The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, February 15, 1883, Image 1

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PAULDING NEW — ■: •" “Onward and Upward.” SUBS0R r PTI0N: 11.00 Per Annum. 1 a 1VI Pj ; DALLAS, PAULDING CtitINTY, GA., FEBRUARY 15. 1883. NUMBER 11. PROFF18StC)NAli FiATtDS. R 0A80N, DENTIST. Will be in Dallas en the fonith Tuesday in csch mon'h, to do ell kinds of UenUl work belonging to the pio’etson. He will remain only one week in inch month. NEWS GLEANINGS. J)U 8. ROBERTSON, PHYSICIAN A8URQ-0N, Tend*re hie proffssimil e*rviiea in the practice of medicine in n l l ite I ranches to the oitizrne o* Dill is nnd surrounding country. -MTOffiie No. 6 Aeworih street, near o uri h >us»*. W. K FlHI.DKIl. (IKO. II ROL’KRTe ■j^IELDER & ROBERTS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ddlas. PsilMIng CjuntT, O -orgi* Praa ioe la all fie oiur«. Prsnipt atten tlon given to looking atier wild land ol.iaia. Colleation. a .pecia tjf. lip J M SPIJiK-i, ‘attorney at law, Dill.i, Paulding County, Osorgla. Prompt attention given to oollfct : ons in •nv part of th* State. Will lands looked after and intruders ejected. THOMSON & SPINKS, Attorney and Con n pel tor at Law, Da’las, Paulding C Ga. Will practice in all the conr s of tbi* State, from the ju tioe • our* un* Prompt attention piven to collection*. Looking after wild lands, removing intruders, etc., mnde a spe* cialty. 1 D vllas jewelry store, N- xt door to Hotel, Watches, Clock* and Jeweliy repaired at short notice ltd »«*ml ii with i9 (Im li Stamp* end *n will wild one bxidi la ait id G new nty 1 * "Myrtle ’ tilplo pUtm tie p.ionr. Co • I lama no *»ra varrmtfnt jtcnutnc, mind In apputiatico to th «o dcllar op Hina, tu oantoed to p'eiac, oi money rifuu ird. On y one aet *cnt to Int oduce • h-hib wnn-rd mid Rood par, » lr#*u nr* f p**. mMhu the m -ru'ac - ursra, SH »WMUTrt.|.V15ttPLATECO.,asBrouia- fljld »teet, Biator, V a .««. ro -JR — • All Kinds of Needles, ■Attachinenta, Part*, Etc., Etc. -OF— **• McCOHMACK, 51 S. Broad Si., Atlanta, Oi. *g-8qnd Msohines by Express. #37.30 There are 60,000 colored Baptists In Tonne«e#I with 160 churches. West Virginia contains 52,000 persona over ten years of age who cannot read. According to the official statistics there were in Arkansas on June 30, 1882, 1,415 school-houses. Ex-Gov. Warmoth, of Louisiana, lias been in Mnino buying machinery 'or a beet-root factory on his plantation. Two years ago Wesson, Miss., was on ly a pine forest. It has now a cotton mill employing 1,000 hands, and nearly 3,000 inhabitants. The .new city hall at Home, Qa., has just been completed at a cost of *15,000. The street enr companies of New Or leans altogether collect about 70,000 litres daily* The Texas cattle drive for the coming spring is ci timated at 220,000 head. Of these not more than 120,000 will reach the open market. The rest will bo re served for ranch purposes. Convict labor is being utilised upon plantations in Arkansas. One hundred are now employed upon the plantation of Mr. Veil, below Little Rock. They profess to like working there better than staying in prison. The question of a canning factory is beginning to be agitated in Greenville, 8. O. Practical men are figuring on the subject, nnd have demonstrated that such a factory will pay large profits on the small cnpital required. Northern manufacturers arc exploring the Virginia mineral lands. Recently a purchase of 13.T100 acres was made by n Pennsylvania company. A superior quality of- oro baa been found, nnd it will be shipped to Pennsylvania fur naces prices, one ecstatic bachelor bidding •‘beuvrtl nnd earth” for the girl of his choice. As barter was not tnken, lio was required to make his hid in dollars nnd cents, which he did in n handsome price nnd got his prizo. The safe resulted in plenty of money and lota of fun. paper on thiH Union, by Miss w“.h e?®'??" , Children , lay it |„ one D»i U n** C ^ lts /£ ut 0De *tenth as muchaa route for quail hunters. The other day T , . i^or, m. Mnslc for the Million—Vienna Eolhin Labial Organ* *&:I Z: r V o fl ' Uati t °. n) . in . |he baggage car"on'that bowl of water, afeg iU^tandZ ,1 ‘ ■ ' road, attended by *6,000 worth of nc- few minutes until tho coirraeat p^Udes groes (old valuation.) On the return , faUe ? 40010 bottom, pouring off tlio trip they had *5.80 worth of birds, which rB P < ? at , 1I1 B tliia onco or twice, they counted while eating * 20 w'orth of 1 nch - persona understand properly tlio Jim Chang, a Chinese merchant wlio shnnhl 1 1 ? m ° I ' lulc - The lemon n"’ ■«““*«• i- Burke county, Ga., was visited by a a *harp knife, and every pfo ex party of men who proceeded to break up fo?®,, ’ .,1 len ?°P bl i "K hold over a his show eases and otherwise abuse his oZration 0 "ThJ' in 4 ’' 0 ssfy^«. «**«... thoroughly mixed with it. Last of which he did. Tho indignation seems nH?w <1U !£ to nmo l lnt ,,f water should he duo to the fact that a Burke countv bhIIuvS' 11 '' T y b ,° in "'<> white girl had sometime before married They should bo i°oed.°’ Imp,*ianwR a Chinaman, and indiscriminate ven- miu * e ”y adding a small tcasiioonl'ul <,f genre was considered in order. ? I ‘ c ' im , ut tartar dissolved in boiling wide „. An „ ' to each puit of lemonade, there are 40,000 square miie3ofal-l , In “o iliseaaos it ia impoasihlo to most unbroken forests in North Caroli- K 1 ™ “ything containing arid, mid then intrari'n, 81111 needl1 0aly eoiu "“ 0 “ niusio. To tatrodues our now mus e vye will read a sara- wnr?. , ** n l wlt h bound book containing fu'l »£! i mUsi0 K 0( new l,u< ' popular nrSS"'ia !" C ^ h “ ?hof t form sell for *36.35, P r *Pj!'l to auy ad,Iren fir ONLY *1 » iK««r*n»ee that every one fllednmnta k ‘ h «f,P»y for, we will's.n-l ne ample book and organ Ly expre-s C. f 1 .® 0, for *160; three, *2 30, ur not prepay goods ^sen/'Wo*]?' cTroufsra I "“'=■>' oracrea li __ hi “ «* *ki. I* »> nil II. E. SMITH & CO., n , , Dallw. G-waia, Fenny ol; n J*"' 11 / «r°ceriee, Plata and ihta^r 0 '““t'ot'oneriea a specialty. Every- d.‘.ta a ? d Diot: l'" 1 !rnm th* factory! tmhHn In lr * 10 "y., 10 our friend* and ltie Itack'nf I'' 1 "'*. 1 th »t,>»vtag opened out u atock of groceries nad cinfectioneris*, wc lt P °’Sn\°u» ttb S ma ‘ che »o ««th. cheap be otir 8 ^ L Pr0 n" and Qnlok 8al « 9 ” “'‘O i conv!noed?“ 0, C °“ e a “ d tee us 1 * ud 8)1 TUB "ORIGINAL ST R SMNGLEO BUHNER. ,r.,.a n, “ Wg0 8 P“ ge - i0 column Ulus- r?«« tan . ry P a P? r ' Mze "f ‘he ‘ Ledger.” ems wn V., " |,len,) 1 " 1 “hiriei, sketches, po- 22d , mi*s hUm0 . r,Bd seoc, ' il fun - P-ule.t R^hed on r pUlar P *! ,f!r rublished. E.tah. Ji .„lM y JLV*’ . r ‘s<i hj SO,000 persons. I| 5 o°P' ei . or 7o cents a yeir wi:h ° f L et of 8,x tr ta l8 plated silver fiS- « Am° n ra f*’ " eW ,tyle ' re ' ail l ,ri «® *!•- defined i?m r ^ 700 illustrated. f'SS'i 3J /°°® words, numer.ins tablee, bound in cloth, gilt, better thao u ua! *1.50 books, or wonderful “Multum-in Parvo” ^ni f rA a .h MSn i , n 01 * *? one handle, sell*at one to three dollars, buck handle, name plate, etc., or anperb bell harmonica, eweet- eat musical instrument known, price 1.60 Eitlur of above premiums and Banne r ono year sent free, for 25 green stamps. Sub scribe now. Sslisfactios guaroteed or ta 0 n. e /ta rCf « nded - Tri “' trip 3 ruonth f" r only SPA WOT Address S TAR ePAtsGLED B4NNER, irinsdn'e, M. jj. Insnrc Your Properly A*nni7l Lows conflmd'tS'jhi 1 Pied Thla is « Vail.Kii niai08«e*re* esplen. lions. T. A. F«*TE. TTRPTTT „Send to MOORE’S X lliJJiJli Business University, p To . Atlanta, Georgia, For Illustrated Circular, a live actual bus iuess school. Established twenty years. The Sick Room. From an interesting subject in tho Christian E. It. Scoyil, of tho Massachusetts Gen eral Hospital, wo cull tho following hints and recipes: The pure juice may l>e extracted from hoof in two ways: First, by cutting tho moat in small ptooes, putting them in n tightly corked taittlo, immersing it in hot water, and hoiliug for several hours. Second, by taking a thick piece of juicy steuk, broiling it on n gridiron over u clour fire for a few moments, then cutting it iu strips and pressing it hi a lemon squeezer. The juice thus obtained may bo given either cold or hot. It may lie frozen, broken into lumps, and given like cracked ico^ A litup uult should bo added beforo using it. Ail invalid who is tired of hot hoof tea will sometimes drink it cold or iced with grent relish. Enough isinglass or gelatine may bo added to tho juieo to make a jelly, which can be flavored with sherry, essenoo of celery, or anything tho patient may fancy Raw meat is very nutritious, and may lio prepared by shredding tlio beef ex tremely fine, removing every particle of skin or fat. and mixing it with cracker crumbs, A little salt and popper may be added, and tho mixture rolled into tiny balls. In convaloBcenco after typhoid fever the greatest care is necessary with regard to the food, and no now artiolo of diet should bo given without tlio express per mission of tlio doctor. Even so slight an imprudence ns eating a raw apple has lieen known to enuso death. While roast, boiled nnd lu-oilod chicken, mutton chop nnd beef steuk have long held n roeogtiized position in tlio invalid s bill of faro, the merits of a veal sweet bread havo been sndly overlooked. When properly cooked it is n delicious dish, and may tempt a capricious ap petite that 1ms grown weary of other viands. AjwveetJ^ o fit, llitc Knnn,, * to ft Tub ynited Statos Qovernment pays k i. f'<?Rgn steamers an average of two oonts ;poriaUor forpostngo. During the past ’** T ° °° Bt $30,204,- ne over ninety live millions. This gives .. — Promise of a total reduction in a year of “S"—: "'..•"i.......i, f-»EtiK,r4K , ar".’«£ 1,600 millions, about one half of which dl "S™t. Dissolve half an owico of amount is now redeemable, but one half tliroo tiililes|j(Hiiifuls of water- of the redeemahie debt does notbear „ • °}’ er ? ? er i; heat, put in five wine- Memphis Avalanche: The Atlanta £,„„!•/ 1,ort -“"l 1 "br constanllv for Constitution states that tho Marietta moisSwi'tl, coM water “*A taec“° ld and North Georgia road is the great '" r «° <“ an egg sliould bo eaten two "* — three times a day. TOPICS OP THE OAT. . Tin? French army ia reported noi to liko the expulsion bill adopted by the caliinot, and an intimation to that efieot has boon carried to President Qrovy. imm P. Stonb, who lias for yen. cr" ^Jfi officer in high Command in tho itiJmve’a army, lias left Egypt, and will roturn to live iu the United Statos. Walcott, tho thirty-day quail eater, finished his task, said ho never felt bet ter in his life, and pocketed tho *600, besides winning any number of bots from silly peoplo. MoNTaostnRy Blair is reported to be Miiously ill at his plaoc, Silver Spring, a few miles from Washington. Mr. Ilorndon, tho Alabama Oongiesa- man, is now on the road to full reoovery. Tin? scandal about tho faiinro of Mr. Julian lfnwthorno to finish ‘‘Fortune’s l’ool," is incronsod by the announce ment that he had received pay ill full in advnnco. Mr. Hnwthorno is thus far si lent on tlio subject. William Galloway, tho oldest loco- motivo engineer in this country, rooout- ly guided n train at tlio speed of n milo a minute ovei a portion of the Baltimore nnd Ohio railrond. Mr. Oalloway is sovonty'foup years old. Mn. W. O. Caiiiunoton, a Richmond (Va.) attorney, lias roocivcd from Lon don the certificate of marriogo of Mr. and Mrs. Pigoon (Labourolicro). It was intended to bo used in tlio divoroe suit of Mrs. Pigeon vs. Mr. Pigeon. A nrw protesiton, that, of nooompany ported to have ‘fioW 1 ’stallJ" lUirJrussnra. advgrtiwf kh^ttfnn—scoVl thorn to thoir place of destination, In some parts of Germany the pollen have lately had the now duty iustruoted to them of prohibiting hoy* under six teen from smoking in tlio streets or from entering nlono establishments wliure intoxicating liquors nro sold, Mn. Holman Hunt spent fivo years in the Holy Land in painting “The Flight mto'Egypt,” and, when ho had finished it, found that the Hyrinn canvas, wiiioh lie had UHod, was too rotten to boar the strain of travel. Tho picture fell to pieces nnd was patched, but is now an irretrievable ruin. Cait. R. B. Founss, of Boston, makes the scnsiblo suggestion that there is al together too much signaling in naviga tion rules, which loads to confusion. He says “on the ocean it ia enough to indi cate northerly, southerly, easterly and westerly. In narrow watora whero maqy steamers aro apt to congregate the less tootiDg the hotter.” hcoamo totally blind, and has ao remain ed over since. His ease hss been pend ing for sixteen years. Tho aggregate sum accruing to date, and which he re- oeived, was *9,063.47. He will hereafter receivo duiing his life *72 por month. Tna Metropolitan Horse Oar Com pany, of Boston, has recently introduced tlio registering clock for rooording fares. The other day an elderly lady desired to get off the oar. She rose energetically and pulled the atrap which rang in tlio (area. Before the oonduotor could make her desist n’.o had not only been carried a couple of blocks beyond hor destina tion, lint had regiatered not loss than twenty fares, for which, according tothe company’s rules, tho oonduotor was re sponsible. Tna robust health of the English in general ia said to be dne to their diel They aro good and substantial eaters. They like plain, aolid food, well oooked, and do pot, aa a rule, demand variety. Meat, vegetables, and paddings are their ateple dishes, and thin soaps sad foreign kiokahsws find no favor in their eyes. They despise alike Freneh dishes as rioh and unwholesome, and German oookery as coarse and unpalatable. The roast beef of Old England is their staff of life, and ham and eggs oome next in their good graces. Ioe water is a rarity among the masa of the population, who look on it almost as poison. Evidbnos of the extent of the butl- ness done by Fleming and Meriam and other profeafional grain brokers at Chi cago, the delivery oi money letters to whom was stopped by the Postal De partment a low daya ago, accumulates from dsy to day. It appears they not only received money from farms, towns and villages all over the country, but also from Canada, and oven from some pointe in England and Scotland. The sums transmitted to them, for invest ment in grain futures, are estimated to roaoh into the millions, and it is inti mated that oertein respected and highly ounj v-nwai joined hand* with the the scheme. FiTtLADRLrmA^lawyeni have • question which stumps them at last. The Con- trollership of that city booatno vacant by resignation. The Common Council elected a now man. The person left in clisrgo by the resigning Controller re fuses to give up tho offloo, and the Court sustains him. Lawyers are divided upon the point whether the office is a county or a city ono, to bo flllod by the State Governor or oity govermont in case of vacancy. The mo«t serious feature hf the whole troublo is that all the polioo- mon, sohool teachers, department clerk* and laborer* are kept out of thoir pay, hocaiwo no bill* can bo cashed beforo they are approved by the Controller, and there is no rooognixed Controller to do it. na, comprising pine, chestnut, oak, ma ple, beach and hickory limber in their finest growth. It is estimated that in ten years the timbei^lone in North Car olina will exceed in value the present total valuation of all the property in tbe State, including land. The Slate grows nineteen varieties of oak, and its pine forests i r i of the heaviest, The build ing of new railroad* will rapidly open this region to the Northern and Eastern lumber market*. An inebriated citizen of Butts county, Ga., got in front of an approaching train on the new road not long since, and by wildly waving the tattered remain* of a sanguinary-looking kerchief *uc- ceeded in stopping it. The conductor alighted and inquired the object of the danger signal, when tho inebriated citi zen solemnly drew a* bottle from the depth* of his inner pocket and remarked that he merely wanted to “set ’em up.” It ia recorded of the ungrateful official that he acknowledger] the kind invita tion by the vigorous application of a box-toed number 10. There wa* a new departure a few nights since at McMinnville, Tenn to raise money to buy a church organ. The plan devised was a sale of the voung la dies to the highest bidder. The y 0un „ men were out en masse, and one by one the fair ladies were knocked down by the auctioneer to the highest bidder Many of the belles brought fabulous tho ingenuity of tlio uimio is tested to provide some beverage at onco cooling MS 1 f ,lll ! lta J J ’ 0 - Ic ‘-d tea and coflce are , " nt wl *°, n they aro liked, and may bo taken.either with or without milk Barley water is made by boiling two ounces of pearl barley, previously well washed for twenty minutes hi u pint and flavored^ U ” l<m Btriull<, 'l and taLto l ‘n l h rmo ", P oe ] “"‘1 HI *R»r to teste. This may be alternated with bnfo°e fo| te “' ^ ep lmlf 1111 of un- bnnsed flaxseed in a pmtof boiling.water. -Let it stand ui a covered jur near a fire for three or four hours; then strain and flavor. Detecting a Witch. A singular instance of belief in witch craft, a superstition supposed to bo cx- tmet, Ls reported from Norristown i'a Some days ago u young married woman trihiteten ' an i d ‘.° r sickne «’ was at- Ihe s^H !f r i 1Ua i , ‘ U1 ' 1 40 tl,e ffl0 ‘ that she is bewitched. Anxious to discover B J Illt y P art y. be procured a new horseshoe from a blacksmith shop, pre- amWbei" .T m ° w -‘l y - to “ ctliku charm, and then throw it into the fire. Not long afterward ho heard ono of bis neighbors complain of a burning pain in fonnf^ at ’H belieV(!cT that lm had f”™* 1 the witch. To make sure he placed some salt under the carpet at tlio rcsidt^S^ bis honso and awaited the result Several neighbors came to see the sick woman and crossed tho thresh- onlltnmTl ^ C,,Uy ’- but t! “ J - "USJH et, ,1 •me stumbled in passing over it. H< in- tends to try further experiments iv- 40 >0 effcc,ivo in discovering Tim Emperor of Anstro-nungary lias decorated Hon. Chari Gibson, of St. Louis, his counsel in the case against Baron Von Bechtolsheim, late Austro- IIangary consul at St. Lonis, who em bezzled funds of hi* office, a* Knight Copimauder of tho Order of Franz Joseph. Tho order itself ia aa high a* any ia the empire or in Europe. Tnr. practicability of photographing landscapes from the window* of trains running at a rate of forty miles an hour, has been recently proved by Dr. Can- dize, who uses what he calls a gyrograph for the purpose. An exposure of only ono ono-huudredth of a second was needed, and after a little practice won derfully distinct views were obtained. John W. Barron, Treasurer of the Dexter (Me.) Savings Bank, was found in the vault of the bank on February 22, 1878, dying from wounds wiiioh lie re’ ceived during tlio night. Many will recall the thrill of admiration that swept over the country, when tho nows was published of Barron’s lioroio death in defense of tho treasure in bia keoping, and tbe painful reaction when the charge was mado that the wounds were self-inflicted to hide a defalcation. Suit brought by tho bank against Barren’s estate led to an examination. For four years the trial has been postponed, and ia now about to be resumed. New evi dence is said to have been found to prove that Cashier Barron was really murdered at bis post of duty. It is worth much to have this almost solitary instanoe of fidelity in a wide waste of banking treachery and criminality. Ross, the shotgun messenger of Wells, Farg ic Co.’s Express, who savod tho treasure when tho recent effort was made to rob tlio east-bound express .of the Central Pacific, in California, stands six feet four in his stockings, and began life as a gambler. This is the fourth time that ho has beaten off the road- agents. Edwin Forrest’s costumes and silver ware, loft by him to the Forest Home, Philadelphia, aro soon to be sold at pub lic auction. Among the costumes are tho3o worn by tho characters of Coriola- nus, Lear, Tell and Spartacus, and the silverware includes fifteen pieces besides a dozen knives, fonr dozen forks, and four doz«n spoons. What is claimed to be the largest pen- 8. A. D^—Tea, we“STSfor iongen.l“ 0 “ pai . <1 t ° 1 one th ° gagements, say sixty or seventy years, Htates iias becn Bottled in St. Lonis. and if you are not enred by that timo: T )l0 pensioner was honorably discharged nn( l repent at leisure,—Bos-1 from tlio army in 1864 on account of injuries, and in fonr days thereafter he Ion Qlobe. Secretary Foloer has sent aletter to Congress recommending the oonsoli- dation of customs districts in many in stances, in order to effect a saving in the salaries of officers at ports where the busines* is very small and does not in crease from year to year. The Secre- tary’s recommendations would in effect not lessen tho number of collection dis tricts, but in gome eases rbduce tbe number of officers at the port which, after the reorganization, would comprise all the consolidated ports, and reduce the aggregate cost for salaries *494,295. The Western ports which would bo affected by the proposed consolidations aro the following: It i* proposed to oousohdate with the distrust of Chicago, the districts of Galena, Omaha, Dubnque, and Bur lington; to increase the number of officers land employe* from seventy-six to ninety- one, and tbe cost for salaries from *94 . 418 to $111,880. It is proposed to con solidate with the Minnesota District, at Ht. Paol, the districts of Duluth’ Montana und Idaho, to increase the number of officers and employes from twenty-five to thirty-two, and the cost for salariss from *32.902 to (88,8001 The greatest red notion of officer* and employs* will taka pises si the chief eastern ports. Easndam Windmills. Zaandara is rathor an important place. Many sliiri* ami boats are built there, many winumills thresh the air with their white arms. And grind every sort of tiling that can ho ground, and whon they don’t do that thoy saw wood and inimp water. Its hiliabitanta are fonriully riehj at story jaunty villa we came to our guide stopped ns to impress on us somo notion of its owner’s wealth. "All llieso rich ueope are wind- millers;" he coulil speak lolerable En glish, so we were spared tlio wild panto mime which, when expressive of four hundred windmill*, taker some consid erable room In a vllhigo street. Wo wore ferrlod ovor the watery nvenuo which scorns to bo roallv tlio main thor oughfare of tlio town. There were tlio mills, sure enough, miles of them—somo four, I think—on each s'do of (ho way, as far Into tho dim distnnee a* tho oyo could reach. It looked like a lesion In • « • • - • If any one desires to see Hollsadfrom its winilniilly side, lot that person ny all moans come to Zamulam, and ha sur feited forever after. They all scorned to * e thriving and nourishing, too; and when a windinilly town doe* flourish, it i* (from n flourishing point of view) a tiling to icmomhur. It soems to lack ropovufulnass. If one cares for it, but for one of nn notive temperament it ia high ly stimulating. It Is not the place for a moony or ulisont-mimled parson, n* there i* always a c hance of being brained by the morry wind-sail, unless ono la somewhat alert. There seoms to ho an unfathomable varioly of individualuwto in the matter of adorning nnd duo- orating somo of these mills. Thoy wero nearly nil as bright ns pa nt or wash of every known hue could make them. None of the lesthotio. fndod-lonl rones here either, blit good, -riotous, roaring rods, greens and liluoH, llmt soemod to sit nt once on any mild talk of “broken tints" or “melting combinations." Somehow they seemed to got tho right tone undor that dolioiousgray-bluo haze that hangs so often over the landscape in Holland. Many m ils had thoir littlu llower-gardens running down to the Inevitable little motto expressive of tho owners sweet con lent, llko “Lust in /irs ‘ Hlffht looks liko bad and hnpropor Engfisli. ft only means Rustic folioity. Hero sit Van Dunk and friends In tho shades of even ing. smoking thoir plpos, sipping their bovornges, and listening to tlio frog* — rnZi": Dou,Jhlon ' in Ha ^ The tireat Mogul. Many years ago,at tlio t'rne of a groat ceremony, Windsor ( astlo was honored with the piosonco of threo sovereigns. After breakfast tlio throe potentates walked nnd tiilkod on Ilia eolobrated Nope*. nnd wero, of courso, In •mufti. Thoy wero delighted with the grounds, and presently entered into conversation with n gardener, who evi dently took them for a party of "goiitlo- nion s gentlomen”out for a stroll. After some little nflablc talk ho could not re sist the query: “Now, who may you gouts bo?" “Well." sahl tho spokes man, “ this gentleman here happens to ho the King of I’nissia; that i ne stnn l- ' n P fiy ycur side is the Emperor of Aus tria; and as for myself, I am tho Em peror of Russ a,” ‘j hi* wns carrying tho joke too far, thought tho giir-.'onor. “i vo Boon a lot of (iiioor furrin gcnU hero lately, but this heats me;" so he 'I 1 .? 4 . out ’ n a ra| l*°r redo guffaw. -Tcil’ ni -' f r, °nd,” said tlio Emperor ■Nicholas, “you scorn amused; perhaps you will tell us who you nro.” “Oh, certainly;" so tnking up the skirt of Ids coat with tlio action of a groat cnglo spreading out his wings, and spinn ng round on his heel-, he said: “If you nro all what you say you aro—why, I fill ‘he Groat Mogul!" Tho three Majesties roared with laughter, and. returning to the ( astlo,told the storv at tho luncheon table to tho immense amusement of tho Queon and Prince Albert.—London Sonic/,n. Oiiarleh Perrault, a French writer was tho anthor of “Cinderella’s Slipper ” story. At the accession of Francis IL Omsband of Mary Queen of Scots), Pans wns involved in continued broils by tho struggles for precedency between tho confraternities of the draper*, the mercers and the furriers, in which the furriers finally triumphed. Two cent uries ago furs were so rare, and there fore so highly valued, that the wearing of them was restricted by several sumpt uary laws to Kings and Prinoes. Sable, in those Jaws colled vair, was the subject of countless regulations. The exact quality permitted; o be worn by persons of different grades, and the articles of dress to which it might bo applied, were defined most strictly. Porrault’s tale of Cinderella originally marked the dig nity conferred on her by the fairy, by her wearing a slipper of vair, a privilege then confined to the highest rank of Fnnoesses. An error of the press, now become inveterate changed vair into verre, and the slipper of sable was sud denly converted into a glass slipper. A Detroiter enred a long and severe attack of neuralgia by.fallingdown stair*. I hat's nothing. So'mo years ago a Norris town youth wus cured of u bad habit of sweating by falling off a cherry tree. Not a single oath has escaped his lips since. The.fall broke his neck.—Norris town Herald.