The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, November 29, 1883, Image 2

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£ Vm*m Paulding New Era, JAMES BRRCKEIQUDGE, Pnblirhcr. DALLAS, GA..NOV. 29. 1883 _ The negro 8‘eve Travis » ho w >s »o billy •hot by eouie alleged kn klux near Kof wall hu so fst recovered as to be abli to walk about. Ho never will Ire a ktout, ablebodied mau again. That be did not die from the man again, i mu u.u ..... .m. 0torfc , Hj „„ t bo first. Tuesday in Uecem- lerrible load of buckabottbat waa |>oured b.r, 1883 dm lug Hie legal lioure of aide Administrator's Snle. I atg > nt the «ams time nn\i place lot By virtue of 1Y.1 order from the court • of No 999 ill the l8ih dis(iio< ofl»rdlnary ot 1*.milling county Geo gin will be adld before the court-house d or In tbe 'own of Dulls*. I ankllug county ou the first. Tuesday III Deccin- NEIGHBORHOOl) NOTES. late renting; Items Gathered from our Neighboring Exchanges. Mb Superior Court ia in aesalon. Mr. John H. Unden, oftbe W. & A rail' toad, and Mim Moliie O. Bate*, of Dalton war* married recently. Walter l.euke'e grocery, at Euhartaa, Bar tow county, was burned rooentiy. Loaa $1 000, fully covered by loiureuoe. Mr. Bonj. Posey, an old and highly re- •faotod oluun of Blrio# oounty, died ol hi* homo (mar Oaaaville o few daya ago. Dooglaavilla ha* formed a aeoret aoolety known a* the "Myitie Circle," tbe object o 1 which ft* to promote literary and mnalcal cnltura, and fortb* *nJoym*nt of it* mem ban. Tba Rome Courier tell* why • coitaln yoang lady did not g*t to the (bating rink Her vacua* w*i a good ou* and ia quite •hAcWot.—Oartar*villa Free Fra**. Mr. H. B. Ungford, of Alabama, waa mairlad on the Slat to Mia Dora, only OanghterofOapt Haney, near Carteravllle. TfaadtiaaniofOartarsvIlle are coin plain leg of the^breaklng of tba locomotlvoa as tbby pom through tb« town, and the Free Pirn* u*a Ua polioe to enforce tba low -g- 1 --♦ It. OH*ar Smith, oolond, ha* been irreatrd Md lodged In Doagloajall charged with b. teg nooaaory to tba murder of Jack Waldrop by U* Cole aeveral week* ago. A u pending before the Ordinary fur hto delivery on a writ of hebeaa oorpua. Wo have reoeiv** the^drit number of tbe Aawoith Haws and Fare li % neat gi 1 a folia, a id 1- i*kl pnb« llsbadkyMr. E OhrUtl 1 • hil • aumarona azparlsnea Ol « iiutry Journalism. Tha Naw vaatora rmroh niocaas. ha wb t new Naaarwaa than n oowd m boo bora thl* Ml and winter. The Mot I*, on eooouut of the ihortoea of other Wop*, oar farmer* were compelled to do *ompilling With goodseasons our farmer* Will be Independent another year.— Garten Mile, Free Pr*a. Tbe Marletie Jonmel ohronlclathe fol lewing marrtaga, whloh occurred recently In Cobb errant}: Mr. Harry Spillman and Mim Maggie Biaaner, of Marietta; Mr. Ed F. Miller and Mia* Martha 1. Butler, nrar Powder Spring*; Mr. A. J. Coz, of Chlca mange, T*nn.,*nd Mim Suite E. Moon, near Powdar Springs, Whan we'aea • poor bnt dn.lely dressed you kg recklessly throw out hi* aheck el* in payment for drink* for the mob, we look down tbo dim vista of tbe future and •oa unboppinw* ou every band and a poor borne In the and. We are glad to aay that W* hav* vary few iuoh poor hut dndely diamed yoang men in our town.—Carters . villa Fraa Praia. Bav. A. B. Vaughn, Jr., will take charge of the Powder Springe male end female High School the fliat Monday la Jennary, with a Boa*patent aselalMit. Rev. Mr. Vaughn baa laaw aoceaesful heretofore in preparing yootba Ibr colb gn, wlm by reason of their thoroagh preparation took advanced poai* Mom and scoured high honor*. We ewn- gratolata Powdar Spring on securing so •mpatent on instructor end commend him aa worthy of confidence and patronage.— ilJonrual. Into hm I'eck, la e wonder.—Marietta Journal Mtmhzh t'ri lUnT iV —ll seem* that ,Hir tow county ia attll pushing her claims an the banner ceunty when It conies to crime, whlob la a sad fact, greatly to be deplored by all more law abldiug oillama. We have now two.unfortunatee In our j ill taHirged with the grave crime of murder, while only a lew months ago Dave Qropan wes Charged with the same offeoce but convictnl of In- voluntary menslaughler. Right upon the heels of the horrible Plettor-riuggs tragedy here cornea another, which, acooiding to tbk evidence at the coroner’* Inquest, la equally aa horrible. Tburkday night of lift >eek, John Ow. enaand his aon, John A., went, in an In tozlcated condition, to tbe house of Wil Ham Litwrenoe 8nupaon, and alked for permiwlon to warm by their fire, woich re queat waa readily . granted. Simpson, bla wife jaml bla inetber werejn tba houee at be time and were witnesses to the tradegy soon In follow." It seems that a grudge ex tiled between John Owens, Jr , and Bimp' on, and the former being intozlcaudi of course, matters began to look, lavorabl# for a row. Owens talked loud, threw the cal In tbe tire, knocked bottles off the mantle and iiclvd dlwmlerly generally. He waa rebuked by Simpion and wafned to behave. This seemed to have the .deatred eff.ct In quieting Owens, who sat down, but after a few minutesBimpton, who waa ezwa Iterated head with a piece of splitpine three fiat long, crushing the skull. The unfortunate man lingered In an unconscious condition until Saturday morning at 8 o'clock, wheu ho expired. At the coroner's Inquest the Jury r.turn- <d a verdltt of willful mu'd-r. Boon after the difficulty Bimpeon lilt for parte un known, and la atill .at large.-CarteravllIc Free Free*. "Fox's I o It on Martyr's’ Gontn'iia thi.' history and pictures of hun dreds of peaplo>ho wire monad, burned, ben'on, puPed to pieces uud otberwlso ten ured on account of their conscientious con* v'ctlona ns to belief and duty. They H'lffur- td incredible torment and have come down totlieipr Heritage as munyrs. It is not now customary to torture people tima but they are made martyrs by rbemna'ism until they B iff r almost ns much aa did tbe of tbe’iuariyrngiH. Tliorc whs no relief for fhaiiAl iiiiieiiuryrs bnt tliero is happy r* Her for those who suffer from rlieuiHaliifn. Cashier Obarics K Morrill, of Mauobes'.er, N. H., suffered terribly from frequent a' - tanks of this painful disease, but l.o has been cured lie w ites: "I was a martyr to rheumatism, and although I tr ed many other rented es. 1 found nothing that ro te - cd mo like I'kkbv Davis’s Pain' other Rlieuuiiuio Martyrs may wisoy take the hint. the following described property to wit; hoi ol laud No 824. .-83 8'<3, 81)5. 8»0. 837 II being and'yitig in the 18lli ilfktrlct and the 3rd sccilnn of "nulding County Ocorgii, and containing iwo hundred aciesmorc orle-s >o.U ae the properiv ot Aiaxnuder Veal, 'ate of sa'.il noun y de ceased for till bum'lll ol the licit a and credl'.ora of the add Alax.iialcr Vtill Terms of said sale lo he oasn This Nov, 7th 1883 B McGHF.GOH Administrator GEUi'UlAs-i’iiiiidn g ' uinity. I R Rukostisw, Guardian ol I P Ifnke- Htr.liv having apnlled'to ill i Court of Or dinary of said couniy fer a disuhirgt from Ills guardianship of 1 F HakeUiaiv 'Ibis Is to t-lic all pcitmii* concerned u: •bow onnse. If any they can, wn* I'm add 1 It Hakes'raw slnmlil not lie J* cbai’god from Iiin giinbilnahip if 1 F Itakustraw uud iroctvc 'ellii's ol il suds ion Given tinder my Paid mid signature This Nov 7lli 1888 T C HUNAGAN.Ordinary ADMINISTRATRIX riALK. Bl villus ol an order from ilia Unuit of ()rdi niv I’uiidliig coau'y Georgia wl.I tic sold before thu couri.luiiisi' duoi ill tlie town ol D.vlas l'.iulding County Ue rgla betv on tne legal lunirs ol -nic, ou ti e drat Tui'Mlay in December. I8MI the following propirty ic-wlt Thu tract of land whereon A U Cariol resided ut the time of Ids deal It, containing 40 liel c- liioic n less, bilug known iu lot N'u 4'.I8 III the 2nd il.atnct and 3rd av tion of Paulding couniy, Georgia, e-old as the poperlv ol A H t iirrol, late of sal 1 conn- , , tv, devcii-cd, forilie Ijerefii of tliu licirs ruck blm on the left side ®‘ •“*] „nil creditor* of the sa d A II turd Terms of the sale to be inatlu known dit lie day cl sale. T'lils Nov the 7l't 183,1 KCaKUOI I, Admlinsiri'rlx an I the 3rd section of sai . county lo •ntislv u wil'd land tux fi fa iorllieyfcur 1882 vs Wiloy 8 Berry a’sftut tlm same lime and place lot oMattd No 482 in the lStb (list ami tbe 3rd Icctieu ol said coi n y to saii • ly u wild !aml tax II fa for tl.e year 1882 vs Joint Block. a so at th« -arne time and place lot of land No 450 in tbe 19tli dial aud the 3rd section of said cuuuty to satis fy a wild ’and tax li la lor the year 1882 v» KobmtJone . al o at the same time vnl place lo nf land No 710 in tbo 19 h dist and tb« 3rd section oi »aid couniy to aatiafy a tai! i 11ml tax fi la lor tiie year 1882 V, 11 if Bingham. Ala > m the same time find place tilth mini rnl interest in lots of land Non 259, 299 tind 7-8 ^ o 298 in the l'Jtli din' anil the 3rd aectiou of said county levied on by virtve oi thr-e Court fi fu6 iwsued from the 1207 h i is.f G. ol said county in favor o Lady llevellii a^uinet John Hogues. Suit! property levied on its the property of the defendant bit tl!e int day of September, 883 by P 0 Lyle uud re.urn d to mo. NATHAN COOPER Sheriff. HEADQUARTERS FOR 10W PRICES AdininiatrutorH Mule. By vtrtdc of :m order f rom th * court of Ordinury of 1‘uuldlfig couniy U^of^ln will be Hold bff'irc the court house Uooi in tiui town of Dailits, Vunlillmr (Ounty ciooiKlii,i»«l'veen tin* Iduui Iiouih or unit* til thu Aral 'I uc>oay in December 188 J thu lo lowtuk property to w>t, 88 ucrr.H of lot <1 lttlltl >o 408 five lie I cm olpuld lot having been hold off of the cor iu and two ucits olfol thi* mrth cast oorocr AImo wil- l)u >oltl 8 actes of the north east corner of I t No 474 aIho will bufiold tlirou qnarup'tt of un acre off of tiic aouih wu*t corner oi the eu*»t half of lot No 482 so d an the propeity of Martin Porter, lain ul Mulct comity. (luouuMf’d for the beni'dt of the heirs and creel I tom of . the anid Martin Porldr Terms of said sale to be uuulu known on day of Mile Thin Nov the 7tb 1883 C. Rakestraw and M; W. Poll ter, Adrnini.-itvator j . UliiiltUIA- 1’AUt.ntko t-uttvi'V. To All Whom It may Odiickiii: Mary Dean having In Hue form flp- pliiil tu tbe limbi slgue'l lor '.lie g.iartllun- blp oi lilt property of M. F. RaXtti' aiul 3. K. .lout- ami for till) pri-ou ami pro.ariyot !,• ti.-Diau, Allv Ri'iin, B. B. Ik. (in ami Daniel Dean,, minor clillcfreii ol J.ll. Dean, laicot Haul coifmy, dectaAeil, iiotiio is hereby • Iveu that her appuca- lluii will be pifsaul upon ot my office ou the Dr-u Nonday In December next Given under m.v band and official Dig- miiufe tills 18th day oftketober. 1883, T. U. DUNAOAN, Ordinary, A Gib Bvaazn.—Ou the night ol Friday ) tba Ifitk Inal., tha gin of Mr. W. P. Duncan, •boat four miles cast of thla place, waa bamad. Thare wrraaavaral bale* of cotton Mooting to other parties stored in the gin ol tba tlma,snd with tha gin and machinery warn entirely oonaumad. Tha low falling ma Mr. Danoan amounts to fully two yx—1—-a dollars. Tha origin of the tire is not known, bnt It Is supposed tbit it came from sparks from a pawing train on the Georgia Pacific. Tba gin bad not been ope- rated that day, and the wind was blowing from tba direction of tbo railroad. Tbo gin eras only thirty yards' from the railroad and tba woods at another place were fired by tba oars that day.—Douglaavllle Btar, Daowasn - On Sunday afternon, there occurred a diitrmalng accident, by which Mim Lola, daughter of Mr H. P. Howell was drowned. Two of the Misso* Howell had bean to Austell to meet Miss McLarty' el R are. In returning to their home, they altamptad to cross S aeatwiter oreck at Love's jin pond. A small negro boy \vas rowing Sham serosa in a bataan, which be iillo.ved to go loo near tba dam. The high waters and •Wlft currant carried the bateau o«t 'be J*tn, Brian the dam for a hundred yard, tha water la vary deep. Into .his they wore b ur l*d, Mr. Howell saw the accident a.’id I taredhia youngest daughter, Miss McLarty clinging to the boat and was rescued. Noth , log bm been s an of Mis* Lula Howell aincr. I Every effort baa keen made to recover tbo Ibodr. bat op to Monday it provoi unsuo ntmfni Dangl—ilia Star. The persimmon crop is a Ikrge one, and npomnmn ase in fine order; but tba old rash*, toned darkey who aaed to catch the van- .mint* at tan acuta a head, ia numbered with the thlngMba* were.—Aowortb News and Format. That hk too bad, Brother Etitor, true! But, tbaa, don’t grow deepoodaut; some d >• linqaawt aabeoriber may become coaseieaoe atriakan and leave one at your sanctum oe- eMwnalty. And then tha spring aud aum- gaar tima will oouia when the winter is M d w itb them tbe donations of greens, aaooriiban, strawberries, aud the firs', butts of the season, with probably a pump bla oooaaionaH/ —yes, tniak of ill a pump kin!: Bo no need to despair because the priee of'pomoiaa has risen above the regeit •dJkaoaetiyitLtor'i pi.ran. Tha Gnat BpsolSo for Noaralgia sal Haadaoha r. Ct" An Inteinal reiutd ’.'"eon lainlng no Qni»mc {opium Olilotmorra, ObloraT or Nurcntiosui auy kn d. B.uo ai.d quick in ilaaotlon.'frth , , _ ,Hay n s'Ovnc* 1 ^ LitantiROi ■ April ill. i87!k. J Hetira Huicmson A tiro: it'.affndi inn pleasure to trottlv to the great virinee o. vour "Neuraig'ne mrttie cure of neuralgls and sick head .cbe. It is tne best renn tty for three most dielresalng complaints 1 over uatd. It should be lit everjr family in tin COU 0*o. H HtAoTMavor Mesnn. Hutcbi 'On & IJro.* I urn Lap|»y to sav that your "Neuralgine” aoltd as a ape eifle in my cate, relleviug me tu uu iuorerb- bly ahort time. I would adviso al a iffvrlng 'from neuralgia to. try it. Yours,’, no, J. V. 8IM8, M. D. As an Interruption lo th* gmee&il flow of conversation, and to the melcdy of the hu man voice In song; a bad cold la always depreoated Anything tei.dmU to relieve it ia gladly welcomed, and chief among reme dies for coughs, colds, and diseases of the throat and lungs Is Oousens’ Honey of Tar, The rspld'y increasing popularity of this remedy iu the North, Bjuib and West, attest its superiority. For sale by Connally A O.iristlan, Dallas. Georgia. "Laugh aud grow fat." But In order to laugh hearty, if you ere tronbh d with chills or fever, you mustseoure a bottle of Oiiffordi Febrifuge Ohlll Cure aud drive the chills from your system. Try a bottle, it is a sure oura. For sale by Couually & Christian, Dallas, Georgia- ff ISMS »» THE WORST “ ISM " TO-DAY IS Rheumatism RHEUMATISM in the back Cured by P£RR, V DA KISS PAIN KILLER. rheum a tism in the knees - Cured by PERRY DAWS PAIN KILLER. RHEUMATISM IN' THE MUSCLES Cureu' by PERRYDAVIS S /■'/.’/# KILLER. RHEUMATISM OF LONG .STANDING Cured by PERRY DAVIS'S PAIN KIL LER. RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS, buy of any Druggist Perry Davis’s Pain Killer Paulding Sheriff Sales For December. XKT ILL he sold before the court house door ill lii i town ol Dallas, Paulding county, Georgia, within Huff legal hobrs of sale oh llin first Tuesday In December, 1883 the following described property, to ) ( RAWLS, BROTHER & CO. OUR NEW STAND, OPPOSITE Gout-How* West Side of the Hqaarea a We have juat openeJ up mlr fall stock that command^ thu udmlrntiou of iu QUANTITY QUALITY ANSI P ICES Wo have caliooea of evorv ado • i qo-.'iiv, \\ E have Dro s Goods, piece <■;. d-*. <t r.y aud c.-lor-. WE havu Ladies Cloaks, Jacketi, Shawls and Zephyrs, Wo have Ladies Vests. Corsets, Hoopikiris ‘inlmoraL ami hats. WEhavo Linscvs, Flannels. Blankets and Cmsittiertw Cents Hosier). Petits ( ’lothiug, Cents Overcoats Gents Underwear POSTl’ONEI) SHERIFF SALKS. Will he sold h fore ibc court hotiso door in the town of Dulles, Pauld ittg county Georgia, during the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in December, 1883 the following proper ly to iv9," Rot of land N« 428 sn tl o 2mI dial uud 3rd section ot i'uiil Isng county levied on 'o.«aiia'’y u wild find lux li fir the year 1882 vs Alien (! Daitiel A'so lit' (lie rnme lime nnd place lots ot laud’ Nub 464 aud 538 in the district and 3rd section of said county to aitlsly a wild |nm! tnx fl in rtl.eyeiir 1882 va J II MbLnw Also at I lie siime lime nnd pi n ue lot ol hind No 840 in tho l*i dist urnl the 3rd seotion of fuiil colmty to mil.sty n wild find tux fife, lor the year 1882 vs Join) I* King- Also ut the Annie lime tine plnce lott of Inml Nos. 498 m tho 10th dist and tlie 3r-l senlion of said county. Also lo s of land Nos, 468, 1111,295, 1277, udd 822 in the 18 It dist nnd 3rd auction of snid eoi.n ly to sntisfv n wild hind tnx fi fii for die your 1882 ve James A Liilel!. Also iu the mime time nod | luce lot of intid No 36U in tho 18th dint and the 3rd section of snid county tu sntikty a wild ’.nnd tux fi fn for the 1882 vs A W B'anclisrd, u!-o ut. ih« surue time aud jnco lot if!imlNo 538 in the 18ih dial and the 3rd sectiou of snid county f > Bntij- fy a wild land tox ft f t for the your 1882 vs Win A Benton, n!-o at tho same tituo and phtce lot cf land No 530 in the 18th dist and the 3rd sectiou of said county U,Satis fy a wild iuiid tax fi fn tor the year 1882 is Meiitian Beiliuoe Also at the same time and phioj Int of laud No 179 in the 18th dutnud 3rd scctioc of said cot nty to satiatv a wild laud uix fi fit for the year v* F. E. Bush. Also at the Burnc time and place lot of !ttn I No 110 in the seeond di-t and th" 3rd t-eetiouof said county to su> isty a nvlid land tnx (1-tit lot the year 18*82 vs 11 G Luimir. alto ut the vaine iime and place ! it of Lnd No 468 in the 3rd distiici and he 3rd section of said county to sat isfy a wild hind l»x li la for the 1882 vs A Smith. also at the same time and plnce lot i of!an 1 No 805 in thu 3rd dismcl nod | the 3rd seciiott oi said conn y levied on tosatisfv a w.hi land lax fi fy for the yeur 1882 va A s Johnson also tu li e same l itue and | !nce lot Nos 418 and 726 i t the 3ru district atid the 3rd section of sain o unity to ,uiisi‘V a wild 1 mi l tax fi f.t lot the year 1882 vs Jacks >u Clmmohs-. u! o at the same time and pi ice Lt of land No 463 in the 19th di-tnet uud the 3rd sec.ion of snid couniy to satisfy a wild land tnx fi lu for the year 1882 vs Alary Fleet wind also at the saute time and plitce lot of land No 258 iu the 19th dist uud the 3rd sec iou of saidcojuty to satis fy u wilu laud lux fi la for the year 1882.vs H ij Bell agent for L J A Clay ton. wit: Lota of land Nos t!73 and 274, in the '-Olli district uud ihe 3rd '■ecilun or said couuiy levied upoti virtue of two Justice court’ll ius Is-ueit from the 1472 district, G. M, or Polk county In favor ot U. A J. F Kiser vs W' T I W. & W. W Simp sou, s:ild Iota of land levied on as the prop er-y of W, \Y. Simp-on "tu >f tiie tlel'eml. ui.ts Levy itiitdi and seturued lo me by M. A, Uit} no. L. U. This Oct. the 31st. li 3 at the same tune nml pmec on.' single story utoic lions nnd lot In tin iowii of Dallas, Paulding county Gu. sit- imied nod being on the curt er ol Bticbau un street nnd right of w;iy of the Kui.t Tenimsee Viiglnla iintt'Geoigla rti.lroA-1, bet ar known astlie store lioii-e bWlt N. T Bullock 111 the year 1882 Lot fronting 20 feet on the East Tonin'* V i.' & and O-'frsh 1 rillfond right of way, r cu lling back 2Uo feet, At'ier rn- nlug back trom the Tom 8 ' loot the lolls filly feet wide. Bu d lruttse and lot levied on a* tile pro pally o IN T Bu’loek to sa'lal'y a mortgUiige H fa In favor of M C A; .1 F IC'Ser vs N T li.dloek, Teliunl in po Bossiou notified This Oct 31sf 3 N.l THAN I OOP H,' 8h ri:I E!e#rgia Chtiekif Georgia Shirtiug Georgia Drilling’. Cieorgia Sjteetih^a Georgia Jeans, li hit > UlilA—I'uUlU'lig Uuuni. y. To all wli6iu it may couccfn; M* I cc having in proper hu m ahpliod to nil: fur perm.ui-nl lutt-* oi* uilmiais* truti'iu on the eat a tv of Willis H'»i.*erls, late of said counter, dccoasud, this is t Ci• o all and singula* of inu huirs to b * aud appear at my ofHccuu -lm tlrst Mon day in December next an I «hmv can so, if auv’thuy can, whv it 1 tters «>r a Iminisuatlon should no b; granted M Leu on Willis Kobui ts .,dati; Th a Nov. 5th 1883' T.C. LUX.VUAN, Ord’y Table Table Crockery^ BIjEOTION notice, To All Whom it May Concern: There will be an election held at tho Council Rooms, iu the . town of Dallas, ou the 30th. day 0 f thjjj m ojith, between the hours ol 10 o’clock, a. m. and i p! m. for the purpose of electing a Mayor for said town of Dal as to fill the vacancy causod by the resignation of the Hon. F. M. Duncan. This tho '20th. day of Nov. 1883. J. R. MOON, City Clerk. GKOK >1 A—Fau.dlug County. Whereas .1 F Cook, ndmlid-iru or of Didpliu* Mu till tliey, icpiesviit* lo the eouii lu Ills petit oil,duly tiled nnd en- teied ou record, that he ha« fully admin- Isterud Dolplius MuliatHey’- eatato I hi* la tlie'e’ore lo el c nil pc -on* concerned, lieir.i nml eledlini!*, lo show can*,', it any lb' y cun, wl'V su'd ndininlstru'or should not be discharged from hH inlmlu str.i- t in Iind 'ccelvo letlc.- oh disinissiou oi: the Hr-t Mood.iy m February 1884 1'U DUN.tGAN, t'rdiiiiiry GMOUG lA—Pautuino Coca iy. K. W. Hussey.a le-kleut of suld county mul lute, ’ms iiiiiaeiipplieittlon In proper I'.,nil lo liuve Put Uuiikslou, a colomd minor boy ubout ten years of age, bound tu him. This is to cue *11 pci i-o is con cerned lo be 'til'd appear nt my office at the tlr-t regular term utter tho expiration of thirty d i>* troin th » publlchtiou uud snow cause If uuv they have, Why snid minor should noi I'O bound to the uppli- eaul Uctobc 89lh, 1883, T. U. DUNAGAN, Ordinary. Boots, Shoes ! boots, BOOTSf Shoes /! Shoes lit MENS, BOYS LADIBS AND' MiaaSs. Hardware,Groceries, Crockery and Glassware. Urhned go ;d , sardines, soda.and suuff. powder shot and caps! Tinware, Lamps and Lamp Chimneys, Well Buckets, Water Buckets, Tlu Backets and pans. Trunks.! Tobuccoesof all grades, Cigars of every brand. IMS AID mi'! GOODS OF EV£RT VARIED. WE DEFY COMPETITION AND GUARANTEE ATLAN TA PRICES. CALL AND SEE US, Bawls, Brother & Co., DALLAS, OA.