The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, August 23, 1883, Image 4

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"DiK foii lone rrnich by the Rctibof- town failure?" "Not a cent." "Why, I thought you bad largo business deal ings with him ?" "So I Imd up to last Fnmtner. Then when ho rented n non * ‘‘erao cottngo, bought n diamond necklace for his wife, and sent his three daughters to Europe to be educated, I at once chopped off short. ” “You knew ho was going to fail and offer ten ocuts on the dollar?" "No, sir; I supposed he was going to fail and not pay a farthing. Be made a slip somewhere, and hns got * to pay something.” OitKAP ItESTAnBANTe.—There nro in Berlin fourteon cheap restaurants where working peoplo con obtain n substantial meal for six cents. These restaurants nre managed chiefly by a number of charitablo ladies and girls, who do nil tho work for them without any remunera tion. The Empress herself takes a great iaterSat In these Volkekuchcn, at which .it is said, a better meal can be obtained than at many of tho more pretontious restaurants, snob ns those where the students get their meals. 1 I.lllln Things. One little indiscretion in outing is of ten tho end of a valuable life. The inng- jit'id etires made by l)r. Worthington s rfinownod Cholera and Dinrrlioen Medi cine, have given it such fame an an infn'- ,m» rent edy for all complaints of the ntomocli anu bowels, that tho best phy- BioJuiiH liavu adopted it Bold by dru'#- pists and 1 dealers at 25 mid 50 cents a Bottle. “Mercy!" exclaimed Mr«. F., ah hIio nauulit Mglitoftlie Omni leopard, “luxt look at tlmt beast! Wlmt u long nook!” “Yea,” replied Fogg, “tho moHt remarkable cuho of noar throat 1 ever Haw.” 9'Krhn.llnrn. * Full oft wc fo« l tho mire© of tear* Yet Joy him Ifuht for nil tho years. To all whoso itnir is getting thin, Our Carholino will ke getting till sop it in. Tho “Ixdief that gal ns ground’* 1h ]>cculiarly ‘ o real estate buyer, attractive to tho i Ladikh’ A chndron'HbootH A- nhoeH enmiot run ovmr if Lyon'n Patent Heel HtlfTenorn aro lifted. An Indian chief bears tho name of “Looking Gla*».” If© is the terror of tho plain. itor who eroHHOK tho ooean the first )snj<V hit notvroll. 1 H# riatter whtt ynnr silinrntla, Browu'i ion Bitters will surely bone^t you. popular hoouiiHo it Is a vorv giinae. liana hall he 5® ■ “Do top ever have a sort of lassitndal feeling just nf ter dinner, a kind of creep ing tiredness all ovof, and n desire to ait down and rest for a year or two ?’’ asked the man oil tho soap-liox. "Well, yea,” said the ninn oil the mnckcrcl-lmrMl, “only tho feeling comes over me earlier In the day. It strikes mo just after breakfast.” Chapped hands, fan. plmnle. mad rough ■kin eurtd by using Juniper Tar Soap mad. oy, Huard * Co., N.w York. mnn nmy lend Id. influence, but lie can't pawn it. Fun ood livar oil, from Kleo'.d llvara on tho ..a ahor. by Caawall, Basard A Co., New York, Absolutely pure and sweet Pa tients who hsva ouca taken it prefer it ta all othara. Phyalelaas' daalara it superior la all alhar oil*. — mm A tramp called his h)mk>b corporation! bo- oaiiho they had no SoIph. The Gollell Improred, LigM Unit MAGNOLIA COTTON GIN, Feeder and Condenser. rr flUWOBTHIHGTOH’S ■liOLERA ■RAMP flMkHOEAlURE Eli nRE,) ^ OTKB SB TEAM- Tho boat raniody f " r < hi»lrri», Crd •»!,>•, lllftrrhna, S/srilUry, MuifciMir Complaint, l»v«fii|ialu, and other tfrrhoneof iMt itomnrh and howls. lulmluwl in the Army, itb .. , ..... Bwfitnmfiideil by <»n .1-11110111 Narnrr. SpL'jIU I'rlco. /\ CM. IM<I b* DniRglit .. our name to bio* n In bottle. “ ' • lit A Itltltl COI»f»«f,. KOSTETTE^ bliCKilannon, W. Va.—Drs. Newton* Itlair report tlmt Brown's Iron Bitters are tgi.iilir u.n.r.1 .^.f«„U„«.r - i Vc-mivhm I. In n .tiito eT eruption, now !h the time lu "»eo Nnplc-H and die." WoonmmY.MD.—Rev. W. J. Johnson says: “l have used Brown’s Iron Bittern in my family and they have proven a splendid health lo\igor»tor," ’ilia fa- iher makes behind a dry goods t hay wllilo tho fon HhinoH Dim ter. ,, , .hiwlrlne, Uahtiiinr should ho t;ikon boforo or nftoi niealH to insure perfect iiHHimihition of food. UANTiUNtt ih ill liquid form. Hold by druggintR. A Hoa captain in a good doal of a vngnhond wJien ho beatn bin way up a harbor. AnV lulliruinfitm of Edward ,1. Stephens, who Went South in 1803, in eagerly Holicited by liin luotbrr, JNO. j. HTKP11ENH, W Ht. StanIhIhiih, FlorlHHant, Missouri. i H" (HHlif,,, I i taiu (lint a river can never run drv. Botisoii’a Colory and Olmmomllol’ill.- for tins cure of Ntiiiiulgiit nro n suocosp.”— Hr. (I. 1’. Holman, OhrisUanbnrB, Vo. 5 els. at ‘lruggists , ;. Tamrr-uouHKs from a tlientrieal point or Meiv, always indicate breakers , head. “I’m hnppy to util Dr. firnmn’s Skin Cure hoa nurd my Eczema of the scalp, of four ^ i/cori' slnii./fiij,."— Jno. A. Andrews, Att’y nl Law, Ashton, 111. $1. Indorsed l>y physician*. Hr. said her ball- was dyed; and wlion slio in- oigimntly said: “ Tig falHe!” ho Haid ho pro- Humod ho. Keninrluible Hnciipo. .Tolm Knlm, of Lafayette, 1ml., had a i narrow escape from death. This is his. Ktt.ry: ‘•One year ago I wns in tho la«t stages ol coiiKiminhon. Our hcHt lihyHiciaiiH gavo my niHe up. I finally got ho tow that our doctor hiiuI I could not live twenty-four bourn. My friemlH then imrchaHcd for mo a bottlo of Dr. Mm. llall h Dill sum fo r tho Lungs. I am now c?i»e° r ^ CC ^^ luvin K used no other modi- llcnryN L'nrb«itic Halve. Tim Host Salve in tho world for OuU, ItruiHcs, bore*, Ulcore, Salt lUioum, Tetter, Chapped littiuls, ClnlbliuuK, ('orus and all kitidHof tuiin TCriintioiiH, etc. Get Henry’s Carbolic Salve, us nil others are hut imitations. Trice 25 cents. fli'Ualh didn’t live In -genough to , u»J’idyf an luigenerous fling. ouo Pa- Mrs. ,T. S. Littell, of Newark, N. .T , suffered Jerrihly from ^right's kidney disease. Three ^flbetrtr* snhrsho could not live; a fourth doctor gave her Dr. Elmore’s ltheumatinc-Goutaliuo ouly—three Inittles cured her. ^ **4 gbips pf-ioedfShllk, with a littlo salt in it, is fne popular Rummer drink. | ^ f /ni» Hoi’s Advice. .» ' H .^ aT0 troubled for over twelve years 1 i M’onknoss of the kidneys aud bladder, . -cYEiich tho doctors said was diabetes. I could not at times Rtand up, nnd would have to continqally use the urinal both day and night ***' with Intense pains in my back ond sides .- *• inete was brick'dust deposits in my water; could not rest well or lie ensily in bed in any Hostctter’s Htom neh Ditters. by in- ereasing vital pow er, ami rendering the fihyslcal fnne- tiona regular and active, keeps the nyntf'm in Bfxid work- Ins urdfr, and pro- i«-ola it nk’ainnt <1»s- Knr conatipa- (lynpopHla and joniplaint, nnr- vounnoHH. kidney and riimiiiialio aiiiuaiiU, it i* invaluable, and il Olf’iriln a tun defence OtalliHl nmlnrial fe- tenLtM'fliftcH raniovinfl all tficea of auoh die- ease from the nyatMU. For ■•!. by all I dragRlata ami desk ^ w am generally. “MILL a^XCTORY SUPPUEI OF ALL KINDS. BELTINO, HOM ■ni PACKINQ. OILS: PUMPS ALL KINDS, IKON PIPE, FITTINGS, •BASS GOODS. BTEAM OAUQPSl ENGINE GOVERNORS. 4*. SoOkr PrtoMlItL W. H. DILUNQHAM A00 SSI Mala SItmL I.OUISVU.LK. KV. BALTIMORE FEMALE COLLEGE. It Ih a f’nll«|C«* itropnr^ with,power to oonfnr doi linsfnrtMr in lb’ll) and nminwnd ,1 H(M). It now ouciipien il« new. onir iniiH, Heellioveil Terrnce. It linn < P'oimI anpnratiiH, and nil I ho appoint iiimtl msjinilimi. Itn ooiirae of Htudy, while OEUAinoiitnl, N ” ,>,,, 'W"(b WlfHlKH, A. M.. 1.1. D.,, lie Htntn in .KiioiiH Imlld- able l , 'nciilty, if n fimt-olnMi f Htudy, while oriiHiii.-iilnl. Ih Saint John’s Academy A Military Heliool nl Alexiuidrlu. Vn. TAIlTy-ITRHT YEAH BEOINH BEflTEMBEH I: Jkl. Hoard and Tultioiii ten months, #200. Hend for catalogue to It Kill Altl) I.. CAItNK, A. ill.* Tflm lpal. GEORGIA MILITARY ACADEMY, . HAVANNAH. C4A. Major H. .1. DUIUIKhs, Huporliitondi-nt. 1 NdOHIMlHATKD ANI> (lOVKHNKI) BY A. 1 honnl nf tniHtooH. A thorough ond prnulicnl nninw of Instraation. A full ennm <7f nlilo nnd i-xporionrod i»rof.«Kn«irH. Strict njsolplmo. !<o«intion imsurpnHsod for hunlthflillU'HH. Now nnd iiinunitlcont liuildmiiH in the courm* nf orootion. l<aruo nnd beautiful Htihurhan Knumiln ndioininu one of tho loveliest parks in the rou' Thin noli (Mil in tliorooKhiy equlpp.-d in every renpn Hoiution boKinn Octotior Htn. (‘Atalogun with full part ulnrH Hout on npplicnUon. SOUTHERN SCHOOL AGENCY, IKlkiCinrncn 8t., Narhvii.i.e, Tenn. Tenehom for McIkm.Ih nnd Fain- 1. I’rmlun-H t’oiupoti ilioa without olinrgo. 3 ’coh aTiinu 1 |J'J 1,h t or “ Hook,nR Pwdtlona with auiUble pin 8. Renta and hoIIh ho1i.miI property nnd all kin.lH of nohool applinnooti. H. H. WOOLW1NK, Proprietor PHYSICIANS ANDTuRGEONS llAl.TDIOItL mil, inventngea of this m-| ‘ ‘ at City Hospital, Hospital, nil of which belong to inn buii.mji. i-uyHiolotiical and ('Ininiioal Lnbnrrtory Work rc.iuiml of every Student. Apply for a ontnlo«ue to 1)H. THOMAS OIMK, lh-an. 8JI_N. Caivy at root. BBTKTOXjOV IRON WORKS. D. A. MUIoANK, niaaafPr. P. O Bo* 1690 Now Orleans, La Manufacturers of Reynolds’ Oelebrw •d Platform COTTON PKK88K8, team. Hand A Horae Power. Rteaa Fronts, Columns. Railings, Blaoo- ithing end Machine Work. ORUKRS aoi.KHTKD. OPIUM HABIT Cured Painlessly. Tlie Medicine sold for a small margin sbof« tho c compounding. AH cssos treated by special pro. tion.” For t.ill partloulnra HitdriibS tho llisrove 01. S. B. COLUHJ. La Part-, Ind EDUCATIONAL. posture. 1 was nt that lime employed by the Maine Central Unilrond, nnd had to give up V work foratimo. Fearing that it would sooner Vo j *iir iV Tliroul IMhi-iihcn a Specialt • full particulars if tn-ntmont or infonnati... aluuivs* IIlock, ATLANTA, (.A FREE ]«a. The NEW CAEE1VDAU of the 18S4 NEW ENGLAND CONSERVATORY of MUSIO Beautifully Illustrated. M pages. SENT HIKE , . . . ■! _ r --- rv -..w.—. v -yourself oud musical friends. Send names and addresi or later turn to that dreaded Bright’s disease, to e. TOURJEE. Frankl'n s«i. Boston. Mass I called in ray son in I ewiston, who is in the . T , h ' J n ^ fst *** appointed Music uurarvand drug business, and after consulting with him jgr.«g >MW ^ la ^ s ***** uorM ' ns to my case, he advised me to nse Hunt’s A L| D D O Remedy, as he knew of so many successful ■ cures that it had made in Lewiston nnd vicinity. I nt once commenced using it, and began to improve. I had less pnin in my back and sides, my water was pnssed naturally with less dolor nnd no pain, and after usintf several bottle3 found thnt my pains were nil f one nnd the weakness of the kidneys nnd ladder were cured, and I have no trouble with them now, and can attend to my busi ness: nnd for one of my years I am enjoying good health, and thanks to Hunt’s Remedy for it, and 1 oonsider it a duty and pleasure to recommend so good a medicine as Hunt's Remedy, and I have taken pains to recom mend it to others in this vicinity. You are at liberty to publish this acknowl edgment, hoping it may be the means of helping suffering humanity. E. B. Clabk, Furniture Denier, Former’y with Maine Central Railroad. Newport, Me., May 17,1883, C70 A WEEK. $13 n day nt home easily made. dl uLWly outllt frw. Aiblrixss Truo At Co. AiumaLa. Mu C oleman Business College, Nevrark.N.J. Tonus $4o. Potations for m 1 * * * Writo for circulars. A D I 11 M tn<1 WHISKY HAH1TS AJ “ I W Iwl at homo without pain. Book of par ticolara sent free. B. M. Woolley, M. P., Atlanta, Ga. SC A a tO fl P® r da y at homo. Samples worth £5 IJ lU f ZU free. Address Stimson k Co M Portlaad. Me. ■FA Pictorial U.Mikh and Bibles. Prices reduwd 33 in-r cent, National PubUBUiNQCo., Atlanta, u», Batter Workmanship and Malarial, and Gi««i Batter Sallilaetlon Than Any Olhnr Gin on the Market. The MagnnUa Clin has come In compstHion with assrijr evnrjr other Gin on the market, at St its Paha, etc., and lu every instance lies bust mi all eoinpntitnra. honors fur fine eamj’Ui, light thm/l j nd uftcUn t irk and g> Every Gin eotavhj FACTORY PRICES (free on board cere): Meffnohe Uios, per Sew, $3.BO. Feodora, per SAw, f I. Condeur ~ “ ■ Bew, $1. Write for psrtlonlefs. GULLETT GIN MANUF’G Poatofflco, Amite, La. CO., S25 REWARD. Wo will pay tho alien or NouralRln v ) of Pipiithorbi y unlmenl wil i-raovo any unnatural v of Bliou- li will relieve Croup instantly. TheArnn and Navy Liniment will relieve pain amt HoruticHHiiud remove any unnatural growth < f nono ami niueclo on man or beaut. Price, iRrgo bottle, ouo dollar: »in oil bottle, fifty rents. Will refund tho mmu'v for any failure. ARMY AND NAVY LINIMENT CO* M W* bash avo., Cliieago. For s^io by ull Urugirist.s generally. Ronnoke Dolton Preae. The Bent and Cheapest Protl made. Costs lesa then eheltei over oilier preencs. Hundred* In actual use at both steam and ‘lorsepLwergins. MakoH heavy •ales ny hand faster than ru> gin can pick. Tho now improve- nients in gin houses descritiuu in the words of their inventor* free, to nil. Address Koanoks Iuon^YVonKS, Chattanooga, Tenn,, or Roanork Cotto? PiikrbC’o., Rich Square, N. C |R| / R.(l. is the quickest, pleasantest-, .C, surest nnd best reqnuy for kidnoy, k - liver, st- nnch, bladder and blood disennos, nnd only rflal curative over aWBOvered for ncuto nud chronic rhuumntiMU. gout, lumbago, firiglit’adlseaBo onS dfj Hpopshffi? 3 week forms of rlimimntlo disorders in a to 12 weeks—r»di«yi*« <n4nmmatory in 1 dny. Can refer to hondn d i of ie1ia> I l« people cured who hnd tried in vnin everythinu else. Purely botanic, harmless, and nice to Irink. Ask drugg at to get it; If ho declines Bend to us for it-take nothing else. Elm-ire, Adams A Co.. 106 William st., N. Y AND WHISKEY HABITS CURE* In Three Weeks. IP For phamphb-ts. proofs nnd term* address in cuntiunnce, with 3c. stanw l&9lrft il ol AaiY * fll * U " 7)4 RlWAI> Ladies Do you want a pure, bloom ing Complexion! If so, »• KolffiSS-tfJSSB ify you to your heart’s con- lent. dt does away |1jhSaI- lowmvss, Redness, PMap _ Blotches, ahd all tflsCWes and imperfections nf the skin. It overcomes tho flushed appear ance of heat, fatigue ana ex citement. It makes a lady of THIRTY appear but TWEN TY; and so natural, gradual, and perfect are its effect*, that it I* impossible to doted its application. Leaders of Low Prices J. J. PAYNE & CO., J.L. We have opened alarge and well (elected atock of goods, such as Dry ode, Notions, Groceries, , Shoes! Shoes!! Shoos!!! BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! BARGAINS!! Clothing! Clothing !! CHEAP. At the lowest cash prices. Buy for cash and sell for cash, nnd are enabled to give the best Bargains. I envite my friends and customers, and the public at large to call on mo and examine my stock ot goods. I guarantee satisfaction in goods and price-s I sell as cheap as the cheapest. Come one, come all and see me, I will treat you right. Respectfully, J. L. GEORGE, Dallas, Ga. Tlio superior merits of the watches having Stevens' Patent improvements are acknowledged by every person wearing them Railroad men, and others re quiring great accuracy in time picees, endorse them, and we are prepared to show by incon testable proof, that no other watch not having these improve- ments will produce such accu rate results in time keeping. They are durable, dust-proof, and reliable, and considering quality, the cheapest watch in the market. Send for our illus trated catalogue and prices. J. r, STEYENS ‘WATCH GO., Atlanta. Ga . BEFORE—AND—AFTER. 1 Electric Appliances art lent on 30 Diyi' Trial. tO men only, younn or old, Tirno nro Buffering from Nsnvoua Osbility, W Lost Vitality, Lacs: or Nki ■\UOOR, WASTINO WKAKNIM8KS, nnd nl of n PeiwoMAL Natvrm resulting from Abuses and UTUi’.it C auk us. Bpoedy relief nnd complote rcato- ratlonOfllRALTH.ViaOKandMANHOODGUAnANTRKD. The grandest discovery of tho Nineteenth Ceutury. Bund at once for lllualratod Pamphlet froo. Addresa VOLTAIC HIT CD,, HMAMHAll, W1CH. ATLANTA, GEOItGIA. Regular Beaelon tu-gius Fiusr WKKK in OoTonEK nnd routmues five months. Clinical advantages timt-cluss. For catalogue, tormn, etc., oddross IM(. tv.11. I’udtlN NICOl-MON, Ill-mi. P. O. Hoi sn. A. N. II .Thirty-Fon rr_£8Ji Tho Peculiar OA1 Mystery 1 It was one of the peculiarities of the old-fashioned Doctors that they never would tell patients What they were prescribing for them. They said it would do the patients no good to know, and that it would only be grati fying a foolish curiosity. In order to keep patients from knowing, they would write the prescriptions in dog-Latin, so thaf most patients could not read them. All lliatsort ofthingisnowover. Thcpatientwantstoknowwhat he takes. He is weak, and wants to be strong, or he is dyspeptic, and Wants to digest well. Or he has a troublesome liver which he wants to put to rights. So lie takes Brown’s Iron Bitters about which there is no mystery at all. This is the best preparation of iron In the world, in com bination with gentle yet efficient tonics. It gives strength. It builds up enfeebled systems. It enriches impoverished blood. It removes feminine weaknesses. It casts out debility. It is what you want, and your druggist knife. » 8 ol H 03,0 kP'i ®o!h aSlQi *iWri> u* 'S* H cc PKOFFiSSIONAG GAUDS. , CHICAGO SCALE CO. 8 TON WAI1UN 8CAIK, 140. S TON, fSO. '4 Ton «UM». It,-am |(ox In©lulled. SOU OTIlKIt nl'/.KS. Ilrdiirnt I'KH'K I.18T KtlKK. FORGES, TOOLS, Ac. fiFKT FOitbE MADE FOR l.ltHIT WORK, ftf 40 it». A [li lt anil KltofTooia.tlC 1'armrra smn llmo nnit money dnlng odd Jobs, tlmvors. iivil*. Vir«-« * Ollmr Artiolo* AT UIWR81 I'Ril'KH. WHOLESALE ft KKTA1L J^R. B. ROBERTSON, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Tenders hia profeaiiontl aervioaa In the nrect'ca of medioine in nil ita branohe* to the oiiizana nf Dallas and surrounding iionntre. aS*Offioa No. 5 Acworth street, utar aourt hnuaa. F F1ILDVR* GEO. P. ROBERT! ELDER A ROBERTS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Dtdas. Paulding County, Georgia Practice In all the courta. Prempl atten tion Riven to looking after wild land claim,. Collections n specialty. 1 ly T M. BRINKS, J 'ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dalian, Paulding County, Georgia. Prompt attention given to collection, in mv 1 art of the State. Wild lands looked •ft, r and intruders ejected. #37.30 FOIL 01. Mtitle for the Million.—Vienna Eollnn Labial Organ. end mo,t delightful music know. Pop tiler in Europe. Any tune can be played -n it, from Old Hundred to Yankee Dood'r Even those “with no ear’’ whila away de- 'iahtful honre with thin instrument. Aij me can play it Children play it in ont eren’ng. Cette hot one-tenth as muoh w he Org«n«tte, Orgenina, etc., end li f«i -enter and hoed, only common muaio. To ntiodnce our new mueic wo will tend a ea-n- nic Organ, with bound book containing full wo, da and mu’iio of 96 naw aud popular -onga, which in ,heet form aell for $36.35, orepa-d to any addreie for ONLY $1. C. O. D.—As a guarantoa that every one will receive all they pay far, wt will aend on* i ample book and orean by expre>, C. O. P„ $1-00; two lor $1.60; three, $2.30, or more rt the rate of 19 per doaen. Wa can not prepay good, ,ent <!. O. D. Circular, 'ree. AddrOM MONADNOCK MUSIC CO. [,ccV Box 780, Hinsdale, N. H. by 1 Iimagentfor the Continental Vaiuraoc* Con.. PHIT, watoh I, c,nfined to the loiurln, of p,op ity, dwalllnge, c'jurcbe,, and ichnol hnan-i, i.,r • t.e, thrm and five isar*. Every prudent men 1. el- ral, worn he know, tbit II bn ebculd Iw ■ e ur ortnnate as to act hi, property destroyed by fire- ip v 111 hsv, the ,re,ter portion of Id, louo, re n ac d. Tbl, I, ■ reliable company, and loaure- I ,r a low rate. Call on me. and I will ,1v, ecu rial xr i nations. T. A. I'OVTE. FDFT? S-nd to MOORK’S 1_ iiJjL llnsineafi University, Atlanta, (Joorgln, For Illustrated Ciroular. A lire actual bus ineia school. Established twenty year,. YOU CAN HAVE ANY KIND OFxj Sewing Maohine Repaired! All Kinds of Needles, A itachments, Paris, Etc., Etc. —OF— I*. McCOBMACK, 51 S. Broad St., Atlanta, Oi. *®*Send Mtchinei by Expren- COX, HIMMGND * RfiSSEt, Attorneys at Law, Will practice in the Superior Courta of Dougiats and Prulding counties. Sniti ngainst railroads and criminal defence: a apecialty. Cox A Hammond, «. Atlanta, Ga, Kobt. A. Mabbey, Douglaasville, Ga. Dr. Wm. C. Connally, l’KAC IICING PHYSICIAN. In all departments of medicine and sur gery. Amply supplied with all neces sary means and appliances for the relief and cure of suffering humanity. Office at the Dallas drug store. Resi derce opposite Christian Hotel. Al ways reudy for duty. jan25tf TL E. CASON, DENTI ST, Has permanently located in CAR TERS VILLE, where he is prepared to do all kinds of Dental work at prices to 8UIT THE TIMES. He will be pleased to see all hia old friends and many new customers. If you naed any dental work done call on him. Thompson & Spinks. Ivy F. Thompson and W. E, Spinks have formed a partnership for the prac- iee of Law, to be oonfined to esses in Paulding Superior Court, under the firm name of Thompson& Spinks. WNI. E. CUNNINGHAM, PRACTICAL r —AND PROPRIETOR— GATE CITY INE REPAIR SHOP, 85 Dkcatuk St., ■ ATLANTA, GA. Some folks would say that the above is a litt’e te much mixed up to bo very good in either of its departments, and that Mr. Cunningham cannot be a very f ood watchmakei if he works on guns, swing machines, nnd anything elso that comes along. Now let me sty to those who may fa vor me with a perusal of this Hint mv experience in watchmaking runs back over a quarter of a century, and that part of my business it under my own personal supervision, and that I propose to do the best possible work on every ob entrusted ta me. The sewing machine department of my business is in the hands of thorough ly competent workmen, and I guarantee every machine that is repaired nt the G. C. S. M. Ex. and R. S. shall ba well and thoroughly done. Now, if you have a machine thnt needs repairing, send or bring it to us, and if we don’t mako it work all right we won’t charge you a nickel. Wo also have an assortment of second hand ma chines that will do good sewing, which wo will Bell cheap. THE ELECTRIC is guaranteed to mend a greater variety of articles and hold stronger than any other cement ever invented. It will mend leather, china, glass, wood, mar ble, stone, and is stronger where mended than elsewhere. It Is a household neces sity, and if you try it once you will never be without it In the house. Agents wanted. State and county rights for sale. Addresa for circulars, the Electric, or Texas Gypsum Cement Co., 85 Decatur Street, Atlants, G t. hdf-This cement took the premium at the Cotton Exposition. Not One Missing. It is a common belief in Mexico that Montezuma, nt the time of the Coi-Icb's invasion, ordered nil his treasures to ho hidden. After his order had been obeyed, lie put to death those employed in carrying it out, so that only two per sons, himself and the high-priest, were coguizant of the hiding-pluoo. Occasionally stories nro told which seem to indicate thnt some of tho Mexi can Indians know where Montezuma's treasures are oonocnlod. Some fifty years ago, a priest received severnl valu- unble contributions to his church from the poorest of hia congregation. The priest learning through the confessioual thnt the valuables were procured from a cave, and were supposed to he pnrt of Montezuma’s Treasures. He persuaded a man to lead him to tho cave, on con- ditiou that he, tho priest, Bkould bo blindfolded. The clever priest, thinking to outwit the .Mexican guide, took sovornl rosaries with him, aud contrived to drop tho beads one by one on the road. After seeing the cave and its troasuieg, nud returning home blindfolded, the shrewd priest was thug addressed by his shrewder guide: “I have kept faith witli your Rever ence; yon had tho misfortune to break your rosary, and drop the bends on the the way. I picked them nil up, nnd return them to you; you will not fiud one missing.” General Sheridan’s Surprise. on A b!!, rpria - e a 7“‘?G<meral Phi] sheridnn rvrli; - u 111 Washington next fall. LertaLu admirers have purchased a hand- anar Jr 81 ?tS Ce “ the most fashionable the cap ital for 834,000, which < ® lU P r “ eut to bim. It is located “orthwest quarter in Rhode Isl- thoon T , hla . kmd of testimonial to „ eommander-in-chief of the army is uot without precedent. General Grant 7“ f!f 86 ? ted “ bouse when he be- ll ead of .‘be army, and when ho resigned the position to take the Presi dency he sold it to parties who bough* it for presentation to Gen. Sherman,