The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, March 15, 1883, Image 3

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J.OCAL GOSSIP. I late boar, when all betook tliem- - I stives home, there perhaps to \Vl>ii»kej by the gallon, that is I Iream over the joys of the even DO'* (the Btatns of Dallas. Our ss'ocn keepers are r.ot es- pro. Lilly blue over the ivault oi the election. Old Paulding has virtually al- ligiied heisell with the other teiu- periviioe counties of Geovgi*, In dued Vfe claim the 1. ad 1 he Vmineai sn.ile of the • dnro n ei nui; I *■ even iq«n ourJiiiwtK— ot cm tie it variie* the roan with ir Herdafore theie havelr<" no flora h< nfe* o iart. Will there be t♦«? Weci.iiro thO'C ngrioul ur*l Indus #ry to iLetquiiie tteie 'ban »«y eou.n;» in the -lut, aid we orcan just whs* v e »:iy. We were. pleased to have Dr. George .T Parker call on u» lust ■week, and to have him imbue us •with some of his superabundant good hv mor and cheer. The Doc tor, contemplates locatir g near Hiram, about six miles below Dallas, lot the practice of bis 'professieu in which ho is not by any means a novice. Our clever artist, Mr. John E, Spriuger, of the firm of Springei A Barnes, Jewelers and Photo graphers, waa married to Miss Min lie Benedict, of Decatur, at the residence of Rev. Mv.Spriugor in Marietta on last Friday morn ing. We welcome them to Dal- ias, and deep down in onr heart wish them unalloyed hapiuess as they journey hui.d in hand along the pathway of life. A i»uniher of Capt. James's wn- vicg will bo cirri*! down to (Stock- 1,'idge in IL-nry oiuaiv, on the inid <11* division of Vie 121 V & Ga rail, road to ho emp'oi'iil is "surfacing up the truck. Ik sc'ud of 75 or 103 will tuill remain above Ddlas ami will lie engaged in • lie same work. I .Ihid conueil’ou il mig'.t ii"t b« ami >■ K, mem inn the fuel diet the rod bed li in r-xw’lviit coudiiion, «iiid the pus* •eenger (ruin* arc remarkably prompt hi nil ti-cir connections far a now Toad. Some kind of mining operations are being carried on about five miles from this place near the E T.V. A; Ga. railroad, by Messrs Anderson & R idgers of Powder Springs- We understand that il is ft r the purpose of obtaining the iron pyrites (which is the yel low sulpliuret of iron, or “fools gold”) to bo used in the manuf e- ture of sulphuric acid for com mercial fettilizers, etc. We have not learned the extent of their en terprise nor the prospects offered ior their encouragement, but we wish all sucii plenty of prosper ity. Much anxiety prevails amongst tho farmers and fruit growers of all sections concenfing the pros pects of the peach crop. Notwith- ataudiiigWigginsJiior Vounor have ever estimated the probable re sult of the late cold snap upon so small a thiug as the peach, yet our l&cal weather prophots say some of the crop atill survives. Frost, nor even a pretty severe freeze will be apt to destroy all the fruit during a dry season when the corrolla or covering is dry inside, and “the stigmas and pistils of t lie bloom are not dead you will find a greau peach never so small jnside The most re herche sociable of the season came off at the Chris tian Hotel Tuesday evening, honor of Miss Pauline Shaw,niece of Mrs. W. A. Christian. The party was of the “pound” persua sion, and besides tho hundreds of pounds of dene ous e libles that made the ^lining table groau there were s thousand or more of the most delicious young misses and ladies on hand to do the oc casion honor and add zest as well as beauty to i t. Mrs. Christiau was in her lory while witnessing the of the young folks around the table. The spacious parlors of the hotel were thrown . open, and pleasing and no doubt profitable social converse and in nocenfc amusement afforded hap iuess and enjoyment to all until a ing. Mr. Christian, we very much regret, is st 11 suffering from a se- vere.iudisposition, which was the >uly bitter dropjin tho cup that e veiling. That foi limit. Wo acknowledge-he invitation ex undid ua Thuitdny last to puiiicipait in that sport that erstwhile yffirde. ns inexpressible bliss, but when w> considered onr age and infirmity,ixpci ■liceand riper judgement Ilian Ibimei y gni e l llie nunnery over us. Iese> Kicli, Henry Boue and J ili.i <11 n <*’ en out tojje her claim the best pac ii Nor.h (ienog'a. 1 hey had nineteen I mined ! omuls the flirt dash, hut wi have li t learned the tacts of the hunt as yet, bul of course it was all *p!en did, imii just her. we won d suy .ii an imlcitom\ll-.u( ,u-out Slhiru-cn yen is ago we nere occarioiinlly indulging ihe san e sport A report of one espec al cha-e we inadethrouvh '.hecolumns of the Adams Iiite'Hgeuoer while engaged upon if. ani the 'pilot liew at the helm of onr neighbor, (he Ce - dm tow n Advertiser,Isuiled into vie f> r dramatizing a dog, w d we claimed the yio'.oiy in tho newrepiipi r battle ilint followed, for it was nut s dog at- er till, and we proved it by Aug Per- •.erroti—fad. Kent ret inn or No Restriction. We herewith present a tabula ted return of the election that the people may hilly understand the the feeling in each distlict in the couuty. ') he table speaks^for its- self, comment is unnecessary. The election was ordered under act of the Legislature No 356, page 338 of the acts of 1875. As will be observed there was some mis apprehension of the meaning of the word “restriction"^ its entire signification. The act authorize- iilg tli's election tolerates the Bale jf whiskey or any vinous or malt liquors in quantities of a gallon >r upwards; The word “restrict ion” simply means restricting the sa'e in quantities less than a gal lon, hence to exclude it entirely will require a special act by the Legists are. Here is the rosult md it certain’y means that the itizons of Paulding couuty arc iwakcuing to the new order of tilings. Viva la Paulding county; Dallas,... .For Restriction 62 “ Against “ “ 7i “ Prohibition li9 “ No Prohibition (Julifornin For Restriction “ Against “ Woddington No vote. Umplirie’s Prohibition “ No “ “ Cains For Uestiiclion “ Against “ “ Pumpkiuviuo Prohibition “ No “ “ Vcorntree Restriction “ No “ “ Old Twentieth Prohibition “ No ‘‘ “ Burnt Hickory Prohibition “ No “ “ [•(utnh Restriction .Nineteenth Prohibition *• “ No *• “ The vote oi Pa il.ling county i.- i.bont 2000 r.«d u will b; ub eive there was not more tliau a Imlftt volt canton AU'diie* lay s election. I'lnvi was some mi the legality ol the e'action, vet ii is very eertuiu that u full vote would have resulted in about the same proportion. Mt. Zion Notes. Last Sabbath was the second, the regular day in course for meeting f at this place. The elev en o'clock services were couduct- d by Rev. A. B. Vaughn from Jer. 4-14. “Wash yourselves and make yun clean.” A large and intelligent congregation were in waiting. Clos-.d with feeling. More anon. J. S. R. lumber burned-—loss about 50 dollars. Those passing by tbe grave yard, at New Hope have the evi dence before them that the dea l are not iotgotten. The grave yard is neatly cl?aued, and is be ing enclosed with' a wire fenoe. L'he work is superintended by •). R. Prewett; Esq., and will Soon be complet'd in handsome style Whiskey was taylored at Acorn- tree last Wednesday, it did n’t .get oue vote in every seven. More auon. T. 10 65 10 56 9 44 13 35 11 52 8 45 30 04 3 53 Branch Penciling*. The cold wiuds make tho oats and wheat look small and blue. Peach trees will soon be iu full bloom, Apples a little -back ward. People are wild on gnano; they are preparering largely for king cotton. Notliiug said about hog sml hominey. Mrs. Day, 73 years old, died last Thursday. .lamsi Rainwater's son, 15 yea's old, is very sick; lie is expected to die soon. Sauk Rigadoledied Thursday New Advertisement*, GEORGIA, PauMing County l give notice that I wi'l apply nt iIk November adjourned teem of tho Legislature to lie hold in July routi, for an nut to repeal on net to i-icorpo reie llio town nt Dir Ini. if imce-anrv, nnd to incori omtu l!m IoWii o Dill- Ini A so 1 give notice that 1 shall apply for an act to e.-loblislt a ' urn- itil-aioners cunt of tools mol ievt-. cue* of suitl cuunty Turn March the 1st 1883 ! (J DUN AG AN Oidinnrv GhUKlil A. Paulding t'onitt.v l’o all shorn it may concern Joint ^Itelton has in duo 'ortti npplio! to roe I’ur permanent letters of ndmini— iraicn no thcoaiateu' Martin wind, tint, I -to of said comity dcoca e I, ami ( will pan upon s.iid applioaiioii u it the firet Mnmiiy ill Apitl 1883 1'hiu Match 1st 1883 T C DU NAG \ N Ordinary GSoKuia, t'auliliog Comity, l’o all WIiuiii it may comei'ii:—H S t’arro iniv ug lit |Mojht lol.n ti|i|ilie(l ’o lac lor lutlvr* ol nduiiu a ut I ilicoalato of v It Chi roll, ileou nod, llieso arc to eltc ill por-i'iia coacciae l, to -liotv causu tvli, permcneiit letter- of lulailiilatrui on -linulil not be gr in*cil to llie ap'iuai'l on ciiil eaiuic I lila Fubrna-y t lie :lv«l. lb !l T. C. DUNAL2AN, Oidinnrv. QKOR-IIA. I’aui.uino Couvi'Y. To iiiltVh oii it m iv t oncvrii—W il Ci'mv. having ipiiliu I to me for loitnrs of ail • night. Willie, Charlie and John I "''nil'll'. 1 i‘on on tiia «-'a not .1. W. i ang- . ! 'Ci'.ileveir-ivo, llrl* I* to « to all pern no. coiicor.ied k mlroil in il croilltoii. to lllv the r obloctloiiH, 11 a n, w iy hi iura of ml- m nlatiiailon kIiiiiiUI ling'iillteil ilicapp'c- clmt mi said calitlc. I II'* 11 lirnaCV 2 , '8sJ. TC iJUN UItN, 4: uidlnury. Funster buried him and conduct ed the funeral services-, Well, Sunk was a good old dog, John Golden, a Dutch yaukoe,. says it won’t do to feed milk cows on nails, his only eat eleven, some 10s and some 6s, and died the next day. John thinks tho cow was dispeptic, and that her stomuch wouldn’t digest. John ought to put iu more meal, the more the better. We look for Judge James Brown to come to the front for tho Gov- eruorseip, also A. O, Bacon, Brown wi 1 lio'i him. Now, Mr. Editor, I think you are moving the thing abont right, just boll your grip and I will help you Bkin. Bio Irk. MTATK OF 7jROHqi\,- Pnu'dlmr • 'oilipy:—Whercas J, M. Watson, oxi-c- "tor of I F niltli reprcsi'ii'h to lliu court la liii pe itlo.i, itulv tl fil and emari'd on ri'ro'd; tlmt In- Inis fully ndinililNlert'd J F SmllIi’« (stale, 'll.a Is tlivel .rt to cl'c all persons cm cm lied, hells and cml- iior*. to n .oiv cause, If any they car, why sad ex'cutor alum'll not lie dWclnir^eii from h'.»exc"iiio"shl|i and ic.cive letters of (llsmiK-lon I II lhe lli--,t Monday In June next. Tills Murc’t the H I I88U- T C DUNAO i N, Ordinary (Ikoiuiia I'niilitlnj (Jon i.y To r, l Whom il innv Conosi'n -H It .McUro'tor having In proper lorm npinle I to mu lur letters "f|< a on th i^stutn nt Ahixnailer Veal, di'oin«ed those are t'. eitu all pu'sons oimcei'iii'd. 1.1 slimy cause, If any they can, why perini'iieal letter.- lot iidinliilsti-ittloa slum d not lie granted lo 8 It M -Uruger on said estii.e Tills February 17th IHSil T: C. DUNAGAN, Ordinary. Gicoiiuia, ’ I n-ildlag f'oiiuty. Whore, as .1 I, Mollrnyer and 8 (J Manley, ad- mlnlsr,rater mi l ikdm'nlstrutilx ol I l> Manley, deocHsoil lupvrsenta to the eoni-i in ilmir iii'tHioil tl oil an.I -eoor'cl, hui they 'have fully : i|ilialnlsl ml 1 I) Manly’s es'atc. . lilc- Is o el'e all per sons,kin nail oredi'ors, oaaae If any lie y c in, why t e hdiiilnl-traloi's should not bo dlselin'ced. and receive lel'eis of ill ml-slim on tho Hist. Monday In May next- Tills February I7ih '• 881. T. 0. DUNAGAN Oidiunay. ^gj. K. Chastain, O M vNUFACTUHKU OF SIMMS, HUM, WHIPS, llltlDUOS AND COM,AIIS, Dam,ah, Paui.dinu County, Oa, Itepalrlng a speelalty. A good slack of liand-m ale Work eimstaiitfy on liiilld. Harness Oils kept. In stock. m l have also add al a shoe shop to my business, and am prepared to ii ku and repair slides In the host work- n n-ilke manner. Glv.unn il trial, 'hi PiMPLES. J. B. & T. A. d yrinmTTcfffT mJT h IWlT i Jml ,Jnr es liuial monr Wtui dsn* Jhr.a! (A ".♦.cnnoit • •tit oi «3(ii Maintaining tke Leaff Ob»i|L /unoii nfidt “And Don’t You Porn^bittifr HE LARGEST SOCK OF .luodw ^nis ol J Jdn'io Jjrin .ni vIImt .'ajivr rl.l lhour Ri "nmol- 1 “ wituIJR'i ixta Rhitgiienjl oitwhln ndl iwintoid General MerohijtMUiir J'liJin (id .oonl-iriH oil I Ever Draught to vt.dn IrJd gniimm ISf And wo arc gelling It go cheap tlint the public are nsnirtlyfll'ifi^"' It may he said tlmt It Is easy to mnko an assertion, but provlng it mar.fae VMWdtlk ferent; lint If any one wants the proof, all lie or she hits to do li tooouMbi.Me store and vxnuiliio our goods and aaeertulu tho uxtrcumly low prints st whiob WV . "ithtl -ul*-- ■> V In Rrndy-Made Clothlnaf* " lf 11 ... d- ’dvi I" "i n Milt v In bofcb prlco untl qnullty. Onr stock Id Ifinw* com pri8os tho lutoAt 8tyliM,m ulu of tliu bout iiMturluU, ami In tho butt WfWknaiiwH^ iimnnor, anti in sl/# w to MiiitaU u^tw; anlu lor Iiovm, snltn lor youth*, •iiiu for men, milts tor o!tl inou; auJ thu iuuultwt part ol‘it U Unit tlioy uro iolf| sboapu» nuvor vmI” rr ■■■* { k ms l.oifflf Dry Goods, ; 1 l, J •«-in dur stook of- dry goods Is Inm inso, eons!sting of Prints, latest styles mtlfti 1 patternsi Worstoiti, Alpacas, Silks, I'hpljs, Ullos 1 Cloaks, SlisWta, M. brief, Svery- il i lei ) ol -tit Acorntree Notes. The showers and warm weather remind us that seed time has come. , . Uncle Malley Pickett has got his fence resets and his place has a farmlike appearance. Gum Springs school house was burned down last week. G. A. Owen had a fine kiln of Millinery Goods, Onr stock of millinery goods Is complete, embracing everything In the In,*; consisting partly «l hats and bonnets, of the latest stylos? flower*. UiL’i'H, fuiii*, p.Aiiimtls, hull* gtHHl.*, ulc. TUIa «ltipurtiiltfiitla run bjr Mn, T, A« |.IIoots,”B]ioc«, Hn We Imve tho largest stock of Roots.'Shoea ntid lints! which we hate et Irom tho ehoaiiost to the highest priced. Come and examine them. W* • Groceries, A fldl linn constantly on hand,consisting of Flour. Meal, Lard,Moot. Arran, ses, Sugar, Coffee, rice, Salt, (lrlts, etc,, pure and fresh, ” ” Tollndno, OI|gitt*« f The best and chea|N»t brands, and a large supply, ’ Hardware, Cutlery» Sueli ns Is most. In demand hy the (s-opleof tills section, kept In (toN all the Rocket and table cutlery, ruzors, etc.' lor oVurybialy. Cr:ickory nnd Glassware, A full stock. Call mid giro It nil examination, WE LEAD THE VAN! In everything In tho mercantile line In Dallas. Tho proof of lh# pmMIm la la hew Ing the string; and If you don’t hellnvo us, come anil sue and he emielwISl lirWe keep on hand n lull stock MIUKJItN WAGONShrol DAVlSkoSmj» A ( ;o S HITGGIES, w hich we sell cheap. If yon need a Wagoh w ahoggr^roM Our business oeeliples two store liouses. Onr new Irlck store hnrolkibMJu Dry Goods, Notlnm, Millinery Onods.etc., while our old liousuos tin tanttl, *!! voted to Groceries,Tolmeco, Cigars, Hardware, Cutlery,etc. "'e are also agents for the following standard brands of guntlo- Stern's. 1 man's, and Lockwood’s Cotton O row or. w HcailqiinrterM for SantoClau. u- house Is hemlnuarters for Snnln Clans, nnd wnlmve laid In the larossl-*—«• -■ reetlonorles, Toys, Fire- Works and oilier Chrlsinins Goods ever bromrht ro tsll kef. Everything in this line to please the children. nrou^utto **|* Our Confer market, Mb Blaeksmi thing. We have rented Noah Pinkard s, blacksmith shop nenr the hotel in | , r^iir.o j . , .{I 1 will mini i Free) t lie receipt) Dallas, ail.I am prepared to do all. gimp .• Vunctahlc iJa'm tlmt will remove kinds Of bliioksimthlllg at short T i», Frceklwi, HmpJc.s ami »Io(cIich, notice and in the, best workman- l^vmir the «>ln *ofr, clear mulbcu nlfui; liL-o nine,,or T (l.„ l Il'HO IUHlrilcUoilS for producing It lllMlrl- like manner. { solicit the patron- ,,,,, wUl hl ,i r u bald le nd age ot the public. Farm work a sii o'tii face. Address, inclosing He. specialty! Satisfaction guar,in- stain ’. Ben, V.iudill& Co., 12 Barclay teed. Ui yo u« a uull ' N ’ y ' Allen & Bullock. jq CONSUMPTIVE*!. The u l vert I Her liAVlmr been pu in men y cured of tlmt dreinl dlHCii*e, ^opmiiih!) itoji, by h hlmple teiiiody, in aiixiotm to make kiii.wn to bin fcllow-siiflbrerH the mi>niiN o* eure. To all who desire It. lie wi i H*;iid a copy cl the prescrlpilon lined, (free of charge.) with the direciloim for preparim; a .d imlna: the *ttine, whicii thev Will find n nurd lire for CouffliM, Colon, Coiisuiiiptiou, Asthma, l)ro cliltlH, t&c. PartlcM Wlrthln^ I he ITeneripil on, will plea o addro^H.Jtev. K. A W1!jJ*ON, 104 Penn 6t., Wllilain bnrjfli, N, “of youth. GENTLEMAN who stillcrcd for years from Nervous DIU1I ITV PltEMA I’UitE DECAY, and nil the ef. feci* "f you 1 b |, ill Indiscretion, will for the * lie of -iife'-lug huuian'ty send free to ill who ii<-.'<l It. tho recipe and direction Air making the Minn'e remedy hy which lie was cured. Suirenrs wishing to i rof- It hy Iho mlveri Iser’h experience can do so hy udiircsHlng III perleol. co ill lenee, JDIIN II. OGDEN, 41 C NEW CASH STOKE 1 j. j. paY*n;:. d vllas, ga. j. m-stone,Smyrna WAI)E WHITE, MARlETrA.G, . J. J. PAYNE & CO, DALLAS, GA, ^ Ii vltcs Ihe peop'e of Pnnlding and surroun Ungoounliee fo rail st th« luirdwiti-e and grocery store |nn<l examine their large nnd well *olsotsd sfoek ol Hnrilware nnd Grororlea. THey makes specially of these two staple Haro mil huy lor cash and sell for cash, and ooiisi qiiently are enabled to give th, best ImrgriiiB that can l« huh They keep in stock Flour, Meal, Mast, Lord', MoIbssom, Svrniis, Sugar, C.’offee, Tub »oo>, oh'en. etc.: Hlowr, Hem Kiikcs, S ovel*, Spades, truce chains, Imines, wash pot*, pocket knives mm tulile k niyes and forks, nnd everything else in the hnruware line that the peo ple of this section need. We well nt linrd pin prices, for cash. Give us a nml lining your cash lo the NEW f!A<SH Hi ORE. Thompson & Spinks, Ivy F. Thompson and W E. Spinks havs formed a partnership for the practice of iaw, to be con fined to cases in Paulding Superi or Court, under the firm name of Thompson & Spinks. RE. CASON, Dentist, Has permanently located in OARTEKSVILL, Where he u is prepared lo do* all kinds of Denial work ut prices to SUIT THE TIMES, lie will he pleaded (o see nil his old friends nnd many new rusm-ners. If vo need m>y dental work done, cull on h'ui. I Want Everybody to Know TnAT THE LARGEST STOCK OB’ Ever Di'ouglit to Dalla* HAS JUST BEEN Ol'ENED AT jBUIiX2#€H»0. And,will be sold et prices tlmt will startle the Relives, I MAKE A SPECIALTY 07 99Hati*fyniK fviTybody tlmt comtif to my More tlmt they can get aa good bargilMbs#MSI Dallus; or, for tliut matter, iu any other market. 1 have large atoakaf |§ v . . S3 DRY GOODS, Notionfi, Orocericfl, Hardware, Crockery, Olaaaware; and Iu (Net, afryttrilg mafidH of the people of this flection require, and I am prepared to aell tham at tla fmf lo wIh!i to call Hpcrinl Htteiitiou to my large atock of BOOTS AND SHOES. &.1 prepare*! to *ult everybody. It ta impoaalble for ma lodw a fiM daatHpHaa of af cOft Htock here, hut if my triemU and the public will cl oo me, I will take plea* ore la abowlag It In thla line I am pricing them my gootla. Call and give me a trial. N, T.B iiissml arijr in