The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, June 14, 1883, Image 4

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SUMMER TN MY HEART. Above, the nky is palo and drear; below tho ground is white with frost, No merry voioo of bird I hear; The liabbling brook in ice is lost. Naturo is resting from her work, And when she sleeps she little heeds Whether the akioi%e bright or murk, Or what her waking children needs. It is the time we winter call; Of *11 the acaaons most forlorn, Beauty arrays her in a pall, Forgets the woods that most adorn. But when I fondly think of you The dreary curtain drops apart, A charming landscape then I view, For thon 'tia summer in my heart. Minnik 0. Uai.i.Ann. A DREAD DISEASE. [From the Now York Herald.] Pneumonia pays attention specifically to the lnnga. The Inngs together arc the essential parts of nil apparatus for effooting certain ohnngca in tho condi tion of tho blood. Ah n olicmist pnsseR a fluid through Homo given medium to free it from one element or charge it with another, bo the Ido id must he con stantly put in contact with tho nir, in order that it may free itself from carbonic neid and acquire oxygen, and the lungs are the nppnrntiiH in which tho blood is thus brought into rclntion with the nir. They constitute an apparatus of in- dencribnble delicacy. In its counties* myriads of mioroscopio »ncH or nir colls, in tho infinite intricacy of tho capillary blood vessels by which tho bliss] is brought in blue nnd carried out red, and in its system of vasomotor nerves, more readily to bo comprehended logicnlly than to bo observed even mioroscoploally, thoro is a deliency and aoourncy et structure in tho various parts of this machinery by comparison with which tho most highly jierfcotad pieces of motnllio machinery are ns so many cart- wheols compared with tho wheels of tho daintiest watches. Through this ex- tremoly delicate apparatus all tho blood in a human body is passed about once every flvo minutes, more or less, for tho wholo of a man's life; that is to sny, under tho influence of tho pumping force which determines the circulation, the wholo current of tho blissl iH driven through this delicate machinery for the oxygenation of tho fluid nearly throe hundred times in a day, sa.v for eighty yenrs in tho case of one who lives till n good old age. If wo supposo that in tho caso of a man of sixty years the whole current of the hlood lias passed through this apparatus for about sixty million times, mid remember how absolutely im possible it would bo to make any pieco of machinery that would go on for such a jierioj, ami if wo reflect upon tho many facts in life that may and constantly do derange this delicate apparatus—facts oi mere temperature or facts of variation in tho quality of tho fluid that passes through—it cannot be difllcnlt to un derstand why at about thnt time iu life when use goes on anil repair begins to fail tho susceptibility to derangement beyond remedy it is very grent. llut in all tho delicnoy of this structure tlioru is olio part more delioato than the rest. This is a set of nerves capable of dilating or reducing tho calibre of tho blissl vessels; they are modifiers of tho cur rent. While they nro in easy and healthy iqiorntiou all gocH well, but a change in their condition changes nil else. They may lio stimulated or depressed or absolutely overwhelmed, so that their notion fails altogether, and ns their action fails tho wholo operation of the ap paratus goes dosporately wrong. These nerves are peculiarly sensitive to vary many influences relating to tho condi tion of tho blood, nnd more sensitive in one man than in another, wherefore it follows thnt changes of temperature in degrees of cold which would not afloct them in one person paralyzes them in another; and when they nro paralyzed then tho current of the blood through the lungs is interrupted; tho modifier if out of office, nnd tho dilated vessels become gorged with blood and cannot froo themselves, and this arrested blood nndorgoos a change of disintegration and the victim has n “ liopnti/.od ” lung or lungs. Now, n liepatizod lung is practically a solidified lung. If n man has two of them lie cannot breathe and speedily dies. If he has only ono ho is still in a very bad way. But this account of the genesis and modusfaciendi of pneumonia may show that it is in effect an ae- cidont—much ns n broken leg is; for though tho causes which paralyze the modifying nerves may bo consecutive to other diseases, yet ordinarily in acute pneumonia this causo is atrnosp boric— the viotim lias exposed himself to weather too sovero iu itself or comparatively too severe bocauso of tho diminished resist ance of tlio system through debility. Consequently it is in a great many oases a malady that tho thoughtful mail may escape.’ Ono may go out on a Marcii night to como homo with pneumonia, or stay at home and bo without it, “Dime Novels.” Pernicious Btories of tho “dime novel" class continue to do their mischievous work, says an cxeliauge. The latest re corded victim was a Now London boy, aged fourteen, who shot himself during a pci-iod of mental aberration caused by rending dime novels. Parents who hear of such cases and fear for their own boys usually wish that somo one would kill the writers nnd publishers of tho vilo trash that most boys read when they can get it ; but such wishes do not mend matters in the least, for there is no ono to do the killing. Tho only antidote to the dime novel is good reading matter that is not proBy ; there is plenty of it iu the market, and fathers who do not see that their boys are well furnished with it have only themselves to blame if tho youngsters are compelled to find their own literature for want of a paternal supply. The first thing a city man does wty?n Days or (lie Clipper Ship. The fast sailing clipper, Young Amer ica, which for thirty years has led the average records of the Pacific coast sail ing vessels, is now at Portland, Oregon, and tho local tars recall the exciting times whon the 00 days’ sail from Ban Francisco to New York was u matter of -peculation and gambling. About ten years ago tlio Young America reached San Francisco, being ill) days from Liver pool, and tho fastest time on record, and a few days later tho British ship Kkco- eesa arrived with the next best record. This led to a newspaper controversy in which tlio relative merits of the ships was freely cnnvnssod; and, filially, Theodore H. Allen published a proposition to the effect thnt, if both ships could leave San Francisco within twenty-four hours of each other, he would bet five thousand dollars on the Young America, which offer was taken. A furor of lid ling arose which was never eijnaled in the history of deep-sea navigation. Tho Davy Crockett was nearly ready for sen at tho same time, nnd pools were sold on the throe vessels, the Young America being the favorite. On the 28th of February the Esoocesa nnd Young America were towed out of Ban Francisco within half a mile of each other. The wind, which was very light, was from tho west. Tho British ship Patrician, which went out just ahead of them, was caught in a calm and drifted in upon tho Potato Patch reef, outside Point Bonita, where hIic went to pieces. Next morning a bark arrived from Batavia and reported hav ing met both ships. Bho met the Young America forty-five miles off tho Farra- lolies, nnd tlio Escoeesa three hours and a linlrliehind. This weather Instedsouie days, and the Yankee ship never lost her advantage, but increased it to such au extent that she beat the Eseoeesa five yads and tlio Davy Crockett eleven, al though her time on this voyage was one hundred nnd eight days. Is Coon QliAilTBlia—Till) police of Palermo hunted for weeks in tho hillH and woods around that city for Andr Costa*, a desperate bandit, for whose cap ture a reward hail been offered, until ac cident led to tho discovery that their man, far from exposing his person to the rude assaulls of the elements, wns tho occupant of pleasant apartments in tho very heart of the city, to which lie was ill the habit of repairing at nightfall to pass evenings as pleasant and comforta ble as those of any citizens. WtllllMlt l.lllllt. Hr. Thos. O. Pugh, of Baltiin re, Md., business men, officials of corporations, attorneys nnd State officers, testify un qunliliedly to tho magical efficacy of Dr. Worthington's Cholera nnd Linr- rliocn Medieino as the best, surest and cheapest cure in use, for all complaints of the stomach nnd bowels. None gen uine without tho name of The Charles A. Vogcllnr Company blown in the bat tle and their fac simile signature on each wrapper. Price 25 and 50 cents a bottle. A Boiiicmian.— A Baltimore man hns just died at the ago of twenty-six years, alter being educated in Germany, writ ing au opera iu Paris and a volume of poems in London, spending several years in Mexico as a civil engineer, acting for a season in Ban Francisco theatres, teaching languages one winter in New Orleans and finally reporting for a Balti more newspaper. La lies Aoldlclren** boots A shoes can’t run over if Lyon’a Pat. Heel stlOancra are unod “ Mv mother's awful fickle,” said little Edith to Mrs. Smith, who was making a call. " Wile’ll she saw you entiling tip the street she said : ‘There's that horrid Mrs. Smith ; 1 hope she isn't coming here,'and a moment after she told you she was glad to see you. Mother says I'm fickle, but I guess I don't eliougo my mind as quiok as that.” A NEr BOOK is called from the World.” It (widen% refers to Captain flowgate. lie’s “ 'laspotted,” us far ns tho police are concerted Fob drspepsli., indigestion, depression of spirits and gcneial debility in their variola forma; also a preventive against fever and agne and othtr intermittent fevers, the ,, Ferro>Phosphorated Elixir of Cnlisaye,” made by Caswell, llaeard A Co., New York, and sold by all Druggists, is the best tonic ; and for patients recovering from fever or other slckneM It has no equal. It is fooliah to strive with whnt we cannot avoid; we avo bom subjects, and to obv.v God is perfect liberty ; lie that lot s tins ahull bo free, safe and quiet; nil his actions f ledl succeed to his wishes. Wo Mil mi: 4 Help One Ai Ollier. Mr. Nohman Hunt, of No. ltittCliestiiut$t., fpriiiKth'ldj Mttfs.. writ* o April 10, 18S.I ; sny. iny: “ llavugthe nlUiction can (Oil by Inrin *y Hid liver diM‘iise.1, and after enduring iha tube.-, inline, weakness and doprcMion inci dent thereto until hotly nn 1 soul woro nearly distnicied, 1 sought for lelief undo cure from my Double, nnd w.ifl told by a friend who l a I been enroll by it hinvH-h', tlmt the best only sure cr.' wna Hunt’s Jtemoly. and upon his recoin inundation I commenced taking it. uni the lb t few does improved mv co lion in a very marked manner, nnd n > tintrmro of its use has justified all ti a my friend clniimd for ii—that it w.*h n sure and permanent erne for nil il bouses of the kidneys and liver. Several of my friends in Syriug- lleld li:i\o upc.I it with tho most gratifying results, and I feci it my duty as well ns a plemmo to me to recommend Hunt's Kemedy in tho highest possible terms." Muutil'actitrer’N TcMiluiotiy. Mr. H. \V. Paynk, manufacturer of harness, saddlery, trunks valises, etc., No. 477 Main Street, Hprlngileld, Mass., writes us un.ler date'of April Id, 1SKI: **Gontleimn—I lmve used Hunt’s Hnrneilj the best medicine for diseases of thekldnoy- liver, bladder and urinary organs, and hnv received great benefit to mv health from its use, nnd I lind that it will do just what claimed fur it; it will cure disetiRDund restore health. 1 therefore pronounce it tho best nit (lit ino thnt I have ever hhoJ.” llontoM nml Altmuy ltnllr<»ntl. Ai.ukut Hoi.t, Emi., paymaster boston and Albany Itnilroad, at Bpringlleld, Maps., w April lid, l.HSd: “I have used Hunt’s Remedy and my experience with it has been such that I can cheerfully say that 1 nin satisfied that it will do just what it promises to do, if used a i iirding to directions." Tun Rochester ftxpmhn calls fora new •oin, value six cents for tho convenient* • vnwKpttpcr men Mtcd for libel. DR.WORTHINGTON’S PROFESSIONAIj CARDS. Ladies Do yon want n pure, bloom ing Complexion l If SO, » few application# of Hogan s MAGNOLIA BAM Will grat ify yon to yonr heart’s con tent. It does away with Sal lowness, Redness, Pimples, Blotches, and nil diseases and imperfections of tho skin. It overcomes tho flushed appear ance of heat, fatigue ana ex citement. It makes a indy of THIRTY appear but TWEN TY ; and so natural, gradual, nnd perfect are its effects, (hut it is impossible to detect its uppliention. Tlio Only Watch Facton " IN THE SOUTH. Patronize a Hem Industry. J^R. B. ROBERTSON, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Teodors IJ> professional services in th# practice of medicine in all its branches to • lie cilia ini of J)jllm nnd surrounding country, jtit Office No. 5 Aeworth street, near ciurl house. F FIELDER. lELDfcR A ROBERTS GKO. J*. J10BEBT1 u bo I tl 1 k'u 0: Cured Painlessly. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ddls*. PnuMir? County, Georgia. Pracfio* in sil the court*. Pr.mpt Atten tion given to locking alter wild lsnd claims. Coll.ction* a ipeeialty. 1 'T J c.un/ljnuii'iiiiu. Alan ti. i.-l I •» -p i OR. S." B. COLL’IT, La Poit', YOUNG MEN !®ltAToiV' “3°i'.!'™; ami '■•yinont, ntliir I*. IV. IHJA U, Ada, • C oi r.Man Bi'HtNr.flh CJnti.r.(iR, Nowsrk.N.J. flic. Pimitiunifve K r:i.lin>t<—. Wiitn fur ci S5toS20 Aililniks bn.XSON Jl Co.. Purtla V KTKR Y K A UK OF RITFFKRINd I f until tuyaoK of in now otlfrniyvmody. •" t> rsill so ntUictoil. Kt*nt wltli uiy tn'ntlw! on indig' II. >l< AI.VIN, Isiwi It A I’ll mind - nil body lUigextinii nnd dysiM<|»»i« nnd tiTk PKUi’KnTioN pili.m," I for MI.OO p**i !»•■*. id dys| M .|.‘ in. .lOliN 11 Ct OENTR WANTKT> f- r»*v> 1 Pl0toi Hooks and liilil- t. ■HOLERk BRAMP "WNSi AND EiarrhoeaCure Km UBF.D ovr.n as years Tlio oiitolv fur Cliolcril. Oiiinpa, IMiirrlm'ii. nvafiitory. SiiiiiiniM*<’i»Mipli»int, •‘pepsin. <oof^*rr U nr'ien. I'urvtiyor'-(tencral; limi. Kcuuetli ILivncr. SollulUir E. S. Treasury . and others. Frice. 'ii on. ^ S.ilJ l.^r DrugcIH- • • : '' ' TH\ CHARLtS A. n y|CONJ,' R ■ M Ins ••'tea and all suflerers from ncuraljii : a, and all kiudred p^nip’shit*, w» jthoutn rivnt Hrown’s Iron U tter.'. An Englishman nliooting smnll game in Gonnnny said to bin thnt there Wiia u spieo of danger in nliooting in America. “Ah!” Haiti the host, “you like danger mit your sport. Thon you f o out shooting mit mo. Tho lust tiino shoot mino brudor-in*lnw in tho Hchtomnck.” FAHMIVQTON, ILL.—I)r. Nl T. Omihlo says: “Ip c cribe Brown's Inn n*Mers In my prnoiioe and It trlves»»♦ I - fnc l»n w A Comk Down.—Thoro is a man at work on ono of the railroads in Detroit for $2 per day who, within the past six years, failed in business in Indianapolis, liabilities $225,000 and assets $25,000 less. _ _ Fort Stkvrnsis, Dakota Tkh — U-v. •bnnes MrCarty rays : “Brown’s hon Bitters cured me of severe dys/ epsia. ,f n Put? more iavitl c^n Eigll fashions?” cries a ^lassachns.*tt. edit fiOlicted with a lu-di-duh dn-h* of a mi Very Well Pul. Why do you defer till i. - narrow what wp rhould doto-di»y7 Why do wt. noulect a o.u li till it throws ua into oaniumptlon. and cinauniptli bring! ua Into th« grave ? Dr. Win. Uati’aHnl » la auro to cure if taken In aeaeon. It haa >oi__ been known to fall. Hae li thoroughly ucco dhi^ Hoatotter’a Ptom- ach lilucra mccta Hie requlrcuunth of the Iratlonnl mcdknl phi* loaoptiy which «v present prevalla. It ’ la a perfectly pure ye get nbto remedy, eintirnelng tho three Important properties -r of a preventive, n tonic nnd an ahem tlve. It fortifies tho body against disease, orfttea and re- the torpid CONSUMPTION CAN BE CUIlSOr MALL’S KBALSAH UoaraanoM, Aatbi foiivh, ami all Dli OraHiift. Il ftuoihna BrencUlt Whoo,t Dhoai 1 ran it*. J l’ihe Lunas, . Uraae, aua prewnota th* nl?h| { Ifhlima* arraaa tho rha**t wblrh ncc*m*u» r . t. poniunijMton lu not an Incurabl* malady. 1 I1/4I,mAM will aara raw, avaa ! though profonclouHl aid lulla. * rWtCOB 3 *** ne mtfl- dleman’a profits, ■Dd bay direct from tho* Jh^MAllUr ACTUM. U.RQth, Send for II '•DI LUffc. Price Ltot, dracrib- ATLANTA, Qs. ’'til QW TRIAL. Tho CHICAGO LEDGER Three Months for 25 GENTS. M fcTINK-i, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dills*, Psitlding County, Georgls. Proupt sllentinn give 11 to coll.ctloD* i« suv part of the Suite. Wild lsnd* looked atti r nnd intruder* ejected. #:*r :*s for #i- Mnslc for (lie Million.—Vienna Eollnn l.ablnl Organ. Sweeten -rd most delightful mnsin know^ Poiutl.r In Europe. Aur tuns can be played on it, from Old Hundred <« Yeekce Doodle. Even tlmae “with no enr” while sway dee lillhtfol hour* with til's iii't-ument. Any one can plsy it. Children r l*y it in ons cveninc. Co*t, hnt one-tmlh a* unicli ss tlie O p'OStte, Orp»nin», etc., *nd is lir sweeter uml need* only common music. To introdcc* our new mn.ic we will send s pie Organ, with hound hook confining fn.F word, »nd mu ic of 9H new and popular .ongi, which in shei t form rell for fSB.d-, prepaid to any nddrei* for ONI.Y »I. C. O. H.—A* a cuarantee that every one will receive nil they pay lor, we will send in-lump)* hook end crirc.nhycxpro.eC. O. P„ $1*00; two lor $1.00; three, *2.30, or more at the rnte of »9 per (toren. We rnn-- not prenav good. *ent o. O. D. Clrciilarn free' Addre.i MONADNOC.K MUSIC CO., Dock Box 780, Hinidale, N. H. ^ Insure Tear Properly Agnlnet I.oen ' Tlr* by Fire. u .rent for th* Continental foitinince Com- wdloh li confinrd to the lorurin/of l»in» y, dwelling., olurch.i, — rt -j tsstng jtr^ss, i nml • • rt.tinim «;“col .m i |. pjr. At’.d l.iatltKIt, I'li'.m o III. HMYNOIoDS’ IRON WORKS. D. A. MIJI.ANH, itlnmiger. P O Bo* 1690 Now Orloan*. La M.nof.otun'r. of IL-ynold-’ f^ohr,* tort Plntfonn COTTON PUKSSKS. Stem, Hands Hone, Power. SI«'J» Kiuilnim, Simir Mill-, entl M.'I'S- Potent tlr.olS.l>™t JVerX. Do Mine v nvKr.-* iiFicTi Fitters Biomnch ami llv anti cITcrta a saint wry lu the CI* r Bale by # all DniFglflta and Deal *i« *«uc rally. cc if! 3 w -g=| W tf ijlL PriS!||iv: Li X ■np (!•■•* in yonr own lovm. Iitios and «.S oulD (100. Address II. IIaLU tT A Go., ForiUnd, Ale J72 AWKHK. HIS a day l on lilt Yr«o. Addrot C AGO., Augueta, M* he becomes rich is to buy n farm, move I wc tit, nml 1 linker’s Pain Pnnnrcn la one of the bent l.inlmenla put up It i« a rrnl pain killer anu deitroy* p.tln, whethor inttrnnl i r rxternal, whenever iDotl. Ithxsbeen a aituaaid remedy for tho past thirty or foily years. An Erie woman lias robbed u hair store. Like a pistol she went ofl’ with a bang. (•’aHlriiire AU unpleasant feelings, the result of inter rupted digestion, are speedily removed h. (Jahtrine. All druggist'. Life is a tiresome journey, and when a man arrives at the end he is all out ot breath. Dr. Benson’s Skin Cure t\ mints of iutcrui and ext. null tieatme. t at same time, and o makes the skin white, soft and smooth. 1 cont tins no poisonous drugs. ^1 at druggists WnirpiNa.—In some of the factories in Toronto, Canada, young girls are whipped for disobedience and neglect of into the country and bankrupt himself trying to raise enough to keep him from starving. A rich countryman, on the other band, buys n brown stone front in the city and becomes interested iu sti oka with alike result. —Philadelphia News, tunned for their ju oli el ion. A Beautiful Ilcail of lluir. long, silken in texture, rich chestnut brown, r3 ch ngtothe ground; such are the effects of tli justly celib ated and widely known C.u- Uoline, the prime of all Hair Restorers, “THE BEST 18 CHEAPEST. OTS THRESHERS 8 ™^ Horse Powers tSrii.. I 1 Clover llu! L wtswpi ninr. whloh la canonru to an* moparty, i)w»Ulti««. ciurchei, .ml ‘cocul houiM. lor ono, «-e jor.. , BroSont m»l fiflii*ln when he know., Ih.t If V .hon'dlb.i. «n ion unit, u to set lit* jiropnl yMtelrnyto by «re- h, will hot" th. «r..i,r pcrt'.on ot m.towel**" n icid. » i*ll.t*l. comotny*, “‘•j'". for • 1-w rate. C»H on me, end 1 will r '” txp anttlooi. T. At FORTE. XTIT) T7 T? s, • n ' , t0 MOOR FAS Jj liEib Business University, Atlanta, (tootgin, For IIIu«trnted Circulnr. A livu sn'mil bu» iiiets tchool. lintahlhhed twenty ycorr. YOU CAN HAVE ANY Kf-VD O? Sewing Machine Repaired. BUT All Hinds of Needles, Aftachmtnf*, Vartfi, litc., Etei —OP— P. McCOHMACK, 51 B. Bt. k Atlanta, Gi. t&‘ Send Machines by -Express. Smith A Spauldiho, Propr'e. Life acholanthipR, | L'kIich, $.io. Guntlumon, QftO. Rofuroncea required, j IncrttaHin* ileiniuul fur niNtratora.— Knlary from *40 to I $1 mi pur iiiunth. For foil piirticulnrs nndruHH, ,1. T, Npaubliuir, Hueiuen# WftiiA^er, NaBHVILLK. TuiM. lt-F.V A l /TODUf* Writ i.xit'.-r tiicrifU.vM trial of l ino?! I'OlYia l tako f U ur-jur: that I » rotnltinatiou of i . toxiue of Iron, /‘vruvm ilarn and Phos/j/ioru*» a jxxlatable form, i Debility, Lone of Avi* UU, 1*rontrution of l it 1‘ower* ii is indiaucu* > bio. ' ftJBV J. lu- TOWNlilv dtiftrti *t*. nays. i uunajdfi • L-JuisrilU, Ay., l*i, 2. 1 -EEPAESD B7 TUB Dli. >}/■ (L7 A Literary Avalanche. Overwhelming opposition nnd dolightin : nil lovers of good books. “Whnt IS the world coming to? The poor man is now on a i equality with the far aa books nr* •onceruetl ”—is a fair enmplo of thousands of iuotat ions which might bo from tholot- ors of customers, and from nows; apors not ini aonood by the lash of millionaire publishers. FIFTY TONS ()FCHO fC It, B r )OKR, a 1 rge portion of them tho best editions pub lished iu this country, now ready, and your o n selections from them will be sent to any part of the Continent for examination, if } ai will give reasonable guarantee that the oooks will bo paid for after receipt, or leturn* d—return transportation at my expense. Si 1 CIAL BARGAINS nro offering this month. New publications every week. Trices are lower tlian ever before known, ranging from two cents, for Tennyson’i “ Enoch Arden,” unabridged, largo type, to $11.50 for the largest and best American Cyclopedia. My hooks are NOT sold by dealers—prices too low for them. Among th* authors and works are those of; Proctor, Goikle, liuxlcy, Kitto, Tyndftlf, ~ * -Inwlinbt Brunt*, Mulo ’ O.vup Difkni! fer Thnckern; no..™ id }$!&!“' MftcnulAjr, rny, liltot. l'ruisiuirt. Green. Grot*. Cnrlyle, linking, (.Ynaey. Schiller, Tho Aultman & Taylor Co., klftnaflchl, C»hio THIS OSIT • Gol ten ho* of OotoU^lliat tj»U llutv. M. VouuL-r iia Ore*nii*It MILL& FAUiu.i. jbPPUES OF ALL KINDS. BELTING, HOSE and PACKING, OILS, PUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS, BRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, 4o. Sendfor Price-list. W. H. DILLINGHAM ACO 421 Main Street, LOUISVILLE. KY. OPIUM mn\N lions for *1! win V/itftble- n g oil p vying bualnci y Gy our time to It. MU RtiibligluHl, cured. Ktnto case. I>r. Marsh, Quincy, Mich. VN II0 U « Tor .11 V>»ic> wl’l uivX. «p»r« tlm. pror itftble* r k oti p lyour time to It. Am"™*- 1 IHi/kuV’sk. aa44 Araonal at., St. Louis, Mo. AND NOT — T Wf Yr OlfT. toiDBlHaJt: FREE Send to 9IOOKF/N HlsmiHS IMVr.RSfTT, lit Spe Knr.liowa, Brunt*, Malock, O wiper, Kingsley. and Howson, Tfilne, Uhfttuneni, Shakespeare, Inge low, Guldsniith, Tennyson. " sil and Others. Universal Knowledge. Mention Uiis paper. JOHN ]». ALI)E>. Publisher. 18 Yosej St., N.Y. The Westinghouse Engine —AS ADAPTED TO— COTTON - QUOTING. ta-SEND FOR SPECIAL CIRCULAR.-*^ No Oonnter Shafting or Pulley* Required. |&*$75 to $150 Saved. Gins belted direet from Engine, or coupled to it, a* in this cut, Without Belt. Boiler may be eet 100 feet from Gin Bouse. The MoBt Perfect for GINNING COTTON in the world. pATSrud for Illustrated Circular. The WESTINGHOUSE MACHINE CO., MlllEll, Pa. Ucneral Mtate Ageucies: Dakigi. A. 1'ompkixb, - - - Charlotte, North Oar -ilinti Ati anta F.kgineerinq C’ojji’any, 33 Marietta Street, Atlanta, Qe iM'in MONiOJMXikY I BOM WOBKl. • • Muntgomerv Al rt Risky Marksmanship. Dr. Frank Powell, of Lacrosse, Wis., who has ail extensive practice as surgeon mid physician, lms likovviso attained celebrity as nn export marksman with either rifie or pistol. For 'some unex plained reason lio lms received tlio sobri quet of “ White Beaver,"..and by that sol iriquet lie is familiarly "known through out tlie northwest. ■ Recently a party of grangers from Minnesota Bought him out, and for tliuir edification, and especi ally that of one of their 1 number, who fancied ho ‘ ‘ could shoot home, ” tho doc tor gavo a display.of his prowess. After having rapidly, At a distance of about twenty yards, fired six shots from liis rifle against tlie edgo of n silver quarter inserted in the target, imbedding it deeply in the soft pine plank, liis friend Richardson, says the Lacrosse Sunday News, placed himself in front of tho tar get with a stump of a cigar in his month ; this the doctor shot awny, leav ing barely nn inch between lt.’s lips. White Beaver thon laid his riflo aside, and, producing a calibre 22 pistol, placed upon the head of his assistant a pint bot tle cork; a report, and tho cork was blown to pieces. Then n peanut sholl wns placed upon R.’s nose ; a shot, and that, too, lay Hcaitered upon the floor. Taking a knife blade he fastened it firmly against tho target. U„.on each side ot the blade he placed a tiny hell; then calling his office bey, ho placed between tlio youth’s fingers his Masonic ring, previously covered with a pieco of white paper. Between tho hoy and the target Bichardson stood with a cigar in liis mouth. Stepping hack fully 50 feet, White Beaver raised liis rifle, and with nn “All ready, steady,” to his assistants, fired; a report, and simultaneously twc. sharp rings from the hells. The hail was found to have passed through tlie finger ring, snuffed tlie ashes from B.’s cigar, nnd splitting upon the knife blade had glanced and rung both hells. A Secret. Tho following anecdote of Alexnnder II. Stephens is related in the Louisville ('mirier-Journal: The wife of a Western Congressman was one day sitting by Mr. Stephens’s bedside, when he was so very ill in the winter of 1877, and he spoke quite fix ely to her of his mother and his early life, “Why did you never marry?” she asked. “That’s my secret,” he replied eva sively. “But we would all like to know it,” was her response. “Well,” said he, grimly nnd reluct antly, “I never saw hnt one woman I wanted to marry, but she did not want to marry me. That’s a good reason^" isn’t it?” "I hope she lived to regret her mis take,” remarked the kind heart. “Y-e-s,” responded Mr. Stephens slowly, “I think she did, and bo did I,”