our line of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Notions, Etc. Is the moat complete ever brought to this market. ) *®-We sre alto agents for tie most popular brands of Standard Guaroa. < Oar rasllo: “Fair Dealing, Quick Sales and Shoit Profits” Give n. . No trouble to show goods. u ve n * * ca!I - We occupy our new brick store house on the west side of Ronfe atreet the public square, where we invite tho public to call and examine our good. prici s. - * aa McLARIN & ROBERTS, JD-A-XjX..A_S, Or A.'