The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, April 05, 1883, Image 3

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.LOCAL GOSSIP. Mr. Pete Daria, of Rawls, Proa our town la certainly growing ifc interest witk the membership aW& citizens generally. At the regtr- A ( o, left last Saturday Itfr a ahori lar meeting last Tuesday evnnVNit visit to hi* forirer home. Ttion.^nro? in south Ga. Pete always combines busmMnlwitli pleasure. Mr. Charley Foote has Opened hns- the disputants displayed marked ability and zeal in the 'question 1011 i under discussion, and meny new ideas were brought 'out. fhe inees at the ol.i stuud of his father.’ president, Rev. J. R. T. Brotrtt, Georga W. F.ote. Sr. We bes|*ak^*hesagood presiding officer,a"hd •fur Charley a lively bi sines*, Mies Mol lie Tidwell, of At loots, bas been spending a feW days Hu town a« tbe residence ol her uncle, Mr, J B Foote, .'onn i f our young msrehants aie poiog doau torn to luy in thei. spring goods 'We would direct (lie attention oTrtnr readelrS to h'ffciWtial of the new advertisement of Mr. W. R, Ktrick’lrtnd, dealer in all kinds of Furniture, Ma'f esses, MusicrJ In struments, Stot'S, Chromes, e(c., Mr. Striek'land will suit yon in 'quality prices. Call and see him, oext door to old stand on the corner. Mr. 8 N Allen and HU young bride strived home on fire 3 o'clock irnin Wednesday aherhaon fro.n Aflnnta. The hridal nhitr were welcomed home hv ell on'i citlicns. and now we would just ssv of a truth “Invo leughv at locksmith-*’ Msy their cup ol joy never helilird ovtr by ohe cruel hand of fate May a Ion? iife of hspoines* he tbe reward of their constancy on this shore until bea'ifi •<! In that hrivht 'r nnd lielter world heyound Ord^nry T. C. Dunaian held Ills conrt Monday Inst, and pass ed the following orders: Mrs. E. Carroll, administratrix on the tostnte of A, B. Carroll, d-ceftfift 1, nnd 8. R. McGregor was granted lettors on the estate of A. Veal, deceased, Mr. D. L. CroWr lias placed ttp- ■on onr table specimens of copper ore from the Banks mine, situat ed about seven miles west of Bid- las, in this county. The ore looks Very copperish, Hud no doubt would, Upon assay, show a very larga percentage of copper, We 11 ope to hour of the working of the mine at once by men that mean business. Paulding county is rich in undeveloped mineral resources. We have seen sever* era! quills of gold obtained by panning near Dallas, and som i day gold will be found in consid erable qiiauiies here. The greatest nuisance in vogue is the practice of shooting off p’s liis rulings Are just and impar tial. The club promises much for the mental and moral growth of the minds of the debato’s, afid is also a strong bulwark for socie ty. Long may it live and pf6s per. April Fool. An excellent joke, but a rather dangerous precedent for misb’he- vous boys, was perpetrated niton the engineer of the np train Mat Sunday afternoon near the resi dence of Mr, Moon, in the lower nnd of this county. Some yoAng Indies With fun intsnt placed An effigy upon the track, and ws Are informed one of the party sl'Crtd i.ear by With an alarm flag in hand. The eagle eye of the en gineer detected what he supposed to he tlie body of apoor sot pros trate before him. and with almost superhuman effort slacked Up, AUd it may be supposed one of the commandments was then And there forgottou by that throttle mover. The Mask Meeting of Paulding Cos*t.v. <Wo chickens at onO grab. 1 hat j hawk is an expett. I Mrs. Beav rs is weaving A piece of cloth thirty yards long. No excitement about the elect- I think this d’stribt will be perfectly satisfied with the noMi nation of Governor Royhtqn. I wish to ask the following ques tion: Which is the higher office, the office of Governor or that of Senator in (^digress? Big Ike- will please answer. B. H. O. Branch Peaciliings. ate Pursuant to a call made through the Columns of the Now Era the people met en masse at the COtirt house Tuesday at 12 o'oloek, Esq. * ., , W. M. Woodd dl was called u> off soon on the fence _ques Since the rains the woods beginning to look green, Wueat and oats ate doing due. A good many of the neighbors are done planting corn. Will plant ; cotton next week. Mrs. John F, Ragsdale is very sick. Two or three good milk oows have died recently in this settle ment. ’Steve P->rris, sam And Sank Huge wood went rabbit hunting the other day,they caught id aud orippled several mofe. Steve Wants some half a dozen more honnds, and Whit wants A bull pWp for fighting purposes. Where Can they get them? Mr. Veach has quit the shop And tamed fisherman, he Caught four Cats the other day, just bo low tbe springs three inches long, he says they floundered and flounced mighty, but he held oih Now, Mr.V., we'll havo to do some doctor's work if yon dont mind, for that sort of pulling is hard on a maus back. I understand that an eleotion sli 1 there is room for improve ment. The water in Pumpkin vine creek still continues to run down stieim and tarns all the mill wheels that are put in it, and vet there is enough to ran a cotton factory and other like m ichine- ry. I opine that capital could be profitably invested on Pumpkin* vine Creek. Thtnkkr. tte# Adrartiatmenta, GEORGIA, PASMInj Cniintr. U ap pearing to the ’court that n siiflUdent number, prtrpirllni* to bn freeholders of Said eCAAiV. have iwtl'loned the CiclWry to dcscgnalo it ittailing nn election to ilemene the UCr-tlnn of Fence or No Febfte, lo tie Mil) nllied to Die qtiallflml roi«VsbftoldCAttity, ns provided hy nn ACtOf tbe UoAerni Assembly ofthU nute. it Is thcMoro oruerwu tbnt mi election be lie Mid At IM several precinct* of. "nta eonnty 00 the tub Any ol April 1H8:I tof votCfb rtf -aid county to determine tha ipAVllioA O' Felice or No Fence by their billot!.' Tonne In f ivor of fchoo nimll istft WtlUvtt or priAtod on their ticket* FenCe’’Aim tho-eln fuVor of doing n way with Me ftaA'Ce* -bull hkve written or printed nn tlielr tlCkd* 'No Fence" O’veil OAKtiA) hsndjMvt. nfllojsl signs. tVfre. T. D. DUNAOAN, Ordinary. rTATK OF Utinltq \; Paudtiig Countr.—Whereon J, M. Watson, exec utor of I F Smith represents to the fimrt In hi* peittlo.ty A lly A e.l 11ml toteVert on reeo'ili thAHW hu» .fully administered JFKrtlih’* iStittc. .bin In therefore to cite all person* cCn'Ceined, helm *0.1 Cred it urn. to m nw c one, If nnv they cur., Why *a <1 exeulltor nh'Wkhl not ho discharged from b'eexctatorahlp nnd roicIVV) lettorn of tllnimndon "n the llr«t Moniinv l.n June next. This Mnrcli tho liib 188#- to Dunn, Ordinary tion, hope to see something in this paper from the different parts of the county on the sabjeot. fNoexciteincnt here about Boyn ton and Bacon* for my part I am for Bacon, but I shall let every body aloue and they will do near ly right. Bio Ikk. Kollian Hens. April comes in rough and rainy. Some fruit left yet, Wheat aud oAt? begin to loot greeto Farmei'8 have commenced planting corn aud putting iu gu ano. Method! it qiiabtefly conference UUV llliuii wnn ii'o oruuma wiiuiuv) ' ■ » The result of the election, which ! *t the cmlrl ground last Saturday was conducted in the best of fuu'- a,ld 8unJ ^* 0,1 the #et i..g was, tor delegates, Col. M on- j'wither there Was but feW iu At- aoe 8,)inks,Dr. 8. Robertson, attd .teUilance. tols at night on the square, in the ! for aUernai*s Dr. Wm. C. CoU-| Wool uson an streets, store houses, saloons, or'nallyaud Judge Hiram Whit-,"i . ful , ftuywhere ju it to satisfy a spirit worth. There Were no instruct | ult > |* oth 1 * vin ^ the H * me hott9e of recklessness, There should ions given the delegation* but it attd buried in the sa e grave be some resprect for ones self If was quite ft| pen ant that the y* ra meeting was largely in faVor of JamesS. Boynton fuf governor. The meatinn adjonmed- the chair and Ool. W. K, Fielder chosen sreretavy. Ool. Fielder, by request* stated the object of the meeting to be to elect two delegates and two alto run - s to attend the nominating convention to meet in Atlanta ou tin 10th prtx Having decided to elect the delegates by ballot the names of several gentlemen present were placed iu nenlination. The ques tion of preference for Guberna torial nominee was sprung, and each candidate allowed to es pies* his personal choice* And every one with one etceptlon was for .lames 8. Boynton, and Bovnton was his second choice, GKORU1A, Paulding County I give notice that t Will apply nt ihr November ailjtntfAed Ih'fij ttf ihn [*egiiletUre to be held lb duly next, for an AVI to repeal sli set to InCorpo rate the town nt DAMs*. If neWNnnry, And to inrUrpCrale the towtt o r Del la* Also I give notice that I shall apply for an aCi lo establish a Com. missioned CoUrt of ros In «rd reyo. nuen of said oCuhty Thin Match Ihs 1st 1883 TC DUNAOAN Oidinsrv 0a • not for tbe la v. Registration. The lnw .leqnires all liquor dealers to register with the Or dinary on the 1st day of April of each year, and to pay Into the hands of the tax-collector a spec ial taX of $25. There have been only four retail dealers in the town district aud one outside to come up to tiuie,aiKl It is suppos ed that the proclamation of the Governor, fixing the limit of the traffic So short, restrains the others, and they will go out of the business entirely. The bur den of public seutement is un doubtedly largely In faVor of tem perance in this county at present. The Late Gov. Stephens. We have just published a fine portrait Pictnre of the late Alex, H. Stephens, engraved from a photograph and pronounced a perfect and lifelike likeness of the great Georgia staiesm^n, size *4 x 19 inches, on heavy plate paper, A sample copy will be sent by mail in apasteboarl tube and post-paid, on receipt of 30 cents in stamps. Agents wanted ever ywhere to sell ibis and otlu r pop ular pictures, Ac. Write for our catalo ue. Sent free, /ddress. Eli L & BURROW; Puolisliers. 40 Marietta St., Atlanta, Ga. Tlie Dallas Historical and Debating Club, The above solid institution of This district looks Bacon ward for Governor. We need a good physician somewhere in this section, the Acorntree Dots. Mu. EdiTor Paulding New Eba; j present one having retired from Perhaps a little in the way o(: practice. news from Wedington's District Somet'Mes. would not be amiss, As Mr. Arp says, we are all calm and serene down here, I mean the people, ot the weather, for it rains aud hails, and is cold and stormy, Considerable complaint of hol low-horn among the old CoWs, and also some complaint of cholera among the hogs. Considerable corn planted du ring tbe past week, but With ittt a change in the weather it Will 3dt germinate worth a cent, Not much excitement about Boynton or Bacon, but there are some other fellows we are rally ing for en mass, to wit: Messrs Baldwin, Sterns, Cumberland, John Merryman, Peudletoil, and a host of others too tedious to mention, every passing Zephyr is laden with their odor, FabMeb. Nebo butting*, Winter seems to be lingering in the 'lap of spring. Uncle Mike Austin has been quite sick, but is convaleBent, Constable R, A< Turucf Is clear ing a large potato patch in the piuey woods. Uncle Duncan Wortham says there is a small blue tail hawk tha visits his poultry yard every day and sevar fails in eatebin All is qniet as usual. Farm work going on briskly. Justice court is held at Acorn, tree the fourth Saturday iu each month. W. M. Wood Jail and C, F. PreWett preside, and is a good Court. Well, Mr. Editor, t see that Rig Ike gets off in a pleasant reme m berauce of old settlers south 0 Dallas; Which calls me bask ii thought many years. The flrsj inhabitants that ! renumber were Big Chewey,.lack Wolf, Telerskee, Bean Stick, Tanooey aud others of the Cherokee tribe. Although I was but a Bteekee pikeniuoe (small child) yet I remember Very well eating cottod eatsah aud conehanee (bread, meat and homi ny) With their children while the men were in the hunting grounds or at Alatooni or Burnt Hickor- ey paauiug ont gold, and they would sometimes sell their who e | days collection of gold for a ka- noote akeene (sevenpence aud thrip) but the Cher ikees are a loo (all gone.) The first settjeis that I remember north of Dallas was Wm: Kenedy, the Hevnses, Cleg- oins, o hit,worths, Bowmans, orsyths, and Others. Of these Klijah Forsyth, C. 0. Bowman, Win. Kenedy and Hiram Whit worth still lives and has seen the change from almost a solid foi'est to a thickly populated country with’T the last fifty years, and J. B. & T.A. FOOTE & CO •ARE- Maintaining ike Lead tkle VaD, “And Den’t lfait fe$gei it l" MulLAflflKStfiDbko# General Merohaadiae fiver Ilrdiight td finlla*."^ titA ml \V6 are sell! Ag It n6 ebAAp tbnt th* pttblfc Ate AUrfttWl! jp It rtluy hr Mid that It I* nt*nv to irtnke nA SMnrtlrtU, bAt ittovlrt? It ibiy M nrr'ti'A IjfMDtl brtl Ifaiiyonn w»At* tliA proof, All lie or site liA* to lie Is to ronie to Nr swie bbil oxmAlne oiir good* nml nsuurtnlii the extreiilol/ low prices nt wlilch tie in Heady-Made Clothtogj WneAAsrtltnvAI'vbrtilv.lAbrttli price and quality. OUr stock IA larkc, and eomA prises the Intost *tVle*,ui »d« Ur tl»A b»Wt lA iterlitts, mid IA the bint .VnrkPrm-llk- lUAnnnr., mid irt nun* to sdlt.AII nge*; suits for hrtv*, salts tor yoUths, suit* for young itton, suits for eld nlen; nAd the (AAblest pAft el It Is that they Are sold “shAst M shoAp as neve? vns)'’ Dry Goods* lAA* Dal- GKOIlGlA, Paulding 1 oumy 10 ill Whom it mar concern John khelinn hbi iA due 'Arm applied In me for pCrmnnenl letters <>i Anudni*- (ration on the enisle o' - Martin fehel. ion, lota of said eouuty deaeu-ed, and i will pns* ii|sin said spplicmrin nn he Hrst Mondoy iA April 1883 This March 1st 1883 • TC DUNtOAN Ordimirv Dnr stock o' dry gool* IsliAmnnsA, coAststIA? of RrlUts* lAtoit A'tyles AAil hesullbil p'ittrrii*; Worsted*, Alp to i*, Silk*, PlqAi*, L i lle*’OloAS*, Shawls, insns,Shirting*, Slmptlinr*, (luorgis Ch icks, .Temn, Hosiery t AAikto M brief, everv^ tMng IA the Ary gmids BAA. 1 ]\filllrt«'tVv Httodfii Dnr Stock of millinery gikkls lA cniAplete, eiAhrAolAt AverytblA? In thA line; mnslstlng partly of lints AAd bop Acts, of tlie litirit styles; flowers, Inees, funs, psrAsAI*, liAIr goods, etc. This departiu int Is rilA by Mr*. T. A. 1 ;Ubdllr, > 8libe«)|klH We Jisve the )rtfges’t stock of Roots. Shoes And llalA' Which "we front tlie clieApAst to the highest pWced. CUAtii AAd eXArAlnethem we hnve AV Wet CiroU^rlcA, A ltd) llAe coVistnntiv 6n blind,coAsIstlnyttf Flour. Me.M, Liril.Mctt, ArrnA. liidtr ■As, Sugar, Coffee, rice, Suit, Grits, eta., pure AAd fresh. TAbndod, ClgAi'A; The best nnd chea|iast hr*Ails, nnd A IsrgA supply, IlartlwaUP, Cutleryj Such s> I* ntostIA dVinnnil hy thA people of this section, kept IA storA nil its si-u- Pocket AAd table cutlery, rnftir*, Ate.’ for everybody. "" Cr^ckeUy and GlniaWarfij A hill stock. Cull nnd give It nil cXnnilnnUoA. WE LEAD thE VAN! in everything In the mercantile IplA in Dnllas. 'f'lio pri chewing the string; And If you don't l>Allpv.n us, eOiAe snil se . rw've keep on lilmd 11 mil stock M 11,111 IHN WAGONS uhd PAVIft rinlri n A Xl.’S lHTOGfRH, which we sell ulmAp. If ydti ItMd ,| wAg« u 1 * GkcA iia, l*A ilillog foully. Where- is ,1 L Mcllraycr nnd SO .tinnier, sd* ( inliilAiret'ir A ltd a<lin nlstritrl'x ol 1 I) Msrtley, (li-AcsscdsiepelSuiil* lo the ertillt In ill .If petHton Bleu an. I rccorlAI, AAt they 'luive Mlly pidnilaNt- fed I 0 Manly's es'Ate. < htc Is ' o t-l'e All per- >011*, kill mud bmlliers, to slUtw toys* If liny they flirt, why tut ndinlnl-Irators -hurt d llo) Ue illAullA'-ged. And receive let'eik fli dl'inhSloil on the llrat Monday iu MAV iieit- Tills Fehriuirv I7i.h '-.'SI. T. C. DUNAGAN Ol'dinnny. pvool of the pikUlAff It it 'I sen and lie.dnrtVJWnM. CO.’S HUGGINS, which tvo sell olmAp. If ypil Wflfld it wagflA'rtHt httZkli call an us, Onr hdslnpss pm-iipln* two Atom lirtitses. OAr itflw brick storA httilW Is devoted to Dry Dodds, Notions. Millinery Goo lr ' “ - " ■ ■ ne,ro * M «• voted We miirt Goo‘1". Notions. Mllllnnrv Goo ls.0tc.. wlillp Our old hodtedn tlie comer Is d toGroefl'rlflA,TnliH0<!O, D'tiiiW, llimlWArw, Cutinry.eto. e ore also itgfliiU for the following standard hlraiids of guAtto: Btofn’s. Umm. and Itoektvodd’s Cotton Gtower. " DMTn *» Mm T’ Itemiqufirtoni ftr Manta ClUatt. Dilr house Is iiendipinricrs for Sniitn Clstik, and welinve lAld hi Hid farmt ■» Confectioneries, Tovs, Fire-Works and other Christmas GtAMk eWr brouvht to*thS market. Everything IU this IIAe to please the cliltdtoii. »nugM to thB ADMINISTRATORS SALE. By virtue rtt an order of ih ’ court ,of Ordinary • f Cobb County, will lie sold betore the c urt honse (loir in Dilla*, Pa >Ulluxco!iol.y during the 'egsl hours ol -a e on the first Tuesd-iy in M*V next, the f loW'ipii lot* of land, to will 482, 4 8 .V»7. 481 IIIW2,1041,7.7* I,, tip'Ipd dlsirlut nnd ilrd redid 1, mid , r >07, U70. 671, SAll In sold us the piopyrtv of riiuims I), Per. kersoa, late of Cobh con ity, deceilsea for the benefit of the 1 e r* of sitld deceased Terms of raie, eA’ •, Phis March 81, >88. W. H l*F,mfIN80N, mahV, Adniiulst-aiol'Si NEW CASH STORE! J. J. PAYNE. D VLbAS, GA. J. M- STONE* 8HYRN WAbE White, marietta-, ga. J, J, PAYNE k CO., DALLAS, 6JL* Invites the pcop'fl of PunMiA? nnd surroundingdonnties to call at the I hardware and grocery store |nnd examine th-if largs nml well selected stock of HerdwAre and Gfocorlhs. They mnkeA specialty df thfise two sUpie line* pnd htty for cnsli add sell for bosh, And dortsediiently sto enabled to wife th. ♦**»• ha run. n* 1^ I. 'ti-j-L * > Come At Last! That lung 1 doked tor ittvoibd ot PttiutS) Oi's, Varnishes, Colors Dye Stuffs, Brushes, Machinery Oil, Sewing Machine Oil, Harness Oil Axle Grease* Putty, etcj etc At the DALLAS DRUG STORE. Drugs* medicines,all patent Siid proprietary medicines, druggists sundries *combs, brushes* notions, soaps, stationery, perfumery, to- badco* cigars, snuff, Trusses of all styles, and a complete variety and endless quantity of Garden SeedSi The New Era is right here With hs, and if yOti don't dome to see ns we will Write yon this kind of ad epistle feVery occasionally! Spot cash on all ordera. CONNALLT Ic CHRISTIAN. b‘7>, M< lasses, 8vrops, Sugar, Coffee, Tub icci, oigan. etc.: Plow** Hdeo Rakes, Sim* Is* Spades, trade chain*, l.n toes. Wash pot*, pocket knives rad table knives and forks, and everything else itt the hardware line that the pee* pie of this station need. We sell at hard pan price*, for cAsh. tiivs US A And b'iiig your cnah to the NEW CASH 81 ORE. I Want Everybody to Know ¥±4At I’xzit LAttttfiSt RTOCk t>ir If- Ever Drought to Daliihls HAS JUST BEEN OPENED At m And will be Sold at prices that Will startle the hativso. I MAKE A SPECIALTY S^Sstisfyiiilf sverjooilv iiist foinesto my Dsllw; ur, lor rlist.limuer; 111 iluy ollwr urn . ’lore thstthe* puiget ug<ttlh*i|tlM Stress A market. 1 have Uir#e ttock •( , „ | DRY GOODS* tn*hain?>k'. * , * rrtw * r «. Crockery, Glseekere; end |n fset, mfftMg which 9ks Am fnffndM of thu jreopli) of thU Miction reqairu, uud I am prepiired to aell tha u M tM verr K Wl»u to cell, p^vlallfiitlou to my large etock of i-™ » reu v‘»u wwere ms I AND SHOES. In this Hue I am prepsnii to milt everybotlw. It la imro^lbte (ot me thrive t friemlaWd the public W|H>1 on frte, I wltl pW. unlm stock here, bat if iny ... pridnj^them ray pood*. I and give me a trial-'