The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, August 02, 1883, Image 4

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A qUEENJIF THE STAGE. “Ill* Nrnaa* Infix',’’ -I.H thr liiiiiortiml M'l'M't nh«< Jterenla top lb* llrnrlll or Wnmrn. (,\Vic York World.) Raveral ysnra ago the American public were nron-ed by mo entree upon the b oko ot a Utile lady who hail been previously but lit le announced. She wan one of nn mnu- lnornble number of aspirants for pub io f vor and had no ii etrumentnlity, uside front her own intents, to can e recognition. In spite, of tilts nut, however, she quickly act icved awnrin plaie in the heart i f llio public, Wind si e i at cont n ed to hold eve - since. When it was announced, t erefme, t uit Mis i Maud Granger would star the ccmh’g season in the play “Her Second J-ove,’ wrtten by .Vr. John A. Ste en .it wa' only unt raltliat uuusjnlinteioetsliould be man,fee ed r.o: only in then.mat oinl s, b it in ou or br nol os of the community. This vi at spec ally th ■ ea e, ns it was known lint Miss Uiang r hid, for the past year, been n exceeding.) deneate lien th, nnd the dit rniinut on to star in a strong emut.o.ial w»s tie irore Biirjirisjng. Otio of the j htgiof thinpft o. wa» accord.uyly dopi.(i>ed to Mo the 1 o nlar 1 tdy and von ty the run.or orai no uice it» incoiro tucss • Mias Grantor’s countenance ia familiar to nearly e\eiy one in the United Staton. It in 1C face onoa*nopn never to he forgotten. Features remarkable in their outline and contour me surmounted by a pair of lurgo and deep e yes indicative of the greatest soul power. Ct is easy to see where Miss Gianger obtains the ability to portray characters of the luoRtemo ional naturo. She ponHosHes whliin herself the elements of fooling, with out which no emotion o.m be conveyed to tn audience. The man of news found tho lady iit her homo in this city, and was ac corded a <ii iot welcome. It was evident at once that sho was in greatly improved health, which the expression and color of her souuienanco both indicated. “Isittruo, Miss Granger, that yon con template a starring tour the coming season?” " its indued. My season begins in Chi cago on July 1(5. From th ro I go to Sail Francisco, nnd then play tho remainder of tliOHcu“OU through the Kastern and West ern States.” “ Aro you confldont yonr houllli will per mit such un nndertukiug V” * •, A ringing laugh was the ilrnt reply to thin question; after which hIio said: } • “Cortyi jly. it is true 1 have been ill for • the past iwo years, but now I am wholly re covered. Few peoj le can have any idea of the strain a council ntious action - undergoes in essaying an emotional part. It is neces sary to put one’s whole sonl into the work in’order to righ ly portray tho character. This iiecca.sitati h an otior abandonment of one’s personality and an assumption of tho charno er portrayed. If this in an omo- t jonal pjirt it is necessary to feel tho mine emotions lhojjarl is supposed to feel. For b more than a year 1 actually cried each night in oertuin passages of n part I was playing. The audicriflb o insldered it art. Probably it w s, but those were none the less real (oars and tho effect was none tho loss trying vjjipon my health.” *’ tl “ Kith' ?’^° a avoiding this in "Not in tho least. I ox| o:*t to have just ns great u strain ns before, Imt with restoiad h( and a knowledge of how to retain it 1 do not fear.” “ You spe ik of a ‘ knowledge of lu>w to re- ia'n health.’ Will you p.on o explain what you inem by that?*' “ You must bo aware that women by their very natures a o sub eot to troubles and afflictions unknown to the sterner sex. Thu name of these tioubles is legion, but in form they may cou.e they n o weaknesses which interfere with every ambi tion and hope in life. 1 believe thou.'ii a s of noVile women me to day Buttering ugoniei of which even (ho r bust friends and rela tives know little or noth ng. and when I rc- lluct upon it 1 coni i s it makes mo sad. Now his misery uri «.s largely from uti tgnor- - the laws of life or a neglect to care- ftiilyWfrf to thorn. liguak irom-Uie deptl f .oji' a bitter exiioritncp in tM*, ftud 1 a it thankful J know the means of rott en ii in, and how to remain In perfect health.” *’ Please oxpl iin more fn ly.” “ Well, i have found a remedy which seems specially adapted for this very | impose. It is pure and palati b'o and controls thcho.dtli • life as, I behove, nothing cist. will. It is *rc: lly. Imulbublo and if nil the woinon in America wore to use it I am quite sure most o thi suffering and many deaths' might by u\o dud.” *• What is this wonderful remedy V* “Warner’s8»fo Cure.” “ And you use it V” "(Joint, mtly.” “ And hence believe you will be able to go th o gli the coming sen am sncoe sfuily.” “ I a n qu tii certain of it.” “A few qneilious more. Miss Granger Will you p!( a to g.vo me a list of the part >o:i have created ant tho plays you havo taken part in since your lirst appearance in public r” “I tiis‘ played for some time with the amateurs in New Vor ; an I Brooklyn, lthou won' to tl o Ui ion Sqtmro the it re for two i uasoriH, after that tithe Hosion Globe for one s ’ii on ruj then to Boo h’s theatre in this < it>\ Next rsupportefl John Met ullough aid aftorwa ds starred in Ju’ioi, 0 lniile, Rosalind, etc. Hulisjquuutly Icieatovl tho part of Giooly Hlaino in tho ‘Galley Blnvo’and uho stanoil in 'Two Nigh sin Homo,’ playiug tho part of Antonia. The vast year I have been playing in the ‘I’l niter’s Wife’ and tho coming season, as I have-a d, Will bo devoted to Her Beoond Love.’ ” A- the writer was returning home he fell tato n train of and wondered if all the women in this land who are suffering could only know Miss Granger's experience i n 1 tho remarkable results achieved by tho pmo remedy she n o 1, how much suffering uiigl l he avoided and how much happiness -ItKUrod: , OhaiujUY, tht? three-year- >ld of the household, stood an attentive anddutcr- ♦ is ted looker-on wliilo grandum was par ing potatoes for dinner. Presently who imulo a sign of discontinuing 111* work with a single potato left unpealed and unwashed.’ Tho little follow reached into the pan, took it In his chubby hand, and turning bis bright eyes in an ap- rpealing glance to grandma’s face, ox- /olaimAa: “Take ’im c’oos oil* and give ’im bhtf, too.'* Full «1' Hope. Dr. Charles Lloyd, of Great Bridge, Va., enclo sed it. In the full vigor of life, a sudden crump is often the j .recur- sor of dor-'. -. Dr. Worthington’s re nowned C- olern and Diairhooa Medicine should he in every household, as a surd euro for nil complaints of the stomach , aud 1 novels. Price 25 imd 50 cents a bot tle. A seven-year older, with the punster mark on his brow, at diuner aslted his nether what was in the jar on the tnble. “Pickles, my son,” was the reply. “Then, mnmma, pickle little one out for me,” came with a stunning force from the child, and the mother fell over a chuir and fainted. “Dr. Benson’s Celery end Chamomile Till, for the cure of Neurnluift are a snores*. Dr. G. P. Holman, Chrisl.i.mburg, Yu HI, cts. at druggists. Thebe is more sense than poetry in thr remark of somebody’s wife, who said she was glad the family was not rich, “foi then we wouldn’t have half the tun w* now have in paying onr bills and trying to save a dollar for a rainy day ” - ‘‘Five doctors; no end of medicine; no re lief. Dr. Benton's Shift Cure hasdriem away all eruption* and I’m nearly icelL"—Ids C. Young, Hamilton, Ill. ARsry worms are taking Rapides par jsh, La Do yon deep badly nt night ? Why suftei from indigestion? Uahtuimu will give yon relief. Gahthink is in liquid form. All druggists. Lono Aoo.—More than half a century ago Widow Ross of Lyman, Maine, ad vertised in tho Kemiebunk Gazelle for information of her hoii, whoso name, singularly enough, was Charlie Ross, and who had mysteriously disappeared. Read This. The Anny and Navy Llniraont takes the soreness out of spavin, ringbone, splint or curb, and arrests theif growth. Cures oollc, scratches and other diseases. Good for man or hnost For salo by all druggists. There aro #800,-000 in the State Trees nry of Texas. * ehfldren'i boots * dwH nat ran ever if Lyon’. Patent Baal Mlffmtn an and. There are 000 more men than women iu Butler county, Ala. Net n drink, not sold In barrooms, bnt a reliable, non-alcnholle tonic mediaine, use- Ini at all tinin, and iu all seasons, is Brawn’s Iron Rittftrs. Fivn thoimand alligator hides wore re- •ently shipped from Orange, Texas. Wai.tkrbobo, H. O. Dr. J. M. Klein says: “Brown's Iron Bitters hart given uni versal satisfaction.” mmenhe quantities of tomatoes nro being shipped from Chattanoogn, Home 003 boxes daily. Cory km, Ua. Dr. W. H. L«c save 'Brown’s Iron Ritters is a good mediolno and many are using It in this pises.” Thebe is more sense than poetry in the remark of somebody's wife, who suid she wan glad the family was not rich, “for then we wouldn't iinve half the fun we now lmv» in paying our bills and trying to save a dollar for a rainy day,” Wf» Advlftfl It. If yonr hair ia thin and falling ont, if yoi. nrc becoming nreinaturely bald, if your bail is d-y and sickly, use CarLoline, ti e ^rsia- natural liair Restorer* One dollar a bodl© A jimoE in Toronto, Oannda, on dis- cnarging n snow-balling youngster, re marked that “the boy wlio would not peg snow-hulls should bo put under a glims as a unique specimen.” CHArPED hands, faoe pimples and rough ■kin eurrd by nsing Juniper Tar Soap nine ey Caswell, Hazard A Co., New York. OPFENDRI). — Harvard students arc offended by a remark of President Kliot that tho initiation ceremonies of then Reoret societies “have censed to Im barbarous aud are simply foolish,” "Here, now,” said a mother to hei little boy, “take this good medicine. It’s sweet as sugar.” “Mamma, I lovt little brother,” tho boy roplied; “give il to him.” PtJRU ood liver oil, from selected livers on the sea shore by Caswell, Hatard A Co., New York, Absolutely pure aud sweet. Fa tlsnts who have ones taken it prefer it to ell others. Physicians declare It superior to all other oils. Offended. — Harvard students are offended by n remark of President Eliot that tho initiation o»»;rjouies of their secret societies “have ceased to bo bnrjp.fons and are simply foolish.” ON TNIHTT DATS* TUAL. The Voi.taio JIelt Co. , Marshall, Mi oh will send Dr. Dyo’s Celebrated Electro- A Yeteraa Holdlcr. Mr. O. V. Bovlei, of No. 84 Common Stnwt, Lynn, [rbn. , najrB: 4 "While In the »rmy, si tho bsttlo of SpOttBytranlo, I fell while k'ttiny Olll) ity, lost vitality nnd kindred troubles, guaranteeing spoeily and complete resto ration of henltll nnd manly vigor. Ad dress us above. N. B.—No risk is incur red, ns thirty days' trial is allowed. A Boston artist painted a string of ten trout so linturally that the man who bought it told everybody that he had pur chased a picture of 575 trout all on one string.—J’/iiladelphia, Tin* llwrtor’n InilorNcmuni Ur. W. D. Wright, Cincinnati, O., scuds tho subjoined pmfu. .ioual iudo unrent: “I lmve prescribed Dr. Win. II. H’s Eak.' ji for the Lungs in a grer.t rutnbor o* on sa and always with succo .i, Onr r.. y iu pavi. ; .cu)r.r was given up by rove Td jihys'c'ans who had her i c.tHccI in for roaset; . on w'l'.i lnyr-clThc pntiunt had nM ih» H\nipUmis of co'ifhmed ronsunip- tion—cold liLj’iit, houtio fever, hai\ass- ing cough, ri •. He eo.i»n:jucod iinirediatoly *o get be tier and was i.oon restored to his usual health. I have n’so found Dr. Win. Hull’s D»l- snni for the Lungs the mod va’uab.’c expecto rant for breaking up distressing roughs nnd eokls that I cvrr nsi'd.” Diirno’s Catarrh 8ntiff cure i Catarrh and all ntlrrtions «»f the mucous membrane. DR-Worthington’s &i&gSg* ■holera bramp K-Vi IiarrhoeaCure 1H Mw used j* OVER 2D YEARS U | I So '’J V ttrugglau imiiHofop. THE CHARIFS A ' VPQELER COMRANy Hosteltrr’a fltom iu li Hitters, by in cronsing vital ilow er, and rriuhriiig the physical func tions regular and active, keeps {.he felffERS YOUNG MEN WANTED m Sept., to If TkleoUaphy. SittiMinnsviiAmiitev'd. Add * '*>»•'- a- K. K. Tel. College, Aim •' - '• ttH'ts it^nnnhi-t iti»- - fjon,* dyB|w|*Kia ami liver oomiilnmt, nor- = voosness, Kiduey and ' rhounmtio ailments, it i» invalualilf. and it nilords a Burn defence Bjdiimd ntalnrihl fe vers, besides ninovinft *11 traces of such dis ease from tho aystem. For sale by all druggists anddeab generally. I ear a The superior merits of the watches having Stevens’ Patent i improvements are acknowledged • t„rd.«d,but .ft«r.tim®i.M piok.j upbv | fry ^veru person wearing them nimradm; .mlnpon oi.min.tlon Rwi. Iimodlh.tml & O l a Railroad men, and others re quiring great accuracy in time pieces, endorse them, and we are prepared to show by incon testable proof, that no other watch not having these improve ments will produce such accu rate results in time keeping. v.« mm us. Mr They are durable, dust-proof, ha. don- for m.. I w.i induc'd to try It bjr a mambni | and reliable, and considering family, "who, had1 baas 1,-n.Btyd b,IUu«." g Ua /j^ i cheapest WOtck !>! the market. Send for our illus trated catalogue and prices. J.P. STEVENS WATCH CO., Atlanta, Ga. buck wli bndly hnrt and my kidney* seriously injured, •nd 1 h*ve sufTerud the most osmu iathif pain «lnce, ....1 could obuln no relief although treited by *ev«r»l physicians, »nd 1 had given up all hope of getting help ■then I vm recommended to u»e limit's Remedy. 1 purchased several buttlsi at. one of our drug utores iu Linn, and t>cgan to use it a» directed, and can now attend to bnilnoM, and am free from the paint I for merly had; and 1 wiah to My to my friend* end comradne that Hunt s Remedy will do all that ia claimed for it, and ia worthy of all pralae. You canuso roy t«g'4mony win n yon have occasion to, ae I moat heartily recom mend It to all that have kidney or liver troubles.” April 80, 1883. have suffered terribly from kidney diOlonltiea. At times I have boon very bad, having aevore pains in ray back, with general Iom of strength and vitality. My urine waa very bad, with a heavy sediment of brick-dust, which waa faat leading to gravel. 1 com menced using Hunt's Remedy, with a tnnrked Improve ment from the start; She pain* left, tho urine became morn natural, and 1 can truly say one bottle tfeel el >i permanent cure. I have recommended it to many peraona both here and in lloaton, all of whom speak ot it witli th* highest •raise. You are nt liberty to un this letter or my name in any manner you may think best, that other sufferers may W arn tho7ulueof the greatest of all remedies. Most truly yours, JOHN F. COX,. ta Pleasant Street. .Malden, Maas.. April83, 1883. There m no use in contesting tho seal when you havo an eight ounor carpel tack for a rival. Tho decision will Im strictly partisan. — Ddlriiit Fern Fr< CONSUMPTION GAN ■■ CUNWt wHALL’S umBALSAM •/■•ns. || GMtkta tid fimls tic IHcaferaM ffitc Lana*, lilaacd aid MUcrM the disease, an) yrevciM the Bight swoata tu ghtaeoa moraea tha chcci which MWBtaiy piafwalaaal elf Iklla. ww xnnrsvoxjoia’ IRON WORK*. D. A. Ml/I.ANH,, P. O Bos 1690 Naw Orlaana, Ls ■Uam, Hand A Hnnte Power. Steam inginee. Huger Mills, and__ Mange 'afontUredgeboat Work. Building Fronts, (luluinnu, Railings, Black- ■mithing and Machine Work. l*~ORDKHi* iOLIOITBP.^Bi .CHICAGO SCALE CO. t ton wagon m ale, •««». s ton, gto. 1 1-1 Ton «Mt», Hi-hiii Itox Included. UNI OTIIKH ril/KH. IteriuriMl I*lilt K (.1ST yUKK, P0KGE3, TOOLS, &o. SKNI IIMIGK MtllK KOI: l.ltlllT WORK, fd 40 lb. « nvllnno Kit of Toole, Bit limp and monry <loU« odd Johx. »nvih. Vim* .v Othor Article- t Mill, KH. WIIOI.CKAM' * NKTAll. UOLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS ANO SURGEONS BALTIMORE, MIL The prHct'cal mlvnutn/rn of iL*t Hohnol are piiincd. Cl'nio belli at 0*iv Hatpoai, Mnt.trnit * nnd Mifyland Wgmnn'H lloripitnl, all of which belong to IIiIh huIhmiI. PhyHMilog'cnl nnd Llieinicnl Luborilnry Work required of every St udent. Apnlv for n catalogue to DR. THOM AH OPIK, Dean. i>9 N. Caroy nlr» THE COLUMBIA ATHENJEUM TBNNB88BB. A Hoarding nnd liny School for Young LimIIun Founded 1H52. Chauteakd ic Advantaoes:—Healthy Location. Large (irontub (!oiiiitind<ouH Itirld'ugs, well lighted nnd Ventilated Full and Flficumt Faculty. Hent Advantage t in MiisU Art, etc. Fino Annratua nnd 1,‘brnry. Thorough In Ntruction. Hood Vnble. Neat Kosulon Heptuiuher .’Ini. Cntnlogues I’r.m. HOBT. K. MM1TII, A. M., rrssMont Ronnoks Cotton Prcae. The Rest and Otieapeat Pit*a» made. Oontn lenn than nholtr over other prefleen. Hundro! In actual use nt both nteam nu homo newer ginn. Makett henv balen by hand faster than nn gin enn pick. The new improv. mentn in gin lieunoe dcaciilx' in the wordM of their inventm free to all. Address ROANOK IllON WOBKR, (-tinttails ogj Twin., or Roanoke PliEBH Co., Rich .Square, N. ( ALBEMARLE FEMALE INSTITUTE. CllARI.OTTEHVII.I.K, VA. • Abls Faonlty. Healthful anil beautiful looa- tlon. inHtrni’tinn then mghr Tern is very lent. ■ Bosslou bosins September 20tli. Order cata logue. ItEV. A. EnnaNK, A. M„ ) „ , . , Wm. 1>. Dickishcn, f Principals, mpp Smitn UOOUE'I • K P IIIVIMIVI IXIVIIIUITT, mU Allnnlu. Va. ’’or Tllnetratwl C*—’iii*»r ?A»h JgNII. I Mid on trial. for Am book, I0NE8 OF OINBHAMTON, glKUUAETON. N-T. Any isfomation: Of EDWARD. J. STEPHENS, who went South in 1863 is eagerly solicited by his brother, JNO. J. STEPHENS, 8t. Stanislaus, Floius- SiXT, 04)11 OPIUM HABIT Cured Painlesslv. The Mediciua Md f.»r a rmall nmrgin ab..v t 0»)H)umii a, A 1 n*t» treated by ej 13. i' ii,' COLLIN?,'' LaPortT !nd. MILL A FACTORY SUPPLIES OF ALL KINDS. BELTING, HOSK •nd PACKING, OILS) PUMPS ALL KINDS, IRON PIPE, FITTINGS BRASS GOODS, STEAM GAUGES, ENGINE GOVERNORS, Aa. B.ndfcr Fri«*-litL W. H. DILLINGHAM AOS A3I Mala Strati '.OUltVILLE. IT. 18111 WHIM *11 Uti Mill. Beni Cough Brrun. Testes good I Dee In time. Bold by dnmista. rr # 40 C OLEMAN Ilt’BTNTRs Oolleoe, Newark, N.J. $141. Position* 1 lur '-r:..Inures Write fur cii A8ENT8 WANTED SBgSSRfjstf. It will also knit • groa variety of fancy work, fur which there is a I way an ready market. Send for circular A terms to Uie TJVOMBLY KNITTING MAl'lIINE CO.. IU3 Ttoato.NT STOUT, BOSTON, MASS. T V’?‘ 8 0bb free. Addmaa IL HALUiTr £Uo!°Portland,'Me* 15 tO S 20 W«tafgso°«*. Sample* worth gw IV 44W Address hTtNOov A Oo.. Portland, Me. gBteilWBIWgaW^^ ■-iO L S3 s.'auica 4 cci'. n ,‘a3 i!oj v! urium at home wit hunt pain. Book of nap Uculamaont free. B.M. Woolley. M.D.. Atlanta, Ox. f|7 9 A Wh'lUL. g 12 a day at hone easily made. Ooatly V t C outfit free. AudreMi Thug A Oo.. Auguina, Me A GENTS W ANTED for the Best and Fastest selling Pictorial Book* and Bibles. Priooa reduced 33 per cent. National PUBUHHU.O00., Atlanta. Ga. If and If. *• It you aro Buffering from poor health • or languishing on a bed of aickneeg, take •chet r, if you are aimply ailing, or if yon •feel weak and dlflpirited, without clonrly •knowing why, llop Bitters will surely •cure you.” “If yon aro a Minister, and have overtaxed yonnell 'with your paetoral duties, or a Mother, worn out with •cam and work, or a man of Lu-ini i • or laborer weak, •imod by tho strain « f >1 nr every day dillt-g, or a man •of lettors, toiling over yonr midn’ght work. Hop ' Hitters will surely strengthen you.” “If yon • re suffern; from 'oVer-eAting jot drinking, any ' indjacretion or diaitipaUon, or *sru y ung and growing Ido •fast, an is often the cnsc.” % “Or if you are In th> wuikahup, on the •farm, at the desk, anywhere, and feel 'that your system needs cleansing, ton- • lug or stimulating, without intoxlcat'n?; 'if y< n aie old, blood thin nnd impure, 'pulse feeble, tonei me cady, faculties ' wnt in % Hop Bitters Ik w lint you need te 'give y u 1 sat liie, health end vigor." If yon ate costive or dyspeptic, or Buf fering from any othor of tho numerous diseases of tho Btoninch or IkwoIh, it is your ow n fault if you remain UI. If you me wait ng away with any form of Kl.lncy dim a»«, stop tempting death this moment, and turn for n cute to Hop Bitters. If you are sick with that ter- riblo sifkies, Nervousness, you will llml a “Balm in Gilenl" in Hop Bitters. • If yon nre a frequenter, or a resident, of a miicmntio district, barricade yours;*- ' in ngainst the suourgo of all oountrien— mnliiria, epidemic, Miionn and iutc.m t tent fevers—by the ute of Hop Bitters. If you havo rough, pimply cr sallow skin, hud breath, lfop Bitters will givo yon fair skin, rioh blood, thi *iweet*«t breath and health. $600 will I e paid for 1 c.-iso they will not cure or help. Th it poor, bedridden, invalid wife, sister, moil or 0 daughter, can bo Hindu, the picture of health by a lev bottles of Hop Bitters, costing but a trifle. 'lUWLitYl COlEMAN' SBpOtHER MACH INERY -NCWORLflANS. iMNiUfAiCTTTURE sItIEJaMeJMgI UNlEji C0tT.0N ; PRESSE;.S' WiATEiRiE^EV’AtOR IH.A’FT I NGPUl.LEV Tbe Gullett improved, Light Drait MAGNOLIA COTTON GIN, Feeder and. Condenser. 1 Belter Workmanship and Material, and Gives Better Satisfaction Than Any Other Gin on the Market. The Magnolia Gin hns come in competition with early every other Gin ou the market, at Stite Fairs, to., and >» every instance has beaten nil competitors, -nd tc..,on the honors foryins eamplet, light firm.f t and quick uml good work. — Tll’» CZLIBKATXD ESOUBH StEIL, imported i*..»«ufrpm Simtheld, only used. Every Gin actually tested with cotton before shipment. FACTORY PRICES (free on board oars): Magnolia Jgft. P-r Bra,. •>. Write for particulars. v GULLETT GIN MANUF’G CO., PoNtofflce, Amite, La. A. N. u. Thirty-line.—’89 A nTTTH WHISKEY HABITS CURED Hr IM In Three Wepks. SYLxT^gA A ' MV ' "• ^ BlK *® 8TB “^ J. J. FUSE t CO.. J.L Leaders of Low Prices Proprietors. Manager. We have opened a large and well selected stock of goods, such as D y ode, Notion*, Groceries, _ Shoes! Shoes!! Shoes!!! BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! BARGAINS!? Clothing! dlottjii)^ !! OHFAP. , u . At the lowest cash prices. Buy for cash and sell for cash, and are ena e to give the best Bargains. I envite my friends and customers aud the pnblic at large to c and examine my stock ot goods. I guarantee satisfaction tn goods im p I sell as cheap as the cheapest Come one, come nil and see me, 1 w you right. Respectfully, J. L. GEORGE, Dallas. PItOFFHrtlONAI. CARDS. |^R. 8. ROBERTSON, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Tsmlsn his professional sorvioM In the practice of medicine in all ita branches to the citizenn of D«11m end gurroandiny country. J^Oftice No. 5 Ac worth street, near court house. W K. FIFLDRR* GKO. P. ROBKRH F IELDER A ROBERTS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Dallas. Paulding County, Georgia. Praotioe in sll ths courts. Prompt atten tion Riven to looking after wild land elsims. Collections a specialty. 1 ly J M. 8PINK8, ‘attorney at law, Dallas, Paulding County, Georgia. Prompt attention glv.n to collections in suy part of th. State. Wild land, lookad after nnd intruder, ejected. $37.35 FOR #1. Nnslc for the Million.—Vienna Eollan Labial Organ. Sweetest and most deli(htfal mnsio know. Popular in Enron.. Any tun. can b. played on it, from Old Hundred fo Yankee Doodle. Evan tho-.e “with no ear” while away d*. iifflitful horns n 'h this instrument. Any on. can play it. Child on play it In one evening. Costs hut one tenth a. muoh the XI' gsnstta, Organina, ate., and ia far <w« ir and needa only common mnaio. To in' voilucc our now ir :aic vro will send a sam ple Organ, with bourd hook containing full words sod of 96 new nnd popular songs, which in sheet form sell for $36.35, prepaid to any address for ONLY $1. C. O. R.—A* a guarantee that eyery one will receive all they pay for, wa wlH'send one sample bosk and orcsn by express C. O. D,, $100; two (or $1.60; three, $2.30, or more at tho rate of $9 per dosen. We can not prepay goods sent ". O. D. Circular, free. Address MONADNOCK MUSIC CO„ Lock Box 780, Hinsdale, N. H. bjrl -J# C l p.ny, wnteu I, confined to ths Insnrlnf of f.l property, dwellings, churches, snrl school, lor ons three and fire y«er». Rnry prudent man f. el .sal, when he know, that If he.hcuid has, un In. .u iste •• to gat hla property destroyed by Are- no will hays the greater portion of loaeet re placed. Thtsta a reliable company, and lnauras for a low rate. Gall ou me, and I will ylra you full • xpiantUona. T. A. FOOTE. 17DI7F Send to MOORF.’S F TlFj Pj Btifiinefii University, Atlanta, Georgia, For Illustrated Circular. A live actual bus iueas school. Established twenty years. YOU CAN HAVE ANY KIND OF, Sewing Machine Repaired. All Kinds of Needles, Attachments, Parts, Etc., Etc. —OF— P- McCORMACK, 51 S. Broad St., Atlanta, Oa. I^Send Machines by Exprest. COX, HAMMOND A MASSEY, Attorneys at La*. Will practice in the Superior Courts of Douglass and Prulding counties. Suits against railroads and criminal defences a specialty. Cox & Hammond, «. Atlanta, Ga. Robt. A. Massey, Douglassville, Ga. Dr. Vim. C. Connally, PRACriCINO PHYSICIAN. In all departments of medicine and sur gery. Amply supplied with all neces- ssry means and applv.nces for the relief and cure of suffering humanity. Office at the Dallas drug Btore. Resi dence opposite Christian Hotel. Al ways ready for duty. jan25tf Ft. E. CASON, DENTIST, Has permanently located in OAR- TERSVlLLE, where he is prepared to dc all kinds of Dental work at prices to SUIT THE TIMES. Ee will be pleased to see all his old friends aud many new customers If you Lsed any dental work done cal! on him. WM. F. CUNNINGHAM, practical Watchaaker aiH Msr. -•AND PR PBIETJR— GATE CITY SEWIHG MACHINE EXCHANGE —AND - REPAIR SHOP, 85 Dbcatur St, • ATLANTA, GA. Some folks would say that the above is a litt e ta much mixed up to be very good in either of its • departments, and that Mr. Cunningham caunpt be a very good watchmakei if he works on guns, rawing machines, and anything elra that comes along. Now let me ssy to those who may fa vor me with a perusal of this that my experience in watchmaking runs back over a quarter of a century, and that, part of my buslnese it under my own personal supervision, and that I propose to do the ltest possible work on every ob entrusted to me. The rawing machine department of my business is in the hands of thorough ly competent workmen, and I guarantee every machine that is-repaired at the G. C. 8. M. Ex. and R. 8. tliall bs well and thoroughly done. Now, if you have a machine that needs repairing, send or bring it to us, and if we don’t mnke it work all right we won’t charge you a nickel. We also have an assortment of second hand ma chines that wilt do good sawing, which w, will rail cheap. THE ELt-CTRIO is giiirefitted to mend a greater variety ot art’c es and holil siroDg-r than any other cement tver invent'd. It will mend leather, china, gl out, wood, mar ble, atone, and is stmrier where mended than elsewhere. It it. bourahold nec-s- alty, and if jou Iry it once you will never be wltln ut It in the bouse. Agents wsntti*. State and county rights for sale. Addre a for circulars, the E.ectt'c, or T.xts Gyp-urn Cement Oo. 85 Decatur S-ee’, AtUut", G t. HaT*This emeut took 'he premium at the Cotton Exposition. Thompson & Spinks. Ivy F, Thompson and W. E, Spinks have formed a partnership for the prac tice of Law, to be oonfinec'l to cases in Paulding Superior C? n r’ under the tirm name of Thompson^ Spinks, A Rogue and His Captors. Bom# of the city detectives entertain ■W express the belief that the boons I^rd Aahburton,” lately arrested in H. Y. oity for passing forged,BankofLon- donotronlarnotes’ wns pardoned out of the California State Prison through the -nfluenoe of persons who wish him to W i Jt ■ Blmi l ar scheme on a large scale. This would seem an incredible suggestion tf it were not for the fact that from the time the fellow fled from N Y °!*y “‘ er robbing Kilpatrick, the jewl eller, he was repeatedly used for such purposes by the Western detectives who captured hun. At St. Lonis they made him give up everything valuable he had. but returned him the bogus circular notes and gave him tickets to Denver. Thev followed him there, and when he had nfrt. < !. n K en ^ y0 ^t ai . ned ® 5 ’ 000 from one mrn t! ?ftnk8 m U i at clt L re-arrested him, I 00 * greenbacks SilMiSv atron and the detectives waited for some f? r him to realize on this invoat- ment, intending to grab all again. But before he could obtain a settlement the ’ < “ k °® ce ™ were apprised of his charac ter and they retained his stock as security. He was arrested and sent to »° f fi r7T S ' and the detectives were thus foiled. He was pardoned i° n l ye ^™ ftnd oame directly to New York, where he was arrested, bnt eg" 11 qmetly released, nobody appearing to prosecute him. The sus picions of the detectives may be idle but ltjs well enough for the banks to be "Hf l |mL >gMnBt the rellow '—^ New York “Do toc know, who w.s readings that no less than million dollars wa liquor?” “Good say so? What a could save if he Texas Siftings, ’ said Mrs. Sniveriy, i newspaper, "Chari s, two hundred and fifty * paid ont last year for gracious! You don’t lot of monev a fellow never got thirsty,”^