The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, May 17, 1883, Image 4

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roller In Washington. Romsddll writes this story from Wash ington to the Philadelphia Press. It illustrates lion- our statesmen used to piny the national game : The days ot official pokor playing in Washington aro gone now. There is, I believe, a little, nnnd of nrmy officers who take ft hand :now nnd then in n dollnr limit game, but Iho big games went out with the golden days of the old District ring. A gentle man from New York fold me tho other day of a game ho onee participated in in Willard’s Hotel. There wore tlireo United States Senntors around the table, besides the gentleman I speak of anil an other whom I do not know. One of the Scnntora is now dead, another is out of tho Senate, nnd the third I know noth ing about, as I never heard his name. The Senator w ho is now (lend had been drinking very heavily, and was greatly affected by his potations. 1 do not know that any uieuilier of the parly was sober, tlieruform J can’t tell whether the others “plucked” the Senator or not. At any rate, lip played very recklessly. He, for •Sample, would linvo a six-spot; he Would show the six s|H)t and enli for four cards, uud then Is't $1,000 on his hand before looking at it. Well, this Senator (now dead) piayod until 3 o’clock in the morning, and the boys around the table had his “coups” (I don’t know what the word means) for $17,000. He staggered home, and no member of tho pnrtv ever supposed ho would rememlier anything that happened. Greatly mistaken, my friends. He came to Willard's the next morning at 10 p’ohx'k, took my inform ant out of bed, had a list of his “conns," and put into the hands of my friend $17,000 in treasury notes nnd asked him to redeem his paper, Sly friend pro tested, but the Senator persisted amt in sisted, and so the money was paid. This is a true story. Ou the Toboggan, Toboggans, which nre used to such an extent for amusement in Canada, nre bireli planks, twice as thick as ordinary blotting paper. They lie Hat on tho snow and curl over in front. They cany from two to six persons. Cushions are fastened on them when in use. U is customary for a girl to sit foremost. A Montreal girl can sit down on tho cushion, wrap her skirts about herankles, and thou throw her feet, under the curve of the board with the grace of a dntehess at a ball. Other women or men sit be hind. Lust of all is tho stecrer. Ho kneels ou the toboggan and steers with his toes. The hill is purposely coated with ice ami kept smooth as the face of a flatiron. There is a shunt, and down goes the board with the speed of a shot, and followed hy afnuntain if ieednst and snow. In Peel street, winch was the public toboggan hill set apart by the Government during, the Ice Carnival, sawdust is sjAinklca at the foot of the slido; otherwise tobnggrtliR and their loads would never stop short of tho further bank of the broad St. Lawrence, These boards seem as pliable as soft leather. The ivrrgnlaritics in the mads bend them like ribbon. Ilecontly tho sleighs interfered. Oneloadof girls shot under a liorso on Shorbrook street. A load of young men in a new toboggnn, going at a mile a minute, hit a cutter a side blow. The cutter irons were bent, the toboggan was wrecked, and the men went into the snow bank. Two girls in snow-shoe dress were widening down fifty feet behind. Their stecrer struck his too deep down, and the toboggan turned to the live-foot high snow imnk ■ml went over it as a steeplechaser might clear a fence. The young people tumbled off, but escaped unhurt. Then the police forbade the sport, except on the club ahde along the mountaii:, A 1'reach Nobby. The Intent “noble visitor" to this conn-' try is the young French Duke do Moray whose wealth and wild dissipation have made him tbo louder, boy though ho is, of what is 'known ns the “fast” society of Paris. A terrible scandal was caused last September by tho suicide in his rooms of a bcuuliful young actross of the 1' rancaise, Mile. Foyghine, whom ho had ruined and deserted. This story is well known in Now York, and yet it is said that the virtuous doors of Fifth avenue are to be thrown wide open to tho young libartine. The First Fluor, A Pittsburg hotel clerk says that every traveler is nervous since iho Mil waukee fire aud wants a room on the th at or second floor. That, ho adds, is tho invariable result of such a catastrophe, and it lasts for several weeks ; but grad ually anxiety dies out, nnd before long people take rooms ou the upper lloors without complaint, and often congratu late themselves on the better air nnd wider prospect thus obtained. “Youn hnsbaud is a staid man now, is ho not?” asked a former schoolmate of her friend, who had murried a man rath er noted for his fast habits. “I think so,” was the reply, “ he staid out all last night." Ladies A ohil.lrea’s boots A shoes can’t run over if Lyon’e Pat, Heel stiflcaars are need When the papers si>eak of tho infant industries of the country they don’t mean sticking the toes in the mouth or biting upon rubber rattlos, although those aro the principal industries of the infants. Tint hygiene of ijunckcry has done more to aggravate dyspopsia try lelf-iuflicted starva tion than gluttony ever did. Gahtrike cures the worst forms of dyspepsia. A Kentucky exchange asks: “What is the great lever that shoves the news paper forward?” Well, in the cis ■ of most conntrv journals, it is two dollars a year in advance. The iHifcIi! of I lie Pen. Oh. the orator’.-* voice i« a mighty power, Af it echoes along the u'reon, Rot tho feirle.w pen lm-* more awayo’erjneY, To sound the prunes of (larboliue. A New York man is trying to cat thirty brnoo of quail in thirty days. Why don’t lie make it real exciting by undertaking to cat fifteen polecats in fifteen days. People could then forgive him if he failed. “ Dr. Henson’s Celery and Chamomile 1'ili * for the cure of Neuralgia are a success.” Dr. G. P. Holman, Christianburg, Ya. f»0 cts. 3* druggists. Severe.— An old law in Holland con demned criminals to bo wholly deprived of salt-ftfithe severest punishment in that moist country. The effect was that they wi n» a prey to internal parasites. •‘/’hi happy fa say Ur. HenMou's Shiti ('nn has purest my Eczema of the. scalp, of tom ifears' si mutiny. J'no. A. Andrew-*. Alt y at Law. Ashton, 111. $1. Indorsed hy physician*. —One of tho gold-miuing companies operating in Fulton County, New York, has cleaned up About two hundred tons of gravel, the amalgam yielding $750 in gold, resembling tho Australian product. A Nplcndld Remedy for Limit l>l*en*e. Dr. R6b«rt Nowton. late President of Ilia Krlrctl" College of tli 0 City of tew York, and forme If of Cincinnati, Ohio, uaed Dr. Win. Ha'I’a Balaam ver? extensively In hie practice, aa manvofhta patients, now living, and restored to health, can amply testify. Ho a, ways said thst so g-.od atem edy ought not to bo considered merely as a intent medicine, but that It ought to )>s ortfoilberi freetv hr ever? physician as a sorerotjgu remedy In sll cases of Duns Disease. It ts a sure cure (or On- sumption, nnd hss nocqusl for ail pectoru plaints Kelli is irer*n Liniment. Applied to tho bead II nllevei heads*’ie, and provonts the hair from falling ou*. IIb who hns fair words only is like one i bo feeds tho sick with an empty spoon ail tnlks about gruel. Mkwsman's peptonlaert besf Ionic, the on ly preparation of beef containing its entire nutritious properties. It contains blooib ma king, forac-gcuciallng aud life-sustaining properiits; invaluable for indigestion, dys pepsia, nervous prostration, nnd all forms of general debility; also, In all enfeebled conditions, whether the remit of exbtuatlon nervous prostration, over-work or acute disease, p.rtieularly if resulting from pul monary complaints. Caswell, llnsird ii Co. proprietors, New Yoik, Hold by all drug- Ri>U "No, sin,” said tbo passenger to the ship's doctor, “I’m not sen-sick, but T'm dneedl.y disgusted with the motion of the vessel.” I Ii I III IhhuI , Uniiltoofi mid lloury A«t* Ex- flulm In I iiIhoiii " lli-liold flu* Cotiq irr<ir»” Dnr'nit attrlef v «.t to tin nn n-nt town ot Warwick, It. I., recently, our sgi-nt- extended Ha t< MMitllflMtora rtlnMiiily . f Him town, to look bIh.i among lln> wonderful improvoiiiwntii which liuve be* •undo in tho appcnr/inco «»f Warwick Nock during comparatively brief porliNl, nn.l wiillo converaing on t h aidipct with foi. lionjninin K.* Ilaxard, tin- p tpul, proprietor of the Warwick Neck Hotel,lm learned th tlio gnliter pnrt of the hnwlmnio Miimninr runirienn had lieep lirected li-.H'ile of a down yearn; nml lie all learned that t 1. Iln/nnl had been n great h ifferer fro a chronic d neam* of the kidney* and hltdder over tiftei yearn, the moat painful term of it being A atoppage - relent n II of the urine, whhih wn* «w very h -vote i,t t in aa to iliaahle.huu .fur hi.i mount'Hiieil Work, mil uv* confine him to the lied, when a aurgeon’e tMdidtnn. wel l I lie iTH|idriHl to relieve him. lie wan being do U red a large pait of the time, tint could g. t no perm Pont relief. At tlinofs hla MilleilnfN were tdrrihlq fre nhatp, cutting ptltvi tliMitgli till- kulueyn and Ida.Id« and he had aufferad * • h ng nnd n . miiurely t become diacoeraged of getting well again, • the dm tor Mated Hint it wns doubtful if a plieAted dlfeare of Ion the li.d old I id. Jim last s it lien he nUfTei llitenaely from one of thiaj attacks-, n gentleman • ho waa ut IiIm hotel iirfri-d ami pommeled him to tty a bottle of llunt’H Remedy, nn lie had known of lonie wonderful cured effected hy it. .Mr. Hiir.aril mya he had ho Inittim It, lint -tiled l-Alnrtantly to«ry It; and alter taking it only two ilny* t tig intenne pting And ■chi** had disappeared, and ha onpimem-tA to gnin ntrength rapidly, nml in lend Minn a week waa attending to hid arciintonied work, nml had never had n return of the pallid. Mr. Ilaxnrd inover dcveqty yearn of age, and on IlmJWth of November, 1**J, when our agent mat him, although it way a very cold and Iduatnjlitgdny, |u* wan in the Hold.with TiIh tenth at work pnninft nnd loadliig tur nip*, an hale nnd hearty a manna you could widh for, whni nalde ad up i e work then going on in thin dame Held. Hunts I) had given him health auil Ntrength again, and iimtnondi ll to hid relative* nml friend*, man nl of are now taking It, «:♦ ho conaideni It a mu-t excel, mody for nil ilimwuiu* of kidneys orbUdder. There has never (been An Instance In .which thla itcrllng ttnvlgorant anti anti febrile mcdlclno has failed to wutd off tbo complaint, wht n taken duly na n pro tection Against tna- larla. llundmla of physlclnua have abandoned nil the olllcluul aped flea, and now urcucrllm tills narmloss vepetnble ’ chill* nnd HOSgnjEi* • ii i ^ fc rroMAOH^ B|TtEB s ir'a!. •jicclflo you uerd. For mle by all Druggist* and Deal ~ Tally. 3I0S.FREE plilnWockly and Farmik, i-vi-ry week, for Hirer wholo months, ou trial, to any adaress, on re ceipt of only 12ccntM In Mamp.s to pay post age on Iti connect! live nuinlurs. published v.oekiy.or mr twenty five cents, silver or stamps, we w 111 mail the 'I I! t dunk & Fa ti ki HR «very week fort', months emliti club of •nty flv 8ub.-priptlrms.we will ieml n sample of Sil- ▼ collated ware premiums, .choice of Butter Knife. Sugar Spoon, (loldpliiU-d IV.ncil or Books, hon est, durable, K r »*»ds, strictly first-class in quality. Regular nrlcv, 81 .CO a year. Kstahlishcd 12 years. Special features, original articles. How to make more Money in one mouth than yarn over did before. How to Make tlie i-arm Pay, How Farm- era are Hwlmlletl. by bogus Oommissiou Merchnuts, horso and stock auctions, etc. D. D. T. MOORE. Founder and for iwunly-fivo yetire, editor o( Mi Mire's Rural ,V«-u- Kdr- is tho Agricultural Editor of tho TRIBUNE and FARMER, and con ducts tho best and liveliest Agrleulurnl Depart ment to Ihj found in any weekly newspaper in thin country. Special writers on Small Fruits, Market Hardening, Horticultural Matters, Agri cultural Machinery, with a list of Agricultural Inventions weekly, Philadelphia Market Reports, Answers to Correspondents, <ve., &o., Half dozen ttplt:iicll<l Stories every week, House hold Department, wh’olo page even- week. Original letters from lady readers on all household topics. Regular Correspondents, Aunt A(l<lle*Auiit JEva,“luaynelle,” and a dozen others. I-ttney Work, Fash ions. How to lyittertaiii Company, care of Children, Doctor’s Advice, and Cooking Recipes, worth double subscription price, Youth’* Department, Stories, Puzzles, and Home Amuse meuts, Mose Hkinncr’H Humorous I.etten Detective Sketclies, and Answers t< porrcspondenUi. Notfensational trash. Address H. K. cjatTlS A m.. Vulte. I’Hit. vdki.imii.v. Pi S. WonUbii.Rocho'dor, N. Y., lYauts Ag< nfa Coleman HurinemCo: t.iur, Newark. N.J. Terma K0, Poaitiumi for Kraduutee. rite tor circulars. YOUNG MENoVri TKl.KCRAPH PORT A BLIT SODA OUNTAIK& Band for Catafoffue. Chapman ft Co.. MADISON. M* ITfiliNGCIRSTCLASS STOCK Vhite Immu i*ni I*. HockR, I I-at u-Lsns | a few nit lii,K*. $2per 1.1. - nml delivered free at Etpree* Offleo. »*n« rlirertinm.. All Splendid B rda. Addreaa WINANH, Oak Him., (Jrwmn Co., N. Y. ■ Kpllopd St. lxiuia. Mo. ! and $5 outUI (CC A week in your own town »WU free. Add ret H. iltmn A Co., Portland. Ale. RRiRD KLIXIR "THI BIST’ 18 0H8API8T.**' .THRESHERS SAWmis Horse Poirrrs ; Clover Hnllrrs 1 , Wrlli. for ■'■.kk Illui. 1'iunphli-t t»’l lie Ault man ft Taylor Co., MoiiBtluld, Ublo The Cairo Box and Basket Pactiry. CAIRO, II,I., has rebuilt Its factory with new mschlnery, the latest and most approved designs, and Is again manufacturiag, and proni|itly filling all orders for FRUIT. BERRY AND PACKING BOXES. Send Jor Illustrated Ctiltdopuc and PriceLitt. THE SUN “."y'S'a 0 " 8 Double It! To prcMnt nil tlm news la rv»*Inh|o Alia in-, nnd to tell the truth though the. heaven* fall, are the two great purposed 0 f Till?SUN. It. la a news paper for everybody, a friend to everybody, barring • he rogue* and frwudw. BiibacrlpUnn: 1>a i i.v ( t |tngeR), ojr mnll. «5e. n month, or MB.ftO a year: m*M>AY <H|>iigea), 81.80 per year; WekaLt (R pages), 81 per year 1. W. ENGLAND. Publisher, NewYorkCUr. HOW TO WIN AT CARDS* DICE, Ac ♦ ASURETHINC! SontFre* to Anyone. I mamifacturo and IU)*>(M’()i)»lai)llyon handovory article known to the Sporting Fraternity •*»d nvo.t l.y tliom to WIN wltli (ii 1 game* ••(i-lmnre. Bond for my mum- lUot hclriMilar. Atldroaii, or call In por- WO, HTKV k HUYlUM. _r.5Aor .N.t»«.m Bt., Now YorkCltf. A UENTH WANTED for the I’eitand FeatAAtaolt- Ing Pictorial Bonka nnd Bible*.Price* reduced 11 percent. N tlonal PubliahiiiR Co., Atlauta, Oa. Sbto$20S f Ailiire** .Ntinndn A Co.. Portland, Me. )\N If Oil it for all who will make spare time prof ag o.i p .ylng htiHlm " J *" uo to it. Mr /11 aide;i Peter Cooper. His Lll'n iiimI Clin nn- hr. Vi C. Edward* I tbier, author oi "i'lio Ulory ami Bnum« of Eng land, ’ " fhe Ni pr lc ii i Tiinaff,” fto. Now toady, to 'I Ii** Dlsi vir l.ibi-nry. Illui- tratid Prle», | op v, lUc cloth i-'e. Not sold by doalm. Pricei to* low for them. “It is the most m . . 114 achlevrmfnt of choa;» publication, of •hlch we know anythliig.”—Sat urday Hayikw, lndtnua Hunt on receipted etrli. .I0I111 II. Alilcu, l’ub- llihcr, 1H Yc*«*y St., Xew Y01B, P.O. Box, 1227 OPIUM MUSTANG Survival of the Fittest A FAMILY MF.DICINfi TQAT HAS 1IEALK0 WUIOXS DI R1V0 SS TEAKS I milWlllER. A HALM FOR EVERY WOUND OF MAN AND V1EAMTI THE0LDE8TABE8T LINIMENT EVER MADE IX AMElftA. SALES LARGER THAN EVER, Tho Mexlenn Mustniu? Tdniinmt hrn. toon known for morn Hum llilrty-flvo voftifl r.s tho bent of ull IdniinentH, for Man nml ileast. Jfs snleg today aro larger tlmn ever. It cures when all others full, auq penetrates sitio, teivton nnd viiiiNftfei'to tlio very-Wono, bold everywhere. / Konnoke rollon Press, Tbo Bc*t and Chaap«st Press made. Costs If us than shelter ovrr other presses. Hundreds il use si both steam snd r glue. Makes heavy horse p btles 1 y hand faster than any gin c* n rick.The new,Improve- merit* in gin houses described In tho werdsef their Inventors free to all. Address, Boanoke Iron Works, Ohatts- K > ga, Tenn.,or Roanoke Cot- n Presa Oo. filch ttsaare.M.CJ. FREE Alex. H. Stephens. TIm* Hie ol this llliiwfrloiiN Fafrlof iiimI Ntalrxmn 11, written by Fraud H. Bor ton, author ol “Th Idfe of Msj. (icn. W. 8. Hancock. Illuitraud. a delightful ilttlo volume for atery houthern home. Now rt ady, lu The 1 Isevlr Llhrnry. II- luatratnl. Price paper lUc: cloth. 25c, hot told hy do.ders. Tricou too low for them. “It la tho most ami zing achievement of cheap publication, of which we know anylhiLg.’’—Bat- iirimy Rkvikw, Indlanapo ts. Bent on receipt of Cush, .lolin It. Altlcn. Pub- Isher, JS Veaey Bt., New York. P. O, Box 1227. unfailing ana rnroa tile In curing KpU- tie Fits, bpasma, Cunvulslons, Bt. Vitus Dance, Alcoholism, Opium Katlnjg, Ner vous debility .Scrofula and all Nervous and Blood diseases. To Clergymen, Lawyers, Literary men, Mer chants, Bankers, Ln- dies and all whose so- dentary employment causes Nervous Pros tration, Irregularities of the blood, stomach, bowels or kindeys, or who require a nerve tonic, appetiser or CU l^Btlmulant, Kanmrltan 1 fl the most wonderful In- vItrorantthateversustained theslnklngsystem. Fot •»’e by all Druggists. THK DR. B. A. RICHMOND 11-iDICAL CO.. Buie Proprletora. Bt. Joseph, Mo. SPRATLING COTTON TLANTER AND QUANO DISTRIBUTOR. The chc. pest an* best. Opens furrow, distributes guana, drops cotton need com, peas,etc.,at any distance, In any num ber. Covers at sains time Price, flo.OQ MILL & FAC 1 u UPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. BL.l TING, HOSE ’ and PACKING, OILS, PUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, &o. Sendfor Prloo-IUL W. H. DILLINGHAM AC0 421 Main Stroot, LOUISVILLE, KY. W. C. SMITH Sc CC„ 31 South Broad St- Atlanta. Oa. Publisher*’ Union, Atlant Twenty.—’81. Ml TNOZjDA’ IRON WORKS. 1>. A. MULANE, Manager, P.O.Box 1690 New Orleans, La. Manufactory Kevnolds’ Oelebra* ted Platform COTTON PKKA8C9, Ntaam, Hand ft Horse Power, Hteam Knglnes. Sugar Mills and Menge Patent Dredgeboat Work. Building Fronts, Columns. Ballings, block- smithing and Maoh'ue Work. OBDKB8 BOkfOITID.-VV IRON TONTO, I take pleaaur* it utati.uR that I iLxve. been RTentlv benefited by It* ubo. Mimstora and Pub lie Speakers will find ft of the »pre a test v a! u where a Tonic is news sttrv. t -econimop«l it as a ’oliable remedial aicant. oofisussinur un- doubtoif nutritive and restorative properties. LouUvilUy A’p., CV*. 2, 18S2. A. combination of i»,. itKtide of Iron, l’eruviu: Jtark and J*ho*jihoruu in a jtalatablo form, J 01 J debility, Jjoas of Apia tile, Prostration of fitat Powers it isindispensi lie, DiiBinrc / xxv.j.ifcTowmsk. ^ r/Mr IB, *X Tnd "tn-. 1 U., w .;- / “Iconaidi'i li r a muat excellent remedy fo> the lebllltated vital forces ILDDD/ rsiriiiusr lax dk. HAKTER medicinf, co.. uaihct.. ct Loom The Westinghouse Engine —AS ADAPTED lO— cottoh o-iisrnsri^ra-. sarSWD FOR SPECIAL CIRCULAR.-ti-S; No Counter Shafting or Pullejs Required. $©-$75 to $150 Saved."®* (jins belted direct from Kngine, or coupled to if, as in this cut, Without Belt. Boiler may be set 100 feet from Gin House. The Most Perfect lor GINNING COTTON in tho world. tdrSend for Illustrated Circular. CO., PiMnii, Pa. tieueral State Agencies: Danif.l A. Tompkins, - - « Charlotte, North Carolina. Atlanta Engineering Company, 83 Marietta Street, - Allan la, Gorgiu. Montu jmery Iron Works. - - • Montgomery, Alabama. NEW FIRM! C. Z. TURNER In Robertson Building, Dallas. Ga. I desire to inform the public that 1 an just opening out in Dallas a new atocY of W 1 -11 OOMB1NIG Family Groceries aod Plantation Supplies WITH A FULL LINE OF Staple and Fancy Dry Goods and Notions, d I^jdy-roede clothing of the best jirterinl and of the most fashionable as ik Boots, shoes, Hats, etc., from the best manufacturers and of the latest slyles. Ae ot wnlcb will be sold low for cash. C line one, come all, and Bive ms a trial. Myi n otto s Low Prices, Quick Hales, Ftir Dealing, Good Measure, Full Weig’its. 1 am also agent for several standard brands of guano C. Z. TURNER. Honorable Competition is tbo Life of Trala NEW FIRM, NEW GOODS. twy-No old stock brought over from la it year eay-But everything fresh from the Factory !-fHT AiTAll goods of the Lestquality and ht3.tatyloj, and sold at the lowest prices.-Xna W E have just received a full Blook of FALL and WINTER GOODS, pu h with the greatest care, and from tho bsst markets, for cub, and r.« spectfu nvite the public to call and examine them. Our Slook consist, of Staple ©i<y (rpod£, Jsfotioi^, tl^YRU'W-A.RliJ s CUTLERY, Crockery, Glassware, Groceries, And in fact, everything usually kupt. in a firat-clara general retail store We are continually adding to it, and will keep in store everything for which there is a demand in this section of th) country. Our line of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Notions, Etc. Is the most complete ever brought to this market. 0if-We are alto agents for the most pipular brands of Standard Guanos. Ourmitto: "Fair Dealing, Quick Sales and Short ProBtu.’’ Give us a ctll No trouble to show goods. We occupy our new brick store home on the weit side of Home street, near the public square, where we invite the public to call and examine tur goods and pricte. McLARIN & ROBERTS, x>a.XjIjA.s, a-a. PHOFKS3IONAL CARDS. jyt. S. ROBERTSON, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Temlrrs his professional services in the practice of medicine in ull its branches to the citi/ena of Dallas and surrounding C'lotry. *#"Oflice No. 6 Acworth street, near court house. tv. K. riRl.UBR. oko. i*. noBKii'r JplIELDER & ROBERTS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Dallas. Paulding County, Georgia Practice in all the courta. Prempt at On lit n given to looking after wild land claims (’< llections a specialty. l ly J M. SPINKS, ‘attorney at law, Dallas, Paulding County, Georgia. Prompt attention given to collections in any part of the State. Wild lands look id a tier and intraders ejected. CUT THIS U I «uamuuje<i 10 pietw, or money refund*!. Only one set tent to intioduce. Agents wanted and zrndpay. Circulars free. Ad lreas the insnufar- nrers, 8HAWMUT8ILVEBPLATE CO., 83 Broom field street, Boetoo, Most. And send it with VJ (Jrern Btampe and we will send one sample set of 6 new style “Myrtle" triple plated Teaspoons. Co '• tains na braw, warranted genuine, equd in apppaiance to three dollar spoon*. Guarantee*! to please, or money refunded, ISI37.35 FOR #1. Music for the Million.—Vienna Poll an Labial Organ, Sweetest and most delightful music know Popular in Europe. Anytime can he piaved ->n it, from Old Hundred to Ysnkee Doodl». Even those "with no ear” while away de. livhtful hours with this instrument. Any one can play it. Children nlay it in on» evtning. Costs but one-tenth as much a, • he Orgsnette, Orgnnine, etc., and is far rwieter and needs only common music. To intioduce our new music we will send a sam ple Organ, with bound hook containing full woids and mntic of 96 new and popular vorgs, which in sheet form sell for $36.35, prepaid to any address for ONLY $1. “■ O. I).—As a guarantee that everv one will receive all Ihoy pay for, we will'aend | ineinmple hook and organ hy express C. O. D,, $100; two for $1,60; three, $2.30, or I more at the rate of J9 per dosen. We ran- i ot prepay goods sent < ’. O. D. Circulars bee. Address MONADNOOK MUSIC CO., ! Tarek Box 780, Hinsdale, N. H. YOU CAN HAVE ANY KIND Of J Sewing Machine Repiired. 33CT-V All Kinds of Needles, Attac hint Ills, I'mis, 1itc„ Etc. — OF— I*. McCOttMACIf, 51 S. Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. #®"S;nd Machines by Express. THE ’’ORIG-Y AL, STAR SPANGLED BANNER. The oldest, most popular, Lest and cheap. ?o».F n ”! il y ,m ! >cr > be 8 in " il '’ 21st year with . .'j 18 a l nr 8° 5 page, 40 column illus. trated literary paper, size of the ‘‘Ledger.” (.ram full of splendid stories, sketches, po ems, wit humor and general fuu. Raciest snd most popular paper published. Estah. hthed 20 years, read by 50,090 persons. It is solid, substantial, reliable. Only 50 cents a year, 5 copies, $2; or 75 cents a year wi;h choice of set of six triple plated silver spoons, no brats, new slyie, retail price $1.- o0; 0Am. Diclionery, 700 pages, lllustra'ed, defines 30,000 words, numerons tables, bound in clolli, gilt, hotter than uiual $1.50 books, or wonderful "Multura-in-Parvo” knife, tools in one handle, sells at one to Ihree dollars, buck handle, name plate, etc., or superb boll harmonica, sweet est musical instrument known, price rl.50 Either of above premiums and Banne one year sent free, for 2.5 green stamps. Sub scribe now. Satisfaction guaranteed nr money refunded. Trial trip 3 month foroniv 10 cents. .Specimens free. Address STAR SPANGLED BANNER, Hinsdalc N H Insure Your 1-rop.rly Against |,« m b.v Fire. no!,- 01 a l 8 i n u’? r Ih® Continental lmurance Com- ^,.” 1 . ch . 1 con6 “ tli *o ‘he insuring of fsi m pioperty, Uwsilingi, churches, sod rchool hous-s. [or one, three ana lire jeers. Krery prudent min f" ' *'r "?‘, n ho , k 5? W! th “ If be she ii Id he s » u i hl '. P ro '”"y destroyed by tiro- rf.7.d h TKl. 1 , 1 . . gre *, 'L portl °n Oi hi. re Tor.^-Tit, r‘ii re i ‘ be eumpeny, end In.urn for a low rate'. Call on me, and f will *ty« wnu fail txplinatloDii , j® > I'OOTI). FREE Send to MOORFAS Business University, Atlanta, Georgia, ior Illustrated Circular. A live actual bua mess school. Established twenty vearr. H e. smith & co„ . Dallas, Georgia, Dealers in Family Groceries, Plain and l’anry Confeetior erics a specialty. Everv- thirg fresh and nice; just from the factory ! We desire to say to our friends and the public in general thrt having opened out u -tc.-k of groceries aid confectioneries, we piopoee to sell them as cheap ss the cheap e-t. “Small Profits and Quick Sales” aha lie our motto. Come aud tee us aud e convinced. Lost the Kntves.—The Panama Star says : I assengors on tbo Peninsula and Oriental steamer Malwa were placed in a strange predienment recently. An Indian kmfe-cieaner on board got drank, tied all the table knives—about COO in num ber—round his waist aud jumped over board. Tlio ship was stopped and turned round, but all efforts to rescue tho un fortunate man with the rtueli-needed and useful table knives proved un- aV ni ftn ^ ^ le passengers were com pelled to fise penknives and oilier sub stitutes until Hie vessel reached Alexan dria,