The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, August 02, 1883, Image 3

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J/OC'AL GOSSJIV I Dikd.—Laat Sunday afternoon lira. TidweH, of Atlmta, ^ f , ,L - Abou ‘ . 3 ^ lo ? k * “7 In-law , f Mrs. J. B. Fooia, visited. wife Dallas this week. 0 *!’ ' ohn * **?**"’ f ClJ * afornia dis’rut, this county, was Bliss Eat 1 Summers, of New• called away to rest from her long nail, ia visiting the Miaaea Bob- suffering, and from this world of sorrow, sickness and death. Mrs. Ragsdale has been a sufferer from that fell destroyer, consumption, for more then a long year, yet uncomplainingly, aud with true Christian resignation,heroism and faith she has borue the cross of her Savior until at last the har den was taken away, and calmly, in the presence of her grief strick en devoted husband and two promising little boys, and many relatives and friends, her sonl winged its flight to its final home, where all is peace and joy and love. Mrs, K .igsdali- was a daugh- term of i ter of the late Daniel White, near Marietta, G >bb County. A good many of the yoang peo ple of Dallas enjoy*d a modern “Mother Hubbard" party at Col J. H. Weaver’s Tuesday evening last. The <*nt(‘rtainmeut consist ed in singing and swinging, and ringing, aud laughs, and quaffs, aud notions aud | otions, and de votions, and lights and tights i (pants) (no fights) ni.d a lingo time generally. Some of the boys were arrayed in fantnetioc stum's of chin's, and “Mother Hubbard” in the historic red white and lilu'*, without tne veritable shoe. Alto gether th« pnriicipants seem to have been gloriously happy. ertson, of Dallas Mit. I ath'op anil nuc'r, ot Hnwki in. vilte, are aolournlng at the Chriatlan House of Dallas life* s Mollie end Anna Wnl- ace, of K-nrs.w, G*., are st pping nt Mr. Mesh Pink«rrts Visa Lul.i Brin tie, of Marietta, who has been on a protracted vis it to the families of Col. Weaver and W. R. Strickland,and who has lieen away or a shoi t stay,bus re turned to Dallas, to the delight of several yonng gentleman Next Monday the fall Fanlding Superior e mrt convenes. The civil docket embraces quite an amount of business t<> be dis posed of, or continued, aud the criminal docket but very little work tbat cannot be adjns'ed in a day or so. With hiB usual dis patch in the call of cases, it is very likely Judge Branham will not allow mnoh legislation to ran over to auother term. Something new. A mnn in jail iu Panldiug County in a civil case. Bail Trover. Mr. Kirk has a saw mill, and (he pi'intiff logged it, and he defendent nfnr sawing the lumber disposed of both sliaraa, aud now enmot secure to the plaintiff vufflci m bond or the lumber, or its >quiv<tUnt, hence h >s to lie in prison until the mat in sdjnsted, which uo doubt will be done shortly. The petition for the charter for the town of Dallas, origii a- tod iu the House of Bcproscnta lives, was passed; it then went t > the Hondo for approval. Th; Kffita'c nppr ve l aud amend'd the b'.ll, aiding thereto t ie ivli's- laiy lii'cnsu clause, fixing the same «t f 1,000,lowest. and $8,050, high est limit. It'theu went Imc to tne H'liise for concurrence in amendment, aud the Hous * con curred. And now by the time our readers are in pos.-usiin of these fact J the Govt ,-uor will h ivo signed it and Dallas will be iiu« operated. < ’ouncii. PnoOKEDisas.—Mayor M. Di.r.eaiieiilbd lip Council in >p ci 1 meeting last Tuesday t* * iiiuii tor the purpose if notify ing Ibul body of lie arrival of die charter, and f r the ]iurpose of reading the same, and other pre- limimiry business looking to perm anent organization. Mayor Dun can and the council were qualified lieforo Ordinary Dunagaa Wednesday morning, and at the next meeting of the council the Constitution and By-Laws will be presented for adoption, end then the machinery of municipal gov ernment for Dallas, after a rest « f about thirty years, will be put in motion once more. One offer has been made to the camp-gronnd notice. Yesterday Aut.t Nancy Jones tendered us a beautiful site for the grounds at the cross roads west of the Carter bridge, three miles from Dsl'as. This is the only response to our notice, and that by a woman. 1 tow noble an act in her. If there is uo other place mentioned the committee will examine this plao at an e»rly iL*y and report. Three 1 ssentials, w ter, shade accessibil- ij- B. F. Payne. T!>e negro V a''bath Pchooli of the county, and a rant mm her of tha race, hod a very eiij' yable celebration k*t fealuiday at ihi- place with ad dressee and vocul and iiistiumenlai muric ami leaning him! marching, etc. made the day tong to he remembered by a>J thote so fortunate as to be THU RACK. A most exciting race occurred fr >m the court-house out toward the forest in the east rn part ot town last Tuesday afternoon. The occasion that gave rise to all the excitement, which was witnessed by nearly everyUidy in town was; as follows: A man by tin' name of Charles Ogletroe, with his wife and invalid mother, w s passing through town, moving to * Mr, Hulseys somewlv re above town to live. Last TlmiHday a little boy hailing from Atlanta, by the name ot Charley Tilton, about 10 years of ng», a news boy, the son of a widow Tilton, called at the house of the Ogle trees, about six iniics south of Dallas, on tl>e widow Lester's place, near Pop lar Springs Church, aud anted to stay with them, saying that he was an orphan boy, and that lie lived with his aunt in Atlauta,and that sho abused him r.o unmercr fully lie coui I not stay auy lon ger, lieuce be fl- d and made his way this far from home. They consented for him to remain ho seemed to be contented until Tuesday morning, when, u the family were m 'king prepara tious to have the Lester place, as above stated, the little fello stepped out and disappeared, and the family had no knowledge of what direction he lmd taken until as they were travelling along qui etly near New Coanan church, the son and husband, Cbas. Ogle- tree, was arrested by Bailiff Sum- merbill upon a warrant sworn out by the boy, ch rging him with kidnapping the boy from Atlanta, and forcibly detaining him. While the ma'ter was undergoing inves tigation at the court-house the pool fellow Ggletree was almost scared out <>f his wits, and some one dropped the hint that it would be a safe plan to take leg bail,aud he did not take time to weigh the matt, r long ere he lit out, and he did not stand on the order .of his lighting, for like a brisk wind lie swept the fields, followed by his faithful bailiff aud one or tw:> others, but soon he distanced all followers aud gaining the wood land about a naif mile away to the east he was quickly absorbed in the dark impenetrable wilder ness and no doubt made good his escape. The boy, Charley Tilton, gives another \irsion to the affair, aud tnere. Ah the | n gramme war curried J accounts for his pres-nce in the out barmouiuueiy. i.ot au incident mj county quite at variance from ihe mar tl,e pitaiurrb'eitMs of the o.cs- above. He says he was hired to li n, whieh speak* wei 1 f r ihe a..- assist in driving a cow out from g oee of TauMin^ County. beyond West End Atlanta, and lured on until out in the country, and the men Ogletree compelled him to accompany him home to this county under threat of killing Kim, and that he escaped Tut a* day morning, the first opportuni ty presoutiug itself The Atlanta papers of last Thursday or Friday con tuned an account of tha unaccountable dis appearance of a small boy answer- iug this little fellows description, and now that he has been secured and sent book 11 Atlanta, and home, we trust that the broken hearted mother has ere this been made to rejoice over the return of her lost boy. But now to the poor afflicted mother an>l the heartbroken wife of Ogletree. At this writing he is still gone, and they are hero upon the cold char ity of a diftin eres ed people. Something must be done, there is but one answer, should Ogletiee keep going uuder his present p m- ic, then we have an alms-house, the “dernier resort" iu all snob oases, and for which it was partly establshed. Since rwiting the above the un- fortuna*es|hav< b'-en te uoved from town. line so far. Oh! for a good watermelon, | Success to the New Em. H. W.M. Bn rat Hickory Notea, We have a :iew apecies of ckim- uey sweepers; Thursday night, J nly 26th., Mr. Cochran and fam ily being away from home, the rope was taken off the well and fasten'd to the top of the chim ney of Mr. Coohrau's dwelling, aud by the r«pe the sweeper let himself down into the house, aud endeavored to open the door leading into the store loom, but his efforts were in vain. He then perused the trunks, beds, ami house generally, we suppose for tnouny, but finding nothing that lie d< sired to take,opened the door and weut quietly away, W* know not where. He did not have on any shoes, and jitiLing from his smutty fo< tprint* on the fl'ior, we doubt him getting any k large enough for him. "'e are proud to say that the people of Burnt Hickory keep up their prayer meetings 011 Sunday evening and Thursday night They do not ueglect their ndigi ore duties for anything. Wo arc proud to kuow wo have such a community. No wonder we made snob a grand report at the Cole bratiou. Now boys,lis'en. Miss Minnie Badgett has her cousiu, Miss Lula Treadwell, of Athmta, visit ing her, and if you would like to im-et two of Georgia's fairest and loveliest daughters call at tha residence of Miss Minnie’s father. It is to be hoped that Miss Lula will remain with us for s <me time. High Shoal* and Vicinity. We need rain badly. Corn and cot ton suffering great ly, aud if we don’t gat rain soon we are left. June and July were hot, but August is a •‘schorchor.” People generally are donr work. Public schools are on a boom; Messrs Mabry, Spinks and Carter are having a good attendance. Road working is the order of the day. Protracted meetings will soon be “all the rage;” save your chickens. Mr. Jasper Hagan came very near losing three of his cows last week irom eating syrup cane—lie ware We think one of onr yonng teachers is “mashed,” from ap pearances. Mi. Moon is having a very good musio school at High Shoals.— Success to him. Dr. Spinks is having a good practice, and is very successful with all his cases. The Dr. knows how to treat ’em. J/rs. Treadwell, of Atlanta, is the guest of Mrs. Penn. ‘Dudes” are ‘scace’ as “hens teeth” in this section. We hid the doleful sound of a musenite the other night. Mr. Sam McGregor bits done a good business in tj?e mercantile First-Class Plastering DONE TO ODDER. Oet your work (lonely a mnn who itrflc- C"miH>tlU"n. By one who»e work dor* mil crock, Uy one who ami ttnlali you r wall* In plnatvrol Purl* a* white n* mow anil »« MNou h a* Kina*. Bv on* who Inaurc- your wall* to amml wnablng and hclil their do**. No white washing every year needed t do uot come here to underbid anv one. My price* are the same the world over 10 wit Brown pin-tor lath and on* coal per yard, 06 2 cuds Oh 3 oat* Skim finish 10 8 coats gluts tini*li 1) Brick walls one per cent off llydrnulio cem< in and calcium |>la ter two coals 15 cent' per yard It is so hard it 'ako* itie blow' of a hamun r to br ak i and can be used In nntside ot anv work and stands n c«f. J. HAMMER i* the only man in this coon'rv who cm bundle piaster pur's at hi* e ure For particulars apply at New Eiia Ottleo. -Tat - . - ii* », Comity--To all VVlio n it limy Concern:— J. li. Kim»i«« hiii! i H Utevu, of f*nl I R’Mtr t hvI u ui Io.iii a* |kis ii?* m*it by (bv ttrxi of On, fur UnU'.tf o. .iiliiiiuif iu (iu on tin- in « «• «»* S. J. Tit I* •k«li lit ti *u t| c * oiit, (Ivtvux <1 'III* in to nit u l Unit • tiuil ur, lo lilt: CTftlitoi’r* uiol net h ol S. J Tl«l»'ol , I- be .iml ip* l*e tr at iii« o|||i<* ui i bu |*l« lulier term of ike cour o < •iillimry <> *«<! coiniy, h.hI « iIiao, U »»ny they cull, why fMititUiiii.i to.lor* «*f uiliuiisUrtiioi: 'll Mflil ti'i b**g hi p 1 l i *J, M, Ktwip «iiU J. It, Ur* ch on h, I. ridwreir* t*nfrtl». nut)** my '.fflc-1 rl/ii ituto. riilM .lull J0-»* ii. T.O. DLaAOAN Ord imry I'nuul.iu Con ty. fcs?ri<AV Suiiik Estrayrd fr "in the residence ol William Jilcs, four in los from Acivofth, n brig lit hoy mudiuni size mare mule, four years old. Any ono so ing kucIi a mulo wdl please take her up anil give n o no- licc at Auivorth, ami I will inward tlieiu for »o doing. WILLIAM .TILES. C0 IX a s. Ui3 SPOT CASH” STORE! J. J. PAYNE. D VI.LA8, OA. J. M- STONE, SMYRNA; OA WADE WHITE, MARlETrA.GA. J. J- PAYNE & CO., DALLAS, GA Invite the peop'e of Pnnlding nnd tuuoiiadingeountiee la anil at the “SPOT CASH" STORE —AND EXAMINE THEIR LARGESTO K OF— DRY GOODS. CLOTH ING, SHOES ANd BOOTS, NOTIONS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, ETC. We ranks a speeinlty of HARDWARE AND] GROCERIES, bay lUKi soil for caah. Rud ooiiseiiuontly h^o enabled lo give Ihe beil biryilpt. “Others May Imitate—None Can EqnaT 'It is easy (br nny mnn to claim that his prices are the lowest. ThepaMiw like to know how one man enn undsr.ell all nlhers. We are the only Mcr- •hnnts in Da'loe that nmke that snowing. Here in the argoraem* Mr We sell for "SPOT CASH.” No goods leave onr store till paid for. We therefore have no percentage of losses ou lied rwati— ers that wo muHt make up on good customers. We sell at L —1 nsa prices for SPOT CASH, Jfflf • “ Come and see for yoursel es. J. J. PAYNE A CO- "Spot Cash” Straw The R M. Bird sail Manufacturing Co AUmjliN, NEW YOKK.'l If. Hoberts Sf Som 9 AGEJTT8, Dallas, Ga. We are the agent* of the above extensive Manufacturing Corapaay, aad idler at manut'actuior* prices ENGINES, SAW MILLS AND OTHER MACHINERY OF THE I ATE8T AND MOST IMPROVED PATTERN. WE are using at our mill an engine ofiheir make and lavita a oarefal inspection ot it. v'»” on ne and get Hill particulars a. la msfUe,.p*id««, tsrsra. aid. N. W. R OBERTS St Sos^, Dallas, Ga. I AM SOLID! I Pay Cash For My Goods! Get off all discounts allowed merchants. I IHVE Ml MMl(, IV EJPE.VCES AII IEIILV JHIISt I can afford to sell cheaper than merchants who buy on time. Call and Examine My Goods And Get My Prices. I deal in dry goods. And keep on hand a trash and well selected stock of graceHas. I Also Keep medicines, Coussens Compound Honey of Tar. Coussens Lightning Linamenk fablers Buckeye Pile Ointment, Vermifuge, etc. Call nud see me and bring yonr pocket-book. Yon will find ' m» near depot. Yours, F. M. MATTHEWS DALLAS, OA JWew Furniture Stare t WR. STRI(!KLAN1». I wi'l sell you Parlor. Uliambor and (liiilnir rwm luroiture at lower —*— » cash ill mi have ever bum ttt'a'nwl Iu DnlU*. F Ex.iinlim my etock of beil'iuHil* ami inaUmmo*. I*ir*t improved snrinw wet. trcHoea, doublu and single UliDSTliAtlS AND MATTHESSKS, Beal *--1?n ti| SAFES! SAFES !! S A FE 8 III Perforated Tin and^Wire. Best make. Low down for the money. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Such as Acordions, Harmonicas. And the latest thine out anw c ild can play it, TH|.) OBGANETTE. Yon pnt in the notes si one end and the music comes out at the other. Come and see them. CH ROMOS. ovely land scapes, every parlor should have them. STOVES, STOVES, STOVES. I BUY FOR THE CASH AND SELL FOB THE CASH^ffl I handle the New Improved Singer Sewing Maohine. Hence yon sa.e the tariff on time prices. Call and see me at raw new b M, w. r. STRICKLANll, 7 1*aLLAs, ua.