The Paulding new era. (Dallas, Ga.) 1882-189?, November 29, 1883, Image 4

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THE LIGHTNING ROD MAN. IIP ('(MIKM DOWN I noil FIFTY mil.- I.ARH A DAY AMI ('UA.llP.tliNK TO nAK NO A P. PrlHIflnANti Kxprrlrnrr llinf Armnnalrnlrn Yw ( Irnrlr «hnl Mwlildilna Dorn Nut P«> Kill loo Well. [From Pock's Bnn.l “Hello,” snya n business mnn, ns ho camo down the nvenuc one morning this week, to n melancholy 1 (Hiking clinp that hnd neon better days, “yon look a little off color. Wlint you up to now?” “O, A little of every thing," said the hard looking citizen, “just been she rounds of the fair* Helling soup to cruse grease. Money enough in it, when you can get a bar of common son|i for live, cent* and cut it up into fifty pieces, and hcII them for ten centR, with n little tin foil on, but the giangcrs are all on to the Kclictno, thanks to the newspapers, and a mini can’t make ndcccnt living.” “Why, three yearn ngo yon wore Hell ing lightning rods and flying high,” Raid the merchant. “Yon hnd a dia mond pin, and champagne was not good enough for you. Weil, time changes all things.” "There's where you are right,” Hnid the hard looking citizen, “And the news papers are to blame for it all. 1 have seen the time 1 could make fifty dollars a day putting up lightning rods. Drive up to a house and talk to n man about rodding his barn, at ho much a foot, and lie’ would figuro Hint it would cost, Bay, sixteen dollars, and ho would sign nn order. Before the ink was cold I would havo seven or oiglit men with ladders, all over that barn. Tlioy would go over it liko cats on n buck fenoe, and put points on every corner, and conduc tors tin every side. The farmer and his family would look on in nmnzcmcnt, and be so pleased nt the improved look of the old barn that they would not kick at the number of jMiints. Then we Would go off without collecting tho bill, and in aliout n week our oolloctor would come along with u bill for tlireo hundred and eighty-seven dollars and forty-seven cents, and tho farmcr’H note nil signed, and demand tho pay. The farmer might faint away, but he hnd to pay it. O, of oourse, if ho seemed hurt, we would throw off tho odd cents, just to show n Christian spirit. But tho con demned tiuwspnpcrH liavo kept tnlking about highway robbery under the dis- guiso of lightning roil peddlers, till it iH ns much ns n man’s life is worth to go through tho country ou a lightning rod wagon. Actually, tlioy dinned mo out of Dodgo county two yearn ngo with dogs. At least I thought they wore after me, but I found out after 1 got out of tho county nlivo thnt it was n pack of hounds belonging to Vnn Brunt, of Horioon, after n fox. But I want to sny to yon in confidence, that when 1 heard tlione hounds, and saw tho men on horse back, no streak of greased lightning ever mndo better time than I did with that lightning real wagon. I felt almost ns seared ns I did out in Minnesota dur ing tho Ozicr willow excitement." "What about tho Ozier willow oxoito- mont,” asked the mcrchnnt. “I never henrd about that.” “ Didn’t yon over hoar about thnt ? Well, 1 must tell yon. Tlmt was too ■good,” and tho seedy man laughed. " Don’t you remember, about fifteen years ago, the agrleul turn! papers wore advocating tho planting of Ozier willows on prairie farms? Every paper was full of it. Tlioy olalmod that if farmers would set out Ozier willow cuttings around the farms, they would grow so rapidly mid lmnly, that tho Hint year tho willows would ini.ko tho best kind of fences, nml after that they would furnish an nnfailir.g supply of fuel. M.v partner and I went out in Southom Minnesota, and wo took orders for over thirty thou sand dollars’ worth ofj Ozier willow cut tings. Every farmer snapped at them. Wo wont to tho bottoms, along tho Mis sissippi rivor, along in tho spring, mid out willows, those common willows, mid in tho spring wo delivered thorn nuil look our money, or the farmers’ notes, which we sold ut tho bunks. Tho farm ers sot out tho cuttings, oxpootiug to realize all that the papers hail said. I don’t think a single willow of tho tons of llionsamls that wo delivered, ever grew. They were of no account ou earth. I never thought much about it afterward, exoept to laugh at the farmers, till four years ago some fellows wanted mo to go “tint in Minnesota, shooting ohiekeus. I didn’t think 1 would sec anybody I had ever sold willows to, but one day our party took dinner nt n farm-house’, near Albert Lea. Tho farmer looked nt mo, and after a while he says to his wife, “ Mnriar, that man looks liko the pirate thnt sold us them nre Ozier Willors,” and Mnriar put on her spectacles and looked nt me and said, “ Hiram, it is the snme critter, ns sure ns you live.” Well, X was iu a fix. But 1 tumbled to myself in nn instaut, and got up from the table and Bbook linmls with them, and told them I had seen the error of my ways, and joined the church, and was now traveling through the country making amends fpr the swindle, by paying back the amounts that laid been paid to mo, unci X actually paid that old granger nine dollars and sixty cents, and then tlio-old fellow was pleased. When lie told his boy to saddle up tho old mare ami go around to the neighbors and fell them the Ozier willow pirate was there to pay them back, I told the boys we lind lustier go out and shoot a few chickens and come buck to supper, and I could pay them all off in a body. We gut nwnv and took a freight train fm Austin, and 1 got out of that country alive, but J heard tlmy wore pivpari-ii ;r ‘vtioii me. 1 wouldn’t gi back to Suiilhci:: Minne sota for a million dollars. O. time* are different now. Yon don’t want n . buy cake of soap to take out grease spots, do you ?” The merchant said he had some pretty good bar son)) at home, am: the interview concluded. “X tfll you,” said tho bad boy, con fidentially, to a group of youthful friends, “my mother may seem small— don’t 1 relieve she’d weigh more than I do, in hor stocking feet—but her slip pers are heavy, you bet 1” Tm: New Orleans Picayune says that “genius does not require clean linen.” Perhaps not, but we always feel more comfortably ill it, IJuj/alu Ctymtir, A ROUT SMUGGLING. sown opr Til P. IPKVICKN PHRO TO HOODWINK ITSTO.tlN OIIIIKIts. Thu Tilcks ol t'lrvrr Kinnualrra-Aa In. ■tifrlorN llrrloil. [From tlin New York Trilinnc.] "The trouble about Mr. Irving’a prop erties," raid a Custom House oflieial tho other day, "reminds mo of a curious coso which name under my notice some few years ngo. I was an examiner in Iboso days mnl cultivated Hint sixth sense, which all capable examiners ac quire, wherobv they o in tell nt a glance whether or not, tin homeward-bonud traveler is trying to'bout' tho Govern ment. Olio day my attention was call' d ton remarkably well dressed nml rather nttraetivo-looking woman who arrived on a Ounnrdcr. No. sir I I am a mar- ried man and it was not her looks, ns you suggest, but her trunks which attracted mo. Tlioy were numerous nml capacious and when opened displayed garment alter garment at the richest m iterials and most fashionable design. To my mntn glance of astonishment nt her dec laration that no dutiable articles were nmong them she cnmly took the ground from beiientli my foot by Haying Hint slio was an actress and her wardrobe was, therefore, exempt from duty as ‘tools of trade.’ X must confess that I still felt dubious, but my doubts were dissipated when, with much indignation nt my re peated hints, slio produced a oontract signed by one of the lending New York managers engaging her for a season of forty weeks. I apologized na well ns I could and slio departed with an indig nant whirl of her petticoats. “That night I chanced to be standing in tho lobby of the theater owned by the manager whoso signature was at tho bottom of tho contract X had scanned in tho morning. 'Pine-looking woman, your now uelress,’ said X. ‘What now actress? 1 said ho. 'Why, Miss ,’ said I, mentioning tho nnrno of the lady with tho trunks. ‘What are you giving hr?' retorted Uio manager. 'I nover henrd tho name in my life.' 1 turned hot and cold by turns for a humiliating sense of the plan by which I had boon done for Hashed noross me. I went be hind tho soonoB and saw tho manager's partner to make sure, and then J started off—10 o'clock nt night and raining eats and dogs. “It would not do to toll you tho moans I used to obtain my ends, for Iboso are oflieial secrets; it is enough to Hny that shortly after midnight X had nil tho goods in the custody of one of my men nml my lady herself Hafo under lock and key. Him was olio of tho load ing dressmakers of this city and would havo notted by her clever little scheme a good many hundred dollars if it had only worked—but it didn't, so slio got six months and a lino of $5,000 instead. Hho didn't pay the lino because she couldn't, lmt hIio whs ruined nil tho same and has sinoo left New York. "A mnu gels pretty sharp, but wo slip up occasionally. For instance, wo re ceived word from Europe nbout two years ngo thnt a ninn, of whom an ac curate description was given, would leave England on n certain steamer nml probably would attempt to snmgglo n largo quantity of diamonds over hero with him. lfo would travel with a fe male companion, wo wore told, but hor description was not sent to ns. Tho easo was one which promised good re sults, so I and an inspector wont down on tho revenue cutter and boarded (ho Rliip at quarantine ns private citizens. Wo soon spotted our man and kept an eye on him nml watched all his move ments nml tho movements of tho fuir- hnircil damsel whose shawls ho was carrying, us n eat watches a mouse, Wlieii wo landed every articlo was turned out of his trunks and closely ex amined. Tho trunks themselves were measured anil prodded and taliped nml still no diamonds appeared. In spite of his struggles and far from Biblical language lie himself was searched in the most thorough manner. Then came the lady's turn auil she was pul through precisely the same process with the snme migvntifyiiig results,.though the language i shn used if ns pointed as his was less stronglv compounded. As no diamonds nr anything elso of a dutiable nature was found wo had to lot the pair go, though I was convinced that in some in scrutable manner lie had Mieceedi d in hoodwinking iih. Ho indeed it turned out. Wo hail ilono all wo enulil nml nave for n trilling error, ns we afterward dis covered, would luivo prevented jewels worth $85,000 coming into this country free of duty." “Wlint was the error ?” "Wo searohrd the wrong woman. Ilia real companion lind slipped quietly away unrecognized by biui while wo lind sub jected lo, from her point of view, unpar alleled indignities, the wife of a prnin' nent actor whom our smuggling friend had shown somo slight uttontiou to on the voyage.” “Did you hear anything more of them ?” “Yes, her husband threatened to bring suit.” “Of the diamonds, I mean.” “Oh, yes, I nin wearing one now. Tho joweler I bought it from told me the whole story after I had made my pur chase I” WOULDNT np. RUN OVKIt. “Turn the calf loose," deinaudoil a' white mnu of a negro who hail invaded his premises. “What arc you doiug hero, anyhow? J’ll havo you arrested for trying to steal tlmt calf, you ras cal.” “Whoso tryin’ ter stenl n calf?" "Yon aro, mid I’ll liavo you sent to prison.” “1 ain’t been tryin’ ter steal a call, boss. Yistody while I was a walkin’ along do street out dor, dat olo cow slipped up ou me nn’ hooked me nu tore my clothes wid her horns, I tolo her I was gwino terlinli ’vonge, an’ jos’ now I eomo obor lu ali an’ notch her calf tor make her sorry fur do way she had treated me. I won't studyiu’ 'bout steal- in’ do blame calf, but lemine tell yer, I ain’t a gwino tor let no cow run ober me.”—A / knnaits Traveler. A passionate woman’s lovo is always overshadowed by her fear.—Geonie Uliut. ^ not in tho tents of your columns. The world is advancing'; ad vance with it,— Manini, More Popular Than Ever I THE RECENT IMPROVEMENTS MADE IN THE — ADDS MUCH TO TICE— Uaij Mat {ualities — OF THIS— Superior Machine It is nn especial favorite of the ladies tailors aud others who use them, for the many advantages it possesses over all other sowing machines. Every White machine is warranted five years, and a written Guaranty given to each purchaser. Tho publ i are solicited to examine them before buying a machine, J D & T F &MITH. Wholesale and Retail Dealers, 59 Broad Street tin Km Amortcm l.lhfllr.1, swUli.t li ■aammmfcaa ncmnnuBil It m, u.orylunly It In light rannlnp nnit»lni|il., »ml I lint h T IT MU' »r»n Utile girl, i.i.irani It uo sanity. It l.msiloof llionnosl tlmt li 1HI H T II 1- "" P U l^ A P X, E . It lion nnt U.t Out of Onlrr, uni thnt I. IV 11 JL Fawn all kny It to ...» then Iron bin. It is the Self-Threading Machine ao much advertlaed, land ao highly re commended. It Is the great SELF TORE ADI NO SHUTTLE MACHINE so much advertised. It i« the great SELF SETTINO NEEDLE MA* CHINE bo much advertised. It is the DURABLE, SIMPLE and LIGHT- RUNNINO NIACHINE-.d much sdvcrtlicd. « l» the NEW AMERICAN SEWING MACHINE that we nro n w advortlslnpr, that peoplo mny know of tho Clrentejit Sowing MHoliIno In tho World, and will buy no othor until tkoy have tried tho Now American. If wo should havo no Agont in your place,* plonso request tho MERCHANT you doal with to order one for you. Sold on onay terms. Bond for Circular. AaontB will (lo well to aocure the agency for these celebrated Sewing Machine*, and can do so by upplylnn by loiter to us. We want Agontu In all unoccupied territory. ■A-trents ) Address f.A.Ereri.ts ■Waated.) \ Want ed. W A CAMP, Manager, Atlanta, Ga., or RAWLS, BROS. A CO., Local' Agi nts. i) illiis, (la. Thirteen Years In Active Service, Tho time enlisted for has not yet expired. Honorable competition never hurts in the wsr that is now being waged by merchants one against another. I desiro to cull the attention of my old patrons as well us the public in general tlmt I Can And Will Sell Goods ns chenp ns any man who purports to be doing nn honorable buti ness -tlmtis DOING AN IIONOltABME BUSINESS, Otherwise I have nothing to say. My nnmo is the stylo of tho oldest busi ness house in Dallas and I havo been a constant residi nt of this county for thirty-nino yenrs. The people know mo and my record ns a business man is generally known. Therefore come to inc with "SPOT CASH” und you will be delighted with tho result. 1 keep family groceries inciudiug Coffee, Meat, Ten, Sugars, Floor, Rice, etc. I keep canned goods including canned fish mack erel Oysters, Sardines, etc. Pickets, plain mid mixed, Powder, shot and capi, matches and tobncco snuff’, and cigars. Patent and standard medicines. A line nnd well selected stock of Crockery from C.ixon <fc Co. of Clinton St Potteries, Linton N J. a supply of tin from the Atlanta Stove and Tin House BOOTS, SHOES, IIATS AND- CAPS, I MAKE A SPECIALITY In notions such ns hosiery, suspenders, corsets, spool cotton, colloretting scarfs, etc., etc, I am complete. My drv goods aro from the old and well es- tnblished house of John Silvey & Co, 1 also keck saddles, leather and shoe findings and n thousand things too tedious to mention. Come to see me and if you don’t see what you want ask for it, nnd when you come just say you want some goods for spot cash nnd you will bo surprised ns well ns delighted with i lie bargains you will certainly rccieve. I doly competition nnd in prices will show up with any one Try me. Your Humble Servant, F. M. GANN: A Lesson In Raxing. “Fa told my chum ami me thnt it was no harm to learn to box, cause wo could defend (iiirsolves, nnd he said lie used to bo a holy terror with the hexing gloves will'll lie was a boy, nml he has been giving us lessons. Well, he is no slouch now I toll you, nnd handles himself pretty well for a church member. I read in the paper how Zaoli Chandler played it on Colliding by getting .loin Mace, the prize tighter, to knock him silly, and 1 asked pa if lie wouldn’t let me bring a poor boy, who hnd no father to teach him boxing, to our house to learn to box, and pa said certainly, fetch him along. He said he would bo glad to do anything for a poor orphan. Ho J went down in tho Third ward nml got an Irish boy l>y tho name of Duffy, who can knock the socks off of any boy in the ward. He fit a prize figlit once. It would havo made von laugh to see pa tell him how to hold his hands and how to guard his face. lie told Duffy not to bo afraid, but to strike out nnil hit for keeps. Duffy said he was afraid pa would get mail if he bit him, nnd pa said, ‘ Nonsense, boy, knock me down if you can, nml I will laugh ha! ha!’ Well, Dully lie hauled back and gave pa one in the nose nml another in both eyes, and cuffed him on iho ear and punched him in the stomach, and lammed him in the mouth nml mndo his teeth bleed, and then he gave him a side-winder iu both eyes, nml pa pulled off tho boxing gloves and grabbed a chair, and we ad journed and went down stairs as though there was a panic. 1 haven’t seen pa since. Was his eye very black?" “Black ? I should say so, ” said tho grocery man. “And his nose seemed to be trying to look in his left ear. He was at the market buying beefsteak to pllt on it," - /’( e/r’s 8’[(/(, The Effect of Chicago Sami.Bagging “I liavo a easo of pulsating ex-oph- thnlmus nt the Mielinel Reese Hospital," said Dr. Boerno Uetbmnn to a reporter. “There hnve been but ten oases of tho disease reported in America. Very few physicians ever met with a ease. I liavo been fortunate enough to see one patient before this. My subject is a young man who was wnylaid and snud-bngged. He has suffered most from the throbbing in liis eyes and tho veins running back over liis forehead, which are greatly distended, and the ter rible pains in liis head. Both eyes nro abnormally swollen and protruding, and the loft ono is turned toward tho nose, causing him to see double. I account for liis suffering and present ooudition on the ground tlmt ex-ophthalmus was produced by the blows ho received on tho back of the head. Tho internal carotid artery, which carries blood to the brain, nnd the large vein which carries blooil from the brain to tho heart run closely together for about an inch nt the base of the skull. Well, where the blows were received a slight fracture of the skull took place, and a spienlaof bone was driven through Iho vein and artery, so thnt the blood from each obstructs the flow of uutritivo blood to tho brain, on tho one hand, and the exhausted blood to the heart on the other. The stagnation thus brought aliout is responsible for the pulsating, ‘.ho throbbing in the head, tho swelling of the veins, etc. Unless this difficulty is relieved tho patient will die of upo- ilexy.”—Chicago News. When Frank .Tames is released, ho is to go Oil tho stage. Prudent travelers on thnt stage will slip their valuables under the cushions. PBOFRSDIONAL CARDS THE ELECTRIC J^R 8. ROBERTSON, PHYSICIAN ASUR8E0II, Tenders hie proteeeioaal eervieee In the S reetlee of medioine in all its broaches lo le citiisaa nt Dalloe aad ennoadlag country. ^•‘Office No. 6 Ao worth street, near court nouee. w K. VIFI.DIB' GKO. P. BOBEBTI JpiELDER A ROBERTS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Dallas, Paulding County, Georgia. Practise iu ell the eourta. Prompt atten tion given to looking otter wild land elaima. Collection a ipeeialty. 1 ly J M. SPINKS, ° ‘ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dallas, Paulding County, Georgia Prompt attention glvrn to eolleotiona in any part of the State. Wild laadi looked after and lntrudera ejected. It. E. CASON\ DENTIST, Has permanently located in OAR- TEKSVILLE, where he is prepared to do all kinds of Dental work at prices to SUIT THE TIMES. He will be pleased to ree all his old friends and many new customers. If you used any d.n’tal work done call on aim. WM. E. CUNNINGHAM, PRACTICAL Watchmaker and Jeweler. — AND PIlcrRIETOR— GATE CITY * SEWING MACHINE EXCHANGE —AND— REPAIR SHOP, 85 Decatur St., - ATLANTA. GA Pome folks would say that the abive is a 11 tt e to much mixed up to be very good in either of its departments, and thnt Mr Cunningham cannot be a very good watchninkei if he works on guns, sewing machines, and anything elto that comes along. Now let me sty to those who may fa vor me with a perusal of this that my experience in watchmaking -111118 hues over a qunrtcr of a century, and that part of my business is under niy’own personal supervision, nnd thnt I propose to do the best possible work ou every job entrusted to me. Ttie sewing machine department of my business is in the hands of thorough ly competent workmen, and I guaiantee every machine that is repaired nt tho G. C. S. M. Ex and It. S. shall be well and thoroughly done. Now, it you hnve a machine that needs repairing, send or bring it to us, nnd if wo don’t tiinke it work nil right we won’t charge you n nickel. Wc also havo an assortment of second hand ma- chines thnt will do good sewing, which wewill sell cheap. r. d. McGregor, ATTORNEY AT LAW DALLAS, GA. [Office in the Court House.] I give my entire attention to the practice of law. Promptness is my motto. Collecting a specialty. July 5 tf Thompson & Spinks. Ivy F Thompson and AV. E, Spi have formed a partnership for the prac- ice of Law, to be oonfined to cases in l’aulding Superior Court, under the firm name of Thompson & Spinks. .Inpunese Progress. A resilient of Japan, in a recent let- tor, says thnt the country is not making so much progress as is generally sup posed. Tho change is mostly on the surface. There aro professions of re gard for the peoplo of other nations, but tiie lute Satsiimn rebellion was a formidable outbreak of tho anti-for eign sentiment. Tho edicts against Christianity lmve never been abolished. The people really havo a contempt for foreigners, and tho Government is fast discharging those of that class in its employ, and tho number nt present is very small. Some of tho lenders of public opinion believe that, with a few iron-clods and torpedo-boats fora navy, Japan will take its place among tho great nations of tho earth, and be prac tically independent of Western civiliza tion. “Tiik Chinese must go 1" is now a Salt Ijnko City shibboleth. An ordi nance is before the Common Council for compelling tho wash-houses to remove outside the city limits. John explains tho matter thus: “Chinaman lie tend own business; lie wnsliee clothes, and ho li-iti no one, two. three wives, nlle snme Morudon; Mormlou lie wantce us away so wo mnkee no money, sabe ? Wnntee tax us likee church mnkee pay tidlings.” A NEAT RETORT. Mr. Falls, n well-known Irish sports man, happened ono day to ride down a hound. The irascible but witty master attacked him in no very measured lan guage. "Sir,” was the reply, "I’d have yon recollect that I am Air. Falls, of Dun gannon.” The answer was ready: “I don’t care if you nre Mr. Falls, of Niagara, yon sha'n’t ride over my hounds,” ' is guaranteed to mend a greater variety ot articles and bold stronger than any other cement ever invented. It will mend leather, china, gl<sa, wood, mar ble, stone, and is stronger whe-e mended than elsewhere. It li a houiel ill neces sity, and if you try it onoe you will never be without it In the bouae. Agents wanted. State and county lights for sale. Address for circulsri, the E.eetric, or Texas Gypsum dement On., 85 Dscatur S.ieet, Atlanta, G». *ajr l'lils cement took tlie premium at the Cotton Exposition. DR. J. M. HARRISON, Practicing Physician. DALLAS, GA. [Office with Dr II iliertson] Tenders liis professional services to the citizens of Dallas and surrounding country. jnly 12 ly Dr. Wm. C. Connally, I’ll VC ICIN’U PIIYMCIAM. In all department of mcJiclne-nnd sur gery. Amply rupplied with all neces- means uiid appliances for the relief sml cure of suffering humanity. Office at the Dallas drug store. Res'- dcnccopposite Christian Hotel. Always ready for duty. jan25:f —FOU SALE J1Y— CONNALLY & CHRISTIAN, -D1UJGG1STS- DALLAS, - - GEORGIA. COX, HAMMOND ft MUSSET Attorneys at Law. ill practice in the Superior Courts of aWuglnis snd Frulding counties. Snits Doainst raflroads und criminal defences agspccinlty. Cox & Hammond, s Atlanta, Ga. Robt. A Massey, DouglussGaville. ‘%EWH0MEi“ ■SEWING MACHINE CO- CHICAGO, ILL.* ORANGE, MASS. „ and ATLANTA. GA.- „ B. F. MATHEWS & CO., SIMPLE DALLAS. GA. ONLY ONE DIVISION. “Third avenue Railroad,” said a West ern passenger agent; “Third avenue Railroad. I never heard of that before. Is it n trunk lino?" and he swelled out pompously as he awaited the reply. “I reokon it is,” replied the New Yorker, quietly. “How many divisions does it have?” inquired the Western passenger agent with a remarkable show of interest. “Only one,” sighed the New Yorker. “The division between the conductor anti the driver.” And tho enlightened Western passen- ' ger agent.turned away to think the thing over, .:nd wonder if the same system could not be advantageously introduced into h- company with more satisfactory results to himself thnu under the current ~->uagement,