The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, September 06, 1883, Image 4

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£ '■ j — - ' LITTLE TEXAS HILL. f (Mil Hrr.c, nnrt (hr IVciiUar nmnnrr In Whlrh Ho Looked Alter n Kltl’a Inter, eats. A Texnn correspondent tells the fol lowing story of (i Western desperado,_ known ns “Old Ueisef” who lthd killed liis score of men, nnd,was known ns n desperado, Tho writer/says; Sturgis is n gnmbler, tuid wlioti ho first enme here everybody wns nfrnid of him, n1id lio sorter rim tho settlement. . Old Reese wns nwny then. Ho enmo back v here nbont two montliR ago. Tito dny lie returned he wns passing along when he met n little boy crying. Old Rceso is very fond of children, nnd they nil like him. Ho picked tho little follow up, dried his tears, and inquired tho cause of his trouble. Between his sobs tho boy told his story. He wns tho only son of a ’■ poor widow womnn who lives down by \ ltho fiver, nnd does washing for tho ( gamblers. Early, in tho spring Sam thurgiS ehiployod' him to attend to his ^ hatpo promising ' him two dollars a week for his services. Glad to bo able to help his mothor, tho little fellow took charge of tho gambler's cnballo, and groomed and fed him, for sixteen weeks. Then Sturgis sold tho animal, nnd the boy's services werd -no longer required. Ho had just been in'lo nsk Hturgis for liis pay, and the gambler had not only not paid hint, but had kicked him out of tho casino. “lie kickod you, did ho ?” said Rceso, nnd those bluo eyes of his snapped, “Yes, sir,’’ faltered tho boy. “And ho won't pay yon votir money ?" "No, sir," whimpered tho boy; “and mother needs it.” “I think lie'll pay," answered Rooso. “You run right home, how, and I’ll be right down to seo you presently, nnd bring tho money." Hturgis was pretty flush then and wAs running a big game. Old Reeso weTd.*(lown to son him. Well, sir it’s only about a week ngo that ho recovered from that interview and was able to bo about. Old Reeso walked into tho saloon, fail'd fur pen and pnpor, and mndu out the following bill: . Haw Htuuoir : To TMK Wnmw WtllTS's Km, Dr. To herding- pony tfl weeks, < at *2 per Anfk :.... if,'12 no ■ To lurking Huld Kid whun ho asked fur his in any no on To oA8 of colieetidii 1. v........ 00 titia 00 Itec'd payment. llo walked up to tiro lahlo \vher Sturgis was dealing monte ami laid this bill beforo him. “Sturgis,” ho said, "pfl^ tltis : little bill, atm I'll roooipt it.” Tho gambler glanced at the paper, jltmpod to bis feet, jerked out his six- shooter, and said: "I'll*o hanged if I do I" “i think yon will,” said IteeRp, and - lie knocked tho fellow down.V* ' Be [ora ho could regain liiH foot old Reese was upon him. Ho jerked the six shooter out of Sturgis’s hand, and heat him over tire bead with it until ho cried for mercy. “WillKou pay tho bill?” nsltedReeso, raising the six-shooter to hit liiiiAtgain. “Yes.” And lie paid it. *■ • - • But Riposo was not through with him yet. Tlioro was a .lustieo of tlitxIVaou in Laredo at the time, a reCerri'dntftitTi- tion. Old lleese knew Unit the* gainljiy would have him arrested for tho AssMilt, and compel him to p.ay a flno. JffflnS] V Tim linn. Illlln Flint, Life Senator of tho Dominion Parliament, | Bellovillc, Ontario, Canaila, writes : “I j tried St. Jacob’s Oil for ague in my face and to othaeho. •' It noted like a charm. I A few times rubbing with it took away j all soreness and pain; far better titan i having them drawn at the age of seventy- seven." Off to Eunons.—Steamship compan ies estimate that 125,00!) Americans will visit Europe this season. This is at tho rate of 5,000 tourists per week for twenty- live weeks. 2 bottles of Dr. liintoro’s Ilheumntine-Goutn line for his 25-year old rheumatic gout, nfter trying in vain everything elee. He Hava if It. tt. -o’st fUOO a liottlu lie would Imy it. Politeness is of value only if baaed upon kind 1CHH. A good medicinal toaio, with real merit, ia Brown’s Iron Hitters. Women aro in general ton vain to proltt by xpcrienoi-; and men o^e tun cureless, Kssax County, Va.—Mr. jametTR. Micon clerk, says: “1 have used Brown’s Iron Hit ters and find it valuable for the purposes which it claims." _____ ApoHlliuninns work is almost always a book that one lira forgotten to bury witli tho ot er. Wamirnton, Nrc.-Rev, J. R. c. Bar, ham says: "I used Brown’s Iron B ttora. It ia a complete restorative, tonic nnd nnpeti zee.” l-'neility is not talent; but then- is no veritable talent without facility. T aiukh’ A eliildron shoots »V shoes cannot run ovor if Lyon’s Patent Heel HtifVeiiera arc used When a Wall atrcct man goes a snlpheruprlnf lie gets a taste of futures. Cnrbiwllncs. On every banner blazon bright, The motto strong for which wo fight. Of all the oils that e'er were seen, There'a none that beata our Cnrholino. Can anylmily gtvo ns the address of a man by the name of Is-ginn, Tub liygieno of nunokery IniH dono moro to aggravate dyspepKia by eolf-inflietod starva tion than gluttony ever dirt. Gastbink euros tliu worst forms of dys|iepaia. Grain mcrcliaitta seldom indulge in short sto ries they prefer cereals. Dr. Henson’s Skin Cure consists of interns I and external tronlimmt at sumo time, mid it innltea the skill white, soft and smooth. It •oiitaiiisnoisiisfinoiisiinigs. $1 at druggists. -iglis that “/ am truly thankful that I ever used Dr. Henson's Celery and ('hwiwnHlc I'ills, far Inn/ cared in;/ jirriniliral headache."—airs. ,f. ft. Paddison, Point Ctnswell, M. O. FiOc. ower -in tho Nnllllnii I,Ike II, No aiaitialna lias aval- boon known so afToctual 111 Ilia rinii of all ttioao illaeaaes arising from an iin- puro condition of tho blood as Uoovlll’a Harsaparllta arlllooil and IdvarHyrnp, the Unival-sal llamadyfor Ilia (turn ol Herolnla,White Hwnllliigs. lUiaamntlsm, I’lltljdaaj lll'otahea, Krupllnlis, Vanori-al Horoa ami Diseases, Oonsnniptloh, Goitre. Uidls. Uaticora, amt itlhklmlrial diseases. It purlflua tho system, brings color to tho ahaaks amt raaturaa tho lulTorar to a normal comllliou of haalth nml vigor, ltosadalia idealises the I,hied ami gives permanent beauty to lha skill. Barrel of money nnikoa a ling set to society. For dyspep'fa, Indigestion, depression ol spirits nnd goatial debility, In their vaiiotn forms; i lsnann preventive against fever and ague and othei intermittent levers, tho ‘For, ro — Phosphorated Elixir of t’nlisnya.” made by Caswell, lliEiir-I.A Co., New York, and sold by all Druggists, ia the host tonlo; and for,patients recovering from fever and other 1—s --- — Jokuoss, eaual. two men to eomo forward riH witncRsee, ’—V : ; — and, in (heir ]iresouco made Sturgis! Alliliigs have liieirila/nwin-n hit with aelnb. swear that ho (lleese) had novel' strucks him. „i The Wile's liifliience. ' 'f‘\'' .From Tho Youth's Compnnlonfjl, ,»,, i Two gentlemen, at- it largo reception In New York last Winter, were discussing one of tho foremost politicians of tthe country, it man who, whether in oflWor out, nlwnys keeps liimsolf promlli&ntly before tho publio. "I know him at college,” said one of tho gontlompn. “Ho was a man with a clear head, extra-, ordinary memory, and mneh personal magnetism. But I cannot linderstMid why lie chose a public life or 1ms piuihod himself forward so persistently. IIo wns a lazy, thoughtful, visionary follow, ab solutely destitute of nmbition ” “I can tell you tliu seerot,” said tho other. “You will find it in his wifo’s noso. Thero hIio is ! Hid you over seo a moro perfect irfearnation of energy and lovo of Command ? Napoleon would linivo chosen Her for ono of his Marshals )it> lii-Ht sight.” His friend wns nmusod at the guess, and said presently: "Thero is another of my old classmates, I‘. lie was u thin, ambitious, scholarly fellow, with refined tastes anil high aims. Ho now is a fat, indolent, animal, without a thought, apparently, hut liis cognac nnd terrapin. Who is to blamo for that?” “His wife’s mouth and her money, I will show her to yon.” ^Jo pointed out' a gross, voluptuous woman,richly dressed. ”1’.,” ho resumed, “has lived in idleness sitice his marriage. He was not strong enough to carry tho weight of so much wealth nnd so much vulgarity. They have borne him down. Ho will never riso." Young men at school and college are very apt to be enraptured'IVith a spark ling oxo, a rosy cheek, or somo charm of manner in somo yoting .)vonmu that they happen to moot. Tlikv aro hardly masters of themselves; nnd a moonlight night, or a song, suddenly tempts them to ask tho enchanting creutatro xvlio 1ms bewitched them to share jjheir future. They do not consider tbat jAnq.xvill be the most real, active force m their xvliolc lives, almost irresistible with, power to drag them down or to lift them up in hotly, mind, and soul. ,,,« Dusting.—Dusting is a perfect mama in Germany; a room is dusted two or three times, a day, oven whore no particle of dust can be seen, and tho German honsexvife prides herself on her exact ness, or “accuracy," os they call it there, in nl'. her household dqtjes.. Every household is provided with a collection of little brushes—long, short, 'rouud, flat, etc.—that she may, every day, •brash out every crack and,crevice in the furniture. \ A lady writer is out with-an article entitled “How to Catcli a Husband.” But her theory is all wrong. Ask any married woman how to catch a husband, and she will reply, “By the hair,” FOR. CURES Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache. Headache, Toothache, More Tltronl. Mtvrlllna*. N|»a*nln«, It rulers, ■Kuril*. McmIiI*. rnwl Itllea, ANII ALL lITIIKIt IIUIIII.Y PAIKH AMI A4IIRA. Hold by brugfUU «od Dealaraovarv where. Plnj Cent** bottle. THE <11 AIII.KH A. VIM; CO. SowliiROInchliio Indiintry. * jTlioso r&nmrkriblo itomRponr into our offleo daily. Mr. H. 8. Fui/lkh, with the Now Homo Mhchino Compnny, of Ornngo, Mura., writer, May 23, 1883: "I havo uanl Hunt’s Romocly iik-my family for ovor ton years. My wife war troubled with catarrh of tho bladder, RulVerod intoiiRG pain in tho lddnoys and loitiR, and urination was accompliRhod with the greatest of ngony. My friondfl thought that who could not recover. Wo tried doctors and medicine*, and although bettor at times flho would grow worao again. She was obliged to ubg tho urinal as many ns fiftoon timed in a night, nnd was growing woiro daily. At thiR timo my atlention was called to Hunt’s Rbm6dy, and I concluded to try it: nnd nftor vising ono bottlo rIio was a good deni hotter, tho inilammaticnwas reduced, nnd tho water moro natural. Kho began to gain in appetite and felt no pain in tho hack nnd kidnoys. Sho could attend to hor hoiiBohold work without pain, and this lmd boon a great bunion to do, ovon tho lightest kind of work. »Aftor using six Lotties sho was completely cured. Sinco then I liavo had occasion to uro Hunt’s Remedy for kidney and livor com plaints, nnd found it to be just nR represented, nml I consider it a most wonderful medicine. } would not bo without limit’s Remedy in my family; nnd I havo recommended it to my friends horo in Orange with equally good results.” A leading feature at a horse show -Tho lml- •teV.« '• HOSJIHEH’s In fever and ague districts, in tropical and other region-i visited by epibemioi, ami iii- deal in all locali ties where the coil- felfflRS dred compltiiniH, it is without» rival. For sale bv all druggist. Jand deal ers genevaly. .fid bt»Bl i liver, BtoOnch, rotuiuly lor kidney. . bladder and Idooa diHonses, and only real curative ever discovered for acute nnd chronic rheumatlstn, lumbago, eclnt- ■ lea, Deuralel.-i.eto. Hoscu ei hope, less eases Bright's disease and tly'»i»psia in a week-.—all forms of rheumatio disordersin ‘J l‘Jweeks—relieve! intlninmatory in 1 dny. Can refer to liuiulndsof roha- hle pooulo cured who hnd tried in vain everythin’.' else. Purely botanic,'harmless, and nice to drink. Ask your druggist to get it; if he declines send to us for it-inks nothmg else, Kl«oyt}, Adaihs A Qo,, 105 William st,. N.Y ODIUM WIIISHY HABITS fr I U Iwl at home without pain. Bonk of par- Oculars sen t free. B.M.Woo I.L tt, M. D., A Manta, <J a. tf 79 A M^EEK. *13 & day at home easily made. Ji uOostlyouUU Creek Address True ti Co. Amrusu. M» C G 0 A M r, EKK in vour own town. Terms and 4)UU 15 Vuim free. Addr'a ll.lialk'lt i; Co., Portland, Alo C rrt rW ItirsiNF.s7ooLi.KOK, Newark, N. .T 7 l - r-\i- $10. PcwlUODH for craduates. Write for circuUrs fCi. 0*>n pi’rdavat home. Samples worth S® V J ItO hoe. Aildiou&SnKSON 4.Co..PorUaud. Me. . VOUKLKRA UnIIImoi . M.I., I’.R. A. 'Ft*. You, Madam, A- Whose Complexion betrays some humiliating imperfec tion, whose mirror tens you that you are Tanned, Sallow and disfigured in counte nance, or hare Eruptions, Redness, Eonghness or un wholesome tints of Complex ion, we say use Hagan’s Mag nolia Balm. l It is a delicate, harmless and delightful article, pro ducing the most natural and entrancing tints, the artifici ality of which no observer can detect, and which soon becomes permanent if the Magnolia Balm is judiciously used. -- The Gullett Improred, Light Daft MAGNOLIA COTTON GIN Feederf and Condenser; OPIUM HABIT Cured Painlessly. • Medicine sold for a small margin aboyntbec The SS.'sUlffei ed by apr.cial preaorlf particulara axidresi the IKUcoveret DH. S. B. COLLINS, La Porte, Ind EDUCATIONAL. 1883. Tho NEW CAI-ENIUll of tho Wi. KFAv KNULAND CONSERVATORY of MUSIC Itraullfnlly lllustrntotl. 84 pages. K131VT F1IEE to viiurself unit muslcnl rrlcmls. Send name* nnd addresses to K.TOURJKK, Prankl'n »t|.. liosion. Mass. 77d* J,nr gent and hc*t appointed Mimic. I.ltrrarg ana Art School,and 110.11 Efor young ladies, in the uorld. HBYNOL.M* IRON WORKS. D. A. MPliANK, Hun«4|er. P. O Bor 1690 New Orleans, Lt Mannfaoturira of Reynolds’ tod Platform COTTON PREH8K8, Bteam. llaud A Home Power, hteam KugiuDn, Sr,gar Mills, and Menge Patmit Predgoboat IVork. llui ding Protila, Oohimna, Railinga, Ulock* am ii hi tip and M ichlne Work. |S.'*mU1)KKS SOI IClTKI>.«i S25 REWARD. Wo will pay tho above rownrd for any case of Rheu matism or Neuralgia cannot euro.* It will relieve of Diphtheria or Croup Instantly. The Arrnf aim wavy Liniment will relieve pain end soreness anu removo any unnatural growth of nono and niusde on nmn or beast. Price, largo bottle, ono dollar: small bottle, Ilfty cents. Will refund the money for imy failure. AUMY AND NAVY LINIMENT CO..51 We- busli avo„ Chicago. For solo by all druggists generally. . CENTS WANTED f..i _APiotm tout. Na Better Workmanship and Material, and Glee Better Satisfaction than Any Othor Gin on the Market. The Magnolia Clin has come in competition wit’ nearly every other U.n on the market, at 8( 'te Fair* etc., anil in'every instance has bnatan nil ojinpetitora and tnkon the honors forylna sample*, light dtm/i an quirk and gnml work. Finru’s CKLF.niiATKn English Strkl, Import# FACTORY PRICES (freo on board onra): Magnolia Gina, per Saw, $3.60. Fee lers, per Se. Con<T — robdenseni, per Saw, $1. Write for particular*. GULLETT GIN MANUF’ff CO. Poatofflce, Amite, La. ^ PROFF.33IOKAL CARDS £^R. S. ROBERTSON, PHYSICIAN A SURGEON, Tend .re hie profeeeional eervisee In the R reetlee of medicine in all its braaehei to is oltlxine of Dallas aad turroaodinf eouatrr. aW'Offlee No. t Ac worth street, neer court house. W K. FIELD IB' GKO. P. I01IBT1 (ELDER A ROBERTS, F‘ anomne at uw, Dallas. PanMing Count?, Georgia. Prsclioe in all the eourte. Prempt atten tion piven to looking after wild land claim. Collections a epeeialty. 1 1/ J M. SPINKS, 'ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dallas, Paulding County, G.orgie Prompt atlentioa giren to c'lllectlone in an? part of tho 8tato. Wild lands looked after and intrudara ejected. 037.35 FOR 01. Nnslc for the Million.—Vienna Eollaa Labial Organ. Sweetest and most delightful mneic know. Popular in Europe. An? tune can b* played on it, from Old Hundred to Yankee Doodle. Even those "with no onr” while awn? de lightful hoars with this instrument. An? one oen pin? it Children pie? it In one evening. Coat* but one-tenth as much as the Organette, Orgaaina, eta., end ia fir •wester and needa onl? common mnale. To Introduce onr new mueie we will send n sam ple Organ, with bound book containing fall words end maslo of 98 now and popular •onge, which in sheet form soil for fs6.38, prepaid to an? eddreia for ONLY gt. C. O. B.—A, a guarantee that ever? one will reoeive nil the? pt? for, wo will*send on* .ample book and orcen by oxpreta C. O. D„ $1-00; two for $1.(0; three, *2.(0, Or moro nt the rate of |9 per doecn. We ran- not prepay goods eent <O. D. Cirenlare free. Address MONADNOCK MUSIC CO , Lock Box 780, Hinedtle, N. H. I m agent far the Continental Inanranee Cola. p»ny, waleh I, nnlml lo the Inanrlng nf him ._ * ... -■ — ‘nnl“ bropaity, dwelling., ohurehei, and ichnol hanMt. lor ona, three ana Are year,. Brer? prudent n frtli anfa wkrn ha know, that If ha •Muld be a, __ lortunata a, to eat hi, property daatraytd by Ira- ha will have the greater portten at 1.1a loaaoa r, R laecd. Thla ----- ... >r a low rat,. • aplanatlona Call on me, aadTVfft ,ln von full T. A. rSMSTE. FREE (mi,E(lK OF PHYSICIANS ANO SURGEONS IP1 , IIAIiTIlIOIlEe 1ll». Tho practical advantagoH of th s nohool are nnsur- niuond. Clinics hold nt City llimpital. Mnt«rnit«and Maryland Wonian’a Hospital, nil of which belong to thia HchtHil. 1’hyHinlngicn! and ChRinicnl Laboratory Send to MOORE’S Bualneae University, Atlanta, tieorgla, For Illuatrated Circular. A live actual but ineaa achool. Eatabllahad twenty yeara. YOU CAN HAVE ANY KISD Fo Sewing Machine Beptired ! ATLANTA, GEORGIA, Regular Mission begins FinsT wr.r.K in October and TUB. Clinical advantages Hrbt-closs. Saint John’s Academy A .llllitnry School At Alexandria, Yn. F ifty-first year regins September 3d. Board and Tuition, ten montlin, #200. Send for catalogue to ItICIIAKI) le. CARNE, A. II., I’rlnclpnl. 1? -CEZOAGO SCALE CO. \ 2 TOM W AGON SI’Al.K, *10. S TON, f 50. ►>J4 Ton SftR, •i»*nin llox luclutlcal COTTON BEAM A FRAMK.S45, 1 no "Lillie mnoctlv “ H a?., to Alb. SOO OTHER SIZES. Itrducd I'KK K LIST EttRr FORGES, TOOLS, &c. REST FORGE MADE FOR LIGHT WORK, Ml 40 lit. Anvil nml 1411 of Toole, 91» i Farmer* «avr time and monry dning odd Jobt. Oloweni, nviK Vico* .% O'hwr Art'clj V AT LOWEST rilKES. WHOLESALE U RET All A. N. U* Tlilrlv-Six.—>85» n nTTHI and WT1T8KKY HABITS (JURKD nPllIM Three Weeks. Ill III It" * r ° r plwmpliioto. proofs an.1 Mrm. w » A w AY* adiirviRM in confldenco, wilh 3o. ataas* W. C. m.LLAIf Y, M. D.s **»oad Hunt ATLANTA. OA. free Reasons Why You Feel Badly. Because j’our stomach is not doing its work properly. Because your liver is out of order, and wants righting. Because your blood is thin, and needs iron in it. Because you are troubled with nervous aches and pains. Because you are vexed with languor and debility, All these Reasons Can be Sot Aside oy the Use of Brown’s Iron Bitters, which will Tone up your enfeebled stomach, and help it to digest. Refresh your wearied liver and put it in splendid order. Enrich your watery blood, and give it a rich red color. Calm your worried nerves, and give them restful peace. Strengthen your whole system and drive debility and languor out. . Considering that any man who has a dollar may buy of the nearest druggist a bottle of Brown’s Iron Bitters, there is no reason why people should continue to feel badly, just for the fun of it. 4 ggSCDB All Kinds of Noodle*, A ttacinncnt*, Part9, £fe„ Etc. — OF— P. McCORMACK 51 S. Broad St., Atlanta, Ga. *^*8end Machlpea by Eaptcan. Thompson & Spinks. Ivy F Thompson and W. E, Sp hnv« formed a partnership for the pract ice of Law, to be oonfined to cam in Paulding Superior Court, under the firm name Thompson& Sping*kg. COX, HkMNGID * MUSSET, Attorneys at Law. Will practice in the Superior Courts of Douglass end Pruldlog counties. Suita against railroads nnd criminal defences a sptcialty. Cox A Hammond, - Atlanta, Ga. Robt. A Massey, Douglasaville, Ga. Dr. Wm. C. Connally, PH AC IICING PHYSICIAN. In all departments of medicine and sur gery. Amply supplied with all necee- sarv means and appliances for the relief and cure of suffering humanity. Office at the Dallas drug store. Resi dence opposite Christian Hotel. Al ways ready for duty. jan25tf K. E. CASON, DENTIST, Has permanently located in OAR- TERSVILLE, where he is prepared to do nil kinds of Dental work at prices to SUIT THE TIMES. He will be pleased to see all his old friende and many new customers. If you noed any dental work done call on him. WIN. E. CUNNINGHAM, PRACTICAL Walckbr aid Jeweler. —AND PROPRIETOR- GATE CITY THE ELECTRIC Tom m Cent. Is guaranteed to mend a greater variety ol art e ee and hold atrooger than any other cement ever invented. It will mend leather, china, glasa, wood, mar ble, atone, and ia atrongar where mended than elaewherc. It It a household necea- dty, end if you try it once you will never be without it in the houae. Agent* wanted. State and ccunty right* far isle. Address for circulars, the E.eetric, or Texes Gypsum Cement Do.. 85 Decetur Street, Atlanta, Gt. M^Ibla cement took the premium at the Gotten Exposition. T’WAUD BY TOY BALLOON. Site Drifts Hrnvrnrri— An Expert lllflnniui Flrea a Nh*< nnd llrenka the llnllonn* When Hhe llearenda la a Cradle ef Hnml* end In Qulrkly Ucerned. A letter from Morohead, N. 0., says; — At the still hour of midnight, hnd the tramp of Gabriel summoned us all to n final worldly reckoning, moro excite ment, consternation and woeping could not havo come over the many good peo ple who wero present and witnessed the most wonderful and miraculous escape that ever happened in this or any other country. Mrs. Robert Elliott, of’Texas, bos been here for tho post ten days or more, to restore tho health of her child Birdie, a bright and sweet little cliorub, less than three yonrs old, who is much emaciated from a spell of Texas foyer. This morniDg about ten o’clock a stroll ing Italian modo his appearance in front of the hotel, with a largo cluster of those red bladders like toy balloons, Major Hawkins, of Alabama, to amuse little Birdie, who ho hod at that timo in his arms, tied tho cord around her waist and then oe is often done to amuse chil dren, gave her a toss of five or six foot into the air and held out his hands for her return. “Great God I Bheisgono.” cried the Major, ns ho saw her rapidly going up, up, until slio had passed tho housetops. Floating in tho clouds, with outstretched hands, tho litllo angel could be heard distinctly calling: “Mamma, momma, mamma,” until her voice beenmo drowned by tho whistling of the winds, for the littlo ono was drift ing to sea By an act of Divino Frovidonco, Mr. Charles J. VoorlieeB, of the Southern Express Company, with a party of gen tlemen, wnB'out taking n sail. Mr. Voorhees is one of the most expert rifle men in the country, nnd ns God hnd ordnined it, he hod on board bis Smith & Wesson rifle. He nt once took in tho situation, remarking, “Six miles out nt sea, and going at the rate-of ten miles an hour, and now 400 yards high, and every minute going higher, higher, .'higher. I can cut those balloons, and will do it or die.” “Bang!” went tho rifle—but no cbnnge in position. Again, again and again—the fifth shot- -ono balloon dis appeared amidst 1 lie shouts of the bont- men. At the eight shot it became evi dent that the balloons could no longer oarry the weight of tho little floating angel, as she wns gradually descending, not in a straight line, but in a southeast direction, toward Harker’s Island, but whether dead or alive, none could tell. Down, down, down site comes—ns gen tle as if handled by human hands—and to fall in a cradle of sand. With fear and trembling, all ran up—Ben Piver in front. “Gentlemen,” says he, “I will be dinged, if she ain’t live nnd kicking.” There sat little Birdie playing with a lot of shells, and ns she was picked up she dung on to a handful, saying, “Dcso sels for mamma.” With the prize they all returned to the boats. There snt Mr. Voorhees, with a death-like pallor on his counte nance, and when told that he had saved the babe unhurt, his tender heart gave way, and he wept like a child. Tho little darling came out as bright ns a new pin, nnd seemed to look upon the whole matter as fun gotten up for her amusement. Thus ended a day of the most intense exeitement that the oldest inhabitant nt this old North Carolina resort ever dreamed or thought of, and may the ^ writer never again witness its like. REPAIR SHOP, 85 Decatur 6t., - AT^kNTA, GA. Some folks would say (BEt the above is n little t» much mixed up to be very good in either of its departments, and that Mr. Cunningham cannot be a very good watchmaVei if he works on guns sewing machines, and anything else that comes along. Now let me s»y to those who may fa vor me with a perusal of this that my txperiencein watchmaking runs back over a quarter of a century, and that part of my businees H under mv own personal supervision, and that I propose to do the best possible work on every ob entrusted to me. The sewing machine department of my business is in the hands of thorough ly competent workmen, and I guarantee every machine that is repaired at the G. C. S. M. Ex. and R. 8. shall be well and thoroughly done. Now, if you have a machine that needs repairing, »snd or bring it to us, and if we don’t make it work all right we won’t charge you a nickel. We alio have an assortment of second hand ma chines that will do good sewing, which we will sell cheap. Saved By a “Madstone.” William Pylo, a book agent residing with his wife and two children nt Dela ware, Ohio, was bitten by a mad dog on Saturday last. He was soon nfter taken with hydrophobia and was kept under control only by the use of strong opiates. Sunday he gTew worse rapidly, nnd it Was feared he would die. Monday a madstone was applied. This peculiar stone was found iu the possession of a man named Lepp, whose father brought it from Virginia seventy years ago. The stone is of a lead-color and is shaped like a honey comb. It gave the ufllieted man instant relief. Tiie attending phy sicians, while placing very little confi dence in the efficacy of the madstone, now declare that there is strong hope of the man’s recovery. Recently, while stocks were selling at npish figures, a woman who visited Bchnlz's market was asked what she wished. She replied : “Let me look at the stock quotations first. ” After glanc ing over them a moment she remarked: “Well, you may send the nicest roast you have to the house.” On Saturday last she again visited the market, and after looking over the list she ordered a soup bone.—Carson Appeal,